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EED/NITW/EE 355 Control System Lab


Obtaining the speed-torque characteristics of A. C. servo motor.

Equipment required:
A.C. servo motor module

An A.C. servo motor is basically a 2-ph induction motor except for certain design features. The
rotor construction is usually squirrel-cage or drag-cup type. The diameter of the rotor is kept
small in order to reduce inertia and to obtain good accelerating characteristics. A servo motor is
used for applications such as position control.

A two phase servomotor differs in 2 ways from a normal induction motor.

The a.c. servo motor construction is similar to normal induction motor having 2 stator windings
have phase difference of 90o but for the voltages applied to the 2 stator windings are seldom
balanced. One of the phases is excited by a constant voltage (reference phase) and the other
phase is energized by a voltage which is 90o out of phase with respect to reference phase
(control phase). The control phase voltage is supplied from a servo amplifier and it has a variable
magnitude and polarity with respect with to reference phase. The direction of rotation of the
motor reverses as the polarity of control phase signal changes.

Rotor of servo motor is built with high resistance which implies (X/R) ratio is small & the speed
torque characteristics are nearly linear (negative slope characteristics) which is quite applicable
to servo applications contract to non-linear speed-torque characteristics (high X/R) of normal
induction motor. Using such a motor for servo applications becomes unstable because of positive
slope servo characteristics for some region.

The torque is calculated using the following expression

= 1.019 10 *60 gm-cm

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EED/NITW/EE 355 Control System Lab

Circuit Diagram:

Model Graph:

The experiment can be divided into 3 parts.

Part-I: In this part, supply is given to A.C. servo motor which acts like a prime motor to the
D.C. machine and D.C. machine acts like a generator. Varying the control voltage of the a.c.
servo motor, D.C. generator will runs at different speeds. Generated e.m.f. is noted at various
speeds using digital multimeter (2V range) at terminals TP1. A graph is drawn between
generated e.m.f and speed. This graph is used for knowing the back-emf when the same-machine
is operated as motor.

Part-II: In this part, D.C. motor is given supply and A.C. motor is switched off. Armature
current (Ia) is noted at various speeds of D.C. motor. With this and earlier data, no-load torque
(TNL) is calculated.

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Part-III: In this part, supply is given to both the machine and operated as motor. The coupling
of the two motor is such that torque produced by one is in opposition to that of the other. D.C.
motor acts like a load on the A.C. servo-motor. Control winding voltage of A.C. servo motor is
fixed at some value and load is varied with help of D.C. motor. With the values of Ia and speed,
load torque is calculated. Total torque is sum of no load torque and load torque. Third part of the
experiment is done for their control voltages 40V, 60V, 80V. A graph is drawn for total torque vs
speed for the 3 control winding voltages.

Readings are tabulated as under:


Part I: Servomotor acts as prime mover and DC m/c as generator.

Part II: A.C servo motor is switched off and D.C m/c motor is given supply.

Part III: Supply is given to both the m/c D.C m/c as well as A.C. m/c.

a) Control voltage of a.c. servo motor is 40V A.C.

b) Control voltage of a.c. servo motor is 60V A.C.

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c) Control voltage of a.c. servo motor is 80V A.C.

Calculation of No-load torque (TNL): Since

1.019 10 60


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Calculation of load torque (TL) and total torque:

a) When control voltage winding = 40V

b) When control voltage winding = 60V

c) When control voltage winding = 80V

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Tabular Column:

Results and Conclusions:

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Studying the time response of first order and second order systems. Verifying the analytical
results of steady error for a first order system with experimental results. Also verifying the
analytical results of percentage overshoot, rise time and setting time with experimental results.

Equipments required:
Control system trainer, function generator, C.R.O, patch chord.

For the above-mentioned objectives, step response of a first and second order systems are
studied. The relevant mathematical expressions are given along with block diagrams.
First order systems:

( ) k
( ) (1 + k) + s

=0.01 sec, and k=gain, it is varied

Steady state error:
( )
lim ( ) = lim ( ) = lim ( ) ( )

Second order system:-

C(s)/R(s) = (k/1 2) /(s2 + s/ 2 + k/1 2)

where 1 and 2 are as time constants, K is gain. (Values are as per module)
On comparing to second order transfer function
C(s)/R(s) = n2 / (s2 + 2** n*s + n2)
We get

n = , =1/(2 )

= tan

= (1
( )
Rise time t =

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EED/NITW/EE 355 Control System Lab

% overshoot (Mp)= / (

Peak time t =

Settling time= 4/(*n)

The above shown block diagrams for first order and second order system with unity feedback are
built on the control system trainer. A square wave with suitable pulse width and frequency is
used as an input signal. The magnitude may be taken as 2VP-P. The time periods are adjusted
such that the output comes to the steady state in every pulse width.

