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Strategic Teaching Guide:

The BFG by Roald Dahl

Book Level: 4.8

By: Emma Foerster

Table of Contents

Chapters 1 and 22
Chapters 3 and 43
Chapters 5 and 64
Chapters 8 and 95
Chapters 11 and
Chapter 13...7
Chapter 14...8
Chapters 15 and
Chapters 17 and
Chapters 19 and
Chapters 21 and
Chapters 23 and
Appendix Table of

Chapters 1 and 2
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Brilliant (pg. 9)
-Hesitated (pg. 10)
-Spurts (pg. 12)
-Glimpse (pg. 15)
Discussion Questions:
1. Describe what Sophie sees outside of her window at night.
2. Do you think that Sophie should have just stayed in bed
like she was supposed to? (Evaluating)
Tea Party:
This is a before-reading activity.
1. Pass out color-coded manipulatives accordingly based on
reading level.
2. Students will read what their card says and then flip it
over so no one else sees it. They will then write a
prediction on their worksheet as to what they think is
going on.
3. Now, students will get into homogenous groups based on
card color. They will each take turns reading their card
aloud. Afterwards, each individual will write a new
prediction on their worksheet.
4. Students will now mingle about the classroom sharing
their cards with everyone. Once they have seen all or
most of their peers cards, they will return to their seats
and write a final prediction.
5. Ask a few students to share their final predictions. Then,
introduce The BFG and begin reading the first two
The purpose of this activity is to get the students excited
about reading The BFG while practicing prediction skills.

*See Appendix, pg. 15*

Chapters 3 and 4
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Smothered (pg. 17)
-Seized (pg. 17)
-Desolate (pg. 21)
-Glistening (pg. 22)
Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think happened at the orphanage when they
found out Sophie was missing? (Creating)
2. Why doesnt the BFG eat Sophie? (Understanding)
Frayer Model:
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Separate students into four heterogeneous groups. Pass
out a suitcase manipulative to each group. Instruct
students not to share the contents of their suitcase with
any other group.
2. Each group is to make a Frayer Model based on the word
in their suitcase. They are not to write the target word on
their model. This should take roughly 15 minutes.
3. Each table should pass their model to the group beside
them. Groups will now work together to try to guess the
target word. They should write their top three guesses in
the order of likelihood on a piece of scratch paper.
4. The groups will then share what their target word was.
The group that has the highest ranked correct answer
wins. For example, if one group had the correct word listed
third, and a second group had the correct answer listed
second, the latter group would win.
The purpose of this activity is to enhance the students
knowledge of this sections vocabulary words by having them
come up with examples and non-examples, definitions, and
characteristics of a given word, as well as the reverse.

*See Appendix, pg. 18*

Chapters 5 and 6
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Patriotism (pg. 26)
-Peculiar (pg. 26)
-Brute (pg. 26)
-Colossal (pg. 34)
-Wretched (pg. 36)
Discussion Questions:
1. If people from Wales taste of fish and people from New
Jersey taste of wool, then what do you think people of
Chile taste like? What about people from Turkey?
2. How is the BFG different from the other giants?
Entrance Ticket:
This is a before-reading activity
1. Each student will receive an entrance ticket. They should
open it and pull out the folded response paper.
2. On this paper, they are to predict whether or not they
think that Sophie will be eaten by the giant. They should
then explain their reasoning in three sentences.
The purpose of this activity is to get students to connect
their prior knowledge of giants to this scenario, to get them
excited to continue reading, and to practice prediction-making

*See Appendix, pg. 20*

Chapters 8 and 9
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Contemptuously (pg. 48)
-Coarse (pg. 49)
-Striding (pg. 55)
-Gruesome (pg. 57)
-Repulsive (pg. 59)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why does the BFG eat only snozzcumbers if they are so
disgusting? (Remembering)
2. Compare and contrast the BFG and the Bloodbottler.
Word Mix-up Foldable:
This is a during-reading activity.
1. Instruct students on how to construct foldable.
2. Have students label their title flaps, as well as the flaps on
the front layer, as the worksheet instructs.
3. As students read (this could be done individually, popcorn
style, etc.) have them fill out their foldable accordingly.
The purpose of this activity is to keep readers engaged in the
reading and give reading a purpose. It will also increase
comprehension of the text.

