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Esoteric Gazing

November 2016
Volume 1, Number 2

Messages from Mother Earth Switchwords

Psychosomatic Root Causes of Healing the Heart

5 Reasons People Dont Use
To Kill a Mockingbird Horoscope Energy Medicine

Spirit Release Ceremony for a Pet

Short StoryAn Appreciation of Art

Welcome to the November issue of Esoteric Gazing!

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere it is the time of

year when leaves begin to drop and thoughts turn to family
gatherings and good food. Our friends in the Southern
Hemisphere are witnessing the birth of the new season with
greenery. We welcome everyoneno matter where you call

We have a collection of excellent articles for your perusal in

this issue. We are always looking for stimulating informa-
tion to help you on your journey. As always, we welcome
your participation if you feel led to submit an article.

Thanks again for joining us on the journey! You are ap-


Pam Gillmore Nance Woods
Table of Contents
Five Reasons People Dont Use Energy Medicine by Anahata...Page 4

Messages from Mother by Mare Cromwell.Page 12

Psychosomatic Root Causes of Arthritis by Evette Rose.....Page 22

Life Enhancing Switchwords by Kat Miller ..Page 27

Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird Horoscope for the Author of Americas

Iconic Coming of Age Story by Dikki-Jo Mullen .Page 33

Spirit Release Ceremony for a Pet by Suzan Tyler ...Page 40

Healing the Heart by Aurora Luna ...Page 49

An Appreciation of Art: A Short Story by Casandra Nightengale..Page 53

5 Reasons People Dont Use
Energy Healing
By Anahata

The awakening is occurring at different times for each person and we are
at different levels of awareness and acceptance. Science is catching up
and the outdated Newtonian world is perhaps the last to embrace the con-
scious world we are all a part of. And can you blame them? When faced
with such changes which shift your entire world and shake all your beliefs
to the core, most would rather set about disproving all of this new age
woo woo stuff than come to grips with the fact that the world is not flat,
the world is not unfair, and we each are solely responsible for our well-
being on all levels.

As our technology advances, instead of proving that we live in a material-

istic world of separation, it is instead mounting evidence in tangible terms
that we are all One. That we live in a conscious Universe and are an inex-
tricable part of the whole. That separation, lack, and suffering are self-
imposed illusions and choices. The conscious energy revolution is empow-
ering us to take back our power and boldly step into the next phase of our
evolution, activating our DNA as we go, and further aligning us with our
essence which is unconditional love.

So why, with thousands of years worth of gurus and spiritual sages saying
the same thing, is it just now coming to be accepted and understood on a
large scale? We now have the knowing and ability to share information in-
stantly with an unlimited number of people, all at once. The powers that be
do not have the luxury of controlling the information which is received by
the masses. We are living in the prophesied time of awakening which is
occurring precisely in Divine timing. You chose to be here for this. We are

the ones weve been waiting for. And it feels so good to be alive to witness
this great transition. The support coming in as our vibration rises and al-
lows for more high vibrations to co-exist, is quickening the transformation.
And dont get me wrong, there are a lot of walls which still need to come
down but they are crumbling daily.

Here are five reasons why Energy Medicine is not used by many despite
the mounting evidence that we can heal our energy with our thoughts
and do so for others (even across great distances).

Societal Beliefs & Programming

Epigenetics is proving that we dont just receive DNA markers and coding
from our parents and ancestors, we receive emotional and mental ener-
gies from them as well. As Einstein said, the field is the sole governing
agency of the particle. Our DNA is not in charge, it is taking orders from
the field, namely, the membrane. And the membrane is filled with unlimited
possibilities awaiting vibrational ques from your emotions and thoughts.

Studies conducted on rats confirm phobias and other fear-based tenden-

cies past down to as many as 7 generations below the rats exposed to
any real or perceived threat. The offspring were just given those feelings,
thoughts, and even memories from experiences they didnt even have.

We didnt need any inherited junk to further support fear but it was given to
us anyways. When we come into this world with a slew of fear-based be-
liefs and even memories, its easy to see how and why people resonate
with other societal beliefs they may or may not have experienced them-
selves. From zero to seven years of age, we are completely open to pro-
gramming in order to learn as much as we can about this big bad world.

The propaganda to invoke fear on all levels is reinforced and transmitted

through the Media and social establishments. You cant turn a channel, or
scroll a page without hearing about just how scary, corrupt, and little power
we have as individuals over the quality of our lives and world. We are all
being brainwashed into believing what the Media wants us to believe.
Good, bad, or ugly (but usually bad and ugly) as a way to continue the illu-
sion of power and suppression.

Our world is focused on separation versus unity, hate versus love, and
fear versus empowerment. Well, at least, thats what they want you to be-
lieve. While this is changing quickly as we awaken, for those sheeple
who still believe everything the media or powerful organizations tell them,
they will not be jumping in line for Energy Medicine anytime soon. Having
the power to be healthy, wealthy, and happy is just too far of a stretch from
what theyve been told, and certainly doesnt allow the powers that be to
monetize or control anything. In fact, most dont have their own thoughts
surrounding their wellbeing and have given their power away entirely.
Which brings us to number two. The second reason why people dont use
energy medicine? Victim mentality.

Victim Mentality
When you have given your power away, its hard to understand how you
would have anything to do with the reality you find yourself in and you
close off the messages your higher self is trying to communicate through
them (to steer you in the other direction). You become the victim of a cruel
world and succumb to a lifetime of unfulfillment, dis-ease, hopelessness
and regret.

Energy medicine couldnt possibly work for you because it would imply you
had something to do with your current devastation. For many, theyd prefer
to live in the painful world theyve co-created and remain a victim because
the alternative would mean some level of responsibility. And, responsibility
through the lens of fear involves blame and shame. And so they go on in-
stead, blissfully unaware of the great power they have to change their cir-
cumstances and live the life they have always wanted. No, these types of
people will not be getting in line for any type of Energy medicine.

Unfortunately, the current model of healthcare also supports victim mental-

ity as they have continued to reinforce a materialistic viewpoint of the
world, in which our bodies are purely physical machines. When they are
dysfunctional, something is happening to them, external of your influence.
You have this disease or you have that symptom, and the only option is
surgery or drugs, neither of which fix the reason for your imbalance or
even try to address it which further support the belief that your body is
malfunctioning on its own. And this is fine for those who havent awaken,

theyd much prefer to be the victim, the alternative means theyd have to
take on a level of responsibility. Which brings us to the third reason why
people dont use Energy Medicine.
Too Much Responsibility
When Religion and Science divided hundreds of years ago, Science be-
gan to focus on the physical and left all of the unseen things to Religion.
This then lead to further separation and blocks to understanding where we
continued to segment the physical into smaller and smaller parts, none of
which seemed to work as a whole. We began to view the unseen as
somehow non-scientific and even something you have to believe in. This
lead to a society which has to see to believe, and forget about making
sense of the 99.99% which makes up our world.

Now that Science is proving that ALL is energy and that matter (the
mere .001% of all things) is really only vibration perceived by our limited
senses, we are awakening into a new world where every thought, feeling
and experience we have dynamically changes our gene expression in
both positive and negative ways. Science is backing this up and we are
entering the Quantum domain. We are coming to understand that our
minds are part of our body and our bodies are reflections of our thoughts
and emotions. Those with the most coherence energetically, are experi-
encing optimal flow and bliss. Aligning with unconditional love gets you

Unfortunately, our fear-based patterns and hard-wiring make the leap from
having no power to having all the power to affect our lives too hard for
some to bear. Your life changes in every way when you take back your
power and being creatures of habit, often we prefer the old and painful
over the new and blissful simply because we fear the unknown which sur-
rounds change.

The good news here is that we need not blame or self-loth for our lack of
knowing. We did so unconsciously and it took years of being misguided
down illusionary paths to get where we willingly went. Our first clue is that
it didnt feel good! We are built with amazing GPS systems which, when
we listen, are continually steering us towards our best selves and lives
and away from our nightmares. If only we would listen.

If you are finally ready to awaken, take back your power, and be grateful
that you call the shots and can co-create the life youve always dreamed
of, good for you! Welcome home. Just dont expect things to shift over-
night. Which brings us to the fourth reason why people dont use Energy
The Results Can Be Subtle
While our physical bodies are certainly a reflection of our thought and
emotional patterns, these patterns took years if not decades to create and
enforce. And, while you can certainly recover and heal completely in a
matter of seconds, it is unlikely that your vibrational majority (your energy
mix) will allow for such a spontaneous and complete restoration. If we
could instantly know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are already
whole, healed and healthy, our bodies would shift into that reality instantly.
This has been documented many times (much to the chagrin of material-
ists) and is a focal point of near death experiences (NDEs). Unfortunately
for most of us, our hard-wired beliefs and energetic patterns of fear take
time and effort to clear, transmute, and rewire and some never reach that
point of allowance.

With our healthcare system the way it is, we go in, the Doctor tells us
whats wrong by labeling our symptoms as the cause (when they are
anything but), writes out a prescription and sends us on our merry way.
We are used to popping pills to address this and that and expecting them
to work instantly paying no attention to the true causes underlying our dis-
ease and dysfunction. The problem with this ideology is that drugs do not
fix things, they suppress our natural alert system, our internal GPS (also
known as our symptoms) preventing the messages we need that some-
thing isnt aligned with our highest good. This suppression then causes a
myriad of other imbalances (as your body tries to get its point across in
other ways) which further complicates your bodys ability to find homeosta-
sis. Our healthcare system chases symptoms and suppresses them, it
does not educate or give us the tools needed to stay out of the hospital in
the first place.

Energy Medicine (that is, activating your bodys own ability to heal itself
through shifting the energy which was causing dis-ease) is not new. In
fact, if it werent for the powers that be planting seeds of doubt and lack of
belief, while refusing to spend money on confirming tests which would
prove its effectiveness, wed already have a well-established system to
maintain our optimal health. But, because materialistic science couldnt
understand it fully or monetize it, it has been labeled quackery and even

Why is it that pharmaceutical companies are aggressively perusing pat-

ents on naturally occurring medicine with no side-effects? Because, if
they can get away with it, they stand to make a lot of money! The reality is
all healing is self-healing. Pharmaceutical drugs would not work if they did-
nt fit into receptors you already have in your brain naturally. All this means
is that we have access to producing the chemicals we need to balance
just as we have the ability to throw our bodies out of balance in times of
prolonged stress and fear-based vibration. I would venture to say when
pharmaceutical drugs do work, it has little to do with the actual drug and
more to do with what the person thinks the drug will do and therefore com-
mands their brain to orchestrate chemically.

The cats out of the bag so to speak. While Energy Medicine is only as
strong and fast as you allow, it works. In our age of information technology,
Pandoras box has been opened and for those of us who are awake, we
cant be fooled into going back again. Our freedom is invoking a strong de-
sire to liberate others from their self-imposed chains of illusion.
The fifth reason people dont use energy medicine? They think they dont
know how.

They Dont Know How
While theyd love for you to scoff and confirm your false beliefs about En-
ergy Medicine not working at all, the fact is, it works holistically on all lay-
ers which for most of us, takes time to be reflected in the physical layer.

