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In the kitchen

Ben Now, have we got everything we need?

Sam Well, lets see. There are some onions and potatoes, but there arent any mushrooms
and, of course, there isnt any minced beef.
Ben Are there any carrots?
Sam A few. But we dont need many, so thats OK.
Ben How much milk is there?
Sam Only a little. And there isnt any butter, and we havent got much cheese.
Ben Well, we dont need much cheese. Is there anything else?
Sam No, not for Shepherds Pie. Weve got some salt and pepper, and theres a lot of flour.
Would you like me to help with the shopping?
Ben Yes, please.
(Shepherds Pie Psztor pite, darlt hsos burgonyapr)

Tom We havent got any eggs so we need to buy some.

Tina No, no. There are some in the fridge, but theres no cheese.
Tom OK, cheese. Now, weve got some fruit in the sitting room but we havent got enough
for the weekend so we need to buy some more. What else?
Tina We want to have some salad for lunch, I think.
Tom Yes, of course. So we need some lettuce. Oh, and some tomatoes because there are
none in the kitchen.
Tina We must buy a bottle of oil as well.
Tom OK, and I want to buy a newspaper because theres a football match on TV this
afternoon but I dont know what time is starts.
Tina But there are no football matches today because the weather is so bad. We can go and
see a film instead.
Tom Oh, all right. Anyway, are there any more things to put on the list?
Tina No, I think thats everything. I hope youve got some money because I havent got any.
Tom OK. Put a coat on and get a shopping bag and were ready.

V Do we need anything else?

S Lets have a look. Weve got some apples, but there arent any grapes. And there isnt
any coffee, but weve got some tea.
V Is there any orange juice left, or did somebody finish it?
S Theres a little, but there isnt much, so we need some more.
V And vegetables? Have we got many vegetables?
S Well, I can see a few carrots, but there arent many onions.
V Oh, and dont forget we need a lot of crisps. My nephews are coming tomorrow!
S Right, then. I think thats everything. Lets go! By the way, how much money have
you got?

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