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Bacolod City
Introduction to Criminology and Psychology of Crime
Jean Benedicto Pauyon, Ph.D.
Test I. Instruction: Multiple Choices. Read carefully each question and write in
your bluebook the letter that corresponds to your choice.
1. An observable; something which can be observed; any fact, circumstances, or
experiences which can be explained scientifically.
a. Detection b. Phenomenon c. Fact d. Event
2. A crime relative to where you live. It changes from where you live. Crime
rate differs from one place to another. The difference is due to the
relatedness of geographical location and social life style.
a. National Crime b. Local Crime c. Geographical Crime d. None
3. They believe that certain things do exist, and therefore crime is real, and
so is evil, and it is up to us to find and research it.
a. Nomads b. Realists c. Nominalists d. Positivism
4. They do not believe in anything except what we make up in our own minds. We
create the concept, and then act as though it were real, but in reality, it
is in name only. We search people out and label them, just like witch hunts
(age, person, sex, character, looks etc.).
a. Positivist b. Nominalists c. Anti-Positivists d. Determinists
5. The concept of having objective knowledge, and hard facts. It is the belief
there is a real world out there, and through technology and techniques we can
find out positive knowledge about crime.
a. Positivism b. Anti-Positivists c. Hedonism d. Technology
6. They do not believe that anything can show them truth, for example, a
computer statistics read out is not real proof, they desire empathy, but
scientists do not like empathy for it cannot be recorded.
a. Determinists c. Voluntarists
b. Anti-Positivists d. Positivists
7. They believe things are determined by forces out of ones control, for
example, a criminal could not help themselves, and it was brought on by an
internal malfunction. They liken human behavior to an item (physical object -
like a set of billiard balls on a table, one reacts against another) that can
be studied.
a. Determinists c. Voluntarists
b. Anti-Positivists d. Positivists
8. This is all about free will; actions that are brought about by choice. This
relates to the criminal by deciding if a criminal chooses to act as they do,
or are they forced to by outside forces?
a. Voluntarism b. Realists c. Nominalists d. Positivism
9. Is the study of crime in order to find ways to prevent it.
a. Criminology b. Crime science c. Victimology d. Criminalism
10. There are three features distinguish crime science from criminology, which
do not belong to the group?
a. It is single-minded about cutting crime, rather than studying it for its
own sake.
b. Accordingly it focuses on crime rather than criminals.
c. It is multidisciplinary, notably recruiting scientific methodology rather
than relying on social theory.
d. It covers the whole scope of everything regarding crime.
11. Is aimed principally at elucidating the connection between crime and the
personal characteristics of the offender or his environment, with special
reference to the origin of the offense ( etiology, genesis ).
a. Criminology b. Criminography c. Victimology d. Penology
12. It means literary genre of crime fiction came into being.
a. Criminology b. Criminography c. Victimology d. Penology
13. It interprets reality from preconception; probability.
a. Criminology b. Criminography c. Victimology d. Penology
14. Is a research which determines the relation between offender and the victim,
is also included under criminology?
a. Criminology b. Criminography c. Victimology d. Penology