Readings can be tabulated.

First order system:
i/p= step, transfer function = k/(1+s*0.01)

Practical Computed ess = 1/(1+k)


S.I td tr tp ts % overshoot ess

No Theo Prac Theo Prac Theo Prac Theo Prac Theo Prac Theo Prac

1. Frequency and time-period of square wave should be properly selected so that response comes
to steady state.
2. Settings for values of K and measurements on C.R.O should be properly done for accuracy in
the results.

Results and conclusion:

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Aim: To determine the frequency response of a given second order system and to evaluate its
frequency domain specifications.

Equipment required:
Frequency response module, Disturbance generator, Patch Cords, DSO, Digital Multi-meter

Formulae used:

1. Gain in dB = 20 log (Vo /Vi )

2. Phase angle = sin 1 (Y1/Y2) deg for the lissajous curve shown in fig (a)
Phase angle = 180- sin 1 (Y1/Y2) deg for the lissajous curve shown in fig (b)

Block Diagram:

K / s 1 / (1+s) Output

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1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
2. Connect the output port of the signal generator to the input port of the circuit as shown.
3. Set the signal generator output to sine wave.
4. Switch on the signal generator and set the amplitude of sine wave signal output to 2 V (peak to
5. Now observe the output of the circuit in CRO using lissajous figures.
6. Vary the input frequency of the sine wave from 100 Hz to 100 kHz in steps and tabulate the
corresponding output voltage and phase angles.
7. Compute the gain and phase angles for all the input frequencies using the formulae listed
8. Plot the graphs of gain in dB Vs frequency and phase angle Vs frequency in semi log sheet.
9. Compute the frequency domain specifications, like undamped natural frequency n, damping
ratio and damped frequency d using the formulae as listed above and comment on the system.

Tabular Column:

Model response plots

Results and conclusion:

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To study the performance of P,PI, PID controllers.

Equipment required:
PID controller module, patch cords, DSO

The time-domain characteristics of a control system are represented by the transient and steady-
state responses of the system. When certain test signals are applied, to satisfy performance
specifications use some controller along with system. The control system may be placed either in
series with the process or it may placed in feedback resulting in series or cascade compensation
and feed-back compensation respectively. If the controller is in parallel to the feedback path it is
known as feed-forward compensation. Feed-forward compensation is not in the loop of the
system and does not affect the roots of the characteristics equation. Series or cascade
compensation is commonly used. Its block diagram is shown below:

where G(s)= Kp + KD * S + KI / S
Controller is a device that may contain components such as adder, amplifier, attenuator,
differentiators and integrator. Best known controller used in practice are PID controller is shown

Proportional controller:
Proportional controller is mainly an amplifier with a controllable gain k. The output an dinput of
the controller are related by k. The effects of this controller are:
a) Increase in k reduced the speed of response.

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b) Increase in k increase the settling time.

c) Increases overshoots and affects the stability of the system.
d) Increase in k decrease the steady state error.

Derivative controller:
It differentiate the error signal and produce the actuating signal.
Its factors are:
a) Derivative control is an anticipatory control
b) As it differentiates the error signal, it has influence only on transient response but not on
steady state response.
c) As it increases the damping of the system, overshoot reduces.
d) When the derivative control along with proportional controller. It is known as PD controller
with suitable of values Kp and Kd, it gives fast response and little overshoot.

Integral Controller:
a) Its a low pass filter and increase rise time.
b) It increases the order and type of the system by one.
c) It can reduce the steady state error by one order.
d) As order increases stability reduces.
e) When type I system is converted into type II system by PI controller. The proportional
controller Kp no longer fix the steady state error and the later is always zero for a ramp function
input. Then the problem is to choose the problem compensation of Kp and Ki so that the
transient response is satisfactory.

Make the connections for a second order with unity with unity feedback using the PID controller
training kit. Add one of the controller at a time like P,PI, PD and PID and study the effects
mentioned above and comment on the results.

