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Christophers Super Rad Teaching Plan

Christopher Lundy

4th Grade

Common Core Standards:

Text Types and Purposes

W.4.1- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information

Production and Distribution of Writing

W.4.5- With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing

Lesson Summary:

The procedures and purposes of my lesson will be a lesson that will help my students learn and advance their
reading and writing skills to prepare them for real world experiences. The way I intend to go about this is by
having my students do fun activities while at the same time, serious ones that will both blend together and help
them retain knowledge. When I say fun and serious, I mean things like grouping up to talk to one and other
and make new friends, while building on the composition skills of one and other. I intend to increase my
students literature skills through means of communication and growth. I would expect my students to read
proficiently, use correct grammar, identify problems and errors in each other works and fix them accordingly.

Estimated Duration:

My Lessons
I intend for my classes to be four, 1 hour classes sessions each week.

Commentary: The way I will approach this lesson is with a fair and positive attitude. An attitude that will tell
my students that Im here to help them learn and grow, and they are doing the same. I intend to be serious
enough to pass knowledge onto my students. However, I will be just the right amount of jovial to make lessons
fun and unrepetitive. I believe students in the grade I want to teach will be more prone to tune out of the
lesson. I will try to make the lessons as spontaneous and fun as Im allowed so my students will pay attention
to me. However, I will make my lessons sufficient and real enough to gain respect and admiration from my

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1- For the first day of the week, I would sit my students down and start on introductory things such as a
fun and creative way to take attendance. I would then proceed collect homework and anything due that day.
After I have all my students work, I would then give a summary on the subject around their homework. I
would discuss what they just completed and ask if they had any questions on the subject matter. I would then
have my students group up to read a small piece of literature that I would have modified myself to see if they
could spot any grammatical errors I put into the work. Once I had the briefly look over the grammatical errors,
having them ask me and one and other for help, I would give the kids a writing prompt. This prompt would be
opinion based, such as Why kids should have dogs instead of cats. I would allow them to have 15 minutes to
write a responsive essay to the prompt. After the kids wrote I would spend the rest of the class talking about
punctuation and grammar and ask them if they had any questions for me. After a pretty standard lesson of
summarizing and teaching new writing techniques, I would send them on their way.

Day 2- For the second day of class, I would be more serious. This class wouldnt be a review of any material
of the week before. This day would start like the first one. I would collect homework and do roll call for the
day and move on from there. After roll call I would boot up my smart whiteboard and read them an actual,
unmodified, literature. The literature could vary from something full of facts and nonfiction, to a biography, to
something full of imagination and fiction. This would be an actual lesson that would take up a good portion of
class time. If my students started to get restless, I might have them get up and take a break in between learning.
I would allow them to chill out and maybe text and talk to one and other and just have them time until I had
to start the lesson back up. After that, I would pass out paperwork that has to do with the literature I just read to
the students and ask them to study it when they went home because the day after, they are going to utilize
computers to help in learning with this assignment. Then I would send them home to study.

Day 3- After my students came in, I would do a roll call and ask everyone at once if they read the assignment I
gave them the day before. Once that was all over, I will have my students go to a computer and write a
responsive essay to what I read to them. I would want them to use correct grammar and coherent sentences to
write 1-3 pages to respond to the literature I read. I would want them to state what they liked about it, what
they feel could have been improved on, anything they didnt like. I would want a complete response to the
prompt. Criticisms would be highly appreciated because it will show my students are learning enough to look
at someone elses work and write a paper about it in detail. I would allow them to write at their own leisure
because I understand everyone can write ad different paces. Any student who got done fast would be allowed
to have a break and maybe go over homework or study, or just chill out and do things on their phones while
they wait for anyone else to finish work. If anyone was having trouble writing the response, I would ask some
of the students who were finished to help them and I would go help them get through it myself too. If all the
students got done with this paper I had them do the very same day, I would sit them down and play a game that
had to do with word configuration like scrabble or boggle. This would keep the day fresh and fun and allow
the students to have a fun way to retain grammar and spelling. After the games, I would send them home with
the paper they just wrote.

