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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Madeline Butler Date: 2/17/17

School: Fort Collins Grade Level: 9-12 Content Area: Teen


Title: Healthy vs. Unhealthy


Lesson Idea/Topic and Today we will begin discussing healthy and

Rational/Relevance: unhealthy characteristics in dating

We will begin the lesson by completing a four

corners scenario game.

Students will then evaluate a song and lastly

will evaluate their own personal relationships

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards

directly from the standard)

FMCS.01.01.b: Compare physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual functioning in

stable and unstable relationships

FMCS.01.01.c: Analyze factors that contribute to healthy and unhealthy


Understandings: (Big Ideas)

Healthy Dating Characteristics

Unhealthy Dating Characteristics

Inquiry Questions:

What do healthy dating characteristics look like?

What do unhealthy dating characteristics look like?

Can one analyze other relationships and their characteristics?

Can one analyze their own relationship and its characteristics?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

1. By participating in activities, students will learn to distinguish between

healthy and unhealthy characteristics in a dating relationship.

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2. Students can evaluate and analyze both a song and one of their own personal
relationships and determine what healthy/unhealthy characteristics it

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative)

Song Evaluation (formative)

Relationship Evaluation (formative)

Four Corners Reflection (formative)

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Students will discuss healthy and unhealthy dating characteristics
They will demonstrate their knowledge by first identifying their own
values and opinions of a relationship and what they want in a healthy
Then they will prove their knowledge of the characteristics by
evaluating a song and then their own relationship (with a
boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, family member, etc.)
Approx. Time and Materials 50 minutes
Four Corners Game (scenarios)
Index cards (84)
Song Evaluations (84)
- Irresitible (5)
- The Way You Are (4)
- Thinking Outloud (4)
- Love on My Brain (5)
Relationship Evaluations (84)
Anticipatory Set Jump Start

1. How does a healthy/good relationship make you feel?

2. How does an unhealthy/bad relationship make you feel?

How do you intend to engage your Jump Starts help students enter the classroom mindset
students in thinking during the This jump start gives students a preview of the lesson were beginning
Anticipatory Set? today
With the focus on healthy and unhealthy characteristics in a dating
Why are you using it at this point in relationship
your lesson?
Procedures 1. Students will first write down their own values and opinions about
relationships (choose their top three values, and three opinions
they have about relationships)
2. After students write these down we will begin the four corners

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Beginning of class hang papers in every corner (Choice A, Choice

B, C, D)
3. Students cannot move to the corner until they have heard all the
options. Continue to remind students that during this activity
there is no right or wrong answer, its solely based on their own
personal values and opinions about relationships
4. After the activity have students go back to their seats and on the
same paper they wrote their values and opinions have them
write 3-4 sentences reflecting on the activity. What influenced
your decisions during this activity? Did they stay true to their
values and opinions? Why or why not?
5. Students will now partner up for the song evaluations
Review the directions for the song evaluations The ingredients
include: Drama: the belief that a normal relationship involves
dramatic conflict
(yelling, bitter arguing, destroying property, repeatedly breaking
up/ making up).
Possession/Obsession: the belief that another person is an object
to use for ones personal benefit (stalking, monitoring, controlling
Disrespect: the belief that it is okay to disregard another persons
feelings, ideas, opinions and wishes (name calling, put downs,
Relationship=sex: the belief that the main focus of a relationship is sex.
Manipulation: the belief that it is acceptable to lie or use another
persons emotions or weaknesses to get what you want (guilt trips,
lying, using alcohol to get sex).
Fun: the belief that relationships are enjoyable and should make both
people happy.
Support: the belief that a relationship includes building up the other
persons confidence and strengths (encouraging another person to
make healthy decisions, even when the other person may not totally
Respect: the belief that another person has value and is appreciated
and recognized for his/her ideas, feelings, thoughts, and decisions
(using positive or supportive words to describe the other person).

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Equality: the belief that both partners share in decision making and are
free to choose what is right for them (deciding which activities to do,
who to hang out with, whether or not to have sex).
Trust:the belief that the other person in the relationship has your best
interest at heart (being faithful, honest, etc.)
Pass out the song evaluations to each student, every student will
complete one, pass out the song lyrics to each partner. While theyre
working play the songs in the background
6. Depending on time, students will with their group briefly present
their song
7. Lastly, Explain that it can be used to evaluate any type of
relationship including a romantic relationship, friendship, or
family relationship.
Ask them to think of a relationship, past or present, that is important to
them and use the worksheet to evaluate that relationship. Give them
10-15 minutes to fill out the sheet.
After they have had time to complete the worksheet, ask students to
score their answers by giving one point for yes response to questions
2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Also give one point for each no
response to questions 1, 5, 7, 8 and 10.
Tell them what the scores mean:
1-3: There are few constructive elements in this relationship. You may
want to think about your reasons for continuing the relationship, or
work toward improving it.
4-6: This relationship has problems that might be resolved by working
on honesty and communication.
7-10: There is the basis for a good relationship. Focus on the positive
elements and work on improving the destructive ones.
10-14: Youre doing well and have what it takes to build a successful
and satisfying relationship.

How do you intend to engage your

students in thinking during the The strategy I intend to use is self-reflection whole class discussion,
PROCEDURE? collaboration, self-reflection/individual practice

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Why are you using it at this point in I am using this strategy here because: during the first activity students
your lesson? will follow their own thoughts and after the activity we will have a
whole-group discussion debriefing the activity. Students will then
collaborate together while they evaluate a song. Lastly, students will
have individual work and reflect on their own.

Closure Ticket out the Door

On index cards
When I am with someone else I need to feel.

How do you intend to engage your

students in thinking during The strategy I intend to use is ticket out the door
I am using this strategy here because: students can tie the lesson
Why are you using it at this point in together by reflecting on their own what they want (a healthy
your lesson? characteristic) to feel happy in a relationship

Along with the printed-out lyrics, I will also have the songs playing in
the background during the song evaluation activity

Assessment Reflection: (data Four Corners Reflection

- Were students thoughtful in how the activity aligned with their
analysis) values?
Song Evaluation
- Did students correctly identify healthy and unhealthy
characteristics from the song lyrics?
Relationship Evaluation
- Were students thorough and thoughtful while evaluating their
own relationships?
- Did students answer areas where their relationship was good?
Areas where their relationship could improve?

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize

assessment data to justify your level of achievement)
In their activities section in their notebooks, students wrote 3 of their
own values after the Four Corners Activity students reflected with
whether or not they stayed true to their values, why or why. Many
students were thoughtful in this reflection. Song evaluations, students
evaluated songs, however, it was not as successful as I predicted
because their were working with a partner or group of three-most
students were distracted. Lastly, students individually evaluated a
relationship of theirs. Most of the questions were yes or no rather
than more short-answer reflective processing.

Overall, students did successfully learn healthy vs unhealthy dating


2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would

you make if you were to teach again?
The next time I teach this lesson, I would modify the Song Evaluations
and the Relationships Evaluations Questionnaire. The Song Evaluation
will be an individual assignment and students will have the opportunity
to select their own song to be evaluating. The Relationship Evaluation
will contain more reflective, short-answer questions rather than yes
or no.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice,

reteach content, etc.)
By modifying and ensuring the Relationships Evaluation is more short-
answer and reflective, I envision higher-level thinking to occur with this

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