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Teacher Candidate: Erica Mistler Date: 11/14/16

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Mack Coop. Initials

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 1 hour Grade Level Fourth Grade

Subject or Topic: Long Division Section 934


CC.2.1.4.B.2 - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform

multi-digit arithmetic.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

A. The students will correctly answer four digit divided by one digit and three
digit divided by one digit division problems.

II. Instructional Materials

A. Movie theatre packet
B. Scoot cards
C. Scoot answer sheet
D. Assessment worksheet

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)

A. Prerequisite Skills
1. Three digit divided by one digit division
2. Multiplication facts 0 through 9
3. Subtraction of three digit numbers
4. Word problem solving skills
5. Place value
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Quotient answer to a division
2. Divisor a number by which another number is to be divided
3. Dividend a number to be divided by another number
C. Big Idea
1. The students will divide a four or three digit number by a one-digit
number through the understanding of place value.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. The teacher will tell the class that today we will be talking about
long division.
2. The teacher will tell the students that they will be in charge of
operating a new movie theatre. You will even get to make a few of
the decisions as you build the theatre. You will also be in charge of
keeping track of data as your movie theatre opens and begins
showing movies. You will put your math skills to the test as you
work to gather information.
3. The teacher will begin by modeling a few of the problems that the
students will encounter while working on this project.

