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A survey of applications of

ehl on machine elements

K. Holmberg*

Concentrated contacts in motion are found in most mechanical machines.

The elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication (ehl) theory deals with the lubrication
of moving concentrated contacts. The first important successful application
of ehl was to rolling contact bearings. The theory can today be used by
designers for optimizing bearing design and predicting bearing life, power
loss, temperature and dynamic behaviour. The application of ehl to gearing
is more complicated. The simplified film thickness calculation methods for
gears offer a practical way of making a rough estimation of the risk of
failure. Methods for calculating the film thickness in the difficult transient
contact conditions and along the gear contact have recently been developed.
The application of ehl to the transient conditions in a cam and tappet con-
tact is promising but needs more work. To achieve better methods for the
design of lubricated concentrated contacts, a better understanding of micro-
geometry and thermal and chemical effects in the contact is required

Keywords: rolling bearings, gear drives, tappets, cams, elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication

The basis of ehl theory was worked out by Grubin 1 in 1949 1/E'=0.5 [(1-G~)/Ex + (1-G==)/E2]
and Dowson and Higginson 2 in 1959, who treated the line 1/R'= 1/Rl + l / R :
contact type of concentrated contacts. Hamrock and Dowson
extended the theory to cover point contacts with elliptical u ' = 0 . 5 (ul + u s )
conjunction in a series of papers published in 1976-77, and hmin is the minimum film thickness, R the radius of the
which have been summarized 3 . Useful reviews of the cylinder, E Young's modulus of elasticity, a the pressure
development of ehl theory are found in papers by Dowson4,s , exponent of viscosity, % the viscosity at ambient pressure,
Cheng6 and Holmberg 7. u the velocity, w the load, 1 the length of the cylinder and
In this survey, the application of ehl to rolling element o Poisson's ratio.
bearings, gears and cam and tappet mechanisms is treated. The thickness of the lubricant film in relation to the rough-
ness of the lubricated surfaces is called the specific film
Rolling element bearings thickness X.
The first important successful application of ehl theory to
= hmin where R'a = [Ral 2 + Ra 22 ] 1/2 (2)
machine elements was to roller bearings. The theory provides R'a '
more effective methods for optimizing bearing design, pre-
dicting bearing life, power loss, temperature and dynamic and where Ra is the average roughness.
behaviour. This knowledge is used, eg in standardized A physical picture of the influence of the specific film
formulae for predicting bearing life of rolling element thickness in elasto-hydrodynamic contacts is provided by
bearings. experimental data (Fig 1) showing the fraction of time
that metal to metal contact occurs through the lubricant
Film thickness calculations film as a function of the specific film thickness 8. The data
The minimum film thickness in a line contact can be were obtained by measuring the electrical resistance of the
calculated by the conventional isothermal ehl formula, contact between steel balls.
which takes the following form when the corrections
suggested by Dowson4 are included The ehl film thickness formula has been used and
developed for rolling element bearings by several investi-
H m i n = 2.65 G's4 U'7 W-0"13 (1) gators 9~14 . The film thickness of grease lubricated bearings
where has been studied by Wilson 1s.
Hmi n = hmin/R ' The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 16 has
investigated a rationalized design method for rolling element
G = a E' (materials parameter)
bearings. It uses the following simplified formula for
U = % u'/E' R ' (speed parameter) calculating the specific film thickness
W = w/E' R ' 1 (load parameter) X = m(r/o a N ) : ~]-0.09 (3)
*Metals Laboratory, Technical Research Centre of Finland, where m is a factor which takes into account the type and
SF-02150 Espoo 15, Finland size of bearing as shown in Fig 2 and Table 1, ~7o is the

TRIBOLOGY international June 1982 0301-679X/82/030123-09 $03.00 1982 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd 123
Holmberg -- Survey o f applications o f o h / o n machine elements

viscosity at ambient pressure, c~ is the pressure exponent of Table 1 Chart for selecting m factor
viscosity, N is the rotational speed and W the static equivalent
load. m factor Bearing type and series
This formula is easy to use and gives X with sufficient curve
accuracy for most practical applications. It should be Ball Roller Spherical
pointed out that in the formula static loads are assumed.
The influence of dynamic loads is discussed later. A Extra heavy Heavy 04,23
B Heavy Medium heavy 03,13,22,32
A similar simplified method for calculating the film thick- C Medium Medium 02,12,31
ness in rolling element bearings has been published 17,~8. D Light Light 30
Here the influence of load, which is not a very dominant E Extra light Extra light 40
factor, is neglected. F Extremely light Extremely light 39

