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APTURE of the Church is the
day when The Lord JESUS will
The At this time, He asked me to warn
the Church to repent and to Prepare
come for His Glorious Church
in a twinkling of an eye. That material RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH the Way for the Second Coming of
Christ, the Lamb of GOD. This event,
day will come without notice like a The Mighty Vision The LORD GOD The Lord said, would change the four
thief, and Heaven will open, followed gave Dr. Owuor corners of the earth and would be the
by a loud command of the Archangel beginning of the massive repentance
and The Mighty Trumpet Call of GOD. Church has not perceived rightfully. at His might, thereby honouring Him revival across the nations of the earth
The Lord JESUS will then appear in the and living to please Him. The Church in preparation for Coming of The
clouds, and the dead in Christ will rise Subsequently, this vision of the RAPTURE, can now see, that the earth is just a Lord JESUS.
up first to meet Him in the clouds, was purposefully intended by The miniature fraction of the total universe
then those Christians LIVING IN COMPLETE LORD GOD to open up the spiritual He created. No wonder His On that material day (August 13,
HOLINESS at the time, will be lifted up eyes of the Church Glorious hands are 2004), The LORD took me in the Spirit,
to catch up with the rest in the air to (Christians) to a significantly to the exact site at which HIS Spirit
meet The Lord. new realisation large during descended from Heaven, and came
of the supre- the RAPTURE upon John the Baptist; The Spirit that
The Mighty RAPTURE Vision macy of even as
empowered and commissioned John
In a Mighty Visitation on May 17, 2004, Christ JESUS. He took
the Baptist to preach repentance and
The LORD talked to me (Dr. Owuor) Evidently, up His
Holiness for the remission of sins and
and showed me how the RAPTURE of the Church Glorious
for the Preparation of the Way for
the Glorious Church of Christ would has walked Bride.
The Lord JESUS. Astonishingly, a few
take place. In this conversation, HE with Christ Strange-
J E S U S and l y , hours after this encounter with the
asserted the need for the Church in
taken Him for during the Holy Spirit, The LORD showed me
the four corners of the earth to repent,
granted without writing of this how HE allowed scientists in Israel
walk in Holiness and prepare for the
Glorious RAPTURE. respecting and magazine on the to discover and open up the cave at
honouring Him. Surely, The Mighty Vision of the RAPTURE July 31, 2006 night, which John the Baptist first received
Ever since then, The LORD has this realisation that of the Glorious Church, that The The LORD showed THE SPIRIT OF The LORD that led him
repeatedly shown me this vision of Christ JESUS is mightier LORD showed Dr. Owuor on me what the earth into the wilderness to proclaim the
the May 17, 2004.
the RAPTURE more than four times while than Christians have would look like after the Coming of The Lord JESUS. This event
thought, can be seen in the above RAPTURE of the Church. Considering greatly shocked the earth when
emphasizing the urgency with which
illustration of the vision that The LORD that The LORD has previously been different media networks interrupted
the Church should prepare herself in
gave me. The supremacy of Christ JESUS showing me what the RAPTURE would
Holiness. In this vision, the Bride of their broadcasts of the popular, well
is seen in the fact that the supernatural look like, more than four times, then
Christ that is taken up by The Lord JESUS publicised and watched 2004 Olympic
hands which received the Church are this new vision of what the earth
is a Perfect and totally Glorious Church. Games in Athens, Greece, with special
enormously larger and mightier than
One thing that is evidently conspicuous would look like after the R APTURE , announcements. These secular media
the Saints and being able to take up all
in this Mighty Visitation, is the fact that represents a significant time shift announcements carefully explained
of the Saints in one go.
on the extreme right-hand side of whose purpose is by all means to the big mystery that had taken place
the sky, the voice of the Archangel The Lord JESUS indeed is the Head emphasize the urgency with which
in Israel by the discovery of this site at
announced with a Mighty Shout saying and the Bridegroom of the Church. the Church should prepare herself for
which John the Baptist first began his
The supremacy of Christ presented by the mighty and sometimes dreadful
“Look! The Lord Is About ministry. The news media networks
The LORD GOD in this vision is also RAPTURE.
To Appear In The Sky.” displayed in different languages, the
reflected in the book of Colossians, drawings made on the wall by the
chapter 1, verses 15 through 20,
John The Baptist Appears To Me
This was immediately followed by the disciples of John the Baptist, of his
It was not until the afternoon of
which clearly state that He is the
sounding of the Mighty Trumpet Call April 2, 2004, that it became beheaded head and drawings of
invisible image of GOD and the first
of The LORD GOD. Then The Lord apparent to me that the his prophetic finger. Many
born over all creation, and that by
JESUS appeared in the sky and showed prophetic season for the This specialists belonging to
Him all things were created, things
me His right nail-pierced hand and Church had changed. presentation of different secular media
in Heaven and on earth, visible and
then suddenly, took away His Holy Previously, beginning The Lord JESUS by networks on this day
invisible, whether thrones or powers
on May 19, 2003, the The LORD GOD
and Glorious Bride (The Repented, or rulers or authorities, all things were started analysing the
is meant to help the
Person of the Holy implications of this
Restored, Holy, Latter Church). created by Him and for Him. The Church review her
Spirit appeared to relationship with Him discovery.
supremacy of Christ presented by
Hallelujah, what a Mighty Vision! me in repeated and to be in awe at
JEHOVAH GOD in the above vision
visitations, in which His Might, thereby
However, what stood out, were the implies that The Lord JESUS is above honouring
He commanded me To me it was shocking
even the higher Heavens (Ephesians Him and living
mighty, large and excessively Glorious t o hear secular
4: 8-10; Ephesians 1:9-10). to prophesy to the to please Him.
hands of The Lord, that were receiving Church during a period specialists drawing
the Perfect Bride (Holy Church). This This demonstration of The Lord JESUS of more than one year analysis to the effect that
sounds a great awakening and another by The LORD GOD, is meant to help concerning a very significant this discovery would have far
revelation to the Church on the Person the Church review her relationship spiritual event that would occur in reaching repercussions for the Second
of Christ, the Person whose might, the with The Lord JESUS and to be in awe Israel on exactly August 13, 2004. Coming of Christ JESUS.

Repentance and Holiness | 3


in Heaven to prepare for her a place, to exist after the RAPTURE. In other
after which He would return and words, keep it in your
take her to be with Him
mind, that THERE WILL
forever as His Bride. For
example, in the book of
RAPTURE. Therefore,
John, chapter 14, verses
it is very critical that
1 through 3, The Lord
all Christians strive
JESUS says,
T HE B IBLE : When the groom very hard to be part of
v i s i t s t h e b r i d e’s f a m i l y
“Do not let your the RAPTURE. The signs
and drinks from the same
hearts be troubled. glass of wine with her, he is
Trust in God; trust of the RAPTURE which
given a scroll as a written
also in me. 2 In my covenant of their wedding include wars, rumours
F a t h e r ’s h o u s e engagement. The same
Bomet Repentance: Repentance Revival fire entered Kenya’s Rift Valley Province during are many rooms; thing happened when The o f wa r s, f a m i n e s,
Repentance in Bomet, a small unknown town, where thousands received The Lord JESUS if it were not so, Lord J ESUS gave the Church droughts, earthquakes,
as their Saviour. Many brought repentance before The LORD which HE commands I would have told His blood as the true drink
from us, for our relationship with Him to be restored, a foundation for the process of ( John 6:53-56) and gave pestilences, floods and
you. I am going
perfecting the Bride of Christ. The Lord J ESUS is coming back for a Glorious and Holy her the Bible as the written
Bride during the R APTURE of the Church. These communities in Bomet returned to The there to prepare a covenant of engagement.
fearful events from
LORD in a very historic way, thereby becoming a model prototype for the East African place for you. No wonder The Lord J E S U S Heavenly bodies are
nation of Kenya. 3
And if I go and said “Whoever eats of my
prepare a place flesh (the living Bread from right now in your news,
This gave me a deeper revelation of the The White Glorious Lamb of GOD, that for you, I will come Heaven) & drinks my B LOOD
leaving the Church
Mighty Visitation in which The LORD was slain with BLOOD dripping around back and take you remains in me, & I, in Him.”
to be with me that with a very short time
GOD presented John the Baptist on His neck, came straight to the feet of
you also may be where to prepare for the Holy
my right hand side in the presence John the Baptist and looked at him I am.”
of His Glory. It all began on April 2, and John released Him to me then and Glorious RAPTURE. It is noteworthy
2004, with a mighty vision in which He came to my feet. Upon reaching In this Scripture, it is very clear, that The that, two spiritual characteristics were
the moon became very glorious and at my feet, He looked up at me and I Lord JESUS was speaking about going to predicted as coming to consume
was covered with blood on one half said to myself in HIS Presence, “He is prepare a place for His Bride (Church) the Church in these last days. One
(its right side), and the Glory of The so Glorious and Holy, I am not worthy and He would return for her, in effect
characteristic being the godlessness
LORD GOD covered the entire place of touching Him.” Immediately, He left describing the RAPTURE of the Church.
of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-7) and
making everything extremely glorious towards 3 feet in front of me and then In lay man’s terms, this illustrates
the falling away of true faith in Christ
including myself. Then suddenly, The returned towards John the Baptist and an impending Glorious Wedding
JESUS (Apostasy) (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
LORD presented John the Baptist on then came back to my feet. Then THE between the Church and Christ JESUS
whose date is a top secret except to It is also important for Christians
my right-hand side in the presence of VOICE of The LORD GOD said,
The LORD GOD. Furthermore, in the to be sensitive in THE SPIRIT OF The
HIS Glory. And John the Baptist spoke
with me about the White, Glorious “Go warn the four book of 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, LORD and keep away from these two
corners of the earth to spiritual characteristics, lest they miss
Horse that was about to be released verses 15 through 17, Paul writes, in
repent and Prepare the
by The LORD GOD to the four corners. Way for the Coming of The his letter of encouragement, to the the RAPTURE. The implication here is
This The LORD said was meant as a Lord JESUS.” brethren in Thessalonica and asks that, there is an inevitable spiritual and
signal to the four corners of the earth them to look forward in anticipation supernatural transformation that has
in order to Prepare the Way for the At that point, I woke up. Later, The for the RAPTURE; to take place on the day of the RAPTURE,
Second Coming of Christ, the Lamb LORD GOD started revealing to me 15
According to The Lord’s among both the living and the dead
of God. The White Horse was in the the importance of the White, Glorious own word, we tell you that elect. This spiritual transformation is
centre of The Glory of The LORD GOD Horse that I had seen in this vision and we who are still alive, who
are left till the coming of necessitated by the fact that, the Word
with its tail lifted and wagging as in, was ready to be released. This White,
The Lord, will certainly not of GOD categorically states that from
ready to be released. Then John the Glorious Horse essentially represent precede those who have
Baptist told me to go warn the four the Second Coming of The Lord JESUS f a l l e n a s l e e p. 1 6 Fo r Th e dust men came, thus to dust men
corners of the earth to Prepare the to the four corners of the earth (North, Lord himself will come down shall return. So, for any man to leave
from Heaven, with a loud
Way for the Second Coming of Christ, South, East, West). And to date, I keep dust and join Christ, he would have
command, with the voice of
the Lamb of GOD who is coming wondering. . . the archangel and with the to be transformed into the spiritual.
back for the Church. At that instant, trumpet call of God, and
(Genesis 2:7 (Spirit); Genesis 3:19;
. . . is the Church aware that T HE the dead in Christ will rise
The LORD GOD in HIS Glory released Psalms 103:14; Ecclesiastes 3:20)
S PIRIT O F The LORD which brings first. 17 After that, we who
a White, Very Glorious Lamb that are still alive and are left
repentance has been released to
was slain with blood dripping around the four corners of the earth? will be caught up together
with them in the clouds to Moreover, the impending Wedding to
His neck. The White, Glorious and
meet The Lord in the air.
Pure Lamb of GOD came all the way which the Bride (Church) is looking
And so we will be with The
from the centre of the Glory of The The Bible On The RAPTURE Lord forever. forward, is a spiritual one, given that
The Bible speaks very clearly about the Bridegroom (Lord JESUS) is spiritual
LORD GOD towards John the Baptist,
the RAPTURE of the Church as the main Furthermore, it is important for
HE said, and from Heaven, while the Bride is
spiritual event within the prophetic Christians to realise that the book of
“Behold, this is The Lamb physical and earthly in her current
time line towards the Second Coming
of GOD that was slain. I t Revelation chapters 1, 2 and 3 mention nature. A clear reflection of this is
of Christ JESUS. The Lord JESUS before He
was the will of the FATHER the Church while Revelation 4 to 22
that He be slain for the was taken up into Heaven, promised seen in the book of 1 Corinthians
sins of the world. He is the Church that He was going to The talks about Endtime judgement. This chapter 15 verse 47, which states
now coming back for the
Church.” FATHER’s (The LORD GOD) house is evidence that the Church ceases that the first man (Physical Adam)

4 | Repentance and Holiness


was of the earth and the second not drink again of the fruit securing a place in which he will live belong to Him. (John 6:49-58) And,
of the vine until that day
man (Spiritual JESUS) is from Heaven. when I drink it anew in the
with his bride. Once all preparations the scroll of the written Covenant is
Therefore, the only way the Church in Kingdom of God.” have been made, the father sends his represented by the Holy Bible which
her earthly nature will wed Christ, is agents to monitor the faithfulness of contains the terms and conditions of
to be spiritually transformed. This represents the pre-wedding the bride, and whether she is worthy the Wedding Covenant. That is also
covenant when The Lord JESUS had of marrying his son. If all is well and a broken and stripped body of Christ
found His Bride ( The Church). the bride has kept her faithfulness, then which is the Word. While the Servants
The Wedding
Note that unlike other pre-wedding the father abruptly announces the day that the father of the bridegroom sends
On the day of the RAPTURE, the Church
covenants, this is one in which He of the wedding, then the bridegroom to survey on the bride’s faithfulness
will wed Christ in a much anticipated
gave His own life and His BLOOD as the returns for his bride. This is the most are the Prophets of GOD who are sent
Glorious event. However, it is very
Pre-wedding Covenant. The BLOOD joyous moment that she would ever to the Church before the RAPTURE. In
critical to realise that every wedding is
covenant is very powerful and eternal if have, to see her bridegroom come to this case only The Father JEHOVAH
normally preceded by a pre-wedding
all parties remain faithful until pick her up and is a valuable life-long GOD knows the date of the Wedding
covenant that both parties
the day of the Wedding. This reward for her faithfulness by faith even that will be announced abruptly
must observe and respect
very powerful pre-wedding when the date was not known and the without notice.
faithfully. Many times, the
bridegroom after identifying The Wedding
Covenant of the BLOOD of JESUS bridegroom was not around.
venant given to
the Having identified His Bride, we see
his bride, goes into a covenant Co is supposed to have sustained
Groom by the that Christ went back to His FATHER
with her, with a seal depending Parents afer dri nk ing the Church (The Christian) The wedding ceremony however, is
with her from e
not complete until a glass is crashed in Heaven to prepare a place for
on the scenario. An example and kept her focussed on
ss of win
same gla waiting for Christ. No underfoot by the bridegroom, with the Church. (John 14:1-6) The pre-
of the pre-wedding seal is
all his might while holding the wedding covenant between Christ and
the popularly exchanged wonder in the book of 1
f the hands of his bride. Subsequently, the the Church is the Everlasting, Mighty,
engagement ring. ll o nt Corinthians chapter 11,
s c r o ovena e All Powerful, BLOOD of JESUS, the Son
T h e ding c th He told her, bridegroom brings her home with him
wed e n t of GOD, shed at Calvary. In this case,
Bride of Christ & g i v m. to his father’s house for the wedding
groo And when He had
supper. the Bride who is the Church, is not
Jehovah’s Wife given thanks, he broke involved in an ordinary wedding but
According to the command handed it and said, “ This is my
body, which is for you; do For the Church, this represents the is looking forward to an all Glorious
to them by Moses, among the Jews, this in remembrance of mirror image of the Glorious wedding wedding with the Darling of Heaven,
once the bridegroom has identified me.” 25 In the same way,
after supper He took the between Christ and herself in relation who is seated at the centre of the
his bride-to-be, he is obliged to visit her cup, saying, “This cup is to the R APTURE . The red wine of Throne (Revelation 5:6) and already
parents. At the bride’s home, the new covenant in
my Blood; do this, covenant that is taken from the same gave His life for the Church thereby
her parents become witnesses whenever you drink glass between the Bridegroom and earning Him a place at the right
to a powerful covenant between it, in remembrance of
me.” 26 For whenever the Bride, is the BLOOD of JESUS that hand of The LORD GOD. As though
herself and the groom-to-be. yo u e a t t h i s b re a d was shed as a Covenant between The that were not enough, a search was
This pre-wedding covenant and dr ink this cup,
you proclaim Lord JESUS and the Church and used made above Heaven, in Heaven, in
has two very important The Lord’s death
T HE COVENANT: Just as the wine
to purchase her so she may totally the lower Heaven, on earth and under
features, one of them until He comes.
is taken from one glass by
being the glass of red the bride & the groom, so
wine that the bride and is the BLOOD of the Covenant This is the pre-wedding
that The Lord J E S U S shed
the groom have to share; for His Bride (Church) for Covenant that should
while the other is the the engagement covenant have kept the Church
with her.
written scroll of the pre- (The Christian) busy
wedding covenant that purifying the wedding
the bridegroom takes to his parents as gown in anticipation of the RAPTURE.
they wait for the wedding date.
In the Jewish Rabbinic Laws, this
The Last Supper power ful pre-wedding session
In the book of Mark chapter 14 during represents a formal announcement
The Lord’s Last Supper with His that the bridegroom has found his
disciples, He broke bread and gave bride, thereby paving way for Wedding
a piece to each and took the same
preparations, a wedding whose date
cup of wine and gave each one of the
is kept secret by his father. The father
twelve disciples to drink from.
then prepares the required resources
While they were eating,
J E S U S to o k b re a d, g ave for the wedding vis a vis the season P ROPHECY : Thousands of people gathered for Repentance in Nyamira, a small town in
thanks and broke it, and the western part of Kenya on March 26, 2006. At this meeting, the Holy Spirit made
gave it to His disciples,
because the season must be ripe for utterances concerning the massive historic earthquakes that were coming to Iran and
saying, “ Take it; this is the wedding to take place, for example Russia. Dr. Owuor said, “Listen to me the nations of the earth, listen to me the nation
my body.” 23 Then He took of Iran, listen to me the nation of Russia, I have seen a historic earthquake hit you and
the cup, gave thanks and during the harvest time. However, The LORD GOD BY VOICE said ‘Preparing For The R APTURE Of The Church’ and when this
offered it to them, and they even within the season, only the earthquakes happen, you shall know that I AM The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and that the
all drank from it. 24 “This is mouth of The LORD has spoken’”.
my blood of the covenant, father knows the exact date of the Fulfilment: It took only five days and on Friday, March 31, 2006, all news networks all
which is poured out for wedding. Meanwhile, during this time over the earth reported massive historic earthquakes that devastated the western part
many,” He said to them. of Iran. After 26 days following the prophecy on April 21st, 2006, a historic Russian
“I tell you the truth, I will of waiting, the bridegroom will be busy quake hit with a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale.

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the earth and no name chapter 3 verse 15 when The confirmation of the crushing to abandon her and forget about
was found that could man was cursed by The defeat over death during the RAPTURE of the Covenant of Love that HE had
purchase and redeem LORD saying, the Church is also seen in the book of with her. For example, Israel whom
this Bride from the filth 1 Corinthians, chapter 15, from verses The LORD delivered from slavery in
“A n d I w i l l p u t 24 through 27 which says,
of her fallen nature enmity between you Egypt through a mighty covenant of
(Revelations 5:1-5). and the woman,
and between your
Then the end will come, love with Jacob, is abandoned and
when he hands over the
offspring and hers; k i n g d o m ove r t o G O D thrown back to Babylon into slavery
In the beginning, she HE will crush your
head, and you will
the Father after he has when she becomes unfaithful to
destroyed all dominion,
had no hope till the strike his heel.” JEHOVAH GOD.
The Cross is the heart of the authority and power. 25 For
King of Glory brought gospel while the BLOOD of JESUS he must reign until he has
I t is impor tant to put all his enemies under It is interesting that JEHOVAH GOD
His Glorious feet to our is the power of the gospel.
The only way through which realise that ‘HE’ in his feet. 26 The last enemy
dusty and muddy roads the Church can go up with to be destroyed is death. 27 out of HIS mercies often allows
this Scripture refers to For he “has put everything Israel to return to HIM as HIS first
and suffered rejection The Lord J ESUS in the R APTURE ,
is the Way of the Cross (John Christ, the Son of Man, under his feet.” Now when
(Isaiah 53), thereby 14:1-6). But, how can today’s it says that “everything” love when she seeks HIM with all
who would come and has been put under him, her heart and turns away from her
qualifying her to be modern Church which has
made the gospel of prosperity offer a crushing defeat it is clear that this does
acceptable through central, while the B LOOD and not include GOD himself, wickedness. One case being, when
over death at the peak who put everything under Prophet Ezekiel promised to cleanse
His BLOOD Covenant of Cross alien, make it into the
R APTURE . It is saddening that of the R APTURE . It is Christ.
love. Surely, this much the message of the Cross has her from all impurities, after a long
the climax of man’s A major hallmark of victory will period of defilement. (Ezekiel 36:24-
anticipated wedding become very, very rare and
yet for the Church to receive redemption (Galatians consume the Glorious and Holy 30). Likewise, the Church is the
during the RAPTURE is the latter promised Glory, she
4:4; Revelation 12:5). Church that qualifies to be taken up Bride of Christ and ought to walk
one of its own kind, has to restore and preach this
dirty, rugged Cross, at Calvary, The healing of the curse in RAPTURE. This is the finality of the in complete faithfulness. Moreover,
that has never been, at The LORD’s Altar.
above by the RAPTURE, victory that The Lord JESUS scored
and after which, there Christ, like JEHOVAH GOD, promises
restores fellowship between man and for the Church at Cavalry, a victory
surely will never be another. In other to cleanse the Church using
GOD to the original level when Adam no Christian would want to
words, the Church (Bride) will be His own B LOOD that was
miss, thereby, stressing
used to walk with GOD in the cool of shed at Calvary. The
completely taken away into an eternal the need for the entire For the
the day. And that is why The Lord JESUS only condition being
fellowship with The Lord during the Church to prepare a Church to
during the last supper said He would that His Bride (the
RAPTURE. Glorious, Spotless receive the latter
not drink from that cup again until He and Sinless Gown. Church) should
promised Glory,
drinks it anew in the Kingdom of GOD she has to preach the be willing to seek
The peak of this wedding event, which
with His Bride (RAPTURED Saints). This dirty, rugged Cross Him with ever y
is symbolised by the crushing of the Furthermore, in the
is seen in the book of 1 Corinthians, at Calvary, which is fibre of her heart
glass by the bridegroom during the Jewish wedding,
chapter 15, and verses 54 through 56 the heart of the in faithfulness. By
Jewish wedding, essentially represents during the time of
which say, gospel. inference, this means
the triumphant crushing of the head of preparation, the bride
the serpent and his complete defeat by 54
When the perishable is usually heavily involved that the same rules of
has been clothed with faithfulness between Israel
The Lord JESUS and implying that death imperishable, and the in preparing a brand new, white
will never again have dominion over mortal with immortality, gown that has no spot. This process of and JEHOVAH GOD, definitely apply
then the saying that is to the relationship between Christ
His Bride (Church). The crushing of written will come true: preparing the gown for the wedding
death practically means crushing of “Death has been swallowed day is a full time preoccupation for the and His Bride (the Church), except
up in victory.” 55 “Where, O that Israel is yet to receive The Lord
sin because it is sin that brings death death, is your vic tor y? bride. It is absolutely vital during this
to His Bride. And it is this crushing of Where, O death, is your time of preparation that faithfulness, J ESUS . In which case, He loves her
sting?” 56 The sting of death jealously, to the point of dying for
death during the RAPTURE that fulfils is sin, and the power of sin and purity (virginity) be maintained by
the prophecy in the book of Genesis is the law. her. Any breach of covenant leading her at the Cross, and despite falling
to unfaithfulness usually nullifies the away to unfaithfulness, He is able
entire process no matter how long the to cleanse her with His own BLOOD
preparation has taken. upon her return to Him during these
last days when the Spirit of Endtime
Repentance Revival sweeps the
Breaching the Covenant
earth. Therefore, on that mighty day
The LORD GOD makes HIS Servant
of RAPTURE, surely, the Church will be
Hosea, marry a prostitute in order that
taken away into Heaven as the Perfect
HE may demonstrate to the Church
and Glorious Bride of Christ JESUS. This
the gravity of breaching the marital
essentially emphasizes the importance
covenant. In this case, HE makes
of every Christian preparing for this
HIS Servant Hosea feel the pain and
Glorious day. Given that the Christians
agony that The LORD JEHOVAH GOD
are the Church, then this inevitably
felt when HIS wife, Israel, became
raises the question;
unfaithful and prostituted with other
Dr. Owuor preaching during a Mighty Repentance Meeting at Nyahururu, in Kenya. A
massive wave of repentance hit the nation of Kenya when The Lord sent Dr. Owuor
gods in the land. HE speaks jealously
“Will all Christians be taken up
to that country to tell them to repent and Prepare The Way. Many towns went into a of her (Hosea 2:14-16; Hosea 3: 1-4).
repentance revival of return to Holiness in this E. African nation. After repentance, in the RAPTURE?”
the Mighty power of the Holy Spirit came down and delivered and healed hundreds of
However, when Israel becomes so
people in all the meetings. unfaithful to JEHOVAH, HE is able

6 | Repentance and Holiness


Christian walk into the spiritual that the dust, which is the flesh and unfor-giveness, without self-control
realm as a prerequisite of finally blood and returns to dust, cannot even relating to food, rash, conceited,
entering Heaven. inherit the R APTURE (Genesis 2:7). loving pleasure rather than The LORD
Whilst at the same time The LORD GOD, failure to fast, grumbling against
Will All The Dead Be RAPTURED? GOD gave HIS breath of life, who is the true anointed ones of The LORD,
In the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter Christ, through whom man can now rejecting repentance which is the
15, verses 50 through 53, the Holy inherit the RAPTURE. Even as death came BLOOD of JESUS, selfishness, laziness,
R APTURE : Heaven will open, followed by Bible lays it plainly, that flesh and in through the dust of the ground, neglect of street children (Chokoras),
the loud command of the Archangel, the eternal life came in through Christ,
blood cannot inherit the Kingdom neglect of widows and single mothers
Trumpet call of God, and The Lord J ESUS
will come to meet His Holy and Glorious of GOD. Furthermore, the perishable the Spirit-filled man. Therefore, only in the streets by the traffic lights while
Church; only those living, and those who those who live Spiritual lives, through
cannot inherit the imperishable and driving by them almost knocking
died, in complete Holiness.
the mystery of the RAPTURE lies in the the Holy Spirit and yet pleasing to The them down on your way to Church,
Will All Christians Be fact that both the living and the dead LORD GOD, will inherit the RAPTURE. raping, in-fighting in the Churches
will be spiritually transformed in a Given the current state of defilement and splitting into small evil groups,
This probably, has been the most
flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the in the Church through perpetual cycles keeping stocks of timber for coffins
confusing, daunting and unsettling in anticipation of Church members’
last Trumpet. It goes on to say that the of perennial sin and coupled with
question in the mind and heart of every death, homosexuality, lesbianism
dead will be raised imperishable and her heavy involvement in deceptive
Christian, thereby, at times creating in Church, picking condoms in
the living will be changed. No where teachings of the false prosperity gospel,
extreme fear and enormous anxiety Church compounds after Kesha
does it come out clearer than verse it becomes apparent that only a small
and to some extent, leading many to nights, threatening one another with
53, in which The Lord says, that the minute fraction of Christians (Church)
even dread the day of the RAPTURE. The death because of their involvement
perishable must clothe themselves that have fallen asleep (dead) will be
truth is that no Christian would want in repentance, inheritance of wives,
with imperishable, and the mortal with resurrected in the RAPTURE. This is a
to miss the day of the RAPTURE and practising traditional rituals in births,
immortality, to bring into fulfilment bitter truth (pill) that the Church has to
plunge themselves into Tribulation. burials, marriages, circumcisions
the final defeat over death, that was swallow, if she is to be restored back
At the same time, there is a common and initiations, ground breaking
gloriously handed over to us by The to Holiness.
generic over assumption and comfort c e re m o n i e s, b o a t l a u n c h i n g,
Lord JESUS upon locking the doors to
by some Christians who have not traditional ceremonies by football
Death and Hades. Will All Living Christians
treated RAPTURE with gravity. In this teams before matches, Church ‘seed’
respect, it is noteworthy, that Heaven RAPTURE? planting, scarring, polygamy, immoral
To every Christian (Church), this Having seen that only those who lived
and earth will come and go but every tight dressing showing navals and
marks a very clear definition of who in absolute Holiness at the time of
Biblical Scripture will be fulfilled to anatomies, wearing transparent
exactly will be able to make it into death will inherit the RAPTURE, it comes
the letter. clothes, men piercing ears and noses,
the R APTURE . The flesh and blood out very clearly, that the decision to men perming and braiding hair, a mark
represent the perishable and the cross into the RAPTURE is made by the of homosexuality, bringing cultural
The position of the Bible regarding physical realm in which case, it Christian before death. The question dancers wearing traditional regalia
those who will qualify for the RAPTURE, cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD, then becomes: in this world littered of witch doctors at the Altar of The
has been clearly stated without any while the imperishable realm can with rampant sexual immorality, LORD GOD, receiving gifts in Church
speck of ambiguity, from the book only be attained through the lusting with eyes, pornography, from devil worshippers, idolising and
of Genesis to Revelation. Mighty, transforming Power watching TV programs and movies adoring of wealthy devil worshippers
The LORD GOD in the of the Holy Spirit. This that do not glorify JESUS, idolatry of
It is fearful in Church, enthroning men other
book of Hebrews, flesh and blood is money, witchcraft, pride, chronic lying
that over 90% than Christ JESUS in big ceremonial
chapter 12 verse of those confessing perishable and must and false prophecies, occasions, slaughtering
14, already gave to be Christians, die because:- co r r u p t i o n , m a l i ce, cows by Pastors on graves,
us a benchmark i) it is loaded murder, slander, back bringing politicians and
standard to RAPTURE with the sinful
stabbing, gossip, anger, coffins at the Altar of The
Heavenly Spirit visitation does not desires of man,
and yet the Bible coarse jokes and filthy LORD GOD, engaging in
q u a l i f i c at i o n . enter the Church and
says that the language from the same political talks at the Altar
In this Scripture, wages of sin is tongue used to worship of The LORD GOD, not
Holiness is the death (Romans JEHOVAH, drunkardness, sticking to the message of
key to entering 6:23). bitterness, smoking,
the Church. ii) it derived its
the BLOOD of JESUS and the
the much awaiting abortions, promotion Cross at Calvary, even at
origin from dust, and
eternal fellowship with
must return to dust, as The of condoms, listening The Church has neglected t h e A l t a r o f T h e
orphaned street children,
The HOLY LORD in Heaven. LORD has destined it (Genesis to unholy music like widows and single mothers LORD GOD, bribing,
But, how does the daily Christian 2:7; 3:19). Christian rap and reggae b y t h e t r a f f i c l i g h t s . prostitution, thef t,
Christians drive by them
relate to this standard in his/her which are marks of the almost hitting them on religiousness without
walk with Christ? To answer this Amazingly, The LORD GOD, in HIS kingdom of darkness, the way to Church and not the Holy Spirit, faking
realising that this will cost
question, there is great relevance in supernatural infinite plan for man, bringing unholy and them seeing The Lord JESUS miracles and speaking
examining Apostle Paul’s letter of formed the first Adam from the dust immoral dancing at the (Matthew 25:35-46). The in false (devil’s) tongues,
gospel in today’s Church
encouragement to the Corinthian of the ground, and then breathed Altar of The LORD, the has been per ver ted for o p e n l y p r a c t i s i n g
Church in which he emphasizes into HIS nostrils the breath of life syndrome of modern financial gain leading to the comedy at the Altar of
blindness of the sheep.
the importance of receiving the (HIS Spirit) and man became a living Christianity, blackmailing, abusiven- The LORD GOD without fearing the
Holy Spirit and transforming their being. Now, it becomes very evident ess in marriage, ungratefulness, wrath of The LORD GOD, publishing

