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Mythology- Today is a fun, but busy day!!

You are
expected to complete ALL of the steps, in order. You are
also expected to work quietly!
1. Visit and
read the entire page.
2. Visit
Select one subheading from the list of contents.
**If your last name is letters A-E, you must choose
from chapters I-III (1-3)
F-J choose from chapters IV-VI (4-6)
K-0 choose from chapters VII-IX (7-9)
P-T choose from chapters X-XIII (10-13)
U-Z choose from chapters XIV-XVI (14-16)
You must type a 5-8 sentence paragraph summary of
your chapter. Title the paragraph Chapter _______
3. Create your own!! Find one Chinese myth that we
have not read in class. Read it and create a practice
quiz for your classmates. The quiz must be 5-10
questions long. The quiz will require that they read
the myth and answer the questions.
At the top of the quiz, give the name of the myth and the
link to the website where you found the myth.
4. Trade quizzes with a classmate! Once you have both
taken the quiz, trade and grade. Show Mrs. Hembree
the graded assignments, once you are finished.
5. If you finish early, you may visit

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