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Lincoln Elementary
Kindergarten Lesson Plan

April 27th, 2017

Essential Question: How can we use familiar songs to explore fast and slow? How can we use
our bodies to explore and identify fast and slow music?

I. National Standards
Cr1.1.Ka With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat
and melodic contour).
Cr1.1.Kb With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives).
Cr2.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal, and teacher feedback in refining
personal musical ideas.
Pr4.2.Ka With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts
(such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for
Pr4.3.Ka With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as
voice quality, dynamics, and tempo) that support the creators expressive intent.
Pr5.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine
Re7.2.Ka With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat
or melodic direction) is used in music.
Re8.1.Ka With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as
dynamics and tempo) that reflect creators/performers expressive intent.
Cn11.0.Ka Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the
other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.

II. Learning Outcomes
SW identify the teacher is singing Engine Engine fast and slow
SW identify fast/slow in Git on Board
SW identify fast and slow objects/animals in a chart on the board
SW identify fast/slow in Little Blue Truck
SW move around the room to Little Blue Truck to show fast/slow
SW wave scarves to audio samples to show fast/slow
SW gallop around the room to See the Pony Galloping to show fast/slow

III. Materials
CD player and speakers
Little Blue Truck (Page T146)
Git On Board (T138)
Im Floating Down the River
Listening Samples TBD
See the Pony Galloping (Page T140)
Interactive board/projector

IV. Procedures
1) TW lead in students singing Engine Engine while rubbing hands together to sound
like a train.
2) SW review high and low and that they are opposites.
3) TW sing Engine Engine much slower and then much faster than usual and SW
identify what they heard.
4) TW lead students like a train around the room to Git on Board. SW identify what
happened in the song.
5) TW project Slow-Fast Chart and students will identify if different objects and animals
are slow or fast.
6) TW sing Im Floating Down the River keeping the beat on their knees. SW identify
where the song is faster/slower. SW play game.
7) TW play track for Little Blue Truck. SW listening, holding up hands as if steering a car,
and listen to the song. SW identify that the song was both fast and slow.
8) SW stand and drive around the room, changing speed with the song to show fast
and slow.
9) TW sing Engine Engine and SW return to seats
10) TW have students hold the hand they write with and hand them a scarf to be held at
their side.
11) TW sing Engine Engine fast and slow and demonstrate fast/slow with scarves.
12) TW play audio examples and students will stand in place and move their scarf to the
song to show if it is fast or slow.
13) SW sit and the teacher will collect scarves while singing See the Pony Galloping.
14) SW identify what happens to the tempo of the song. Why is the song getting slower
at the end?
15) TW demonstrate how to gallop.
16) TW sing and SW stand and gallop around the room to show fast and slow.
17) TW sing again and SW gallop back to seats.
18) TW sing Engine Engine and lead students, fast and slow, to the door.

V. Assessment
TW assess students accurate identification of fast/slow based on responses to
teacher singing Engine Engine
TW assess students accurate identification of fast/slow in Git on Board based on
student responses
TW assess students accurate identification of fast/slow objects/animals based
on completion of chart on the board
TW assess students accurate identification of fast/slow in Little Blue Truck based
on student responses
TW assess students accurate identification of fast/slow in Little Blue Truck based
on movements around the room during the song
TW assess students accurate identification of fast/slow of audio samples by
visually assessing scarf movements
TW assess students accurate identification of fast/slow in See the Pony
Galloping by observing students movements around the room

VI. Continued Learning
Singing fast and slow
Moving fast and slow
Identifying fast and slow

VII. Honor Code
I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity in my academic
work and have not witnessed a violation of the Honor Code. Brittany N. Barry

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