Repentance and Holiness | 7


in secular national newspapers the 15

And having disarmed It makes one wonder, how small the Holy Spirit After RAPTURE
amount of monetary tithes and offering the powers and number is, of the Christians from this The disappearance of the Church during
authorities, he made
collected in Churches among other otherwise modern and perennially the RAPTURE is visibly evidenced by ‘The
a public spectacle of
sins; then, is it really possible for them, triumphing over infant today’s Church, will qualify for Abomination of the Desolation’
the today’s modern Christian to them by the Cross. the RAPTURE if it happened right now. (Daniel 9:26-27) that takes place after
live in absolute Holiness and be the RAPTURE, thereby, bringing to a
For this
part of the RAPTURE of the Church? Though complete stop all sacrifices of Praise
It goes without saying, that only the one may and Worship in the house of The LORD
The Lord
Person of the Holy Spirit can enable argue that during the Tribulation. This is when
J E S U S said
the Christian to totally crucify the flesh Endtime the worshipping of the Beast will be at
that anyone
and live free from any one of the above prophecy peak. That notwithstanding, The LORD
who does
mentioned, (A spiritual life pleasing towards the HIMSELF promises to send a spirit of
not carry
to God) and be part of the RAPTURE. RAPTURE would confusion to the remnant Christians,
His Cross, is not
worthy of Him, and usher in a dispensation that will make them believe the image
The above situation that currently of the love of pleasure and of the beast within the Temple, during
that whoever finds
characterises the today’s Church, money, lack of godliness, and the Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2:5-
his life will lose
demonstrates the depth of the fall of absence of perseverance 12).
it and whoever
the Church which directly impacts among other evil traits (2
looses his life for
on the number of Christians living Timothy 3:1-9), the Church Only the Holy Spirit of GOD has the
His sake will find
today that will be able to make it into by no means should be caught authority and the power to prepare
it (Matthew 10:38;
the RAPTURE. It is fearful that over 90% up in that bracket, because she right the Church for the RAPTURE because
16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14:27).
of those confessing to be Christians, now unknowingly carries a very the Holy Bible emphasizes that without
Thence, we must loose our fleshy lives
will definitely miss the RAPTURE, if the powerful and Glorious destiny towards Holiness, no one will be able to see
to gain the immortality.
mighty, Holy Spirit visitation does the End of Age. This is the latter The LORD (Hebrews 12:14). Holiness
not enter the Church and completely This directly ties the RAPTURE to the anointing, that is supposed to come is a benchmark that The LORD has
reverse every single item mentioned importance of crucifying the flesh to the Church through the outpouring stressed in every Scripture and cannot
above in the Church and this definitely as a Christian, so as to live as a of the Holy Spirit, an anointing that be taken for granted. HE requires
calls for her being able to recognise spiritual being through the help of the has long been prophesied (Joel 2: absolute Holiness in the nature of
her hour of Holy Spirit visitation. 28-32) as being unique, mightier than The LORD in all that the Church
transforming Power of the Holy Spirit.
In other words, the way to the RAPTURE the previous, and cannot be shared does. In the book of 1 Peter, chapter
The Holy Spirit & RAPTURE is through the Cross, without which, no with the kingdom of darkness. In 1 verse 15, The LORD appears to call
Qualifying for the RAPTURE demands man can enter the Kingdom of GOD. other words, this is an anointing that the Church to a very high level of
that the today’s Christian purposefully requires a new wine skin (Matthew uncompromised complete Holiness,
walk as a spiritual being more than in However, considering the sinful world 9:16-17, John 2:8-10) because it is a level that when one evaluates the
the corrupt flesh and blood (physical in which the today’s Church (the more effervent and hence capable of circumstances around which the
being). This calls for the crucifixion of Christian) finds herself, it becomes preparing the Church from any level Church finds herself, one would say
the flesh through the mighty power practically impossible for the Christian of filth (fall) to become the Glorious, it is absolutely impossible to achieve
of the Holy Spirit during salvation, today, to live for Christ as a spiritual Sinless, Perfect Bride of Christ. within the framework set up in today’s
in a process known as Spiritual being and qualify for the R APTURE . Church. In this Scripture, The LORD
Sanctification. In order to partake of asserts affirmatively HIS position on
The world in which the Church finds Considering that the former rain
the RAPTURE, the today’s Church must Holiness when HE says,
herself, encourages compromise with of the order seen in the primitive
therefore, centre herself around the
sin, to an extent that the Church has Church, when Paul and John received 15
But just as he who
message of the BLOOD and the Cross,
become insensitive to THE SPIRIT OF revelation, was a very, very powerful called you is holy, so
and cannot have the luxury of side-
The LORD, thence not being able to rain on its own merit, then how be holy in all you do;
lining the BLOOD and the Cross. Neither 16
for it is written:
crucify the flesh and operate in the much more anointing, is the latter
has she the privilege of replacing the “Be holy, because I
spiritual realm. The love of pleasure glorious Church, expected to operate
BLOOD and the Cross with the false am holy.”
has diminished the perseverance with in, immediately prior to the RAPTURE?
doctrine and gospel of prosperity that Therefore, the standard of Holiness that
which the Church was expected to The period immediately prior to the
came from the devil. The BLOOD and the The LORD has called the Church to live
operate in, for purposes of executing RAPTURE of the Church actually refers
Cross, then becomes the one and only in, is absolutely high and there is no
her noble duty of preparing the spotless to the current prophetic dispensation
way to the RAPTURE. The Bible explicitly way the Church can achieve this level
gown for her Groom. Unfortunately, of Repentance and Holiness, that
presents the fact that The Lord JESUS, without the help of the supernatural
for today’s Church, the process the planet earth has entered into
who came from Glory unto the earth, transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
was crucified on the Cross at Calvary, leading to the RAPTURE through the right now. Having said this, it is
and resurrected into Glory, in order that Cross is a painful one, requiring her disappointingly sad, that the current The Vision after RAPTURE
we may know the Way to The FATHER to completely separate out from Church is constantly embroiled in In a Mighty Vision on July 31, 2006,
(The LORD GOD). (John 14: 1-6). The the world in order that she maybe incorporating worldly principles JEHOVAH GOD showed me (Dr.
power of the Cross to overcome death sanctified. This separation that the without knowing that for her to be Owuor) what the earth would look
and lead Christians into the RAPTURE is Church must go through, practically taken up into the RAPTURE, she has like after the Church has been taken
absolutely without question. Which calls for the Christian to deny herself to be absolutely Holy, Glorious, up in the RAPTURE. In this particular
brings us to the book of Colossians, of all pleasure (crucify the flesh on the (spotless) and Christ-like in character. vision, the earth was immediately
chapter 2, verse 15 that says Cross) in the process of Sanctification. (Ephesians 5:26; Romans 12: 15-16). covered with complete gross darkness

8 | Repentance and Holiness


right after the Church was taken up in Lamps, Oil and the RAPTURE 28-32). Furthermore, the failure of Spirit the Church cannot enter into
the RAPTURE. The RAPTURE took place The parable of the ten virgins in the the modern Church (Christian) to the Kingdom of GOD. The Lamp
in a split second in a very shocking book of Matthew chapter 25, is the back-up their faith in this case, is the heart
manner without notice and The LORD mirror image of the RAPTURE of the with the Holy of the Saint and
said, not only will HE take away Church and one of such warnings Spirit leads the wick of the
the Church, but also the Holy Spirit. placed in the Holy Bible to sensitise to Apostasy, L a m p, w h i c h
Going by this, one has no choice but the Church on the need to be RAPTURE- meaning the draw the oil to
to look into the Old Testament, when ready at all times. In this parable, The falling away of keep it burning
Scripture repeats itself, where The Holy Lord JESUS likened the Kingdom faith. (2 Timothy is ac tually the
Spirit only existed among the Servants of Heaven to ten virgins 3). fibres of the heart that
such as the Prophets and was not who were waiting for the are fully saturated in the
universal. This was however, reversed Bridegroom to appear, This is a very critical Holy Spirit. When the
on the day of Pentecost in the and of whom five m e s s a g e t o t h e The five lamps with oil represent fibres of the heart are
the Christian living in Holiness
New Testament when were wise and carried Church regarding under the guidance and influence fully soaked in the Holy
the initial rain poured their lamps and jars of the importance of of the Holy Spirit in preparation Spirit, then there is
and THE SPIRIT OF THE o f oil as they waited; the Holy Spirit in perfectcommunication
mp n preparing her for the RAPTURE without
LORD entered the e Tru nd o while the foolish five between the desires of the heart of
h sou
Church to help her live An D will carried their lamps without oil. WHOM she cannot make it into the
GO t day.
the Saint and that of the Holy Spirit,
a life pleasing to Christ tha Kingdom of GOD. The lamps represent thereby causing the fire of the Holy
hence becoming the light of At the midnight hour, a cry rang out the salvation that Spirit to burn away
the world. It is noteworthy that the (The voice of the Archangel and the makes Christians the chaff (impurities
removal of the Church and the Holy Trumpet Call of GOD) and the five the light of the of the hear t). The
Spirit during the RAPTURE accounts for wise virgins who had oil together with world (Matthew righteousness that
the gross darkness that covered the their burning lamps, made it into the 5:13-14), but this comes out of this heart,
earth in this vision. The absence of wedding banquet (R APTURE ) while salvation strongly therefore, becomes the
the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation the five foolish virgins who had no depends on their light of the world. This
will create a very difficult situation, for oil did not make it into the Kingdom faith in Christ JESUS. is the only way there
the Christians who will fail to make it of GOD and the door was shut on However, the faith can be a difference
The five lamps without
into the RAPTURE and yet try to resist them. The shutting of the door on the that Christians have oil represent today’s Christian between the light emitted
the mark of the Beast. It is immensely foolish virgins who had no oil (Holy in Christ JESUS as they l i v i n g i n s ex u a l s i n , l y i n g, from the Lamps that had
giving false prophecies and
absurd when one looks at the Church Spirit) was done by JEHOVAH GOD. await the R APTURE , preaching the false gospel of oil and those that had
today and finds that the precious Holy And that is why The LORD said in the is always under prosperity, enjoying both the no oil. In other words,
wor ld and the Church and
Spirit who is available right now, has book of Matthew chapter 24 verse 37 constant attack whose destiny will ultimately it is the righteousness
been abused by the Church herself, that as it was during the days of Noah, from the wor ld lead her to miss the RAPTURE. and Holiness as fruit of
and one can’t help but wonder how the so will it be at the Coming of the Son (devil) and can only repentance, that distinguish the Bride
earth will look like for those who fail to of Man. During the time of Noah, they be sustained when they receive the of Christ from the Today’s Church
make it into the RAPTURE. Therefore, it were hard-hearted, busy giving into Holy Spirit of GOD (the oil), lest they (Matthew 3:8).
is important that the Church will grasp marriage until Noah entered the Ark loose faith and their lamps (salvation)
this last opportunity in these last days and the book of Genesis chapter 7 go off. When their lamps are off, then The only way the heart can genuinely
before the RAPTURE and take advantage verse 16 says the Church ceases to be the light of the repent and yield the fruit of repentance
of the availability of the Holy Spirit world. Is this familiar today? is when the heart has been crucified,
“. . . Then The LORD
to prepare for the Coming for The shredded and broken, thereby
shut him in.”
Lord JESUS. Furthermore, having the Holy Spirit presenting her fibres as a perfect wick
The implication being that it is The
allows the Christians to be RAPTURE- soaked in the Holy Spirit and drawing
LORD that usually shuts the door and
Hour not known . . . ready at all times. Failure to back-up the anointing to light the Lamp (show
so will it be at the RAPTURE. However,
The Lord JESUS made it very clear to their faith with the power of the fruit of repentance) in the life of the
one may want to know that at one
Holy Spirit, leads the Church to Christian.
the Church, that she should await in point both the five lamps with oil
failing to make it into the Holy and
Holiness because the RAPTURE could and those without oil are lighting,
Glorious RAPTURE and thus entering Rosh Hashanah & RAPTURE
happen at any time though the hour therefore, creating confusion in the
the Tribulation when the door has Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year
is not known (Matthew 24:36-42). Church which represents the times
when false tongues and true Holy been shut (the five foolish virgins). which is highly celebrated and marked
This uncertainty of The Lord’s hour
Spirit-driven tongues were being The shutting of the doors of Heaven all over the world and especially
of return is well presented in many
spoken in Church. It also symbolises to the Church that had not received in Israel. This festivity which was
Scriptures across the Holy Bible,
the time when false prophets are the Holy Spirit during the critical time commanded by The LORD GOD, The
in such a way that it should have
prophesying in Church while the of her Mighty, Holy Spirit visitation Holy One of Israel, unto the Israelites
actually acted as a warning sign to Holy Spirit is also passing a message (five foolish virgins without oil), results in the book of Leviticus, chapter 23,
the Church. Unfortunately, going by of The LORD to the Church. At the into a spiritual desolation, and the verses 23 through 25, presents yet
what one sees in today’s Church, it midnight cry when the RAPTURE nears abomination that was foretold in the another mirror image of the RAPTURE of
is very heartbreaking to realise that all the false prophecies, prophets, book of Daniel. the Church of Christ and again another
these warning signs have not been false tongues die out and only THE very important warning sign on the
read and heeded. S PIRIT OF The LORD lights (Joel 2: This means that without the Holy need for the Church to prepare herself

Repentance and Holiness | 9


for the Coming of The Lord. There is 29

“. . . Behold, the Lamb HE said, HE would baptise the Church
a lot the Church can learn about the of GOD, who takes away with the Holy Spirit and unquenchable
the sin of the world!”
R APTURE and its requirements from fire, and that this unquenchable fire
this Scripture in the book of Leviticus. and The Lord JESUS had arrived (John would burn away the chaff thereby
One sees undoubtedly, that the Jewish 1:29). This implies that the Coming of separating it from the wheat. It is this
new year is about the changing of The Lord will be very sudden, in the kind of bread without yeast (chaff )
seasons, which actually parallels the middle of repentance revival, like is (This bread is Jesus; John 6:48-58)
T HE U PCOMING W AR IN I RAN : For sometime
change of seasons that the Church is currently going on in Kenya, just as that The LORD has commanded to be now since 2005, Dr. Owuor has been
going through right now during the Bible had promised. To take it prophesying a major nuclear war
presented to HIM before the Mighty
between Iran and the United States with
this period towards t h e to another level of gravity, Leviticus RAPTURE. The Church must therefore Israel. It is amazing that this year, Iran
R APTURE . However, chapter 23, verse is now preparing in training for a major
eat the TRUE BREAD. The emphasis
all out war. According to Dr. Owuor,
it is so crucial that 25, is The LORD’s here is on the role of the Holy Spirit in this upcoming war will build up a very
w h e n o n e re a d s command on strong alliance against Israel, an alliance
purifying the Church to be a glorious
that will fulfil Ezekiel chapter 38 verse
Leviticus chapter 23, how they should and Holy sacrifice without blemish for 9. However, this acts as a very strong
verse 24, one should approach HIM during The LORD during the RAPTURE. In the signal for the Church to prepare herself
for the R APTURE since the big storm on
notice the fact that this repentance book of Zechariah chapter 13 verses 7 Israel comes after the Glorious Church
the Rosh Hashanah The Shofar is normally sounded season in which HE through 9 says, has been taken up by Christ J ESUS . The
key word here is Glorious, which means
(Jewish new year’s during Rosh Hashanah during says. without Holiness no man will see The
the transition into a new
eve) services that The year in the Jewish culture. 2 5
“A w a k e , O s w o r d , Lord (Hebrews 12:14).
Do no against my shepherd,
LORD commanded The sounding of the Shofar regular work, against the man who is and greatly highlights the centrality of
usually takes place in the middle
u p o n I s ra e l, a re of the repentance service in but present an close to me!” declares the Holy Spirit in this entire process
i n d e e d d e e p preparation for the day of offering made T h e LO R D A l m i g h t y.
divine judgment which comes t o T h e LO R D “Strike the shepherd, of preparing for the R APTURE . The
repentance services. 8 days after the Rosh Hashanah. by fire. and the sheep will be statement made by The Lord JESUS in
This is the Yom Kipur day. To scattered, and I will
the Church this gives food for This is a very powerful Matthew chapter 25, verse 12, when
The one thing that thought since in preparing the lesson, that today’s turn my hand against
the little ones. 8 In the he said,
is unique about this way for the R A P T U R E there is Church ought to have whole land,” declares 12
“But he replied, ‘I tell
supposed to be repentance, and
repentance service, is in the middle of repentance the picked and lived by, if The LORD, “Two-thirds you the truth, I don’t
that it is characterised Trumpet of GOD is supposed to will be struck down and know you.’”
sound announcing the R APTURE , she had been centred perish; yet one -third
by the waiting for to the five foolish virgins, when they
which comes prior to the day around the Word of The will be left in it. 9 This
a mighty trumpet of judgment the Day of The third I will bring into the tried to knock on the door, implies that
Lord. Surely Israel is the Wife LORD. In this Scripture
blast, whose hour is fire; I will refine them those who will not have the Holy Spirit
of JEHOVAH and the Church the lies the secret of how like silver and test them
unknown. To make Bride of Christ only that Israel
the Church should in them at the time of the RAPTURE, will
has to receive JESUS as Lord and like gold. They will call
it worse, just as this Saviour. prepare for the RAPTURE on my name and I will not make it into the Kingdom of GOD.
repentance service begins to peak answer them; I will say, The Church then, had rather urgently
and the importance of the Holy Spirit
they are my people, and
and the heat picking up, the shofar in that preparation. In other words, change her sermons and focus on
they will say, ‘The LORD
(trumpet) usually unexpectedly blasts what The LORD is saying here, is that, is our GOD.’” the teaching of the Holy Spirit in these
in air announcing the arrival of the when it comes to the Repentance last days. The reason today’s modern
new year (season). This is absolutely season which is meant to Prepare The unquenchable fire described Church, which operates without the
synonymous with when John the the Way for the RAPTURE, HE does not above purifies the Church and gives Holy Spirit cannot make it into the
Baptist appeared and had just started need regular Church services but her a perfect identity and fellowship RAPTURE, is because she preaches the
preaching repentance to Prepare commands that a Holy and Glorious with JEHOVAH. This fire burns off two- gospel in which people come in and
the Way for The Lord, and when Church, who has been prepared by thirds in the Church; the false apostles, receive The Lord JESUS and yet are
repentance almost began to climax, the Holy fire of the Holy Spirit be false prophets, false evangelists, false not led to receiving the Holy Spirit
then all of a sudden in a very short presented before HIM. This is exactly pastors, false teachers and the false therefore, transferring the world right
time, he shocked them by shouting what The LORD meant in Matthew flock that have learned the falsehood into the Church without experiencing
these words, chapter 3, verses 11 through 12, when preached by above false priesthood. spiritual transformational growth that
The result of this fire is a remnant is meant to change their identity into
Church that has been prepared the Bride of Christ.
The LORD has by the Holy Spirit for the Glorious
warned the nations to
RAPTURE. In the same way in which Whilst the five wise virgins who carried
REPENT and prepare
for the RAPTURE in the unquenchable fire prepares the oil in jars represent the Christians that
anticipation of the offering unto The LORD on Rosh receive the salvation of The Lord, and
loud command of the
Hashanah. go on to receiving the Holy Spirit and
Archangel and the
Trumpet call of GOD continually grow under the anointing
from the sky. The It makes one wonder why teachings of the Holy Spirit which leads to
Glorious Bride that
on the importance of the Holy Spirit greater levels of spiritual sanctification
obeys this command
will be caught up in the Christian walk, have not been (Perfecting the Bride of Christ). This is
with The LORD in the cherished and emphasized in the the blue print and the true plan that
modern day Church. The parable of The LORD GOD had for the Church,
1 Thess 4:16-17
the ten virgins given by The Lord JESUS as seen in the book of Ezekiel chapter
himself, regarding the Kingdom of 47, verses 1 through 7, in which
GOD, is a wake up call to the Church every Christian is endowed with an

10 | Repentance and Holiness


enormous capacity to receive higher (Hebrews 6:4-6; Hebrews 10:26-31;

levels of anointing, making them more 2 Peter 2:19-22).
and more glorious, as they prepare for
the Glorious RAPTURE. On the contrary, The RAPTURE Church
the five foolish virgins who did not What Christians should be more
carry oil, further correspond to the worried about, is the identity of the
today’s modern Church, in which RAPTURE Church, so they can make
Christians are lukewarm, in other it into the Kingdom of GOD. This,
words, they are not in and they are not automatically brings into mind, what
out of the Church, thereby fitting both characteristics the R APTURE Church
in the world and the Church, a pathetic should have. Interrogating the character
state that makes them lukewarm; of today’s Church verses the RAPTURE
T HE RESTORATION OF I SRAEL : The process of restoring Israel was a long and tedious, one
the exact kind of Christians that The Church, gives the Christians a blessed of the constant wars between Israel and her Arab neighbours. However, The LORD
promised to restore her to peace and it is from Israel that J ESUS will rule on David’s
Lord JESUS vowed and promised to opportunity to review themselves even
Throne. In the book of Amos chapter 9 verses 11 and 12, The LORD promises Israel
vomit out. in these last days. Also, what does the of a major restoration that would rebuild David’s fallen tent and restore its ruins as
it used to be. Now, this is a physical but most importantly a spiritual restoration of
Holy Bible say about the character of
Israel and the Church of Christ. The LORD JEHOVAH GOD, in this regard, promises
I know your deeds, the RAPTURE Church? The Holy Bible is to restore the fellowship HE had with Israel, HIS Wife, after redeeming her from her
that you are neither fallen state, and likewise, it refers to restoration of the Church from her fallen state
cold nor hot. I wish you absolutely clear, without any ambiguity
in order to recapture her place as the Glorious Bride of Christ. 1. Injuries incurred in
were either one or the or confusion, about the character of the recent Israel-Lebanon war (2006) following a Katyusha rocket attack. 2. Israeli solder
other! 16 So, because RAPTURE Church. The only problem is pray over the missiles before launching them at Pro-Iranian Hizbollah.
you are lukewarm
— neither hot nor cold that the Church has not taught about
But they (Church) paid no attention, and the wedding gown. And in verses 11
— I am about to spit these characteristics. In the book of
went off one to his field, and another to through 13, The LORD GOD ordered
you out of my mouth. Matthew, chapter 22, verses 1 through
Revelation 3: 15-16. his business. The rest (Church) seized this person to be bound and thrown
14, The Lord JESUS, gave yet another
This lukewarm Church is characterised HIS Servants (Prophets), mistreated into the lake of fire as seen in verses
parable about the R APTURE of the
by Christians who live in a form of them and killed them. In this parable, 11 through 13 below;
Church, while exposing the conduct
godliness, loving pleasure such as The Lord JESUS concluded by saying 11
“But when the
of the today’s modern Church, so that King came to see the
bringing comedians during Church that the KING finally sent another set
the Christian can be on the look-out. In guests, He noticed a
services to entertain the congregation, of Servants to go out to the streets to
this parable, The Lord JESUS likened the m a n t h e re w h o wa s
while denying the power of GOD look for anyone they could find, both
Kingdom of GOD to a KING (The LORD not wear ing W E D D I N G
thereof. (2 Timothy 3: 1-9 talks very good and bad, and bring them into C LOT H E S . 12 ‘Friend,’ He
GOD) who prepared the wedding
well about her). She is immune to the banquet. asked, ‘How did you
banquet (RAPTURE), for HIS Son (The get in here without
the gospel, such that, when The Lord
Lord J ESUS ), and HE sent out HIS The Glorious Wedding wedding clothes?’ The
sends prophets to tell her to repent
Servants (Prophets) to tell those who Gown man was speechless.
and return to Holiness, she answers by 13
“Then the King told
had been invited to the banquet (The The Church must be clothed in the
saying “we have to discern the spirit” t h e a t t e n d a n t s, ‘ Ti e
Church) to come, but they refused to glorious wedding gown on the day
or at times she also says “we need one h i m h a n d a n d fo o t ,
come. In this parable, the KING sent of the RAPTURE, if she is to make it into
person to stand in the gap” and she is and throw him outside,
more servants and said in the book of the Kingdom of GOD. In the book into the darkness,
good at quoting these Scriptures like
Matthew, chapter 22, verse 4, of Matthew chapter 22 parable, it is where there will be
an expert. The Lord JESUS says that, ‘. . . tell those who
shocking and stunning that when the weeping and gnashing
because she is lukewarm by receiving have been invited that of teeth.’
Servants of The LORD had brought
salvation and recycling back to the I have prepared my
people from the streets into the Now, there are a few key issues
dinner: My oxen and
world, she is worse off in this state, to learn and keep in your heart
fattened cattle have wedding hall, JEHOVAH GOD, The
than she was in the beginning, when been butchered, and regarding the RAPTURE of the Church,
KING, as HE went around looking
she never knew Christ, because she ever ything is ready.
at the guests, HE noticed in there a from this Scripture;
Come to the wedding
is sending Christ back to the Cross (i) The LORD notices a person whom
banquet.’ person sitting, who was not wearing

T HE D AY H EAVEN O PENED O VER K ENYA : A meeting at Njoro, a small wayside town in the Kenyan Rift Valley province was organised. The nation was going through a very severe
unexplained drought that killed a lot of livestock and dried up vegetation in the land. Dr. Owuor at this meeting, lifted his hands up towards Heaven, and said, “Mighty Lord
open Heaven and bring rain here today.” To the great shock and amazement of those gathered at the grounds, Heaven obeyed and rain came down instantly. This day essentially
marked the beginning of rain into a nation that had been heavily hit by drought with carcasses littered everywhere. This was a repeat of the events of June 5, 2005 at Bukhungu
Stadium in Kakamega, when Dr. Owuor stunned a large repentance meeting as he stood on the Altar and commanded Heaven to open and in less than one minute, Heaven
obeyed and rain came down in a massive force, a strange rain that healed many people in a broad sunny summer day. (See Testimony section below).

Repentance and Holiness | 11


HE addresses as ‘Friend’ and yet cuts across the entire Scripture in the Church. It is however, the obligation Glorious Gown when worn, has the
this ‘Friend’ unfortunately is not in Holy Bible, which is very busy talking of the Church, to keep this gown limitless, enormous capacity to bring
a wedding gown. This ‘Friend’ if about the Holy nature of JEHOVAH clean and Holy, even as Joshua was salvation and joy unspeakable to the
you remember, is comparable to GOD and how the Church can prepare being instructed by the Angel of The Church, and Righteousness thereby
the five foolish virgins who, like in Holiness to encounter The LORD. LORD (JESUS) in Zechariah chapter 3, converting the Church into a jewel
everybody else in the beginning For instance, when Joshua had to verse 7, that: before The LORD. This Glorious
had received the salvation of The appear before the Angel of The LORD Gown, is therefore extremely crucial in
Lord as a gift from JEHOVAH GOD, If you will walk in
7 ‘
(The Lord JESUS), he had to have his my ways and keep my preparing the Church for the RAPTURE,
and had the love of JEHOVAH filthy clothes removed (uncircumcised requirements, then you even as seen in the book of Revelation
GOD when they got saved but will govern my house
heart), and wear a rich garment (the chapter 19, verses 7, through 8, when
refused to take oil (Holy Spirit) and have charge of
wedding gown). In the same way my courts, and I will The LORD says,
with them. Considering that the
Bartimaeus, the blind man took off give you a place among
oil (Holy Spirit) is a free gift from these standing here.’
“. . . for the wedding
his filthy clothes and threw them of the Lamb has come,
JEHOVAH GOD upon receiving
salvation of The Lord JESUS, which away when JESUS called him; thereby and His Bride has
In other words, this conversation made herself ready. 8
gift is so badly needed to sustain receiving the physical healing of his
in the book of Zechariah chapter Fine linen, bright and
the light of the candle (Faith in eyes and the healing of his spiritual clean, was given her
3, was actually being directed to
their salvation) then refusing to eyes through the Glorious Gown (Mark to wear.”
the Church, on how The Lord JESUS
pursue the Holy Spirit, amounts to 10:46-52) This is the same rich garment This Scripture describes the Glorious
paid a horrendous price to get the
disobedience to JEHOVAH (the Wedding Gown), one Gown as being fine linen, bright and
glorious gown, tailor-made for her
GOD, and however finds in the book of clean, which represents the Holiness
friendly you may and now it is her obligation to keep
The Luke chapter 15, and Righteousness of The LORD within
be to HIM, HE the gown spotless without blemish.
Glorious when the prodigal which the Saints are supposed to walk
will reject you. It is interesting that the only way
RAPTURE-ready son was able to their hearts, in order to qualify for the
through which the Church can keep
Christians may often repent and The RAPTURE. It is extremely disturbing to
Mark this, the this Precious, Glorious Gown spotless
five foolish LORD placed note that, the character of today’s
is by walking in the Holy ways of The
virgins a GLORIOUS RING Church, matches the ‘Friend’ that had
LORD, and keeping the requirements
without oil in HIS hand, no wedding gown and was thrown
are treasured by the of JEHOVAH GOD. Ironically, it is
came back JEHOVAH because and ordered a out without mercy by JEHOVAH GOD.
practically impossible, for the Church
with fake without them Christ wealthy gown This is because
in today’s world,
oil, when the would have had no to be placed she has indulged
to live in the Holy
Bridegroom perfect Bride. on him, before herself in the
(The Lord J ESUS ) requirements of
the banquet (the promiscuous
had arrived for the The LORD without
wedding supper of the gospel of
wedding (R APTURE ), in receiving the
Lamb). prosperity,
Matthew chapter 25 verse 12 Holy Spirit. This
which is sweet
the Holy Bible says, explains why the
It is obvious that from Joshua to the to the flesh, yet,
But he replied, ‘I tell five foolish virgins
prodigal son, to the book of Revelation seriously lacking
you the truth, I don’t whose lamps had
chapter 19, this glorious Wedding in Repentance
know you.’ no oil failed to
So it becomes very obvious, that Gown has to be given by The LORD, and Holiness.
make it into the BIRTHPAINS: Historic record-breaking floods
this ‘Friend’ is the today’s Church to those who qualify and are invited Has she been
RAPTURE. have recently hit many regions across the
which by all means and standard for the wedding supper of The Lamb. world including, Asia, America, Ethiopia, given a chance
Kenya, China etc. The Biblical birthpains
has refused to receive the Holy Surely by now, it becomes very clear The conversation predicted by The Lord J E S U S mention of dialoguing
Spirit and make Him central, to the Church, that it is HE, The LORD between the Angel historic floods, never seen before, that with JEHOVAH?
consequently lacking in Holiness, GOD that prepares a tailor-made would sweep across the earth, right
of The LORD and before the R APTURE of the Church. This Of course yes,
a requirement The LORD is not Wedding Gown for the Bride of Christ, Joshua in the book i s s y n o ny m o u s t o p hy s i c a l h u m a n but the tragedy
willing to waiver. birthpains in which right before a baby
and it is HE, The LORD GOD, that puts of Zechariah, is is born, the mother has to go through is that when The
(ii) that actually the Church for
the Wedding Gown on the Bride of actually The Lord a phenomenon called “breaking of the LORD sends HIS
whom the wedding was prepared water”. Therefore, these historic floods
missed the RAPTURE because she
Christ who qualifies for the wedding J ESUS telling the sweeping the ear th, imply that the Prophets to tell
refused to receive the message of
supper of The Lamb. In this process, Church that when R APTURE of the Church is extremely close her to repent, and
The LORD GOD sends the Mighty Holy to happen. Prepare the Way
Repentance and Holiness from she qualifies for
the Servants of The LORD. Spirit to dress the Bride of Christ with the R APTURE , by keeping the hard- for the R APTURE , she often mistreats
(iii) that it is very critical to have the the Righteousness and the Holiness worn Wedding Gown spotless, and kills them. What is most disturbing
glorious wedding gown ready, of The LORD, through the BLOOD of she gets an automatic right to rule however, about this Scripture, is the
the gown without which, no one JESUS. The process of tailoring this with Him for a thousand years (a fact that when The Lord J ESUS said
will see The LORD. Glorious Gown for the Bride of Christ, millennium), when He returns on the in the book Matthew chapter 22,
is a long, and tortuous one, found Day of The Lord. There has always verse 8,
The wearing of the glorious wedding in the book of Isaiah chapter 53. A been a constant reminder of the 8
‘The wedding banquet is
gown, that the Church ought to be process characterised with a lot of nature of this miraculous Glorious ready, but those I invited did
preparing by this time, is a basic pain, rejection and the tearing of sinful Gown, within the Scriptures of the not deserve.’
requirement for anyone to appear flesh to release the Glorious BLOOD Holy Bible. For instance, in the book He actually meant the Church, because
before The LORD. This requirement of JESUS, that washes the heart of the of Isaiah chapter 61, verse 10, this the RAPTURE is prepared as a wedding

12 | Repentance and Holiness


banquet between The Lord JESUS and separation from main-stream and man-
Church; and yet we see very clearly, established Churches is the work of
that the Church failed to make it into the Holy Spirit who actually sets them
the RAPTURE. Moreover, this Scripture apart from defilement, so they can be
clearly states that, the Servants were the Glorious RAPTURE-ready Bride of
sent to get other people who were Christ. In Heaven, they are treasured by
ready; and these ‘other people’ made JEHOVAH GOD because without them
it into the RAPTURE. This is absolutely Christ would have had no perfect Bride
worrying, because every Scripture at all. Going by the current, modern,
in the Holy Bible, will be fulfilled, today’s Church which has homosexual
and it makes one wonder if today’s Pastors and Bishops ministering at the
Church will make it into the RAPTURE, Altar of The LORD, rampant sexual sin
because she has rejected the Servants within the congregation and at the Altar
of The LORD (Prophets) sent to invite (1 Cor. 6: 12-20), lusting for money,
her into the Wedding (RAPTURE). The false prophecies, lies and deception,
Lord JESUS concluded by saying that, which deception is actually the sin of
those who were collected from the the Antichrist, when he comes to lie to In Joel’s Prophecy of the Endtime Signs, there would be wonders in Heaven and on
earth; blood, fire and billows of smoke . . . before the coming of The Lord JESUS (Joel 2:30-
streets to attend the Wedding banquet the earth; their penalty is always death 32) These words are echoed in the pictures above. Events such as massive droughts,
had wedding gowns on (Holiness (Acts 5: 1-11; Ananiah and Sapphirah). Tsunamis, tornadoes, storms, famines, droughts and wars are currently unfolding all
over the earth and are proof of the Signs of the End of Age. 1. Top: A historic drought
& Righteousness), thereby implying Today’s Church has also seen episodes that swept across the horn of Africa e.g. Ethiopia, Somali, Kenya, at the beginning
that some people who may not be of pastors going to witchdoctors to of the year 2006 leading to loss of livestock. The carcass shows a camel that finally
succumbed to the drought. 2. Above: Very strange storms of lightening hit Australia and
in the conventional Churches today, get charms for attracting a wealthy caused severe panic. 3. Billow of smoke from the Israeli-Hizbollah conflict in Lebanon
and are busy praying in their prayer congregation that can ‘sow hefty July, 2006. These events mark the beginning of birthpains. (Matthew 24; Luke 21)
closets, the so-called unheard voices, seed’. However, the Glorious RAPTURE-
and yet in the eyes of JEHOVAH GOD ready Christians are often sad people
they are beautiful RAPTURE material and in the external outlook, a people return with Lord during the Second they must wear immortal bodies (His
actually RAPTURE-ready. Most of these whose appearance may often be Coming of The Lord. On this day, they resurrection) that one can only get
people are usually unpopular in their disfigured and unappealing to the will line up on both sides from the when rejected by Church and hence
behaviour and choices of things, and Mount of Olives towards the Eastern operating outside the Church. Hence,
world especially during fasting, and
do not fit well in conventionally man- Gate of Jerusalem shouting ‘Hossana it is not surprising that John the Baptist
if they are ladies their dressing may
established Churches and structures. to the highest’ as they usher in the who came as the RAPTURED Spirit of
be unusually long even at their work
King of Glory. Elijah operated completely outside
They choose Holiness without places. Their being disfigured and
the Church despite his father being a
compromise, thereby being branded unattractive to the world make these Glorious Gown & Priest (Bishop). Prophet Elijah himself
and catalogued extremists, hard liners RAPTURE-ready Christians, Christ-like in Wilderness was RAPTURED because he operated
and at times called unrealistic fanatical character because the Glorious Bride
It is amazing to see the similarity outside the Church in the caves and
Christians who try to achieve out- of Christ is surely Christ-like.
between the despised donkey chosen ravines. This makes one definitely want
of-this-earth levels of Holiness. Their
by The Lord and the non-attractive, to know the life of Enoch who too
prayer burden is to see the Kingdom The same scenario is also seen
despised Saints who make it into the was RAPTURED into Heaven. It is now
of GOD established, hence materially, when a donkey, which is one of the
RAPTURE. In the same way when John interesting to realise that the killing
they are normally poor and yet they most despised animals on earth,
the Baptist appeared, he was most of the flesh which is a prerequisite
don’t even pray for material possession was mightily used to carry the Glory
unattractive, wearing camel hair and for anyone to be R A P T U R E D can
and wealth. This position they often of The Lord through the Eastern
a leather belt, roaming the wilderness only occur outside the man-made
acquire through the help of the Holy Gate into Jerusalem (Mark 11: 1-11).
eating locusts and wild honey and institution of Church, because it is
Spirit who reveals to them the Scripture Considering that the donkey is not the
most attractive animal to man, and preaching an unattractive gospel of only outside Church that there is
in Matthew chapter 19, verse 24 in
often man compares it with the horse Repentance and Holiness, but he the wilderness of Repentance and
which The Lord JESUS says,
whose value is very high and loved ushered in, like the donkey, the KING Holiness. This is the fulfilment of the
“. . . it is easier for by the world for its beauty, then The OF GLORY. The deep message that book of Leviticus chapter 23 verse
a camel to go through The Lord left us in this regard, was 25, when JEHOVAH said,
Lord must have spoken a very major
the eye of a needle the fact that whoever is to make it into
statement and prophecy to the Church 25
‘Do no regular work, but present
than for a rich man the RAPTURE, must be rejected by the
through His choice of this often abused offering made to The LORD by
to enter the Kingdom
animal. The donkey is usually quiet, Church and be outside Church. fire.’
of GOD.”
down-looking, burden-bearing and This means that preparing for the
The today’s Church tend to throw this When JESUS was rejected by the Temple
looked-down-upon. In other words, RAPTURE is where the Church norm
type of people out because they speak in Jerusalem, He was crucified and
just like the donkey, chosen by The isn’t. It is not surprising that the carrier
correction to the Church demanding resurrected and came and passed
Lord, the carriers of The Lord’s glory of The Lord’s Glory into Jerusalem,
repentance on defilement, and they outside the Temple towards the Mount
are all the time not attractive to man the donkey, is outside and not in
exhibit ‘strange’ behaviour for example of Olives, then He was RAPTURED. This
and the world. And the prophecy of pens. It is common to find donkeys
wearing a sackcloth and putting ash is a very deep message the Church
the donkey ushering in the Triumphal outside at night after they have been
on their faces while fasting, in today’s cannot afford to ignore. It is absolutely used for heavy duty. This is unlike the
Entry of The Lord into Jerusalem, will
modern world; and repenting over the clear that The Lord was saying that beautiful horse which have been kept
be fulfilled when the RAPTURED Saints
rampant sexual sin in the Church. This for anyone to make it into the RAPTURE in pens and carefully watched over
in their Glorious Wedding-Gowns