*See Appendix, pg. 22* 7

Chapters 11 and 12
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Protest (pg. 70)
-Skulking (pg. 71)
-Clutching (pg. 84)
-Thrashing (pg. 85)
-Sprawled (pg. 86)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why do the other giants not get along with the BFG?
2. Have you had dreams recently? Based on the BFGs
description of dreams in Chapter 12, are they golden
phizzwizards or a trogglehumpers? (Applying) Why?
I have . . . Who has . . ?:
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Shuffle the jar manipulatives and pass one out to each
2. Pick a student to start. The student should read their card,
starting with the phrase that is on the lid of the jar. Then,
they will read the question that follows.
3. Whoever has the word that matches the definition read
should then read their card.
4. This will continue until it comes back to the person who
read first.
The purpose of this activity is to review vocabulary terms
that students have come across up to this point in The BFG.

*See Appendix, pg. 25*

Chapter 13
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Grotesque (pg. 88)
-Diabolical (pg. 89)
-Convulsions (pg. 92)
-Bellowing (p. 95)
Discussion Questions:
1. Based on the BFGs description of how old Sophie actually
is because of the way that humans sleep, how old are
you? (Applying)
2. Who is the Jack that the Fleshlumpeater dreams of? Why
does Sophie find this funny? (Analyzing)
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Read students their two options for the raft. Allow them to
pick one of the following:
R: The
Fleshlumpeater R: The BFG
A: Jack A: Jack
F: A letter F: A letter
T: Begging T: Setting the other
for mercy giants up
2. Pass out papers accordingly and give
students time to fill the page with their
The purpose of this activity is for students to
practice perspective taking and connect prior
knowledge about Jack of Jack and the Beanstalk to
this story. It should also check students
comprehension. Students should practice
perspective taking not only in what they write, but
also how they write. The goal is to make it sound as
though the BFG or the Fleshlumpeater really wrote
these letters. Because of this, students should try
to emulate their grammar.
*See Appendix, pg. 26*

Chapter 14
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Gravely (pg. 99)
-Laborious (pg. 100)
-Solemnly (pg. 100)
-Mystical (p. 108)
Discussion Questions:
1. The BFG has quite the collection of dreams.
If you could pick a dream for him to blow
into your window, what would it be about?
2. How did the BFG learn to write?
Vocab Clusters:
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Put students into four heterogeneous
2. Give each group a vocabulary cluster with a
different target word and the corresponding
3. The group should work together to try to
find the target word. First, they will make
three guesses based on only the cluster.
4. Then, they will turn the paper over and use
the cloze procedure to eliminate any
obviously wrong guesses and to make one
final guess.
5. After they have written their final answer,
they should use an iPad to scan the QR
code and check themselves.
The purpose of this activity is to reinforce
knowledge of target vocabulary through the use of
synonyms and cloze procedure.

*See Appendix, pg. 29*

Chapters 15 and 16
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Aghast (pg. 117)
-Famished (pg. 124)
-Muttered (pg. 125)
-Beloved (p. 126)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is the BFG so worried about humans
seeing him? (Understanding)
2. The BFG has very large ears and hears very
well because of it. Using this logic, what
animals do you think would have excellent
hearing? (Applying)
Plot KWL:
This is a multiple-reading-stage activity.
1. Before the chapters are read, students
should each be given a KWL chart. Under
the K section, students should write what
they know about the plot this far. This
should include major events.
2. Then, students should think of what they
want to know about the plot and write these
questions in the W section.
3. While (or after) they read, students should
fill out the L section of their chart with what
they learned. Some of these should be
direct answers to their previous questions.
The purpose of this activity is to keep students
engaged in reading, make their reading purposeful,
and reinforce the comprehension of the plot.