So remember, it took you more than a day to develop your issue and it
may take you longer than a moment to fully align with the healthy you.
Thankfully, there are many techniques to support you in feeling better as
you realign into optimization. The shift away from dis-ease and into whole-
ness can be a sweet one and gratitude will speed you along into aligning
with the reality you want to experience before it has manifested.

Dont worry, you have all the answers already inside on how to unlock and
release that which isnt serving you and a Universe of assisting frequen-
cies to elevate and transform you into a higher reality. You do not have to
be enlightened or floating on a cloud to embody health and realize your
power. You just have to be willing to remember.

Our bodies are already programmed to seek homeostasis and we use en-
ergy and the information found within that energy to activate healing re-
sponses. Just as a new mother has no idea how to physically create and
grow a baby, the baby grows (under the right circumstances) and in gen-
eral, comes out just fine. A miracle in fact. The extent to which our bodies
are programmed with Divine intelligence is mind-blowing and awe-

The only requirement to activating our Divine birthright and diving into the
Quantum world where we have direct control over our realities, is allow-
ance backed by intention. You are a powerful co-creator and can set up
many blocks to accessing your Divine intelligence. Unfortunately, this usu-
ally just confirms the false beliefs you once thought and can even be proof
that Energy Medicine doesnt work for you. Just remember, if you believe
or dont believe, you are correct.
But, through aligning with the essence of those things which already exist
in harmony and coherence (namely nature) you can support yourself in re-
turning to the memory of wholeness. Nature is already in a state of bal-
ance. It is not judgmental or stressed out, it is not focused on lack, separa-
tion or fear. It is cradled in a natural flow and in direct entrainment with the

Universe. This is why so many find comfort in nature. Another way to ac-
cess this state is to go straight to your own Source Point. Through medita-
tion and mindfulness, you can rejoin all of creation and step into the Quan-
tum field of unlimited possibilities. A Universe where you are a frequency
alchemist, quite capable of conscious co-creation and evolution.

New energy modalities such as the one I have been tasked to deliver are
emerging to answer the collective call for assistance. I call them Anahata
Codes. They are Assisting Frequencies for holistic health and ascension
support. Divine numeric sequences which when delivered through con-
sciousness, intention and the heart chakra, provide the 7 Tools of Restora-
tion; reflect, release, rewire, replenish, resonate, rejoice and reunite.

You can download the thousands of Assisting Frequencies which are pro-
grammed to upgrade your exquisite DNA and activate healing responses
for free at

However you choose or dont choose to implement the cutting edge tools
available in the form of Energy Medicine, at least now, youll have a better
understanding of why people dont use Energy Medicine and why they do!

After a series of personal losses, Anahata surrendered to the flow of the Universe and
straight into the arms of God and the path He has set for her. Divine Interventions lead
her to become a Certified Emotion Code practitioner. Her love of the healing abilities of
crystals then lead her to ask for guidance which she received as a Divine Download.
God spoke to her and shared details of Assisting Frequencies which we all have ac-
cess to because we are connected to all. Anahata now teaches the wisdom and codes
shes been given to facilitate holistic healing and ascension support. She teaches
online Anahata Mastery Courses, facilitates 21 Day Transformative Journeys, and
shares many free resources (including the codes themselves) on her website: and She
selects a limited number of one-on-one clients where she
uses The Emotion Code, Anahata Codes, Regeneration
Healing, and Blueprint Activation techniques as well as vi-
bration recipes to facilitate a persons own ability to heal
themselves. Anahata is Sanskrit for unstruck, the eternal
inner om, and she aspires to help people return to their
Source Point (inner resonation of love, joy, and compas-
sion, fully aligned with Source and wholeness).

Messages from Mother
By Mare Cromwell

Messages from Mother. Earth Mother it was overwhelming me that I

was communicating directly with Earth Mother and I was reluctant to be
public about this then. So that book was written in the context of a young
woman named Sarah meeting Mother in the forest. Yes I, Mare, am
Sarah. Enjoy the story ;~)

It was a beautiful clear Saturday in April. Sarah, an attractive red-haired

woman in her early thirties, was out for a long hike at a large mountain
park in Virginia that day. She was feeling rather distraught. Her boyfriend
had told her the night before that he wanted his freedom to take off and
travel the country. Her life felt dismal and she needed to be in the woods.

Sarahs heart was aching from her boyfriends surprise announcement. On

top of that, shed been barely able to handle watching the news for the
past few months. All the killings, fighting in the Middle East, droughts and
floodsit was all so overwhelming. The familiar tentacles of depression
were starting to take hold.

She hoped that a brisk hike on one of the longer mountain trails in the
park would help boost her mood. Being out in nature always helped Sarah
feel more balanced and happier. There was something about the ambi-
ance of wild spaces that healed her.

On this particular early spring day, the forest was still and there were no
other hikers. Just being out in the fresh mountain air and moving her mus-
cles was helping to shift Sarahs perspectives about her life. Daniel had
been feeling restless for months. She did want him to be happy. If he felt
called to hit the road and be an adventurer, she wanted to give him her full
blessings. Maybe it would be a good thing for her to be single for a while,
too. The hiking gave her space to muse, yet her heart still hurt.

Sarah loved hiking. She started to daydream about how fantastic it would
be if someone hired her to hike. What bliss that would be. She loved being
a pre-school teacher but shed rather be outside in the mountains all day.
Oh, the mountains she could climb, the great leg muscles shed develop.
Her mind strayed from noticing the trees and bushes along the trail to pon-
dering the jobs she could find that would issue biweekly checks for hiking
all the trails shed ever want to hike. Maybe she could even get paid for ar-
ticles about her hikes. She loved to write, too.

As Sarah was daydreaming, she came around a bend in the trail and sud-
denly stopped. To her shock, a roundish older woman who looked like
someone from the Middle Ages stood in front of her. The woman was aver-
age height and dressed in long, rather dirty dark layers of skirts made of a
heavy, coarse material Sarah had never seen before. Her gray hair was
pulled back from her beautifully weathered wide face, and a full buxom
chest filled out the whitish, splotched peasant shirt she wore. Sarah
guessed that this strange person must be in her mid-fifties. She stared at
the woman.

The woman gazed back at Sarah with the most gentle and compassionate
eyes Sarah had ever seen. This woman felt so so familiar, Sarah
thought to herself, though she knew she had never met her before. Yet
there was such a warm feeling to her. Instantaneously Sarah felt at ease
around her, which was highly unusual since Sarah generally felt very nerv-
ous around strangers.

Well, arent you even going to say hello? The woman finally said in a
deep husky tone with a strange sounding accent Sarah could not quite
make out.

Her voice startled Sarah. Oh! Sorry So rude of me! I well I really
did not know what to say to you. You well, you seem so different, as if
youre not from this world and maybe I was dreaming and you really dont
exist. I have been really stressed out and

Oh, I exist, all right. I definitely exist. Yep. In more ways than you realize,
the woman interrupted Sarah.

Who are you? Sarah blurted out. Then it struck her that her blunt ques-
tion was a very insensitive way to speak to an elder.

Oh, honey, well who I am is a long story. A very long story. But Ill give
you the short version. This may seem rather a shock to you, but Im the
Mother of this planet. Im Earth Mother. Some call me Gaia. Some call me
just plain Mother. In the Andes, many two-leggeds call me Pachamama. I
have different names from culture to culture and language to language.

As she was talking, Mother watched Sarahs jaw drop lower and lower.

Yes, I know it is hard for you to believe that Im Earth Mother and that Im
talking with you. This is not an everyday occurrence. I know this. You can
come over here and pinch me if you want. I am real, she added.

Ah, thats okay Sarah said, shaking her head. How can a person just
go up and pinch Earth Motherif this really was Earth Mother? This was
all too weird. Part of Sarah wanted to turn around and run. This was
stretching her comfort zone beyond anything she had ever experienced
before. Yet she was amazed at how safe and at ease she felt around this
woman, this so-called Earth Mother in the funny-looking clothing. She
could not turn and run. She was transfixed by this womans presence.

Sarah reached her right hand down to her thigh and pinched it through her
pants to ensure she was not dreaming. She definitely felt the pain. This
definitely was happening.

Honey, I know this is way out of the ordinary. Believe me, I know this. It is
extremely rare for me to appear to a two-legged. But Ive been waiting for
you. I know your boyfriend broke up with you last night. Yes, I know his
name is Daniel and you really care about him. And your heart hurts so
much right now. I know youve been fighting off depression and youd
rather be paid to hike mountain trails more than anything else, Mother

Dumbfounded, Sarah wondered how this woman knew all of this about
her. Maybe this actually was Earth Mother? Still, nothing from her child-
hood Presbyterian church had taught her anything about meeting an older
woman on a trail who claimed to be The Mother of the whole planet.

On the other hand, she had been reading more about Native American
spirituality in the past few years. Black Elk Speaks, The Wind is My Mother
and some of Hyemeyohsts Storms and Jamie Sams books were doggy-
eared and piled by her bed at her apartment this very day. She had started
to embrace the concept of an Earth Mother who was the planets con-
sciousness. But one that showed up on the trail as an older woman
dressed in funny-looking clothes was stretching it!

Mother continued, You have a beautiful heart, and I know how much you
care about the environment and how much sorrow you experience with all
the hard news that your culture broadcasts about what is going on around
the world. Your papers and televisions dont cover most of the worst of it.
Fukushima. The US Navy testing terribly painful sonar waves in the ocean
that are killing dolphins and injuring whales. The toxins spewing into the
ground and groundwater, and on and on. I know how you have been feel-
ing so overwhelmed by all of this. Believe me, Im not happy about any of
it either.

Sarah looked at the ground and nodded sadly. What this woman was shar-
ing was all true.

Sarah, I know this is a stretch for you to believe that you are talking with
me, Earth Mother. But I need your help. Ive been watching you for a
while, and I know you are the two-legged who can do this. I know youve
been signing the environmental petitions and going to the marches and
doing other things, like many of the others who love me. I know youve
been feeling such love for me. You can help me directly. You can get my
message out to the world, share my thoughts about all of these things and
more. I need a two-legged to do it, and youre a good writer and I like you
a lot. Mother gave Sarah a warm smile as she said these things.

Sarah listened to Mothers request and realized that part of her great sad-
ness and depression was because she did feel so powerless with all of the

terrible environmental trends. Shed been filling out every petition that
came into her email inbox and giving small checks to some environmental
and socially progressive groups, but didnt feel she was making much of a
difference. Maybe she could truly help in other ways. Maybe this really
was Earth Mother. This woman was not any ordinary woman that was
certain. For one, she was psychic. Plus, her clothes were too different.
And, there was that weird accent she had. But what was most convincing
was that Mother oozed love. A warm, cozy love that felt so kind and com-
passionate. The aroma of roses wafted around her, even though there
were no rose bushes anywhere around on that trail. Sarah just noticed
that, too. All of a sudden Sarah had an overwhelming desire to go up and
be hugged by Mother.

Honey, you can hug me if you want, Mother said.

