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Silas Beasley

EDU 600
Dr. Mangrubang

1. Lesson subject/domain areas: Country and Culture

2. Grade/Ages of Target Learners: 5th grade

3. Duration: 3.5 hours

4. State Standards Addressed:

SOCIAL STUDIES - Standard 2: World History: Establishing timeframes,
exploring different periodizations, examining themes across time and within
cultures, and focusing on important turning points in world history help organize
the study of world cultures and civilizations.

5. Unit/Content Goal:
Using the library search engine and an approved web browser, students will gather
information about the background of their artist with at accurate sources, recording all
information on a worksheet and in personal notebooks all of the time.

6. Student learning objective(s):

Cognitive objectives:
Using the library search engine and an approved web browser, students will
gather information about the background of their artist with at accurate sources,
recording all information on a worksheet and in personal notebooks, earning at
least 4 out of 5 on a teacher created rubric.
Affective objectives:
While conducting research in the library, students will navigate the space quietly
and respectfully by allowing their peers to complete work, putting books back on
the appropriate shelves, and logging off of the computers when finished all of the

7. Materials/ Resources/Technology:
World map
Writing utensils
USB/flash drive
Computers with internet access

Suggested websites:

8. Prepare the Environment/Prepare the Audience

Ahead of time, the librarian will be asked to allow students to use the computer lab area
for the day. At the beginning of the class, the teacher will greet the students and provide
them with a plan for the day. Students will be shown how to use library resources. The
aide and teacher will provide support and encouragement as well to help motivate the
students. Lastly, the teacher will tell the students what they expect out of them as
individuals and as a whole class. Students will go to the library after an introduction by
the teacher, and they will be shown how to utilize library resources. Worksheets will be

9. Procedures: Include:
a. Preparation
Before students arrive, the map will be pulled down. Students will be greeted individually
as they enter the room. When all students have entered, they will be greeted as a class.

Good morning, everyone! So, yesterday, everyone chose their artists. Last night, you
should have completed the worksheet we started yesterday if you didnt complete it while
we were in the library. If you didnt complete it last night, thats fine, but it may be a little
harder to work today since we have another worksheet well need to finish.

So, today, youll be focusing more on the specific countries your artists are from.

Would anyone like to share what country their artist is from, or what countries
theyve worked in?

[Each student will be asked to point out these countries on the map in the front of the

Has anyone here travelled to any of those countries, or know someone who has?
What do you already know about those countries?
What language do they speak?
How is the country run? Do they have a president, a monarch, a prime
minister, or something else?

Isnt it interesting how many different places our artists are from? Even the ones who
might be from the same area can be from different time periods and have different
experiences of their cultures.Some may also have even more complicated backgrounds
and experiences because of their ethnicities, religious identities, or gender.

Today, were going to research systems of government and learn about the history
happening around our artists at the time they worked.

This is the worksheet well be using. Well also start working on our presentations -- the
school has provided USBs save them on. It is critical that you do not lose these -- your
presentation will be saved here. [Pass out USBs and worksheet - a copy is attached to the
end of this lesson plan.]

Okay, everyone have a worksheet and USB? Grab a pencil and your notebooks so you
can write down any extra information you need. Well be staying in the library until
lunch, so if youve packed one, go ahead and bring that -- but remember: no eating or
drinking is allowed in the library. Lets line up! Remember: single file line, and try to
keep quiet so other classes can keep working.

b. Presentation
Greet the librarian upon entrance and guide students to the tables near the computer lab
in the back of the library. Students who use text-to-speech software will be provided
headphones. When all students are seated, the teacher will address the class.

As stated before, today well be researching the countries our artists worked in. Some of
you may have artists who have worked in many, many different countries -- for this,
select just two of those. Something you could do is use the country your artist was born
in, and one other country. If your artist has only ever lived and worked in one country,
make a note of this on your worksheet.

Today our focus is on government and history. On the class website, you can find a few
resources for explaining systems of government. For example, the United States is a
democracy. Can anyone define that word, democracy?

[Allow student input. Definiton: a system of government by the whole population or all
the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives -- of, for, and
by the people.]

Sometimes government changes over time. Focus on what system of government

existed when your artist was there.
Some of this will take Internet search skills.

Lets say, for example, you wanted to learn about an artist from Venezuela. She worked
there from 1931 to 1942. What you might do is search, Venezuela 1931 government
and Venezuela 1942 government to see what it was when the artist arrived, and if it
changed when the artist left.

Something you might also do to find out historical facts is search for a time line of your
country. It helps to narrow it down to a specific century. What century is 1931? [Pause to
allow student input. Answer: 20th.]

So I might look up, 20th century Venezuela timeline. I might find out something
interesting happened in 1935, and Id mark that down on my worksheet as a historical

Go to our class website and check under the tab for Tuesday. Download the
presentation example. We wont complete this today, but youll start putting in
information for your presentation on Friday. Keep the color scheme white text on black
background for visual accessibility. Remember to save it to your USBs.

Now, its your turn -- choose two of the countries your artist is associated with, and fill
out the worksheet provided. If you need help, please raise your hand and I or the
librarian will come to assist you. You may exchange the books you got yesterday for
others, if necessary. Remember to write down in your notebooks where you got the

Please begin working quietly now.

c. Application
Individual Work (10AM to 12:15PM)

By the end of this period, all students will have filled out information about at least one
country, with the sources written in their notebooks.

