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Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________________ Block: ________

Environmental Changes

The following picture is of an animals that lived

25,000 years ago in a wet, warm, swampy
environment. Now, 25,000 years later, this original
animal has evolved in response to a change in the

Decide one factor that you want to change about

the environment (i.e. temperature, amount of
moisture, etc.) and record the change.

Draw and COLOR the new animal and its new

evironment with the adaptations they began to use
in the box below.

Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. How did the environment change over time to lead to the new adaptations of your animal?
2. What are adaptations? Use your textbook if needed.

3. What adaptations occurred in this species over time?

4. Why are the body changes of your animal beneficial adaptations?

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