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Prostatic Diseases

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in

Middle-Aged and Elderly Men
JMAJ 47(12): 543548, 2004


Associate Professor, Department of Urology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine

Abstract: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) include storage symptoms

(previously termed as irritative symptoms), voiding symptoms (previously termed
as obstructive symptoms) and post-micturition symptoms. The International
Continence Society (ICS) published a new standardization of terminology of lower
urinary tract function in 2002. Storage symptoms include increased daytime
frequency, nocturia, urgency and incontinence. Of incontinence, stress, urge and
mixed incontinence are the major symptoms, and ICS has also defined enuresis,
continuous incontinence and giggle incontinence as other types of incontinence.
Urgency, with or without urge incontinence, usually with frequency and nocturia,
can be described as overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome, urge syndrome, or
urgency/frequency syndrome. These syndromes suggest urodynamically demon-
strable detrusor overactivity, but may be due to other forms of urethro-vesical
dysfunction. Overactive bladder is an empirical diagnosis used as the basis for
initial management after assessing lower urinary tract symptoms, physical findings
urinalysis, and other indicated evaluation. Voiding symptoms include slow stream,
splitting or spraying, intermittency, hesitancy, straining and terminal dribble. Post
micturition symptoms include a feeling of incomplete emptying and post micturition
dribble. The feeling of incomplete emptying symptom was formerly categorized as
either a storage symptom or a voiding symptom, but has been categorized among
the post micturition symptoms in the new ICS terminology. Post micturition dribble
is the term used when an individual describes the involuntary loss of urine
immediately after he/she has finished passing urine, usually in men after leaving
the toilet. Thus this symptom is not incontinence, and is categorized among the
post micturition symptoms.
Key words: Lower urinary tract symptoms; Men; Overactive bladder;
Incontinence; International Continence Society

This article is a revised English version of a paper originally published in

the Journal of the Japan Medical Association (Vol. 130, No. 2, 2003, pages 230234).
The Japanese text is a transcript of a lecture originally aired on April 22, 2003, by the Nihon Shortwave
Broadcasting Co., Ltd., in its regular program Special Course in Medicine.

JMAJ, December 2004Vol. 47, No. 12 543


Table 1 Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: LUTS

I. Storage symptoms
In middle-aged and elderly men, various 1. Increased daytime frequency, pollakiuria
urination disorders are caused by urinary tract 2. Nocturia
obstruction due to prostatic hyperplasia and 3. Urgency
4. Incontinence
other diseases, as well as neurogenic bladder
(1) Stress incontinence
due to neurological diseases such as cerebral (2) Urge incontinence
infarction. (3) Mixed incontinence
Urination symptoms caused by these uri- (4) Enuresis, nocturnal enuresis
(5) Continuous incontinence
nation disorders are generally referred to as (6) Other types of incontinence [coital incontinence,
lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). As giggle incontinence]
urination disorders are classified into storage 5. Bladder sensation [normal, increased, reduced,
absence, non-specific]
disorders and voiding disorders, LUTS are
II. Voiding symptoms
accordingly classified into storage symptoms Slow stream
and voiding symptoms. Splitting or spraying
The terms related to lower urinary tract Intermittency
function, including LUTS, are defined by the
Straining to void
International Continence Society (ICS), and Terminal dribble
the standard terminology was redefined in III. Post micturition symptoms
2002.1) The new definition includes a new Feeling of incomplete emptying
category of post micturition symptoms, in Post micturition dribble
addition to conventional storage and voiding
symptoms. This article explains LUTS accord-
ing to the new terminology.

Storage Symptoms
OAB wet OAB dry
Stress Mixed
Storage symptoms are symptoms occurring Urge frequency,
incontinence incontinence
incontinence urgency
in the storage phase, such as increased daytime
frequency, nocturia, urgency, and incontinence Overactive bladder (OAB)
(Fig. 1). These symptoms were previously called
irritative symptoms because they appeared as
if resulting from irritation of the bladder. Fig. 1 Storage symptoms and incontinence
However, the term storage symptoms is now
preferred because they actually are not related
to irritation.2)
urine volume). This may result either from
1. Increased daytime frequency or pollakiuria decreased maximum bladder capacity as a
This refers to an abnormal increase in the result of overactive bladder (see below) or
frequency of urination. The normal frequency from the decrease in single voided volume
of urination in adults is considered to be 4 to 6 reflecting the increase in residual urine.2)
times a day. Hence, a frequency of 8 times or When an abnormal increase in urine volume
more a day is regarded to constitute increased (diabetes insipidus) increases the frequency of
daytime frequency. The cause of this symptom urination, this condition is called polyuria.
is the decrease in functional bladder capacity Polyuria is defined by a daily urine volume of
(maximum bladder capacity minus residual 2,800 ml or more.3)