Repentance and Holiness | 13


by veterinary doctors and well fed rejection of Christ by the world. In this miracle now? This problem has been that the sinful desires of the flesh
indoors. This same likeness of Christ context, the book of 1 Peter chapter 2 confounded by deliberate alienation of are always driven by the menacing
that is not attractive to the world and verse 4 and 5 is a classic on this matter Repentance which should otherwise spirit of addiction and keeps them
yet brings Glory to The LORD GOD, of rejection, and says have been the centre of the Christian away from living in Holiness, makes
and which the Church is commanded message. Little has the current Church it worse for the Church.
As you come to
to acquire, is still seen in Isaiah chapter Him, the Living Stone known that rejecting Repentance and
52 verse 14 and Isaiah chapter 53, – rejected by men Holiness essentially means rejecting On the contrary, a stronger spiritual
but chosen by GOD
verses 2 and 3. the BLOOD of J ESUS and therefore, life signifies a weaker flesh, thereby
and Precious to Him
– 5 you also, like living plunging her into the raging fire overruling the sinful desires of the
The selflessness that goes with the stones, are being built that will consume the enemies of heart and making Christians desire
wearing of The Lord’s Glorious into a spiritual house
GOD (Hebrews 10:26-31). In order everything that pleases The Lord
to be a holy
Wedding Gown is astounding. In this priesthood, J ESUS in complete Holiness and
to make it into the
regard, it is not uncommon for these offering Righteousness. This the true identity
R APTURE , one must
RAPTURE-prepared Saints, who are not spiritual
be bitterly rejected marker of the Bride of Christ who
main stream in the Church, to even quit acceptable to will qualify for the RAPTURE (Ephesians
by the world (Isaiah
jobs that predispose them to sexual sin GOD through 4:12-15). In this respect, the stronger
53:3; Isaiah 52:13-
and other sins, but inside their hearts, JESUS Christ.
15; Matthew 2:18; spiritual life will always lead the
they long to see The Lord JESUS glorified Men in this Scripture Christians into the things of the Holy
Jeremiah 31:15;
in complete Holiness that He deserves. represent the Church, GETHSEMANE: Olive trees in Spirit, thereby encouraging fasting
John 1:11).
These unrecognized Christians are Gethsemane symbolise extreme
i.e. the flesh and perserverance in the midst of which essentially crucifies the flesh.
usually fewer than the majority and blood which is the extreme bitter rejection by the Is Church The Christians then grow from one
world. The Lord JESUS had to go
popular modern Churches of today. miniature version of through this to teach the Church Prepared For level of Holiness to the next till they
And their appearance in the book of the world in us. It is to embrace bitter rejection by the RAPTURE? are completely consumed by the Holy
Matthew chapter 7, verse 13, fulfils world (Mark 14: 32-52).
absolutely pathetic During the RAPTURE, flesh and Spirit and become the mature, Perfect
the Scripture that The Lord JESUS gave, that the Church has an inherent nature blood will not inherit the Kingdom of Bride of Christ (Ezekiel 47:1-6).
when He said that the path leading to (flesh and blood) that rejects JESUS. God. Thence, the mortality will have
the Kingdom of GOD, is a very narrow A situation well put in the book of to be replaced with immortality while At this juncture, it is important to
and unpopular path that is hidden and Genesis chapter 8 verse 21 describes the perishable with imperishable note that, a Perfect Bride is a mature
one has to search for it, to locate it and every fibre of man as being naturally (1 Corinthians 15:50-53). In this Christian that can resist the devil and
follow it; while the path leading to inclined to evil from childhood. This case, it becomes very important to stage a fight till the adversary flees.
hell is wide with a lot of fun, pleasure is the world in us that rejects JESUS realise that the spirit and the flesh (James 4:7-8). Furthermore, given
and much lights some of which look thereby technically disqualifying us are always in constant conflict with the Holy nature of The LORD GOD,
like disco lights from being part of the RAPTURE without one another (Galatians 5:16:18), certainly, no man will see The Lord
and majority of notice. The global within the Christian. Subsequently, JESUS or inherit the Kingdom of GOD
the people are version of this, is this results into a situation in which, without Holiness (Hebrews 12:14).
wal k in g t h ere. the outside world when one nurtures and cherishes This definitely implies that a mature
Therefore, the that also fights Christ the flesh, then their spiritual lives are Bride of Christ (Christian) will have
Church is hereby THE CROWN OF THORNS: The Crown to another level overruled by the sinful desires of the repented and received the Holy Spirit
warned to find her that set the Church free when a n d m a g n i t u d e , flesh. The result of the above contest and chosen Holiness at the expense of
it was placed on The Lord JESUS
rightful wedding and he bled profusely; How could often manifested in (spirit vs the flesh) ultimately leads self. Now, when such a Christian living
gown and watch the Church forget this so soon. movies like Da Vinci to the Church (Christians) living in in Holiness dies, then the perishable
Matthew 27: 28-29 “. . . and they
o u t t h a t t h i s stripped Him naked and put a Code, blasphemous perpetual cycles of perennial sin mortal body made out of dust returns
glorious wedding scarlet robe on Him, and then comedies, movies, which eventually becomes very to dust (Genesis 2:7; Genesis 3:19;
twisted together a crown of thorns
gown is actually and set it on his head.” magazines, websites, difficult to break out of. The fact Psalms 103:14; Ecclesiastes 3:20) while
the righteous heart hostile corporate world, governments,
of the Saints! other mass movements and religions.
In all these cases, overcoming the
Bitter Rejection & RAPTURE world will most definitely always
Christ JESUS was rejected by the world require the help of the transforming
and there is no way The Lord JESUS Power of The Holy Spirit. This allows
would love to come for and wed the the Christians (Church) to put on the
current prostitute Church in her present R APTURE prerequisite imperishable
filthy and unfaithful state. A state that (immortality) wedding gown. From
has constantly attracted a very defiling the above, the message of the Cross
acceptance from the world, whereas therefore, still remains foolishness B IRTHPAINS : The signs of Endtime have increasingly been replayed in our Age, reminding
J ESUS was Himself rejected by the to the perishing, and the Power of the Church to seek Holiness. Left picture: Pestilences coming in this last days have long
been prophesied in the book of Luke chapter 21. But when they come, they surely pose
world. Apparently, this bitter rejection JEHOVAH GOD to those destined for an unmatched challenge to mankind. The man is masked out of the fear for contracting
of The Lord JESUS by the world is a the RAPTURE. (1 Corinthians 1:18). How the H5N1 virus that causes birdflu. Right picture: Massive floods in China have caused
over 1.3 million residents to flee for their lives in August 2006. News media around the
mirror image which the Church should then, can this Church embrace other world have reported that this is the worst ever storm China has had to face in over
have emulated if she is to be Christ-like. gospels like the gospel of prosperity, half a century making it absolutely historic. It is important for the Church to realise
that the signs of the End of Age would cause distress of historic proportions and living
The Holy Bible has heavily dwelt on this gospel of ‘sow a seed’ and get your to see this during our age is completely humbling.

14 | Repentance and Holiness


the breath of GOD that gave him His Spirit, a situation that has reigned called Dr. Owuor in a mighty visitation, critical in the Holy of Holies and helping
Spirit qualifies for an immortal body in Church for a sometime now. No HE took him into the Throneroom the Church offer acceptable Spiritual
and is raised up during the RAPTURE to wonder perverted worship has taken of The LORD GOD in Heaven, and Sacrifices to JEHOVAH GOD.
catch up with The Lord JESUS in the centre stage at the Altar of The LORD, showed him the
air. This practically disarms death making one question whether Ark of the New Mercy Seat
and brings to completion the GOD of Elijah, HE still Covenant of The & Spiritual
the plan of GOD into the lives! The failure of the LORD and the Altar
The two
life of a Christian by Cherubim of The Church to teach on two Cherubim of The atonement
accomplishing the Glory constantly the importance of the Glory on either c o v e r ( M e rc y
THE HOLY BIBLE: The LORD GOD showed Dr. Owuor
true meaning of the protect the site at Mighty Holy Spirit side. After this, the Ark of the New Covenant in The LORD’s S e a t ) o f t h e
which the Glory of The
salvation of The Lord during their walk The LORD GOD Throneroom in Heaven, in which the complete Ark of the New
Lord will touch during Bible was at the centre and lightening hit the
JESUS Christ into the the visitation of the with Christ accounts star ted giving Bible three times then it opened, and Glory C o v e n a n t o f
Church (Genesis 3: Holy Spirit. How for this. Dr. Owuor new filled the inside of the Ark of the New Covenant. The LORD is the
This signifies that the Holy Bible should be at
15; Colossians 2: 13- about the Church revelation on the the central position in the Church of Christ for Spiritual Altar
15; 1 Corinthians 15: today. . . Scriptures like Hebrews Ark of GOD and the latter Glory of The LORD to be manifested. of the Church
54-58; Galatians 3:13-14). chapter 6 verses 4 through how it relates to of Christ, that
Therefore, it is absolutely clear 6, chapter 10 verses 26 through the RAPTURE of the HE HIMSELF having removed her
that, a minimum and very small 31 and 2 Peter chapter 2 from verse 19 Church (see below section on ‘Prophetic from the earthly sanctuary into the
percentage of those who confessed to through 22 are hardly read to the Calling’). While at the Throneroom, Spiritual tabernacle now offers spiritual
be Christians and died will make it into young Christians as they receive The the Glory of The LORD came and sat sacrifices acceptable to The LORD GOD.
the RAPTURE because to their dismay, the Lord JESUS. In which case, misleading on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the For that matter, it is on this atonement
failure of the majority of Christians to them to think that they can recycle New Covenant of The LORD. Then cover that the Precious BLOOD of JESUS
strive for absolute Holy living, will put between sin, the world and the Church. immediately, so much Glory covered is so much poured. And furthermore,
many to shame. Yet the emphasis should have been the inside of the Ark of the New the fact that in the vision of The LORD
on zero tolerance to sin and Holy Covenant of The LORD and lightening that Dr. Owuor was shown, when the
Clearly, the way the Christians are living. This has created a calamity stroke the Bible that was seated in Cloud of His Glory was enthroned on
currently living in complete lack of within the Christian faith and only there, three times, thereby causing a the Mercy Seat between the Cherubim
Holiness and in total compromise a Repentance and Holiness revival, quake. It is important to realise that in of Glory, then the entire Ark of the
with sin inside the Church, and by where Repentance means confessing so doing The LORD GOD, essentially New Covenant became very Glorious.
accommodating wickedness at the your sins and turning away from sin, gave a very deep revelation on the This implies that the latter Church of
expense of Holiness, by the time they can save this Church in the last days.
Endtime Church and the RAPTURE. What Christ will be one in which Christ is
fall asleep, they often have fallen short The tragedy though, is that RAPTURE is
was amazing was that when the Holy fully enthroned thereby bearing an
of the Holiness requirement of The around the corner and the signs of the
Bible was finally placed inside the Ark enormous latter Glory of The LORD. It
Lord. It is unfortunate that the Church End of Age are already in place (see
of the New Covenant, The Cloud of is the Glory of The LORD visiting the
has not taught the true doctrine of sections below on earthquakes, wars,
HIS Presence came and sat on Altar (today’s Church) that restores
the BLOOD of JESUS; Repentance and droughts, pestilence, floods
the Mercy Seat, then the the favour of The LORD over the
Holiness and how to receive the etc) leaving the Church
entire Ark of the New Church. And when the Glory of The
Holy Spirit. Even more disappointing with very little time to
Covenant became LORD comes and seats on the Mercy
is that the Church has focused on restore this massive
Glorious. In this Seat (Spiritual Altar) then The LORD
prosperity teachings, a gospel of and wide scale
visitation, The JEHOVAH GOD has been enthroned in
miracles and read only Scriptures defilement she has
LORD GOD your heart. The implication here being
that are sweet and itching to their gotten herself into.
revealed what that, the perfect unblemished sacrifice
flesh, making the Christians stunted
will happen placed at the Altar by the Church
in growth and infants forever. The Ark Of The
New Covenant to the Church essentially enthrones The LORD and
result has been widescale sexual sin
& The Glorious i n t h e l at te r d ays. restores honour unto His Holy Name.
in Church and rampant idolatry of
money, together with other sins like Church For this reason, with all the Heavenly
In the Throneroom of The LORD The Ark of the New Covenant of The hosts, Heavenly armies and multitudes
lying, taking root in the Church. The
GOD in Heaven, The Ark of the New LORD is the Church of Christ and when of angels, the two Cherubim of The
situation is no different between the
Covenant is the most important centre- the Holy Bible is placed at the centre Glory usually still have to stretch
Altar (Servants of The Lord) and the
congregation. False prophets have piece of the Throne. On either side of (inside) of the Ark of the New Covenant out their wings and cover the Mercy
entered the Church and confused her the Ark of the New Covenant of The and the Glory of The LORD has sat on Seat (Spiritual Altar). These actions
by making it difficult to know which LORD, are the Cherubim of Glory. The the Mercy Seat, then the entire Ark of the two Cherubim of The Glory, in
voice is coming from The LORD Ark of the New Covenant of The LORD of the New Covenant becomes very constantly covering the Mercy Seat,
and which one isn’t. With five wise GOD is the Throne and HE is enthroned Glorious. This implies that The LORD presents a major lesson that today’s
virgins having lamps burning under between the two Cherubim (Matthew GOD has decided that the Church Church must learn from. It is pretty
the Holy Spirit and five foolish virgins 19:28; 1 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 6:2; 2 of Christ in which the Bible is central obvious that the two Cherubim of
having the lamps burning without Kings 19:15; 1 Chronicles 13:6; Psalms (takes a centre position) and The Lord The Glory constantly protect the site
the Holy Spirit at one point, all the 2:4; Psalms 80:1 Psalms 99:1). JESUS is enthroned on the Mercy Seat, at which the Glory of The LORD will
ten lamps are burning. It becomes will be the Glorious latter Church that touch during the visitation of the Holy
very difficult to discern which light is The Throneroom Vision qualifies to be taken up in the RAPTURE. Spirit. This raises an inevitable question,
genuine and coming from the Holy In the year 2003, when The LORD GOD The Holy Spirit has always been very how about the Church today . . . has

Repentance and Holiness | 15


she jealously protected the Altar of “Has the Church been humble,
The LORD at which the latter Glory contrite in Spirit and trembled at
will fall (Joel 2:28-32), from sexual sin, the Word of The LORD?”
lying, love of money, witchcraft etc?
Does she even know that this is key Well, this definitely sounds like a
to the RAPTURE? The Spiritual Altar and complete departure from the current
Mercy Seat at which the Glory of The state of the Church today, in which
sexual sin is rampant, the love of
LORD seats is your heart. That is why in
money (idolatry) is established and
the book of Ezekiel chapter 36, verses
there is no rebuking of sin. The present
24 through 30, HE says, The LORD
Church therefore, has to start lighting
GOD would replace the hearts of the
up a Holy fire before JEHOVAH GOD
Saints and place HIS Spirit inside their
and stop lighting up useless fires
new hearts thereby causing them to
before HIM (Malachi 1:6-10) in order
follow HIS decrees and commands.
that the latter Glory of The LORD may
Consequently, it is your heart that As the Holy Ghost Revival fire continues to sweep the East African country of Kenya with
revisit the Altar and prepare herself for
needs to be protected from all sin in Repentance and the return to Holiness, larger and larger gatherings of thousands upon
the RAPTURE. thousands have been witnessed in the land of Kenya since The Lord sent Dr. Owuor
order that you receive and bear the to Kenya in the year 2004 to date. One thing that has appeared with this repentance
latter visitation of the Holy Spirit, and revival meeting is the massive historic and never seen before deliverance by the
The Bible, at the centre of the Glorious Holy Spirit that accompanies these meetings, when Dr. Owuor steps onto the Altar
walk in Holiness, and make it into of The Lord.
Ark of the New Covenant in the
Throneroom of GOD, is the true bread
comes for His Glorious Church, The same SPIRIT OF The LORD, further led
that comes from Heaven, which if
The Restoring BLOOD Second Coming of The Lord, also The Lord and Saviour JESUS Christ to
a man eats will have Eternal life
The restoring BLOOD of JESUS, which is known as the Day of The Lord, is leak to His Church on the signs of the
(John 6:49-51). The latter Church
poured on the Mercy Seat (Spiritual actually the Day of Judgement at the End of Age. In this conversation, The
which qualifies for the RAPTURE (The
Altar) therefore, has the complete Eastern Gate of Jerusalem. During Lord predicted wars between nations
Perfect Bride) is uniquely and distinctly
capacity to restore the defiled Altar the Second Coming of The Lord, The and kingdoms, great earthquakes,
defined by this precious character. The
of The LORD in the Church of Christ Lord JESUS returns with the RAPTURED famines, pestilences, fearful events
restoring power of the True Bread Of
today and prepare her for the Glorious Saints and immediately His feet stand and great signs from the Heavens.
Life that came from Heaven, is capable
RAPTURE. The ultimate sacrifice without on the Mount of Olives, the mountains This, in His own words would mark
of rebuilding the entire Church of Christ
blemish, that the Church has to present splits forming great valleys, creating the End of Age. (Luke 21:5-38;
on earth as prophesied in the book of
before JEHOVAH GOD, in order to great distress. It is important to know Matthew 24).
Daniel chapter 2, verses 34 and 35.
experience the much needed latter that the Day of The Lord will have
Christ, the Rock, is the Head of the It is extremely surprising and perple-
visitation, which prepares her for the no sunlight, daytime or night time.
Church who is enthroned over the xing that the Church has not only lived
R APTURE , is the B LOOD of J ESUS . This When The Lord JESUS comes back to
Church (Altar) for which reason the in sinful ignorance in the past but has
mighty BLOOD of JESUS, in the book of rule over the whole earth, together
Rock that hit the statue and demolished continued to dwell in utter insensitivity
Isaiah chapter 53, presents humility, with the RAPTURED Saints, satan will
it, became a huge mountain that to the Holy Spirit and the Signs of the
pain, selflessness, rejection and be bound for a thousand years. This
covered the entire earth. This mountain End of Age. Evidently, the End of Age
complete obedience to the Word of sharply contrasts with the day of the
represents the Kingdom of The Lord started in 1948 with the formation of
The LORD. In which case, obedience to RAPTURE when Christ comes to meet
JESUS, that will consume the earth, once the State of Israel, a key spiritual event
the Word of The LORD then becomes His Glorious Bride (Holy Church)
He has been enthroned as Head of the that the Church has down-played and
better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). Church. It goes without saying that this in the clouds. Within the Prophetic
totally ignored and yet this sparked off
Accordingly, this implies that the latter Glorious enthronement of The Lord timeline both these events that are
the beginning of the greatest fulfilment
Church, that will be taken up in the JESUS over the latter Glorious Church of greater significance to the Church,
in our time. When The Lord JESUS was
RAPTURE, is the obedient Church that implies the destruction of all the false describe the climax of Endtime. The
referring to the ‘fig tree’, He essentially
follows the Laws and the Decrees and kingdoms of man, that are currently Church can in no way claim ignorance
meant the restoration of the nation of
the sacred commands of The LORD reigning in today’s Church thereby of the occurrence on the timing of
Israel and their subsequent gathering
GOD. Nowhere in the Scripture, is robbing The LORD of HIS Glory. these landmark events given that
from the four corners of the earth
the importance of obedience more the Holy Bible talks at greater length
where the Jews had been scattered in
stressed as a requirement for the favour The good news however, is that the about these signs that would precede
the diaspora (Luke 21). The “fig tree’s”
of The LORD, than in the book of Isaiah latter Glory coming to visit the Church the Second Coming of The Lord.
leaves would begin to sprout as sign
chapter 66 verse 2. In this Scripture, is greater than the former (Joel 2:28-32; that the summer would have drawn
The LORD GOD clearly states, 1 Peter 1:11, 2 Corinthians 3:9; John The Prophet Joel spoke about the near, signalling that the Kingdom
“Has not my hand 2:3; Matthew 9:17; John 14:12) in wonders that would take place in of GOD is around the corner. The
made all these things,
which case Holiness will reign in the Heaven and on earth as the Church sequence of events relating to the
and so they came into
being?” declares The latter Church and the healing power of progresses towards the Day of The RAPTURE and the Second Coming of
Lord. “This is the one Christ will sweep through the house of Lord. These signs encompass massive The Lord will occur in the following
I esteem: he who is
The LORD in this Endtime revival. earthquakes, floods, asteroids coming order:
humble and contrite in
spirit, and trembles at close to the earth, volcanic eruptions, i) The restoration of the state of
my Word.” events around and about the moon, Israel;
RAPTURE & The Second
Emerging from the above, the crucial Coming of The Lord and the massive outpouring of THE ii) The beginning of birthpains;
question to today’s Church becomes, While the RAPTURE is the day The Lord SPIRIT OF The LORD (Joel 2:22-32). The iii) The RAPTURE of the Church;

16 | Repentance and Holiness


the Church of Christ because when The LORD would return into the Church
Lord takes the Church in the RAPTURE, during the Second Coming of Christ.
He essentially will invite her into the However, before the RAPTURE, latter
wedding supper of the Lamb and after visitation of the Holy Spirit, is predicted
exactly seven years (Tribulation on in the book of Ezekiel chapter 47,
earth), He will Gloriously return with verses 1 through 6, when the levels
her in the Glorious splendour of His of anointing increase with every
MOUNT OF OLIVES: The Eastern Gate facing the western slope of the Mount of Olives. Many Majesty, during the Day of The Lord a thousand cubits of water until it
people are buried on this Rocky mountain. This Rock is the Cornerstone of Zion & the
for the Second Coming of Christ JESUS becomes a river that no man can cross.
Church, and The Lord JESUS always liked going onto this mountain to teach His disciples.
After His resurrection The Lord J ESUS went by the Eastern Gate again, then onto the (Zechariah 14:4; Daniel 7: 13-14). And This is the latter visitation prophesied
Mount of Olives with His disciples, and on this Rock The Lord J ESUS was lifted up into
when He returns with His Bride (The in the book of Joel chapter 2 verses
Heaven and the clouds covered Him (Acts 1:9-12). On this Rock, the Cornerstone of
Zion (1 Peter 2:4-8), His feet will step during His Glorious return on the Second Coming RAPTURED Saints) He will show her off 28 through 32. While the post RAPTURE
of The Lord (Zechariah 14: 3-4).
to the world as the Perfect Glorious Glory of The LORD, that comes with
in the New Testament, this gate is Bride the world has ever seen. He the Day of The Lord, is seen in the book
iv) The first half of Tribulation; will step His feet on the Mount of
referred to as Beautiful in the book of Ezekiel chapter 43 verses 1 through 3
v) The second half of Tribulation; Acts chapter 3, verses 2 and 10. But Olives, which faces the Golden Eastern when he saw the Glory of The LORD
vi) The Second Coming of The Lord; to the same city, when He came out Gate of Jerusalem, thereby causing come through from the East through
vii) The millennium rule etc; through the same Eastern Gate, The an earthquake to hit the Mount of the Eastern Gate. The implication here
viii) Other events towards the new Lord JESUS said in Matthew chapter 23, Olives and then the Eastern Gate is that, the visitation coming to the
Heaven and the new earth. (See verses 37 through 39, of Jerusalem that has been closed Church will always be through the
chart on page 43). ever since The Lord Eastern Gate.
“O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, you who spoke desolation
Eastern Gate of kill the prophets and to the Temple, The big lesson
Jerusalem & RAPTURE stone those sent to will be slammed that the Church
When The Lord J ESUS made the you, how often I have
longed to gather your open. The Lord needs to learn
Triumphal Entry into the City of
children together, as a will majestically here is that, the
Jerusalem, He entered through the hen gathers her chicks enter through monumental
Eastern Gate that faces the Mount under her wings, but
you were not willing. the Eastern Gate closure of the
of Olives. This Gate is a Golden Gate 38
Look, your house is of the City of Eastern Gate of
that has an important bearing into left to you desolate. Jerusalem and He Jerusalem upon
the RAPTURE of the Church, no wonder 39
For I tell you, you will
not see me again until will rule with her their refusal to
you say, ‘Blessed is he for a millennium. receive The Lord
who comes in the name It is surprising that The Lord JESUS pronounced desolation to J E S U S d u r i n g
of The Lord.’”
on the Mount of Jerusalem and the Temple for failure to their one and
When The Lord spoke these words to rise up to her visitation, essentially shut
Olives which faces not only the Eastern Gate which remains only critical day
Jerusalem after passing through this
the closed Eastern closed until this day. of visitation is the
Eastern Gate, they took a great impact
Gate of Jerusalem, Heaven opened Prophecy of desolation in the Church
on the Church of Christ and hence the
and The Lord was RAPTURED after His when she fails to receive the Holy Spirit.
RAPTURE. The desolation that The Lord
resurrection. And yet, it is on the same Accordingly, it is very important, for
spoke to the Temple in Jerusalem after
Mount of Olives that His feet will step the Church to mature up and realise
rejecting Him, essentially implied the
This city of Jerusalem is mentioned in the on during the Second Coming of The that it is through the Eastern Gate of
desolation that would hit the today’s
Endtime Biblical Prophecy for the Church. Lord, thereby causing an earthquake Jerusalem facing the Mount of Olives
The Lord JESUS Himself often talked about Church after she rejects Him and
Jerusalem in relation to the Signs of that will slam open the now closed and the open gate of Heaven that JESUS
mistreats and kills the Prophets He sent
Endtime. In the book of Luke chapter 21 Eastern Gate of Jerusalem. This implies was RAPTURED. And the day The Lord JESUS
verse 24, The Lord J ESUS says Jerusalem to her asking her to repent and walk in
will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the that the Eastern Gate is of paramount pronounced desolation to Jerusalem
Holiness. Ever since The Lord spoke
times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. However, significance to the Church of Christ no and the Temple for failure to rise up to
The Lord J ESUS always had a burden over these words, this Gate has remained
this city . . . Oh! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! That wonder it was prophesied in the book her visitation, essentially shut not only
shut to date, and the only time this
is how He spoke to this city. . . In the book of Ezekiel chapter 44, verses 2 through the Eastern Gate, which remains closed
of Matthew chapter 23 verses 37 through Gate will be opened will be when The
39, Jesus said “Oh! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! 3, when The LORD said, until this day, but also closed the gates
Lord returns with His Glorious RAPTURED
You who kill the prophets and stone those of Heaven. No wonder the Church that
“. . . This gate is to remain
who sent to you, how often I have longed Bride on the Day of The Lord.
to gather your children together, as a hen shut. It must not be opened; fails to receive and rise up to her day
gathers her chicks under her wings but no one may enter through it. of Holy Spirit visitation was shut out
you were not willing. Look your house has I t is absolutely amazing and It is to remain shut because
been left desolate. For I tell you, you will breathtaking that in the Jewish marital The LORD, the GOD of Israel, of Heaven when the five virgins who
not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is has entered through it. 3 The had no Holy Spirit in the lamps (their
he who comes in the name of The Lord.’ practices, as ordained by The LORD
Prince himself is the only faith and salvation) were shut out as
The LORD GOD prophesied in the book of GOD when a bridegroom weds his
Jeremiah chapter 30 that HE would bring one who may sit inside The LORD said in Matthew chapter
HIS people back from captivity and restore bride, he invites her to the wedding the gateway to eat in the
them to the Promised Land. Jerusalem supper in his father’s house and keeps presence of The LORD. He 25, verse 12,
having been captured and restored after is to enter by way of the
the six-day war was in line with the process
her away from the world for sometime 12
“But he replied, ‘I
portico of the gateway and tell you the truth, I
of ushering in of RAPTURE. Jerusalem is the and then later returns with her to show
Holy City where The Lord J ESUS will rule go out the same way.”
her off to the world. This event strongly don’t know you.’
from when He returns with the R APTURED Hence, it is through this Golden
Saints. (Revelation 21). links the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem to These prophecies have for a long time
Eastern Gate that the Glory of The

Repentance and Holiness | 17


spoken to the Church of Christ but men, has become the capstone, and the tribe of Judah by both Israel and Ages (Christ JESUS) open, and for the
she has not paid attention to them yet is also the Rock that causes man the Church (Zechariah 10:4). Only a doors of Heaven to remain open to her.
and instead opted to go about doing to stumble and fall, when they don’t remnant (144,000; Revelation 14:1-5) For without a mighty latter visitation,
her own business as usual. Therefore, receive Him. Therefore, the closure of from Jerusalem will therefore make it she cannot make it into the RAPTURE.
the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem, covered the Eastern Gate towards the stony and into the Kingdom of GOD. This means The Eastern Gate of Jerusalem closed
with Gold, which is the Deity of GOD, rocky Mount of Olives is very prophetic that the rejection of the Holy Spirit and facing the Olive tree-rich, rocky
sits right at the centre at the future of to the Church of Christ and symbolises visitation, by the Church, also has an Mount of Olives, is a great lesson to
the Church of Christ and the question her rejection of Christ JESUS, the Head eternal implication. No wonder in the Church of Christ.
is, is she aware of that? and Bridegroom of the Church. Matthew chapter 22, only a remnant
for whom the wedding banquet was The Lord JESUS & RAPTURE
This is a very strong and The King of Glory will step His feet on not prepared and are out in the streets, The Triumphal Entry of The Lord
sobering lesson to the the Rocky Mount of Olives and destroy make it into Heaven. Accordingly, the JESUS through the Eastern Gate into
Church of Christ, that when His enemies, thereby establishing an Triumphal Entry of The Lord J ESUS Jerusalem, was not only a prophecy
the hour of visitation comes,
everlasting dominion which is the from the Mount of Olives into the City fulfilled, but also a prophecy given to
grab it with every fibre
of your hear t and please, Cornerstone, the Church (Daniel 2:34 of Jerusalem, on a donkey, as many the Church of Christ, about the events
please, please, don’t miss it -35; Daniel 2:44-45). This Cornerstone shouted, in the book of Mark chapter to come. In the book of Zechariah
because there isn’t another! will become a huge mountain that will 11 verse 9, chapter 9, verse 9, The LORD GOD,
The gates of Heaven always cover the whole earth and destroy the spoke about this Triumphal Entry.
shut after the visitation.
“Hosanna! Blessed
idolatry in the Church. The idolatry in is he that comes in the On the other hand, when The Lord
Does this look familiar
to yo u w h e n yo u e x a m i n e the Church right now is represented name of The Lord!” JESUS was crucified, died, buried and
today’s Church? here by the big statue that the was also very prophetic to the Church resurrected, He closed and locked
Cornerstone smashes. Such idolatry of Christ. This is so, because it foretold the gates of Hades and holds the
at the Altar of The LORD include the Second Coming of The Lord JESUS keys (Revelation 1:18). This triumph
The Cornerstone of Zion the preaching of the false gospel of over death is part of the Eastern Gate
when His feet will step on the Mount
The Eastern Gate of Jerusalem faces the prosperity, love of money, sexual prophecy to the Church because
of Olives, and make a Triumphal Entry
Mount of Olives, which is a very rocky sin & immorality, homosexuality & upon His resurrection The Lord JESUS
into Jerusalem. However, this time
mountain and yet very central to the life lesbianism, personal kingdoms in the came by the Eastern Gate and went
though, He will be riding on a WHITE
of the Church. On this mountain, many Church, e.g. the kingdoms of Bishops with His disciples onto the Mount of
GLORIOUS HORSE as He enters Jerusalem
people have been buried on the belief & Pastors, politics in Churches, Church Olives from where He was RAPTURED
through the Eastern Gate, and those
that when the Messiah comes, those constitutions running the Churches into Heaven. In other words, He
who will be shouting “Hosanna!
on the mountain slopes will be the first and not the Holy Spirit among others. spoke to the Church (Christians)
Blessed is He that comes in the name
to be raised from the dead. Now, this Since it is the Chief Cornerstone that through His own RAPTURE, and showed
of The LORD” will be the R APTURED
is a hint of the RAPTURE of the Church, destroys the enemy and yet He has her the way to the RAPTURE. A deeper
Saints. Furthermore, the judgement
except that most of these religions got it been locked out of Church, then it revelation on this prophecy, is that
of the nations will take place at this
wrong because the RAPTURE is prepared explains why the devil has complete the RAPTURE takes place on the Mount
Eastern Gate of Jerusalem, when it will
for, when one is still on earth. During dominion and reigns in the Church of Olives and yet the Eastern Gate
be slammed open by the earthquake
the Second Coming of Christ JESUS, today. The fact that the Mount of Olives that faces this Mountain is closed,
on the rocky Mount of Olives and the
He will destroy the enemy with the has a lot of Olive trees growing on it, rendering the Temple of The LORD
Glory of The Lord will enter the Temple
breath of His mouth. This Rock (The is a clear indication that the Kingdom desolate. This is a mighty prophecy
of The LORD.
Mount of Olives) therefore remains of The Lord JESUS that is coming, will to the Church concerning the RAPTURE
as a monument and symbolises the endure forever since the Olive trees because The Lord JESUS before He was
It is consequently so critical, that the
Cornerstone of Zion, who was rejected represent the Holy Spirit, WHO comes RAPTURED on the Mount of Olives, He
Church of Christ will always recognise
by Jerusalem in which case the Eastern with enormous perserverance. The had defeated death and His mortal
her hour of visitation, and have her
Gate remains closed towards the closure of the Eastern Gate facing body having been converted to an
‘Eastern Gate’ that faces the Rock of
Mount of Olives. the Mount of Olives which has Olive
trees growing on it symbolises the
The closure of the Eastern Gate towards perseverance of the Rock of Ages in the
the Mount of Olives also symbolises the midst of bitter rejection (Isaiah 53:3).
rejection of the Rock of Rocks who is This kingdom will be run by the Power
JESUS by, not only Jerusalem, but also of the Holy Spirit and His Power and
the Church. This rejection of The Lord Glory will have no bounds.
JESUS by the Church, is clearly presented
in the book of 1 Peter chapter 2 verses However, when Jerusalem rejected
4 through 8, in which He says that this the Chief Cornerstone who is Christ
HOLOCAUST NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN: Israel’s rebellion against JEHOVAH GOD was predicted way
living stone (The Lord JESUS) is rejected JESUS, the closure of the Eastern Gate back in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 31 verses 15 through 18. In this conversation
with Moses, The LORD GOD predicted that Israel would enter the Promise Land and then
by men and yet precious to JEHOVAH had an eternal implication into the
forsake Him by turning to other gods and HE said on that day HE would hide His face
GOD, a stone that JEHOVAH GOD life of the Temple in Jerusalem and and forsake them, and scatter them among the nations of the earth. As a result of this,
many disasters and difficulties would come upon them. This was clearly fulfilled when
laid as a Cornerstone for Zion and the stands as a very historic and eternal
He scattered them among the nations from where they would suffer much rejection as
Church. In the same book of 1 Peter physical and spiritual monument to seen in Ezra 9: 5-7, and from anti-Semitism, the height of which was the Horrendous
Holocaust seen in these two pictures above. Ever since then, they have longed for home
chapter 2 verse 7, The LORD GOD the Church of Christ. In other words,
with every fibre of their hearts and known that only in the land Israel are they safer. This
says that this Cornerstone, rejected by this implies the rejection of the Lion of caused a massive wave of Aliyah back to Israel thereby fulfilling Biblical prophecies.

