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>r.Ff-'tf5f I /Pap er I

#P.TfRrr RlFT : rft;r FR-

Time allowe d: Three Hours Maxim um Marks : 250

Wnt fcrfm .
JTr-# CliT '3T17 #" 1f!l RRPII&ri CfiT t?./Mlf!47
3/TiJ JlR # wT ?SfiiST if # ?f21l 3/k if fW I
rrttw2/f CfiT 3IfT rrf:cT w.if it Yrrr # t1
JlR 1 3/k 5 31f.tqpf t ?f2!T "Wcfit if -8 -8 Wf--8- w:r f!C5 J1R rft:r JrNi in Yrrr I
3Tr#cn JlR/'lfTTT it Ji<r; YFfit Rfi TJTJ: # I
w.if it Yfff 3"ift 1/ ffr& \ifFt 'rfTfk
J!TTlit m-rr;r 1/ fcntrr 7Rl7 3/k <fiT
(<Pt. iff. 7.;.) #> !f&- flSd W 3ifcnrr W fWn \JfRT I J(@f&d it 3lfrrttm JF<l
fcR:tt if ffr& 7lTf Yfff W cit{ Ji<r; ;rtf fire# I
JTNi iftrrr, \ifQf 6, <fiT !iPrJ lifRT I
JTNi in "3"fR7 ct7 TTURJ ffi/.flj&l< cfit vm['ft I Cfi7CT ;rtf rit JlR #> 3r7r cfft 7JURT cfft vm[lft
I 3r7r
Yrrr 3W?f: f?:<rr 7RTT
if &7fft 317 "l/7 Y8in 3/w cit Pm -8 CfiTCT \ifRT w{k I

Quest ion Pape r Speci fic Instru ction s

Please read each of the follow ing instru ctions carefu lly before attem pting
questi ons:
There are EIGH T questio ns divided in two SECT IONS and printe d
both in HIND I and in
Candid ate has to attemp t FIVE questions in all.
Questions no. 1 and s are compulsory and out of the remain ing, THRE
E are to be attemp ted
choosing at least ONE from each section.
The numbe r of marks carried by a questi on/ part is indica ted agains t it.
A nswers must be written in the medium author ized in the Admis sion Certifi
cate which must be
stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Bookle t in
the space provided. No
marks will be given for answer s written in a mediu m other than the author
ized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhere d to.
Attemp ts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless
struck off, attempt of a
questio n shall be counted even if attemp ted partly. Any page or portion of
the page left blank in the
answe r book must be clearly struck off


Ql. RkiR1fula Cf)f WTWT 150 :

(a) l!\chl'fd >fUTT"ffi CflfT ? 'liT@ l!\chl'fd SJOIIf84'j -q
g;f:"il9f)OT ffi -q I

(b) -ij \ll(1Cl ll!Cll cRt cNblQ\

:!"&f ?
Cc) cW:nc mwr)<FIT ? -q wr >rcnR Cf){ ?
cd) 1.C'"'Q icn'"i fcRfi R en CfiT 3'1 PI c::n4 mrr CRiT ? mm -cnT -q

(e) fclqoH -q 'j;{)fdl!l -ij chlNJQ\ I

Answer the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50

(a) What are the advantages of integrated farming system? Discuss about
resource recycling in different integrated farming systems in India. 10
(b) Discuss the climatic parameters in relation to agro-ecosystem. What are
the major threats to agro-ecosystem ? 10
(c) What is remote sensing ? How can we use it in agriculture? 10
(d) Why is evaluation an essential par t of any extension programme? State
its advantages in brief. 10
(e) Discuss br iefly the challenges in agricultural marketing system. State
the advantages of supply chain management. 10

Q2. Rhif8fuld "ChT 200 -q :

