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Physical Sciences: Light Term 3 Week 2

We are learning that light is the only type of electromagnetic radiation we can see. We can
see light as a wide range of colours.
White light is made up of a range of colours and we can see them using different methods to
separate them.

What do you know about light and the different colours in light?
Write and draw to explain.

If the weather is sunny, we will explore looking at the surface of a CD in sunlight.

What do you observe when sunlight shines on the surface of the CD?
Write and draw

Can you reflect the sunlight onto white paper on a clipboard?

Investigation: What happens to the reflected light when we change the type of light?
In the dark science room try to reflect the light from a light source off a CD onto white paper
on a clip board.
Predict what you think will happen

What do you observe?

Write and draw

Did your observations match your predictions?

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