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Ashley Roman

Professor Suk

EDUC 230-01 Education Field Experience

Spring 2017

Rationale Statement-Standard #6

Standard #6 Assessment

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in

their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teachers and learners

decision making.

Artifact: Lesson Assessment

Date of Completion: March 16, 2017

Course Completed In: EDUC 230-01 Education Field Experience

Rationale Statement:

The artifact itself contains an example of a measuring the students creative ability in

mathematical perspectives as well as comprehension skills regarding Pythagorean Theorem. The

artifact represented here corresponds to standard six, also known for the assessment portion. In

particular, this lesson assessment coincides with standard 6.i.4, in which a multitude of aids are

given to the students to ensure full comprehension of the project and expectations. Along with a

basic outline of what is required on the project, students will receive a rubric and full project

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In creating the lesson assessment artifact, I had to take on a new persona. That is, I had to

reflect back onto the mind of an eighth grader. As an eighth grader, would I be interested in

doing this project? Would I be motivated to do the project? How is this project different than the

typical school project? I had come to the realization that project making entails not only thinking

through the lens of a teacher, but taking on a student lens as well. In asking myself questions, I

was able to better prepare this lesson assessment. I also thought back to a project my ninth grade

teacher presented to the class, one that most certainly is reflected in my own. As a student, I felt

the freedom that teacher had given me to be creative and make this project my own motivated

me. As a result, I incorporated that freedom into this lesson assessment.

In the future, this artifact may prove to be useful. The artifact itself is rather extensive in

detail; however, I know it will come in handy when I am a mathematics teacher. Through

creating the outline, expectations, rubric, and example, I realized that the effort put into project

making for both the teacher and student is time consuming. With that in mind, I intend to use this

as a reminder for student needs. While I want my future class to succeed and complete their

work, I must keep in mind the time constraints at the middle school age. From social lives to

athletics to clubs and time with family, I want my projects to be both fun and engaging, but also

require maybe an hours worth of work at most.

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Professional Development in New Jersey. (2014, August 4). Retrieved from New Jersey State

Department of Education:

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