Day 4- For the last and final day, I would start up the day like I normally would and go on from there. It is in
this portion of the lesson that I would ask the students to take out the papers they wrote the day before and
group up. After they group up, I would want them to read each others works and help each other enhance the
writing they have done. I would want them to watch out for grammar issues and punctuation issues. I would
also tell them to watch out for how nicely it was written and if it uses ample details that describe how the
student felt about the literature I had them read. After we got this group project done, I would summarize
everything we have did that week and go over everything one more time. As a present to all my students who
have put such hard work in, I would throw my students a sort of celebration party with pizza and soda. I would
want my students to feel rewarded for learning in class and trying to enhance themselves together with me.
Then I would send them home with full bellies and prepare for the next week.


For pre-assessment, I would have my students take a pretest. With a pretest, before I start having my students
achieve the goals Im working toward, I would test their knowledge in my subject area and see how much
information they are retaining. A pretest is also a great way to summarize and remember previously taught
lessons to help you retain information.

Scoring Guidelines:

The method I have chosen for assessing my students was a pretest. I would allow them to do a quiz on
the material we have covered in class beforehand, to refresh my students and acknowledge what they
need help in or not. The way I would go about grading the quizzes would be to look at the grammatical
errors and answers the students they provided and take off points they have earned for every mistake. If
a student has gotten most of their answers correct and only a few wrong, I would take off points
accordingly. Multiple choice will be worth 1 point, while sentences would be worth 5 points. Points
would be taken off for written answers based off grammatical errors and an incorrect answer in general.

For the post assessment, I would want to boot up my smart whiteboard and look at an interactive YouTube
video. This video I would allow them to watch would cover a wide array of thing we have learned in class.
During the video, I would pause it and ask questions about what the video is covering. To make sure nobody
gets embarrassed about not knowing as much as others, I would ask them to send me a Facebook message that
contains the answer.

Scoring Guidelines:
I would use a similar format for the post assessment that I used for the pre-assessment. I would use a
score and percentage system. So, for every answer a student got right, they would get more of a better
score and aim toward the 100% mark. Every question answered wrong will take off from the perfect
score and would result in a lower grade. I believe this method is good because, although it puts some
pressure on students, its not too much and its a very easy and laid back way to grade. Students will
feel like making some mistakes wont hurt their grade too much if they have some room for making
errors. I feel like using a pass/fail system puts too much pressure on students and therefore instils test
anxiety in the students.

Differentiated Instructional Support

The way I could change instruction for my students who may be gifted is to keep them in the classroom, yet
separate them at the same time. When I say this, I mean I would have them follow the lessons with the rest of
the classroom when we are all together, However, when I would split them into group settings, I would try to
place them with other gifted children in the class. If there arent any other students like that, then I would
group up with the gifted student and teach a little farther than what they are used too. If they are too
accelerated, I would have them take a test for placement in another class whose teaching degree is for people
like them. To help students who are struggling with material, I would allow them to get on the computers
during free time and look up things online with them that could help. I might even show them some online
courses that help increase their knowledge in my subject area. My main thing I would do is play games that
would help the students tag what happens in my lessons to things in the game. Through the use of tagging
students can retain knowledge and recall upon it when the time comes.

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the

This website is the direct link to the standards I will be teaching them. On this website, will tell my students
what exactly they are supposed to learn and how they are supposed to develop as students and what is expected
of them.

Homework Options and Home Connections

The homework I would assign would be take home papers that would be worth around 10-20 points each.
These papers would just be standard, true or false questions on if the sentences are written correctly or not. If
the sentences arent written correctly, students can have a chance to earn extra credit to fix them. I would then
give them a page 2 of homework that would allow the student to log onto their Facebooks and send me a
message pertaining to the lesson and what they found easy and hard about it. Then send me a message if they
liked the homework method or not, and if the majority of the class didnt like it, I would gather all my students
up, in class, to brainstorm what would be more helpful in the future.

Interdisciplinary Connections
A way I can incorporate another subject into my subject area is putting something from a classical play into my
lessons. If I were to incorporate a simple yet engaging story into my lesson, like Romeo & Juliet, I would be
putting history into my classes. By having my students respond to the prompt of Romeo & Juliet, I could begin
to teach them about Shakespeare and incorporate history into my classroom. Another way I can accomplish
this task is to try to maybe have my students read letters on a periodic table. By helping them remember the
letters and how to say and pronounce them, I would be helping them in the scientific aspects of learning and
preparing them for whats to come in the future.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers Smart Whiteboard

Books and works of literature

For students Folders

Laptops (if they have their own to bring)

Key Vocabulary

Additional Notes


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