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after installing ax db aos and cleint we will install retail headquarters

retail headquarter helps in giving runtime dependencies for ax .

also we need to install retail headquarter on every machine where ax client is i
next thing is cdx(commerce data exchange)
cdx has two main components asynch server and realtime service
real time sevice connects directly with ax aos
asynch service doesnt connect with aos directly rather than it has HQMessage ser
vice which has two
upload and download folders which connects with aos
asynch server talks to both folders and MessageHQ
asynch sever is losely connected with aos, it donesnt particularly needs to know
the location of aos ,
no installation sequence between asynchserver and real time service, both these
components are iis webservice components
asynchservice will ask about iss details like iis pool etc some configuation fil
e.(ask location for HQMessage database)
if we have more than asynch service more than one we still will have one Message
HQ database
asynch server is installed in iis and will create two folders

asynch client in installation will create a message database for it own processi
ng not same as channel database
data flows from aso to asynch servers through folders and then to asynch clien t
o channe database
after asynch server installation install channel database and then asynch client
next is retail pos select retail pos in installer next is run retail database ut
ility (using this we will configure retail pos by providing store name, register
legal entity) also it must know the channel database server
*****next thing is retail server and mpos. these two combined replaces the funct
ion of retail POS ****
with retail server we can have multiple thin clients installed in th store and g
et connected to retail server
retail server is again iis application
next is MPOS (windows 8 style application) is installed using ax installed can b
e installed in arm device x86 computers etc.
device activation is the porcess for installing Mpos where we will configure the
setup where mpos connect to rest components retail server etc
*********next is if m installing another store*****
asynch clinet aysynch message db install retail pos (which also supports offline
offline mode means if in case retail pos is unable to connect with channel datab
ase it will connect with offline db
which is created by using a offline synch service which replicated the channel d
install offline synch service using database utility we need to configure which
channel database to be configured to offline database.
this was brick and mortar store thing------------------
next is online channel store

install SP server then install channel database next asynch client and message d
b ,which connects with channel db.
next is retail online store front

mpos needs windows8.1
cdx wont work without ssl certificates

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