544 JMAJ, December 2004Vol. 47, No. 12


2. Nocturia aged in radical prostatectomy.

Nocturia is defined as waking at night to (2) Urge urinary incontinence
urinate. The ICS standard defines it as rising This refers to incontinence accompanying
from sleep to void once or more at night. urgency. The cause is overactive contraction of
However, because voiding once at night is not the detrusor muscle. While detrusor over-
rare in persons aged 50 or more, nocturia is activity is usually seen in the supranuclear
often considered as voiding more than once at neurogenic bladder due to cerebral infarction
night. Nocturnal polyuria needs to be differen- or cervical spondylosis, it also arises from lower
tiated from nocturia. Nocturnal polyuria is a urinary tract obstruction due to prostatic
condition in which nighttime (from 23 : 00 to hyperplasia and from unknown causes.4)
7 : 00) urine volume is 33% or more (20% or Although the former was called detrusor
more for young adults) of daily urine volume.3) hypersensitivity and the latter was called
unstable bladder in the past, it is difficult to
3. Urgency strictly differentiate these 2 conditions. The
Urgency is a sudden compelling desire to new definition, therefore, classifies into neuro-
void with a feeling that micturition is imminent. genic and idiopathic detrusor overactivity
The former definition classified urgency into (DO). Urge incontinence is the most com-
motor urgency associated with overactive con- monly observed type of incontinence among
traction of the detrusor muscle and sensory middle-aged and elderly men.
urgency caused by hypersensitivity of the [Overactive bladder (OAB)]
bladder and the urethra in the absence of While detrusor overactivity is considered the
overactive contraction. However, because the cause of increased daytime frequency, urgency,
distinction between motor urgency and sensory and urge incontinence, the diagnosis of detru-
urgency cannot be shown clearly even by the sor overactivity requires urodynamic testing to
use of advanced urodynamic tests, the revised evaluate urination functions.
terminology does not divide urgency into these Diagnosis based on a urodynamic obser-
types. vation may vary depending on whether it is
conventional cystometry or a new method such
4. Urinary incontinence as ambulatory urodynamics (the measurement
(1) Stress urinary incontinence of intravesical pressure in essentially the same
This refers to the leaking of urine that manner as Holter ECG), as well as whether the
occurs during effort or exertion causing sudden test is performed by a specialist in urination, a
increases in abdominal pressure, such as cough- general physician, a technician, or a nurse. In
ing, straining, laughing, standing up from a addition, we cannot diagnose OAB with 100%
sitting position, and lifting heavy objects. A reliability even when advanced urodynamic
cause of stress urinary incontinence is ana- studies are performed.
tomical abnormalities involving weakening of Therefore, we need to be able to define
supporting tissues around the bladder neck and conditions considered to arise from overactive
the proximal urethra. Other causes include detrusor based on symptoms in daily practice.
hypermobility of the fundus of bladder (Types For this reason, the ICS has defined such
I and II) and neurogenic conditions (intrinsic conditions as overactive bladder (syndrome).
sphincter deficiency; ISD, Type III).4) OAB is characterized by urinary urgency and
Stress urinary incontinence usually occurs in typically accompanies increased daytime fre-
women. It is seen in middle-aged and elderly quency and nocturia. There are 2 types of
men after prostate surgery, in particular when OAB: one with urge incontinence (OAB wet)
the urethral sphincter muscle has been dam- and one without (OAB dry). The ICS considers