15. Is the study of victimization, including the relationships between victims

and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice
a. Criminology b. Criminography c. Victimology d. Criminalism
16. Explain human behavior and the experience which help determine the nature
of a persons personality as a reacting mechanism; that factors or
experiences in connection thereto infringe differentially upon different
personalities, producing conflict which is the aspect of crime.
a. Criminal Psychodynamics c. Dementia Praecox
b. Criminogenic Processes d. Cultural Conflicts
17. The study of mental processes of criminals in action; the study of
genesis, development, and motivation of human behavior that conflicts with
accepted norms and standards of society; this study concentrates on the study
of individuals as opposed to general studies of mass populations with respect
to their general criminal behavior.
a. Criminal Psychodynamics c. Dementia Praecox
b. Criminogenic Processes d. Cultural Conflicts
18. A clash between societies because of contrary beliefs or substantial
variances in their respective customs, language, institutions, habits,
learning, tradition, etc.
a. Criminal Psychodynamics c. Dementia Praecox
b. Criminogenic Processes d. Cultural Conflicts
19. A collective terms of mental disorder that begins at, or shortly after
puberty and usual leads to general failure of the mental faculties, with the
corresponding physiological impairment.
a. Criminal Psychodynamics c. Dementia Praecox
b. Criminogenic Processes d. Cultural Conflicts
20. In medical jurisprudence, a false belief about self, caused by morbidity,
present in paranoia and dementia praecox.
a. Hallucination b. Delusion c. Fantasy d. Illusion
21. A non-criminal person who commits a crime when under extreme emotional
stress; a person who breaks down and commits a crime as a single incident
during the regular course of natural and normal events.
a. Emotional Criminal c. Episodic Criminal
b. Passionate Criminal d. Maniac Criminal
22. A morbid propensity to love or make love; uncontrollable sexual desire, or
excessive sexual craving by members of either sex.
a. Erotomania b. Phedophile c. Kleptomaniac d. Masochist
23. The transmission of physical characteristics, mental traits, tendency to
disease, etc., from parents to offspring. In genetics, the tendency
manifested by an organism to develop in the likeness of a progenitor due to
the transmission of genes in the productive process.
a. Inheritance b. Transmission c. Hereditary d. Biology
24. Have been believe to share about equally in determining disposition, that
is, whether a person is cheerful or gloomy, his temperament, and his nervous
a. Inheritance b. Transmission c. Hereditary d. Biology
25. An individual with a strongly self-centered pattern of emotion, fantasy,
and thought.
a. Delusion b. Illusion c. Hallucination d. Phantasm
26. An uncontrollable morbid propensity to steal or pathological stealing. The
symptoms of this disease usually consist of peculiar motives for stealing and
a. Kleptomaniac b. Robbery c. Theft d. Maniac Stealing
27. A condition of sexual perversion in which a person derives pleasure from
being dominated or cruelly treated.
a. Sadism b. Masochism c. Compulsion d. Maniac Depression
28. A mental disorder characterized by excessive brooding and depression of
spirits; typical of manic-depressive psychosis, accompanied by delusions and
a. Necrophilism c. Biometry
b. Melancholia d. Autophobia
29. A mental disorder in which subject thinks himself great or exalted.
a. Necrophilism c. Biometry
b. Melancholia d. Autophobia e. Megalomania

30. Morbid craving, usually of an erotic nature for dead bodies. It is also a
form of perversion where sexual gratification is achieved either through
sexual intercourse with, or mutilation of a dead body.
a. Necrophilism c. Biometry
b. Melancholia d. Autophobia e. Megalomania
31. It is the science devoted to the study of mankind and its development in
relation to its physical, mental and cultural history.
a. Biology b. Heredity c. Anthropology d. Philosophy
32. It is a morbid fear of oneself, or of being alone.
a. Necrophilism c. Biometry
b. Melancholia d. Autophobia e. Megalomania
33. In Criminology, a measuring or calculating of the probable duration of
human life; the attempt to correlate the frequency of crime between parents
and children or brothers and sister (siblings).
a. Necrophilism c. Biometry
b. Melancholia d. Autophobia e. Megalomania
34. A persons biological heritage, plus his environment and heritage,
influence his social activity. It is through the reciprocal actions of his
biological and social heritages that a persons personality is developed.
a. Personality b. Biosocial Behavior c. Logomacy c. Sociology
35. A statement that we would have no crime if we had no criminal law, and
that we could eliminate all crime merely by abolishing all criminal laws.
a. Personality b. Biosocial Behavior c. Logomacy c. Sociology
36. The study of crime focused on the group of people and society as a whole.
It is primarily based on the examination of the relationship of demographic
and group variables to crime. Variables such as socioeconomic status,
interpersonal relationships, age, race, gender, and cultural groups of people
are most conducive to criminal action, such as the time, place, and
circumstances surrounding the crime.
a. Psychiatry (Psychiatric Criminology)
b. Sociology (Sociological Criminology)
c. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)
d. criminal psychiatry
37. The science of mental behavior and mental processes of the criminal. It is
focused on the criminal behavior how it is acquired, evoked, maintained,
and modified. Both the environmental and personality influences are
considered, along with the mental processes that mediate the behavior.
a. Psychiatry (Psychiatric Criminology)
b. Sociology (Sociological Criminology)
c. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)
d. criminal psychiatry
38. The science that deals with the study of crime through forensic
psychiatry, the study of criminal behavior in terms of motives and drives
that strongly relies on the individual.
a. Psychiatry (Psychiatric Criminology)
b. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)
c. criminal psychiatry
d. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)
39. Study the effects of social conditions on crime and criminals including the
machinery of justice and the evolution of criminal law and punishment.
a. Psychiatry (Psychiatric Criminology)
b. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)
c. criminal psychiatry
d. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)
40. Study of human mind in relation to criminality.
a. Psychiatry (Psychiatric Criminology)
b. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)
c. criminal psychiatry
d. Psychology (Psychological Criminology)