18 | Repentance and Holiness


visitation, abusive to the Servants of

Righteousness and Holiness, loving
pleasure, and that judgement would
come as floods, and that only a very
small remnant will make into the
RAPTURE like did only Noah’s family out
of the whole earth. This certainly
The anxiety of wanting to get home as The puts the Church into a very tight
LORD gathered the Jews from among the
corner RAPTURE-wise. To be clearer,
nations. The greatest fulfilment of Biblical
prophecy for the Church. she misses the RAPTURE. No wonder in
AALIYAH: Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, The modern day Aliyah still continues to
Matthew chapter 22, verses 1 through date as THE LORD mops up and gathers the
immortal (Imperishable) body. By receiving new arrivals of French Aliyah.
14, and Matthew chapter 25, verses remnants. Is the Church that T HE L ORD is
going through this process, The Lord in the final leg towards the R APTURE and
1 through 13, the Church misses the the coming of His Kingdom?
JESUS spoke a strong statement to the bringing ten plagues on the Egyptians,
RAPTURE because of failing to receive
Church that she needs to receive the accompanied by the great signs and
the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit and change her mortal wonders, delivering them across the However, it is noteworthy that
nature (flesh) into the immortality. This Red Sea and the Jordan River in historic forming the state of Israel came after
Restoration Of Israel
is the same prophecy that will raise the moments, He finally abandoned them a prolonged agonising process which
Chronology of countdown towards the
dead Christian who lived in complete for their sinful and wicked nature, sometimes
RAPTURE of the Church, highly revolve
Holiness, first and dress them with punishing and scattering them in the was marred by
around events in and about Israel.
immortal bodies at RAPTURE. Therefore, diaspora among the nations. Because controversy
One of the mightiest fulfilled Biblical
the closed Eastern Gate facing the of failure to adhere to His Covenant, between two
prophecies of our time, is the rebirth
route of the rocky and stony Mount of Command, Laws and Decrees, The main factions
of the nation of Israel. This began
Olives is a monumental wake-up call to LORD scattered them across the globe among the Jews.
when THE SPIRIT OF The LORD started
the Church and that failure to recognise into Africa, Europe, Asia, The Americas,
gathering the Jews from diaspora and
her hour of Holy Spirit visitation also Australia and other places on the David Ben Gurion
bringing them back to the Promised
closes the door on RAPTURE. The tragedy surface of the earth. David Ben Gurion, leading one faction
Land. This very highly significant event
here is that, all this was prophesied in went ahead and formed the state
that The Lord JESUS called the sprouting
the book of Matthew chapter 24 verse The Big Aliyah of Israel, while the Orthodox ultra
of leaves on the ‘fig tree’ refers to the
37 to 38, when The Lord said, The process of Aliyah, i.e. bringing religious Jews, thought the time was
formation of nation of Israel (Luke
21: 29-36). the Jews back to the Promised Land, not ready for the formation of the state
As it was in the days
of Noah, so it will be at was a long and tortuous one in which of Israel. The Orthodox Jews at that
the coming of the Son The Prophecy On Israel THE SPIRIT OF The LORD caused them time believed that the state of Israel
of Man. 38 For in the days to long for JEHOVAH with all their can only be formed after the coming of
In 1948, the State of Israel was formed
before the flood, people the Messiah. This caused inter-factional
by David Ben Gurion thereby fulfilling hearts, so HE may rescue them and
were eating and drinking,
a very important Biblical prophecy. return them home. By listening to fighting between the two camps. Ben
marrying and giving in
marriage, upto the day In this prophecy, The LORD had their cry and returning them to the Gurion, nevertheless, led the pro-state
Noah entered the ark;” forewarned through His Servants, the Promised Land, The LORD fulfilled faction successfully to form the state of
This Biblical prophecy must be fulfilled Prophets, that Israel, upon entering the prophecy and presented yet another Israel hence sparking of a huge Aliyah
in these last days and it spells out Promised Land would fall away into of HIS nature, as a powerful respecter (immigration of Jews) from all over the
very clearly that the Church would sin and forget the Covenant they had of everlasting Covenant of love with
be insensitive to the Holy Spirit with JEHOVAH, a situation that would man (Isaiah 11:11-12 and Ezekiel The Declaration of the State of Israel by David
36; Jeremiah 30:1-3; Joel 3:1-3) and Ben Gurion fulfilled the Prophecy spoken by
provoke HIM to anger (Deuteronomy The Lord JESUS in Luke
4:27-31). Again, here the Church can for that matter restoring Israel. The 21 and Matthew 24.
LORD intended this to be a mighty The meeting shown in
clearly see the Holy nature of The LORD this picture tipped the
GOD and His zero tolerance to sin lesson for the Church to learn from, scale on the Church
on HIS faithfulness to those who keep and placed her face to
even unto Israel, the wife of JEHOVAH, face with RAPTURE. Ben
the first born of all nations. After HIS Covenant. It is amazing that this Gurion may have done
immigration into Israel started much this on a nationalistic
loving her so much to the extent of scale for the world
In the book of Ezekiel chapter 36, verses earlier as far back as 1920s and came Jewry but little did he
24 through 30, The LORD GOD promised know that this was the
in several waves. The first waves were
Israel that after their distress during the work of the Holy Spirit
diaspora HE would come back and gather termed illegal immigrations. and that the Church
them again from among the nations of of Christ would begin
the earth and return them to the land HE the last leg of her walk
promised their forefathers. This event The May Declaration towards the RAPTURE. As Israel was beginning to
is extremely important to the Church walk back towards the Promised Land following
Therefore, the declaration of the state
of Christ because it ushered the Church this 1948 declaration, so did the Church towards
into Endtime. The LORD was faithful to of Israel on May 14, 1948, immediately Christ. Apparently both Israel, the Wife of
gather them back home pre and post JEHOVAH GOD and the Church, The Bride of
after the British had pulled out of
independence an event that changed the Christ have in the recent past broken ranks with
Church forever and drew her closer to Palestine, essentially marked the their Creator thereby needing deliverance from
the R APTURE . In pictures 1 and 2 they are sin so they can get back to true worship in this
beginning of Endtime for the Church
returning home in masses to worship last days (Ezekiel 3 6:24-30).
JEHOVAH YAHWEH and depend on HIM (Matthew 24; Luke 21).
alone having been distressed over the
years in a foreign land.
But has the Church been aware?

Repentance and Holiness | 19


When The LORD GOD come back home from Africa. In this was the largest in the shortest time
promised to gathered
operation, Hercule transport planes possible. This essentially demonstrates
them again from the
nations of the earth carrying 200 immigrants each were the urgency with which the Holy Spirit
where they had been
successfully used. What cannot escape is fulfilling prophecy towards the Day
scattered at their time
of distress, HE was very ones attention is the fact that the of The Lord JESUS.
faithful to HIS promise Holy Spirit repeated the events of
fo r H I S N a m e’s s a k e.
T h i s g r a d u a l p ro c e s s the Biblical Exodus in modern times, Six-Day War & Jerusalem
gathered momentum all which is a vividly strong message to
across the continents of The restoration of Israel that was
the earth and served as the Church prophesied by Moses, Ezekiel and
a very crucial landmark . . . but is the Church aware of this?
for the Church towards the Endtime. In Africa, the other Servants, would never have
Israeli government searched for the lost tribe of Dan and
Operation Solomon been complete without the total
the descendant of Menelek 1 who was the son of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba
and they also searched for those Jews that left Israel after the destruction of the first Israel having realized that not all the return of City of Jerusalem with its
Temple and returned to the land of Egypt (Africa). It is astonishing that at the very time
Ethiopian Jews were taken in Operation Mount of Olives back to Israel. To
communities of Ethiopian Jews had already began a great trek on foot walking towards
Israel through Sudan. Through secret negotiation with the Sudanese and the Ethiopian Moses, immediately instituted the facilitate the completion of restoring
governments, Operation Moses and Solomon took place respectively thereby resettling
secret Operation Solomon. In this Israel and fulfilling its prophecy, THE
these African Jews home again. The LORD had promised this and HE fulfilled it order
to restore Israel and prepare the Church for RAPTURE. operation, secret negotiations took SPIRIT OF The LORD enabled Israel to
place between Israel and Ethiopia overcome the dreadful attack from
culminating into the May 31st 1991 all her neighbours combined in
world into Israel. Jewish dietary Law (Kashrut), strict
secret airlifting of 14,324 Ethiopian the Six-Day War. On June 5, 1967,
observance of Sabbath (Shabbat),
Jews into Israel. This was the Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq,
The Jews who emigrated from all the Jewish festivals, and they
swiftest Aliyah as it lasted Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan
countries such as Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc maintained scrolls of Torah. These Jews
only 36 hours and was and the whole
become known as Sifaradim while are also thought to be descendants
brought to completion. Arab world, having
those that came from the United of Menelek 1, a son of King Solomon
Having said this, it is been heavily armed
States, Europe etc were known as the with the Queen of Sheba. Some of
important to note that with sophisticated
Ashkenazi. The Holy Spirit however, them are also considered to have been
the most recent wave weapons from the
did not allow the declaration of a descendants of the Jews that left Israel
of Aliyah as it is popularly former Soviet Union,
state by the Palestinians in the Gaza back to Egypt, after the destruction
known, i.e., the immigration into p re p a re d to at t a c k
strip. For instance, in September 1948 of the first temple. Surprisingly, come
Israel, came after Israel as a combined
when Egypt allowed such a declaration early 1980s, a huge
the collapse of the force. The purpose of this attack
in Gaza, it failed number of these
Communist Soviet was to delete Israel out of the map
to take off Ethiopian Jewish
Union when the of the world. In view of the gravity
completely. And communities
Russian Jews were of the impending attack, Israel with
every time an began walking
finally allowed to its otherwise inferior weapons in
Israeli leader towards Israel
immigrate into Israel. the time, pre-emptively attacked
tried to trade off f ro m E t h i o p i a
Prior to this massive Egypt and destroyed all their planes
any piece of this Itzak Rabin through the
wave of Aliyah from before take off and captured the
property, belonging to the Promised wilderness into
the former Soviet Sinai Peninsula.
Land, with the Palestinians, the Holy the Sudan, in a
Spirit removed them from position of strange bizarre Union there was
the Reagan list of a On other war fronts Israel fought
leadership. Most recent cases being adventure
few Jews who were Jordan and captured the City of
Itzak Rabin and Ariel Sharon. that practically Jerusalem, and fought Syria and
re p l i c ate d t h e allowed to return to
captured the Golan Heights. At the
Ethiopian Jews Biblical Exodus in Israel even during
same time, she took over the Gaza
Most interestingly, Israel began the days of Moses, thereby causing it the Cold War. The
strip and the West Bank thereby
looking for her lost tribe, Dan and in to be called Exodus 2 in this modern Russian wave of immigration into Israel
emphasizing urgency of restoring
the process discovered communities in age. In this process, 2500 Ethiopian
Ethiopia that kept strict Jewish culture. Jews were able to make it back home
They were found to observe very strict into Israel. However, this Exodus 2 took
a great toll on the elderly and the weak
(women and children).

Operation Moses
The high death toll in Exodus 2
prompted the Israeli Government to
get involved in secret negotiation
with Sudan which gave rise to
the secret Operation Moses. This
Operation was done in complete
news blackout between November
21, 1984 and January 5, 1985 hence
allowing 8,000 Ethiopian Jews to

20 | Repentance and Holiness


against Israel. Surely, there is nothing JEHOVAH GOD in Heaven. When the
that JEHOVAH GOD does that cannot Antichrist takes over the earth, he will CHECKLIST OF ENDTIME
be found in the Bible. His ways are make men kill each other (Revelations
always the same. 6:3) and persecute Christians who 1. Increase in Disasters &
failed to make it Wars
But is the Church a) Matt: 24: 3-7
aware that the Six- into the RAPTURE. b) Rev: 6
Day War alliance has At the same time,
set a stage for the
the one world 2. Rise in false religious
WARS AND RUMOURS OF WARS: The war which Gog-Magog War? leaders
began in July 2006 in Southern Lebanon religion will take a) Matt 24: 4-5
between Israel and Hizbollah, is just a
glimpse of the things to come against shape because
Beginning Of 3. Falling away from faith
the Promised Land in these last days. T R I B U L AT I O N : I m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r t h e the Church has
This picture shows apartment complexes Birth Pains R A P T U R E of the Church, the nations of in Christ JESUS
in Beirut after having been hit by Israeli already been a) Matt 24: 10
This period was the earth directly enter into Tribulation.
missiles. The process of protecting the However, during the Tribulation and taken away. The b) 2 Thessalonians 2: 3
Promised Land has always taken a fatal prophesied as the Great Tribulation there will be the
turn. But in this case, the southern part Tribulation will
the dispensation ‘abomination of the desolation’ which 4. Increase in knowledge
of Lebanon has been part of the Iranian w i l l s to p wo r s h i p i n t h e Te m p l e o f last for three
that comes right The LORD. At this time, the antichrist & travel
k ingdom given that the Pro-Iranian
Hizbollah are sponsored by Iran (Persia). will be worshipped and all those who and a half years, a) Dan 12: 4
before the RAPTURE
This becomes of interest to Biblical will worship him will have a chip of while the Great
prophecy since predictions have it that of the Church identity inserted in them. Apparently 5. Condition of man’s
Gog and her allies such as Persia are to Tribulation will heart
takes place. A this technology is already available
attack Israel in the last days. on ear th right now. The above chip last another three a) 2 Timothy 3:1-5
lot of signs were displays a sample gadget being used
and a half years
prophesied by today to carry the totality of all one’s 6. Increased wickedness &
the Promised Land. Later, the Sinai detailed information in one unit. This (Matthew 24:15- immorality
The Lord JESUS to i s a v e r y p o t e n t i a l c a n d i d a t e c h i p
Peninsula, which is where Moses for use by the antichrist during the 28; Luke 21:20- a) Matt 24:12
appear at such b) Matt 24: 37
received the Ten Commandments Tribulation and his presence in the 27). This period
a time and the market speaks a lot about the need c) Luke 17: 28-30
from The LORD, was returned to begins with the d) Gen 6:5
events that would for the Church to realise the change of
Egypt in a peace treaty. Nevertheless, season (Revelation 13:16-17). ‘abominations of e) Gen 19: 1-29
characterise this
this Six-Day War is Biblically very the desolation’ which results into the
period involve signs in the sun, moon 7. Strange and incurable
significant to the Church because stopping of worship in the Temple of
and stars and on earth. These would diseases
it brings Jerusalem back to Israel as The LORD. a) Luke 21: 11
the nations of the earth enter into create a lot of anguish and anxiety
among nations, and at the roaring 8. Emergence of a world
Endtime. The Great Tribulation also marks the
of the sea, terror and fear at what is leader
great distress because the Antichrist & prophet
In the book of Ezekiel, the servant of coming on the world and the shaking a) Rev 13: 3-8
declares himself GOD and stops
The LORD GOD prophesied unto the of the Heavenly bodies would grip the
worship in the Temple of The LORD. 9. Mark of the beast
Church that Gog (Russia) would lead earth (Luke 21:25-28). Occurrence of
The mark of the beast will then be a) Rev 13: 16-18
Persian (Iran), Cush (Ethiopia) and her these events would imply that the
declared and the world economic
allies in invading Israel in a massive redemption of man has drawn nearer.
dictatorship will now take root. It is
war that ushers in, the Tribulation. However, the Church again has not and that is when satan is bound for
however important to note that, the
Here, it becomes noticeable that heeded the Signs of this critical time. a 1000 years. The Lord J ESUS then
technology that the Antichrist will
this Endtime war prophesied by This time is the most crucial within the precedes over the final judgement in
use to institute the mark of the beast
Ezekiel will essentially be a repeat history of the Church because it paves a series that leads to the new Heaven
is already available todate ushering in
of Biblical event (Ezekiel 38:8-18). the way for the RAPTURE to take place and a new earth after the war of
a one world government. After this
This is particularly true because any minute from now. Ammargedon.
comes the Second Coming of The
in the Six-Day War (1967), Gog
Lord. This is a Great and Glorious
unilaterally armed its allies against The Tribulation
period in which The Lord JESUS sets up
Israel. Therefore, Gog has emerged The spirit of Antichrist is already at
a Mighty Kingdom (Revelation 20:1-8)
with a track record of arming its allies work in today’s world and only the Holy
Spirit is able to hold him back awaiting
the period of Tribulation when the To receive The Lord, repeat this prayer . . .
Church has been taken away. The
Tribulation comes with a seven-year
false peace treaty with Israel (Matthew Lord JESUS, I repent of my sins, come into my heart and
24:9-4; Luke 21:12-19, Daniel 9:27). be my Lord and Saviour. Please write my name in the
This treaty will result in a deal from a Lamb’s Book of Life. And send me the Holy Spirit to
great war against Israel as prophesied
teach me to walk in Holiness In the Mighty Name of
in the books of Ezekiel chapter 38 and
P ESTILENCES IN THE LAST DAYS : Fumigating Ezekiel chapter 39, which war is led JESUS Christ I pray, Amen.
villages after a widespread outbreak
of the Birdflu epidemic in 2006. Birdflu by Russia (Gog) and her Middle-East
which is transferable from poultry to allies, including Iran (Persia), Ethiopia For prayer, counselling and further instructions
human is incurable. Ebola, SARS, HIV/
(Cush) and Libya (Put). In the book
AIDS, Birdflu etc, all of have plagued including baptism
the world during our Age. Pestilences of Ezekiel chapter 38 verse 8 this
of this nature were prophesied to be a please call 0721 370150 or 0727 036056
wake up call to the Church to prepare war represents the breaking of the
for the RAPTURE. second seal in the Throneroom of

Repentance and Holiness | 21



The Mighty Vision The LORD Gave
Dr. Owuor on November 01, 2006

The Golden Glorious Wedding immediately started emphasizing to the design of the RINGS can only be Now, the final simplicity in the
Rings me the very heavy decoration that unveiled by the help of the Holy Spirit, design of these Wedding RINGS, at

owards the end of writing this is on one side of each of the RINGS. and it is only HE, the Holy Spirit, that the peak of this much anticipated
magazine as I was preparing These decorations are characterised can help each reader unveil the Wedding (RAPTURE) automatically
to go to press, I decided to by the richer form of gold that shines deeper mysteries hidden in this new portrays the simplicity with which
go into 3 days of prayer and a very like diamonds, JESUS completed His Glorious
dry fast. On the first day of the prayer yet not losing Mission at Calvary, and places
and fasting, The LORD GOD sent the her golden a burden on the Church
Person of the Holy Spirit to speak nature. The that will wed HIM to wear
with me about the RAPTURE of the surface of the simplicity, as an identity
Church. However, on the next day, entire ring was marker of a must (Isaiah
which was November 01, 2006, I well textured 66:3). Given that these are
had a mighty, unique, very unusual with little beautiful spiritual WEDDING RINGS for a
The two Golden, Glorious Wedding Rings
and important visitation from The protrusions of dots of in the sky that the LORD GOD showed Dr. Owuor.
spiritual GLORIOUS WEDDING between
LORD GOD regarding the RAPTURE of rich gold emerging from the the Church and the Son of the
the Church. surface, a texture that one would and historic phenomenon that the KING, then one quickly realises
feel as gripping the fingers in planet earth has finally had to live that JEHOVAH GOD respects and
It was in the very early morning of the process of one touching this to see. The mere presentation of honours humbleness and simplicity
November 01, 2006, (a Wednesday wonderful and miraculous Spiritual the RINGS, let alone the complex as key spiritual characters as one
morning here in Kenya, Africa), RINGS. The heavy decoration was architecture endowed in and about approaches HIS Mighty Throne.
when The LORD GOD showed me a common to both RINGS. However, them, greatly speaks of the narrow
vision in which HE opened Heaven the side of the RING bearing the count down into the ultimate finality Also, I could immediately pick out
and HE presented two Golden and heavy decoration created a near flat- of the much awaited major fulfilment that in the design of these RINGS,
very GLORIOUS WEDDING RINGS into the top emphasizing great selectivity, of the Holy Bible, the very purpose there is obviously nothing worldly
sky. The two WEDDING RINGS were very specificity and purposefulness in for which Scripture was written by that is found on them and yet they
identical and once The LORD GOD the way The FATHER GOD took HIS the Holy Spirit of JEHOVAH GOD also vividly express originality. This
(The FATHER) had got me to looking time to design these wonderful RINGS. (The RAPTURE). However, implies the purity of faith
very closely at them, HE started Certainly, the kind of decoration at a quick glance without contamination
flipping them gently and slowly, in embedded in these RINGS is a clear of these Spiritual In the design of or defilement of
expression of the heart of The WEDDING RINGS these Rings, there any kind, and in
order to show me all the sides of
is obviously nothing
the two golden, GLORIOUS WEDDING FATHER GOD, in the importance HE at the entrance Complete Holiness.
attractive to the world,
RINGS. The GOLDEN GLORIOUS WEDDING attaches to this Wedding between of Heaven, I vividly expressing Definitely, these
RINGS initially appeared to have been Christ JESUS and the Church. The could not help originality and purity RINGS would not
design and presentation of these but notice the of faith without be attractive to the
held together, then, HE THE FATHER contamination or
GOD, separated them out, thereby two marvellous spiritual WEDDING beauty endowed world, a feature that
placing the case that carried them on RINGS by no doubt has a deeper in simplicity and kind. speaks volumes to
the left-hand side of the entrance to embedded spiritual message to the the humbleness that the Church that would
Heaven that HE opened. These two Church, the Bride of Christ. this design portrays. This wed Christ (Matthew
GOLDEN, GLORIOUS WEDDING RINGS, HE simplicity finally appearing in 7:13-14).
placed right next to the open door The Wedding Rings in the Sky such a major peak spiritual event, at
of Heaven. As I continued looking at & Simplicity of Hearts the entrance of Heaven, essentially To me, this spoke very loudly about
the WEDDING RINGS, I realised that they Examining these Wedding RINGS that summarizes the simplicity with the original Faith and Holiness that
were very identical, just like mirror JEHOVAH GOD presented for me which the Chief Bridegroom (our is embedded at Calvary, a Faith and
images of one another. in the Sky on November 01, 2006, I Lord JESUS) entered the earth to Holiness that The FATHER GOD
could see very clearly that they bear purchase His Bride (born in a cow still adores, admires, honours and
Furthermore, as The LORD GOD testimony of a Mighty revelation shed in Bethlehem, Luke 2:7), and cherishes, and yet expecting these
continued flipping the two RINGS in about what is expected of the Church the simplicity with which the Bride beautiful and durable qualities from
the sky, at the entrance of Heaven and (Bride of Christ) in this GLORIOUS of Christ (The Faithful Church) the Church in this Wedding. In
showing me all their sides, HE then WEDDING. This revelation, hidden in entered the earth. other words, these spiritual WEDDING

22 | Repentance and Holiness


RINGS are antiques of the Christian sides of these rings, THE VOICE of the First born of all creation means He Bride of Christ must wear the Holiness
faith, thereby showing no loss of The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY coming also took authority over death and was and Righteousness of Christ in order
quality, stature, character, treasure from my right-hand side said, the first to be birthed out (RAPTURED) to wed Christ. However, wearing the
and value, that was embedded from death. Holiness and Righteousness of Christ
“From today on, A L L A U T H O R I T Y
at Calvary through the Precious in He aven and o n Ea r th h as requires that the Church receive
BLOOD of JESUS. The maintenance of been given to Christ JESUS.” The authority of The LORD GOD the Holy Spirit and crucify the flesh
originality and antiqueness in these At first, I did not understand the being given to Christ JESUS through the (Ephesians 4:22-24). Also, given that
RINGS is a revelation on the need for greater depth and gravity of this WEDDING RINGS allows Him to redeem Christ and the Church will wear similar
the Church that will wear one of statement until I received revelation the dead in the RAPTURE, thereby taking RINGS, then the RAPTURE definitely fulfils
them, to have maintained a faithful from the Holy Spirit on what had complete authority over death, the the first initial prophecy that the LORD
original Salvation and Holiness of our just happened to the entire Heaven authority that overcame death and gave in the book of Genesis chapter 1
Lord JESUS. Sum it up together, these and earth on this material day, the locked the gates over hades and hell verse 26 when HE said,
two Glorious Golden RINGS speak of November 01, 2006. The prophetic for the righteous. 26
Let us make man in our
the valueless treasure endowed in clock had just changed thereby image and our likeness. . . .

the primitive First Holy Church of placing the Heaven and the earth in This complete authority over Heaven Therefore, the fact that the two
Christ. This Church, that is worthy of a totally different position towards and earth that was transferred to wedding Rings, the one that Christ
wedding the Chief Bridegroom is the the Coming of the LORD. Later, I Christ JESUS by The FATHER JEHOVAH will wear and the one the Church
Church to which the today’s modern began to slowly understand that this GOD on November 01, 2006, brings will wear, during the Glorious RAPTURE,
Church must return, in order to wed was a major fulfilment of Biblical to fulfilment the prophecy in this are very identical, implies that the
Christ JESUS. Endtime Prophecy. The authority that R APTURE essentially completes the
The FATHER JEHOVAH GOD process of creation since man now
The two GOLDEN GLORIOUS SPIRITUAL was talk ing about as becomes the likeness and image of
WEDDING RINGS presented to me by The being given to Christ GOD therefore being able to wed
FATHER GOD on November 01, 2006, J ESUS essentially GOD. Moreover, the fact that
thus combine simplicity, humility, and officially the mighty Holy Spirit of
holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, marked the GOD who brought us
obedience, trustworthiness, tranqui- Christ JESUS (Luke
lity, peacefulness, longevity, stability, 1:35), anointed
integrity, maturity, originality, and Him (Matthew
the thickness of the Gold on them 3:16), helped Him
shout the identity and wealth of to overcome the
the Kingdom of GOD to which the tempter (Matthew
Church is getting married. 4:1-11), helped HIM to
the Cross (Mark 14:32-
The weight of the gold on these 41), resurrected Him
two wedding Rings further present much anticipated from the dead (Matthew
an enormous and stable capacity to and awaited 28), and R APTURED Him into
love, among other Heavenly qualities. enthronement of Christ heaven (Acts 1:7), is the same Holy
These qualities, if well examined are JESUS as King over the Heavens Spirit that is right now preparing the
the qualities of Christ JESUS in this and the earth. This spiritual landmark, Perfect Bride of Christ (Matthew 3:11-
spiritual equal yoking (2 Cor 6: 4-18), happening over my ears through THE The White, Glorious Horse in the Sky that 12; Zechariah 13:9). This implies that
which qualities the Bride of Christ was above the two Glorious Wedding
V OICE of JEHOVAH GOD HIMSELF, the Chief Bridegroom and the Perfect
Rings that the LORD GOD Showed
MUST, and I repeat, MUST, wear to is a very sharp turning point and a Dr. Owuor in a Mighty Visitation on Bride are products of the same Spirit
November 26, 2006.
wed Christ JESUS. The authenticity critical landmark towards the final of the LORD. No wonder the two
portrayed in these WEDDING RINGS are end. The book of Colossians chapter very Scripture when The LORD GOD wedding Rings for the RAPTURE that
an inscription that give the Church 1 verses 15 through 20 prophesied the said that HE was pleased to have all the LORD GOD showed me at the
the seal of approval from JEHOVAH supremacy of Christ JESUS and clearly HIS FULLNESS dwell in Christ JESUS. entrance of Heaven are very identical.
GOD, The FATHER of Christ (2 portrays Christ as the invisible image Practically it means that Christ who It also speaks of the supremacy of the
Timothy 2:19-20). No wonder, it is of GOD and yet also the First born was GOD, and dwells among us Holy Spirit in being able to complete
HE, The FATHER GOD that designed over all creation. In this very Scripture, (Immanuel), is the likeness of GOD. the process of the creation of man to
and produced these RINGS through the Holy Bible lays out clearly, that all It is not surprising that The Lord JESUS make him enter into the complete
the Person of the Holy Spirit. things in Heaven and on earth, visible said that whoever has seen the Son, likeness and image of GOD thereby
and invisible, whether thrones or has surely seen the Father (John 14). being able to marry GOD the Son.
The Rings & Authority of Christ powers or rulers or authorities were Taking it further, the two Golden
As The LORD GOD continued flipping created by Him (Christ JESUS) and for WEDDING RINGS reveal the character of The two W EDDING R INGS being very
the two WEDDING RINGS in the sky, in Him (Christ JESUS). This implies that the Perfect Bride of Christ who will identical furthermore expresses the
this mighty historic and landmark it was a matter of time before Christ wear one of them. In this context, humbleness of the heart of Christ
visitation of the Holy Spirit to the would be given the final authority over the fact that they are very identical JESUS, the Darling of Heaven, and the
Church, while showing me all the the Heavens and the earth and being obviously implies that the perfect one who is exalted above the Higher

Repentance and Holiness | 23


Heaven in His Glory (Ephesians 4:10, the sky, and right into Heaven. And from the Holy Spirit, to the Church of
Hebrews 7:26), the one by whom, when I looked up beyond the two Christ, is that the Day of the Rapture
and for whom, all things visible, and WEDDING RINGS, as I was commanded, is also the Day of the beginning of
invisible, including thrones, were HE showed me The WHITE GLORIOUS Judgement. This is so because, when
created; His being humble enough HORSE, that was pacing from one end He is seated on this White Glorious
to come down to earth and equalize of the sky to the other. This WHITE Horse, He comes to judge and He is a
himself to mere man, thereby finally GLORIOUS HORSE started pacing from fighter hence drawing similarity and
relationship between the Day of the W AR ON TERRORISM : Iraq has continued on
wearing the same WEDDING RING as the right-hand side of the sky and ran
a daily basis without any resolution
that of man, and wedding man in across the sky and when it reached Rapture and the Day of Judgement causing heavy casualties on both sides.
(The Day of the LORD). Indeed this is The Bible warned “... nation will fight
the RAPTURE. Surely, this is an extreme the left end of the sky, it stopped and nation and kingdom will fight kingdom
level of humbleness that has never turned at a very high speed towards true because in the book of Matthew in these last days.

been and will never ever be again. the right end of the sky. The WHITE chapter 24 verse 40
The revelation on this level of extreme GLORIOUS HORSE appeared to be in 40
To men will be in the RAPTURE will take place, in which case
humbleness of Christ, if the Church such an urgency and a hurry to field, one will be taken making me hear the loud command
had received, would have caused leave. At this instance, THE VOICE of and the other left. 41
of the Archangel, and the Trumpet
her to live her life forever grateful to JEHOVAH GOD spoke and said, women will be grinding
Call of GOD, that come prior to
the lamb of GOD, King of Glory for with the hand mill; one
“Look who is sitting on the RAPTURE of the Church. More
stooping too low to pick her up from will be taken and the
the White Horse.”
other left. recently, The LORD has moved
the filth of sin and death that she had It is imperative, to note that this position and has shown me what
thrown herself into following the fall WHITE GLORIOUS HORSE that The LORD This is the meaning of the White Horse the earth would look like after the
in the garden of Eden. GOD showed me on November 1, racing above the Glorious Wedding RAPTURE of the Church. These have
2006, practically marked the historic between Christ and the Church. The been very humbling visitations of
Take it to another level, the two turning point in the Church of Christ, Horse whose RIDER is called Faithful The LORD which clearly speak
WEDDING RINGS being very identical as this Horse represents the Day and True. This link between the about the prophetic season in which
reveal a deep hidden mystery on of the LORD. It is also the greatest rapture and the Day of the LORD the Church has finally be ushered
the Mighty redeeming Power of the revelation of the RAPTURE to the introduces a dimension and an angle into. It is important to mention that
LORD that is resident in the BLOOD
Church since it appears above the of gravity to the Way the Church of these messages are intended to be a
of J ESUS . A Power that can take a
WEDDING RINGS. Immediately, again Christ should prepare for this mighty whistle blower to the Church, so that
fallen Church, where Adam fell and
as I looked up I saw SOMEONE sitting event. This also emphasizes that the she may grasp the moment of the
GOD hid HIS face from him, and
on the WHITE GLORIOUS HORSE, Tribulation amounts to the period hour and repent in Preparation for
turn it all around, and wash
HE that is the RIDER of the of judgement since those who are this midnight hour which is around
her (Church) to a level
Horse. left out of the RAPTURE are in there in the corner.
that she too now is The absolute desolation without worship
qualified by the revelation on the At this point, I or praise. It is dark during these
LORD GOD, to be extreme humbleness of However, this vision of the two
Christ, would have caused immediately days, and people are missing in their
the Church to live her life and right away homes and in their graves having
higher heavens given to me by The LORD (The
forever greatful to the lamb realised that the been RAPTURED, and the Holy Spirit FATHER of The Lord JESUS) on
in the might y of GOD, for stooping too
low to pick her up from the RIDER of this WHITE is not present anymore. These days
RAPTURE. Certainly, November 01, 2006, is an absolutely
GLORIOUS HORSE will surely be lonely and strange as
going by this, the very, very, strong statement to the
she had thrown herself is THE LORD JESUS the nations of the earth awaiting for
today ’s Church into following the fall Church of Christ. The fact that The
CHRIST, THE KING OF the Big terrible that is just about to
has lived her life in the garden LORD GOD has now finally shown
of Eden. HEAVEN AND EARTH. happen on the Day of the LORD.
without realizing the the WEDDING RINGS in the sky, and was
I then realised that
redeeming potential of flipping them in all direction while
this was very shocking, Meaning of the Vision
the Mighty BLOOD of JESUS, displaying them, definitely means
stunning unusual and In the past, JEHOVAH GOD (The
a BLOOD that was shed for her at a the following:
surprising visitation to the Church. LORD) has shown me how the
very, very high cost. How could she i) That the wedding (RAPTURE) is
He was riding the HORSE from the
fail to seek to know the full potential now ready.
right-hand side of the sky to the left-
of this much spoken of, and fully ii) That one WEDDING RING belongs
hand side of the sky as in, ready to
prophesied, miraculous, wonderful to Christ JESUS, the Lamb of
and marvellous, redeeming B LOOD GOD (Bridegroom) and the
He was riding, was very powerful,
of JESUS the Lamb of GOD. other WEDDING RING, belongs to
and very energetic, while pacing at
a very high speed across the sky. I the Glorious Church of Christ
The White Glorious Horse was very shocked and awed at this (Perfect Bride).
Still in this Mighty Vision on glorious vision of The LORD and then iii) The flipping of the Rings by
November 01, 2006, The LORD, I woke up, felt very tired, and then The FATHER implies a state of
again BY HIS VOICE, asked me to look prayed in the Mighty Name of JESUS, W ARS AND R UMOURS OF W AR : Many are left urgency.
hopeless after the aftermath of the
up beyond the two, GOLDEN, GLORIOUS The KING that had just visited me. destructive and fatal war in Lebanon
SPIRITUAL WEDDING RINGS that were in The revelation that came through Mark 13:7. On the other hand, by presenting the