Sarah dropped her daypack and stumbled forward into Mothers arms.
Mother took her in and held her close. Sarah gradually let herself relax
into Mothers chest and felt her heart begin to release what felt like a
cloudburst of pain and sorrow. The tears swelled and before she knew it,
she was sobbing into Mothers chest and Mother was caressing her head
and her gently.

Thats okay, honey, you just go ahead and cry. Just let it out. I know your
heart has been carrying so much. Your beautiful heart Mother said.

Sarah had no idea she harbored so much sadness and sorrow. She cried
and cried and cried as Mother held her, until finally there were no more
tears to come out, just a few heaving sighs. Mother loosened her arms but
held onto Sarahs hands as Sarah stepped back from her. Mother looked
her in the eyes and said softly, I love you so much. You are one of my

Mother put her right hand on the heart space between Sarahs breasts and
held it there for a few moments. As she did this Sarah felt a gentle warmth
come into her chest, move into her torso from where Mothers hand was
resting, and then out to her arms and legs.

Mother smiled and removed her hand and stepped back from Sarah.
Sarah stood there for several moments feeling a little woozy. The energy
Mother had given her seemed to wash her spirit body gently as it moved
through her physical body. She felt lighter and more positive than she
could ever remember.

Whoa. Thank you. That was intense I had no idea I had that much sor-
row in me. It feels as if you this is hard to put into words. You healed
my heart, Sarah said.

Yes, honey, I did. I can heal all sorts of things. My work really is to heal.
There is so much healing needed these days. So much Mother sighed.

You really are Earth Mother, Sarah said.

Yes, sweetie, I really am, Mother gave Sarah a deep smile that was so
beautiful, it sent another energy wave through Sarah that made her feel
more joyful than shed ever been in her life. It was as if she were glowing.

Wow. Youre amazing, Sarah said.

Honey, Im just Earth Mother. A rather tired Earth Mother, for that matter.

Yeah, I bet thats true. Sarah paused for a few moments. How could she
say no to this invitation from Earth Mother? This really must be her. It
would be beyond words to work with her. She wanted to pinch herself
again to be certain she wasnt dreaming. But it was real. This was defi-
nitely happening.

Okay, Sarah finally said. Id like to help. Id love to help. As a matter of

fact, Im not sure if I want to go back to my lonely apartment and my job at
all. Cant I just stay here with you?

Mother shook her head and said, Oh, honey, Im afraid that wont work.
You have your life to live in your two-legged world. And I need you to be in
that world to share my messages. I am only here in front of you right now,
looking like an older woman, so you and I can meet today. We can cer-
tainly meet again and again, which I hope we will. And Ill be in this human

body all those times in the future for our meetings. But most of the time Im
not in a human body. Im the wind, the birds, the trees, the rivers, the vol-
canoes, the ocean ah, yes, the ocean. I can be found in all of those
parts of the Earth and more. Thats just how I am.

Earth Mother hugged Sarah one more time. But you and I can meet often
where well sit down, even have some tea, and Ill give you some mes-
sages Id really love you to share with the rest of the world. I would really
love to be able to do that with you. And you can have more hugs. I might
even tell some bad jokes too. You wouldnt believe some of the ones I
hear. I hope you dont mind bad jokes, Mother laughed.

Okay, said Sarah, smiling. Im definitely up for it. But how am I going to
do all of that? How will I get your messages out to the world? Ive never
published anything, not even a small poem.

Oh, good! I was so hoping that youd say Yes! Dont worry about the de-
tails right now though. Ill guide you. Now, Id like to show you where well
meet. Its a sacred grove near here. Come on, Ill show you, Mother said.

Mother turned around and tromped off into some thick trees beyond the
trail. She was remarkably limber and fast, considering her heavy skirts and
round body. Sarah practically had to run to keep up with her. They bush-
whacked about a quarter of a mile into the woods, and Sarah was spent
and pulling branches out of her hair by the time they got to the edge of a
beautiful open glade surrounded by oak trees.

As soon as Sarah saw the glade, she completely forgot the branches in
her hair and raw scratches on her arms where shed been thwacked by
the underbrush. Its magnificence took her breath away. Along with some
thin grasses, there were wildflowers she had never seen before, and she
had been a student of the areas wildflowers since her teens. The glade
was a perfect oval about sixty feet across and forty feet wide. The tower-
ing oaks around it kept it shaded even in the center where there was a
hand-hewn wooden chair and small bench with a low table between them.

Yes, this is quite lovely, isnt it? said Mother.

Sarah nodded her head as she soaked up the beauty of the grove. Mother
then led her into the center and said, This is where well meet. Well have
the most delightful time together. Im so looking forward to this. Oh, and
dont worry, the chairs are quite comfortable to sit in, Mother winked.

Sarah nodded as she continued to absorb the intimate beauty of the

glade. It had a quality to it she had never experienced before, a serene vi-
brancy of joy, it seemed.

There were so many different types of birds flitting around in the branches
of the oaks, singing so joyfully. There were some bird species new to
Sarah there also. It was all so remarkable and magical.

Mother interrupted her gazing around the glade. Sarah, Id love to meet
weekly so we can sit down and have some good long visits. There is so
much I want to share in these messages.

Yes, I think I can do that, Sarah responded. She knew shed rearrange
anything in her life to have these meetings with Mother, and quietly prayed
no funerals or any other emergency would arise.

Dont worry, it will all work out for you to make our discussions here,
Mother said. One more thing, Im going to give you this stone to help you
know this did really happen and we shall meet again. I know it may be
hard for you to believe weve just met after we part this afternoon. As she
was saying this she reached down into the folds of her outer skirt and
pulled out a beautiful blue stone that almost matched Sarahs eyes.

Gosh, thats really stunning, Sarah said as she took the stone and looked
at it more carefully.

Okay, now put that in your pocket and off you go. Ive got things I need to
tend to elsewhere. Do you see that little gray squirrel at your feet? Hell
guide you back to the trail so you can get on home, Mother said in a hur-
ried tone.

Sarah put the stone in her pants pocket and looked down to see a squirrel
she hadnt noticed before with a distinct white tuft at the end of his tail. The
squirrel caught her glance and immediately started bounding off to the
edge of the grove where they had entered.

But wait! Mother! How will I know what time? And suppose the weather is
bad? Sarah asked anxiously, watching the squirrel take off.

Dont worry, Sarah, watch the stone. It will turn a different shade of blue in
your apartment when Im calling you to meet. It will be midday. And no
fears about the weather. It will all work out. Oh, and this grove exists only
for you and me. No one else can find this sacred space. So you wont be
able to bring anyone here if you wanted to. One more thing, Mr. Tufts will
greet you at the trail to guide you in every time we meet. Now run along.
Mr. Tufts is waiting.

With that, Mother turned and briskly walked to the other side of the glade
and vanished.

Again, Sarah had to run through the thick trees dodging branches, this
time to keep up with Mr. Tufts. He led her back to the trail and then turned
around and gave Sarah a quick piercing look that took Sarah aback. She
had no idea that squirrels could be that intense. Then Mr. Tufts quickly dis-
appeared into the thick brush in another direction.

Sarah sat down on a log about ten feet down the trail toward the direction
of her car and pulled her water bottle out of her daypack. After taking a
long swig, she pulled out her cell phone and was stunned to see that only
five minutes had passed since the last time she looked at it, just before
meeting Mother. How could that be? She began to ponder all the things
that had just happened to her that seemed beyond any logic or answer.

She pulled out the blue stone from her pocket and studied it. It was a deep
blue with tiny striations of gray in it. She had never seen anything like it
and suspected that no scientist had either. The stone was warm from be-
ing in her pocket and had a heavy solidness to it. She held it to her heart
and felt a faint ripple of Mothers energy again. As she put the stone back
in her pocket, she made the commitment to carry it with her everywhere
she went. It would be like having Mothers love with her at all times.

After some water and nuts, Sarah decided to head back down the trail to
go home. She did not feel the need to hike anymore. Her mind was swim-
ming with the days events. Was it really just five minutes? Had she just
experienced a time warp? Her fingers kept being drawn to play with the
blue stone in her pocket as she forced herself to accept that the meeting
on the trail did just happen. She had met Earth Mother and was going to
be seeing her again, often.

Mother said that shed know when to come back next Saturday just by
watching the stone. Sarah wondered what color it would turn and how it
would be able to change colors. And how did Mother have the ability to
take on a human body like that? The questions bounced around in her
head as her sneakers pounded the downhill trail.

In spite of the slew of questions in her brain, Sarah felt more at peace and
happier than she ever remembered. She also knew she could never tell
anyone about what happened that afternoon. Theyd think shed gone bon-

Whatever she wrote up to publish was all going to be labeled fiction. Of

this she was certain.

With a background in environmental work, Mare Cromwell was a National Park Ser-
vice Ranger in the Grand Canyon and Alaska in her early twenties and later received
her Masters in Natural Resources (University of Michigan), which evolved into interna-
tional environmental work in the 1990s. Then she shifted into leading workshops about
environmental sustainability on the corporate level on a part-time basis. Mares first
book is called If I gave you Gods phone number. Searching for Spirituality in Amer-
ica. So its easy to conclude that shes open to the con-
cept of communicating with the spiritual realms, the
realms of the mystics.

Follow Mare at

We are pleased to introduce a new featureAsk Evette Rose. Each is-
sue Evette will answer questions regarding your health. Plus there will be
a link for you to watch videos on her site that are just for our readers! If
you have an issue that youd like for Evette to address please email us
and well get the question to Evette.

Her book is available for purchase as well. Simply follow this link and
make your purchase.

Evette is also doing an interview on each topic that she covers. Watch her
videos at

Psychosomatic Root Causes
of Arthritis
By Evette Rose

Welcome to Ask Evette Rose. Todays topic is the Psychosomatic Root

Causes of Arthritis and what makes this article even more special is that I
had the privilege of interviewing a man how healed himself from this se-
vere and almost permanent debilitating ailment. Arthritis is not just
a condition that affects the elderly this is a condition that can surface in
any one and at any age! Another important aspect to Arthritis is thats not a
just a singular ailment. Arthritis is actually just an informal way of referring
to joint pain, joint disease, inflammation and stiffness in the
joints. Common joint symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and de-
creased range of motion. Symptoms may come and go. They can be mild,
moderate or extremely pain and severe. From what I have learned so far
is that there are more than 100 different types of Arthritis and related con-
ditions. What ever perspective you had on Arthritis is so much more than
what we seem to generally actually know about this condition. However,
for the person suffering from this painful ailment will know all to well the
impact, stress and emotional, physical, psychological and physical chal-
lenges it can bring with it.

Now, lets look at the psychosomatic patterns behind this condition

If you are challenged by this condition then you may be very rigid in your
life or relationships, tightly controlling your emotions. You draw your power
and strength from being stubborn. Stubbornness served you very well dur-
ing childhood and I know that you know what I mean, its not that you were
a difficult person, it was your way of just keeping a safe emotional barrier
around you due to conflict and stress in your life and external environ-

You are often reluctant to ask for support. Your pride keeps you from lean-
ing on others, which you think of as a weakness. You have been fending
for yourself for a long time.