*See Appendix, pg. 32*

Chapters 17 and 18
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Crevice (pg. 133)
-Grim (pg. 135)
-Deserted (pg. 138)
-Loomed (pg. 141)
Discussion Questions:
1. What would have happened if someone had
seen the BFG on his journey to London?
2. How has the relationship between Sophie
and the BFG changed since the beginning of
the book? (Analyzing)
Alternate Ending:
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Students will be given a handout that
instructs them to create an alternate ending
to the chapter. The first discussion question
foreshadows this, and gives the opportunity
for students to brainstorm.
2. When they create their alternate ending,
students should be sure to address what
happens to the BFG, Sophie, and whoever
saw them. They should also use dialogue.
The purpose of this activity is to engage
higher level thinking skills through the creation of
an alternate ending. This will also check for
comprehension of the book, as there are several
points where the BFG surmises what may happen if
he is ever seen.


*See Appendix, pg. 33*

Chapters 19 and 20
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Absurd (pg. 147)
-Vivid (pg. 149)
-Frantic (pg. 162)
-Brooch (pg. 165)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is the maid so upset with Sophie for
being on the window-sill? (Understanding)
2. The BFG is 24 feet tall. The butler uses what
he can find to make him a table. If the BFG
were joining you for lunch today, what
items would you use to make him a table?
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Have students form a line and tape one
word to each ones back. Explain that they
are not to tell people what word is on their
2. Students should go in the middle of the
room and give each other clues as to what
the words on their backs are.
Target word: Bellowing
-Another word for screaming or
-What rings between classes? Now
what do you say when something
hurts? Put those together.
3. Students may take the words off of their
backs once they have guessed them
correctly. This will continue on until the last
student has guessed his or her word.

The purpose of this activity is to review
vocabulary terms that students have come across
up to this point in The BFG. Knowledge is reinforced
through students discussing the terms in their own

*See Appendix, pg. 35*

Chapters 21 and 22
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Lofty (pg. 178)
-Grudgingly (pg. 179)
-Admirable (pg. 179)
-Gaped (pg. 183)
-Petrified (pg. 190)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why does the Air Force man say that they
include blank pages at the end of atlases?
2. The BFG brings a sack back to London with
him. What do you think is in the sack?
Readers Theater:
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Pass out the skit and allow students to read
through it individually.
2. After everyone is finished, read the skit
together chorally.
3. Have students write down their top three
part choices on a piece of scrap paper.
Assign parts based on this.
4. Read the skit again, this time with students
reading their individual parts.
5. For the final reading, students should act
out their parts while reading with scripts in
hand. You might choose to record this so
students are able to watch their
The purpose of this activity is to reinforce
comprehension of the climax of the book. This
activity also allows students to improve their

*See Appendix, pg. 36*

Chapters 23 and 24
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Ceaselessly (pg. 199)
-Magnificent (pg. 204)
-Splendid (pg. 205)
Discussion Questions:
1. Do you think that it was smart for the BFG
to be the one to untie the giants?
2. What will Sophie and the BFGs lives be like
in the time after the book? (Creating)
Semantic Map:
This is an after-reading activity.
1. Students should pick what they feel are
seven most significant plot points
throughout the novel. These should only be
a sentence or two long.
2. Students will then write these on their
semantic map, which will create a summary
of the novel.
The purpose of this activity is to reinforce the
comprehension of the novel and practice making
accurate, to-the-point summaries.


*See Appendix, pg. 38*

Appendix Table of
Tea Party Chapters 1 and 2 15
Frayer Model Chapters 3 and 4 18
Entrance Ticket Chapters 5 and 6 20
Foldable Chapters 8 and 9 22
I have . . .Who Chapters 11 and 25
has. . ? 12
RAFT Chapter 13 26
Vocab Clusters Chapter 14 29
Plot KWL Chapters 15 and 32
Alternate Ending Chapters 17 and 33
Vobackulary Chapters 19 and 35
Readers Theater Chapters 21 and 36
Semantic Map Chapters 23 and 38

Tea Party Passages

Below Grade Level

It wasnt a human. It couldnt be. It was four times as tall as the tallest human. (12)
He is getting ready to eat me, she told herself. He will probably eat me raw, just as I am. (23)
Sophie saw his yellow teeth clamping together, a few inches from her head. Then there was utter
darkness. (60)
Its wiggling all over the place! Sophie cried. Its fighting to get out! Itll bash itself to bits! (85)
Will he snatch them out of their beds while theyre sleeping? (115)
Were there! Sophie whispered excitedly. Were in the queens back garden! (140)
Now he was doing it for the Queen of England herself and he was frightened of nobody. (183)

