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I. General Information.

Identification Code: DELI

Prerequisite: Didctica General / Intermediate Mid English
Number of Hours per Term: 100 hours
Credit hours: 5 credits
Schedule: Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

II. Description.

This is the first course, out of a two course continuum, on the teaching of
English as a Foreign Language. During this course, students will study and
internalize core content on first and second language acquisition theories and
language teaching-learning approaches
And methods.

II. Objectives.

By the end of this course students will:

Master the conceptual framework, regarding first and second language

acquisition theories and language teaching-learning approaches and methods,
through lectures, workshops, extensive reading, research, class observation
and content analysis, with teachers guidance and feedback.
Apply tenets of first and second language acquisition theories and language
teaching-learning approaches and methods by doing role plays or

Properly ponder the value of theory to do a professional job as teachers by

understanding that theory provides the basics for informed-professional
teaching practices.

IV. Contents.

Unit 1. First language Competence and performance.

acquisition theories: Comprehension and production.
Behaviorist approaches. Innateness and universals.
The nativist approach. Language and thought.
The cognitive approach. The role of imitation and
Functional approaches. practice - Input and discourse.
Unit 2. Second language Unit 3. Language teaching-
acquisition theories: learning approaches:
Types of comparisons and The structural approach.
contrasts between first and second The natural approach.
language acquisition theories. The communicative approach.
Neurological considerations. The lexical approach
Psychomotor considerations. Art-craft conceptions for teaching.
Cognitive considerations.
Affective considerations. Unit 4. Language teaching-
Linguistic considerations learning methods:
The critical period hypothesis. Grammar translation method.
The acculturation model. The direct method.
Accommodation theory. The audio-lingual method.
Discourse theory. The total physical response
The monitor model. method.
The variable competence model. The silent way.
The universal hypothesis. Suggestopedia.
A neurofunctional theory. Community language learning.

V. Methodology.

This course is aimed at developing conceptual, procedural and attitudinal

competence on language acquisition theories, approaches and methods. To
achieve the stated objectives, teacher and students will enroll in an interactive
and cooperative teaching-learning
process making of a varied set of techniques, such as, lectures, workshops,
extensive reading, research, class observation, content analysis, role plays
and microteachings, among others.

VI. Evaluation guidelines.

Students learning achievements can be assessed through: quizzes, mid-term

exams, essays, research reports and oral presentations.

Descripcin Porcenta
Quizzes (4) 40%
Homeworks and Reading 10%
Micro teaching 20%
Presentations 30%
TOTAL 100%

VII. Bibliographical References

-- Bowen, J. Donald et al (1985). TESOL Techniques and Procedures. Singapore:

Newbury House
-- Brown, H. Douglas (1987). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.
Second Edition. Englewood Cliff, new Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
-- Brown, H. Douglas (1994). Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.
-- Carter, Ronald et al (2001). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to
Speakers of Other Languages. New York: Cambridge University Press.
-- Harmer, Jeremy (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Third
Edition. England:
-- Larsen-Freeman, Diane (1986). Techniques and Principles in Language
Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.
-- Omaggio, Alice C. (1986). Teaching Language in Context. Proficiency-
oriented Instruction. Boston, Massachusetts: Heinle and Heinle Publishers, Inc.
-- Richard-Amato, Patricia A. (1988). Making it Happen. New York: Longman.
-- Richards C. Jack et al (2001). Methodology in Language Teaching. An
Anthology of Current Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
-- Williams, Marion et al (1977). Psychology for Language Teachers. A Social
Constructivist Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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