You can also be very self-critical and self-destructive and this often relates
to the way you allowed people to treat you, which often becomes an inter-
nalized experience and feeling that you ultimately start to express your-
self, towards yourself. You might also feel restricted in your circumstances
and dont seem to feel that you can speak your mind. This leaves you feel-
ing bitter toward the people you feel controlled and silenced by. You rely
on your venomous tongue to be heard, otherwise you feel that people
dont listen or respect your boundaries.

You may feel that you are missing out on your goals and dreams as you
were molded into becoming a servant and responsibility carrier for others.
You find it challenging to watch people walk all over you yet you often fail
to take responsibility for poor personal boundaries I will go into this aspect
more in just a few minutes. There is a part of you that needs to believe it is
someone elses fault you suffered and struggled so much (this is also of-
ten related to a maternal grandmothers patterns that is now surfacing in
your life through genetic predisposition). It is very important to learn how to
take your power back without needing to use anger and resentment to es-
tablish independence and worthiness.

You feel robbed of opportunities to speak up and be listened to. You have
done enough for others and now it is time for your goals. You cared for
others out of obligation, making you feel taken advantage of and rigid.
Your body is now telling you to stop this one-way cycle and start looking
after your own needs.

What are you still searching for? Why are you not getting it? The answers
to these questions need to be addressed and dealt with. You cannot
change the past; you can only change how you feel about it, thereby
changing the outcome of your future to have a more positive impact and
ripple effect.

And often when you look back on life, you see a loveless lifeone filled
with loss, missed opportunities, being pushed around or depression.

You didnt feel accepted during childhood. Your mistakes were not toler-
ated so now the tables have turned and you do not tolerate other peoples
mistakes and weaknesses. Your anger has been suppressed for such a
long time that it has become explosive and draining at the same time.

An important key point to explore is womb stages. You may not have had
enough space to move around in the womb area. This may be due to lack
of space or just not moving enough. You may have stayed still for long pe-
riods of time in one position. This could have caused different parts of your
body to feel stuck, stagnant or in a painful and uncomfortable position.
This could result in physical and soft tissue tension and stress in the body.
If you didnt have enough space to move around in the womb then ask,
How did that make me feel? The answer you find here would often be
similar to the issues that surface when you are experiencing arthritic
symptoms (or when it started the first time). It is important to find the asso-
ciation with the pain. Pain is often suppressed anger, feeling out of control,
or resentful. The answer that you are searching for should not be a super-
ficial answer. Explore further.

Now lets also look at points that you can start to explore and ask
yourself to understand the reason why this medical condition is chal-
lenging you so much.

My personal opinion after having worked with many people worldwide on

this ailment I realized that this condition often surfaces to show and help a
person to learn and recognize where their boundaries also explained in
the Metaphysical Anatomy language as emotional limits / thresh-
olds are. That they are also not responsible for being the buffer between
two or more people who are in conflict. They tend to be the peacekeepers,
but believe me, there is so much more to a persons life than being a gate
keeper and peacekeeper because this pattern will backfire. The peace-
keeping tactic will eventually transform into anger as we all have our emo-
tional thresholds in life. This condition is showing a person to live their life
according to their own rules, wishes and agenda and to not be dictated
and manipulated by someone elses mood swings, agenda and expecta-
tions of them. This person has become to rigid in their life which has un-
consciously started to serve them as a boundary between them and
other people. There is often also resistance to letting go of old anger as
this has also become a barrier and way of setting boundaries in ones life.
Its easy to say no when you are really angry whereas its more challeng-
ing when you are in a good state of mind. Anger often starts to serve a
person as a protection barrier, however anger also feeds weak areas
in the physical body, which results in tension and ultimately pain.

My message

You are here to live your life and not to fulfill someone elses
failed dreams. Learn how to establish and exercise healthy boundaries. I
will be launching a boundaries online course healing training module
that will greatly help you in this area on my website! Stay tuned! On a very
positive note and change of agenda I have an extra special message that I
would like to share with you, I have had the privilege of meeting a young
man who healed himself of arthritis and his message was so powerful that
it pulled every heart string that I had, and I had the opportunity to interview
him and ask him about his life and healing journey! The interview can be
found on Enjoy!!

As an Author, Life Coach, Trauma Release Practitioner and Personal

Development Teacher Evette Rose strives to support people in their
healing journeys. She is the co-founder of the personal development
company Rapid Personal Transformation and founder of Metaphysical
Anatomy. Evette is best known for her work in helping people to resolve
trauma from their past and freeing them to live successful and fulfilling
lives. Evettes work is drawn from personal experience moving from a
difficult past into a well-balanced life and career. She has traveled
around the world twice and taught personal developments seminars in more than 38
countries and helped more than 6000 people worldwide. Her website is:

Life Enhancing Switchwords
By Kat Miller

In 1963 James T. Mangan wrote The Secret of Perfect Living, introducing

the world to the concept of Switchwords, a way of accessing the subcon-
scious/other than conscious mind to simplify and ENHANCE life experi-

Mangan introduced Switchwords, presenting them in FULL capital letters,

and I CONTINUE WITH this presentation. Many Switchwords are pre-
sented in the paragraphs of this article. A FULL listing of currently defined
Switchwords is available at

How Switchwords Work

Switchwords TAKE advantage of the part of our minds where learning and
experiences are filed away to BRING to US whatever we want in life.

Have you ever paid ATTENTION to all the different ways you HOLD a tea
cup or coffee mug? If it is very FULL, you may HOLD the handle WITH
your thumb stabilizing ON topautomatically, no thought about it. If it is
very hot, you HOLD only onto the handleagain automatically. You
CHANGE how you HOLD the cup according to the situation, and rarely
even think about what you are doing. Long ago you learned the best ways
to HOLD that cup for each situation, and NOW without a single thought,
you just DO it.

This is the part of the mind Switchwords talk to, giving instructions for what
it is you want, then allowing you to automatically draw the experiences to
you. Switchwords talk to the other than conscious mind, the bigger know-
ing part of you. Switchwords convey a message by giving the other than
conscious mind an experience to look up in its vast resources of experi-
ence, and then BRING a NEW related experience to you.
This is the part of the mind Switchwords talk to, giving instructions for what
it is you want, then allowing you to automatically draw the experiences to
you. Switchwords talk to the other than conscious mind, the bigger know-
ing part of you. Switchwords convey a message by giving the other than
conscious mind an experience to look up in its vast resources of experi-
ence, and then BRING a NEW related experience to you.

As you live your life day-to-day, minute-by-minute, your other than con-
scious mind is filing away all of your experiences ON every level 24/7. Be-
fore you GO shopping, you may check your bank BALANCE, to see how
much money you have available (COUNT the money). Once you are at
the store, you probably calculate in your mind approximately how much
money you are spending (COUNT the money), to BE sure you stay within
your budget. When you check out, the cashier will tally how much the gro-
ceries cost (COUNT the money), and you probably watch the process, tal-
lying the amount being spent (COUNT the money). Once the tally is com-
pleted, if you pay WITH cash, you COUNT the money and GIVE it to the
cashier, who then will COUNT the money while putting it in the cash regis-
ter, then COUNT the change owed to you while pulling it out of the regis-
ter, turn and COUNT the money while giving it to you. You probably will
COUNT the money while the cashier does, and may COUNT the money
one more time as you PUT it away.

Generally, all interactions with money involve counting, thus COUNT is
your Switchword for making money.

How to TAKE Advantage of Switchwords to ENHANCE Your Life

Simply set your intention for what it is you want, then say the Switchword
to BEGIN to BRING it to you. Its as simple as that.

You can make it more complex if you CHOOSE:

You can repeat Switchwords many times.

You can write Switchwords on a piece of paper.
You can build a Switchphrase by stringing several Switchwords TO-
GETHER into a nonsensical sentence.
You can write them on a glass of water to place their energy into the
water and drink it.
You can place them inside a circle, to CREATE an Energy Circle, and
broadcast them to a space or a specific person, place or thing.

Things that May Prevent Switchwords from Working

When we are in a negative state of mind, we often block manifestation of
the things we want. CHANGE your focus from lack of what you want to
knowing it is ON its way.

Sometimes it may be difficult to distinguish a positive focus from a nega-

tive focus. Some may think that I want to avoid illness is a positive fo-
cus. However, a close look at the wording shows the focus to BE illness.
An intention of maintaining wellness may BE a better focus.

When we notice that things are not going as we would like, we tend to
push what we want further away, as again, we are looking a lack (of mani-
festation). If you cant think about what you want without feeling lack, then
focus on something else. Turn ON some MUSIC, GO for a walk, Do
something you enjoy; anything that helps KEEP you in a positive-feeling
space for a period of time. Right after invoking Switchwords is a great
time to DO something that stretches a good feeling, as this helps WITH
faster manifestation.

Switchwords often inspire US to step out of our normal routine. When you
use Switchwords, and you GET an impulse to DO something different, DO
it! This often is the other than conscious mind prompting you to CHANGE
your normal routine to ALLOW manifestation.

Sometimes we GET so focused ON how we expect manifestation to take

place, we dont notice it trying to come to US. Pay ATTENTION to NEW
experiences coming your way. EMBRACE them, CHANGE your routine to
ALLOW manifestation.

Switchwords are powerful, poignant words, an AMAZING tool to HELP you

CHANGE your life and GET what you want to FLOW your way.

Examples of a Few Helpful Switchwords for Daily Use

Switchwords can be helpful in all areas of your life. Over the last several
years, we have compiled a Switchwords Database with applications for
about everything you can imagine, from finding a PERFECT job to helping
excel in school, to selling property, improving family and LOVE relation-
ships, improving fertility and attaining pregnancy, fixing household appli-
ances, clearing debt and other negative focuses, restoring and maintain-
ing wellness, improving concentration and focusthe list goes ON and

The Switchwords Database, available on subscription to Blue Iris Learning

Center, also lists well over 1,000 Switchword Success Stories.

Below are a few popular Switchword applications:

When you are looking for a lost object or trying to find a solution to a prob-
lem: REACH.
If it feels like it has been wrongfully taken from you: RESTORE-REACH.
When your mind is chattering and chastising you for having lost it: QUIET-
When youve looked everywhere, havent found it and wish to have it just

Use any combination of these Switchwords that applies to your situation,


For organization and flowing easily through your day: DivineORDER

For smooth travel, quickly getting to where you are going: HALFWAY
To end procrastination and complete tasks: DONE

These Switchwords can be combined into a Switchphrase: DivineORDER


To improve your relationship with yourself: TOGETHER-DIVINE.

To improve interpersonal relationships: DIVINE-TOGETHER.

These two phrases can be combined as prefixes to additional Switch-

words for specific desires related to relationship:


Improve communication with others: DIVINE-TOGETHER-ACT-

Increase love and tolerance of yourself: TOGETHER-DIVINE-EMERALD-

Increase self-esteem, and confidence: TOGETHER-DIVINE-ANCHOR-

For a colorful conscious life: RAINBOW

To feel joy: DANCE
To feel magnificent: JEWEL
To be in peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or con-
trary energy: BE
Combine Switchwords into Switchphrases as you wish, to CREATE unique
PERSONAL Switchphrases PERFECT for you.