41. The study of criminality in relation to special distribution on a community.

a. Criminal ecology c. Logomacy
b. Psychiatry d. Criminal demography
42. Study of the relationship between criminology and population.
a. Criminal ecology c. Logomacy

b. Psychiatry d. Criminal demography

43. Study of the relationship between environment and criminality.
a. Criminal ecology c. Logomacy
b. Psychiatry d. Criminal demography e. criminal epidiomology
44. Study of criminality in relation to physical constitution of men.
a. Criminal ecology c. Logomacy
b. Psychiatry d. Criminal demography e. criminal epidiomology
45. Study of the role of the victim in the commission of the crime.
a. Criminology b. Victimology c. Criminalistics d. Anthropology
46. Study of the various process and measures adopted by society in cases of
violation of criminal laws
a. Criminology b. Victimology c. Anthropology
d. Forensic Sciences / Criminalistics
47. It is an attempt at scientific analysis of the causes of the crime. It is
sometimes referred to as the Breaking of Laws.
a. Sociology of Laws b. Penology c. Criminal Etiology d. Crime
48. All violations of laws are violations of the will of the majority in the
society. Violation of the provisions of the criminal laws created by the
public thru representation is called _____________.
a. Crime b. Act c. Omission d. Law e. Justice
49. Is an act or omission in violation of criminal law.
a. Crime b. Act c. Omission d. Law e. Justice
50. Is an outward movement tending to produce effect.
a. Crime b. Act c. Omission d. Law e. Justice
51. Is an act whereby obligation set by the government has been neglected.
a. Crime b. Act c. Omission d. Law e. Justice
52. Which is an attempt at scientific analysis of the conditions which
penal/criminal laws has developed as a process of formal and social control.
a. Sociology of Laws b. Penology c. Criminal Etiology d. Crime
53. Is passed because of the consensus of the will of the public.
a. Justice b. Law c. Commandment d. Decree
54. In the Philippines, we have _________ system of legislation.
a. Democratic b. Bicameral c. Egalitarian d.Autonomous
55. Our system of legislation is composed of two houses; the ____________ and
the House of Representatives.
a. Congress b. Lower House c. Senate d. Legislature
56. We have three major divisions or branches in the government; the
________________, vested on the office of the president.
a.Legislative b. Executive c. Judiciary d. Malacaang
57. Is concerned with the control and prevention of crime and the treatment of
offenders. Reaction of the society towards the breaking of laws - Society
either reacts positively or negatively when someone commits crime. However,
seldom has the society reacted positively; it reacts negatively by imposing
punishment on the law-breaker.
a.Victimology b. Penology c. Jail d. Correctional Institution
58. In the study of the causes of crimes, anthropology, zoology, psychology,
sociology and other natural sciences may be applied. While in crime
detection, chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, ballistics,
photography, legal medicine, question documents examination may be utilized.
a. It is a social science c. It is an applied science
b. It is dynamic d. It is nationalistic
59. A nature of criminology which explains that in as much as crime is a
social creation and that it exists in a society being a social phenomenon,
its study must be considered a part of social science.
a. It is a social science c. It is an applied science
b. It is dynamic d. It is nationalistic
60. A nature of criminology which explains that changes as social conditions
changes. It is concomitant with the advancement of other sciences that have
been applied to it.
a. It is a social science c. It is an applied science
b. It is dynamic d. It is nationalistic
61. Nature of criminology that focus on study of crimes must be in relation
with existing criminal law within a territory or country. Finally, the
question as to whether an act is a crime is dependent on the criminal law of
a country.

