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Stance of Social Media in Religion

Social media has a large part of each persons life. It allows you to connect
with people, and to share memories. It can become a large part of your life, but it
could be too much if used too often. There are many places/people who work with it
and it is a successful tool. Like most things, moderation is key. The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints has a few points towards social media and internet use
that are helpful in todays world.

The LDS church has come up with many things to help keep young people
focused in the world, or towards religion. It works boths ways, in helping people
understand the benefit of being in the moment, and focused on more than just cell
phones, social media, or the internet. In todays world, it Is easy to become
distracted with technology and the ease of access to the world. We have to
remember to not become lost in that world and abuse our technology, but stay
focused on the world and those around us.
The Church focuses on using social media for good, and sparingly. Just like all
things, too much of anything can lead to abuse, addiction, etc. Using social media
for work, teaching, staying in touch with distant relatives and friends are great
examples of how to use these tools.

The internet has allowed people to

communicate ideas and share
them quickly and seamlessly. The
increase of these types of tools
also brings that could be
dangerous. Leaders of the church
have stated Social networks on
the Web can be used to expand
healthy friendships as easily as
they can be used by predators
trying to trap the unwary.. Make
sure that the choices you make in
the use of new media are choices
that expand your mind, increase
your opportunities, and feed your
The internet has its place and is very useful in the world. It is important to
remember that it can be a tool for good or for bad. It is very influential in our lives
and should be used to increase our lives/abilities and not take away from them.
Remember to be in the world around you and not be too distracted that we miss life
around us.
Works Cited
Ballard, M. Russell. "Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet." Ensign July 2008 -
ensign. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.

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