Tabulate the results for each controller with controller constants vs time domain performance


Open loop transfer function used in

G(s) = 2000 / s (S+100)
a) Time response specifications of system without controller
1) Mp =
2) Tss=
3) Tr=
b) Time response specifications with proportional controller Kp=2
1) Mp =
2) Tss=
3) Tr=

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c) PI controller with Kp=2 and Ki=100

1) Mp =
2) Tss=
3) Tr=

d) PD controller Kp=2, Kd=0.0345

1) Mp =
2) Tss=
3) Tr=

e) PID controller Kp=2, Ki=100 and Kd=0.035

1) Mp =
2) Tss=
3) Tr=

SI. Proportional Proportional Proportional
Specifications P.I.D
No Derivative (PD) Integral (PI) (P)

Results and Conclusions:

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A) To design a passive RC lag compensating network for the given specifications, like
the maximum phase lead and the frequency at which it occurs.

To obtain its frequency response.

Apparatus required:
1. Resistors and capacitors As required As required
2. Signal Generator 1 MHz 1
3. C.R.O. with probes 30 MHz 1
4. Connecting wires As required

Formulae used:
( )=
( )
1. The transfer function of a lag compensator is given by, , <1.
( )

2. Constant factor = , which is always greater than unity.

3. Also, the constant factor = where m is the maximum phase angle lag in deg.

4. The maximum frequency at which maximum phase lag occurs, is, m = 2 f rad/sec.
where, f is the maximum frequency in Hz at which maximum phase lag occurs.
5. The maximum frequency at which maximum phase lag occurs is,wm = rad/sec.

6. The time constant T = R2 C sec.

7. Phase angle = sin deg for the Lissajous fig (a) shown below.
8. Phase angle = 180 sin deg for the Lissajous fig (b) shown below.

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1. A passive RC lag compensating network is designed and for the given specifications.
2. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
3. The output voltage of sine generator is set to 10 V (peak to peak) and is supplied as input to
the RC lag compensator.
4. A CRO is connected at the output of the lag compensator.
5. The input frequency of the circuit is varied in steps and the corresponding output voltage is
tabulated using CRO in every steps.
6. In addition to this, the phase angle is calculated using Lissajous figure in CRO.
7. The voltage gain is calculated using the formula as given in the table.
8. The plots of gain in dB Vs frequency and phase angle Vs frequency are plotted in semi log

Step 1. With the help of given specifications, compute the maximum frequency at which
maximum phase lag occurs using the formula m = 2 f

Step 2. Compute the constant factor using the formula =

Step 3. Compute the time constant T using the formula

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Step 4. Assume the value of C as like 0.1 F, then compute the value of R2 using the time
constant formula T = R2 C

Step 5. Using the formula of constant factor = compute the value of R1.

Tabular column:

Results and conclusion:

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Lag Compensator:
E (s) (R + 1 Cs) R Cs+1
G(s) = = =
E (s) (R + R + 1 ) R Cs
( )
+ 1
(R + R )
R C= and =
s+1 (s + 1 )
G(s) = =
s+1 (s + 1 )
Specifications: Maximum phase lag of -74 o at the frequency of 22KHz
Consider given data,
Max phase angle = m = |-74o| and Max frequency = 22KHz
( ) ( )
1. Constant factor = = = 51.6 (Consider =51)
( )
2. Maximum frequency at which maximum phase lag occurs is, m = 2**f rad/s = 138230.07
3. Max frequency m = (Recalculate for time constant T= 1/ m * = 1.01 usec )

4. Time constant T = R2 * C sec. (For design select C=0.5 uF). Hence R 2 = 2.02 (Choose R2 =
( )
5. = = 51 implies R1 = 100.
( . )
6. Transfer function G(s) =
( . )
7.Matlab code for bode plot
H= (s+9.901e5)/(51*s+9.901e5);


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B) To design a passive RC lead compensating network for the given specifications, like the
maximum phase lead and the frequency at which it occurs.

To obtain its frequency response.

Apparatus required:


1. Resistors and capacitors As required As required
2. Signal Generator 1 MHz 1
3. C.R.O. with probes 30 MHz 1
4. Connecting wires As required

Formulae used:
1. The transfer function of a lead compensator is given by, ( ) =
( )
,< 1

2. Constant factor = ,which is always less than unity.

3. 3. Also, the constant factor = where m is the maximum phase angle lead in

4. The maximum frequency at which maximum phase lead occurs, is, m = 2 f rad/sec.
Where, f is the maximum frequency in Hz at which maximum phase lead occurs.
5. The maximum frequency at which maximum phase lead occurs is rad/sec.