On Grade Level

It would stop and peer into the upstairs window of each house in the street. It actually had to bend
down to peer into the upstairs windows. Thats how tall it was. (12)
You is trying to change the subject, the Giant said sternly. We is having an interesting babblement
about the taste of the human bean. The human bean is not a vegetable. (28)
Suddenly, a tremendous thumping noise came from outside the cave entrance and a voice like
thunder shouted, Runt! Is you there, Runt? (55)
I is so upset by this trogglehumping bogthumping grobswitcher, the BFG said, that I is not
wishing to go on. Dream-catching is finished for today. (86)
Weve absolutely got to stop them! Sophie cried. Put me back in your pocket quick and well
chase after them and warn everyone in England theyre coming. (115)
Twenty-four feet tall, wearing his black cloak with the grace of a nobleman, still carrying his long
trumpet in one hand, he strode magnificently across the Palace lawn towards the window. (157)
The head of the Army took several paces to the rear. So did the Head of the Air Force. They climbed
rather quickly back into their jeep, ready to make a fast getaway if necessary. (189)

Above Grade Level

You got punished if you were caught out of bed after lights-out. Even if you said you had to go to the
lavatory, that was not accepted as an excuse and they punished you just the same. But there was no
one about now, Sophie was sure of that. (10)
The first thing you would be doing, you would be scuddling around yodeling the news that you
were actually seeing a giant, and then a great giant-hunt, a mighty giant look-see, would be starting
up all over the world, with the human beans all rummaging for the great giant you saw and getting
wildly excited. (31)
Words, he said, is oh such a twitch-tickling problem to me all my life. So you must simply try to
be patient and stop squibbling. As I am telling you before, I know exactly what words I am wanting
to say, but somehow or other they is always getting squiff-squiddled around. (53)
It is a trogglehumper! cried the exasperated BFG. But it is also a bogthumper and a grobswitcher!
It is all three riddled into one! Oh, I is so glad I is clutching it tight. Ah, you wicked beastie, you! he
cried, holding up the jar and staring into it. (84)
That is an even more frothbungling suggestion, the BFG said. Dreams is lots of fun but nobody is
believing in dreams either. You is only believing in a dream while you is actually dreaming it. But as
soon as you is waking up you is saying Oh thank goodness it was only a dream. (119)
The Queen was still staring at Sophie. Gaping at her would be more accurate. Her mouth was
slightly open, her eyes were round and wide as two saucers, and the whole of that famous rather
lovely face was filled with disbelief. (153)


Tea Party

Make a prediction based on your card.





Now that you know more, make another prediction

based on your groups cards.




Make your final prediction based on the cards of your





Name: Dustin Smith

Tea Party

Make a prediction based on your card.

I think that a girl is sneaking into the Queens castle to steal things.

Now that you know more, make another prediction

based on your groups cards.

I think that a giant is working for the Queen of England by eating people

that she doesnt like.

Make your final prediction based on the cards of your


I think that giants are trying to eat people, so the Queen of England sends the

army after them and they save a little girl. Then, she wakes up and realizes it

was just a dream.

Frayer Model Activity
(paste inside suitcase manipulatives)

Smother Desolate
ed Glistenin
Seized g

Paste each of the above words on the inside of

separate construction paper suitcases. Then, put a
copy of the following text on the other side:

Shhh. . . The word above is a

secret. Share it with only the
members of your group. As a
group, you are going to fill out the
chart with the definition,
characteristics, examples, and
non-examples of this word. Then,
wait for more instructions.