a. It is a social science c. It is an applied science

b. It is dynamic d. It is nationalistic
62. Is an act or omission that is punishable by special laws ( a special law
is a statute enacted by Congress, penal in character, which is not an
amendment to the Revised Penal Code)such as Republic Acts, Presidential
Decrees, Executive Orders, Memorandum Circulars, Ordinances, Rules and
Regulations(Reyes, 1960).
a. Felony b. Misdemeanor c. Delinquency d. Offense
63. The term refers to the one who commits an offense.
a. Felon b. Misdemeanant c. Offender d. Delinquent
64. Is an act or omission that is punishable by the Revised Penal Code (RPC),
the criminal law of the Philippines (Reyes, 1960).
a. Felony b. Misdemeanor c. Delinquency d. Offense
65. The term felon refers to one who commits a felony.
a. Felon b. Misdemeanant c. Offender d. Delinquent
66. Acts that are in violation of simple rules and regulations usually
referring to acts committed against city or municipal ordinances.
a. Felony b. Misdemeanor c. Delinquency d. Offense
67. The term refers to one who has violated/infracted or offended a city or
municipal ordinance.
a. Felon b. Misdemeanant c. Offender d. Delinquent
68. Acts that are in violation of simple rules and regulations usually
referring to acts committed by minor offender.
a. Felony b. Misdemeanor c. Delinquency d. Offense
69. The relation of criminality to the physical constitution of man is known
as ___________.
a. Criminal psychology
b. Habitual delinquency
c. Criminal sociology
d. Criminal physical anthropology
70. The term criminology can be described in many ways. Who stated that
criminology means criminologia?
a. Sutherland b. Paul Topinard
c. Rafaele Garofalo d. Lombroso
71. The general term used to refer to offenses, felonies, delinquencies and
a. Sin b. Justice c. Crime d. Wrongful Act
72. An act or omission punishable by special laws.
a. Offense b. Crime c. Delinquency d. Misdemeanor
73.The scientific analysis of the causes of crime.
a. Criminal Etiology
b. Sociology of Law
c. Penology or Correction
d. Psychological Criminology
74. Which of the following are laws enforced by the State?
a. Positive law b. Civil law c. State law d. Common Law
75. It is a theory which espoused the belief that man commits crime due to
mans freewill, reason or hedonism:
a. Classical School of Criminology
b. Positivist School of criminology
c. Mental Testing
d. Transexualism

76.Men and state entered into an agreement whereby men were privileged and
righted by the state to live in a certain jurisdiction provided that men
shall surrender some of their social liberties in return for the protection
and safety that the state shall provide. What is this agreement?
a. contract of lease b. social contract
c. special contract d. social agreement
77.It is a set of rules which governs the conduct of man.
a. law b. order c. writings d. memorandum
78.What is the legal classification of the crime of rape?
a. Crimes against chastity c. Crimes against public morals
b. Crimes against person d. Crimes against honor

79.Classical theory espoused that:

a. It maintains that a person commits crime because of biological
b. It maintains that man is essentially a free moral agent with absolute
free will to choose between good and evil.
c. It maintains that crime has been due to the environment of person.
d. It explained that crime was due to the physique of a person.
e. All of the above
80.It is the study of criminal behavior, the study of criminal conduct and
activities in attempt to discover recurrent patterns and to formulate rules
about his behavior.
a. Criminal Psychiatry c. Criminal Sociology
b. Criminal Psychology d. Criminal Etiology e. Penology
81.It has the power to define and punish crime?
a. Church b. State c. Judiciary d. Police e. Community
82. The mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong.
a. Morality b. Ethics c. Imbecility d. Discernment
83. A sub discipline of criminology which focuses on victims of crime.
a. Penology b. Criminal Psychology
c. Criminal Profiling d. Victimology
84.This science is a branch of criminology which is concern with the control and
treatment of crimes and criminals.
a. Penology b. Phrenology c. Etiology d. Sociology of law
85.Which of the following type of crimes is described as the commission of a
crime is a day-to-day occupation; the criminals way of life and a means of
a. Organized crime b. Professional crime c. Habitual crime d.Static Crime
86. The field of study of criminology is interdisciplinary, therefore it is
considered as what branch of science?
a. social science b. biological science
c. crime science d. natural science
87. What power of the state imposes reasonable restrictions on the liberties of
its citizens for the maintenance of public safety, security and public order?
a. power of the state b. police power
c. power of the police d. police authority
88. Crimes are sanctioned by law as felony or misdemeanor. What term is used to
describe violation or infraction of city/municipal ordinances?
a. Felony b. Misdemeanor c. Crime d. Offense
89.Who advocated the Free Will Theory of crime causation?
a. Cesare Beccaria b. Charles Darwin
c. Cesare Lombroso c. Jeremy Bentham
90. The law prescribes that the act or omission must bear intentionality to
consider it as crime. When someone intended to kill another but failed,
instead, a serious injury was derived, what is he guilty of?
a. act b. omission c. crime d. deviancy
91. Who postulated that crime is due to societal factors such as poverty and low
levels of education?
a. Edwin Sutherland b. Torde
c. Emile Durkheim d. Lombroso
92. A misdemeanor is usually punishable by incarceration for up to one year.
What do you call a person who has committed a misdemeanor?
a. mischief b. misdame c. misdemeanant d. criminal
93. What school of criminology theorizes that crime causation was founded on the
principle of Utilitarianism, Hedonism and Social contract?
a. Classical b. Neo-classical
c. Italian/Positivist School d. Cartographic
94. Who was the leader of the Italian School, who, at the same time is also
known as the Father of Criminology?
a. Rafaele Garofalo b. Enrico Ferri
c. Cesare Lombroso d. Beccaria
95. A type of crime in which the illegal act is committed in the course of
business, committed by people of high social position in their course of
a. white-collar-crime b. blue-collar crime
c. black-collar crime d. pink collar

96. The study of criminology is divided into 3 basic divisions in order to fully
understand its nature, concepts and theoretical principles. Which of the
following is added to the scope of criminology which is as essential as the 3
basic divisions?
a. Criminal etiology b. Victimology
c. Penology d. Sociology of Laws
97. According to Lombroso, criminals are by birth a distinct type, or also known
as born criminals who possess pre-disposed criminal behavior determined by
his/her physical stigmata. What is this condition also known?
a. Atavism b. Neuroticism
c. Psychoticism d. Criminalism
98.Is that branch or division of law which defines crimes, treats of their
nature, and provides for their punishment?
a. penal law b. special law c. law d. criminal law e. RPC
99.Part of the theory developed by Lombroso in which a person is a born
criminal. Is a throwback to an earlier stage of human evolution, and will
commit crimes against society unless specifically restrained from doing so.
A. Atavism C. Primitive man
B. Stigmatism D. Evolution
100. One of three criminal types identified by Lombroso. This type of criminal
is the most dangerous, and can be identified through their stigmata or
identifying characteristics.
A. Born Criminal C. Atavism
B. Insane Criminal D. Criminaloids
101. A general perspective stating that the causes of criminal behavior can be
found in the mind of the individual.
A. Psychoanalytic Theory C. Classical Theory
B. Positivist Theory D. Differential Association Theory
102. A multidisciplinary science that deals with the study of crimes,
criminals, criminal behavior, and the treatment of the criminal behavior.
a. Sociological criminology c. Criminology
b. Psychological Criminology d. Penology
103. An act or omission punishable by special laws.
a. Delinquency b. Misdemeanor c. Offense d. Crime
104. The scientific analysis of the causes of crime.
a. Penology or correction
b. Psychological criminology
c. Criminal etiology
d. Sociology of Law
105. It theorized that criminality is due to poverty, economic need or
a. Psychosurgery b. Social Work c. Economics d. Psychiatry
106. It is a theory which espoused the belief that man commits crime due to
mans freewill, reason or hedonism:
a. Transexualism
b. Classical School of Criminology
c. Positivist School of criminology
d. Mental Testing
107. According to this theory that learning from bad companions is the reason
why criminal behavior is developed and crime was committed.
a. Alienation c. Social Defense
b. Gang Formation d. Differential Association
108. Self fulfilling or name calling is the focused of this theory in crime
a. Biosocial criminology b. Labeling c. Biofeedback d. Drift
109. Criminal with high degree of organization:
a. professional criminal b. habitual criminals
c. organized criminal d. ordinary criminal
110. The following are the components of the Philippine Criminal Justice System
a. court b. police c. prosecution d. none of these
111. Refers to a minor who violates the law:
a. neglected child b. delinquent child c. juvenile gang d. criminal
112. It is an illegal act committed by minor offender:

a. offense b. felony c. delinquency d. crime

113. What power of the state imposes reasonable restrictions on the liberties of
its citizens for the maintenance of public safety, security and public
a. Power of the state b. Police Power c. Power of the Police d. All of these
114. The term is construed as any rule of action or any expression of
a. Law b. Criminal law c. Natural law d. All of them
115. Classical theory
a. It maintains that a person commits crime because of biological inferiority
b. It maintains that man is essentially a free moral agent with absolute free
will to choose between good and evil.
c. It maintains that crime has been due to the environment of person.
d. It explained that crime was due to the physique of a person.
116. A sub discipline of criminology which focuses on victims of crime.
a. Penology b. Criminal Psychology c. Criminal Profiling d. Victimology
117. Which of the following type of crimes is described as the commission of a
crime is a day-to-day occupation; the criminals way of life and a means of
a. Organized crime b. Professional crime c. Habitual crime d.Static Crime
118. To a criminologist, criminal behavior is understood as a:
a. deviance b. crime c. torts d. criminal behavior e. intentionality
119. Anti-social behavior is not a crime unless it is prohibited by law. The
harm must have been prescribed in penal laws. This refers to what element of
a. External consequence, or, harm
b. The harm must be legally forbidden
c. There must be conduct
d. Criminal intent or mensrea must be present
120. Criminal Law originated from some of our customs, traditions or habitual
practices, crystallized or reflected as sources of ethical standards. What
model explains this theory?
a. consensus model b. conflict model c. fashion model e. all of them
121. Gives meaning to actions which violates the law. It defines acts/behavior
that would constitute an act of crime.
a. Memorandum b. Ordinances c. Philippines Laws d. Laws e. Criminal Law
122. According to this theory, all wrongs produced efforts at self-redress in
the injured parties and were therefore treated as injurious to particular
a. National process of a unified society
b. Torts or wrongs to Individual
c. Crystallization of the mores
d. Conflict of interests of the different groups
e. All of the above
123.It concluded that man developed from lower forms of life until he reached
the highest stage of development.
a. Theory of Evolution b. Ape Theory
c. Theory of Development d. Neo - Classical
124. He introduced moral inferiority.
a. Cesare Lombroso b. Charles Goring c. RaffaeleGarofalo d. John Lavater

125.States that family is crucial to a healthy personality structure.

a. Schlapp and Smith c. Alexander and Staub
b. Ellis and Smith d.Lombroso and Garofalo
e. Lavater and Goring
126.According to them, imbalance of endocrine glands produce emotional instability
that could cause crime.
a. Lombroso and Garofalo
b. Lavater and Goring
c. Alexander and Staub
d. Schlapp and Smith
e. Ellis and Smith
127.Theypresume that, female offenders are noted to display aggressive behavior
during immediate pre-menstrual and menstrual periods.
a. Alexander and Staub

