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Journal 4

Week 4
12th of Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday 14/03/2017
On last Sunday, I taught science lesson which is severe weather in
fifth period and MCT, MST, English coordinator and Maryam were
attend my class to evaluate me. I welcomed my students after their
breaks and they were very mat and excited. Firstly, I was nervous
because they were very happier active and I controlled my class by
using my bell and remind them of my reward system. I started my
lesson with showing them flash cards and pictures ask them to
match these on the board, that as warm up. In addition, I shows
them a video and asked some questions and let's students to think
of and answers and I did with them some activities like poster.

Overall, I did good teaching and they understood the objectives of

the lesson and they did their poster very well. However, I discussed
with my MCT, MST and my coordinator also with giving me my
feedback of my teaching class. It was good and I'll do the next
lesson in better.

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