You may wish to check out the following links for more information:
Blue Iris Learning Center -

Current Switchwords List -

Switchwords Database (available with most Blue Iris Learning Center sub-
scriptions) -

Kat Miller, founder of Blue Iris Learning Center, at http:// has created as a place to share, learn, grow and
BE. Blue Iris Learning Center has many articles supporting
Switchwords, Healing Cards, energy vials Kat has created,
and many additional healing techniques. Blue Iris Learning
Center is dynamic and ever-growing, rich with life and healing
information. Blue Iris Learning Center includes a Forum,
where members can discuss innumerable topics and learn
from each other. Kat encourages people to post questions,
comments and experiences on the Forum, so we can all learn

Harper Lee To Kill a
Mockingbird Horoscope For The
Author of Americas Iconic Com-
ing of Age Story
By Dikki-Jo Mullen

When you have a hit like that, you cant go anywhere but down, author
Harper Lee would often joke, when asked why she never wrote again after
the 1960 publication of To Kill a Mocking Bird. One commentator com-
pared this hiatus to what would have happened if Mark Twain had written
only Huckleberry Finn or Shakespeare penned only MacBeth.

The theme of To Kill A Mocking Bird revolves around race relations and
injustice in the American South, a topic which touched the pulse of the
public consciousness deeply enough to win Harper Lee a Pulitzer Prize in
1961. The following year her book became an Oscar winning classic film
starring Gregory Peck. Eventually Harper Lee would go on to be ap-
pointed to the National Council for The Arts by President Lyndon B. John-
son in 1966, at the peak of the Civil Rights movement. Later she was
awarded the Medal of Freedom (the Nations highest civilian honor) by
President George W. Bush. In 2015, at age 89, Lee was greeted at The
White House yet again by President Barack Obama. This was after, at
long last, she did release her second novel Go Set A Watchman, which is
believed to be either a prequel or first draft of her iconic first book.

Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 at 5:25 pm in Monroeville,
Alabama. Her ascendant, at 25 degrees of Libra, is within orb of a con-
junction with Spica, the most fortunate fixed star in the heavens. She did
enjoy a charmed life in many ways. Her net worth at the time of her death,

in the early morning hours of February 19, 2016 in Monroeville, Alabama,
is estimated to be about 35 million dollars. The Libra ascendant, the sign
of The Scales, is often prominent in the horoscopes of those who cham-
pion the cause of justice. Her Sun at 7 degrees of Taurus and Chiron at 28
degrees of Aries form an out of sign conjunction in her 7th house. This fur-
ther emphasizes a focus on the law and exploring the balance of interac-
tions between people. She first studied law, then abandoned it, deciding
instead that journalism was her real love.

Harper Lee, as she preferred to called throughout her life, was born at
the Full Moon, with the Moon and Saturn conjunct in Scorpio in her 1st
house. This reveals a serious and intense personality with a tendency to
cherish her privacy. The Full Moon personality is always very responsive
to the environment and tends to drive projects forward to conclusions. As
a young college student at Huntington College, The University of Alabama
and later at Oxford University in England, Harper shunned parties and
fashion, preferring to wear plain clothing and dedicate her efforts to study.
Her Scorpio Moon is in mutual reception with Pluto in Cancer in her 9th
house. Pluto also conjoins the North Moon Node. This astrological pattern
shows an affinity for the travel industry as well as excelling in academics.
She worked for a time during the 1950s as a reservation agent for Eastern
Airlines. Eventually she quit that job to become an impoverished writer in
New York City. Living in a cold water flat with cast off furniture, she at-
tracted the help of friends who supported her for a year while she wrote.
She also collaborated with another prominent Southern writer and child-
hood friend, Truman Capote. Harper Lees Mars-Jupiter conjunction in
Aquarius points to her eclectic connections with and the key support of
helpful associates. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction, which has been called
the presidents aspect, tends to bring a memorable personality and an
ability to impact others. The Aquarius planets square her natal Saturn, re-
veals great ambition and energy. Mars and Jupiter are in her 4th house,
accenting the lasting ties to childhood home and parents. Throughout her
life she divided her time between New York City, where she could live a
private and anonymous life style and home town Monroeville, Alabama.
The strong 4th house conjunction and prominent Moon describe how her
writing drew inspiration from her childhood. Harper Lee was the youngest
of four children of a prominent local lawyer, Amasa Coleman Lee and
homemaker Frances Cunningham Finch. The names and initials of her be-
loved parents are reflected in one of her main characters, attorney Attiu-

cus Finch, a hint that To Kill A Mockingbird and recent second novel Go
Set A Watchman are both actually autobiographical. Her Jupiter is acci-
dentally exalted in the 4th house, pointing to the supportive influence of
her childhood home and parentage. Uranus in the 4th shows the progres-
sive and humanitarian values learned in her early home life.

Neptune in Leo in her 10th house forms an angular T- square with the
Scorpio and Aquarius placements. This powerful Neptune placement pro-
pelled Harper Lee to an elusive yet flamboyant celebrity and prominence.
Neptune traditionally is linked with justice for minorities and the disadvan-
taged, the theme of Harper Lees books. The empty leg of this strong an-
gular fixed sign T- square is directed toward the natal 7th house, again
emphasizing justice, social issues and relationships. Neptune forms a
wide orb but mutually applying trine with her Mercury, the writers planet, in
Aries, showing the originality, sensitivity and intuition expressed in her writ-
ing. Her subject matter is argumentative with much of the pioneer and
revolutionary spirit typical of natal Mercury in Aries.

Harper Lees 2nd house of earned income is ruled by Pluto. The source
and accumulation of her considerable wealth can be seen in the 9th house
placement of her natal Pluto which forms a grand trine in water signs with
her Venus-Uranus Conjunction in Pisces and her Moon-Saturn conjunction
in Scorpio. Her Taurus Sun, which is in an applying sextile aspect to natal
Pluto, further underscores her ability to acquire and guard financial assets.
The Venus-Uranus conjunction in the 5th house of romance also brings
speculation about her romantic inclinations. She never married and always
refused to answer any questions about personal relationships. The strong
Uranus might indicate that a desire for freedom plays a role in her inde-
pendent life style.

Taurus and Pisces placements often show an appreciation for music. As

a student Harper sang in the school Glee Club, as an adult she is said to
have had a preference for 18th Century music. Aside from her family, cats
were also her constant companions and great love. The strong natal water
sign influence as well as Mercury in her 6th house can describe the deep
affection for small animals. Sentimental Cancer spans much of her 9th
house, with the Moon there, by mutual reception, with Pluto. This points to
another important interest Harper Lee was reputed to enjoy; the history
and literature of the 19th Century.

The various transits and progressions to Harper Lees natal chart are in-
triguing in the way they reflect the stages in her career and accomplish-
ments. As a young teen Uranus in Taurus transited her Sun, showing un-
expected influences and challenges generated by people and situations
she encountered. This transit peaked in 1940 early 41 when she was
about 14. Saturn in Taurus at that time also opposed its natal place.

From 1944-49, when she pursued her

higher education and changed goals, transit
Neptune in early Libra was oppose her natal
Mercury. This coincided with the dissolving
and refocusing of her interest away from law
and toward journalism. During this time tran-
sit Saturn affected her 9th house, showing
her efforts with academic work, including
overseas travel to study in England. She
struggled with poverty during the early
1950s when Pluto, ruler of her 2nd house,
transited Leo. This activated her 10th house
of career and challenging angular natal T-square. Her Saturn return in
Scorpio in 1955 seems to have been an especially bleak and challenging
time. The Saturn return activated her natal Saturn-Moon conjunction, an
aspect with the potential for depression and sadness. Her father suddenly
became ill and passed away, an tragic event which had a tremendous
emotional impact on Harper.

In 1957 a first submission of To Kill A Mocking Bird was rejected, with

the criticism that it read like a collection of short stories. At that time Saturn
was transiting Sagittarius, trine to both her natal Mercury in Aries and Nep-
tune in Leo. Determined, Taurus-like, Harper rewrote the manuscript.
While this was happening transit Jupiter in Scorpio conjoined her natal
Saturn. Often a transit of Jupiter to conjoin natal Saturn (or vice versa) will
indicate the start of an important career opportunity. The rewrite was com-
pleted by 1960. At that time Uranus was in Leo, again activating Harpers
natal fire sign placements. Success was instantaneous by the end of the
year when transit Jupiter in Capricorn was trine her natal Sun in Taurus. In
1961 she won The Pulitzer Prize when Jupiter entered Aquarius. The Jupi-
ter transit was both trine her Libra ascendant and conjunct to her natal
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. By 1962 her novel was translated into at least

ten languages and developed into a screen play when it won an Oscar.
Neptune was transiting Scorpio, activating her natal grand trine in water
signs, while transit Uranus in Leo was conjunct her Neptune in her 10th
house of fame and fortune. During the 1960s Harper Lee began to shun
publicity. At the time of her 1966 appointment by President Johnson to the
National Council for the Arts transit Uranus was in Virgo, oppose its natal
place in Pisces. This opposition, which typically occurs during the early
40s or so, can mark a break with established situations, jobs or relation-
ships. Harper began to become more and more reclusive. She came into
the public eye only occasionally when the importance of her book was ac-

On April 29, 2014, just a day from Harpers 88th birthday, there was a
solar eclipse conjunct her natal Sun. At that time transit Uranus in Aries
was separating from a conjunction to her natal Mercury. This foreshad-
owed some changes in the status quo. It is possible that, fueled by current
news coverage of racial situations again, Harper Lee began to prepare her
second manuscript for publication then. On July 14, 2015, following weeks
of speculation, worldwide attention was again focused on Harper Lee. Her
new book Go Set A Watchman, was released. Once again she explored
the themes of Southern life and race relations. Was the timing linked to the
growing racial tensions around the United States? Or did Harper, who ap-
peared erudite and well for her 89 years sense that it was now or never
and that her own time of passing was near?

On July 14, 2015 the transiting Sun, Mercury and Mars were in Cancer
activating her five natal water sign placements in her 9th house. The
eclipses in the spring of 2015 further reflected the surprises and changes
in Harpers life. The solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 at 29 degrees of Pi-
sces was close to her natal Uranus at 27 and not very far from her natal
Venus at 21 degrees of Pisces. The lunar eclipse at 14 degrees of Libra
on April 4, 2015 was accompanied by a stellium of Aries transits (with the
Sun, Uranus and Mercury), all forming powerful cardinal sign aspects to
her natal Mercury in Aries. In true Uranian fashion the excitement gener-
ated by the new book has been short lived, though. Perhaps Harper had
been wise in not trying to expand upon her initial success after all.

Harper Lee passed away peacefully in her sleep during the early morn-
ing hours of February 19, 2016 at an assisted living facility in her home-

town of Monroeville. At the time of her death transit Mars was at 23 de-
grees of Scorpio, exactly conjunct her natal Saturn, the Moon was in Can-
cer and transit Neptune was sextile her natal Sun. The aspects suggest a
time of completion honoring an intriguing life well lived.