B. Development
1. The teacher will write this word problem on the board. You have
$232 to spend on t-shirts. Each t-shirt costs $4 each. How many
shirts can you purchase?
2. The teacher will ask the students what kind of operation the students
should use to set up this problem. The students should respond with
3. The teacher will ask the students how they should set up the problem
to figure out the answer. When the students respond they should use
math talk. The students should say that the $232 is the dividend and
the $4 is the divisor.
4. The teacher will say that the students should first look in the
hundreds place.
5. The teacher will ask the students if you can divide the number two
by the number four. The students will respond with no.
6. The teacher will ask the students where should we look next so that
we can divide this problem. The students should respond with that
they look at the 23. The teacher will ask the students why they did
7. The teacher will then ask how many times can four go into 23. The
students should respond with 5.
8. The teacher will ask the students what the next step will be. The
teacher will remind the students that they can look at the division
man if they need help. The students will respond with the next step
being multiplication.
9. The teacher will ask the students what they should multiply. The
students should say that they should multiply 4 times fifty to get 200.
The teacher will ask the students why they multiplied by fifty.
10. The teacher will ask the students what the next step is. The students
should respond with subtraction.
11. The teacher will ask what we should be subtracting and the students
should respond with we are subtracting 200 from 232. The teacher
will ask what the answer will be. The students should respond with
12. The teacher will then ask what the next step would be. The students
should respond with division.
13. The teacher will ask the students what we should be dividing next.
The students should respond with we should be dividing 32 by 4.
The teacher will ask the students why they divided this number. The
teacher will ask what the students what the answer to this problem is.
The students should respond with eight.
14. The teacher will ask the students what they should do next. The
students will be prompted to reference the division man if necessary.
The students will respond with multiplication.
15. The teacher will ask the students what numbers they need to
multiple. The students will respond with 8 times 4. The teacher will
ask the students what the product of 8 times 4 is. The students will
respond with 32.
16. The teacher will ask the students where they should write the 32.
17. The teacher will ask the students what the next step is. The students
will be prompted to look at the division man if necessary. The
students should say that subtraction is the next step.
18. The teacher will ask what are 32 minus 32 and the students should
respond with zero.
19. The teacher will ask what the quotient of this problem is. The
students will respond with 58.
20. The teacher will ask the students how many t-shirts they can buy
with $232. The students should say that they would be able to buy 58
21. The teacher will tell the students that there will be a few problems in
the task they will be completing that are similar to the one we just
22. The teacher will also show the students one of the pages of the
packet that has a grid on it.
23. The teacher will tell the students that she will give them a hint. The
teacher will tell the students that the bigger number should always be
divided by the smaller number.
24. The teacher will then write another division problem on the board,
5672 divided by 2.
25. The teacher will explain that this is slightly different from the three-
digit division problems we have been working on, but if we
understand place value.
26. The teacher will ask the students what the first step should be to
solving this division problem.
27. The students should say that first we need to look at the five and see
if we can divide it by two.
28. The teacher will ask the class if five can be divided by two. The
students will respond with yes, 2 times.
29. The teacher will ask the students where she should write the two and
the students should respond with above the five.
30. The teacher will ask the students what the next step they need to do
to solve the problem. The students will say that they need to multiply
two times two.
31. The teacher will point out that since the two is above the five in
5,672, they need to think of the two being in the thousands place.
This means that what they are really multiplying is two times 2,000.
The teacher will ask the class what two times 2,000 is and the
students should respond with 4,000.
32. The teacher will ask the class where she should write the 4,000 and
the students should tell her to write it under 5,672.
33. The teacher will ask the students what the next step will be and the
students will say that the next step is to subtract.
34. The teacher will ask the class what is 5,672 minus 4,000. The
students will respond with 1,672.
35. The teacher will ask the class what they next step will be and the
students will respond with division.
36. The teacher will tell the class that now that we are dividing for the
second time and we already looked in the thousands place to divide
we now need to look to the hundreds place to divide. Because we are
in the hundreds place we should be looking at any number is in the
hundreds place, including any number to the left of the hundreds
place also.
37. The teacher will then ask what numbers we should be looking at now
to divide. The students should respond with 16.
38. The teacher will ask the students how many times can 2 go into 16
and the students should respond with 8 times. The teacher will ask
the class where she should write the 8. The students will respond
with above the 6 in the hundreds place.
39. The teacher will ask the class what the next step is and the students
should respond with multiply. The teacher will ask the students what
they should be multiplying and the students should respond with 800
times two. The teacher will ask the students what is the answer to
800 times 2 and the students will respond with 1,600.
40. The teacher will ask the class what the next step should be. The
students will say that the next step is to subtract 1,672 minus 1,600.
The teacher will ask the class what the answer to this subtraction
problem is and the class will respond with 72.
41. The teacher will ask the students what our next step should be. The
students will say that the next step should be to divide 2 by 7
because we are working in the tens place now.
42. The teacher will ask the class how many times does 2 go into 7 and
the students will say 3 times. The teacher will ask the class where
they should write the 3 and the students will tell her to write it above
the 7 in the tens place.
43. The teacher will ask the class what the next step should be and the
students will tell the teacher that they need to multiply 30 times 2
because we are now working in the tens place. The teacher will ask
the students what thirty times to is and they will respond with 60.
44. The teacher will ask the class what she should do next and the
students will respond with subtract 60 from 72 to get 12.
45. The teacher will ask the class what we should do next and the
students will respond with divide 12 by 2 to get 6. The teacher will
ask the students where she should write 6 and the students will say
above the 2 in the ones place.
46. The teacher will ask the students what they should do next and the
students will say that next they need to multiply 6 times 2 to get 12.
47. The teacher will ask the students what they should do next and the
students will tell the teacher that they need to subtract 12 from 12 to
get zero.
48. The teacher will ask the class if there are any questions or anything
the class didnt understand when we were solving this problem.
49. If there are no questions the teacher will put another division
problem up on the board. The problem will be 3895 divided by 5 up
on the board.
50. The teacher will call students up to do one-step of the problem at a
time. Every time a student does a step the teacher will question them
and have them explain why they did that.
51. The teacher will now tell the students that we are going to break into
three groups to work on our movie theatre division problems.
52. The teacher will ask the students how they should be behaving while
they are in their groups.
53. The teacher will tell the class that the first group is Jackson, Michael,
Avalon, Marian, Hunter, Chasidy, and Kayla. The second group is
Ethan, Owen, Paige, Shideek, Mya, Felicia, and Izaiah. The third
group is Kaylee D., Laif, Hannah, Jahnae, Kaylie B., Dankia, and
54. The teacher will tell the students that they should work on the first
page of their packet as a group and the rest of the pages they should
assign to one person in their group.
55. The teacher will walk around the classroom and assist students if
56. Also, while the students are working the teacher will begin setting up
the game scoot by taping long division problems to the desks
57. The teacher will collect the movie packets once all groups are done.