6. The time constant T = R1 C sec.
7. Phase angle = sin ( ) deg for the Lissajous fig (a) shown below.
Phase angle = 180 sin ( ) deg for the Lissajous fig (b) shown below.

1. A passive RC lead compensating network is designed for the given specifications.
2. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.

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3. The output voltage of sine generator is set to 10 V (peak to peak) and is supplied as
input to the RC lead compensator.
4. A CRO is connected at the output of the lead compensator.
5. The input frequency of the circuit is varied in steps and the corresponding output
voltage is tabulated from CRO in every steps.
6. In addition to this, the phase angle is calculated in every step using Lissajous figures
in CRO.
7. The voltage gain is calculated using the formula as given in the table.
8. The plots of gain in dB Vs frequency and phase angle Vs frequency are plotted in
semi log sheet.

Step 1. With the help of given specifications, compute the maximum frequency at which
maximum phase lead occurs using the formula m= 2 f

Step 2. Compute the constant factor using the formula =

Step 3. Compute the time constant T using the formula =

Step 4. Assume the value of C as like 0.1 F, then compute the value of R1 using the time
constant formula T = R1 C

Step 5. Using the formula of constant factor = compute the value of R2.

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Tabular column:

Sample calculations:

Results and conclusion:

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Lead Compensator:
E (s) R R (R C s + 1)
G(s) = = = =
E (s) R + (1 + R cs
(R + ( ) ) ( )

R C= and =
(R + R )
(s + 1 )
G(s) =
(s + 1 )
Specifications: Maximum phase lead of 74 o at the frequency of 22KHz
Consider given data,
Max phase angle = m = |74o| and Max frequency = 22KHz
( )
1. Constant = = = 0.0197
( ) ( )
2. Maximum frequency at which maximum phase lag occurs is, m = 2**f rad/s = 138230.07
3. Max frequency m = (Recalculate for time constant T= 1/ m * = 51.54 usec )

4. Time constant T = R1 * C sec. (For design select C=0.5 uF). Hence R 1 = 103 (Choose R1 =
5. = implies R2 = 2.
( )
( . )
6. Transfer function G(s) =
( )
7.Matlab code for bode plot
H= (s+19402.4)/(s+984893);


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Time Domain Analysis of continuous-time LTI Systems

1. To enter a transfer function

2 s 3 5s 2 3s 6
G (s)
s 3 6 s 2 11s 6
Matlab Code :

num1=[2 5 3 6];
den1=[1 6 11 6];
% To display the system description as a rational function of 's'

% To display the factored form of the transfer function
sys2= zpk(sys1);

2. Transfer function to zero-pole conversion (tf2zp)

Matlab Code : [z,p,k]=tf2zp(num1,den1)

%To obtain the pole-zero map: pzmap(num1,den1);

Try the reverse transformation zp2tf : [num2,den2] = zp2tf(z,p,k)

3. To find the Partial Fractions of the Transfer function

Matlab Code : [r,p,k]=residue (num1, den1)

%Try the reverse transformation: [num2,den2]=residue(r,p,k)

4. Transfer-function to state-space conversion (tf2ss)

Matlab Code : [A,B,C,D]=tf2ss (num1, den1)

Try the reverse transformation ss2tf: [num3,den3] = ss2tf (A,B,C,D)

5. To find the overall Transfer-function of systems connected in cascade/parallel

Let G1(s) = 3/(s+4) and G2(s) = (2s+4)/(s2+2s+3)

Overall TF of the systems connected in cascade

For series

Matlab Code : n_g1 = 3; d_g1 = [1 4]; n_g2 = [2 4]; d_g2 = [1 2 3];

[n_gc,d_gc] = series (n_g1,d_g1,n_g2,d_g2)

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6. To find the overall Transfer-function of feedback connected systems

Let G1(s) = (s+1)/(s^2+2s+5) and H1(s) = s/(s+1)

To find the overall TF of the negative feedback system described above

Matlab Code :

n_g1 = [1 1]; d_g1 = [1 2 5];

n_h1 = [1 0]; d_h1 = [1 1];
systf = feedback (sys1,sys2)

7. Obtain the overall transfer function of the block diagram given.

R(s) C(s)
+ + 4 1 1
1 0.5
- - - s4 s2 s3
1 2 3 4 5


Matlab Code :

% To find the transfer function of the block diagram given.

