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The day after tomorrow


Among the possible extreme events in the movie quote: more waves of heat and fires, floods,

droughts, storms, loss of biodiversity and of pollinating species, viral expansion, increased levels

of ozone on surface, increase the acidity of the water, raising the current level of the sea,

impairment of Thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic, the risk of storm surge in mega-

cities (Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong ((, Bombay, estimated, Karachi, Buenos Aires, S.

Petersburg, N.Y., Miami, London), the delta of the Nile, Caribbean and Polynesian Islands).

If the filmmakers explained the storms and other anomalies in a little more detail that they did; it

would have helped the viewer to understand the mechanisms of what was going on with the

weather systems. It also would have been better to show what was happening in other places in

the world. In that respect the first half was much better than the second half. After a while it

turned into a typical Hollywood style melodrama the main characters search for his son and

got bogged down on that sub-plot. I wanted to see a step-by-step cross section from various

locations of the planet to put the whole storm story into perspective.

Instead, the filmmakers decided to narrow their focus and turn it into a personal rescue story.

Also, the way it ended didnt seem right: The storm with its aftermath fading out, and humanity

trying to return back to normal seemed too clichd an ending. It just seemed like a typical movie

ending pasted onto what would probably be a much more prolonged process. And when they had

Professor Halls group of survivors outside trying to walk out of New York City over that huge

pileup of snow, I thought the credibility was a bit thin there.

Due to the temperature of the melted water from the Poles, it causes a clash of temperatures in

different parts of the world, and therefore begins to freeze the cities.

The-induced climate change is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse

gases that have accumulated in the Earth's atmosphere throughout, especially in the last hundred

years. Scientific evidence of the gravity and urgency of the problem of the climate change are

now convincing, to the point of justifying the implementation of decisive action of reduction of

the emissions of greenhouses worldwide to reduce the risk of more harmful consequences and

potentially irreversible in ecosystems, societies and economies

The climate change will affect the basic elements of the life of the people: access to water, food

production, health and the environment.

The costs of stabilizing the climate are significant but more reasonably delays, much more

expensive and dangerous. The risks that the DC will reach the worst effects can be reduced if

greenhouses levels stabilize between 450-550 ppm. (Parts per million). Today increases at a rate

of 2 ppm. A year from about 430 ppm CO2e.

The characters in the movie breathed a sigh of relief as the storm passed and the president even

gave a speech about how irresponsible he and society had been in the past, how weve learned

from our mistakes, and look forward to the future. Ok, but what next? Did they think they were

in the clear just because the big storm ended, or were their problems just beginning? How do

they resolve the desalination of the Oceans, the Global Warming problem, the North Atlantic

Current dilemma, the Global Oceanic Conveyor Belt issue, the impending Ice Age? They did not

say. I think this movie raised a lot more questions than it could answer. But, it was good, in that it

was very thought provoking and had a lot of interesting imagery. A good follow-up would be

about what happens next to what's left of the planet in the months after the storm.
My conclusion would be that in the movie the catastrophe happens because of the overheating of

the poles on Earth, this causes the glaciers to melt and therefore the sea level rises. The cities

near the ocean suffer floods Sea.

The following are some recommendation from EPA on how to start from home to save our


Making a few small changes in your home and yard can reduce greenhouse gases and save you

money. Explore our list of 10 simple steps you can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

1. Change five lights

2. Look for ENERGY STAR
3. Heat and cool smartly
4. Seal and insulate your home
5. Reduce, reuse, recycle
6. Use water efficiently
7. Be green in your yard
8. Purchase green power
9. Calculate your household's carbon footprint
10. Spread the word
Word Cited

Hogan, D. (April 25, 2017). Could The Day After Tomorrow happen Retrieved from

EPA web (January 19, 2017). Climate change is happening Retrieved from

NOAA Web (September 28, 2015).Retrieved from

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