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1. Kijelents, tagads
2. Krds
3. Felszlts, utasts

3) jelen idej (jelen / jv) mlt

advise, ask, suggest, tell, order advised, asked, suggested, told, ordered
(ing) (not ing)

Pozitv utasts TO + IGE

Negatv utasts NOT TO + IGE

Come here. The teacher asked me to go there. ITT OTT

Sit down. The teacher asked the children to sit down. SZEMLYES

Dont talk. The teacher asked Peter and Otto not to talk.

Use your own The teacher asked the students to use their BIRTOKOS
exercise book. own exercise books.

The teacher asked me to meet the next day. TOMORROW THE NEXT DAY

The teacher asked me not to do that. THIS THAT; THESE THOSE

Peter told me (that) that film had been the best.

Peter told me (that) they wouldnt meet that week.

Peter told me (that) the children were playing in their room.

Peter told me (that) his friends couldnt come to the party.

My friend asked me if I had programme at the weekend.

My friend asked me when we would meet.

My friend asked me how long you had lived there? (krd sz utn egyenes szrend)
Igeidk vltozsa fgg beszdben

Egyszer jelen egyszer mlt vagy marad egyszer jelen

Folyamatos jelen folyamatos mlt

Befejezett jelen befejezett mlt (Past Perfect)

Folyamatos befejezett jelen folyamatos befejezett mlt (Past Perfect Continuous)

Egyszer mlt befejezett mlt (Past Perfect) vagy marad egyszer


Befejezett mlt marad befejezett mlt (Past Perfect)

Folyamatos mlt marad folyamatos mlt

Egyszer jv (will) would

am / is / are going to was / were going to

Idhatrozk vltozsa

tonight, today, this week / month /year that night, that day, that week / month /

now then, at that time, at once, immediately

now that since

yesterday, last night /week / month / year the day before, the previous night / week
/ month / year

tomorrow, next week / month / year the following day / the day after,
the following / next week / month / year

two days / months / years two days / months / years

ago before
Segdigk vltozsa

will would

can could / would be able to

may might

must must / had to

should should

had better had better

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