Data Birth Data Table

Tropical Placidus Houses
Nelle Harper Lee
Born on April 28, 1926 at 5:25 pm CST in Monroeville, Alabama
31N3140 : 87W1929
Sun 07 Taurus 54 7th house
Moon 19 Scorpio 33 1st house Full Moon
Mercury 10 Aries 59 6th house
Venus 21 Pisces 57 5th house
Mars 26 Aquarius 34 4th house
Jupiter 23 Aquarius 39 4th house
Saturn 23 Scorpio 54 1st house (retrograde)
Uranus 27 Pisces 44 5th house
Neptune 21 Leo 59 10th house (retrograde)
Pluto 12 Cancer 47- 9th house
Chiron 28 Aries 29 7th house
N. Moon Node (true node) 18 Cancer 57 9th house
Ascendant (rising sign) is 25 Libra 47

Internationally noted astrologer and spiritual counselor, Dikki Jo Mullen, has authored
numerous published articles. Currently Dikki Jos features and detailed astrology fore-
casts appear in The Witches Almanac and Dell Horoscope publications, available in
fine book stores everywhere.

She is the author of seven books including Koo Hollie and the Corn
Goddess Chronicle a metaphysical allegory and adventure story which
doubles as a text book about astrology, ghost hunting and much more.
Dikki-Jo writes under a number of nom de plumes, including Esther
Neumeier, Elaine Neumeier, Esther Elayne, Mother Ollmann, Grania
Ling, Dana N., Ms. Luna Sunshine, Laurie Bell, Koo Templeton, Catie
Saltmarsh, Kathryn Mueller, Leslie Ford, Sue Leroy, Marina the Gypsy
and Marina Bryony. Please e -mail Dikki-Jo at
for full details about personal readings and group presentations or
phone her at 407-895-1522. Her website is https://

Spiritual Release of a Pet
By Suzan Tyler

In March 2001, it was a typical cold, windy day. Earlier I had taken my
dog Buddy for a walk around the neighborhood. As we turned a corner,
we came face to face with a Calico Cat. It was not a cat Id seen around
here before. She was not afraid of Buddy, in fact, she sauntered right up
to him, sniffed his nose as he checked her out, she turned her butt to him
so he could get a good sniff, and then she walked over to me for a pet.
She had complete confidence.

Go home pretty kitty. Its way too cold for you to be out by yourself.
She looked at me, raised her tail, turned and walked off into one of the
new homes under construction.

That night it started snowing hard, a blizzard of a storm, dumping a

foot on us in an hours time. Looking out at the park across the street,
buried in white, an owl screeched from somewhere in the pines. Sud-
denly, there was a cry at the door. Buddy jumped up from his slumber and
I reached the door at the same time. Listening again, we heard it, the
sound of a baby crying loudly. What in the world?

I opened the front door and in ran the Calico cat from earlier in the
day. She was caked in ice, shivering cold. Buddy inspected her, remem-
bered her from earlier in the day, turned and went back to bed. I scooped
her up, ran her under some warm water to melt the ice on her fur and
wrapped her in a towel. She purred and snuggled in.

Put that thing outside! My husband, a non-cat lover was adamant I

send her back out into the snow storm. We have no way to take care of a
cat. Where will it go to the bathroom? What will it eat?

We will figure something out, look at her, shes frozen, I cant put
her back outside. She has no where to go! I was in tears but I knew he
had a point. At that time of night there would be nothing open to get her
some food or litter and I wouldnt drive in that storm anyway. We had
never tested our greyhound to be cat safe, what if he ate her during the

Just put it outside. It will find its way home. I didnt agree, other-
wise, how did she find us? Did she follow our scent from our walk earlier?
Surely the snow and all the other neighbors walking their dogs would have
covered that up by now, I thought. I had to decide if it was more important
to fight for her or keep the peace in my home with a staunch cat hater,
who for no other reason, was taught as a child that cats smother children
and were not to be trusted ever. I didnt say it made sense, it just was
what it was.

Now dry and warm, I held her to my heart, kissed her cheek and told
her Now go find your home! I let my tears drip down onto her head as I
bent over and put her back outside in the blowing snow. My heart was
breaking for this sweet little thing. She protested with a cry. I closed the
door on her and sobbed to myself.

As I walked to the side table to grab a tissue, I saw her sitting at the
sliding glass door off the patio. She had jumped the fence, crying to come
back in. I looked at my husband and said Well there you have it. She
has found her home. He was not happy. Buddy seemed to care less. I
was ecstatic.

I made arrangements with a neighbor who had cats to keep her in

her garage overnight until I could search for her owner the next day. Door
to door I went, Buddy in tow, cat in hand, asking strangers if she was their
cat. No one claimed her, though many said they have been leaving food
out for her over the past several weeks, and one left a blanket on their
porch for her. The Animal Shelter had no missing cat reports that matched
her, she had no microchip. She was mine. She picked me. My husband
would have to adjust. I named her Callie. The Vet said she was around 2
years old. Soon, however, my joy soon wore off.

That cat was the biggest pain in the ass Ive ever met. She was demanding, and
being a Calico, she was very vocalI understood now why she was home-
less. Nonetheless I loved her with all my heart.

That cat was the biggest pain in the ass Ive ever met. She was de-
manding, and being a Calico, she was very vocal. She had zero tolerance
for anything other than what she wanted, when she wanted it and there
would be no peace until she got her way. I understood now why she was
homeless. Nonetheless I loved her with all my heart. We would have con-
versations with each other and I had no trouble understanding exactly
what she was saying. Soon I taught her how to point with her eyes to
what she wanted. She taught me how to understand her many cries. This
one meant she was hungry. That one mad. This one meant she wanted
to be held, another meant she was just being ornery. Turn the water fau-
cet on for me to drink fresh running water was coupled with a head nod to-
wards the kitchen sink. Take me outside for some fresh air was her run-
ning through the house screaming at the top of her lungs until I scooped
her up to take her out to the grass. Her language was diverse and easily
understood. At least by me. Occasionally a visitor would be surprised to
hear her cry Momma when she wanted me, or to hear her argue with
me when she wanted something I was not wiling to provide. She very
clearly could say No and she had one voice that was clearly meant to
say I dont care if she lost an argument with me.

An animal that has a bond across space and time with you, one that
knows your soul, is thought to be a Familiar. While popular belief links Fa-
miliars to cats, it could be any animal, reptile or bird, even one who has
passed over. If youve ever had a strong connection with a pet or a type of

animal, youve experienced a Familiar. Ive had dogs who have preceded
her with similar traits and Ive had other cats in the house with Callie who
brought other spiritual tools to help me as Familiars. Callie inspired hubby
to start liking cats, he soon got over his illogical fears although Callie was
not one to easily forgive him for forcing her back out into the cold.

Over the next 17 years, Callie would push every single button I had.
She could put me on the edge of my very last nerve or open my heart so
big I thought it might burst with so much love. If I was ill, she would lay on
me or next to me, purring and sending healing vibrations to me to feel bet-
ter, if no other reason than to get me up faster to take care of her needs. I
was not under any delusion that she saw me as much more than her
slave. Any cat lover can relate. Multiply that times ten and you have a
good understanding of life with Callie.

At Christmas, 2015 I could see how much she had aged. She
needed pet steps to reach the counter to her food and water. She no
longer could make it to the potty box, so we put one in every room. Even
then, shed reach the box and use the floor in front of it, feeling like she
was close enough. She had the cat version of Alzheimers, she would
stand in the middle of the room and scream at the top of her lungs, or
wake up from a nap and scream. Because I understood her voice, I knew
she was crying Where am I? Where am I? over and over again until she
could hear my voice or I could reach her and hold her. Then shed curl up
and go back to sleep. A trip to the vet stressed her out horribly but I
needed to make sure she was not in pain. One problem with being an In-
tuitive Healer is your feelings for the person or animal you are reading can
interfere with the information you see. I could not get my love and con-
cern for her out of my way so that I could get a clear reading on her. I
needed to have outside information to get clear what she needed. I asked
a Shaman trained friend of mine who is highly intuitive to scan Callie for
me. She agreed with what I was seeing. She was aging physically and
mentally. I knew it was a matter of time before I would lose her. Slowly,
over time after that Christmas she was taken over by dark forces.

Her body was weak, and slowly, she began to exhibit strange behavior.
She would growl. I thought at first she was simply angry but soon, the
growling became more menacing. She would stand outside my bedroom
door and growl in the middle of the night. There was no sleep for us for
the last several months of her life. Still, I was not connecting the dots to
anything dark because I am surrounded by Angels and Ascended Masters,
the need to protect myself or her from that was so automatic it was not
even on my radar. I was blinded by her bad behavior without seeing what
I would so easily be able to see had she not been a part of me. Suddenly
the growling took on an entirely different meaning. How could I be so
blind? This is what dark forces do. Trick you into letting it grow stronger
while it slowly slithers into every aspect of your life until you dont notice or
understand why you are so angry all the time. A frigging demon had taken
over my cat and now I was pissed off.
(insert photo with red eyes)

How did I know this? Quite simply, it showed itself. This one night, I
was too tired to clean up the kitchen after dinner. I had a cast iron fry pan
that I put Kosher Salt into with intention of cleaning it up in the morning.

My husband looked at the fry pan when he got up and called me

over. He saw a shape that was disturbing. I looked at it, and yes, indeed,
it was a demon. See for yourself.

This was the dark force that had attached to her and now it was
taunting me. As a light worker I was absolutely livid. How DARE it? But
that is what darkness does. I dont want you to be afraid if you encounter
a dark force. I want you to be empowered by the light. Because YOU are
the one who attracted the dark force. Yes, it is true. Had you not been al-
ready vibrating in white light, the dark forces would not dare show them-
selves to you, they prefer to stay in the background, sabotaging your
thoughts, killing your dreams and holding you back through fear.

When you stand in light, however, dark forces have to work harder to
get you to fall for their crap. In order to do that, sometimes they show
themselves. If you are intuitive, you can feel it, see it, hear it or just know
it in your soul. This is not the same thing as being fearful which will feel
anxious, scary, make you nervous or angry. No, as soon as you draw in
the light, you will simply be pissed off that it dares show its face to you.
Someone who was not aware of their light, might not have noticed the
face looking back at them. I checked in with my Intuitive Eyes, asked my
Angels and they confirmed this demonic energy was in the cat.

I asked my husband to assist me in transmuting this demonic en-

ergy. I gave him my rattle and I grabbed my white sage and sea salt and
we started in my most sacred of spaces, my office. To cleanse a space,
you want to have smoke, salt, sound and intention. Quickly we worked
through each room of the house as I saged each corner, sprinkled sea salt
to seal my intention and block any negative energy from re-entering while
my husband followed behind with the rattle, shaking it after every affirma-
tion I made to move the dark force to where I wanted it. I commanded it to
leave the cat as I stood over her, saging her body and sprinkling salt on
her bed corners, then we ended up at the stove where it showed itself. I
could feel the dark energy as a dense oppressive force that was pushing
back on me. I commanded it to leave the cat and the home and property
and be transmuted by the light or face total destruction in the name of Je-
sus Christ. This is not a religious command but a right given to us to do in
his name. I commanded the Authority to transmute this demon to the light
in his name. As I opened the patio door to push the smoke out, I felt the
demon transmute into light and leave. Instantly the cat calmed down.
She stopped growling and the remaining two weeks of her life were lived
in peace and calm.

