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Lesson Plan: Feed My Starving Crops

Duration of lesson: 1 hour

Teachers: Taryn Stull Subject: Mathematics

Grade: 4th grade
Common Core State Standard:
Concept 3: Organisms and Environments
PO 1. Describe ways various resources (e.g., air, water, plants, animals,
soil) are utilized to meet the needs of the population.
PO 3. Analyze the effect that limited resources (e.g., natural gas, minerals)
may have on an environment.
Objective (Explicit):
Students will be able to practice sustainable efforts by planting a garden.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Students will demonstrate his or her knowledge by reflecting on their experience through an
opinion-based paper. Students will state their opinion, three reasons, and details using systems
thinking. The paper will be graded based on the following scale.

Proficient: All components are apparent and clearly utilize systems thinking.
Developing: Some to most components are apparent with minimal error and few
Area of Concern: Few to no components are apparent with lack of support and understanding.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
Students will be able to utilize systems thinking.
Students will be able to relate mini crop planting to sustainability.
Students will be able to understand how nutrition is affected.
Students will be able to take care of the plants as if they are producers.
Key vocabulary: Materials:
Relate- Making a connection. Seeds
Producer- A person that makes or grows Gloves
goods for others. Garden hand shovel
Systems Thinking- Being able to identity the
links and interactions between components.
Sustainability- the ability to maintain a Water
certain rate or level. Paper
Name flag

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

Today we will practice sustainable efforts by planting a garden. The garden will consist of
fruits and vegetables in which you will be responsible for until the end of the season. Can
anyone tell me how this might relate to nutrition? Good answer! We will explore further into
why it might relate by the end of the day. You are going to plant seeds as if you were a
producer. While doing this, you are going to be using Systems Thinking to complete this
activity. It will enhance your understanding of how all the aspects involved are intertwined. By
the end of the lesson, you should be able understand how locally grown foods affect nutrition
by thinking of the systems involved. Any questions so far? Great! Now, lets get started!
Instructional Input

Teacher Will: Student Will:

1. Demonstrate how to properly 1. Listen to the teacher(s) as he/she
utilize each tool for cropping, provides the demonstration.
the gloves, hand shovel, water, 2. Students will determine what
and seeds. information will support their mini
2. Tell students to wear gloves on crop planting.
the proper hands, left and right. 3. Students will highlight/discuss all
3. Show students how to use the steps prior to planting in a timely
shovel while planting, manner (less than 1 minute).
emphasizing not to throw back 4. Students will ask the teacher each
dirt. time they want to further discuss the
4. Show students how to water the required steps, relations, and systems
plants each day, with only the thinking
water can provided (less than 1 5. Students will discuss how prior
minute). knowledge is important in this activity
5. Remind students that each seed 6. Students will demonstrate how to
is different, so they will not plant the seeds by referring to the clear
know what they are planting. expectations, which is following the
6. Ask students to repeat the steps teachers steps.
in chronological order with a
7. Have students come up group-
by-group to get all the
necessary tools.
8. Introduce Systems Thinking
and how they should be
utilizing it while planting their
9. Ask students how prior
knowledge will help them
utilize systems thinking.
10. Be sure the students recognize
where the prior knowledge is
being used and how it relates to
the objective.
11. Ask students for any additional
questions such as, Why do you
think we are planting today?
Are you able to effectively
utilize systems thinking in this
activity? How will this activity
support your understanding for
the next one?

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Student will refer to the board for all the tools and steps if needed.
Student will be given the opportunity to work with the intern if they do not
comprehend the activity.
Student will be able to use a blank piece of paper for further practice of how to
plant the seeds.
Teacher will check for understanding to ensure student is on track for successful
Guided Practice

Teacher Will: Student Will:

1. Lead the students out to the 1. Students will follow directions and
school garden. listen to the teacher at all times.
2. Teacher will assign a designated 2. Students will utilize all tools given to
area for each student. them from the classroom.
3. Remind students they must 3. Students will pay attention to the
have all the tools with them in teacher during the demonstration.
order to participate. 4. Students will discuss how Systems
4. Ask students to present a Thinking is related to the activity.
demonstration on how they 5. Students will assist the teacher in
would plant the seed. formulating sentences to explain his or
5. Facilitate a proper seed planting her reasoning for Systems Thinking.
demonstration. 6. Students may ask the teacher for
6. Ask students to assist in your additional support if he or she does not
demonstration to ensure they comprehend what is being asked.
know how to complete the 7. If students have completed their
activity on their own. plants, they must stick their name flag
7. Reintroduce Systems Thinking next to it and are able to help other
and how it relates to the students.
activity. 8. Students must bring all tools back to
8. Ask students to utilize proper the classroom.
sentence starters when 9. Students may have their Systems
explaining his or her reasoning, Thinking examples ready to share
(i.e. Based on my Systems when they get back to the classroom.
Thinking, I believe).
9. Have students utilizes Systems
thinking through out the
entirety of the activity.
10. Teacher help students while
planting their seeds if needed.
11. If the teacher notices a lack of
comprehension, he or she may
help plant the seeds or have the
student pair up with another
12. Teacher will ask students to
collect all tools and come back
to the classroom when all are

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Student will complete the activity with help from fellow students and or an
Teacher will provide sentence starters for ELL/gifted students to have a
reference to use when utilizing Systems Thinking.
Student will be able to orally explain their Systems Thinking to a teacher or
fellow classmate to ensure accurate relations and connections are being made.
Independent Practice

Teacher Will: Student Will:

1. Students will discuss Systems
1. Instruct students to discuss their Thinking with the teacher.
Systems Thinking. 2. Students will discuss Systems
2. Teacher will ask students to pair Thinking with a partner.
up with a partner and explain 3. Students must understand what is
how nutrition relates to this required in their opinion-based paper.
activity. 4. Students must ask for help if they still
3. Teacher will have students do not comprehend the requirements.
reflect on their experience by 5. Students will explain their Systems
stating their opinion. Thinking within the paper.
4. Teacher will explain the 6. Students may refer to the requirements
requirements of the opinion- listed on the board.
based paper. 7. Students will independently complete
5. Teacher will facilitate how to this worksheet.
properly organize the paper. 8. Student may continue to brainstorm
6. Teacher will make it clear to the sustainable efforts on the computer
student that they must complete once completed.
the paper by himself or herself.
7. Teacher will ask to discuss
different opinions and systems
thinking used in individuals
papers once all students are
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Students will have visuals and steps displayed on the instructors personal
whiteboard to be able to refer to.
Teacher will set expectations of the paper by including example sentence
starters, systems thinking explanations, and how to properly state an opinion.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

In closing, students complete an exit ticket based on their plant cropping experience and their
written paper. They must choose two of the following questions and answer in detailed,
complete sentences in order to receive full credit.
What was the main idea of this lesson?
How did you use Systems Thinking?
What does Systems Thinking mean?
Are you satisfied with this experience?
How does locally grown food affect nutrition?
How did it feel being a producer and would you want to be one? If so, why?
How will you explain to your family of what you learned from this activity today?

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