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Part of Aorta Main Branch

Right Coronary Artery

Left Coronary Artery
Brachiocephalic Trunk

Left Common Carotid

Aortic Arch (sternal

angle-T4; apex at left
side of trachea and

Left Subclavian arteries

Pericardial aa
Posterior intercostal aa
Thoracic Esophageal aa
Subcostal aa (L1)
Superior Phrenic aa

Celiac Trunk (T12)

Inferior phrenic aa (T12)

Adrenal (suprarenal) aa (L1)

Renal aa (L1)
Gonadal (L2)

Abdominal (T12-L4) Superior Mesenteric (L1)

Abdominal (T12-L4)

Inferior Mesenteric (L3)

Lumbar aa (L1-L4)

Common Iliac (L4; Bifurcation

of Aorta)

Median sacral
Minor Branches and organs
Right atrium, SA and AV nodes, posterior part of IV septum
Most of left atrium and ventricle, IV septum, AV bundles; sometimes AV node
Divides into right common carotid and right subclavian aa.
Internal Carotid: enters cranium to become main arteries of brain and orbits

External Carotid: Facial:

Ascending pharyngeal: pharinx, PVM, middle ear, cranial meninges
Occipital: posterior scalp
Posterior auricular: muscles, parotid gland, structures of temporal bone,
auricle, and scalp
Superior thyroid: thyroid gland, infrahyoid mm, SCM, branch to larynx
Lingual: posterior tongue, Submandibular gland, buccal floor

First part
Vertebral: brain
Internal Thoracic:
Thyrocervical trunk: muscles of posterior scapula and lateral cervical and
upper regions of neck
Second part
Costocervical trunk: first two intercostal spaces and posterior deep cervical
Third part
Dorsal scapular: levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles

Trachea, bronchii, lung tissue, lymph nodes

3rd-11th intercostal spaces. Intercostal muscles and overlying skin, parietal
Middle 1/3 of esophagus
Lymph nodes and posterior mediastinum
Anterolateral abdominal wall and overlying skin
Posterior surface of diaphragm
Left gastric: distal portion of esophagus and left portion of lesser curvature of
Splenic: pancreas, spleen, stomach (greater curvature , wall, fundus)
Common hepatic: Liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, duodenum
Inferior surface of diaphragm and adrenal glands

Adrenal gland

Ileocolic and right colic aa supply ascending colon and right colic flexure
Middle colic artery supplies transverse colon
Left colic and sigmoid aa supply descending and sigmoid
Lumbar vertebrae, back muscles, post abdominal wall
medial border of psoas m
Internal Iliac: pelvic muscles, gluteal muscles, perineum
External Iliac:
Inferior epigastric artery
Deep circumflex iliac artery
Femoral artery
Branches to posterior sacrum
Great Cardiac
Posterior Vein of LV
Middle Cardiac Coronary
Small Cardiac Sinus
Oblique Vein of LV (of Marshall)

Internal Jugular Left Brachiocephalic
External Jugular SVC
Hemiazygous Azygous
Right Inferior Phrenic (T8)
Right, Middle, Left Hepatic vv (T8)
Left Adrenal
Left Inferior Phrenic
Left Renal (L1)
Left Gonadal
Left Inferior phrenic

Right Adrenal (Suprarenal; L1)

Right Renal (L1) IVC
Right gonadal (L2)
Lumbar vv (L1-L4)
External Iliac:
Femoral Vein
Internal Iliac:
Great Saphenous Common Iliac (L5)
Lumbar vein (L5)
Median Sacral (on the left)

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