I knew, however, that the time was here to let her go. I spoke with
her spirit and asked her to consider just falling asleep and not waking up
but being true to her ornery self, she simply said no. She was going to
force me to decide for her. She was at least 19 years old and she was in
physical pain. She made it clear to me she was ready. I arranged for the
vet to come to us but I knew I could not simply allow her to be put to sleep.
No, she deserved to have a Spiritual Release and I knew just where I
would do it.

In my front yard, I have my sacred circle. It is a magickal spot where

the Angels and Spirit first came to me and where I have had many incredi-
ble experiences of healing, intuitive upgrades and visits from other planes.
Without asking the Vet, I simply told her that I would be performing cere-
mony to release Callies soul. The vet was most willing to be a part of it. I
called my neighbor to come over to help me hold space because I did not
feel I would be emotionally strong enough to do it on my own. My hus-
band was there to witness her passing.

I sat on the grass and snuggled with Callie on my lap. Laying out
crystals I was called to use for her ceremony, I called in the Four Direc-
tions and the Archangels that assist them. Archangel Ariel to the East,
who comes in on the wind, Element of Air. Facing South, Archangel Mi-
chael, Element of Fire who comes in with the Sun. Facing West, Archan-
gel Gabriel, Element of Water, who heals emotions and facing North, Arch-
angel Uriel, Element of Earth who keeps us grounded.

I asked Archangel Ariel, protector of wildlife and nature, to come in

and carry Callies soul over the rainbow bridge, to get her safely to the
other side. We all felt the gentle breeze as Archangel Ariel arrived to carry
Callie up with her. I gave the vet the go ahead to administer the lethal
dose that would stop Callies heart. I knew she was already gone. My
sweet little Angelina Bambina (my nickname for her) who drove me crazy
every chance she could, was resting in the arms of the Angels now. Of
that, I had absolute faith. My heart was broken, I was inconsolable but I
was also happy that I was able to give her a fitting farewell, to thank her
for being my Familiar and for loving me no matter what, just as I loved her.

One week to the date later, I was in the yard, puttering with the dogs
when a huge dragonfly, about 4 inches long, flew in front of me. It hovered

for a few moments. I called out to Callie. It flew around my head and as it
left I heard the song Memory from the theatre show Cats. It is about an
old cat who remembers what it is like to feel young again. Callie was let-
ting me know she was fine. The dragonfly dipped in front of me, as if it
was taking a bow, and then it disappeared.

To create your own Spirit Release Ceremony for your beloved pet, I
would suggest you prepare in advance the tools you want to use such as
White Sage to cleanse the air and your pet and represent the element of
Fire; a feather to fan the sage and represent the Angels and Air Element;
a bowl of water or a spray bottle to represent the cleansing of emotions
and the element of water; and sit on the ground, to connect to the Earth
element and keep you grounded during the release. If you have a special
place where you hold energy well, like I have my Sacred Circle in my yard,
you may have a quiet spot in your home or outdoors. Crystals are helpful
if you like to use them. Your intention is really all that is needed, but I find
ceremony adds to the healing of your heart and facilitates for you a confir-
mation of the soul release in a more concrete manner. Nothing is required
but your connection to Spirit and Intention. When you are done, and you
complete your ceremony or intention, make sure to reground yourself and
call your energy back into yourself. The emotional pain of saying goodbye
can leave a gap in your energy field if you dont. This is one reason I
asked my neighbor to come hold space for me. Do what feels right but
take steps to ensure you are coming back through a clean and clear filter,
returning only your energy back into your body, mind and spirit.

Unfortunately, our pets do not live as long as we do. If you have any
pet who has already passed, you can still do a release ceremony for them
but I would caution you do one at a time, with a few days spaced in be-
tween if there is more than one. Allow the transition time to be a peaceful
loving experience. If you do not feel you can perform the ceremony on
your own, any Intuitive Healer can assist you in person or over the phone.
Ive been called more and more lately to assist spirit release for pets and
loved ones. Neither time nor space will interfere with your loving release.

Suzan Tyler is a Medical Intuitive, Angel Healer and Life

Coach, with certifications as a Quantum Biofeedback Diplo-
mate Instructor, Nutritional Consultant, Reiki Master in the
Usui Tradition, Spiritual Health Coach, Medical Intuition, Ani-
mal Communication, Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, Spiri-
tual Dowsing, Advanced Angel Card Reading, and has been
a longtime Intuitive, Angel Channeler and Healer before that
was even a thing. The Archangels have been a part of her
daily life since she can remember, and her spirit guides Jo-
seph and Jesus have been constant companions though it
wasnt until recently that she fully embraced their gifts. She
can be reached through her website and on Facebook at and for strictly health and
stress management posts

Healing the Heart
Defining our own blueprint
By Aurora Luna

Healing the heart is a magical component of being human in this day and
age, however, from the get-go we have the odds stacked pretty high
against being able to make that happen without the assistance of modern
medicine. . . or at least that is what we have been led to believe, right? I
mean, who do you know that is above the age of 45 that is not on meds
for blood pressure, cholesterol, heart conditions, etc. We are a society fix-
ated on breast cancer awareness (which is important) however, cardiovas-
cular disease claims more lives than all forms of cancer, combined. Per-
haps if we were to focus on the fact that emotions cause disease in the
first place, and that the hearts molecular structure holds the memories of
all of our past traumas, grief, disappointments, heartaches and losses, we
might realize that there are tools we could be using to heal these emotions
rather than choosing the prescription bottle and ignoring that these emo-
tions exist. I know that we come from a culture that absolutely insists that
these conditions are hereditary. I wish I could agree with that, entirely,
however, I am in awareness that we can and do heal ourselves. I compre-
hend that our thoughts, our words and our feelings create the world that
we live in. With that said, it is possible to overcome and move past the
diseases and illnesses of our lineages. We are way more powerful than
we believe ourselves to be, or have been led to believe that we are.

Not only are we told that medicine is the only fix for our ailments, from the
minute we begin our life path, we are bombarded with information that
blueprints or programs what the human experience of love is supposed to
look like. All we have to do is turn on the TV, watch a movie or read a ro-
mance novel and the story, while varied in some aspects, mostly ends up
the same. . .two people meet, fall in love and live happily ever after. So
why is it that when we look around at the divorce rate and the amount of
couples in therapy, all we see are how people are going into relationships
expecting happiness and finding out that they arent happy? Is it because
they married the wrong person? Well, perhaps, but I am going to venture
that there is more to it than that. By using the model that someone else is
going to be the reason that we feel joy automatically creates a recipe for
disaster because the love we are seeking is outside of ourselves.
All of these old paradigm energetics regarding interpersonal relationships
and the relationship that one has with ones self have been grossly misdi-
rected for eons. And the root cause to what this issue stems from is that
we are disconnected from the aspect of the self that is the unconditional
love that we are. We are taught that God/ Source/ the Universe is some-
thing that resides outside of us, rather than understanding that the Source
that created us is also within us all. We are never shown how to fill our
own cup with that love so that we can be interdependent in relationships.
We are not encouraged to put our needs first - that would be considered
selfish, even though by making ourselves a priority we have more to give
others. We are not encouraged to simply love who we are the way we
are. We are guided to find a partner who validates that for us. We are not
shown that relationships are meant to be two independent people coming
together to complement one another. We are shown that love is condi-
tional. If I do this for you then I can win your love, and if I dont then you
will take that love away.

Every relationship that we have with other people is a mirror or healing

lesson around where we are on our path of self-love. Its pretty fantastic to
figure that one out because that means that if we want to have harmony
with others, if we want to feel blissful joy, all we have to do is connect with
ourselves in a loving way. That connection is not just with God or Source.
. . though I feel that relationships is also Divinely important. Instead, it is
about that relationship with that Source energy that is the spark of the Di-
vine nature that WE are. The heart medicine we are so desperately seek-
ing from the outside of us, is actually always connected to us. We simply
need to learn how to connect with it. It is actually a remembering. Love is
what we are created from. It is always there. It is never apart from us or

outside of us. Self-love and our connection to all that is, is one and the
The road to healing through this medicine of the heart is not found in a pill.
It is not discovered in meeting the perfect partner. It can only be found
within us. It is not religion well, for some it can be but its more about
the spiritual aspect of that relationship between the self and the Universe/
Creator/ Source/ God. Whatever name this energy needs to be given, the
energy cares not. Some see God as the feminine, and others masculine.
However you define it for you, it is in choosing this connection and anchor-
ing the love of this connection into the heart center, that offers each one
of us unlimited opportunities and potential to change everything within our
lives. When we choose this connection we release anxiety, fear, and an-
ger and then we are able to replace these feelings with gratitude, love,
peace and harmony.

It is simple, but not easy, right? Well, that all depends. There are so many
tools available to us to work with that can shift our hearts overnight. The
important thing to understand is that no one can do it for us. We must be
willing to do it for ourselves. I work in the healing arts, but I am never the
healer. My clients are. I am merely a conduit for energy and information.
I can share spiritual practices that may assist one on their path. . .but I
cant do the work for anyone. We each have this power within ourselves.
As we move forward into this golden age of change, the message is loud
and clear. Heal that which needs to be seen and integrated so that we can
hold and share the love that we are with each and every being we encoun-
ter. We are all being asked to hold a level of compassion that has only
been held in the past by the ascended masters. In this life, we are the
masters, ascending. We are remembering who we are and just what it is
that we are capable of. We are limitless potential, and when we accept
that, the levels of love that we are capable of experiencing and sharing
with others will shift this planet into the peace, love and harmony that we
are longing to see reflected all around us.

Thank you for your courageous path of bringing the light and love to
Mother Gaia and all beings in this time and space to impart change. Many
blessings and so much love, ~Aurora

Rev. Aurora Lunas spiritual journey has encompassed many
masters and teachers from all walks of life and continues to
be an infinite journey of discovery that she is grateful to
share with her students and clients all over the world. She is
a Minister in the Order of Melchizedek, an Integrated Energy
Therapy Master-Instructor ("IET") and a Usui~Tibetan
Reiki Master-Teacher. She offers private sessions, group
meditations, oracle card readings and distance work for both,
healings and card readings. The link to the website for the
tour is:
Tours.html. Email
Aurora at or reach her by
phone at (516) 672-9336.

An Appreciation of Art
By Casandra Nightengale

This was the third afternoon in a row that I had noticed the old man.
Well, it wasnt really afternoon--more like early evening, just before the
museum closed. Usually he just shuffled toward the main entrance with
the rest of the patrons when closing was announced. Today, however, he
had detoured into a side gallery.