(a) cnT crffi "ChT <:h'lN!q: I
"ChT -q c:p ffct;{o I -q:cf fcl :;:H chl Q\ I
(b) Slfdfq;,c;f -cR I
Slfdfq&f 31f\1 CRn
Cc) Pllll\il'"i CRn ? Pllll\il.,
iih I klCfl "3W111 ?
(d) 3'11<il\il'"i l 3fu: CFI1 ? 3'11<i)\il '"il 3fu: -q
"Cfi8 Cffi'f I
(e) 3fu: -q
-g&T 1;{) fd;ql CfiT "WRT OR %g
'f21141 Cf){O I ih fu"Q\ t:; Ill en "3lWIT CfiT $11 tJ: I

Answer the following in about 200 words each : 10x5=50

(a) Enumerate the factors influencing soil eros10n. Classify and discuss
briefly various types of erosion. 10

(b) Discuss the factors affecting crop-weed competition. VVhat do you mean
by critical period of crop-weed competition ? 10

(c) What are the scientific irrigation scheduling criteria ? What is critical
stage approach for scheduling irrigation ? 10

(d) What are the uses offarm planning and budgeting? Discuss the steps to
be followed in farm planning and budgeting. 10

(e) Suggest measures which can help to meet maJor challenges m

agriculture and food security for stabilizing crop yields. 10

Q3. cnr 150 'tfci fclfctl{ :

(a) v:cf (llqChiRidl
Cb) :!{l,cfl;q v:cf 34FA\JlCh
(c) "BN&r v:cf @(q<ictR


(e) qf{"q:qf v:cf

Differentiate and elaborate the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50
(a) Photoperiodism and Thermoperiodism 10
(b) Gravitational water and Hydroscopic water 10
(c) Relative and Obnoxious weeds 10

(d) Inorganic fertilizers and Bio-fertilizers 10

(e) Group discussion and Buzz session 10

Q4. RklR1Rsla Cf>T 250 # :
(a) # 'S1(1Cll1 qf{Cld"'f ctm wmcr ? 4"-lTCJ{OI # >rmcl1 CfiT Cf>l1

(b) 1\qdcWJ # >rfuU'Cl fcli5fl lfl # Rifulq: I

fCl i;fl('"q ?

Cc) 1:JCJ PlkftCf1{01 Cf>ROT ? co1 CRn

An sw er the following in abo ut 250
wo rds eac h : 20+15+15=50
(a) Wh at are the imp act s of clim atic
cha nge in agr icu ltu re ? Ho w can
imp act s be mit iga ted in cro p env iro the
nm ent ?
(b) Wr ite abo ut the fac tor s of dev elo
pm ent of her bic ide res ista nce in we
Wh at are the ma nag em ent opt ion eds .
(c) Wh at are the cau ses of soil deg rad
atio n and pol lut ion ? Wh at me asu
ma y be ado pte d to con tro l soil pol res
lut ion ?


Q5. Rl=<ifMfuld it "B rfkr 111: 150 QcqfUI<!Ofl :

(a) -mf&m
(b) tiT'@R "5fmcr 0$cllll (fTCR

(c) mmur
(d) jO!cfdl
(e) fiiJOOJINtCf> cl!Rcfl

Write short notes on any five of the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50
(a) Protecte d agricult ure 10
(b) Green house effect and global warmin g 10
(c) Particip atory rural appraisa l 10
(d) Quality of irrigatio n water 10
(e) Social forestry 10
(f) Ley farming 10

Q6. Rl=<iftifuld W1WT 150 ch'INiQ\:

(b) cfi1 fcrm
(c) mfmr m "ffiTRf "Cf>T ffiQ&H1
(d) fcrfcrqm
(e) "cfl"

Explain the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50

(a) Watersh ed manage ment 10
(b) Mode ofherbic idal action 10
(c) Principle oflimited capital and opportunity cost 10
(d) Crop diversifi cation 10
(e) Intercro pping

