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Topic of the Study: - Customer satisfaction


To know the extent of awareness about mutual funds and to analyze the
investors perception towards mutual funds

For retail investor who does not have the time and expertise to analyze and invest in stocks
and bonds, mutual funds offer a viable investment alternative. This is because mutual funds
provide the benefit of cheap access to expensive stocks. Mutual funds diversify the risk of
the investor by investing in a basket of assets. A team of professional fund managers
manages them with in-depth research inputs from investment analysts. Being
institutions with good bargaining power in markets, mutual funds have access to crucial
corporate information which individual investors cannot access. So the present study has
taken up to know the extent of awareness about mutual funds and to analyze the investors
perception towards Mutual funds.

1. To know about the extent of awareness about mutual funds with special reference to State

Bank Mutual Fund, Margoa, Goa.

2. To know about the preferences of investors towards mutual funds with special reference
to State Bank Mutual Fund, Margoa, Goa.
3. To know about the perceptions of investors towards mutual funds with special reference
to State Bank Mutual Fund, Margoa, Goa.
4. To know about the extent of satisfaction of investors towards mutual funds with special
reference to State Bank Mutual Fund, Margoa, Goa.

I am a student of Rosary College of Commerce & Arts, Goa, conducting a
research under mutual funds in State Bank Mutual Fund, Margao, Goa. As a part of our
course curriculum under BBA, I assure you that all responses will be held strictly
This survey is purely for the purpose of research in academics and not to be
shared with any individual or company without their consent.

Yours sincerely
(Prachi Naik)

Occupation : -
Private sector service [ ] Professional [ ] Housewife [ ]
Public sector/Govt. [ ] Retired [ ] Other [ ]
Business [ ] Student [ ]

What is your primary source of income?

Pension [ ] Salary [ ] Others [ ]
Income from business [ ] Rental Income [ ]

What is your monthly family income approximately? Pl tick ().

Up to Rs.20, 000 [ ] Up to Rs.30, 000 [ ] Above Rs.50, 000 [ ]
Up to Rs.40, 000 [ ] Up to Rs.50, 000 [ ]

Are you planning to save?

Yes [ ] No [ ]
How much of your income you are able to save?
Below 5% [ ] 15% to 25% 25% to 35%
5% to 15% [ ] [ ] [ ]
35% and Above [ ]

Section- A (*For Non-Investor*)

1 Do you have any investment plans?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

2 Which of these investment vehicles are you most comfortable with?

Fixed Deposits [ ] Stocks / Shares [ ]
Mutual Funds [ ] Real estate [ ]
Others specify ..

3 You prefer to invest because:-

Features Strongl Agree Neutra Disagr Strongly
y Agree l ee Disagree
It Facilitates childs education
It caters old age needs
It helps to get quick profits
It ensures higher returns
For Security purpose

4 What is your primary investment objective?

Preservation of Principal [ ] Growth and Income [ ]
Conservative Growth [ ] Aggressive Growth [ ]
5 Are you aware of mutual funds?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
6 If yes, how did you know about Mutual Fund?
Financial Advisors [ ] Peer Group [ ]
Advertisement [ ] Banks [ ]

7 Do Know That Mutual Fund is a Good Instrument of Tax Saving?

Yes [ ] No [ ]
8 If No, what are the reasons for not investing in mutual funds?
Reasons Strongl Agree Neutra Disagre Strongl
y Agree l e y
Not aware of MF
Lack of Awareness
Lack of Funds
Consistency in performance
Quality of Fund Management

Section-B (*For Investors*)

1 What is the primary goal of your investment in Mutual Fund?
Education [ ] House [ ] Retirement Benefit [ ] Others
[ ]
2 How do you come to know about Mutual Fund?
Advertisement [ ] Banks [
Peer Group [ ] ]
Financial Advisors [ ]
3 Who influence your decision to invest in Mutual Fund?
Friend [ ] Media & Advertisement [ ]
Family & Relatives [ ] Investment Consultant [ ]
4 What are the reasons for investing in mutual fund?
Liquidity [ ] Diversification
Higher Returns [ ] [ ]
Exposure in Capital Market Tex Benefit [ ]
[ ] Retirement Benefit [ ]
Expertise in fund management [ ] Safety [ ]
5 Where do you find yourself as a mutual fund investor?
Totally ignorant [ ]
Partial knowledge of mutual funds [ ]
Aware only of any specific scheme in which you invested [ ]
Fully aware [ ]
6 In which mutual fund you have invested?
Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund [ ] Kodak Mahindra Mutual Fund [ ]
HDFC Mutual Fund [ ] Axis Mutual Fund [ ]
State Bank Mutual Fund [ ] Other (Please Specify)_________________
7 Which mutual fund scheme have you used?
Open-ended Growth fund Regular Income fund
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Close-ended Long-Cap [ ] Tax saving Scheme
[ ] Index scheme [ [ ]
Liquid fund [ ] ]
Mid- Cap [ ] Sector fund [ ]
8 In which fund you have invested
Equity [ ] Debt [ ] Hybrid [ ] Money Market
[ ]
9 According to you which fund is more risky
Equity [ ] Debt [ ] Hybrid [ ] Money Market
[ ]
10 In which way do you want invest
Lump sum [ ] SIP [ ] Depend upon the financial condition [

11 Please rate the following factors important for you to consider before buying
any mutual fund products :(1-Very Important 5-Least Important)

Performance Track Record [ Minimum Documentation Risk Appetite [ ]
] [ ] Credible Brand Name [ ]
SEBI Intervene [ ] Fund Manager View [ ]

Section-D (*Awareness of State Bank Mutual Fund*)

1. Are you aware of State Bank Mutual Fund?

Yes [ ] No [ ]
2. Have you invested money in State Bank Life Mutual Fund?

Yes [ ] No [ ]
3. How satisfied you are with your experience of investing in State bank

Mutual Fund?

Highly Satisfied [ ] Reasonably Satisfied [ ]

Considerably Satisfied [ ] Unsatisfied [ ]

4. If invested in SBMF, you do so because (Pl. tick (), all applicable).

They have a record of giving good returns year after year [ ]

Agent Advice [ ]
5. If NOT invested in SBIMF, you do so because (Pl. tick () all applicable).

You are not aware of SBIMF [ ]

BSLMF gives less return compared to the others [ ]
Agent Advice [ ]
6. From which source you are being aware to State Bank Mutual Fund?

Advertisement Media- Print [ ] /Electronic[ ]

(Please Specify)
Internet- [ ]
Retail Banking Branches [ ]
Any Other [ ] (Please Specify)

7. Are you getting satisfied return on your investment in State Bank Mutual


Yes [ ] No [ ]


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