I didnt think too much about him. My feet hurt from standing on two-
inch pumps all day and my body longed for the comfort of the faded blue
jeans that awaited me in my small apartment. It had been a long day and
my throat was almost hoarse from repeating my standardized monologue
again and again. I felt like a scratched CD and, judging from the bored ex-
pressions of the tourists, I was just about as interesting as one. Oh, well, it
was a job and I really needed a steady summer job if I planned to return to
art school in the fall. I felt lucky to have landed this museum tour guide po-
sition--that is until Id spent a few days trapped into pantyhose and uncom-
fortable squeezed into a straight skirt, plain blouse and jacket. Ouch!
Sneakers, sandals or bare feet combined with jeans and a pullover are
more my style, but I guess Ill survive.

Stifling a yawn, I watched the last of the patrons leaving my section

and thought of the old man again. He seemed harmless enough and the
security guards would surely find and escort him to the door. So, why did I
have this feeling of responsibility? He wasnt even with my tour group! In
fact, he never seemed to be with any tour group. He was always alone, al-
ways a little apart from the rest. Maybe he couldnt afford a guided tour.
Maybe he liked being alone. Maybe he was an eccentric millionaire.
Maybeoh quit it, I chided myself. I have a habit of letting my imagination
run at times.

It was getting dark, both inside and outside the museum. The sun
was going down and night security was starting to shut off the lights. I
waited a few more minutes to see if the old man would reappear.

Quitting time, Ms. Masters, smiled one of the night watchmen.

Your works done and mine is just starting.

Right, Sam, I agreed, stifling another yawn.

You be careful going home, OK? Looks like its gonna storm.

I will, Sam, I replied, warmed by his concern. The old man had not
reappeared. Say, Sam?


You didnt happen to see an elderly gentleman in the East Gallery,

did you? I havent seen him come out yet.

Ill check for you. Now scat before that storm breaks!

Yes, sir! I replied with a mock salute before turning on swollen feet.

Epsom salts, lady. Nice and hot, he called after me.

Right, Sam! Gnight! I called over my shoulder.

After clocking out and changing into some more sensible shoes, I
shouldered my handbag, left the museum and headed for the corner, pray-
ing the bus would be just a touch late. My luck held. Sprinting the last few
painful yards, I swung inside the mammoth vehicle and paid my fare. The
bus pulled out into traffic before I could manage to work my way to my fa-
vorite seat in the back corner. Sams predictions for the weather proved to
be accurate. We hadnt gone more than two blocks before the downpour

Settling into the seat to endure the jerky stop-start ride, my thoughts
returned to the old man and I began a mental sketch. My drawing things

were at home, but I could spend this time setting his characteristics in my
mind. My sketching teacher had said, You cant draw what you cant see.
I guess she was right. Id even heard of an art school whose models
posed on one floor and whose students painted two floors above them. All
those trips up and down stairs promoted optic retention, I guess.

My eyes closed as I leaned back into the worn upholstery. Yes, I

could see him! I was surprised at the details I remembered---the soft folds
of his weathered face, the tiny crinkles at the corners of deep brown eyes.
The man may be a senior citizen, but the eyes were much younger. They
seemed so alive, so wise. His lips were thin as was his silvery hair that
was neatly combed and lightly touched with pomade. My mind traveled
over his somewhat outdated threadbare suit and settled upon his hands,
so slender with long narrow fingers that wrapped almost majestically
around the handle of his cane.

Details filled in one after another and I was busily deciding between
charcoal and pastels when I was jarred from my reverie by a loud clap of
thunder--and the realization that this was my stop.

Gathering my belongings, I sidestepped to the door, glared at the

elements and made a mad dash for the drab brownstone apartment build-
ing. The lady from 204 was coming out and held the door open, clucking
like an old hen as I murmured a hasty thanks and dripped past her and up
the stairs to my three room abode.

After replacing the many safety locks, I began to shed sodden cloth-
ing on my way to a hot shower. Never a super housekeeper, I vowed to
pick them up later.

When later arrived, however, I was curled up on a piece of ancient

sectional furniture, sketchpad in hand, transferring my mental image to pa-
per. By bedtime I was fairly satisfied with the results and was filled with re-
solve to spend tomorrow, my day off, sketching in the museum.

And that is what I did! Dressed in jeans, sneakers and a sleeveless

top, my long dark hair pulled into a loose knot at the base of my neck, I
prowled the corridors, sketching here, observing there, trying to store im-
pressions of the various artists and sculptors.

I had just entered the East Gallery and had seated myself on one of
the padded benches when a tour entered. Not wishing to be conspicuous,
I bent over a sketch Id done of the statue of a bronze eagle. The people
moved on and I was finally alone.

Flipping to a clean page, I began to draw. I must have been home-

sick, for the sketch was of my parents simple home in the country over a
thousand miles from here. Our Cocker Spaniel, Muffin, was flopped on the
front porch, muzzle on paws, one ear dangling over the step.

Youre quite good for a beginner, came a soft voice from behind
me. Startled, I shut the sketchpad and whirled around. It was the old man.

I didnt mean to be so jumpy, I apologized, but I thought I was


Thats understandable. Solitude seems to summon the Muses, he

replied with a smile. May I? he asked, gesturing to my bench. Blushing, I
sheepishly nodded, gathered my things and put them on the floor by my
feet. He seated himself with a sigh.

I love this place, but walking tires a body out at my age.

Do you come here often? I ventured.

Every day I can. Art is such a balm to the soul, an escape from real-
ity. At times, it can even become a reality of its own. You work here, dont

I nodded.

Art student? I nodded again, not trusting myself to speak.

Would you indulge an old man with a peek at your work? He smiled
as I handed the sketchpad to him. For the next few moments he studied
my work and I studied his expressions, almost fearful of hearing his con-
clusions. His brow furrowed thoughtfully when he finally spoke.

Your basic technique is correct, almost too correct. It needs more
feeling, more life. May I? he asked, reaching for my pencil. I handed it to
him and watched as his slender fingers magically skimmed the page. A
line here, a shadow there and my eagle was suddenly alive! Finally, he
stopped and handed the pad back to me. I swallowed hard.

Guess I still have a lot to learn. You make it seem so easy! How do
you do it?

He chuckled softly and ran a hand lightly over his hair. I guess when
youre as old as I am, youve had lots of practice time. What is really
needed, however, is the ability to see--not just look at, but truly SEE your
subject. He paused and looked me squarely in the face. Would you walk
with an old man? Perhaps I can show you what I mean.

I couldnt say no and so we were soon strolling through the various

galleries. Seeing the masterpieces through the eyes of my elderly com-
panion was like being reborn. Through him, I began to feel the soul of the
artists as they created.

Time passed quickly. Before I realized it, the announcement for clos-
ing time was being made. Conditioned by my work routine, I started for the
front door. His hand on my arm caused me to turn.

You go ahead, young lady. Ill sit here and catch my breath a bit be-
fore they shoo me out.

Ill wait with you if youd like, Sir, I offered.

Sir makes me feel too old, young lady. My friends call me Artie. He
smiled and winked.

And mine call me Jeanette, I replied. Will I see you again?

Probably, if the weathers cool. I cant take the heat any more.

Ive learned so much today and actually had fun doing it. Youre a
great teacher!

Oh, go on! You dont need to say that.

But, I mean it. Really!

I know you do and it does my heart good to know an old man is still
needed. He patted my arm and smiled. Now youd better hurry. A nice girl
like you shouldnt be out alone after dark.

So it was that our friendship began. I met with Artie on several after-
noons during the summer. Not only did my artistic ability blossom, but I
also developed a love for the museum and the treasures housed there.
Even my memorized monologue lost its scratched CD quality and I was
able to convey some of what I had come to feel to the people as I guided
them through the endless maze of galleries.

During the tours I would sometimes catch a glimpse of my elderly

mentor--usually in the East Gallery, usually later in the afternoons on
cooler, rainy days. He would smile and nod from his bench as we filed

As summer reached an end, I suddenly realized how little I knew

about Artie. He had persuaded me to talk about myself and had shared his
love and knowledge of the museum pieces, but whenever conversation
had turned to him, he had managed to turn it to something else. I did no-
tice, however, that his favorite place was in the East Gallery. Most of the
pieces there were by a little known, but greatly talented artist--S. A. Burch.
In an effort to have something in common with Artie, I had tried to find
more information about the artist, but mostly drew a blank. The little gift
shop booklets were even on back order. I put it from my mind and concen-
trated, instead, on finishing the pastel sketch of my friend that I planned to
give to him before I returned to college next week.

I was almost afraid Artie wouldnt be in the museum today. It had

been hot and humid and I had not seen him for three days. This morning,
however, had dawned cooler and rainy, so I now prowled the East Gallery,
hoping he would appear. It was only a half hour now until closing, and I
had almost given up all hope when a soft voice commented, You look like
a caged lioness. I turned and there he stood, just like I had first seen him
almost three months ago.

I was afraid you werent coming, I blurted.

What? And miss saying farewell to a cherished pupil and good

friend? he replied in mock horror.

IId like you to have this, Artie, I stammered, holding out a card-
board mailing tube.

One of yours, I hope, he commented as he sat down and removed

the sketch. His smile broadened as he unrolled the paper.

Do you like it? I asked hopefully.

Yes, he almost whispered. I like it very much. Artie hastened to

wipe away a tear that threatened to fall onto the pastels. Reaching into his
coat pocket, he withdrew a thin book and handed it to me. I believe you
were looking for something on the East Gallery artist. Almost reverently, I
took the book and thanked him.

Our special moment was interrupted by the announcement of clos-

ing time. Artie replaced the sketch in the tube.

Goodbye, Jeanette. Someday your work will hang in this museum.

Nice dream, but I still have a lot to learn.

Oh, I have a feeling youll do quite well, he replied with a wink. The
security guards were dimming the lights.

Is someone picking you up? I asked. I hated to leave him just sit-
ting there so alone.

Dont worry about me. Youd better go before this storm gets worse.
Really! Ill be fine! I kissed him lightly on the cheek and left before my
tears could overflow.

Later, in my usual bus seat, I fumbled in my purse for the book Artie
had given to me. This was not a gift shop paperback, but an old tome, its
leather cover worn smooth, the pages yellowed. Turning to the title page, I

glanced at the print, The Works of Steven Arthur Burch. Steven Arthur?
Could it be? I skimmed the brief biography that followed. Steven Arthur
Burch had died in 1922. Well, so much for that theory.

Settling deeper into the cracked seat, I lost myself in enjoyment of

reproductions of the beautiful paintings now hanging in the museum. I
hardly noticed the storm as the bus lurched from stop to stop. As I turned
to the final page, however, thunder pealed deafeningly and my heart
skipped a beat. There, on the last page, was a photo of the artist, taken
right before his death. I stared openmouthed at the fine silvery hair, the
threadbare suit, the slender hands on the cane and the merry eyes--so
young and yet, so wise.

Casandra Nightengale is an author who writes on a variety of subjects and pres-

ently has 7 books out on Kindle (5 of which have spent time at #1). She lives on the
Olympic Peninsula in Washington and enjoy walking the forest trails and along the
rocky beaches. She also loves to read, travel and write. Follow her on Facebook at
Casandra Nightengale. An Appreciation of Art is from her book, Awakenings and
is available at

Thanks for reading
Esoteric Gazing!

Until next time we wish you

easy trails and happy


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