24 | Repentance and Holiness


WHITE GLORIOUS HORSE, The LORD is called to live in the character of Therefore, the wedding between The Casing for the Wedding Rings
announcing to the Church, in the four Christ, and Christ JESUS being the Christ and the mature perfect Bride The fact that the two WEDDING RINGS
corners of the earth, that the Second Bridegroom, the Body and Head. of Christ is essentially a wedding were encased in a golden antique-like
Coming of Christ is near and that He is also the Cornerstone of Zion between Christ JESUS and the casing implies that the preservation
they should prepare in Repentance and is in the likeness of The FATHER mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit. of faithfulness is an absolute
and Holiness (Isaiah 40:3-5; Hebrews JEHOVAH GOD. He is the image of No wonder in t h e requirement in this
12:14). The fact that The Lord JESUS is the invisible GOD thereby affirming beginning GOD spiritual wedding
already seated on the WHITE GLORIOUS that The FATHER JEHOVAH GOD created man that the earth
HORSE and racing across the sky back and Christ JESUS are one. from the dust has awaited
and forth, is a signal to the Church of the earth s i n c e
that the RAPTURE is now ready and By the Church wedding Christ, the then HE creation.
must take place to give way to the Church is called to wear the character b re a t h e d The Bride-
Mighty Second Coming of The Lord of JEHOVAH GOD, The FATHER; the HIS Spirit groom has
JESUS. Therefore, the Kingdom of character that is absolutely Holy and into man preserved
Heaven is very near even as we speak has no tolerance to sin. However, the so that The beautiful blood red inner velvet Himself
now. What is most surprising, is the as the flesh of the golden casing from The FATHER and kept an
only way in which the Church can
removed the two GOLDEN WEDDING RINGS.
proximity to the RAPTURE even as you attain the stature of Christ, is through returns to enduring
read this magazine. Through these the crucifixion of the flesh and dust, THE SPIRIT OF The LORD living faithfulness over time. This
visitations, The LORD is asking the the separation from the flesh and in those who are dead in Christ, faithfulness is based on the initial
Church to prepare for the GLORIOUS blood. This is only possible through can now be able to take part in events at Calvary, an old faithfulness
WEDDING and to be aware that the the mighty work of the Holy Spirit. the GLORIOUS SPIRITUAL WEDDING that is founded on the BLOOD and the
RAPTURED Saints are the ones who And the mystery of the TWO RINGS between Christ and the Church. Cross of JESUS and can stand the test
will return with JESUS on the Day of being identical and similar, thereby The implication here is that Christ of time. By presenting an antique-like
The Lord. This mighty vision, greatly implying that the Bride of Christ and JESUS purchased the Church to The case, The LORD is in other words
humbled me especially in view of the Christ, the Bridegroom, have to be FATHER through the anointing of saying how much HE treasures the
gravity of the responsibility entailed in in one likeness to fulfil 2 Corinthians the Holy Spirit. And therefore, the Holy first Church, in which Christ
carrying this glorious final message. chapter 6 verses 14 through 18 and Church becomes the new Israel, was centre and the BLOOD of JESUS
This message, coming straight from Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. the new wife of JEHOVAH. was the Gospel of the day. This kind
the Throneroom of GOD, at such a of faithful Church chose Holiness and
critical time in the Church, It is for this reason that while in the had nothing to do with modernity
The Holy Spirit of JEHOVAH GOD book of Mark chapter 11 verses 1
will change the that has now changed the Gospel in
is the principal authority through 11, the Holy Bible refers to
four corners of today’s Church.
The casing who can transform the
the earth and the Triumphal Entry of The Lord JESUS
remained an
perishable Church into the into the City of Jerusalem, with the
kick-start a empty shell placed In this Mighty Vision of the LORD,
on the left hand side immortality. However, this Jews lined up on both sides shouting
massive wave after JEHOVAH GOD removed the
of the entrance to means that the person of “Halleluhia Hossana! Blessed is
of Endtime Heaven which practically two WEDDING RINGS from the golden
the Church ceases to He that comes in the Name of The casing, HE placed the empty casing
Repentance represents the judgement
of the LORD on the exist within the mature LORD”, while this is happening, it on the left-hand side of the entrance
and Holiness
earth from whom the Bride of Christ while the is the RAPTURED Saints who actually to Heaven. This event has very deep
Revival that Church and the Holy Person of the Holy Spirit will return with JESUS and now line spiritual message to the church of
will usher Spirit have been
taking away in the increasingly manifest into up the gates of Jerusalem and shout Christ concerning the RAPTURE. the
RAPTURE. the Bride of Christ as she “Halleluhia Hossana! Blessed is revelation here is that, The two
Such a revival
draws closer and closer to the He that comes in the Name of Wedding Rings essentially represent
has already began
day of the WEDDING (RAPTURE). It is The LORD”. The Church of Christ two hearts because these Wedding
in Kenya, a small, East
important here to realize that the becomes the new Israel and returns is a matter of hearts. For that matter,
African country.
Person of the Holy Spirit can only to Mount Zion. In essence, since one WEDDING RING belongs to our Lord
manifest himself into the Church Christ is completely led by THE SPIRIT JESUS and the other to the Glorious
Knowing the Bridegroom of Christ through the mighty OF The LORD, then the Spiritually Church. Now, when the FATHER
What is emerging from the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is mature Church is actually getting JEHOVAH GOD removes both RINGS
visitation of November 01, 2006, the anointing that sets the captive married to THE SPIRIT OF The LORD from the Golden antique-like casing,
during which The LORD GOD Church free, releases Church (The FATHER JEHOVAH GOD) and the casing remained an empty
presented the two GOLDEN GLORIOUS from prison, heals and restores the Bridegroom is actually JEHOVAH shell placed on the left-hand side
WEDDING RINGS in the sky upon the broken Church according to GOD. The only way this is going to of the entrance to heaven. The left-
opening Heaven, is the fact that the the will of The FATHER JEHOVAH happen is by the Church feeding on hand side of the FATHER practically
Church has now been called to a GOD. The Holy Spirit therefore the True Bread, the Bread of Life that represents the judgement of the
new level of responsibility. The fact becomes a very important spiritual is JESUS and drinking from the True LORD and the empty shell (casing)
that the two WEDDING RINGS presented bridge between man and GOD. A Drink that is the BLOOD of JESUS, the stands for the earth from whom the
in the sky are very identical, imme- bridge without which no man can Bread and BLOOD that give eternal life Church and the Holy Spirit have been
diately implies that the Church is marry and wed GOD. (John 6:48-58). taken away in the RAPTURE. Since the

Repentance and Holiness | 25


And the LORD will come down from Heaven,

with a Loud command,
with the voice of the Archangel,
and The Mighty Trumpet Call of God . . .

Glorious Church of Christ is the light left-hand judgement side of the SPIRITUAL WEDDING between Christ and the Church using His own BLOOD and
of the world (Matthew 5:13-16), while FATHER JEHOVAH GOD, still has the Church. It is as if JEHOVAH GOD through GOD and the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Spirit is the oil that fuels the red colour of the BLOOD OF JESUS begins to unearth the treasures that the purchased man is now able to
the lamp of the Church, then their in its lining. This means that even our Lord JESUS embedded for us at become immortal in the likeness of
sudden removal from the earth, in the the RAPTURED Saints who are washed Calvary. How can the Church today GOD, therefore, the Bridegroom that
RAPTURE, leaves the earth in absolute by the BLOOD of JESUS will enter into wed Christ, when she has essentially the Church is wedding is the Tri-unity
darkness. The dark period that heaven. Within the seven years forgotten the primitive covenant of GOD. In this case, it is important
the earth is plunged into when the earth remains an between Christ and herself? Seeing for the Church to mature up in
after the The The FATHER the Spirit and realise that one RING
RAPTURE empty shell undergoing JEHOVAH GOD
RAPTURED Saints belongs to the Trinity of GOD and
corresponds to the Tribulation, the opening the casing containing the
are subjected to the other RING belongs to the Church.
Tribulation. However, the judgement of RAPTURED Saints are two WEDDING RINGS and separating the
This becomes the very first time that
as I examined the the LORD in Heaven also subjected to two identical WEDDING RINGS that were
because they have to man becomes like GOD. A Prophecy
inside of the casing the judgement of in a way held together, essentially
present themselves given in the book of Genesis now
that contained the before the judgements the LORD in heaven fulfils the Scripture and introduces
becoming fulfilled in the RAPTURE of
WEDDING RINGS, it and rewarded because they have to a deeper meaning into RAPTURE. The the Church.
was covered by a rich according to their present themselves separation of the two WEDDING RINGS
velvet-like lining, also before the judgements by the FATHER GOD, upon opening
valueless yet red to the and rewarded according the Wedding Case, represents the To receive The Lord,
colour of the BLOOD of JESUS. This to their deeds (Rev 22:12). Holding Power of the Last Supper. repeat this prayer . . .
is a mighty revelation to the Church in 12
Behold I am coming This is the Pre-Wedding Covenant that
that, the only way the two WEDDING soon! My reward is keeps the heart the Bridegroom and
RINGS, one for Christ and the other for with me, and I will give Lord JESUS, I repent of
e ve r yo n e a cco rd i n g to the Bride together even before the
the Church, can be exactly identical, my sins, come into my
what he has done. day of the Wedding. That separation
is when they have been developed heart and be my Lord
This judgement happens at the is critical as a demonstration that
and preserved by the BLOOD OF JESUS. and Saviour. Please
Wedding Supper of the Lamb of God the two RINGS were actually together
However, The FATHER, having write my name in the
as an award ceremony according to even during the waiting period. No
taken away the two Golden WEDDING Lamb’s Book of Life.
what one has done. wonder the LORD said in the book
RINGS from the golden casing, this
of 1 Corinthians chapter 11 and And send me the Holy
casing now remains as a shell on
verse 25, Spirit to teach me to
the left-hand side on the entrance Separating the Two Rings in the Sky
to heaven. At the same time the The main problem nevertheless, is the
walk in Holiness In the
Do this in remembrance
two WEDDING RINGS are being flipped lack of faithfulness that has continued of me... Mighty Name of JESUS
in all directions at the entrance to to prevail within the Church of Christ Christ I pray, Amen.
It is amazing that when JEHOVAH
Heaven. This is the message to the within the four corners of the earth. GOD said let US make man in our
Church of Christ; the RAPTURE of the She remembers no more, the last own image and likeness, it was the For prayer, counselling
Church takes place at the entrance supper and communion at which Tri-unity of GOD developing the and further instructions
of Heaven thereby qualifying the The Lord JESUS presented the new blueprint for the salvation of Man including baptism
Church into the Wedding Supper of Covenant of His BLOOD in a cup. and therefore, the oneness of the Tri-
please call 0721 370150
the Lamb of GOD. This ancient Covenant, all of a unity of GOD within the GOD HEAD
or 0727 036 056
sudden, becomes very critical and implies that Christ is not acting alone
The empty casing seated on the very important during this GLORIOUS in this Wedding, but He is purchasing

26 | Repentance and Holiness



In a follow up Mighty Vision The LORD showed Dr. Owuor,
those asleep in Christ JESUS RAPTURED like an earthquake

t was on November 26, 2006, at
Kehancha, a small border town
between Kenya and Tanzania,
that the LORD GOD in a mighty
vision lifted me up above the earth
and asked me to look at the earth.
Immediately, I saw what looked like
an earthquake hit the earth, creating
a tremendous movement in the
earth, with a lot of dust blowing up in
the air. As I continued looking at this
event, from my right-hand side came
THE VOICE of the LORD GOD saying,

Look how many people are

taken up in the RAPTURE?

At this point, I realised it was not an

earthquake and I instead saw the dead
in Christ JESUS RAPTURED from their
graves in the ground, and the ensuing
dust was mixed with the Glory of The
LORD. As I continued looking at this
miraculous phenomenon I then saw
the dead in Christ, wearing their The mighty vision of the dead RAPTURED from the earth that The LORD GOD showed Dr. Owuor on November 26, 2006.
glorious immortal bodies ascending
into the sky and being covered by the about the RAPTURE. In this continuous the sky. This essentially represent the apparent that the Church has finally
complete Glory of the LORD without conversation, I realised a trend of LORD coming down from Heaven. reached the grand finale, towards the
any dust. The more they were taken chronology of spiritual events related And on November 26, 2006, HE then RAPTURE. The book of Daniel chapter
up the more their glorious immortal to the RAPTURE. Looking at the book shows me the dead being RAPTURED 12 verses 2 to 3 predicts this event by
bodies were glowing. As they of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses from the earth. Put together one saying,
ascended, I suddenly saw our Lord 16 through 17, one easily picks sees the deliberate sequence of 2
Multitudes who sleep
in the dust of the earth
the revelation behind these two events by The FATHER JEHOVAH
JESUS in His Glory, caught up with will awake: some to
visitations on the RAPTURE. In this GOD, according to the Scripture in ever lasting life, others
them in the clouds and they were to shame and everlasting
Scripture the Holy Bible says, I Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 16
RAPTURED into Heaven. However, contempt. 3 Those who
through 17. In which case, The LORD are wise will shine like the
during this process THE VOICE of 16
For the Lord himself will brightness of the Heavens,
come down from Heaven, GOD has used these two visions to and those who lead many
The FATHER GOD again, coming with a loud command,
speak a very strong and important to righteousness, like the
from my right-hand side, told me that with the voice of the stars for ever and ever.
archangel and with the message to the Church because it is
only a few of those who were asleep trumpet call of God, and The Lord JESUS also said in the book
under the earth were taken up in the the dead in Christ will rise the dead that will rise first after HE
of John chapter 5 and verse 25
first. 17 After that, we who
RAPTURE. Coming on November 26, comes down from Heaven. And the through 28 that,
are still alive and are left
2006 barely twenty-five days after will be caught up together fact that HE, The LORD GOD, shows 25
I tell you the truth, a
with them in the clouds to time is coming and has
the first visitation of the November meet the Lord in the air.
me these two visions in a sense
now come when the
01, 2006, this second visitation about And so we will be with the of urgency definitely implies the dead will hear the voice
Lord forever. of the Son of GOD and
the RAPTURE in one month, clearly message of urgency to the Church, those who hear will live.
portrays the fact that there is a sense that she must now prepare for the
For as the Father has
What emerges is the fact that in the life in himself, so he has
of urgency on the part of The FATHER first vision of The LORD on November RAPTURE as soon as possible. granted the Son to have
life in himself. 27 And he
JEHOVAH GOD. What is astonishing 01, 2006, The LORD opens Heaven has given him authority
in these visitations, is the fact that and presents two WEDDING RINGS in Furthermore, considering the small to judge because he is the
Son of Man. 28 “Do not be
there appears to be a very deliberate the sky, while at the same time He time frame within which the FATHER amazed at this, for a time
is coming when all who
and constant conversation between is riding on the WHITE GLORIOUS HORSE presented the two mighty visions are in their graves will
JEHOVAH GOD and the Church from the right to the left-hand side of of the RAPTURE to me, it becomes hear his voice...

Repentance and Holiness | 27


The emphasis here now becomes “ ...for without Holiness no which implies that for those who the day of the RAPTURE is the day that
one will see the Lord”.
the fact that not all who are dead have done good works by living marks the beginning of the end. No
in Christ will hear the Trumpet Call Holiness therefore becomes in Holiness there will be a wonder the WHITE GLORIOUS HORSE
of GOD. Only those who at the time a central mark for one to reward. However, the book was presented together with the two
of their death had lived in complete make it into the Wedding of Daniel chapter 12 verse WEDDING RINGS.
Holiness, will be raised from the Supper of the Lamb of 3 says, Therefore, Christ JESUS redeeming
dead. Those are the ones who will GOD. No wonder, the 3
Th o s e w h o a re man back to the image and likeness
wise will shine like
hear the Trumpet Call of God and book of Matthew chapter the brightness of the of GOD is the foundation of the
will be raised to meet the Son of 24 verses 37 stresses that, Heavens, and those
w h o l e a d m a ny
RAPTURE. This is a process of spiritual
God in the air. The authority to judge The golden casing that to righteousness, creation of the Church. A process
which is given to Christ JESUS (John 37
As it was in the days contain the two Golden- like the stars for
that, for the righteous and the Holy
Wedding Rings. ever and ever.
5:27) is the same authority The LORD of Noah so will it be
at the coming of the Son Saints, ends in the book of John
GOD on November 01, 2006, by HIS
of Man. And this is further reflected in the chapter 19 verse 30, when JESUS said
VOICE said,
book of Matthew chapter 13 verse 43 on the Cross,
Two men will be in the
“From today on, A L L A U T H O R I T Y in which the LORD says, 30
“It is finished.”
field; one will be taken
in He aven and o n Ea r t h h as Then the righteous will
and the other left. 41 Two In so doing, HE finished death on
been given to Christ JESUS.” shine like the sun in the
women will be grinding
one will be taken and the Kingdom of their father... the Cross and ressurrected and was
other will be left.
This gives a finer detail of the role RAPTURED. But, in order to complete
This authority given to Christ JESUS
is the authority to judge both the of the mighty authority that Christ the process of creation of the
Also is the book of Revelations chapter
dead and the living. In the vision of JESUS, the Son of GOD is given at the Church to be in the likeness of GOD
22 verses 19, the Holy Bible says,
the RAPTURE of the dead, only a few Behold, I am coming RAPTURE. Furthemore, the one who thereby defeating death, she must be
people made it in because the Holy soon! My reward is with leads people into salvation will be RAPTURED.
me and I will give to
Bible in the book of Hebrews chapter e ve r yo n e a cco rd i n g to even more rewarded. Therefore,
12 verse 14 emphasizes what he has done.

SIGNS & WONDERS . . . Kakamega Repentance

Kakamega 2005
In the middle of a Repentance meeting in Bhukungu Stadium on June 5, 2005, Dr. Owuor
commanded Heaven to open and in less than a minute, Heaven obeyed and it rained heavily to
the shock of those present . . .

Kakamega 2006
During a repentance meeting on November 2006, after Dr. Owuor stood at the Altar, Holy Spirit
rain came down followed by tremendous hail stones which then ended with a rich, golden
sunlight and the Mighty GLORY of the LORD came down, healing and delivering many. . .

28 | Repentance and Holiness

D The
r. Owuor ED was born in 1966 Department of Surgery, the Cancer
in Bondo District in Kenya. Institute of New Jersey (CINJ )-
Having studied in Makerere UMDNJ-RobertWood Johnson Medical
University, (Uganda); University
of Nairobi, (Kenya); Ben Gurion
PROPHETIC CALLING School). After this he was appointed a
Consultant Specialist in cDNA micro
University of the Negev, (Israel), array analysis, in Forensic Toxicology
University of Haifa, (Israel), and and Aircraft Accident of the Civil
University of Giessen, Institute for Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI).
Genetics, (Germany), he specialized During this time, Dr. Owuor was more
in molecular genetic engineering, interested in developing fine molecular
examining DNA cloning and signatures for normal and impaired
nucleotide sequence analysis for human physiological performance
medical drug design and discovery. His in the cockpit during operation of
interest in this speciality was driven by an aircraft. He also examined the
the advent of human genom mapping role of alcohol and drugs abuse
which opened up a great treasure in in impairing human physiological
molecular medicine for future disease performance in the operation of an
therapy, especially in cancer and HIV/ aircraft by commercial airline pilots
AIDS. This is an area that has attracted Isaiah 40: 3-5 in Civil Aviation. At the CAMI, Dr.
interest among pharmaceutical Repent For The Kingdom Of GOD Is Near Owuor published in international
companies especially when he was medical peer review journals such as
examining transcriptional factors for Aero Space Medical Research R&D
the regulation of gene expression in networks and especially mitogen (NrF2) in the regulation of phase 2 drug Bulletin, carcinogenesis, Journal for
medical intervention through delivery activated protein Kinase networks as metabolizing enzymes and cellular biological Chemistry, Pharmaceutical
of small DNA molecules and proteins potential drug targets in future anti- defensive mechanism in humans. Research Journal of the American
for medicine among patients. cancer drug design. He developed research interest in Association of Pharmaceutical
examining the role phosphorylation Scientists, Biochemical Pharmacology,
Upon completion of his Doctorate He further joined the Department of of the newly discovered Extra-cellular among others. (see website for the Journal
from Mount Carmel, Haifa, (Israel) Dr, Pharmaceutics, Earnest Mario School Regulated Kinase 5, a sister pathway to for Biochemichal Pharmacology, Journal for
Owuor joined the University of Illinois at of Pharmacy, The State University the ErK1,2 pathway necessary for Biological Chemistry;, carcinogenesis,
Chicago Medical Center (UIC), Center of New Jersey (Rutgers) tumor proliferation. During pubmed, Ncbi the Journal for The American
for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology as a n d E nv i r o n m e n t a l this time, Dr. Owuor Association for Pharmaceutical Scientist, Korean
He pointed
a Post Doctoral Fellow specialising and Occupational was able to elucidate Pharmaceutical Society.
at Heaven and said
in signal transduction by Cancer Health Sciences “Listen to me Heaven, the link between gov/docs/R&D_review/rdreview_v02_104.pdf,
Chemotherapeutic drugs. During Institute, (EOSHI) listen to me the earth, p38 cell death and www.ncbi.n/m.n,, http://stinet.
this time, he examined the role of of the University I speak the release of the suicide pathways,
tamoxifen as a chemotherapeutic of Medicine and four white horses here and especially the
Dentistry of New now.” In less than a minute MKK6 oncoprotein
drug targetting breast cancer It was during this time that The LORD
Heaven obeyed and
and the signalling pathways that J e r s e y ( U M D N J ) and ErK5 defensive GOD called Dr. Owuor to serve King
opened and instant
are involved. He also lectured to where he looked at the rain poured down. mechanism. To put it J ESUS . The LORD called Dr. Owuor
Ph.D graduate students in the relationship between in lay man’s terms, this from his job to tell the four corners of
Pharmaceutics & Pharmacodynamics green tea Polyphenols kind of cross-talk between the earth to turn away from sin and
and Drug Metabolism by and Phenethylisothiocyanate defensive and cell death PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE SECOND COMING
Cancer Chemotherapeutic and (PEITCs) in Apoptosis (self-suicide) genes, complicates cancer therapy OF C HRIST , T HE L AMB OF G OD . He has

Chemoprevention Drugs Programme and Cancer Chemoprevention. Dr. and leads to the death of cancer given various major prophecies which
of the UIC Medical Center. He Owuor also examined the role of patients. This cross-talk also results into have come to pass and changed the
specialised in teaching Onco-protein nuclear related transcriptional Factor-2 cancer drug resistance and therapeutic course of events on this planet earth.
by-pass, therefore making this a very They include the 2004 Asian Tsunami,
significant finding in cancer research. Earthquakes in Pakistan, Afghanistan,
He also collaborated with several Russia and Iran; America’s Hurricanes
pharmaceutical companies. In one Katrina, Rita and Wilma; Floods in
such collaboration with Centacor in PA eastern Europe, Mombasa, Australia
while examining the drug quinacrine among others. He shocked the
and its potential to target cervical nations when he prophesied the two
cancer in humans, he discovered AfghanistanI Earthquakes on Saturday
the signalling pathway leading to the October 21, 2005 at Machakos a small
death of cervical cancer cells. This has Eastern town in Kenya, and these
a great significance in cancer therapy earthquakes happened in 24 hours
The mighty wave of repentance revival in Kenya is absolutely historic and one of a kind
in which women and men have dressed in real sackcloth and wailing across the entire
since quinacrine had only been used on the October 23, 2006. He also
nation. One thing though that is astonishing about this repentance revival is that, it as an anti-malarial drug used as a prophesied the asteroid that came
is consuming the nation of Kenya. In every meeting that Dr Owuor leads people into chemotherapeutic adjuvant. close to the earth on the September
repentance, there is always a very mighty and heavy outpouring of the Holy Spirit that
has shocked many people including Servants of The LORD. Massive deliverance and 29, 2004 with sharp precision to the
healing has become part and parcel of the repentance meetings, hence seeing people Dr. Owuor was further appointed date, and also the eclipse of the moon
delivered from witchcraft, the blind see, the deaf hear and the crippled walk. This revival
repentance represented above took place at a village town called Ugunja at Ugenya in
Research Teaching Specialist in the and the sun that took place in October,
Kenya on July 8, 2006. Division of Surgical Oncology, The 2005 among others.

Repentance and Holiness | 29

The Prophetic Calling

and the Second Coming of The Birthpains . . .

Lord and how they will take place.
The LORD has commanded him to
preach Repentance and Holiness and
completely return to GOD in order
to Prepare the Way for the Second
Coming of The Lord. In meetings at
which Dr. Owuor preaches, many
signs and wonders are displayed by
The LORD including the appearance
of unique rainbows, the massive
outpouring of the Holy Spirit that slays
A repentance meeting at a small town called Kapkatet in Kenya. Since the onset of
repentance revival in Kenya, the meetings have been attended by multitudes of thousands
many people bringing healing and Nairobi residents ran for their
of people in this particular place by more than 50,000 people. One main feature of these deliverance, the healing of the lame lives as they evacuated tall
meetings are the thousands that receive JESUS, which in itself speak of revival. buildings during a major tremor
and crippled walk, cancers disappear that rocked the countr y on
and many other miracles. In so doing, December 5, 2005. This happened
THE MIGHTY VISITATION These Mighty Visitations were followed The LORD is demonstrating the Power
in complete disbelief among
Kenyans, given that Dr. Owuor
The LORD GOD called Dr. Owuor by another one, in which The LORD of Repentance and Holiness in Christ had repeatedly warned them
when he was at the peak of his career lifted him up and took him into HIS JESUS. Dr. Owuor has been involved of an impending ear thquake
Throneroom in Heaven in which HE arising from the wrath of GOD
in a Mighty Visitation of the Holy Spirit in the massive National Repentance against sexual sin, lies, love of
on the July 3, 2003. In that visitation, spoke with Dr. Owuor again BY VOICE and Revival going on in Kenya. money, witchcraft and other
The LORD GOD appeared to him, and and showed him the Holy Bible that sins in the Church and the nation
at large. This massive Quake
wrote for him Isaiah chapter 43 verses is inside the Ark of the New Covenant On June 5, 2005, Dr. Owuor shocked cracked tall buildings in the
11 and 1 (in this specific order), and of The LORD in GOD’s Throneroom. a gathering of thousands at Kakamega city centre of Nairobi, shook
Then lightening hit the Holy Bible three Eldoret, a town in the Western
HE physically touched Dr. Owuor’s Bukhungu Stadium, Kenya when in par t of Kenya and Mombasa
mouth and lifted him up, took him times inside the New Covenant of The an open, sunny, broad daylight, he a coastal cit y in Kenya and

into another room within his house LORD thereby causing a quake of stopped preaching and started
caused much greater damage
in Tanzania and Congo where
and then left him there, from where the Ark of the New Covenant saying “I see rain falling the epicentre was located. It is
he walked back to his bedroom. In of The LORD in GOD’ S here and it is a Holy Spirit ironical that at Kapsokwony (Mt.
Throneroom. The Elgon) Repentance meeting on
October 2003, The LORD appeared rain.” and suddenly he November 30, 2005, Dr. Owuor
Archangel then asked The Lord had warned the entire region
to Dr. Owuor again, this time with appeared to pointed at Heaven
Dr. Owuor to pray on this coming earthquake one
Prophets Moses and Elijah on one him again, this and said “Listen to month before it happened ( see
side of the Ark of the New Covenant and immediately time with Prophets me Heaven, listen East African Quake below).

of The LORD GOD in Heaven, while he said “Father, I Moses and Elijah on to me the earth, I
Daniel was on the other side of the come to you with one side of Ark of speak the release
a lot of praise and the New Covenant
Ark of the New Covenant of The of the four white
thanksgiving in of The Lord in
LORD GOD. This was followed by Heaven while horses here, right
another Mighty Visitation, in the same the Mighty Name now.” The shocker
Daniel was on
month at 3:26am in the morning of Christ J ESUS . . .” the other was that in less than
when The LORD GOD presented Then the Glory of The side. one minute Heaven
to him the ROD of Moses (ROD LORD came through the obeyed and opened.
of GOD). Furthermore, on April 2, Golden walkway and sat on Instant heavy rain poured
the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Destructive floods have come as
2004 between 2pm-4pm, The LORD only around the stadium. The a surprise to many, not knowing
appeared to him and presented John New Covenant. The place is most Holy LORD used him to essentially repeat that this is a major wake up call
causing the two Cherubim of Glory to to the Church of Christ, to start
The Baptist on his right hand side and the event on 1 Kings 18 when he sent preparing for The Lord J ESUS , as
The Holy Spirit spoke to Dr. Owuor BY bow behind the Throneroom at which the Prophet Elijah to restore the Altar predicted in Luke 21 and Mark
VOICE instructing him to go warn the place Dr. Owuor saw the River of Life of The LORD. See below picture in 13 when He said that when these
things happen, know that the
four corners of the earth to repent in flowing into the main street of the sequence before, during prayer and hour of His coming to R APTURE
Christ JESUS and PREPARE THE WAY FOR New Jerusalem and the Tree of Life after Heaven opened and the rain the Church is near.
THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, THE LAMB on both sides (Other things cannot be came down. The LORD has also
OF G OD . This was The LORD GOD’s discussed at this time). used him to repeat this opening of
commissioning statement to Dr. David Heaven in Njoro, Kenya when there
Owuor. A statement that turned his Ever since then, The LORD has was a massive drought hit the Nation,
life around and put him on the road repeatedly spoken and shown Dr. thereby releasing rain all over the
to preach repentance. Owuor The R APTURE of the Church country, in this year, 2006.


was led by THE SPIRIT OF The LORD
to speak to Tanzania and that if
they don’t repent in Christ J ESUS ,
the Heaven would be shut over
them. Look at the drought that
struck this country.

Before rain. Dr. Owuor commands rain from Heaven. After rain.

30 | Repentance and Holiness



n November 24, 2004,
exactly one month before
the occurrence of the
massive devastating Asian Tsunami
earthquake, The LORD appeared to
me and talked to me BY VOICE about
the Asian Tsunami. In this tremendous
visitation, The LORD GOD placed a very
thick cloud between HIMSELF and I.
HE then spoke with me audibly BY HIS
VOICE as one speaks to another and
asked me to pass judgement on the
Eastern religions and warn the whole
world especially Africa and Asia on the
impending massive earthquake. This
earthquake would split the Indian
Ocean and cause horrendous floods
killing record numbers of people, if
they don’t repent. In this visitation,
The LORD GOD visited me and took
me in the Spirit, into Indonesia, and
the neighbouring countries that were
subsequently affected and in those
places I saw lots of people drowning
and high speed floods knocking
down buildings.

When I attempted to rescue a woman This email is a copy of

Tsunami some of the em
who was drowning in that Mighty Novem and warning of the need for theails that Dr. Owuor sent to differe
ber 25, 2004, on Church to repen nt Churches all
e month before t and prepare over the world
Visitation, The Angel of Death of The the occurence of
the Asian Tsunami for the Kingdom , prophesying
the coming of
. of GOD (Isaiah the
40:3-5). This em
LORD who was in Egypt appeared ail was sent on
and pulled her hand off my hands Kenya, holding Pastors’ conferences
in Dama and Abbey hotels, in Luthuli showed me the Asian Tsunami was in
and said, “The LORD has sent me the location. I then began to realise
Avenue, Kenya, warning them of this 2003, and at that time HE said by HIS
to do it, so they may know that The that it would occur very soon. Then
historic event that would touch down VOICE that it would affect an ocean
LORD, HE IS GOD.” I remember come December 25, 2004, exactly 24
on earth and never leave it the same in the East without specifying the
waking up on the December 25, 2004 hours before the massive and historic
again. As a matter of urgency, I began name of the ocean. But, on November
morning and going straight in prayer Asian Tsunami hit the earth, The LORD
sending emails all over the earth 24, 2004, when HE spoke more
and fasting, looked at the world and GOD spoke to me BY VOICE and said
especially to the Church in Mexico explicitly about it with specifics on
felt so sorry. This prompted me to it would now have to happen because
start going around the city of Nairobi, ( see email displayed above ) warning
HE had received no repentance up to
them and asking them to begin rapid that moment. The entire world was
repentance. I went by the mosques shocked and brought to its knees
and Hindu temples asking them to when finally the Asian Tsunami
repent but no one paid attention. I struck the earth killing more than
further prophesied this message at 390,000 people and devastating entire
the Triumphant House of Faith in cities where people were celebrating
Ofafa Jericho, one of the suburbs Christmas in immorality and the
ASIAN TSUNAMI: On November 24, 2005, The of Nairobi, Kenya. What amazed worship of eastern religions.
LORD GOD spoke with Dr. Owuor and
asked him to warn them to repent in me, is the fact that the Churches did
Christ JESUS otherwise there would be an What does Tsunami represent
extensive earthquake that would bring
not pay any attention to this urgent towards the RAPTURE?
catastrophic floods from the ocean. message either and this made me The signature that the Asian Tsunami left
More than one and a half years have
This prompted Dr. Owuor to write the on earth cannot be erased by any man and
email presented above, to many places begin to understand the level of fall was purposefully allowed by The LORD passed since the Asian Tsunami
including Mexico warning of the coming and defilement in the Church, given GOD, so it may sound an alarm unto the
of the wrath of GOD if the eastern nations of the earth to prepare for the
hit including the month of August
religions fail to repent as commanded. that she cannot even recognise the R APTURE that is fast approaching around 2006 when another Tsunami hit
The above skeleton mosque represents the corner. It becomes imperative to
the extensive destruction caused by
voice of The Holy Spirit. acknowledge the fact that these prophetic
Indonesia and yet the Church has not
these historic Asian Tsunami in 2004 events take place regardless of whether learnt a lesson from these historic
and not only is it a clear display of the the Church is prepared or not or whether
wrath of GOD but also kick-started the
The deeper ways of The LORD dawned a mere 1% of the Church is prepared in
occurrences. The Lord JESUS Himself
beginning of birthpains. on me, given that the first time HE Holiness or not. prophesied the coming of these

Repentance and Holiness | 31


never the same again, just like
Dr. Owuor had said, “I see a
massive destruction coming to
the earth of a magnitude never
seen before and the earth will
now never be the same again, I
More than one and a half years have see a historic earthquake.” The
The Asian Tsunami came with high-speed passed since the Asian Tsunami hit only question everyone asked
furious, angry devastating and deadly including August 2006 when another was, what would cause such a
floods on the Indian Ocean exactly as Dr. Tsunami hit Indonesia and yet the Church
Owuor had warned of.
Unimaginable destruction caused massive rattling of villages and
has not learnt a lesson from these by the massive earthquake in
historic occurrences. The Lord J E S U S towns with such anger. The
catastrophic events at the brinks of the Himself prophesied the coming of these wrath with which the quake

catastrophic events at the brinks of the peaking at a repentance came was evident with the
RAPTURE of the Church. The beginning RAPTURE of the Church.
meeting in Embu town, in fact that as people tried to flee,
of birthpains is synonymous with
Eastern part of Kenya, on entire mountains were sliced
the physical human birthpains. This has defiled the Holy image of Precious
July 16, 2004, THE SPIRIT OF The and massive boulders of rocks
spiritual birthpains that are taking JESUS. In other words, having read this
LORD overtook Dr. Owuor and blocked escape routes leading
place all over the earth right now, magazine as a Christian, you have caused him to start prophesying to strandedness before the
every reason to begin repenting right a massive earthquake of a chilly winter hit. Many schools,
are coming out of earthquakes. This
away because the Church has blood magnitude never seen before apartments, villages and towns
implies that the R APTURE (birth) is
on her hands, the Church being the that was coming to hit the earth. were reduced to rubble bringing
very close. No wonder The LORD, BY Thereafter, while preaching at a all kinds of heart-wretching
Christian. The image the Church has
VOICE, told me to tell these people lunch hour service in Nairobi stories emerging from the
shown of Christ will deter every other
to repent in Christ JESUS and Prepare City Hall, Kenya, catastrophe.
religion from accepting The Lord and on July 18, 2004, One of the
the Way for the Lamb of GOD who
given that the prophetic time has T HE S PIRIT O F The stories was that
is returning soon. Matthew 24 and
changed, the events ushering Christ LO R D again in a whole primary
Luke 21 are well displayed across the the middle of the school was
as prophesied in Matthew 24, Mark 13
face of the earth even as you read service, started sank and many
and Luke 21 will anyhow take place
this magazine. It takes watching your making utterances children under
with these worshippers of Eastern 12 years perished
TV, listening to your radio or surfing through Dr. Owuor
gods heading straight to Hell! Surely, to the effect that instantly. Another
the web to realise that there is an
the Church needs to realise that the there would be story narrated
irreversible change that has come season has changed (Jeremiah 8:4-8) a massive earth- that a whole
to the face of the earth. When The and stop pursuing and charging on quake coming to village of more
LORD GOD spoke with me about the hit the earth. This than 1000 people
her own course which will only lead
Tsunami and categorically asked me tremendously Dr. Owuor at City Hall was also sank
her to a very embarrassing end that warning of Pakistani quake and all perished
shocked the congre-
to warn the Eastern Religions, how is absolutely inconsistent with her more than a month before.
gation that had instantly. Let us
come the Church did not identify the calling. The signature that the Tsunami gathered to receive preaching fear this GOD. In the book of
heavy fingerprint that the Tsunami left on earth cannot be erased by no on blessings and prosperity Isaiah chapter 13 verse 13,
left behind so as to prepare urgently man and was purposefully allowed especially given that this brand says,
for the RAPTURE? Consider this, the of prophecy about bad things
by The LORD GOD, so it may sound Therefore I will make
happening was completely alien
epicentre of this earthquake was in an alarm unto the nations of the earth the Heavens tremble;
to the Kenyan Church that loves
Indonesia and it went to Sri Lanka to prepare for the RAPTURE that is fast and the earth will
prosperity prophecies.
then came to southern India which shake from its place
approaching around the corner. It
at the wrath of LORD
are heavily covered with Eastern becomes imperative to acknowledge It took slightly more than one
ALMIGHTY, in the day
Religions. How come the Church the fact that these prophetic events and a half months before this
of HIS burning anger.
missed out on this? Remember in the will take place regardless of whether massive historic earthquake,
of a magnitude never seen in In the emails Dr. Owuor sent
email displayed on page29, that I sent the Church is prepared or not, or
a century, hit Pakistan. The prior to the Tsunami, The LORD
out one month before the Tsunami whether, a mere 1% of the Church
devastation it caused was out GOD specifically mentioned,
I warned especially Asia and Africa is prepared in Holiness or not. The of proportion, leading to record “. . . the Eastern Religions to
and when the Tsunami came it surely Holy Bible, which is the true and living loss of lives and displacing repent otherwise they will
obeyed every word of my tongue. Word of God, will not change and the millions. This phenomenon know that The LORD GOD has
RAPTURE will take place soon. shocked the earth and left it spoken.”
Now, even the latest Tsunami that took
place in August 2006 had its epicentre
in Indonesia. And just to remind you,
when I tried to preach repentance in
Christ JESUS as commanded by The
LORD GOD to the Eastern Religions,
none of them was willing to repent
in Christ JESUS at the time, with the Extensive damage and devastation is evident after the earthquake.
2004 ASIAN TSUNAMI: Extensive
sole reason being that the Church devastation.