b. Schlapp and Smith

c. Ellis and Smith
d. Lombroso and Garofalo
e. Lavater and Goring
128.A misdemeanor is usually punishable by incarceration for up to one year. What
do you call a person who has committed a misdemeanor?
a. mischief b. misdame c. misdemeanant d. all of them
129. In the formula of crime, what does S stand for?
a. style of crime b. step of criminal c. situation d. all of them
130.He believed that complicated, industrialized societies promote isolation of the
individual with advanced development of jobs, became specialized and people are
expected to survive on an individual rather than group basis (Anomie Syndrome).
a.Edwin Sutherland b. Emile Durkheim c.Schlapp d. Querry
131.The term criminal intent is tantamount to guilty mind. What is its equal
term in Latin?
a. mennsrea b. mens rea c. mansrea d. mensrea
132. John Spurtsheim, Frans Gall, and Charles Caldwell theorized that skull shape
indicates mental characteristics and reveal emotional and behavioral traits.
What study explains this theory?
a. Phrenology b. Phregnology c. Phremology d. all of them
133. Classical, Neo-classical and Positivist Schools theory of punishment include
severe punishment, exemptions and treatment, respectively which became the
bases of some penalties under the Revised Penal of the Philippines. What
approach to the Revised Penal code is severe punishment?
a. aggravating b. exempting c. justifying circumstance d. all of them
134.Who is the proponent of modern psychoanalysis?
a. Ernest Hooton b. Sigmund Freud c. Charles Darwin d. all of them
135.Who postulated that crime is due to societal factors such as poverty and low
levels of education?
a. Edwin Sutherland b. Tarde c. Emile Durkheim d. all of them
136.Criminal law originated from 4 major theories which can be discerned by
categorizing them into consensus and conflict models. Which of the following
is not the origin of criminal law?
a. Torts or wrongs to individuals
b. crystallization of the mores
c. national processes of a unified society
d. all of them
137.Crime may result because of the fusion of intent:
a. opportunity b. tendency c. resistance d. criminal behavior e. situation
138.The law prescribes that the act or omission must bear intentionality to consider
it as crime. When someone intended to kill another but failed, instead, a
serious injury was derived, what is he guilty of?
a. act b. omission c. crime d. all of them e. none of them
139.Which of the following does not represent the anatomy of crime?
a. intentionality b. desirability c. instrumentality d.none of them
140. Crimes are classified in several ways. What is the classification of crime
when the basis of the classification is the reason or reasons for committing it?
a. atrocity b. motive c. theoretical purpose d. all of them
141.Who of the following is referred to when a crime was committed?
a. felon b. criminal c. misdemeanant d. suspect e. none of them
142.What school of criminology whose theory in crime causation was founded on the
principle of Utilitarianism, Hedonism and Social contract?
a. Classical b. Neo-classical c. Italian/Positivist School
d. all of them d. none of them
143.Classical doctrine on crime was maintained by the Neo-classical School but
placed an opposing theory in matters of punishment specifically upon children
and lunatics. What theory on punishment did Neo-classical School introduced?
a. Exemption from criminal liability b. exemption from punishment
c. Exemption from arrest d. all of them

144.Who was the leader of the Italian School, who, at the same time is also known as
the Father of Criminology?
a. Cesare Lombroso b. RafaeleGarofalo c. Enrico Ferri d. all of them

145.According to Lombroso, criminals are by birth a distinct type, or also known as

born criminals who possess pre-disposed criminal behavior determined by
his/her physical stigmata. What is this condition also known?
a. Atavism b. Astigmatism c. Auticism d.all of them
146.Positivist School theory concluded that the primary cause of crime is the
physical and mental make-up of the person. Who among the proponents of the
Positivist School advocated personality disposition was associated by certain
body types?
a. William Sheldon b. Ernest Hooton c. Goring d. all of them
147.Which of the divisions in the study of criminology attempts to analyze
scientifically the causes of crime?
a. sociology of law b. criminal etiology c. penology d. all of them
148.According to him, association with those guided by anti-social values was likely
to lead individuals and learn criminal behavior.
a. Emile Durkheim b. Cohen c. Ernest Burgess Lander d.Edwin Sutherland
149. This theory emphasizes the reaction of society when wrongs occurred. Society
takes action, specially the government, and made a regulation to prevent
repetition of such wrongs.
a. Torts or wrongs to Individual
b. National process of a unified society
c. Crystallization of the mores
d. Conflict of interests of the different groups
150.According to this theory, all wrongs produced efforts at self-redress in the
injured parties and were therefore treated as injurious to particular
a. Torts or wrongs to Individual
b. Conflict of interests of the different groups
c. National process of a unified society
d. Crystallization of the mores.


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