C. Closure
1. As a closing activity the students will play scoot.
2. The teacher will pass out the answer keys that they will need for this
3. The teacher will explain that the students will start off at their desks
and they should begin working on their problem thats on their desk.
4. They should look at the number of the problem and this should
correlate to a number on the answer key. This is where the students
should write all their work.
5. The students should keep working until the teacher says scoot and
they should move over to the seat to their left. The teacher will
model this so that all the students know where they will be moving.
6. The teacher will have the students play this game until each student
has answered every problem.
7. The teacher will then collect all of the students answer keys.
8. The teacher will then pass out a worksheet for the students to
complete for homework that will be graded the next day.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. The groups will be teacher selected so that students will be placed in
groups where they will work the most efficiently.
2. Izaiah, the boy with Autism, will be given breaks in between
problems to color or do an activity of his choice.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
a) The teacher will collect both the movie packet and the scoot
answer key and grade this based on completion.
b) The teacher will collect the worksheet the students did for
homework and grade it based on correctness. Students will lose
points for incorrect answers and incomplete explanations. Each
problem is worth one point and each explanation is worth one
2. Summative there is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is
1. None of the students were able to complete their movie theatre math
worksheets that they were working on in class. One of the reasons I
believe is that they were working in groups to complete their
worksheets. The majority of the time, the students are working in
whole group, so when they are split into groups the students tend to
get more hyper and are not able to focus while working. Because of
this the students were also not able to play the scoot game because
we ran out of class time while working on our movie theatre
worksheets. Most of the errors on the homework came from the last
two problems, which were dividing four digit by one digit. This was
the brand new content the students had learned today. We had been
going over three digit divided by one digit problems for over a week
and the students have had much more practice with these problems.
In the four digit divided by one digit division problems the students
struggled with the first step the most. Most of the students kept
forgetting that they needed to multiply by a number in the thousands
place. Most of the students kept multiplying by a number in the
hundreds place. This tells me that the students may still struggle with
concepts of place value. Overall, I was very pleased with the results
of the assessment they had for homework.

Remediation Plan
In order for students to do better in the future, I will spend more class time
going over four digit divided by one digit division problems. I will also use
place value manipulatives to review some concepts of place value to explain
how a number is in the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones place. I believe
that the students will be able to grasp this concept with more and more
practice as time goes on. I will reassess my students within a week on just four
digit divided by one digit problem with a worksheet generated from Super

B. Personal Reflection
1. How well was I able to get the content across?
a) The students seemed to be understanding the concept of
dividing a four digit number by a one digit number as we were
going over it in whole group. The students I called on were
able to tell me what to do and why we were doing these steps. I
think a way I could have gone over the content better was by
modeling more in the beginning. I should have done more I do
examples and more we do examples before I moved onto the
independent homework. The students still need a lot of support
when it comes to long division and they need to be prompted
while working independently on problems.
2. How were my behavioral management skills?
a) The students had trouble remaining on task while working in
small groups and I had trouble monitoring all of the behaviors
that were occurring. The majority of the classroom was off task
and thats why no one was able to complete the movie theatre
worksheet and thats why we couldnt move on to the fun scoot
game. The classroom has a red, yellow, green card
management system, but I didnt utilize it, which I should
have. However, in my experience so far, the students dont
seem to view turning their card as too much of a punishment.
VI. Resources

View, T. W. (2012). Division Math Project. Retrieved November 22, 2016, from
2 124 2 546

2 728 2 102
2 300 2 262

4 512 4 716
4 220 4 424

4 928 4 632
5 525 5 715

5 620 5 430
5 835 5 240

9 363 9 270

Solve each problem and explain the steps you took to find your answer.

1. 954 9

2. 845 5
3. 9,981 9

4. 4,624 4

Solve each problem and explain the steps you took to find your answer.

1. 954 9

Answer: 106

Explanation: The explanation should include each step they took and why they
chose to multiply a number use the thousands, hundreds, tens, or ones place value.

2. 845 5

Answer: 106

Explanation: The explanation should include each step they took and why they
chose to multiply a number use the thousands, hundreds, tens, or ones place value.
3. 9,981 9

Answer: 106

Explanation: The explanation should include each step they took and why they
chose to multiply a number use the thousands, hundreds, tens, or ones place value.

4. 4,624 4

Answer: 106

Explanation: The explanation should include each step they took and why they
chose to multiply a number use the thousands, hundreds, tens, or ones place value.
Name Movie Theatre Math Worksheet 8 total
I Incomplete C - points
Chasidy I 6/8

Mariana I 7/8

Avalon Absent Absent

Jackson I 8/8

Kaylie B. I 6/8

Shideek I 6/8

Hannah I 7/8

Hunter I 8/8

Felicia I 7/8

Owen I 6/8

Kayla I 6/8

Paige Absent Absent

Ryan I 8/8

Izaiah I Didnt hand it in

Jahnae I 7/8

Ethan I 8/8

Mya I 8/8

Laif I 6/8

Kaylee D. I 7/8

Michael I 6/8

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