,.o Re
' Ill I i t i I ~ I i
0.9- A o I ~ 4 4 0 N (1001bf) Load I B
2 2 0 N ( 5 O I b f ) Lood ]
o 0.8-
"E &
8 0 o
-~ 0.7- C
5 2 2.5
0.6- A
"$ 0
E 2.0-
0.5-- O
,a A 0 3
E 0.4-- . 1.5
"6 0 3 -- Z~
c O
.2 1.0
0.2 -- A o e~
L. ..J
m A o
o.i - AAo 0.5

0 I 2 3 4 0 I , I l J i I,
Specific film thickness 0.6 0.8 I 2 4 6 8 IO
Fig I Effect of specific film thickness on the penetration of Specific film thickness~k
lubricant film by surface asperities (from Reference 8) Fig 3 Lubrication-life correction factor F as a function o f
specific film thickness X (from Reference 16)
6r 1A
Bearing life prediction
D During the last decades, much work has been done on
E studying the rolling contact fatigue mechanism. The aim
has been to improve bearing life prediction methods, which
are still considerably inaccurate, ehl theory provided very
l0 useful knowledge about the contact mechanism, which led
8 to an important step forward.
6 The influence of the specific film thickness, X, on the bear-
ing life was first demonstrated by Tallian 19 as shown by
.} curve A in Fig 3. He showed that the bearing life is many
times longer in the ehl region (X > 3) than in the boundary
2 lubrication region (X < 1). Thus it became possible to
design bearings to run in the region where they would have
longer lives and where failure probability is lower.
The experimental fatigue life tests of cylindrical roller bear-
ings operating under various lambda values reported by
Skurka 2 indicate that the relationship between lambda and
4 the bearing life would be expressed by curve B in Fig 3.
Curve C represents a compromise between the two men-
2x104r i i I nil I I III tioned works and is the curve that is recommended, based
10 20 40 100 200 400 I000 on data presently available.
Beoring bore, mm The scatter in the test results of bearing lives at low lambda
Fig 2 m-factor as a function of bearing bore (from values is bigger than at high values of lambda. This is due to
R eference 16) the complexity of the contact mechanism in the region of

124 T R I BO LOGY international June 1982

Holmberg - Survey o f applications o f ehl on machine elements

boundary lubrication. Here the microgeometry, starvation I

I ,,1 l i , J' ;''l I l I

effects and lubricant-material chemistry become important Elastohydrodynamic theoies:

because of the continuous asperity contacts. Liu et a121 1.0 - Fully flooded n ~ A r c h a r d and Cowking
determined that, at lambda values below 0.5, the variation Hamrock and Dawson
in lambda explains only a minor portion of the scatter in Starved H am:OnCk and . ~
fatigue life.
In a recent paper, Tallian ~2 presents a method for the o Experiments s ~ "
calculation of rolling contact fatigue life which considers
material, lubrication and surface topography effects. He
also states that bearing life is as long as can be achieved for
given material factors, when X ~ 3. However, this statement c
cannot be relied upon until more experimental evidence is 0.1
published, especially because recently published new data
by Nahm and Bamberger23 are in disagreement with this E
statement. Their results show that life continues to increase h

with increasing lambda.

In an analysis of literature bearing-fatigue life results,
Rowe 24 concludes that the influence of film thickness on
bearing life increases with increasing surface roughness. He
found that at about 0.20/am composite roughness, life
increases with the square root of the film thickness while 0.01 i , I,I I I I I I ll~l I I I
at about 0.46/am, life increases with the film thickness 0,5 I 5 I0 50
squared. A comprehensive review of ehl effects in rolling Velocity, UI+I,I 2 , m / s
contact fatigue has been published by Tallian 2s and the
Fig 5 Comparison of theoretical and measured film thick-
application to rolling element bearings has been discussed
nesses in high speed conditions (from Reference 31)
by Anderson 26 .