32 | Repentance and Holiness



B IRTHPAINS : Desperation and hopelessness

“Afghanistan, the wrath of GOD is among the Afghanis following the massive
upon you. The LORD is going to shake
the earth under your feet. Unless

for the RAPTURE. It is amazing that you repent, the sword of The LORD Israel, so will HE also judge nations of
reaching at Machakos repent-
the prophecies for the End of Age in is coming and you will know that the earth, because HE is Sovereign.
ance meeting on October
Matthew 24 and Luke 21 are actually HE is The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY”. The other nations that The LORD
22, 2005, Dr. Owuor lifted his
tied to the demand for repentance He continued, “The LORD’s hand is GOD has warned in the recent past
left prophetic finger and pointed
by JEHOVAH. The nations of the heavy on you Afghanistan unless you to turn away from their wicked ways
towards Afghanistan warning of a
earth were extremely stunned when repent in Christ JESUS.” include, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran,
devastating earthquake
that was going to hit within 24 hours, two Russia, Greece and North America.
her. In that message, massive ravaging 24-hours later, there was a historic
the Holy Spirit warned earthquakes devastation in the land of Afghanistan
that if Afghanistan did rattling Afghani killing hundreds and leaving
not repent there would villages and thousands injured and many more
be a devastating towns. This was homeless. Dr. Owuor cited idolatry,
earthquake and he extensively adultery, sexual sin, homosexuality,
Prophecy of Afghani quake
concluded “. . . and you at Machakos Repentance. reported in the lying, fornication among other sins
shall know that The media within 24 that greatly provoke the wrath of
LORD GOD ALMIGHTY has spoken.” hours (see Reuters webpage above). GOD thereby demanding repentance
This earthquake, Dr. Owuor said, in Christ JESUS. But as many as would
BIRTHPAINS: Displaced families and
would be part of the continuing Addressing the four corners of the not understand the nature of The
destruction caused by the Afghanistan
judgement on Eastern Religions in earth from Machakos, Dr. Owuor LORD GOD, HE judges sin and every Earthquake that Dr. Owuor predicted in a
period of 24-hours prior to its occurrence
order to demand for repentance in warned of The LORD’s tremendous nation according to their deeds. As
at a repentance meeting in Machakos, a
Christ JESUS as the nations prepare judgement over Afghanistan saying, The LORD GOD judged the nation of small eastern town in Kenya.


n March 25, 2006, in coming to touch you, to prepare took exactly five days and on Friday,
the midst of a massive for the RAPTURE of the Church, and March 31, 2006, a massive wave of
historic repentance you shall know that I AM The LORD earthquakes measuring 6.7 on the
meeting at Nyamira, the Holy GOD ALMIGHTY . . . Richter scale, hit and
Spirit came down in a massive and that the mouth rained on Lorestan
force and delivered hundreds of of The LO R D has in Wester n I ran,
people as Dr. Owuor ministered. spoken. Repent and killing many people, BEGINNING OF BIRTHPAINS: The people
At the end of the repentance and Pr e p a r e t h e Wa y devastating more of Iran, and especially western
Iran that was heavily devastated
deliverance, the Holy Spirit began for the Kingdom of than 330 villages by a wave of historic earthquakes
CNN news report confirming the
making prophetic utterances in GOD is near”. This massive historic earthquake in and displacing many may not know a little town called
Nyamira in Western Kenya. But for
the presence of thousands of became the historic Iran fulfilling the prophecy. more. The people of
sure the events that transpired in
people, saying “Listen to me astonishing sermon that changed not Iran and the four corners of the earth, this little town on March 25 and
the nations of the earth, listen only millions of lives in Kenya but left may not know much about this little 26, 2006, definitely changed the
lives of the Iranians forever. At
to me the nation of Iran, listen the earth never the same again. Kenyan town called Nyamira, but the a repentance meeting led by Dr.
to me the nation of Russia, utterances that were made by the Owuor, for people in this town
to turn away from their practices
there are massive historic Immediately, after this prophecy was Holy Spirit at this Altar of The LORD, of witchcraft, sexual immorality,
earthquakes that you have given in the presence of multitudes changed the earth forever. pornography, alcoholism.
not seen in a very long time of people at Nyamira Repentance, it

Repentance and Holiness | 33




MT ELGON - KAPSOKWONY, KENYA: This mountainous community which is composed of several

PREPARING FOR THE RAPTURE: Nyamira, the greater Kisii land paid host to a powerful warring tribes saw a major repentance and the return to The Lord JESUS on October 30,
repentance meeting led by Dr. Owuor on March 25 and 26, 2006. The LORD’s 2005. At this meeting, THE SPIRIT OF The LORD spoke to Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and
Altar in Nyamira could in other words be called a judgement Altar of The LORD said “Listen to me the nations of the earth, Listen to me the nations of Tanzania, Repent,
because it is in this town that the Iranian and Russian historic earthquake took and turn away from wickedness and evil practices in the House of The Lord and Repent,
place 5 and 21 days respectively after the prophecies were given. otherwise I am coming to shake the earth under you and you will crumble and you will
not be able to support yourself and you shall know that The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY
has spoken and my coming is near.” Dr. Owuor visited Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and

gave a tape of this messages from The LORD GOD and he preached it also on the Kenya
ike the Iranian quake, The Broadcasting Television on Sunday 8:00am warning the nation of Kenya. However, due
Russian quake was also to failure to repent, exactly one month after this, there was a massive earthquake that
prophesied at Nyamira rocked the East African region which had its epicentre in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania by
a town called Kilemie.
Repentance Meeting by Dr.

Owuor. In this prophecy, The
uring Mount Elgon Kampala and Nairobi. This strong
LORD GOD promised to shake
(Kapsokwony), repentance earthquake caused massive
more than a third of the earth,
service held in the stadium on damage across the region including
but unlike the Iranian quake that
October, 30th, 2005, Dr. Owuor was a building that collapsed in Dar es
came after 5 days, the Russian
immediately overtaken by THE SPIRIT Salaam, Tanzania.
quake came after 21 days
OF The LORD at the Altar of The LORD
following the prophecy on April
in the presence of thousands who In Kenya, this earthquake was felt
21st, 2006. However, considering
CNN and BBC news reports confirming had gathered, and spontaneously in Nairobi, where it caused cracks in
how the prophecy came through the massive historic earthquakes in
began to prophesy against Tanzania major tall buildings and a great panic
in that utterance on March 25th, Russia fulfilling the prophecy.
while pointing with his left prophetic in the streets and shook Eldoret
2006 at Nyamira Repentance
preparing the Church for the finger in the general direction of and Mombasa too. It is amazing
meeting, the Russian quake was
RAPTURE (Luke 21:10-28). The Tanzania. In this utterance The Holy that previously in the year 2004, Dr.
expected to be historic. Sure speed at which these prophecies Spirit said that the ground beneath Owuor had warned Kenya in a press
enough, on April 21st, 2006 there are being fulfilled i.e 5 days for the Tanzania was going to collapse if conference covered by all main
was a major earthquake with a Iranian quake and 21 days for the Tanzania did not repent in Christ media houses, especially the city of
magnitude of 7.7 on the Russian quake from the day JESUS from Eastern Religions. Dr. Nairobi, of an impending earthquake
Richter scale which jolted the prophecies were given Owuor said that the wrath of GOD that was going to hit them. And
Russia’s sparsely populated at Nyamira Repentance had come against Tanzania due to despite the fact that many opposed
area of Kamchalta Meeting, emphasizes the
Eastern Religions, witchcraft, sexual him, saying that Nairobi had never
Peninsula killing over urgency with which The
sin, idolatry, devil worship, etc that experienced any earthquake or
7000 people, and also displaced LORD GOD is operating towards
have defiled The Altar of The LORD. tremors in a very, very long time, this
thousands of people while at the the Mighty RAPTURE. Dr. Owuor said
“The flaming sword of The LORD will tremor hit the city in the middle of
same time about 2500 people that the seasons in Heaven and
pierce you and you shall know that the day when most people were in
remained unaccounted for. The on earth have changed and that
JEHOVAH GOD The LORD JEHOVAH, HE is GOD, The their offices and caused tremendous
US Geological survey
has commanded MOST HIGH GOD. He panic with people running
reported it as the
that all nations in will restore HIS name up and down and it cracked
largest quake on
the four corners and HE shall be feared tall buildings. While in
record in the area
of the earth repent among the nations.” Eldoret and Mombasa, there
since 1900. Therefore,
in Christ JESUS and cautioned Dr. Owuor. was equally much panic
making it a historic
A train crash, an aftermath of return to HIM in Exactly after four with people evacuating
earthquake, the
the massive earthquake that complete Holiness weeks of this warning, tall buildings. This marked
largest in a century hit the Kamchalta Peninsula. andRighteousness. on December 5th, the beginning of a new
and fulfilling every
The fact that The LORD by HIS 2005, a massive and massive wave in Kenya with
single letter of the prophecy that VOICE said, strange earthquake all people now realising
Dr. Owuor gave at Nyamira.
“Preparing for the RAPTURE,” measuring 6.8 on that this called for the
The way these prophecies the Richter scale with an epicentre repentance that The LORD GOD had
makes these prophecies extre-
came through, The LORD GOD underneath Lake Tanganyika, demanded of, and that this time HE is
mely serious to the Church of
said that these quakes are for Christ. struck the entire East African region very serious about restoring HIS Altar
sending waves far and wide into in the Church.

34 | Repentance and Holiness



Implication to RAPTURE . . .

saying, “The voice of The LORD is now

over the waters. You Atlantic Ocean,
You will now fail to stop.” He then
went ahead to speak to the East Coast
of America saying, “Listen to me The
United States of America, listen to me
the city of New Orleans, who tells the
ocean where to stop every morning?
And how about if you offend HIM with
your sexual sin, especially Mardi Gras,
and HE fails to tell the ocean, what will
happen to you? Furthermore, he went
on saying, “Listen to me Heaven, Listen
to me earth, who tells the ocean when
to stop? I have seen a massive storm
from the Atlantic Ocean hit the United
BEGINNING OF BIRTHPAINS “WHO TELLS THE OCEANS WHERE TO STOP EVERY MORNING?”: The people of New Orleans and Mississippi may not be aware of States of America, Repent! Repent!
a little village town, in Eastern Kenya called Embu, and a small lunch hour prayer meeting at City Hall in Nairobi, but the prophetic
utterances that transpired in these two places on July 16 and 18, 2005 respectively changed the course of their lives forever. It was Repent in Christ JESUS.” And then, he
during a repentance meeting in Embu and lunch hour prayer meeting, that Dr. Owuor for the first time prophesied and warned the went on to prophesy a very massive
nations of the earth of the coming of a gigantic historic storm from the Atlantic Ocean. This storm, he said, would be historic and
would sweep from the Atlantic Ocean on the East coast of the USA. At City Hall (2 above) on the July 18, 2005, Dr. Owuor repeatedly earthquake coming to planet earth
prophesied this upcoming judgement and asked what became a signature tone in his preachings “Who tells the oceans where to stop that would shake more than a third
every morning?” He persistently said that The LORD GOD had shown him rampant sexual sin, homosexuality, prostitution, and the
related gambling; (1 above) in beaches of the East Coast of the USA, and especially New Orleans. In a Mighty Visitation by The LORD of planet earth of the magnitude of
GOD, Dr. Owuor repeatedly warned the USA to repent otherwise the historic storm would sweep them from the Atlantic Ocean. In
all his preachings across the nation of Kenya, Dr. Owuor also warned of the false gospel of prosperity, and false prophecies that are
the Tsunami. Again as usual, he sent
widespread in the Church in USA and asked them to repent to avert this judgement. On the August 7, 2005, on Kenya National Broad- his normal routine warning emails to
casting Television (KBC TV, 8am Sunday program) he warned of a record historic devastating destruction coming to the earth, and
that when it all happens it shall be known that The LORD GOD HIMSELF has done it for them, to repent and prepare for the RAPTURE. the United States of America of this
On August 29, 2005, the whole world was struck by a shock when it all happened and historic (3, 4, 5 & 6; above). impending storm. Like is always the

case, no one paid attention and some
t was on July 11, 2005 morning, departed, The LORD showed Dr. in a little, Eastern Kenyan town,
people even labelled him crazy and
that Dr. Owuor experienced a Owuor a great destruction that was called Embu, on July 16, 2005, at the asked him to substantiate the role
very unusual visitation from The coming to hit the earth. Consequently, Embu stadium. of the many satellites covering the
LORD. In this visitation, the Heavens he started preaching on the massive United States (Ezekiel 2:4). One day,
opened and The LORD GOD released destruction that would come to the At this repentance meeting, he to the grave shock of all the nations
two angels that came flying down earth and especially the massive prophe-sied and surprised everybody of the entire earth, just like when the
from Heaven towards the earth. But storm that was going to come from when he spoke to the Atlantic Ocean Tsunami prophecy came to pass, the
in this visitation, he realised that the Atlantic Ocean targeting the East
the angel who was flying nearest Coast of America.
to him was carrying a scroll in His
right hand. At that time, The LORD The LORD then took Dr. Owuor, in the
allowed Dr. Owuor to hear the case Holy Spirit, to New Orleans and many
being presented in Heaven against cities on the Atlantic coast of America
the nations of the earth because of from where he was shown rampant
their sinful nature (Isaiah 34:1-3). sexual sin including homosexuality,
Immediately, the two angels landed lesbianism and perversion, all
next to him, the angel on the right taking place at the beaches. The
hand spoke with him about the LORD particularly showed him
great destruction that was about to pornographic magazines being sold
befall the earth (Isaiah 34), marking along the beaches, witchcraft, nudity
birthpains that were predicted to and orgies in the streets of New
come right before the RAPTURE (Luke Orleans and their idolatry of money, BEGINNING OF BIRTHPAINS: Dr. Owuor’s prophecy on this Atlantic storm came more than
one and a half months prior to its occurence. In the weekly televised broadcast, on
21:25) after which the two angels left. the preaching of the false prosperity national Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Television (KBC TV, 8am, Sunday), he read
from Isaiah 34, which says “ . . . their slain will be thrown out, their dead bodies will
At this time, Dr. Owuor realised that gospel in the US Church without send up a stench;. . .”, and he continued to read 11“. . .the desert owl and the screech
the angel next to the one that spoke any Holiness, among other sins. owl will possess it; the great owl and the raven will nest there. . .” “. . . there also the
falcons will gather each with its mate for The Spirit Of The LORD has given orders.”
with him, on whom there was much Immediately after this conversation, It was astonishing to see rotting corpses (1-6; above) litter New Orleans and ravens
Glory of The LORD, was actually The THE SPIRIT OF The LORD navigated Dr. and dogs feed on corpses, (7 & 8; above) and the great stench that dead rotting human
bodies, rotting fishes that were vomited by the ocean on the day The LORD did not tell
Lord. However, right after the angels Owuor to lead a repentance meeting her where to stop.

Repentance and Holiness | 35


advised the people to guard
their land from the judgement of
The MOST HIGH GOD by walking
in Holiness and righteousness,
obeying HIS commands and
living repentant lives on a daily
LAND LAID TO WASTE: Leviticus 26:32; 26:35. Katrina essentially fulfils these prophecies. The above scenes, common at the basis. The floods in Kilifi district,
Many times Dr. Owuor warned that the land would be laid desolate and there would Coastal city of Mombasa, are what
be burning sulphur as he repeatedly read Isaiah 34, day after day, one and a half was left behind after The LORD GOD north of Mombasa, displaced
months before Katrina struck. ALMIGHTY had poured his wrath more than 3000 people and
on failing to obey His commands in
rebellion. The floods caused deaths hundreds sought shelter in
world woke up to a great horror of scale of this storm, affected as far while rendering hundreds to be Churches and schools.
homeless and submerged houses.
a storm. All of a sudden, a massive as Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama,

devastating high-speed, angry and Florida and other coastal towns River Sabaki burst its banks
uring the first repent-
roaring storm, whose wrath no displacing millions to refugee causing massive floods in Malindi,
ance meeting in Tororo,
man could stop, sneaked without camps. Dr. Owuor had also predicted displacing at least 2000 families.
Uganda, in November
much notice, and hit the East coast helicopters rescuing people from Their homes got submerged
2005, the Word of The LORD
after the river coursed into their
of America. Even the high-tech, rooftops in floods. came to Dr. O wuor to
villages. Other towns that were
electronic, well positioned GPS warn Mombasa and the coastal
province of the impending affected included Tana River and
metrological satellites Katrina & RAPTURE . . .
judgement (wrath) of The North Eastern Kenya and many
systems could not Katrina speaks to the people fled their home. They
LORD GOD that was coming
detect this storm. The Church by emphasizing are now struggling to rebuild
to touch them. While at
gravity of the wrath that the birthpains are their lives and homes
Awendo-Sony and
of this angry, roaring here and she (Church) Bomet Repentance after their homes
storm is indescribable needs to prepare for the meetings, he said, were destroyed. The
and especially when RAPTURE (Matthew 24:37- The LORD GOD had furious and angry
it indiscriminately THE ROARING AND THE TOSSING 39). It also emphasizes shown him rampart floods caught the
destro-yed everything OF THE SEA: Great was the that the prophetic time sexual sin that had UGANDA REPENTANCE: people of Mombasa
flood reaching upto the
on its path (Luke 21:25). rooftops. has changed and that The consumed the entire Mombasa floods unaware, and
prophecy given here.
There wasn’t much Kenyan coastal pro- seemed to have
LORD GOD is now demanding for
departure from what Dr. Owuor had vince, the love of money in the spared no man, as homes were
repentance from the nations of the
Church, witchcraft, the gospel flooded to the rooftops; where
described, one and a half months earth in order to prepare the Church
of prosperity, lying, nudity, cars and animals were swept,
before this major occurrence. This for Christ. It was prophesied by The
pornography, false prophecies, and many lives lost. However, the
horror indeed caught the earth Lord JESUS that the last days will be lesbianism, homosexuality, tragedy is that, this lesson has
unaware as they watched in a state like the time of Noah. However, the sla-very, drug abuse among not yet been learnt by the people
of complete perplexity, hopelessness days in the time of Noah brought other sins. Amazingly, to the of this town since they have not
and helplessness. Surely, this horrific floods as judgement against sin shock of many, in April 2005, changed their lives of sexual sin.
terror unleashed from the ocean in the midst of weddings, merry- this prophecy was fulfilled The Church is charged with the
reminded men of the days of Noah making, fun, pleasure and that only thereby making thousands of responsibility of enlightening
(Matthew 24:37-39). The greater very few (Noah’s family) escaped the people flee their homes into the people of Mombasa and
wrath of The LORD. Churches and schools. This the entire region on the mind of
situation was so severe that it GOD regarding sexual sin, but
rendered many to be instant unfortunately, she too is seriously
refugees. Dr. Owuor said that
caught up in it. Again at the
unless the people of Mombasa
repentance meeting in Nambale,
repent in Christ JESUS, The LORD
on Aug 20, 2006 Dr. Owuor said
GOD was going to judge them
“Urgent! Urgent! Mombasa repent
with massive floods that would
for the judgement of The LORD is
cause them to flee their homes.
coming to you.”
Even though, in Bomet, a small
THE DOME: No one can get away from town in Kenya, Dr. Owuor
the wrath of The LORD. Nowhere is When some women in Mombasa
this well demonstrated than in New approached Pastors for a
Orleans, when the flock tried to run
repentance meeting to avert
G REAT ANGUISH (L UKE 21: 25); Jeremiah 23:16- from the storm only to enter the worst
22: F LEEING N EW O RLEANS , the city of Mardi refugee camp ever in the world which this judgement that had been
Gras (sexual sin) and Jazz festivals that was littered with human bodies and passed, the Pastors laughed and
refused to repent. Dr. Owuor sent emails human excrement. The only way to
and recorded messages to the USA prior to restoration is repentance as we prepare questioned who had passed the
Katrina but these messages were rejected for the RAPTURE. In Ezekiel 6:6, The LORD judgement. In October 2006, this
and replied with a lot of questions which promises to demolish all altars of idols
actually questioned the integrity of these
FLOODS: Hundreds rendered homeless judgement hit and Mombasa
and smash our gods. . . JEHOVAH is
and houses are submerged. saw one of the worst historic
prophecies. The LORD then told him to not Holy and has now demanded Holiness
send any more messages. from the four corners of the earth.

36 | Repentance and Holiness



ollowing the September 11, right before the RAPTURE (Matthew 24;
2001 (911) terrorist attack in Luke 21). To crown this astounding
New York City and Washington, fulfilment of Biblical Endtime
which brought down the Twin Towers prophecy, which is beautifully
of the World Trade Centre, and at the unfolding in the very eyes of the
same time hit the Pentagon, a new Church, is the fear of terrorism that
world order took shape among the has constantly gripped governments
nations of the earth. But one thing across the globe, hence ushering the
that has distinctly emerged in the face Church right into a new dispensation.
of this new order, is the global war on Consequently, the rumours of wars
terrorism. The continued search for that The Lord JESUS talked about, at
Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda such a time as this, have gradually
accomplices, the pursuit of the Taliban consumed the whole earth. This,
has inevitably drawn coupled with
many countries into the massive W ARS A ND R UMOURS O F W AR : The war against terrorism in Afghanistan has been a long
war or a state of ear thquakes, protracted battle characterised by rumours, fears and fatalities in combat. This perennial
enormous war has created concern all over the world as to where Osama bin Laden is and what his
war. Starting off as
floods, famines, capabilities could be. (inset) Suspect Al Qaeda leaders that have continued to propagate
a simple war, this
a lot of fear. The wars and rumours of war of our time was prophesied by The Lord JESUS
war on terrorism has in the books of Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21 and Mark chapter 13 .
escalated beyond
the boundaries
hurricanes, the recurrent terrorists bombings in
of Afghanistan
and typhoons, Pakistan, Iraq, bombings in London
in which case,
have put metro, September 11, 2001 terrorist
i nvo l v i n g m a ny
tremendous attacks in New York City among others
o t h e r co u nt r i e s THE DISTRESS OF THE LATTER DAYS: Matthew 24:21
distress onto have acted as a major launching pad
than were
the earth. This distress is what The to the Iraq war. The deadly war against
conventionally perceived from
Lord JESUS referred to as birthpains. the Pro-Iranian Hizbollah in Lebanon
the beginning. The Lord J E S U S
and the war in Gaza strip against the
warned of wars between nations
The war on terrorism arising from Pro-Iranian Hamas, are the aftermaths of
“. . . nation will rise against such events as the 1997 bombing the Afghani offensive. These wars speak
nation, and kingdom
of the US Embassies in Nairobi, a very strong message to the Church to
against kingdom . . .” A FGHAN W AR : This war has taken toll on
Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, repent and prepare for the Bridegroom. both the young and the old.
as a main sign of the End of Age

hen asked by His disciples the nations of the earth regrouped
on what the signs of the and attacked Iraq. Ever since the
Endtime would be, The onset of the war on terrorism, it has
Lord JESUS answered in Luke 21:6-35, become apparent that nations have
“As for what you see gone to war against one another.
here the time will Also the events of September 11,
come when 2001 (911) that led to the
n o t o n e s to n e
will be left on blowing up of the twin
another, ever y towers in New York city
one of them and the subsequently war
will be thrown
down. . . nation on terrorism and the hunt
will rise against for bin Laden and his Al
nation and Qaeda accomplices across W ARS AND R UMOURS OF W AR : Immediately after September 11, 2005, the war on terror got
kingdom against underway, and the hunt for Osama bin Laden has thrown the world into a state of
kingdom. . .” the earth, tipped the scale
rumours of wars anxiety, distress even for taking flights and the fear of terrorism has
It is now common towards the fulfilment of brought the world into the dispensation of the fulfilment of Biblical Prophecy. As a result
Endtime prophecy in the of this the Church has lived to see the events that were prophesied as coming immediately
knowledge all across Distress: The 911 events before the RAPTURE (Mark 13:7-8).
the entire earth that the was one of the signs book Luke chapter 21.
of major entr y to the
signs for the fulfilment Birthpains dispensation the United States, Australia, Canada, dispensation, heavy rumours of wars
of this prophecy are all (Mark 13:7). From that point on, the war United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, have constantly brewed and have
around the Church. Nowhere has it in Iraq has continued to escalate Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, New engulfed the entire world, thus creating
come true, than in the Iraq war, when thereby involving many nations like Zealand amongst others. During this a lot of fear of terrorism across the earth.

Repentance and Holiness | 37


D ESTRUCTION OF S HRINES : On November 24, 2004, The LORD GOD spoke with Dr. Owuor
about the demolition of other altars. At the beginning of 2006, The LORD spoke to him
again about the destruction of other altars this year. This destruction of other altars has T HE WAR IN L EBANON : Nation will rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom
also extended into Lebanon. This eventually fulfils the prophecy against false religions (Mark 13:7) This war saw the building of a strong alliance against Israel which is
(Deuteronomy 32:16; Galatians 5:20; 1 Corinthians 10: 14-21). comprised of Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Lebanon, Egypt, Russia, Libya among
others. The recent entry of the Ethiopian troops into Mogadishu, Somalia to provide
This became a classic fulfilment of the which this war on terrorism has been security virtually elaborates on the expansive powers of the Ethiopian (Cush) influence
prophecy in book of Matthew chapter conducted makes it obvious to the within the region. Ethiopia has already earned herself a Biblical prophetic role in the
Gog-Magog alliance against Israel (Ezekiel 38). The Church is seeing the unfolding
24 verse 6 when The Lord JESUS said, Church that she has definitely, without fulfilment of Biblical Endtime prophecy.
“You will hear of wars and rumours a speck of a doubt, entered into the
of wars . . .” The massive scale with dispensation of Biblical birthpains.


political realignment going for Iranian nuclear facility, supply of
on around the globe, it has sophisticated war machines among
all of a sudden become others. This ultimately culminates
very clear to the Church into the formation of a platform
that this war between Israel of an alliance of nations that will
and Lebanon has a serious bearing fulfil the Gog-Magog partnership as
towards the RAPTURE of the Church. This prophesied in Ezekiel chapter 38
devastating war between Israel and verses 9 through 13.
the pro-Iranian Hizbollah in Lebanon
You and all your troops
is being intensively fuelled by the fact
and the many nations with
that the southern part of Lebanon
you will go up, advancing
E MIGRATION PROPHECY FULFILLED : Lebanese fleeing from the Israeli-Hizbollah war into Cyprus has become the launching pad for like a storm; you will be
and Syria. 1. A ship full of Lebanese refugees docks at Cyprus. 2. Other fleets of ship
Iranian agenda aimed at deleting like a cloud covering the
heading to Cyprus from Lebanon.
Israel from the face of the earth. The land. 10 “‘This is what the
Emigration Prophesied in Kenya Church must definitely be aware that Sovereign Lord says: On
Kirinyaga Repentance, in Kenya. Like

t h at d ay t h o u g ht s w i l l
ay back beginning all prophecies, at that time this did not this kind of rhetoric is consistent with
come into your mind and
from May 20, 2006, Dr. seem to make sense as most people Endtime Biblical prophecy in the book
you will devise an evil
Owuor started warning could not understand what THE SPIRIT of Ezekiel chapter 38 verses 9 through scheme. 11 You will say,
the Church of the impending mass OF The LORD was trying to say. Even 13. The recent deadly escalation of this “I will invade a land of
conflict that started in July 2006, has unwalled villages; I will
emigration that The LORD had shown the Church could not make out the
been mainly accompanied by massive attack a peaceful and
him as coming soon accompanied link between the war and emigration unsuspecting people
destruction and resulted into a mass
with a war. While preaching at huge that Dr. Owuor was talking about — all of them living
emigration out of Lebanon into Syria
repentance meetings across Kenya, and the RAPTURE of the Church. Come without walls and without
and Cyprus. gates and bars. 12 I will
he persistently said, “I following Sunday,
plunder and loot and
have seen a massive May 28, 2006 during With everyday that passes by being turn my hand against the
emigration from a massive healing and more deadly, this war has acted as resettled ruins and the
Iranian kingdom. I have deliverance service, Dr. a very potent catalyst for recruiting people gathered from the
seen a very big war. I Owuor again insisted all Arab nations against Israel. The nations, rich in livestock
see people being that he was seeing a and goods,’” living at the
deadly destruction that ensued and the
c e n t r e o f t h e l a n d .” 1 3
airlifted to safety Beirut Airport massive emigration subsequent emigration from Lebanon Sheba and Dedan and
and very soon this knocked down by Israeli missiles. f ro m t h e I r a n i a n
This war has a critical place in the
has certainly brewed bitter sentiments the merchants of Tarshish
massive emigration history of the Church towards the kingdom resulting from the Arab world. The massive and all her villages will
RAPTURE because it leads to the build s a y t o yo u , “ H a ve yo u
will take place and from a war. This event support Israel enjoyed from the United
up of Endtime war alliances (Ezekiel
when it happens, 38:9-13). he said, The LORD had States during this war, explains why come to plunder? Have
you gathered your hordes
you shall know that shown him as being Russia has stepped up her traditional
to loot, to carry off silver
the R APTURE of the Church is near important towards the RAPTURE of the role of supporting the Arab world
and gold, to take away
and that the mouth of The LORD Church. Further to this, at another against Israel. This support is seen at livestock and goods and to
GOD has spoken.” Thereafter, he meeting at Kapkatet Stadium in Kenya, the diplomatic level in the UN Security seize much plunder?’”
continued these utterances on this Dr. Owuor repeated this utterances Council meetings, also the recent
prophecy on Saturday, May 27, 2006, again. But now, having seen the offer by Russia to enrich uranium for
at Kianyaga Stadium, during the intensive onset of this war and the Iran, technical support of expartriates

38 | Repentance and Holiness



Iranian War And The RAPTURE meeting, THE SPIRIT OF The LORD used
The kingdom of Persia (modern day Dr. Owuor to prophesy a big war coming
Iran) is well mentioned in Biblical to Iran. In this prophecy, he said, he was
prophecy as being instrumental in seeing two
Endtime events. In the book
of Ezekiel
chapter 38,
of Persia is
as one of
the main
with whom
Gog (Russia)
is expected
to do battle
against Israel.
This otherwise
ve r y u n i q u e COUNTDOWN TO THE WAR: The UN Security Council session passing a deadline of August
31, 2006 by which Iran is expected to terminate enriching uranium in its nuclear
and strange role
facility. On August 29, 2006, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a press
to play towards conference in which he was very defiant and refused to comply.
Endtime events,
has nonetheless like a storm; you will
been reflected d
be like a cloud covering
e int en sit y an
in the bitter G -M AG OG WA R PAR g th e Isr ae li- t h e l a n d. 1 0 “‘ Th i s i s
no n du rin
us ed on Le ba
B UIL DIN G ALL IAN tio n ca li se nt im en ts w hat the Sovereign
va sta ae
relationship ma gn itu de of
de str on g an ti- Isr
lpe d fue l ve ry cy meeting of
all Arab Lord says: On that day
Hi zb oll ah wa r ha s he an em erg en
between Iran world. This led
to timents
within the Arab which such sen thoughts will come into
gust 3, 2006 in Th is to
and Israel over the on Thursday, Au xim um an ge r.
heads of state we re ex pr es se d wi th ma
ro no log ica l y o u r mind and you will
ae l” of ch
years. These two lik e “D es tro y Isr ssi c ma nif es tat
og wa r
Ch ris t, is a cla iel ’s Go g-M ag devise an evil scheme. 11
th e Ch ur ch of ma tio n of Ez ek
38 :9- 13 ). This is close-up of some of the
are confessed arch tow ard s th e for lem . (Ez ek iel You will say, “I will invade
de ve lop me nts y sto rm Je ru sa se sh e is more advanced construction
wi ll ev en tu all rea liz e ho w clo
enemies. pa rtn ers wh o ca ll to the Ch urc h to at the Natanz site. This site is a land of unwalled villages;
ke up
It is als o a wa possible uranium enrichment I will attack a peaceful
to the RAPTURE. facility maybe for gas
Prophecy Of centrifuges.
and unsuspecting people
— all of them living without
Iranian War
missiles coming to hit the Iranian walls and without gates and
In October, 2005, from Mbeya, Tanzania Iran thereby igniting a huge fire.
nuclear facility by the mountain. He bars.’”
while conducting a repentance The upcoming Iranian war, will act
furtherwentonrelentlesslyprophesying as a serious landmark in Biblical
this ever ywhere while saying, prophecy because it will become a
“I see a nuclear war coming to catalyst facilitating the beginning of
the earth, there is a massive war a major storm coming upon Israel.
coming to Iran whose flames begin What is particularly shocking is the
from one horizon of the sky to the fact that the Iranian president has
other and from the earth almost always been quoted across all media
touching the Heavens. It is a historic as using the vocabulary “the storm
war that will change the earth. So on Israel.” In the most recent case
repent in Christ J ESUS and Prepare in month October, 2006 the Iranian
the Way for the Kingdom of GOD President has warned Europe to keep
is near.” away from supporting Israel because B U I L D I N G A L L I A N C E F O R G O G - M A G O G WA R
B U I L D I N G A L L I A N C E F O R G O G - M A G O G WA R of their geographical proximity, and PARTNERSHIP : During Israeli-Hizbollah war,
PA R T N E R S H I P : I ra n i a n a n d Ve n e z u e l a n Syria warned Israel of an imminent attack
He continued giving this prophecy that if a storm would hit Israel, the EU
President hug as a sign of solidarity if it came within 20km to its borders, while
against the USA and Israel. “Look he on the upcoming war in Iran, until would be affected. The events shaping interestingly enough Iran was also talking
advances like the clouds, his chariots shockingly the news media networks of attacking Israel. This Israeli-Hizbollah
come like a whirl wind, his horses are
up around this war are a clear sign of war has essentially created a strong
swifter than eagles. Woe to us! we are began reporting a nuclear dispute the things to come in the fulfilment of alliance between Syria and Iran (both
r u i n e d ! ( J e re m i a h 4 : 1 3 ) .” “ Yo u w i l l between Iran and the rest of the the book of Ezekiel chapter 38 verse arch enemies of Israel). To the Church
advance against my people Israel like this is of utmost gravity and importance
a cloud that covers the land in days to
world (US, EU, UN and Israel). In 9 through 11, because it displays the shaping up of the
come, Oh Gog, I’ll bring you against my this prophecy, Dr. Owuor specifically Gog-Magog alliance that will eventually
land, so that the nations may know ME
You and all your troops
mentions two missiles that he has storm Israel as prophesied in Ezekiel 38.
when I show MYSELF Holy through you and the many nations with The testimony to this is the above visit by
before their eyes.” Ezekiel 38:16 been shown by The LORD as hitting you will go up, advancing the Iranian President to Syria.