JMAJ, December 2004Vol. 47, No. 12 545


OAB to be synonymous with urge syndrome condition with reflex contraction was previ-
and urgency/frequency syndrome. ously called reflex bladder, it was unified in the
These terms are considered to lack scientific above-mentioned category of neurogenic over-
significance and should be used for initial active detrusor. Because patients with reflex
micturition management based on empirical incontinence often have impairment in coordi-
diagnosis in daily practice after the evaluation nation between the detrusor muscle and the
of symptoms and physical findings, and exclu- sphincter muscle of the urethra, they are at an
sion of organic disorders.1) elevated risk of upper urinary tract impairment
(3) Mixed incontinence and urinary tract infection due to high-pressure
This type of incontinence is defined by the voiding and residual urine.2)
presence of both stress incontinence and urge b. Overflow incontinence: Overflow incon-
incontinence. tinence occurs in cases with urinary retention
(4) Enuresis and nocturnal enuresis or a large volume of residual urine. Physical
Enuresis is any involuntary urine leakage activities that increase abdominal pressure
and usually refers to that occurring at night. cause overflowing of the urine stored in the
Nocturnal enuresis is urine leakage occurring bladder. This condition may occur in cases of
at night. prostatic hyperplasia developing advanced
(5) Continuous incontinence voiding impairment. Such cases need sufficient
This is defined as continuous occurrence of attention because there is a risk for upper
urine incontinence. Continuous incontinence is urinary tract impairment. This condition is
considered the same as what was previously diagnosed based on the ultrasound confirma-
called total incontinence.2) In this condition, tion of the presence of a large amount of
the bladder lacks the ability to store urine and residual urine. Treatment consists of urethral
works only as a channel for urine flow from the catheterization and treatment for voiding
ureters to the urethra, resulting in the slow impairment.
leakage of urine from the external urethral c. Functional incontinence: Functional in-
orifice. A congenital anomaly called myelo- continence includes incontinence due to dif-
meningocele sometimes accompanies this con- ficulty in moving and that due to dementia.
dition. The incontinence seen in the cases of Patients with incontinence due to difficulty in
ectopic ureteral opening and vesicovaginal fis- moving, patients with motor paralysis, parkin-
tula is defined as extra-urethral incontinence.1,2) sonian syndrome, bone fracture, arthralgia, etc.
(6) Other types of incontinence feel a voiding desire and want to go to the
There are other types of incontinence such as bathroom, but are prevented from completing
coitus incontinence, giggle incontinence, etc. voiding actions because they are unable to
(7) Incontinence not defined in reach the bathroom in time, assume a voiding
new ICS terminology posture, or remove their clothes. Incontinence
The following types of incontinence were due to dementia may result from disorien-
defined in the 1988 terminology but were tation, lack of comprehension, or attention
excluded from the new version: deficit. Patients urinate in corners of rooms,
a. Reflex incontinence: Reflex incontinence entrance halls, corridors, or other inappro-
is seen in spine diseases at the lumber or higher priate places because they do not know the
level without impairment of the sacral micturi- location of the toilet, they do not understand
tion center. The patient feels no voiding desire. how to use the toilet, they mistake the place for
When a certain amount of urine is stored in the the toilet, they want to attract the attention of
bladder, the detrusor muscle contracts reflex- caregivers and other persons around them, or
ively and causes urine leakage. While this they want to embarrass them.