Thermal effects
Starvation effects
At high rolling speeds, the film thickness predicted by
Starvation is most likely to occur in sparsely lubricated
isothermal ehl theory is too high because the inlet heating
bearings such as instrument bearings and in high speed
effect is ignored. Cheng j2 and Blok 27 have shown that this
bearings. Hamrock and Dawson 3e have analysed the film
effect can be taken into account by using a correction
thickness reduction in starved ehl conditions. Their theory
factor. Blok gives an equation for the correction factor,
is in good agreement with the experimental high speed
which is the relation between the actual film thickness and
point contact results from Dalmaz31 (Fig 5). A weak point
that predicted by the isothermal theory. The correction
factor can easily be determined from the diagram in Fig 4 is, however, that Dalmaz compares his results with iso-
developed by Jackson 28 . thermal ehl theories where the inlet heating effect is not
taken into account. Thus it is not clear if the reduction in
In an optical study of a cylindrical roller bearing, film thickness is caused by starvation or inlet heating.
Pemberton and Cameron 29 confirm that the isothermal
The results of Dawson, Saman and Toyoda 32 are more
theory gives accurate predictions of film thickness at low
useful for practical applications. In their theoreticaiand
speeds but that the viscous heating in the inlet zone must
experimental study of starved ehl contacts, they suggest the
be taken into account at higher speeds. Severe starvation
use of a zero reverse flow boundary condition. They found,
could only be induced by limiting the initial supply of
for line contacts, that the film thickness is reduced to about
seventy percent of the fully flooded value predicted by
conventional ehl theory for pure rolling.

Dynamic behaviour
In most treatments of lubrication of rolling element bear-
ings, it is assumed that an equilibrium of forces exists all
the time. In many applications, the use of ehl theory with
this assumption gives results which are sufficiently accurate
enough for practical engineering use.
> Theoretical analysis of the non-steady-state ehl problem has
been reported by Petronsevitch et al 1~ , Dowson et alaa ,
Markho et ala4 and Holland a5 but a complete solution is
,2 tO I still not available. Gupta a6 has analysed in detail the
dynamics of cylindrical roller and ball bearings,

...... ;o" ........ ,o" ....... ;'o 106 107 The contact between two gear teeth is more difficult to
Bearing speed factor, Ndm,mmxr/min analyse than a ball or roller bearing contact. With bearings,
Fig 4 Thermal correction factor, Cth, for values of kinematic a steady-state situation often prevails. In a gear-tooth
viscosity and bearing speed factor, Nd m (from meshing cycle, a highly transient condition of changing
Reference 28) kinematics, contact load, contact geometry and surface

TRI BOLOGY international June 1982 125

Holmberg - Survey of applications of ehl on machine elements

temperature exists with the moving contact on the gear hardened throughout and lubricated with petroleum gear
tooth. oils, but they do also contain test data from surface
The situation is further complicated by the contact not hardened gearing using an ester-type lubricant. The scatter
being ideally elasto-hydrodynamic. In most cases, except the of the data is probably due, in some part, to variation in
lightly loaded gears, there are contact conditions more like additive chemistry. Fig 7 is a replot of the data.
mixed or boundary lubrication; these are the lubrication The observations can be summarised as follows:
regimes that are least understoo& When X > 2, no tooth distress occurs.
Nevertheless, a great number of studies have shown that ehl When 0.7 < ?, < 2, distress can be pitting, wear or scoring,
theory is a useful tool in predicting the occurrence and depending on the precise condition of film surface
severity of various kinds of tooth wear and the coefficients texture and lubricant.
of tooth friction. When X < 0.7, boundary lubrication prevails, and the
physical and chemical interactions at the surface, loads
Prediction of surface distress and temperatures influence greatly the modes and rates
The field and laboratory test data from Wellauer and of distress.
Holloway 37 indicate that the critical specific film thickness Detailed examinations of the gear tooth failures can be
parameter is not a constant but varies directly with the pitch found3m 39"
line velocity (Fig 6). The data are largely from gear sets

Gears hardened throughout /o No distress Simplified film thickness formula

Petroleumlubricant fe Distressed Because of the very complicated contact conditions in gear
Carburisedpinions-nitrided geors].a No distress tooth contacts, several simplifications have been necessary.
Polyester lubricant fll Distressed Most of the applications of elasto-hydrodynamics to gearing
I0 o
0 have been limited to predictions of contact conditions at the
50_ o og o~ . pitch point or to a simplification of transien't conditions
occurring throughout the meshing cycle to a quasi steady-
g o d ,.- an "20 state situation.
_ - ? . ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ t e ~ ~ t ~ - ~ 8o
Fig 8 shows the velocity variations in the contact as it moves
~ 0.5
along the gear tooth. A common approximation of the pro-
~= /f~p~ ~ % Probability
files of the gear tooth is to assume that they 6an be simulated
0.2~0050.1--__~ o o'~~ e ~ of distress by circular arcs, as shown in Fig 8, having the same radii of
curvature as the gear tooth at the point of contact.
By this simplification, the equations developed for the ehl of
0.02 oo o /
rollers can be applied to gear contacts. Eq (1) can be greatly
O.OL I L I I simplified, with sufficient accuracy for practical situations,
0.005 0.05 0.5 5 50 500
Pitch line velocity, m/s as follows:
Fig 6 Influence of specific film thickness and pitch line hp = 0.5 (*/o u'R') ~/2 (4)
velocity on surface distress (from Reference 3 7) For parallel shaft gears, ie spur and helical gears, the follow-
ing approximate form in terms of gear dimensions can be
used 41 :