Repentance and Holiness | 39


nations, and the final restoration of the Firstly, when Israel wanted to take the
nation of Israel. To the Church, this is Ethiopian Jews back to the Promised
of absolute paramount importance, Land, there were negotiations that
because it is an Endtime Biblical allowed Israel to fully equip the
event fulfilled. This prophecy that The Ethiopian army with very advanced
LORD gave Dr. Owuor is particularly weapons in exchange for the release
important because it was prophesied of the Jews. The result of this Israel/
in the Holy Bible as being key (Isaiah Ethiopia dialogue was the Operation
11: 11). In the book of Isaiah chapter Solomon and Operation Moses that
21 verse 2, THE SPIRIT OF The LORD returned African Jews back to Israel
spoke about the mighty attack by ( see article above ). This has given
the Elamites against Israel. However, Ethiopia a military superiority in the
THE SPIRIT OF The LORD also specified region. Furthermore, the use of these
that the Elamites would be slain in a weapons in the fierce Ethiopia-Eritrean
B IRTHPAIN : Intensive training by the Iranian army for the impending war against EU, US process that aggravates birthpains. war greatly improved the experience of
and Israel; a sign The Lord J ESUS prophesied as birthpain as mentioned in Luke 21. This
impending war has created a global rumour of war which has left nations wondering (Isaiah 21:3) This greatly underscores the Ethiopian army in both handling
what the outcome would be especially with the massive display of high-tech military the prophetic moment of events sophisticated weapons (including
hardware. This is a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.
around and about the RAPTURE of the chemical weapons) and training their

Church. In this prophecy, immediately arms to do battle. Not to forget that this
t is no wonder right now that there for August 31, 2006, she has been after the Iranian war, orchestrated by was one of the most fierce wars ever
is a shift in international diplomacy involved in intensive military exercises the nuclear facility and its uranium fought on earth.
as heads of state from all Arab in preparation for the mighty war. enrichment program, the remnant
countries met in Malaysia to discuss This has further confirmed that war Recently, the Ethiopian army has
Jews will leave to Israel. The UN
the Middle East Crisis (See above CNN is imminent, a war that is a landmark flexed his muscle by moving into
Security Council deadline for Iranian
excerpt). The storm of hostilities directed for the RAPTURE and yet building up Somali, which consists of very hard
compliance expired on August 31,
at Israel is moving closer to threshold the Gog-Magog alliance. It is amazing line extremists groups. Ethiopia’s
2006, with Iranian non-compliance.
as the Iranian President Mahmoud that Russia has been the source of alliance with a faction in Somali
Ahmadinejad calls for destruction of Iranian weapons, technology and The Ethiopian Factor . . . repositions Ethiopia into a future
Israel as the solution to the Middle even supports Iran at the UN Security In Biblical prophecies, Ethiopia (Cush) alliance against Israel, and allows
East Crisis. Well, this kind of rhetoric Council level. The nations of the earth is predicted as being important in the Ethiopia take up a superior role in the
represents the great build-up towards are witnessing a gradual step by step last days. In the book of Ezekiel chapter region. The fact that the US Army has
war with Israel. It is mainly a critical fulfilment of the Biblical prophecy. 38 verse 5, The LORD spoke about the been vigorously training the Ethiopian
signal to the Church concerning the critical role that Iran (Persia), Ethiopia Army for advanced warfare under the
RAPTURE. The Church should not fail Emigration from Elam Prophesied (Cush) and Libya (Put), would have to “Joint Task Force for Horn of Africa
to recognise that in this entire 2006 In a Mighty visitation, The LORD GOD play towards the final war (storm) that Program” really draws Ethiopia into
nuclear dispute between the US, EU, revealed to Dr. Owuor in April, 2006, would come against Israel. However, another category of military superiority
UN and Israel versus Iran, Russia that there is going to be massive from a layman point of view, one with global potential as prophesied in
(Gog) has often come out openly emigration from Elam (Iran). T HE would easily dismiss Ethiopia as being the book of Ezekiel. On the other hand,
to support Iran in its bid to acquire SPIRIT OF The LORD has caused him to potentially important in today’s global what link can exist between Ethiopia
nuclear weapons, even to the extent prophesy this across Kenya. He said events. But a critical look at recent and anti-Israel sentiments to qualify her
of being willing to sponsor Uranium after the war, the remnant Iranian Jews events developing around Ethiopia, into the Gog-Magog alliance?
enrichment for Iran in her facilities. in Tehran will return to Israel. the Church of Christ definitely begins
This sets a very important centre to see how Ethiopia is fast preparing It is currently reported that extremist
stage for the events prophesied in It may come as a surprise to the to take up her role in the horrendous Al Qaeda groups in Pakistan are
the book of Ezekiel chapter 38 verse Church that in Iran there are Jewish Gog-Magog war. sending sections of their members to
5 which says, communities. The first wave of
“Persia, Cush and Put Aaliyah (emigration into Israel from
will be with them, all with Iran) took place much earlier and
shields and helmets 6 also are now settled in Israel (Sifaradim).
Gomer with all its troops Prior to the Israeli-Hizbollah war in
and Beth Togarmah from
South Lebanon, Dr. Owuor repeatedly
the far north with all its
troops – the many nations prophesied that the massive war in
with you.” Iran will immediately be followed
by a historic wave of emigration by
Preparing for War Iranian Jews from Iran into Israel. This
Ever since Iran refused to comply will be a benchmark occurence that
G OG -M AGOG P ARTNERS : US Army Company ‘B’ vigorously training Ethiopian Army. Ethiopia
with the requirements of the UN set will complete their gathering from the is a member partner of the Gog-Magog alliance that will attack Israel.

40 | Repentance and Holiness

scientists. This problem has been addition to this, the war between
complicated by the fact that many Israel and Hizbollah in Lebanon,
Arab nations and Persia are in hot which inflicted a very high casualty
pursuit acquiring nuclear weapons. on the Lebanese, and the extensive
Their enormous economic wealth damage it has caused, of property and
(Petro-dollars) has in recent past civil structures in Lebanon, the Arab
acted as a very lucrative incentive for nations are showing a unique unity
the highly qualified but otherwise and becoming a bigger force against
ill-paid former Soviet nuclear Israel. This is the unfolding of the
scientists. In this way, and by fulfilment of Gog-
Russia accepting to enrich Magog prophecy
uranium for Arab nations that on Israel.
have no nuclear facilities or
are not allowed to by the It is important
International Atomic Energy for the Church
Agency (IAEA) Nuclear Club, to realise that
THE VOICE of The LORD said,
the Allies of Gog including this Gog-Magog
“Coming to destroy Israel.”
Somali to help groups that are against Iran have acquired nuclear assault on Israel
America and Israel there. Remember, At that point, Dr. Owuor immediately technology and weapons. It comes after
realised the significant role that Libya is this technology from Russia COUNTDOWN TO THE WAR: Iranian the R A P T U R E of
that Somali is the only country from
would play in the events leading to
which the US Army was beaten and (Gog) that will enable it to A r m y t r a i n i n g f o r t h e the Church has
the fulfilment of Biblical Endtime impending war. The heavy fire
ran away (Black Hawk Downed), command authority over her power seen in this training taken place. The
prophecy in the book of Ezekiel exercise, is a glimpse of things
emphasizing the level of extremism allies and attack Israel in a yet to come. In the prophecy gravity of this war
chapter 38 verse 9. In this prophecy
in that land. And for Ethiopia to have much prophesied Endtime about this war, Dr. Owuor spoke will inevitably
of the Endtime war against Israel, Put of a huge explosion of fire that
partnership strong enough with any storm. The recent emergency ascends from the ground and necessitate the
represents Libya while Beth Togarmah
faction in Somali, warranting the meeting which took place on consumes deep into the sky negotiation and
is the region around Kazakstan, while also running from one
sending of Ethiopian troops across August 3, 2006, in Malaysia, extreme end of the horizon signing of a Peace
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. And
the border, should be of great interest with Arab heads of state to the other thereby creating Treaty between
all these are the prophesied allies of much anguish distress among
to the Church of Christ. Therefore, the Gog with whom she will discussing the nations of the earth. Israel and her
Church is seeing an increasing role of storm Israel. Following the deletion adversaries. Now,
Ethiopia not only in the Horn of Africa Libya’s track record with of Israel this will certainly fulfil
region but also globally which is very the western world and from the map of the Daniel’s (Daniel 9:27) seven-year
consistent with Biblical prophecy of her military secrecy and world, provides a false peace treaty that is signed
Endtime. The Gog-Magog war takes superiority, it is clear that
very solid evidence between the Anti-Christ and Israel.
place after the Church has been taken she has a very crucial role
that the Gog- It is absolutely amazing that despite
away in the RAPTURE! to play in the upcoming
C O U N T D O W N TO T H E WA R : Israeli Magog storm is being well displayed in the Holy
Gog-Magog war. Police displaying a Russian-
But the question is, is the Church made arsenal fired into Israel already gathering. Bible, on television screens, radio
by the Hizbollah during the In this Malaysian news coverages and print media
aware that such developments Gog-Magog War & recent war. Hizbollah fired 4000
signal the RAPTURE? RAPTURE of this missiles into Israel in the meeting, hostile all this is apparently still hidden to
shortest time possible. This is
As a result of the collapse a very critical message to the
utterances were the Church. If the Church had been
Vision on Libya . . . of Communism and the Church that Russia (Gog) is made against restored and Holy Ghost-filled, she
On May 29, 2003, in a Mighty visitation already supplying weapons to
disintegration of the Israel to the effect would have realised that all this events
her allies, weapons meant to
The LORD GOD spoke to Dr. Owuor member states of the storm Israel as in Ezekiel 38:9. taking shape around her right now
that she should be
by HIS VOICE regarding one of former Soviet Union,
deleted and wiped out from the face constitutes a loud warning that the
the major events of End of Age. In many Soviet nuclear scientists were
of the earth. These types of
this conversation, The LORD GOD rendered redundant and virtually
unemployed. This situation became bitter sentiments can only help
presented to him, a huge cross that
was broken on its right arm. Then The worse by the economic collapse and brew up the upcoming storm
LORD spoke with him about Libya and lack of job security among nuclear described in Ezekiel chapter 38
verses 9. The widescale civilian
casualty in the Iraq war has also
caused bitterness among Arab nations
and towards Israel and the United
States. Together with the reported
numerous abuses in the Iraq war, D ARFUR W AR : This war has now created
a g l o b a l s t re s s. O n S e p te m b e r 1 8 ,
SOMALI WAR: On September 18, 2006 the President of Somali was about to be killed in a car
and the gradual degeneration of that
2006, several cities all over the world
bomb explosion. This war has taken a turn of global significance. Sources have it that, country into an eminent civil war, has demonstrated out of fear that genocide
Al Qaeda groups from Pakistan, anti-Israel and anti-American groups are joining forces is slowly showing its ugly head in this
with Somali factions while Ethiopia is finding a greater role to play in this region. stirred up pain in the Arab world. In war.

Repentance and Holiness | 41



speed up the onset of the missile
attacks on Iranian nuclear facility,
a missile attack that Dr. Owuor
has been prophesying for more
than a year now, implies that the
prophetic dispensation for the
Church has taken a very sudden
turn into the End of Age.

The bold defiance of the UN

Security Council resolutions by
Korea testing a nuclear bomb is a N. Korea and the fact that she
catalyst towards the Iran War. is economically impoverished
in such a way that she is eyeing
the lucrative petro-dollars that
Council resolutions that demanded are being flashed at her from the

he Bible already predicted a stoppage to the manufacture of Middle East from extremist Arab
D ISTRESS : The recent plane crash in
not only wars and nuclear weapons. N. Korea tested its states, places the entire global which a small aeroplane struck an
rumours of wars but also first nuclear weapons on October, 9, security in a state of jeopardy. apartment building in New York City
plays a replica of September 11,
a final nuclear war that would 2006 causing tremendous This has generated a 2001. This has heightened anxiety
create terror among the nations fear and anxiety among global anxiety across and fears in the aviation industry.

of the earth at the End of Age the nations of the earth the nations of the
(Matthew 24:6-7; Luke 21:9-10 ack in July, 2006, Dr.
given her current economic earth for the fear of
& Mark 13: 7- 8; The book of Owuor prophesied
desperation which have prompted her an all out nuclear war and also
and said that The
Ezekiel). to threaten to sell these weapons the fear that the extremist groups
LORD GOD had shown him
to the Middle East Arab nations and may also lay their hands on
great panic, anxiety, fear and
Of all the wars that have plagued extremist groups like Al Qaeda. The some nukes. Now, this is the
distress that would touch on
the world, the Korean conflict has link between N. Korean and Arab accurate fulfilment of the Biblical
the Aviation industry. This
been the most on-going and has nations is so vivid because an infamous prophecy that predicted the fear
prophecy, he said, would fulfil
now suddenly turned dangerously Pakistani nuclear scientist sold nuclear of terror and war that would
Matthew chapter 24 verse 2.
n u c l e a r. T h i s technology not only to N. grip the nations of the earth in
Come August 10, 2006, the
conflict started Korean but also to Libya the book of Matthew chapter
whole world was shocked
way back in the and published this in his 24; Luke chapter 21 and Mark
with the discovery of terrorist
1950s and has book despite being under chapter 13, in the last days.
plots in the airline industry
made the Korean house arrest until now. Is the Church aware of this
and the massive shut down
peninsula the Most importantly, it is the precedent major fulfilment of Biblical
of the world’s busiest airports
most heavily armed strip of land that N. Korea has set thereby justifying prophec y and if so, what
like Heathrow in the United
on earth. Starting in the 1950s non compliance to UN Security council is she doing about it, is she
Kingdom, even across the
as Capitalist West (United States resolutions. This will help speed up preparing for RAPTURE?
Atlantic. This led to a widescale
& S. Korea) versus Communist the fulfilment cancellation of a lot of flights
East (China, N. Korean & Russia), of Biblical and scare of terrorism. Great
little did the Church know that prophecy distress gripped the world
this war would have far reaching since it will with passengers stranded at
ramifications unto the Endtime. cause the different airports for days and
United States no hand-luggage was allowed
N. Korean & Iranian
Nuclear Crisis and Israel to
The N. Korean nuclear crisis has attack I ran
recently taken a sudden turn into a and destroy
deadly nuclear her nuclear
conflict that facility in the
K ENTUCKY : A plane crashes off the
now threatens fear that Iran
runway killing 49 passengers and
global security. will emulate the N. Korean pathway. WAR & RUMOURS OF WAR: South Korean crew. The worst aeronautical
missiles prepared for counter accident in the USA in 25 years.
The leader of Accordingly, Israel and US versus Iran attack on North Korea. The war is Coming at such time as there
not between this two but between
North Korea, nuclear conflict does build up the Gog- the US & Israel on one side and Iran
was a terrorist threat and high
& Russia on the other after N. Korea alert. This event created a lot of
Kim Jong Il, defied compliance Magog alliance for the End of Age. And panic and fear within the airline
openly violates the UN Security
with the United Nations Security the fact that the Korean war is going to Council. industry in the USA.

42 | Repentance and Holiness


S E V E R E D R O U G H T : M any travel for S EVERE DROUGHT : Proverbially, a camel is

very long distances in search of meant to outlive the human especially
water which becomes a very rarely when it comes to drought conditions but
c o m m o d i t y re s u l t i n g i n m a j o r even pastoralists cannot defy what was
famine and malnutrition, seeing prophesied by The Lord JESUS.
many animals and humans die as
was predicted in Matthew 24:7 and
Luke 21:10 as a marker towards Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia
the Endtime.
to mention a few) carcasses scattered

roughts and famines all over the land in a very hopeless
D ISTRESS : In Russia alone, two commercial planes, one with as many as 170
passengers and the other with an equivalent, crashed killing all the passengers. were predicted in the and helpless scenario.Water rationing
Another two Iranian crashes occurred, one in the Iranian city of Mashhad killing book of Luke chapter became a normal way of life in many
most of the passengers in that week and another occurred in the southern Afghan African countries. However, the Holy
21 verse 11, as major signs that
city of Kandahar, killing all the 14 British troops in Afghanistan.
would come in this generation of Bible predicts the occurence of historic
the End of Age. The end of 2005 and record-breaking droughts and
on board with tremendous delays brought with itself historic record- famines as nations of the earth close
caused due to thorough checks. breaking droughts and famines of in towards the End of Age. These
a kind never experienced before catasrophic tragedies become very
The Plane Crashes especially across Africa.
As if this wasn’t enough, several This sudden appearance
plane crashes followed one o f s e ve re d ro u g h t ,
another in a very short time span. without much notice led
D I ST R E SS : Flight cancellations became
to a major panic in the
In Russia alone two commercial the norm in the aviation industr y
causing tremendous delay leaving many affected nations because
planes, one with as many as 170 passengers stranded. it presented a horrendous K E N YA N D R O U G H T 2006: The stench of death as
passengers and the other with
famine, water and food p i l e s a n d p i l e s o f c a r c a s s e s a r e h e a p e d ,
an equivalent, crashed killing all a consequence of fulfilled prophec y.
shortage. What was most
the passengers. Another plane shocking about this sudden important features that signal to the
crashed off the runway killing 49 drought that consumed into most Church on how close she is to the
passengers and crew. The worst of the early 2006, was its severity, Glorious R APTURE . No wonder it is
aeronautical accident in the USA which led to an acute and a very not surprising that each one of these
in 25 years. Coming at such time cruel water shortage, and within recent droughts and famines have
as there was a terrorist threat and a very short time. been historic on their own merits.
high alert. This event created a DISTRESS: Most airlines’ schedules came to Pastoral communities have been the
a halt all over the world fearing terrorist A lot of people and livestock died most afflicted given that a lot of children
lot of panic and fear within the threats and after the September 11, 2001 thereby covering the land in most in these affected areas suffered severe
airline industry in the USA. As attacks, nothing was left to chance hence
causing anxiety among passengers. of these countries with a strong malnutrition and got admitted into
the airline industry across the and chilling stench of death. For hospitals, while others died of thirst.
globe was still recovering from in Afghanistan. In the same context, the first time in the history of Many communities even refused to
the Kentucky and the Russian on August 19, 2006, a light aircraft many countries (Kenya, Somali, receive relief food supplies for lack of
crashes, a huge crash took place crashed at Eldoret International Airport Sudan, Chad, Ethiopia, Djibouti, water with which to eat the relief food.
in the Iranian city of Mashhad in Kenya. Following these aeronautical This was the first time such a historic
killing most of the passengers in events, the Church once again saw state of hopelessness was encountered
that week. Further to that, another the beautiful fulfilment of the book of eg in NE Kenya and Tanzania. Likewise,
plane crash occurred in the Luke chapter 21 verses 11 that talks of carcasses of livestock littered the fields
South Afghan city of Kandahar, fearful events that would cause distress to the extent that they were left to
killing all the 14 British troops on earth. bacterial rot. By its description, this
T A N Z A N I A N D R O U G H T : Ta n z a n i a ’s horrendous phenomenon dried out all
landscape has continually remained forms of life and is a major fulfilment
a dry, desolate sight with carcasses
of the Word of GOD towards the
covering most of the land. The
prophecy The Lord J E S U S gave in RAPTURE.
Mark 13 and Luke 21, has broken Are you aware?
international boundaries.

DISTRESS: On August 4, 2006, Dr. Owuor aired on the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
(KBC) Television, at 8:00am, a prophecy in which he predicted problems in the
airline industry. This was rapidly fulfilled by the threat of terrorism on August 10,
2006. Aircrafts were grounded at the airports due to the fear of a terrorist attacks.
Passengers were stranded at Heathrow, UK, due to unfoiling a plot by terrorists.
August 10, 2006 marked the day when all flights were grounded and the airports
brought to a stand still. KENYAN DROUGHT: Littered carcasses across the dry parts of North Eastern part of Kenya
caused by drought, another sign of Endtime leaving the land desolate.

Repentance and Holiness | 43

Tsunami, Pakistani Quake, network, that covers the entire Latin
Katrina, Kenyan Drought . . .

America, Dr. Owuor persistently
n 1948, the formation of the state
spoke about what he called,
of Israel and the subsequent May
‘another planet’ coming very close
HIV/AIDS is one of the world’s declaration of Independence in Tel
to the earth. Strange enough, he kept
biggest puzzles that has k illed Aviv, brought the Church right into the
millions and infected more even referring to September 29, 2004 while
to d ay d e s t roy i n g f a m i l i e s a n d
dispensation of Endtime. After this,
emphasizing that this would fulfil the
l e av i n g b e h i n d m a ny o r p h a n s there has been a gradual onset of the
and widows. Still with no cure, Biblical prophecies in Joel 2:28-32,
Sickness and disease are
beginning of birthpains in which the
H I V / A I D S h a s d e s t ro ye d m a ny
prophesied in the book of Luke Church has witnessed, massive historic “. . . I will show wonders
families all over the world due
to increase of sexual sin both in 21 verse 11 by The Lord J ESUS as in Heaven and wonders
earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, on earth . . .”
and out of the Church. p e s t i l e n ce s t h at s h o u l d s o u n d
an alarm to the Church to start famines, lightning, droughts and
HIV/AIDS preparing for the Bridegroom. And after sometime, it was amazing
wars (Matthew 24; Luke 21). Every
The scourge of HIV/AIDS when news networks started reporting
is one big mystery whose event within these birthpains has
Birdflu that scientists had spotted an asteroid
puzzle has still defeated broken its own records. For instance,
This H5N1 virus caught coming very close to the earth. Come
human wisdom to piece the Pakistani earthquake was one of a
the world unawares and September 29, 2004, the Churches in
together. What started as a kind in more than a century, while the
threatened to cripple the Latin America were shocked when
sexually transmitted disease 2006 Russian quake one was similarly
wo r l d ’s p o u l t r y i n d u s t r y. the peanut-shaped, Asteroid Toutatis,
has now become a number the biggest ever since 1900. The Asian
one killer on earth without came very close to the earth in what
Unfortunately for man, strains Tsunami does not have another to be
cure. HIV/AIDS caught man space scientist described as a ‘narrow
of this virus have been found compared with, since man started
at his weakest point and miss’. Three days prior to this event,
that can transfer the disease keeping records. The Katrina in the
beat him with his arms down. many space scientists had made it
from poultry to man. These United States on the other hand, was
This very humiliating disease clear that if this Asteroid Toutatis were
are the Endtime pestilences one big storm that ever hit since the
which comes from sexual to hit the planet earth, it would have
sin, gradually wastes one and their appearances at this formation of America. Furthermore,
the capacity to crack, split and drift
away as was prophesied of time indicate the need for the the massive storms that hit in the
the earth off its orbit. This created
the diseases of Endtime. In Church to prepare for RAPTURE. year 2005, exhausted all the names
great anxiety and distress among
the book of Luke chapter Millions of poultry have been ever catalogued in the nomenclature
many nations even as it continued
21 verses 11, The Lord J ESUS killed as a measure to cull the (naming) of storms thereby causing
said, to be aired in news networks across
disease, a situation that has weather scientists to restart naming
the world. Sure enough, the asteroid
“ There will be great from ‘Alpha’ again in the same storm
shocked man given that he passed very close to the earth on
ear thquakes, famines season. Being absolutely incredible
loves eating poultry meat. this material day and became one of
and pestilences in as they are, The LORD GOD is using
the Heavenly wonders of our time,
various places and these events to make a very strong
thereby fulfilling Joel’s prophecy for
fearful events and great statement to the Church, that the
signs from Heaven.” the Church.
prophetic season has changed and
Is the Church aware?
she should go into the dispensation
of Preparing the Way (Repentance
and Holiness) for the Coming of The Iraq War & Global Terrorism
Lord JESUS. Immediately after September 11, 2001
(911), it is as if the whole world went
into a new order of the global war
In his preachings in Latin America,
Birdflu is a highly infectious on terrorism. The world has since
The highly contagious H5N1 Virus that can infect
both in open air meetings and over
seen the regrouping of nations and
airborne disease, SARS, with humans direc tly from chickens. the Yesus Es El Camino satellite TV
no cure, has brought many To g e t r i d o f t h i s v i r u s, fow l s coalition partners that launched a
public institutions all over have to be incinerated. Matthew massive military assault on Iraq. This
the world to a stand still. The chapter 24 and Luke chapter
patients have to be completely 21 shows The Lord JESUS’
war has gradually become deadlier
isolated to avoid further prediction of this pestilences by the day leading to heavy casualties
spread of disease. The Lord in the End of Age.
JESUS prophesied about this
on both sides. Iraq war together with
in Matthew 24 as a sign of her Afghani counterpart, the perennial
war in Somali, East Timor, Cambodia,
SARS Virus Sri Lanka, Darfur, Chad, Uganda
In a very short time SARS Rebels, Pakistani Taliban war and the
threatened to cripple the most recent Israel-Hizbollah war in
world airline industry. This Lebanon among others, are a notable
virus is unique and strange signs of Endtime that the Church
and can spread ver y fast ought to take extremely seriously.
within record time. It fits the B E G I N N I N G O F B I R T H PA I N : The ex tensive
devastation caused by Hurricane
new type of viruses that were Israel-Hizbollah War in
K atrina. Dr. O wuor prophesied this
prophesied for such a time Bird flu is an Endtime pestilence event repeatedly at Embu, Kenya on July Lebanon
that has cr ippled the Far East
as this, during the birthpains 16, 2005 and July 18, 2006 at Nairobi City What began as a simple retaliatory
poultry industry. Hall in what became known as “Who tells
right before RAPTURE. attack by Israel to rescue her soldiers
the ocean where to stop?” series.

44 | Repentance and Holiness


Ever since the appearance of the

mysterious Human Immuno Deficiency-
Virus (HIV), the world population has been
significantly affected both in developing
and developed world. This virus causes
Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS), a scourge whose cure has become
an unsolvable complex puzzle. The
HIV/AIDS scourge has increased rapidly
over a very short time leading to a historic
number of deaths that the human race
The Asteroid Toutatis that missed the earth very narrowly and came within a distance of a has never ever experienced before. To
mere 936,000 miles from the earth (Joel 2: 28-32). In his prophecy, Dr. Owuor predicted that
this event would occur on September 29, 2004 and it surely happened with great precision the Church, the appearance of HIV/AIDS W AR IN R WANDA : This war alarmed the whole
on that day. pestilence is a classic fulfilment of Endtime ear th and until now nations have not
Biblical prophecy in the book of Luke recovered from it. It all started as rumours
kidnapped by Hizbollah into Lebanon apparent that this war is inevitable. Out of war in this central African nation and
chapter 21 verse 11, where JESUS said that
then developed into a war that birthed
turned out to be a widescale escalation of the impending attack on the Iranian there would be strange and incurable out one of the worst genocide ever seen
of military violence that devastated nuclear facility, the post-Lebanon war on earth, but the question is, why did
diseases right before the RAPTURE. It is
Lebanon to unimaginable proportions. alliance definitely forms a very powerful this war take place all of a sudden at
astonishing that the scourge of HIV/AIDS
This war also saw for the first time, Israel platform for the Gog-Magog retaliatory this time? The LORD repeatedly sent a
has not respected education, political or message to Rwanda asking them to R EPENT
hit by over 4,000 Katyusha missiles. assault on Israel that will eventually fulfil
economic status and has beaten man with but they failed (J OEL 2:12-14). IT IS ALWAYS
However, the most important outcome Ezekiel chapter 38 verse 9. This implies A GOOD THING TO REPENT IN THESE LAST DAYS AS
hands down again.
of this war is the emergence of a that the RAPTURE of the Church is very THE RAPTURE NEARS , THE SEASON HAS CHANGED .
(JEREMIAH 8:4-15)
strong solidarity among Arab nations. close from now and she has to prepare
Likewise, the appearance of H5NI strain of
Interestingly, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, in Holiness given that the Gog-Magog
Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Sudan war happens after the RAPTURE.
birdflu pestilence which has successfully Is there another
and Russia with its allies have formed a
brought the global poultry industry to its country that The
knees, is a shocking real time fulfilment LORD has warned to
unique alliance that exactly mirrors The fulfilment of Biblical prophecies
of this prophecy. The recent emergence REPENT? And has she
the Gog-Magog alliance described in is greatly unfolding in the eyes of the
of SARS, Ebola, Mad cow disease among repented right before
Ezekiel chapter 38 and verse 9. This Church especially in the current state of
others, has also thrown the world into a The LORD? Remember
tallies very closely with the prophecy wars and rumours of wars, i.e. war on
Dr. Owuor gave in Mbeya, Tanzania, in terrorism (Matthew 24:6). An example panic situation over human health. These
not change, HE has the
October 2005, saying that there would being the August 10, 2006 threat of are loud signals and pointers to the RAPTURE
same style.
be a nuclear attack on Iran. Even as the terrorism in transatlantic flights in of the Church that cannot be taken for
United Nations had given Iran a deadline which all flights were grounded and granted by any Holy Spirit-led Church.
of August 31, 2006 to stop its uranium the entire aviation industry in the world
enrichment program, it has become very gripped with fear.


e) t’s

go out to meet the Bridegroom. Five of to prepare for this Holy wedding, the
ac ris
(Pe f Ch
ru um o

the virgins were wise and did not only RAPTURE. What is absolutely shocking


take their lamps but also oil in the jars today, is the fact that The LORD GOD


1948 Wars
3 1/2 Years
3 1/2 Years
Great Tribulation New Heaven
while The five foolish ones only took promised a mightier anointing in the
New Earth
their lamps without oil. Eventually, the latter Church, overriding that of the
OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST five foolish virgins fail to maintain vigil primitive one.
Rumours of Wars
Volcanic Explosions for Him and missed the wedding. The
door is shut thereby keeping them out
BEGINNING OF BIRTHPAINS In the first Church, Servants of The
forever, for eternity. The emphasis here
The prophetic timeline.
Lord JESUS such as Apostles Paul, Peter
is on the Christian to keep a Holy watch

and John walked under a tremendous
he Holy Bible has come out very midnight hour when the Bridegroom for the midnight hour of the RAPTURE, an anointing of the Holy Spirit thereby
clearly in several instances on would suddenly appear like a thief, hour that only The LORD GOD knows. being led to preach Repentance and
the importance of preparation for His Holy and Glorious Bride (The Considering that The Lord JESUS went Holiness (Righteousness). During the
for the Mighty RAPTURE of the Church. Holy Church of Christ). For example, to The Father (LORD GOD) to prepare a day of Pentecost (the Mighty Visitation)
The Holy Word of The LORD GOD, in in Matthew chapter 25, The Lord JESUS place for the Church as His Glorious Bride a mighty anointing came from Heaven
this context, speaks about the greater says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like (John 14: 1-6), then definitely it implies and rushed like wind and spit tongues-
need for the Christian to prepare for the ten virgins who take their lamps and the Church too needs to take her time like fire on them and filled them by the

Repentance and Holiness | 45


definitely implies that the Church has operating under the influence of
not even started the journey enroute to the old wine and it will take her
the latter Glorious Church. willingness to clean out, sober up
and then be sanctified from these
Time Running Out . . . old wine practices. The cleaning out
Just imagine that the birthpains are of the old wine will help the Church
right here, the Tsunamis, Katrinas, to begin thinking of partaking of the
Pakistani quake, floods, droughts, new wine. It is further emphasized in
W ARS AND R UMOURS OF W AR : The perpetual
asteroids, pestilences, wars and the book of Matthew chapter 9 verse
Israeli-Palestinian war is part of the
restoration of Israel and constitutes war on terrorism, rumours of wars, 16 through 17 which states,
what was prophesied in Luke chapter
21. Top picture: Israeli war ship shelling volcanic eruptions etc. It is so fearful 16
“No one sews a patch
Palestinian position. Right picture: Israeli even to contemplate, that the Church
war planes bomb the Gaza strip, in what of unshrunk cloth on an
constitutes war on terrorism. This war is a sleeping giant, comfortable and old garment, for the patch
has greatly facilitated the regrouping of with no intention of turning back
Arab States against Israel, a prerequisite would pull away from
for the big storm on Israel. to the ways of The LORD in the the garment, making the
near future. In view of the fact that tear worse. 17 Neither do
Holy Spirit. This gave them enormous in the perfect will of the Holy Spirit.
the RAPTURE is just round the corner, men pour new wine into
authority to preach repentance and But the today’s Church, which is
with every sign of the End of Age old wineskins. If they do,
baptise the Saints. (Acts 2). In Acts expected to carry the latter anointing,
unfolding right before the eyes of the the skins will burst, the
chapter 3, Peter heals a crippled is actually walking in a much lower nations on television screens, there wine will run out and the
beggar at the temple gate called anointing than the primitive Church. is an urgent need for the Church wineskins will be ruined.
Beautiful (The Eastern Gate), where he This leaves one with no choice but to to turn around and prepare herself No, they pour new wine
had been begging. This anointing on wonder, why in the current Church for the latter visitation. Without this into new wineskins, and
the Apostles continued on and on with there is such a low level of anointing latter visitation of the Holy Spirit, the both are preserved.”
John finally receiving Revelation in than the primitive Church, let alone current Church in the four corners
jail while Paul constantly encouraged The implication here is that, the
the latter promised anointing. of the earth, cannot partake of the
the Church from the Roman prison Church in her old wineskin does not
Glorious RAPTURE (wedding). This is
(Philippians 1). At one point, Paul have the capacity to accommodate
The Promise . . . more particularly so because, in the
was coming all the way from Asia the new wine that comes from
The LORD GOD promised that HE book of Hebrews chapter 12 verse
to Jerusalem and even having been the Holy Spirit. This means that if
would massively pour out HIS Spirit 14, the Holy Bible says that
shown a vision by the Holy Spirit a mighty Holy Ghost and Endtime
unto the latter Church, a situation that 14
“. . . without Holiness no revival broke out at this juncture, the
that he would face imprisonment
would cause young men and women, one will see The Lord.” Church does not have the structure
upon arrival in Jerusalem, he still
servants, both men and women to to accommodate such a revival
persistently followed the will of the And, because the latter anointing is
prophesy, dream dreams and see because she has no instruments for
Holy Spirit without giving up and so strong and powerful, the Church
visions (Joel 2:28-32). Moreover, in teaching righteousness and leading
continued on to Jerusalem. In the in her current state cannot contain
the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 3 the new converts into the ways of
book of Acts chapter 20 verses 21 it. This is underscored in the book
verses 7 through 18, is the promise of The LORD. Contrarily, she would
through 24 says, of John chapter 2 verse 3 through
a greater and ever-increasing Glory defile them because of her old wine
I have declared to both 4, in which JESUS performed His first
unto the latter Church of Christ. habits such as love of money, sexual
Jews and Greeks that miracle at Cana in Galilee. When the
Furthermore, The Lord JESUS himself sin, witchcraft etc.
they must turn to GOD wine was running out in the wedding
assured us in the book of John chapter
in repentance and have and The Lord J ESUS was asked to
14 verse 12 says that, replenish the supplies, He replied,
faith in our Lord J ESUS . 22 For the Church to carry the latter
“And now, compelled by
“. . . anyone who has 4
“Dear woman, why do visitation, she has to wear a new
the Spirit, I am going to faith in me will do what I yo u i nvo l ve m e ? ” J E S U S wineskin in order to be a glorious
Jerusalem, not knowing have been doing. He will replied. “My time has vessel, worthy of carrying the Glory of
what will happen to me do even greater things n o t ye t The LORD. The
there. 23 I only know that than these. . .” come.” new wineskin
in every city the Holy Spirit is extremely
Surely, in layman’s terms, this is a I t was not
warns me that prison and important in
mighty promise by The LORD GOD until all the
hardships are facing me. the RAPTURE of
unto the latter Church of Christ, a old wine was
However, I consider my the Church.
promise whose works, eyes have completely
life worth nothing to me, if The current
not seen and ears have not heard. exhausted
only I may finish the race today ’s
Now, how come these promises are from the pots
and complete the task The F A M I N E S : These generation has also seen
hidden to the current Church who did He then Church,
Lord J ESUS has given me - historic and dehumanising famines that
is completely engulfed in preaching authorise the were prophesied. cannot carr y
the task of testifying to the
money, prosperity, condoning of sexual new wine to enter into the pot. In the Glory of The LORD and hence
gospel of GOD grace.
sin, lying, false prophecies, witchcraft, other words, refusing to mix the cannot make it into the RAPTURE, given
In this picture, one finds a Church that homosexuality and lesbianism, old wine and the new wine. Now, her habits of involvement in sexual sin,
has crucified the flesh and is walking together with faking anointing? This the Church in her current state is witchcraft, lying among others.