Entrance Ticket Printable

Do you think that the

giant will eat Sophie?
Write a three sentence

Entrance Ticket
Cut out both the cave and the boulder.
Then, cut a slit along the right edge of
the cave door, from the floor to the top.
Fold up response paper and put it in the
slit, then attach the boulder with a brad
so that it rolls out of the way.
(See example below)

Word Mix-up Foldable
1. Start with two different colored sheets
of construction paper.
2. Fold both of them in half long-ways
(hot dog style).
3. On one sheet of paper, mark out equal
increments down the long side. The
example sheet is 12 inches long, so it
is marked in inch and a half
increments, leaving eight sections.
4. Put both pieces of paper together with
the marked sheet on top. Cut from the
marks to the center crease, effectively
cutting both sheets of paper the same
5. Rotate one sheet 180 degrees so that
the flaps are sticking out on opposite
6. Glue the large back rectangular
panels together so that the flaps are
all sticking out towards you.
7. Label the columns:
Top- What did he say?
Middle- How did he say it?
Bottom- What did he mean?

Word Mix-up Foldable
Sometimes, the BFG gets his words and
phrases a little mixed-up:
But please understand that I cannot be
helping it if I sometimes is saying things a
little squiggly. I is trying my very best all the
time. (pg. 50)
Take the phrases below from chapters eight
and nine and write them on the top flaps of
your foldable.
Afterwards, find the sentence they are used
in and write it on the next flap down.
Lastly, write what you think the BFG meant
to say on the bottom layer of your foldable.
(Hint: Sophie helps you out with some!)

Rotten-wool (pg. 49)

Skin and groans (pg. 50)

Disgusterous (pg. 51)

Thick ear (pg. 52)

Twiddling (pg. 53)

Jabbeling (pg. 55)

Chiddler (pg. 62)

Word Mix-up Foldable

I have . . . Who
has . . .?

Brilliant shining brightly, sparkling, or glittering

Hesitated to pause or wait to act because of fear or indecision
Spurts to show marked, usually increased, activity for a short period
Glimpse a very brief, passing look, sight, or view
Smothered to be covered closely or thickly, or to be enveloped
Seized to take hold of suddenly or forcibly or to grasp
Desolate deprived of inhabitants, deserted, or uninhabited
Glistening to reflect a sparking light or a faint glow, or to shine
Patriotism devoted love, support, and defense of ones country
Peculiar strange, odd, uncommon, or distinctive
Brute a nonhuman creature or a brutal, insensitive, or crude
Colossal extraordinarily great in size, gigantic, or huge
Wretched poor, sorry, pitiful, or worthless
Striding to walk with long steps
Gruesome causing great horror
Repulsive tending to drive away or keep at a distance
Protest an expression of objection, disapproval, or dissent
Skulking to move in a stealthy manner or to slink
Sprawled to be stretched or spread out in an ungraceful manner
Thrashing to toss, or plunge about

*Definitions from*

RAFT: Option One
In Chapter 13, the him. Give Jack three
Fleshlumpeater has a reasons why he
nightmare about Jack shouldnt kill you.
and his dreaded
R: Fleshlumpeater
beanstalk. Write a
letter from the A: Jack
Fleshlumpeater to Jack F: Letter
begging him not to kill
T: Begging for mercy
Dear Jack,


RAFT: Option Two

In Chapter 13, the BFG others. Give three
says that the giants reasons.
are all afraid of Jack.
R: The BFG
Write a letter to Jack
from the BFG A: Jack
convincing him that F: Letter
the BFG is good and
that Jack should come T: Setting the other
and kill all of the giants up

Dear Jack,


RAFT: Option Two
In Chapter 13, the BFG others. Give three
says that the giants reasons.
are all afraid of Jack.
R: The BFG
Write a letter to Jack
from the BFG A: Jack
convincing him that F: Letter
the BFG is good and
that Jack should come T: Setting the other
and kill all of the giants up

Dear Jack,
I is writing you to inform you that
good giants is existing. I is one of
them. I is the Big Friendly Giant, and I
is never guzzling down human beans.
Please do not be rushing after me to
be splashplunk me with your
frightningful beanstalk. If you is
wanting some giants to be
splashplunking, though, I is knowing
where they is playing hide-and-dont-
squeak. There is nine of these
flushblunking creatures and they is
foulsome. They is galloping off and
eating manyful human beans night
after night. I is believing that if they is
gone, the world could be much more
lappy-go-hucky. Little chiddlers
everywhere would be loving Jack the
fearsome giant squashler. I is thinking
that you could be scrawlbling away a
book on your adventuring and sell it
for all of the frobscottle in the world.
Or maybe you is preferring magic
beans? Please think about coming
and smashsquashing them with your
frightsome beanstalk, and please
leave me to be happyful.


hard difficult

strenuous ? tough

challenging strained

Im sorry, Sophie said.
I really am. It is very
rude of me to keep
correcting you.
The BFG gazed at her for
a while longer, then he
bend his head again to
his slow ________________
writing. (pg. 100)

Vocab Cluster
With your group, look at ONLY the front
of the page. Based on the words
synonyms, make 3 guesses as to what
the word might be.