Follow-up Activities (re: wrap up)

Wrap Up (12:15-12:30PM)

Alright everyone, its almost time for lunch! Please write down any links or book titles
you need now and start logging off the computers. Place your worksheet in your
notebook and pass them up -- make sure your name is on them! -- and Ill make sure
theyre safe while were eating. Ill be checking to make sure you have started the
worksheet and have your sources written down.
Push your chairs up and put away any books youve gotten. If youd like to check one
out, bring it to the front desk and talk to the librarian. I can hold onto this during lunch,
too, if you prefer. Remember to thank the librarian for helping!

[Students will tidy the library area they have worked in and form a line to exit the library
to head to the cafeteria. After returning to the classroom from the cafeteria, students will
be asked to turn in permission slips if they have been signed, and remind them of the
Thursday deadline.]

d. Evaluation
Pre-Assessment: Questions during the classroom introduction and library introduction.
Formative Assessment: rubric scale, behavior checklist, inquiry during lesson, and
observations during individual work.

e. Closure
(After lunch, 1:00PM - 1:45PM)

[Worksheets and notebooks will be given back to students.]

So, lets talk about our projects.

What countries did you learn about today?
What kinds of government has your country had?
Define these systems.
Who was in charge of the country when your artist lived there?
What was their title? (President, Prime Minister, King, Queen,
How do you think the system of government impacted your artist?
Were they hurt by it? Were they benefited by it?
Did they agree with the government?

Its interesting how a country can affect one person, and how one person can affect a
country. And theres so many different systems that help keep different countries running
smoothly. Lets make sure our own classroom runs smoothly as we go through the rest of
the day!

10. Assessment Plan:

Pre-Assessment: Questions during the classroom introduction and library introduction.
Formative Assessment: rubric scale, behavior checklist, inquiry during lesson, and
observations during individual work.

Assessment for cognitive objective 2.1:

Category 5 4 3 2 1

Accurate The student The student The The The

and was able to was able to student student student
appropriate find valid find at least was able to was able to was unable
source- resources. All two Internet find at least find either to find any
gathering information is resources and one one book books or
valid. one book. All Internet or one Internet
information resource Internet resources,
is valid. and one resource. or sources
book, All All had
informatio informatio inaccurate
n is valid. n is valid. informatio

Notetaking: The student The student The The The

worksheet completes the completes at student student student
and worksheet with least 80% of completes completes completes
notebook completely the at least at least less than
accurate worksheet, 50% of the 30% of the 30% of the
information with most worksheet, worksheet, worksheet,
and has sources listed with most with most or no
sources listed in notebook. sources sources sources are
in notebook. listed in listed in listed.
notebook. notebook.

PowerPoint The student The student The The The

presentation completed completed at student student student
what was least 80% of completed completed completed
necessary for what was at least at least less than
the day, necessary for 50% of 30% of 30% of the
including the day, with what was what was work
sources and most of the necessary necessary necessary
images. sources for the day, for the day, for the day.
PowerPoint is needed. with most with most PowerPoin
accessible. PowerPoint of the of the t has either
is accessible. sources sources not been
needed. needed. started or is
Powerpoint PowerPoin not
is t is accessible.
accessible accessible, Few, if
but needs but needs any,
improveme improveme sources
nt. nt. have been
Affective objective 2.1
Student Name # of times engaged # of times # of times Any other behavioral
in conversation or disruptive to getting out of comments:
loudness in hallway peers walking line
down hallway inappropriately

Affective objective 2.2

Student Name # of times off task # of times Behavioral notes:

in library (i.e., on disrupting peers
non-project related (inappropriate Did the student
websites/books) conversation or keep their
playing) workspace tidy and
out of the way of

Did the student put

books away after
finishing them?

Did the student

push their chair in
after finishing at a

Did the student log

off of the

Did the student

engage politely with
the librarian and
teacher? (I.e.,
please/thank you,
and yes/no

11. Adaptions & Modifications: Students who use text-to-speech software will be
provided headphones and access to ebooks if necessary. The aide will help them
with the worksheet, with clarification from instructor.

12. Homework/Connection with Home: If the worksheet was not completed in class,
students will be expected to complete it at home using library books or home internet

Date: ________________________
Using the approved sources given and the list of countries you have made, research the
background of the artist you have chosen. (Use your own paper to create lists for each

Choose 2 countries associated with your artist and answer the following:

Country: ______________________
What did your artist do here? _________________
When was your artist here? ___________________

At that time period

Official Language(s): ____________________________________________
System of government: ___________________________________________
Leader of country: ________________________

Name one important historical event that happened while your artist was in this country.
Examples: Wars, revolutions, new laws

Interesting cultural facts:


Country: ______________________
What did your artist do here? _________________
When was your artist here? ___________________

At that time period

Official Language(s): ____________________________________________
System of government: ___________________________________________
Leader of country: ________________________

Name one important historical event that happened while your artist was in this country.
Examples: Wars, revolutions, new laws

Interesting cultural facts:


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