46 | Repentance and Holiness


New Wineskin & a free gift from The LORD GOD and
Wedding Gown . . . is stitched, fitted and tailored in the
The importance of the new wineskin book of Isaiah chapter 53. This process
for the RAPTURE Glory, is emphasized is a very long, tortuous and painful
in the book of Zechariah chapter 3 one that involves the tearing of the
verses 1 through 9, when Joshua flesh of The Lord J ESUS Christ. The
appears before the Angel of The implication here is that all men qualify
LORD (JESUS) in filthy clothes. At this for the Glorious Wedding Gown
time, satan also appears on his right and that the only problem being to
hand side to accuse him. This is an maintain the gown spotless, so as to
interesting scenario that one sees in carry the latter Glory. It is therefore
today’s Church, that instead of being noteworthy, that only the Spirit of
dressed in a Glorious Wedding Gown, JEHOVAH GOD can help the Church
anticipating the RAPTURE, she is robed maintain a spotless gown to the full
in filthy clothes. And the heart of the stature of Christ JESUS. But such a Holy
matter here is that, for as long as she is Spirit visitation cannot occur in a filthy
dressed in filthy clothes, the devil has gown. This calls for an awakening in ENDTIME: Floods (eg. Katrina), volcanic eruptions (in Mexico, Indonesia, Italy etc), terrorist
a claim over her because essentially, attacks and earthquakes of historic magnitudes seen above are signs of End of Age. These
today’s Church that she may desist were prophesied by The Lord JESUS in the book of Mark chapter 13, to awaken His Bride
she has covenanted with the devil. from the old wine practices and wear (Church) to Prepare for the Coming of the Bridegroom. Below right is a comparison
However, when the Angel of The picture showing the extent of devastation after the Asian Tsunami.
the new wine skin in anticipation of
LORD orders that a rich and Glorious the latter visitation.
garment be placed on Joshua, the to wait to gather a given number of Before Tsunami

claim the devil has over him ceases In the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 them and charge them baptism fees
to exist, and The LORD gives him verses 50 through 56, The LORD says before this otherwise very crucial
charge to walk in righteousness so the mortality has to be clothed with spiritual event is performed in the lives
as to inherit the RAPTURE. The matter immortality and the perishable must of the Christians. Now, considering
of the Glorious Wedding Gown (New be clothed with the imperishable in the fact that The Lord JESUS received
wineskin) cannot be taken lightly by order for the Church to make it into the a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit
the Church in these last days, because RAPTURE. That means that the Glorious immediately after baptism, then most
the Church is sitting at the brinks of Wedding Gown (New wineskin) of the Christians who have been
the Mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit brings forth the new anointing for denied baptism have essentially been
and RAPTURE. But the RAPTURE according the latter Church, an anointing that denied fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
After Tsunami
to the book of Matthew chapter 22 crucifies the flesh and imparts on the The irony however, is that without
verses 1 through 14, will only take the Saints the Christ-like character seen the anointing of the Holy Spirit, no
Saints (Church) who will be wearing in Isaiah chapter 53, the Character of Christian will see the R APTURE . The Righteousness as fruit of repentance
the Glorious wedding gown, without the RAPTURE Church. This character RAPTURE of the Church is a landmark (Matthew 3:8). It is pathetic that
which no one will see the RAPTURE. Yet has overcome death even as seen in event in which The Lord will take the Christian in this modern times
the making of the glorious Wedding the Glorious Saints who have lived had opted to do things in groups
interestingly, this Wedding Gown is
Gown (new wineskin). The Church in Holiness (the remnant Church) not knowing that each person will
must wear a new wineskin (The while leaving no Church behind for stand on their own merit before the
Wedding Gown) in order to partake the Tribulation. In the midst of all King of Kings. It is surely an earnest
of the Glorious latter visitation and be these discussions, it is important to prayer that the RAPTURE which is so
prepared for the RAPTURE (Revelation note that when The Lord JESUS returns well spoken about in 1 Thessalonians
19: 6-9). This Wedding Gown is not during the Day of The Lord, He returns chapter 4 and John chapter 14 verses
beautiful to the world and would bring with the RAPTURED Saints and rules for a 1 through 6, will become a household
Christ-like character into the Church, a thousand years when satan is bound. vocabulary in the bloodstream of
character that is associated with bitter the current Church and cause her to
Therefore, the RAPTURE is surely a very
rejection, loneliness, pain, tearing sensitively prepare through the Holy
critical event for the Church that she
of the flesh and being despised. But Spirit for this grand finale.
cannot even afford to ignore, given
in the eyes of JEHOVAH GOD, this
that it is her future and without RAPTURE
FOLLOWING KISUMU REPENTANCE: One of the main character is the Glorious Church, the RESTORATION OF THE LORD’S
stagnation in Church that has blocked revival, the Church has no future. Thence, the
is that rarely does she baptise new converts by
Bride of Christ without whom Christ ALTAR & THE RAPTURE

current stalemate in the Church which
complete immersion in water immediately after would have had no Bride. s we have now seen, the
receiving The Lord JESUS. Instead she charges impedes the preparation towards
them baptism fees. The Lord JESUS was baptised Baptism & RAPTURE the RAPTURE can only come from the Scripture promises a latter
in the Jordan river by John the Baptist through
complete immersion after which Heaven One of the main stagnations in today’s devil who is bent on misleading her visitation of the Holy Spirit,
opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him Church that could kill Endtime revival, to eternal fire. that is mightier than the former.
thereby empowering Him to overcome the devil
(Matthew 3). This event is the way The Lord JESUS is the fact that rarely does she baptise However, for this visitation to be
set for us and one wonders why the Church new converts by complete immersion For the Christians, the decision to be realised in the Church today, the
would alienate it.
in water immediately new converts part of the RAPTURE is very personal Altar of The LORD must be restored.
show up at the Altar. Instead she opts and strictly depends on Holiness and The process of repairing The LORD’S

Repentance and Holiness | 47


Altar involves restoring the following “touched” with tools thereby defiling
four critical aspects:- the foundation stones. These tools
(i) Raising the Altar include sexual sin, lying, idolatry, false
(ii) Priesthood prophecies, love of money, witchcraft,
(iii) Sacrifice traditions and cultural practices eg
(iv) Covenant having traditional folksongs, among
others. As a result of this, the Church
started off on a wrong footing and no
wonder she cannot command any
favour or authority from The LORD.

T he LORD’S Altar is a very Holy place

at which the Church fellowships
It is important to realise, that The
LORD is very specific when it comes
Kericho just saw a mighty repentance and revival meeting on the August 19-20th, 2006
in which a large multitude of people received Christ and many other renewed their
covenants with The Lord JESUS in preparation for the RAPTURE.
regard, The LORD GOD has given the to the laying of the foundation to HIS
Church specifications in the Holy Bible Altar. During the time when King
GOD and hence does not have favour a specific transformation in character
on how she can raise for HIM a Holy Solomon raised an Altar unto The
before HIM. This is actually the main that is required on Aaron, for him to
Altar. But shamefully, the foundation LORD, he followed the Word of the receive the favour of The LORD. For
contributor to the fall in the Church
of the Church in most countries Book of the Law and it went into example, liquid Myrrh is commonly
causing her to command less Glory
including Kenya, have not been laid record that till its completion, no tool used for purification and hence when
than the primitive Church, let alone
according to the requirements of The was heard touching the stones at the the Holy Spirit touches the Priesthood
the promised, mightier, latter Glory.
LORD GOD. For instance, in the raising site of the temple construction (2nd in the Church, He brings with Himself,
of a Holy Altar unto The LORD, HE Chronicles 7). In HIS faithful nature the spiritual Myrrh that has a purifying
The current Priesthood has focused
requires that no defiled foundation and in consistency with HIS Word, effect on the Servants of The LORD.
on material and monetary gain from
stone be used at all, as seen in the during the dedication of this Holy and A Holy Spirit-purified Servant of The
the sheep rather than serving The
book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 25, undefiled Altar, the Glory of The LORD LORD is one who is cleansed and
LORD in complete Holiness (Ezekiel
in which The LORD says, descended into the temple and the fire is free from the things of the world
34; Jeremiah 23 and Isaiah 56: 9-12).
of GOD fell down from Heaven. such as the love of money, sexual sin,
I f you make an altar An example of this fall being the
preaching of the gospel of prosperity lying etc.
of stones for me, do not
When JESUS resurrected, He transferred
build it with dressed which is focusing on money, sowing
the Altar from an earthly sanctuary to Fragrant Cinnamon on the other
stones, for you will defile of seeds in envelopes, corruption,
a spiritual tabernacle where now hand represents Obedience in which
it if you use a tool on it. attempting to bribe The LORD GOD
the Ark of the New Covenant on case when Aaron was anointed with
And do not go up to my while lacking in Holiness which is
which HIS B LOOD is poured, is the the sacred anointing oil, the fragrant
altar on steps, lest your most important before The LORD. For
Spiritual Altar of The LORD. But in cinnamon in the mix brought with itself
nakedness be exposed this Priesthood to be restored, there is
the construction of the Ark of the obedience to the Word of The LORD
on it. an urgent need to understand the mind
New Covenant, JEHOVAH YAHWEH on him. In the Church, the anointing of
of GOD concerning HIS Priests.
Contrary to this requirement, the is very particular on the dimension the Holy Spirit upon the Servants, will
Church has raised Altars for The and the material to be used (Exodus bring with Himself, the character trait
LORD using stones that have been 25: 10-22). Therefore, it is important In the book of Exodus chapter 30
of obedience to the Word of GOD on
that the foundation of the Gospel and verses 22 through 25, The LORD sends
the Servant of The LORD.
the Church be rebuilt according to Moses to anoint Aaron as a Priest,
the written Word of The LORD, if the who would minister before HIM at It is amazing that to produce the
Church is to receive the latter visitation HIS Altar. Moses is commanded to sacred anointing oil from Myrrh,
at the Altar. use liquid Myrrh, fragrant Cinnamon, Cassia, Cinnamon and Olives, one
fragrant Cane, Cassia, and a hin needs to crush them. The more one
of Olive Oil to prepare the sacred crushes them, the more fragrance they
anointing oil with which Aaron should emit. In the book of Isaiah chapter 53
be anointed. Upon anointing Aaron verse 5, it says,
with the sacred anointing oil, the

T he Priesthood serving at The favour of The LORD falls on Aaron,

But he was pierced for
LORD’S Altar has the key to so he can minister as a Priest at The o u r t r a n s g re s s i o n s, h e
either deliver the people and the Altar of The LORD. This favour of was crushed for our
land to The LORD or away from HIM. The LORD that comes upon Aaron, iniquities; the punishment
For this matter, it is important that is the anointing of the Holy Spirit that t h at b ro u g ht u s p e a ce
the Priesthood have favour as they is supposed to fall on the Servants was upon him, and by his
B I R T H PA I N S : J o e l c h a p te r 2 ve r s e 3 0 approach The LORD at the Altar. It of The LORD in today’s Church. wounds we are healed.
promised fires and billows of smoke in
these last days. This particular fire is a is unfortunate, that the Priesthood in However, when the sacred anointing This means that a restored Priesthood
result of extensive training by the Iranian
the Church today has not been raised oil touches Aaron, each component that will receive favour from The
army prior to the big war against EU, US
and Israel. according to the will of JEHOVAH used in its formulation, brings with it LORD in order to release the latter

48 | Repentance and Holiness


Glory into the Church, has to be Bishops, mini skirts and tumbo cuts, foundation of the earth, (John 1:1).
anointed by the Holy Spirit of GOD. slitted skirts, immoral dressing by the There is no Sacrifice that HE will ask
Moreover, the anointing of the Holy women, false tongues without you to offer that HE
Spirit will always lead to the state of receiving the Holy Spirit, Rap, has not already

being crushed before JEHOVAH GOD Reggae, Rock, Lingala, offered.
very time the Altar of The LORD anointing
and become a fragrance pleasing to Dombolo, abortions, of the Holy Spirit
is defiled, it always refers to the
HIM, like The Lord JESUS was. promotion of condoms, In book of
unacceptable state of the Sacrifice
the gospel of prosperity Malachi
being offered there. Considering that
The Lord JESUS is the High Priest and chapter
we were created to worship HIM, the and witchcraft at the
the only example that the Priesthood 1, The
Sacrifice being placed at the Altar is Altar.
in the Church should emulate. The LORD GOD
of utmost importance to The LORD
hin of Olive Oil used in the anointing is telling the
GOD. That also means, for the Altar of In the book of Malachi
formula, speaks of the great spiritual Church that the
The LORD to be restored, the Sacrifice chapter 1 verses 6 through 10,
Perseverance that is expected of the offering of Sacrifice
must be acceptable (Holy). it comes out clearly that the Sacrifice
Priesthood of The LORD that leads with defect such as deaf, blind,
the Church into the R APTURE . The that the Church places before The
crippled and diseased animals are
olive tree can essentially withstand In order that today’s Church may LORD is directly related to whether
totally unacceptable to HIM. Now,
all forms of aridity (Drought) even restore the Altar of The LORD that or not she respects and honours
given that The Lord JESUS says He is
where other plants cannot survive. lies in ruins (Amos 9:11), she needs HIM. Furthermore, The LORD views
the Way, the Truth and the Life (John
The Olives themselves take so long to understand the mind of The LORD a defiled Sacrifice before HIM as
14:1-6), this implies that in Isaiah
to mature and yet so long to ripen regarding the Sacrifice offered at the contempt unto HIS Holy Name. The
chapter 53, The Lord is being crucified
but upon ripening they have to be Altar. Nowhere does the mind of GOD tragedy in today’s Church arises
in order to show the Church, the Way.
crushed so as to exude the oil. So was regarding the Sacrifice come out more from the fact that there is ignorance
The Sacrifice of Christ JESUS involved
JESUS during the 40 days and nights clearly, than when HE asked Abraham regarding the requirement of The
crucifying the flesh with its sinful
of fasting in the wilderness when to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice before LORD concerning Sacrifice. To The
the anointing of the desires. However, when The Lord
HIM (Genesis LORD, Sacrifice is an all or nothing
Holy Spirit touched JESUS says whoever wants to follow
22: 1-19). In phenomenon which means that we
Him, he perservered Him should pick up their Cross and
this case, the can either offer a Perfect Sacrifice
and withstood the do so, (Galatians 6:5; Luke 14:27) He
Church can unto Him or offer none. When
tempter by focusing essentially meant that His crucifixion
see that when HE sent Moses to speak to Aaron
on the written Word on the Cross was for purposes of
Abraham regarding Sacrifice, JEHOVAH GOD
when He said, showing us the way to The FATHER.
was blessed stressed a Sacrifice without defect
The only way JESUS became a Perfect
“. . . i t i s with Isaac by twice (Leviticus 9).
Sacrifice with a fragrance acceptable
written . . . it JEHOVAH, he
to The FATHER, was by Him getting
is written, it is was willing
Faithfully, when Moses and Aaron crushed on the Cross for our iniquities
written . . .” to forego the
complied and offered Sacrifice without (Isaiah 53:5). Interestingly, it was The
Blessing (Isaac)
Therefore, the defect before The LORD, The Glory of FATHER’s will, that He be crushed
for the sake of the Blesser, JEHOVAH.
Priesthood of The LORD that will The LORD came down into the tent
This clearly points to the fact that the
deliver today’s Church into the of meeting and the fire of JEHOVAH
best Sacrifice that JEHOVAH expects
Endtime revival of Holiness, will be fell down in their presence. The same
from the Church is the Sacrifice of
one that possesses the great spiritual scenario is repeated when Elijah
complete obedience and the fear of
perseverance coming from the offered the Perfect Sacrifice without
The LORD. Moreover, Sacrifice before
anointing of the Holy Spirit especially defect unto JEHOVAH GOD on Mount
The LORD is always about the giving of
in these evil last days. Carmel (1 Kings 18), and the fire of
the heart, as seen in verse 12.
The LORD dropped from Heaven
In order for the Priesthood to produce showing acceptance. Likewise, when Biblically, The City of Jerusalem is very
The Church has not offered a Holy
acceptable fragrance of worship Gideon went before The LORD and crucial in the Restoration of Israel, which
Sacrifice unto The LORD. There is would never have been complete without
to The LORD through the B LOOD offered a Perfect Sacrifice (bread the total return of City of Jerusalem with
nothing JEHOVAH GOD is asking the her Mount of Olives. The restoration of the
of J ESUS , they have to be crushed without yeast), fire came from Heaven
Church to Sacrifice before HIM which City of Jerusalem back to Israel was only
(humble). Like in the case of the and visited the Altar (Judges 6). In the accomplished in 1967, after a Six-Day War
HE has not already given. The LORD and this was a very important landmark
ingredients used to formulate the same way, if the Church is expecting a
requirement towards the coming of The
sacred anointing oil which was used commands that the Sacrifice offered latter visitation from THE SPIRIT OF The Lord J ESUS . In Amos chapter 9 verses 11
before HIM, be without blemish. and 12, The LORD promises to return
to anoint Aaron, the more they were LORD, then she has to offer Sacrifices and restore the fallen tent of David.
crushed, the more fragrance they Unfortunately, the Church has not without defect. Hallelujah! Bless The This restoration has three dimensions,
(i) the Restoration of the heart of the
emitted over Aaron. So also will it understood this. On the contrary, LORD, the only Sacrifice without Christians (ii) The Restoration of the City
be upon the Priesthood, the more she has continued to offer Sacrifices defect is the BLOOD of JESUS which is of Jerusalem (iii) The Restoration of the
entire Church of Christ. This restoration
crushed they are, the more fragrance which have blemishes of sexual sin, already offered (Hebrews 10). The directly links the City of Jerusalem to the
the love of money, comedians, false Church especially given that The Lord
of worship they will exude before B LOOD of J ESUS was offered by The
J ESUS will return to rule on the Throne
The LORD GOD. prophecies, homosexual Pastors and FATHER GOD during the laying of the of David.

Repentance and Holiness | 49


because Melchizedek, who is the It is important that the Church today

Priest of GOD Most High forever, did be enlightened on the seriousness of
not come from the Levites but instead the New Covenant, so she can develop
from the tribe of Judah. In so doing, The the fear of The LORD, which is the most
LORD was able to graft in the Gentile important Sacrifice The LORD GOD
Church into the same Covenant He had ever demanded from her. In the case
with Abraham (Hebrews of Abraham, the fear of
7). This changed the The LORD earned him,
Priesthood thereby an eternal Covenant
allowing even the with The LORD. The
Gentiles to be called fear of The LORD
into service as apostles, will normally cause
prophets, evangelists, the Church to be
pastors and teachers. absolutely obedient
record breaking floods have recently hit the earth. While preaching on his weekly, Sunday However, the gravity to the Word of The
TV program in Kenya, Dr. Owuor, prophesied on September 23, 2005 massive historic of this transition has LORD. Just like in the
floods that would hit the earth and especially Europe and Asia. This year (2006) it was
not been understood case of the Ark of the
shocking to see the extensive devastation caused by angry historic floods across Europe,
in Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Serbia and neighbouring nations. by today’s Church. In New Covenant in The
B IRTHPAINS : Hostile raging floods
the old covenant, the chase families in China. In Luke LORD’s Throneroom,
blood of an animal 21 verse 25 “...on the earth,
on the Cross (Isaiah 53:10). What In the same context, The Lord JESUS today’s Church needs
nations will be in anguish and
does this mean to the Church? To said the latter new wine cannot be put was offered on the Day perplexity at the roaring and to place the Bible
tossing of the sea”.
the Church, this implies the need in an old wineskin thereby requiring of Atonement (Yom which is the New
to crucify her sinful nature in order spiritual transformation in tune with Kipur), and the High Priest fasted and Covenant, at the centre in order to
to provide the perfect fragrance of the current prophetic dispensation. repented three days prior to gaining experience the latter Glory.
worship to The FATHER in Christ JESUS. All in all, the Perfect Sacrifice that can entry into the Holy of Holies, where the
Being crushed essentially meant that restore the Altar of The LORD, is the Ark of the Covenant was. To be the carrier of the New Covenant
The Lord JESUS who is exalted above Mighty BLOOD of JESUS. Its appearance of The LORD is a very serious calling
How much more severely should
the higher Heavens, would have to in Isaiah 53, was for purposes of the Priests in today ’s Church that today’s Church is yet to realise,
leave from His Glory, to come down showing the Church the way in prepare prior to ministering at and only through the enlightenment
to earth to be abused for the sake which, she was to offer Sacrifice that is the Altar of The LORD Most High
(Most Holy place) at which, not and the realisation of this can the
of the sins of the world. Therefore, acceptable to The LORD GOD in Christ the blood of an animal, but the Church be restored and be prepared
for the Church to offer a Perfect JESUS. This is the key to the Endtime BLOOD of JESUS, the Son of GOD has
been offered? for the RAPTURE.
Sacrifice to The LORD GOD, she has to Holy Ghost Revival and Holiness that
emulate what Christ did, by allowing will earn the Church a place in the
herself to get crushed, in which RAPTURE (Hebrew 12:14). Testimonies
case attaining complete humility
Kapkatet Repentance
before The LORD. Furthermore, to
be crushed as a Church, would mean

apkatet Glory of The LORD
giving The LORD GOD the opportunity

T he original covenant that was repent- J E H O VA H G O D

to rebuild the Church (Altar) in
given to Moses on the stone ance and came down in an
conformity with requirements of awesome form and
tablets, was placed inside the Ark of revival meeting,
the Holy Spirit while moving her saw many signs stayed at the Altar
the Covenant of The LORD. Inside the
away from her worldly nature. This and wonders as where Dr. Owuor was.
same Ark of the Covenant was Aaron’s The presence of The
is the beginning the processes of was prophesied
budded rod and a jar of Manna. in the book of LORD was so mighty,
sanctification and transformation
These were symbolic of the original Joel chapter 2 and that the crowd went
which is much needed in today’s
Covenant in which the Levites were verse 28 through wild especially when
Church if she is to see the latter Glory.
the priests ministering before The 23. Truely, The a crippled girl stood
LORD GOD. However, when the New LORD GOD poured up and started to

Covenant of the Grace of The Lord out HIS Spirit and

the wonders
JESUS took charge, there was need for
in the Heavens
the Priesthood to change in order to
were seen. Thousands upon
reflect the change in Covenant. thousands of people from all
walks of life including school
WARS & RUMOURS OF WARS: Iran’s Nuclear Melchizedek children attended the meeting
reactor plant where they are preparing When Melchizedek encountered like never seen before. After
nuclear weapons in preparation for walk. This was a tremendous
Abraham and blessed him, that was Dr. Owuor came at the Altar
war with Israel. This war is one of the
many wars predicted by The Lord JESUS and gave the Word of GOD to sight that left many in fear of
the moment of transition from the
in Matthew chapter 24 as signs for the the people of Kapkatet, the GOD as they had seen HIM like
Church to know that the hour is near. old covenant to the New Covenant

50 | Repentance and Holiness


Kericho Repentance
Nandi Hills Repentance


Eye Sight

had a problem with my eyes
for fifteen years. I wore two
pairs of spectacles, one for
driving and the other for reading.
There was spiritual rain during
Kakamega Repentance meeting,
in the western part of Kenya.
This special kind of rain also In this particular meeting held on May 21, 2006, The Holy Spirit touched
came during the times of Elijah thousands of people in one go and a woman, (Jane Tarus) that had been
mentally ill for over seven years, burning her children with fire, setting her
(1 Kings 18) and in the days of home on fire and being tied by the tree trunks, Halleluhia, was healed and
Samuel, (1 Samuel 12:16-18). now serving The Lord. (Inset) Jane Tarus in the crowd before being healed
and her hands were tied behind her with ropes to avoid hitting people. During a repentance meeting in Kericho,
This one at Bukhungu Stadium,
Jecinta Nyambura got healed after seventeen

fell within five minutes after Dr. years of being lame, wearing braces on her
Owuor asked the Heavens to am a 35 year old, mother of legs.
open up. The Bible tells us that two. Three months into my On May 20, 2006, I was on my way 5
The blind receive sight,
during the days of Prophet Samuel pregnancy, I met a man who to Nandi Hills to buy tea leaves that the lame walk, those who
have leprosy are cured,
and Elijah, the prophets of GOD promised to marry me. His wife I sold to make ends meet when I the deaf hear, the dead
were feared when this happened. are raised, and the good
had left him with three children. met with the wailing women, who news is preached to the
Therefore, when you see a prophet I moved in and became the were going around the town. At poor. Matthew 11: 5

of GOD commanding Heaven and mother of his three children. once I started undressing, threw ver since I was born, I have been
Heaven obeys instantly, we should
Sooner or later I got a baby with my bag. I also got into a stranger’s on these braces (She said this
fear him.
this man and we had our first Pajero parked by the road side and while holding them upon her
I was brought the video tape baby. As time passed on started tearing the healing). It has been very difficult to
of Kakamega Repentance and the man started staying leather covers and walk or run without them. The right leg
was told to watch the repeat of out late and it became destroying it and at has been very weak hence needing the
events in 1 Kings 18. In the video, clear that he was seeing times stopping cars braces for support and the left leg has
Dr. Owuor said that the rain was another woman. He on the road acting had recurring pain. I have seen the hand
coming to heal our spiritual and never returned home as a police woman. of The LORD GOD in Kericho through Dr.
physical illnesses. He said, “If you and problems started The women helped Owuor, when at the end of the Kericho
have any illness touch where your increasing, the children me dress up and took Repentance crusade on August 19, 2006,
problem is.” I therefore removed
started starving, they got me to the Church where they were
my spectacles and touched my as I was praying, I was surprised to feel
kicked out of school for lack spending the night and took care of
eyes and he prayed. I got healed the Holy Spirit shaking off my braces. I
of fees and this made me very me. The next morning, I was taken to
instantly. Acts 3:19 says, “Repent removed them and all the pain left my
and turn to GOD so that your sins desperate and frustrated. It the Crusade where I had to be tied leg and I got strength and walked with
may be wiped out that times of became too much for me to with ropes to avoid fighting people.
the leg that had been weak and had never
refreshing may come from The bear and I set my house on During the healing and deliverance
walked since my childhood.
LORD.” fire while my children were service that followed repentance, Dr
inside. I was not aware of what Owuor noticed me tied and pointed
My legs has been a source of many
Your healing will come through I was doing. I got jailed with a at me with his left prophetic finger
problems in my seventeen years. This has
Repentance if you follow the ways 3 month old baby in Eldoret and specifically rebuked the evil
of JESUS. If you repent from your sins caused me not to be educated because
Womens’ prison. My parents spirit that had bound me and lived
and turn to The Lord, you will see school was far and I was not able to walk
sold their only cow to bail me in me. At once I got delivered. I have
GOD’s goodness and also produce long distances. My mother was ashamed
out. I would undress, run away since been restored completely and
the fruit of repentance. The Lord of taking me to school hence being left
and start causing a lot of chaos have not taken an injection since. I
is able and for all those who have at home while my other siblings left for
resulting in being tied on doors want to serve The LORD with all my
physical and spiritual problems, I school. So when I learnt that the Servant
and by trees. This worried them heart and soul. The Lord JESUS truly
know the goodness of The Lord of GOD, Dr. Owuor as coming to Kericho
JESUS, He will heal you. Not only did a lot and they sought help from heals and I urge anyone with any
town, I prepared to attend the meeting.
He heal my physical but also my herbalists and witchdoctors. form of illness to attend one of the
I thank The Lord for shining this new
spiritual eyes, a miracle that totally This continued for three years Crusades to receive their miracle.
on and off. The medical doctors light in my life and I can now walk like
turned my life around. Praise be to
finally put me on a quarterly everyone else who does. Praise The Lord
JESUS! May GOD Bless Dr. Owuor.
Jane Muthoni
injection which made me cope JESUS, He heals.
Nairobi Jane Cheptanui Tarus, Jecinta Nyambura
with life. Nandi Hills
Molo, Kenya

Repentance and Holiness | 51


Nakuru Repentance Naivasha Repentance

crutches. I started to praise and
thank GOD for healing me. We
went all round Nakuru town,
telling of The LORD’s goodness
and witnessing of HIS healing
power. I thank The
LORD so much and
I promise to live for Mbithia in the crowd being assisted Mbithia Magadi (centre) during an interview
to stand before she got healed. with Dr. Owuor (left) and her mother,
Multitudes of people HIM forever. JESUS Lynette (right) after she got healed.

from the Nakuru Heals.
repentance and healing
Christine Metyang, brought my daughter, Mbithia is power in praying in the faith of the
meeting marching
across Nakuru town Nakuru Magadi, with the help of three mother for her children.
celebrating the goodness of other ladies to the Crusade as
The LORD and the healing of “My sister Christine is
Christine Metyang. Inset: Christine she was too heavy for me. We Dr. David Owuor, led by the Holy Spirit
immediately after being healed before
now healed; since birth she
carried her as she could not step said, “Those who are sick, come to the
she began to walk. couldn’t walk but now is walking in

down. I have taken her to many Altar of The LORD and be healed.” The
have never known to walk the Mighty Name of JESUS.”
hospitals like Naivasha District three of us rushed Mbithia to the Altar
without my crutches since Christine’s sister, Nakuru
hospital, Nairobi General Accident and he prayed pointing at her saying,
birth. My legs were very weak
I thank The Lord JESUS for releasing Hospital, Nor th Kinangop “Let paralysis come out of men and
and I could not stand without
his healing power. If you are not Hospital and Kenyatta Hospital for you,” The minute he said that, Mbithia
support. I heard from JESUS is Lord
born again I urge you to give your treatment but she never walked. was slain by the Holy Spirit. Half an
Radio that the Servant of God, I used to carry her everywhere
life to JESUS Christ and will witness hour later, she stood up and walked. In
Dr. Owuor was coming to town. to the toilet and bathroom like a
His goodness. fact, she walked all the way home.
I decided to attend the meeting small baby. Her legs were numb
Witness, Nakuru
which was at Afraha Stadium because her nervous system We thank The Lord that Mbithia is
in Nakuru. I was blessed to get Today, they have seen miraculous failed. I got stranded on what to completely healed. I surrendered
a place at the front. As he was powers of J E S U S . They have do. It was until I heard that there Mbithia to The LORD for HIS service.
praying, I felt tremendous power witnessed it. All I would like to urge was a crusade at Naivasha two All the Glory be unto the ALMIGHTY
come down my legs. I got up you is to have faith in The Lord JESUS weeks before, that I got hope GOD.
on my feet. I could not believe since He performs miracles. for my daughter. I sent a prayer Lynette Magadi
that I was standing without my Witness, Nakuru request as I strongly believe there Naivasha

Eldama Ravine Timau Repentance

An International Athlete Is Restored
After Attempted Suicide

D uring Eldama
R a v i n e
Meeting held on Oct
15, 2006, an elderly
lady who was totally
lame and could never
walk without her
crutches, was slain by
the Mighty Holy Spirit.
Dr. Owuor carrying the nylon rope The athlete in the midst of the
The Glory of The that the athlete wanted to commit
Lord came down like 5
Then will the eyes of multitude.
suicide with.
the blind be opened

never before, once
the Servant of The and the ears of the uring the Timau Repent- sexual sin, spirits of murder, mental
LORD walked into the deaf unstopped. 6 Then ance meeting, the crowd illnesses and all forms of sin. In this
will the lame leap like was treated to a pleasant way, The LORD has been speaking
meeting. The Lord
a deer, and the mute
JESUS started healing tongue shout for joy.
shock when an international loudly to the Church by saying,
and delivering people athelete, walked in with a nylon “REPENT AND RETURN TO ME IN
Isaiah 35:5-6 rope that he had intended to
across the entire field use to commit suicide at that QUALIFY FOR THE RAPTURE OF THE
and when the lame very moment. He surrendered CHURCH.”
woman got up from the nylon rope and received
where she was slain The Lord JESUS in a miraculous
and started to learn moment that pushed the
walking without her tempo of the meeting to hyper.
crutches the crowd Deliverance and healing has
went wild. Halleluhia! been the main feature in this
Praises to The LORD repentance meetings. People
GOD, to our Precious have been delivered from
Lord JESUS and to The suicide, HIV/AIDS, barreness,
Mighty Holy Spirit. alcoholism, drug addiction, Dr. Owuor praying for the athlete.

52 | Repentance and Holiness

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