546 JMAJ, December 2004Vol. 47, No. 12


5. Bladder sensation bulbocavernosus muscle. Probably due to the

The new definition by the ICS classifies weakening of the contraction of this muscle in
bladder sensation into 5 categories of normal, those aged over 40, post micturition dribble is
increased, reduced, absent, and non-specific. not rare in men at these ages.2) Hence, in con-
trast with terminal dribble, post micturition
dribble is usually not abnormal. Women some-
Voiding Symptoms
times experience dribbling shortly after stand-
Voiding symptoms include difficulties ex- ing up from the toilet.1)
perienced during the voiding phase, such as
slow stream, splitting or spraying, intermit-
Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score
tency, hesitancy, straining to void, and terminal
dribble. The scoring of symptoms is a useful means
Urinary retention is the condition with a of evaluating LUTS, determining severity, and
total inability to void or very limited voiding. assessing treatment effects. The International
The former is called complete urinary reten- Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) is a scoring
tion, the latter incomplete urinary retention. system that is most commonly used in prostatic
The IPSS consists of 3 items regarding stor-
Post Micturition Symptoms
age symptoms (frequency, urgency, nocturia), 3
This term was newly defined in the revised items regarding voiding symptoms (intermit-
terminology. These include symptoms observed tency, slow stream, straining to void), and an
shortly after voiding. item regarding post micturition symptoms
(feeling of incomplete emptying): 7 items in
1. Feeling of incomplete emptying total. Each item is evaluated in a 6-point score
While this symptom can be regarded as a from 0 (never) to 5 (almost always). According
voiding symptom (feeling of the presence of to the Guidelines on Benign Prostatic Hyper-
residual urine as a result of e.g., prostatic plasia, total scores of 8 or less represent mild
hyperplasia), it can also be regarded as a symptoms, 915, moderate, and 1635, severe.
storage symptom (e.g., bladder irritation due In addition, a quality of life (QOL) score evalu-
to cystitis or prostatitis). Authors of reports in ates the patients satisfaction with the current
the past, therefore, classified this symptom into urination condition in a 7-point score from 0
either of these categories. The new terminology (very satisfied) to 6 (very unsatisfied).
classifies it into the new category of post mic- Since the presence of symptoms is an essen-
turition symptoms. tial prerequisite for diagnosis of prostatic
hyperplasia, the evaluation of LUTS is con-
2. Post micturition dribble sidered extremely important.4) However, the
Post micturition dribble in men is the drib- IPSS is poorly correlated with lower urinary
bling of urine remaining in the urethra after the tract functions and prostatic obstruction diag-
end of voiding. While terminal dribble refers nosed based on urodynamic studies (including
to the dribbling of urine for several seconds or pressure/flow study). Other problems have
a few minutes at the end of micturition follow- also been pointed out, such as that the 6-point
ing the main urinary stream, this should be scoring in the IPSS is too detailed, the score
distinguished from post micturition dribble. evaluates only the frequency of symptoms
The volume of dribbling urine is several milli- without regarding degree of symptoms, and
liters at maximum. The urine remaining in the that the questions (in Japanese translation)
urethra is discharged by the action of the cannot be easily understood by Japanese

JMAJ, December 2004Vol. 47, No. 12 547


patients. Because the content of the IPSS is not age symptoms because they cause distress. To
specific to prostatic hyperplasia, this score can obtain accurate information on incontinence
be used to evaluate various voiding dysfunc- and other storage symptoms, it is advisable to
tions including those in women. instruct patients to record the time and amount
Aside from the IPSS, several LUTS scores of urination, as well as the time and amount of
have been proposed such as the Danish-PSS involuntary urine loss, for several days using
and the ICS score. Japanese urologists are frequency volume charts.
developing a LUTS score that would be com-
prehensible to Japanese and correlate with
lower urinary tract functions. REFERENCES
Symptom scores and QOL scores for the
evaluation of urinary incontinence have also 1) Abrams, P., Cardozo, L., Fall, M. et al.: The
standardization of terminology of lower uri-
been proposed, including the Urogenital Dis-
nary tract function: report from the Standard-
tress Inventory (UDI)-6 and the International ization Sub-committee of the International
Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Continence Society. Neurourol Urodyn 2002;
Short Form (ICIQ-SF).5) 21: 167178.
2) Hattori, T., Yasuda, K., Yamahishi, T. et al.: A
Handbook on Voiding Dysfunction Due to
Points in Interviews with Patients Neurological Diseases. Miwa Shoten, Tokyo,
When we ask a patient about his condition, 1998; pp.5066. (in Japanese)
3) Yasuda, K., Igawa, Y., Yamashita, T. et al.:
we need to: (1) clarify whether he has LUTS or
Medical Treatment of Voiding Dysfunction.
not; (2) if there are LUTS, classify them into
Miwa Shoten, Tokyo, 2000; pp.136172. (in
storage symptoms and voiding symptoms; and Japanese)
(3) ask about the degree of LUTS in detail and 4) van Kerrebroeck, V., Abrams, P., Chaikin, D.
score these symptoms. It may seem easy to et al.: The standardisation of terminology in
clarify whether the patient has LUTS or not, nocturia: report from the Standardisation
but this is actually rather difficult because Sub-committee of the International Conti-
many patients are not aware of the presence of nence Society. Neurourol Urodyn 2002; 21:
abnormal symptoms.
5) Goto, M., Donovan, J., Corcos, J. et al.: Symp-
Generally, voiding symptoms that have
toms of urinary incontinenceQOL question-
developed chronically are less likely to be naire: Scored ICIQ-SF (International Consul-
realized by patients because distress from such tation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short
symptoms tends to be relatively mild. On the Form). Journal of Japan Neurogenic Bladder
other hand, patients are usually aware of stor- Society 2001; 12: 227231. (in Japanese)

548 JMAJ, December 2004Vol. 47, No. 12

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