clear; clc;
n1 = 1; d1 = 1;
n2 = 0.5; d2 = 1;
n3 = 4; d3 = [1 4];
n4 = 1; d4 = [1 2];
n5 = 1; d5 = [1 3];
n6 = 2; d6 = 1;
n7 = 5; d7 = 1;
n8 = 1; d8 = 1;
nblocks = 8;
% Connection matrix
q=[1 0 0 0 0
2 1 -6 -7 -8
3 2 0 0 0
4 3 0 0 0
5 4 0 0 0
6 3 0 0 0

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7 4 0 0 0
8 5 0 0 0];
iu = [1]; % input vector
iy = [8]; % output vector
% State space model
[A B C D] = connect(a,b,c,d,q,iu,iy);
% TF model
[num,den] = ss2tf(A,B,C,D) ;
% Overall system transfer function
sys1 = tf(num,den)

8. Obtain the overall transfer function of the block diagram given.

R(s) + C(s)
+ 1 10
_ s2 _ s ( s 1)

0. 5 s

Fig. Ex-8

9. Obtain the unit step response and the time domain specifications for the system whose
closed loop TF is given by
C ( s) n2
a) 2 where 0.4 and n 5
R ( s ) s 2 n s n2
C ( s) 25(1 0.4 s )
R ( s ) (1 0.16 s )( s 2 6 s 25)

10. Obtain the unit step response curves of the system whose system matrices are
A = [-1 -1;6.5 0], B = [1 1; 1 0], C = [1 0; 0 1], and D = [0 0; 0 0].

11. Obtain the unit impulse response of the system whose TF is given as G ( s )
s 2s 1

where is varied from 0.2 to 1.0 in steps of 0.2. Plot all the response curves in single
figure window.
Hint: impulse (sys): Impulse response of LTI systems

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Stability Analysis of Unity Feedback Control Systems

1. Plot the time domain responses of the step, ramp, & parabolic functions for the unity
feedback control systems with following open-loop transfer functions.
5( s 4)
a) G( s)
s ( s 1)( s 2)( s 5)
b) G ( s ) 2
s 14 s 50

For Case a)


num=[5 20];
den=[conv(conv([1 0],[1 1]),conv([1 2],[1 5]))];
step(sys1);% STEP
s=tf([1],[1 0]) % 's' term
step(sys2);% RAMP
step(sys3);% PARABOLIC

2. Check the stability of a unity feedback control system with G ( s ) for
s ( s s 1)( s 2)

K=1 & K=3 by plotting the pole-zero map.

3. Plot Zero-pole map and hence, check the stability of the system whose system matrices
A=[0 1 0; 0 0 1; -160 -56 -14], B=[0; 1; -14], C=[ 1 0 0], and D=[0]

4. Check the stability of the system with characteristic equation

s 10 s 36 s 60 s 59 s 50 s 24 0 by finding its roots.
6 5 4 3 2 2

5. Obtain the Bode plot, gain and phase margins for the unity feedback control systems
with the open loop transfer function
320( s 2) 1300
(a) G ( s ) (b) G ( s )
s ( s 1)( s 2 8s 24) s ( s 2)( s 50)

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For Case a) MATLAB CODE :

num=[320 640];
den=[conv([1 0],conv([1 1],[1 8 24]))];
figure(1); margin(sys); [Gm,Pm,Wcg,Wcp] = margin(sys)

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Stability Analysis and SIMULINK Modelling

1. Obtain the root locus for K >0 for the system with open loop transfer function.

K ( s 5) K
(a) G ( s ) H ( s ) (b) G ( s ) H ( s )
s ( s 1) s ( s 1)( s 5)
(c) G ( s ) H ( s )
( s 1)( s 6 s 13)

Find the range of K for which the systems are stable. Compare with the theoretical results.
For Case a) MATLAB CODE :

sysGS=tf([1 5],conv([1 0],[1 1]));

2. An RLC series circuit with R = 1, L = 1H, & C = 10mF is connected to a dc source of

10V through a switch. Plot the inductor current and the capacitor voltage for time, 0 t
10s, if the switch is closed at t = 1s & the circuit elements are initially relaxed.

1/s -K- Mux y
Step Input Integrator Gain To Workspace
Transfer Fcn Mux


3. Compare the step responses of the system given in figure with and without Proportional
Controller. Also, study the effect of PI, PD and PID controller on step response of feedback
control system.

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With Proportional Controller

s 50
R(s) C(s)
Kp = 61.4
s ( s 10 )

s 20

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