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EBT 446 Final Year Project II

Semester 2 Academic Session 2016/2017


Dates Task Action Document

Thesis draft to be reviewed by SV before submission 1.
14 April 2017 Student Supervisor 1 copy Thesis Draft
Correction is made by student. Turn it in report generated. Verification of SV.
1 hardcopy
1. Thesis Draft
Student PPKB
2. Turn it in summary (bind together
24 April 2017 Submission 1- Submission of thesis to PPK Bahan office. with thesis draft)
(En Saiful Akmal
1 softcopy
1. Thesis Draft
2. Turn it in report softcopy
Distribution of thesis to examiner. PPKB Office 1 hardcopy Draft Thesis
25-April 2017
Examiner will review the thesis and mark is given. Examiners Form FYP D1 (Examiner)

8 May 2017 Submission of FORM FYP D1 (Examiner Evaluation) to Program chairperson Form FYP D1
Program Chairperson
VIVA Thesis Draft
8 - 12 May 2017 Examiner Student
Examiner will return the thesis to student Form FYP A
Examiner will fill up Form A (Viva Evaluation) and submit to chairperson no later than Examiner
8 - 12 May 2017 Form FYP A
2 days after VIVA. Program Chairperson
Correction is made by student according to examiner comment and discussion with
12 May 2017 Student 1 hardcopy Thesis DRAFT
Submission 2 - Student will submit a corrected copy to SV for evaluation together Student
19 May 2017 Thesis DRAFT
with the comment from examiner. Supervisor
Submission of FORM D2 (Supervisor Evaluation) and Form C (Project Management) to
Supervisor Form FYP D2
26 May 2017 program chairperson.
Program Chairperson Form FYP C
Hardcover copy will be made by student.
1. Final Thesis
Student PPKB 2. Turn it in summary (bind together
Office (En Saiful with thesis)
Akmal) Softcopy To be saved in the CD. DO
1. Final Thesis NOT attach to the thesis
2. Turn it in report hardcopy.
9 June 2017 Submission 3 - Submission of final copy (HARD BOUND) of thesis to PPK Bahan
3. Final Thesis
4. Turn it in summary (bind together
Student Supervisor with thesis)
To be saved in the CD
3. Final Thesis and attached to Hard
4. Turn it in report Bound Thesis

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