Now, flip the paper over. Do any of your

guesses work well? Can you eliminate
any? Cross out any that dont seem to
fit with a red pencil. Make one final
guess as to what you think the word is.


Check your
groups answer
using the iPad
when youre 41

has a
the BFG are going to try to save them.

The BFG is afraid of being caught and put
Thein BFG
a zoo,
is and
mix Sophie
a dream telling the Queen about the giants.
would be put back into the orphanage.

Are they going to try to save the We will keep reading to see if someone notices the kids missing.

Why can the BFG not stop
someone notice all of those kids missing?

Sophie has been kidnapped by a How would they try to save them?

There are nine giants that do eat people. He does not eat people

Tonight, they are going to eat children
The ninefrom
run off and steal people out of their beds.

The BFG says there is nothing they can do to stop it.

Create an alternate ending to these chapters
where the BFG is seen by someone on the
journey to London or at the palace. Use
correct dialogue, and remember to include
what happens to Sophie, the BFG, and the
person who sees them.
Create an alternate ending to these chapters
where the BFG is seen by someone on the
journey to London or at the palace. Use
correct dialogue, and remember to include
what happens to Sophie, the BFG, and the
person who sees them.
When the BFG and Sophie got close to the
palace, they suddenly heard someone shout,
HALT! The BFG looked for who shouted. It
was a palace guard in a red coat and a fuzzy
hat. He looked terrified at the giants
massive size, and had called for backup. The
BFG tried to ignore him and continue on his
path, but there were soon twelve of them in
his way. Maybe you should try to explain
what youre doing, suggested Sophie. They
isnt going to be listening to a flushbunking
giant like me, said the BFG. They might
listen to me, though, whispered Sophie. The
BFG put Sophie down and she walked to the
guards. Much to her surprise, they ran at her,
comforting her by saying thing like, Dont
worry, youre safe now, and, Were gonna
get you home! Before she could protest,
they had wrapped the BFG in a net and were
taking him off to be studied and put on
display in a zoo. Lucky for the BFG, he was
put next to the elephants, or elefunts, as he
calls them. The guards took Sophie to the
Queen and asked what they should do with
her. This poor girl is crazy! A giant trying to
help people? Put her back in the orphanage
she came from, ordered the Queen. So
Sophie was returned to the awful orphanage,
the BFG was looked at in the zoo, and the
guard that stopped him was given a medal.

Vobackulary Word

oGrotesqu oCrevice
e oGrim
oDiabolical oDeserted
oConvulsio oLoomed
Readers Theater: The Plan and the
Narrator The The
The BFG Fleshlumpeater Maidmasher
Sophie The The
The Queen Childchewer Gizzardgulper
The Head of the The The
Army Bonecruncher Bloodbottler
The Head of the The Manhugger The Butcherboy
Air Force The 5 Soldiers (non-
Meatdripper speaking)

Narrator: The Queen, the BFG, and Sophie are still sitting
at breakfast. The Head of the Army and the Head of the Air
force are standing around her as she fills them in on the
Head of the Army: I knew there was something like this
going on, Your Majesty. For the last ten years we have been
getting reports from all over the world about mysterious
disappearances. We just had one the other day from
Panama (the BFG interrupts)
The BFG: For the hatty taste!
Head of the Air Force: What in the world is he talking
The Queen: Work it out for yourself. In eight hours those
nine blood-thirsty brutes will be galloping off to eat more
unfortunate wretches. We must stop them quickly!
Head of the Air Force: Well bomb them!
Head of the Army: Well shoot them with machine-guns!
The Queen: I do not approve of murder.
The Head of the Army: But they are murderers!
The Queen: Two wrongs dont make a right!
The BFG: And two rights dont make a left!
The Queen: We must bring them back alive.
The Head of the Army AND Air Force: How? They are all
fifty feet tall!
The BFG: Hold your horseflies! Keep your skirts on! I think I
has the answer!
The Queen: Let him speak.

