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Integrative Project

Problem and Solucin


Names: Anrrango Luis, Palacios Mario, Escobar Monica, Tontaquimba Carlos,

Moran Alejandro

Date: Saturday 28 th January 2017

2.1 General:
To integrate the linguistics skills learned during the academic learning -teaching process applied on
3th level
2.2 Specific:
2.2.1 To encourage students' creativity based on one of the topics given from unit 1 to 6.
2.2.2 To develop collaborative work in class during the semester in order to integrate linguistics skills using
several materials for presenting them as evidence such as videos, brochures, leaflets, flyers, etc.


This activity is mainly focused on Empower Elementary Student's book Bl. The project is a Game
show related to topics on units 1 to 6. After selecting one of the themes such as (teams), a group of
students choose different questions based on the latest information and discoveries. The main purpose
is to verify students' talent on solve problems.

Dependence or addiction to video games from students and children, affects to learning and behavior inside
and outside the classroom.

Talk about cell phones is very interesting topic because this type of technology is advancing, and their
contributions to the benefit of the people are of great importance, this help in the learning process, facilitates
the communication and it can to help man to do new research, but the addiction and bad use of this technology
cause low academic performance (Arango, D. A, 1973).
With this project we seek create an environment that generates good relations, where are communication and
find benefits for our academic development.


Emotional problems
It is in a difficult time of his life
Having the latest model as soon as possible Mobile
Problems of self-esteem or insecurity

> Altered behavior

> Communication problems
> Problems with language , they no longer stop to write well, but the important thing is the speed
> You can get to school failure or aggression.
> In severe cases, it can steal and lie just to have a mobilebecause addiction is able to
nullify all our control as individuals (Carbonell, X., Fiister, H., Lusar, A. C., &
Oberst, U. ,2012).


Plan how to use your pone, limit the use of your phone at certain times during the day. You
can set an alarm on your phone to alert you at the time you have reached your peak
usage time. For example , you could use your phone only allow 6 to 7 p . m . You can also
schedule specific times in which not use your phone , like when you 're at work or school.
Write your plan and goals in order to be more specific . Keep track of the goals you have
accomplished and those in which you're still working .

Give some rewards when you or them spend less time using phone. This concept is called
author positive reinforcement and is used in therapy to teach a person positive behaviors
through a system of rewards For example , if you meet your goal of the day, you can
reward yourself with your favorite food , with something new or some activity.
Begin with a few . Instead of cutting pit and stop using your cel! completely , which could
provoke great anxiety, begins to gradually reduce the amount of time you spend revising
For example, you start by limiting the number of times you check your phone to a once
every 30 minutes , then once every 2 hours and continues frequency spacing. Keep track
of how many times you check your phone per hour.
Use your phone only for the necessary communications or for emergencies.

Save your phone. Put your phone somewhere where you do not see it. Put it in silent
mode when you're in the office, at school or anywhere else , so you do not distract

Take a vacation from your cell phone. Stop using your phone completely for a short
period , such as the weekend.
Take a trip or go camping at a place where there is no cellular service . This will force you
to stop using the phone.
Inform your friends and loved ones who will not be in line for a few days . You can do this
easily through social networks.

Focus on the here and now. Mindfulness , the art of being aware , you can help focus and
possibly reduce the urge to use your cell phone. Try to be in the present moment
concentrating on what is happening now including your own thoughts and reactions

Meet social tasks otherwise. Much of the desire to use the phone comes from our innate
and being social beings evolutionary impulse. However, there are other options for
socializing that could be more beneficial and satisfactory in thelong run
Instead of sending a text message , write a letter or salt with afriend for coffee or
something to eat.
Instead of uploading your photos to Instagram, invites a family to your home and show
your memories in person. These connections could result in an increase in the quality of
the privacy of your relationships.

4.1 RECOMMENDATIONS. It is important to create prevention campaigns for children, youth and
adult people that we need to use properly use of the phone and all the technological advances.

It is fundamental and necessary to create institutional education programs that help reduce addiction rates to
cell as it is gaining strength in education

Limits should be set for such use cell phone use in order to reduce the likelihood of an addiction

The mobile should be a tool to help us and not a device that controls our lives. Better to use leisure time
physical activity performed having the mind busy and healtly (Echebura, E., & De Corral, P., 2010).


Cell phone are a way of pretty comunication that has benefited of people in activities of great importance such
as look for information, talk to family and friends, learn new things through videos, however the misuse of
each gives cause disadvantages that hurt us mainly in the social and academic ways.But the consequence most
serious is addiction and dependence on this device as daily vital source.
We need to learn to use responsably, order and control .Take conscience .Turn off the pone for a moment and
live the reality or we will lose the best moments of our lives (Choliz, M., Villanueva, V., & Choliz, M. C. ,
Speakers USB /Cd
Informational Leaflet PDF*optional.



Arango, D. A. (1973). Tecnologa y dependencia. El Trimestre Econmico,40(15% (2), 371- 392.

Carbonell, X., Fster, H., Lusar, A. C., & Oberst, U. (2012). Adiccin a internet y mvil: una revisin de estudios
empricos espaoles. Papeles del psiclogo,33(2), 82-89.
Chliz, M., Villanueva, V., & Chliz, M. C. (2009). Ellas, ellos y su mvil: uso, abuso ( y dependencia?) del
telfono mvil en la adolescencia.
Echebura, E., & De Corral, P. (2010). Adiccin a las nuevas tecnologas
ya las redes sociales en jvenes: un nuevo reto. Adicciones, 22(2),

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