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Hello and welcome to ALPHA 1 of Hello Neighbor.

This is a short readme, please read carefully.

What the build has
- core game loop is there alongside a lot of the mechanics
- the neighbor will track your movement and anticipate your upcoming actions
- you _can_ get into the basement and thats where this build ends
- the more you play, the harder it will get

BUGS, BUGS, Everywhere:
1) The game is in serious early alpha, there will be a lot of bugs, but if you
want to report them, please post them on the steam forums. http://steamcommunit
What you should be aware of.
- it WILL crash
- it WILL glitch out
- it WONT save progress between sessions, each time you boot it up itll start a fr
esh play through
- it DOES has controller support but we recommend keyboard+mouse
- E to open doors/Activate
- F to pick-up items
- Space to Jump
- Ctrl to Crouch
- Shift to sprint
- Left Mouse Button to Use Item
- Right Mouse Button to set item down
- Hold and then release Right Mouse Button to throw item
- You can enable Windowed mode by pressing ALT+F5
1) My crosshair is not in the middle of the screen.
Solution: Exit the game and restart in Full Screen Mode.
2) My Screen is black.
Solution: Force the game into full screen mode (or in and out of full s
creen mode) Alt + Enter, or Alt + F5. You can also add the game to steam as a
non-steam game and make it full screen via steam.
3) My game will not start, DirectX Runtime error.
Solution: Install the most recent DirectX
4) My Game doesnt install, or download.
Solution: Turn off your antivirus program, it is blocking the game.
5) Missing Microsoft Visual C++.
solution: Try installing the latest .net framework http://www.microsof
1. How will the final game look?
Here is a good representation
2. What are the minimum specs to run it?
We recommend at least 8GB of RAM, an i5 processor, and GT 770. Adjust quality se
ttings for lower end machines.
3. How much will the final game cost?
Expect 20-30 USD
4. Is MAC coming?
For the final game possibly. Not for the alpha builds.
Were not talking about console versions at this point. Seriously please stop e-ma
iling us with this question. For every question we get about consoles, a puppy c
ries in sad tears of hunger as instead of feeding it, were answering e-mails.
6. Will there be multiplayer?
No. Because no man should promise multiplayer in single player games.
7. Where do I report bugs or share my amazing ideas?
- on twitter, tweet @tinyBuild
- on Steam forums, go here -
8. Can I share gameplay footage?
9. Will the game be localized?
10. How to make good fried eggs?
The secret is in the base. Use some last night leftovers as a base - be that scr
aps of meat, fries, or something like that. First start frying that in the pan,
add some onions and let it cook for a bit. Then add eggs. I dont like to scramble
them, just put them in and mix in with the base. Once its nearly done, put a cou
ple of pieces of cheese on top and put the pan on a slow fire. Delicious.
11. Will there be Steam Workshop?
Probably not.
12. Will there be multiple houses, story, etc?
In a way yes. Were not sharing what the full games structure is, as thats dynamic a
nd will shift around. We can tell you there will be multiple locations and a ful
l-on story. Follow the development in-depth to get an idea of how its shaping up.

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