The BFG: Every afternoon, all these giants is in the Land of
The Head of the Army: I cant understand a word this
feller says. Why doesnt he speak clearly?
Sophie: He means the Land of Nod. Its pretty obvious.
The BFG: Exunckly! Every afternoon all these nine giants is
lying on the ground snoozling away in a very deep sleep.
The Queen, Air Force, Army, AND Sophie: Go on!
The BFG: So what you soldiers has to do is to creep up to
the giants while they is still in the Land of Noddy and tie
their arms and legs with mighty ropes and whunking chains.
The Queen: Brilliant!
Narrator: So the Air Marshal gets together nine helicopters
to transport the giants back to London. They decide to
follow the BFG to Giant Country. Sophie is going to ride in
the BFGs ear again. The BFG gallops across the land,
followed by the nine helicopters. Finally, they arrive to see
the nine giants fast asleep, sprawled out, and snoring loudly.
The Head of the Army: (Orders the soldiers) Proceed
Narrator: The soldiers move toward the giants, trembling
in their boots.
The Head of the Army: (nervously) W-w-what happens if
one of them wakes up?
The BFG: (grinning) If any one of them is waking up, he will
gobble you down before you can say knack jife.
Narrator: The Army man and the Air Force man take
several steps back, looking terrified.
The Head of the Army: (still looking terrified) Go forward
and do you duty bravely, men!
Narrator: The soldiers creep towards the giants with ropes
and chains. All are terrified. They start tying up the giants
one by one until they have only one left, the
Fleshlumpeater. They try to get his arm out from under him
when, suddenly, he wakes up.
Fleshlumpeater: ( the Fleshlumpeater sees the soldiers)
Human Beans! (He grabs at a soldier) I is having early
suppers today! (laughing and holding a soldier)
Sophie: (to the BFG in horror) Do something! Before he
eats him!
The BFG: (shouting) Put that human bean down!
(the Fleshlumpeater does not put him down and simply
knocks the BFG over)
Narrator: Sophie decides she must do something. She
unpins the Queens brooch from her chest and sticks the pin
in the Fleshlumpeaters ankle. He howls in pain.
The BFG: A snake bit you! I seed it biting you! It was a
frightsome poisnowse viper!
Fleshlumpeater: (Clutching his ankle and wailing) Save
our souls! The teeth are still in me!
The BFG: I will help you! Grab your ankles tightly with both
hands and close your eyes!
Narrator: The Fleshlumpeater does these things, and the
BFG signals for the soldiers to tie him up. Once tied up, the
Fleshlumpeater realizes he has been tricked and howls in
anger. Soon enough, the other giants wake up.
Fleshlumpeater: (roars) I is flushbunkled!
Childchewer: (yells) I is splitzwiggled!
Bonecruncher: (bellows) I is swogswalloped!
Manhugger: (howls) I is goosegruggled!
Maidmasher: (screams) I is fluckgrungled!
Meatdripper: (shouts) I is gunzleswiped!
Gizzardgulper: (squawks) I is slopgroggled!
Blood Bottler: (yowls) I is crodsquinkled!
Butcher Boy: (screeches) I is bopmuggered!
Narrator: And so the giants are loaded onto the helicopters
and flown to London where the Queen has a plan waiting for

The giants are captured Sophie is kidnapped
by the BFG, Sophie, the in the middle of the
Air Force, and the Army,
night by a giant.
and are then thrown into
a great pit.

The BFG and Sophie The giant, the BFG,

travel to London and explains that he does
convince the Queen not eat humans, but
to help them. there are nine other
giants that do.

The BFG makes a The BFG takes

nightmare to blow Sophie dream-
into the Queen of catching with him.
Englands window.

Sophie comes up
with a plan to stop
the giants from
eating humans every



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