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Name: ______________________________________________________ Unit 6 Due (with

Handout # stamp):
The Missouri Compromise 2 5/4

What was the A _____________ _____________ passed in 1820 that

Missouri solved (temporarily) the issue of whether _____________
Compromise? would be a _______ or _______ state.
In 1819, Missouri officially asked the United States
government to accept them as a new _______.
Missouri wanted to be a ______________, or a state in
How did the which slavery was legal
problem with But this caused a problem in government: at that time there
Missouri were the _______ _______ number of slave and free states in
Start? the US.
If Missouri became a slave state, this would _____________
the _____________ _____________ in Congress to Slave
As a _____________, Congress admitted Missouri as a slave
What did the state and _______ as a free state
Compromise Except for Missouri, slavery was to be _____________ from
decide? the Louisiana Purchase lands _____________ of
_____________ 3630
How This compromise worked for about 30 years. But as Americans
effective was
kept spreading _____________ and new states wanted to join
the Missouri
Compromise? the Union, _______ _____________ were on the way
Missouri Compromise Mapping Activity
Mapping Instructions
Turn to Pg#342 in the dark blue textbook (p #358 in the gold textbook)
Write the TITLE: The Missouri Compromise at the TOP of your map
LABEL the states shown on the map (abbreviations are fine)
Use a different COLOR for each of the following (and color in the boxes
below to use as a key):
Free States and territories
Land closed to slavery by Missouri Compromise
Slave States and territories
Land open to slavery by Missouri Compromise
All other land (non-US)
Use a DARK PEN/COLOR to bold/distinguish the Missouri
Compromise Line at 3630)
Use your COMPLETED map to answer the Analysis Questions:
1. How many SLAVE states and territories (NOT counting
Missouri) were there in 1820?

2. How many FREE states and territories (NOT counting Maine)

were there in 1820?

3. Based on your map, what CHANGED in 1820/1821?

4. Do you think this was an EFFECTIVE compromise over

slavery in the West? In other words, did it solve the problem?
Why or why not?

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