Q7. Rk!Wifule1 cnr dW 400 :
(a) (RCfl1'3'J) ef;1 I if lOJiq<;o:s CfllT

(b) \ik119hid Cffift eRr ch'lR.ic;
ofiT c8 CflfT ?
Ans wer the following in abo ut 400 wor ds each
: 25x 2=5 0
(a) Def ine sust aina ble agri cult ure. Wh at are the
crit eria of sust aina bili ty in
agri cult ural syst em ? Wh at are the vari
ous app roac hes to achi eve
sust aina bili ty?
5+1 0+1 0
(b) Disc uss the nitr oge n loss es from wat er-lo gge
d soil. Wh at are the vari ous
prac tice s to incr ease nitr oge n use efficiency
in sub mer ged rice ? 10+ 15

Q8. f;p:" lf8fu ld 200 <tlR!c; :

(a) @{q (N IU cfiT
(b) Cf)RCf)

(c) (OlllqCf>

(d) fcf>BH cnTi

Exp lain the following in abo ut 200 wor ds each 1

: 12- x 4=5 0
(a) Pers iste nce of wee ds
(b) Fac tors affe ctin g soil stru ctur e
(c) Bro ad-b ased exte nsio n
(d) Kis an Cre dit Car d



Wfll : cft;r
3icn:2 50
Tzme Allowe d : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 250

3ITO -ij GJicJ ll<n 3ik amm -ij I
'3UllGCIF( 1lfq "3W I
tf&n 1 5 3lRcmf U<ilrf Cfil "'3W U
-ij "AA ctiBr t I
3lcJi \m mlH M I
"'3W \ffiT -ij M \1fR \3l) ("ll Fffil<hc: -ij I \mCliT (QCA)
-ij HEifRct -q"{ I 3fTffi mU!11" m -ij M -q"{ .
3icfl WH \iffi% I
-mm Cfil "'3WflT 31 1q 1
-qm m t, 3lCrol CfilCO I
<it Shii ilRT 1 3lffiTCfl -ij fcfm 'ctl m CfilCO

Please read each of the following instru ctions carefu lly before attemp
ting questions.
There are EIGHT questions divided into two SECTIONS and printed
both in HIND I and in
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question No. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, TIIRE
E are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE from each section.
The numbe r of marks carried by a questi on/par t is indicated against
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certific
ate which must be stated
. on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space
provided. No marks
will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must
be clearly struck off.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless
'. struck off, attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly.

1 a-br l-m- bhsb

4 o:s 'en'
1. fiP:<iRlrua -it CfiT 150 -it : 1ox5=5o
l.(Cfl ) l>lSiiU[)Cfi{OI FroPJUT cfiT \:N41Ridl CfiT -it CfUR I
m CfiT "CfUR 1
l.(Tf) t!trR cfiT \3Y4lf11dl CfiT I
l.{q) firnur cr<n -it <RUT fa('Cl CfiT m lfl1l
I 3ftR \3W CfiT 3fTClR I

CfiT CfUR "Q,Cf CfiRUT
2. HAR!rua <fiT 200 12tx4=5o
"@1 I
AArr -it <SirU!dl
qf<:SiiOI 1
2.(lf) Ufucrr <fiT Wf.lT -it 3lfuq; ctig<f\1 U7J Ufmrr I
2.(tr) f<:tY{IRia cfiT "RT -it 3lfucfi 0ffi CfiT I
3. HARil"tia 'tR mlffif fru:roiT 200 : 12tx 4=50
3.(<li) "Q,<i (2001) 1
<fiT I
3.(lf) 'YidRd -m?I I
3.(tr ) <1PJUT I
4. AARifuJa -it "U 'CX:fRSliT 200
4.(<li) fcrfcrmrr -it cfiT \3Y41Rtal I
GfR-G fR >Rfiq YROIISi I
4.(lf) -if DNA 3i!!Jlg1q'1 I
4. ( tr) Wr/<fiG Ufuor q I{\J1l;f\ "Ylit I

