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Appendix D

Towson University

Classroom Observation

Intern: Brianna Linehan Date: March 8, 2017

School: Dogwood Elementary School Class
Grade: 4 Size: 21
Mentor: Victoria Yurek-Gordon Subject:Math/Fractions

Observed Observed N
Planning Progres A
Lesson is aligned with appropriate content standard and indicator. X
Lesson is aligned with appropriate InTASC principle. X
Lesson objective identifies intended learning. X
Lesson objective is worded in student terms. X
Formative assessment is directly aligned with the objective. X
Instructional materials are attractive and readily available. X
The objective is appropriate for the content standards, indicators and InTASC principles.
I can show addition of fractions as joining parts of the same whole using models.
One of the students read the objective and the class was given a further explanation of the details.
The objective was referred to 2-3 times during the whole group lesson.

Students demonstrate adequate prior knowledge to be successful learners. X
Grouping techniques are appropriate for intended learning. X
Previously, the students just finished comparing fractions. As an engagement the students will compare fractions using area models or number
The students entered class from lunch. They picked up their white boards and markers. They took their seats in an appropriate manner.

Connections are made between students experiences and the new learning. X
Strategies are used to promote excitement and stimulate thinking. X
Positive reinforcement is used when appropriate. X
The class consists of 20+ students seated at tables arranged for collaboration and group work. Groups consist of 3 sets.
An appropriate review/drill/warm-up/motivation is conducted. X
Objective is posted, shared with students, discussed and clarified as needed. X
Instructional activities are meaningful and relate to the objective. X
Instructional activities are appropriately sequenced. X
Instructional activities are varied to address different learning styles. X

There is a balance between teacher-directed and student-centered learning experiences. X
Students are actively engaged during instruction. X
Teacher/student modeling sequence is appropriate to intended learning. X
Expectations/standards for student work are clearly communicated. X
Class begins and ends on time. X
Pacing is appropriate and adjusted based on student feedback. X
Transitions between activities are efficient and effective. X
Levels of questions are varied and support the objective. X
Content is accurate. X
Instruction makes cross-curricular connections (as appropriate) X
Instruction integrates the use of technology (as appropriate). X
Homework assignment is appropriate. X
After the objective was read, the students worked within their groups or individually to solve a question shown on the white board. They were
able to use any of the manipulatives that were available at their desks. (area models, fraction bars) They were able to use different colors to
show the different fractions. The students watched as the teacher modeled how to use the area model.
Fraction bars. The students used the manipulatives to show 6/10 as purple. 6 purple squares. The students then added 2/10 in yellow. 2 yellow
squares. The students then showed the answer on their white board.

Each of the students was given a note sheet. It showed the 2 ways to model fractions. The first model was a fraction bar and the second was
area model. The addition problem was 4/6 and 1/6. The students used their note sheet to draw 6 equal wholes and shaded 5 equal parts. This
example was modeled on the board. 4 shaded and 1 shaded in different colors.

The fraction bar was the next model. (4/6 and 1/6) The students would count from 0 up 4 parts and then add one part to equal 5/6. This was
modeled on the screen. The students followed along with their note sheet.

Then students then copied what they had done today in their notebooks. adding fractions with models They then glued on their note-sheet on
the page.

The students then completed a practice problem. They added all this to their table contents. The practice problem was a word problem shown
on the screen. It was similar to the examples used in the whole group lesson except that it included 3 different fractions.

During small group, the learning was extended by asking the student to add two fractions that added to more than the denominator. The students
discussed improper fractions and that it added up to more than 1.

The routine of recording the days work in the notebook and the table contents was evident throughout the class.

Observed In Progress Observed NA

Assessing Student Learning/Differentiation

Student data (as available) is used to inform instructional decisions. X
Informal assessment strategies are utilized throughout the lesson. X
Instruction is adjusted based on informal assessments of student understanding. X
Instructional modifications (interventions/enrichment) are provided and based on needs of X
Students practice new learning independently. X
Formative assessment is completed during the class period. X
Future instructional planning is based on formative data (Post observation discussion). X

Students had access to fraction bars, white boards, color-coding, a video and modified note sheets and assessments.

Students were divided into small groups for individualized re-teaching at 3 stations.
The stations included; adding fractions on the carpet, dream box at their seats and re-teaching skills at the back table.
The students were handed different colored chips to indicate the small group they were to go with. This was based on their mastery of the
practice problem.
Summary provides connections to past and/or future lessons. X
Students demonstrate, reflect and evaluate attainment of the objective. X
After the small groups finished, the class was brought back together to revisit the objective and what they accomplished in class.

Student behavior is managed effectively. X
A positive and supportive atmosphere is maintained. X
Classroom routines and procedures are evident. X
Appropriate feedback and reinforcement are used consistently. X
Instructional space, equipment, and materials are organized. X
Re-direction was used throughout the class in order to keep the students on task and focused. Students were responsive to the re-direction.
You circulated throughout the lesson to make sure the students were on task and following the lesson.
The intern uses correct English. X
The intern demonstrates knowledge of instructional strategies. X
The intern appears sensitive to individual needs and differences. X
The intern uses AV materials and technology appropriately. X
All written materials are clear and legible. X
The intern uses a clear voice, which is appropriately adjusted in volume and inflection. X
The intern uses non-verbal communication effectively. X
Brianna, you have established a very nurturing yet strong professional relationship with your students. They were attentive and focused
throughout the lesson. There is a very respectful environment within the classroom.

Brianna, you had many different subtle strategies that were effective for your student success. This is an example of veteran teaching and
understanding the individual needs of your different students. Well done!

Is it possible to turn off the front row of lights? I may be easier for the students to see the board.

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