- ,; (g 0 :s '<i'
5. HARifuJa -it "U- CfiT CfUf;r 150 10x5=50
S.(<li) 3lR-"YR 3WFT 3! f111Si'1 -<liT fsfilll fu<iT I
c3 c4 1fim -ij w:mr 1R Offifil1 wn co2 m&r mncr 1
5.(lf) -it 0ffi -it oo cfiT

a-b rl-m -bh sb 2

6. AJ:;1R-1R9a -H CflT CfUR/cfit 200 I2!x4=50
6. ("q1) -H ('fCfl \JfB flll '1 jd (U I cit fshl'll fct fu I

6.(\9) <fiT 3lTfuaT I

6.(ll) 1R >fmCf I
6.(tr) <fiT -&aT (<R-w<ffi) CflT I

7.(Cfi) CflT \JfB I
7.(\9) W&PJT I
7.(ll) Cfiq"ffi cit lfcRit WCfiT I
7.(tr) <fiT HJ:;iR-lfula :
"{)qur I

8. HJ:;ifufula -H <tT 200 :

8.(Cfi) "tffm N K I
8. (\9) 1:ffGtf
MciRR-111 cfil 1
8.(ll) (1f"W141 <liT -qffi&PJl I
8.(tr) jjJ{a<gf "A"-fcfwur cfil 1

1. Answer the following questions in maximum of 150 words each: 10x5=50
l.(a) Discuss the usefulness of field inspection for seed certification.
l.(b) Briefly describe the molecular mechanisms involved in heterosis.
l.(c) Discuss the usefulness of autopolyploidy in crop improvement.
l.(d) Which measure of heritability (broad sense or narrow sense) will be appropriate for
selection in a mixture ofhomozygous lines and for segregating generations. Explain the basis
for your answer.
l.(e) Briefly describe the salient features of cytoplasmic inheritance, and give the reasons

2. Discuss/Explain the reasons for the following in maximum of 200 words each :
2.(a) Purelines become genetically variable with time.
2.(b) Interspecific hybrids show variable degrees of sterility.
2.(c) Horizontal disease resistance is preferable to vertical resistance.
2.(d) Cross-pollinated species show more inbreeding depression than self-pollinated species.

3 a-brl - m-bhsb
3. Write short notes on the following (maximum of20 0 word
s each) :
3.(a) The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act
3.(b) Classes of improved seed.
3.(c) Genetically modified food.
3.(d) Sex-influenced and sex-limited characters.

4. Explain the following in maximum of200 words each:

Usefulness of somatic hybridization for creating genetic variat
4.(b) Genetic consequences of repeated backcrossing.
4.(c) DNA fingerprinting in plant variety registration/protection.
4.(d) Transgenic plants for disease/insect resistance.

5. Briefly describe the following in 150 words each:
S.(a) The mechanisms of ion transport across membranes.
S.(b) The relative responses of photosynthesis in C and C plant
3 4 s to temperature and C0
concentration. 2
S.(c) The roles of curing and degreening in reducing post-harvest
losses of fruits and vegetables.
S.(d) Woolly apple aphid and its control.
S.(e) Various methods of planting onions, and post-harvest mana
gement of onions.
6. Describe/Explain the following in 200 words each (maximum
6.(a) Mechanism of translocation ofwa ter from roots to leaves.
6.(b) Powdery mildew of rose and its co:ittrol.
6.(c) of dormant pruning on trees.
6.(d) Use of root stocks in apple cultivation.

7. Write short notes on the following in 200 words each (max

imum) :
7.(a) Water potential of plant cells.
7.(b) Fermentation for fruit and vegetable preservation.
7.(c) Cotton whitefly and its control.
7.(d) Cauliflower cultivation under the following heads :
transplanting and post-harvest management.

8. Discuss the following in 200 words each (maximum) :

8.(a) Biochemical functions ofN and K in
8.(b) Role of gibberellins in plant growth and development.
8.(c) Preservation of fruits and vegetables by sugar.
8.(d) The strengths and weaknesses ofthe .public distribution system
in India .

a-brl - m- bhs b 4

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