hp = 1.7 x 10 -3 (no Vp) 2/3 ll/3 (5)
Pitch line
velocity, hp Minimum film thickness at the pitch line,/Jm
m/s *70 Oil viscosity at atmospheric pressure and at the

temperature of the gear tooth surface, cP
u' Average surface velocity, 0.5 (U 1 + U 2), m / s
Vp Pitch line speed, m/s
6O l Centre distance, mm
g Bartz 42 has recommended a similar simplification for the
film thickness formula where the pressure coefficient of
"ID viscosity is included.
O 40

Steady-state film thickness formula
More accurate values for the film thickness at the pitch line
o 20
k,_,.,,\ \ of involute spur gears can be calculated from the formula
developed by Dowson and Higginson43 . The minimum film
thickness is typically about one half of the pitch line value
for large gear ratios and roughly equal to the pitch line value
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 for gear ratios near one.
Specific film thickness, X Later, Gu m extended Dowson and Higginson's approach to
Fig 7 Probability of tooth surface distress (from determine the film thickness variation along the entire line
Reference 37) of action. Both assume that the bulk surface temperature is

126 TRIBOLOGY i n t e r n a t i o n a l June 1982

Holmberg - Survey o f appfications o f ehl on machine elements

known and ignore the squeeze film effect. Gu recommends l04

the use of the pitch point values for the calculation o f film
thickness and contact pressure, because they represent the
most severe values in a gear system.
10 3
The elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication o t spur gears has
further been treated by T0wnsend 4s who gives a useful o
overall view of gear lubrication. Wellauer and Holloway a7
present a practical monograph for determining gear t o o t h
film thickness for a wide range of gear drive conditions. In o IOZ
two papers, Akin 46'4~ has studied the lubrication of gears
and developed the elasto-hydrodynamic equations needed E
for use in various types o f gears. He presents a generalized
~- l0 t
formula, which unites the calculation procedure for all
types of gears with a dominant rolling component of
Unfortunately, both Akin 46'47 and Wellauer and Holloway 37 i0 C _ I I l l1H[

use the average value for the surface roughnesses when 0.01 0.1 IO I0 IO0 I000
calculating the specific film thickness, instead o f the Pitch line velocity, m/s
square root of the sum of the squares of the roughness Fig 9 Thermal correction factor, Cth, for values of
values, as in Eq (2). The latter method, which is suggested kinematic viscosity and gear pitch line velocity (from
by Tallian, has statistical roots and is to be recommended. Reference 28)
A practical method for calculating the pitch point film
thickness of all types of gears, but hypoid and worm gears, Gears lubricated with open gear lubricants, greases or an
can be found 18'48 . These calculations are based on the inadequate oil supply may suffer from starvation and a
lowest speed gear because this is the most critical in the correction factor of 0.7 for the film thickness should be
formation of an ehl film. used. Lubricant and lubricant temperature effects in
In a recent paper, Simon 49 has presented a full thermal ehl gearing are treated in a review by Bartz s .
analysis of the lubrication of hypoid gears. He shows that
the isothermal solution~ for most operating conditions, Thermal effects
highly overestimates the load capacity. For worm gears At high speeds or with high viscosity lubricants, the con-
no detailed analysis of film thickness has yet been siderable shearing which occurs in the inlet zone may cause
developed due to the complex contact conditions. the oil inlet temperature to rise, which decreases the
viscosity and hence reduces the film thickness. This can be
taken into account by using a thermal correction factor for
the isothermal film thickness 2a .
In Fig 9, the solid curves are drawn for spur gears with a
20 pressure angle. The Cth = 0.90 line is drawn in double
thickness since the thermal effects can reasonably be
neglected if Cth > 0.90. The dashed lines at the sides of the
Cth = 0.90 line indicate a correction value of 0.90 for
pressure angles o f 14.5 and 25 . The dotted line is for a
pressure angle o f 14.5 and a helical angle of 30 . The
differences in geometry do not significantly influence the
thermal effects and for practical purposes, using a 20
pressure angle spur gear as a model is satisfactory.
The heat generated by the sliding action decreases the film
thickness in the beginning and at the end of the contact
but not at the pitch point. This effect has been studied b y
Rodermund sl and Wallinger s2 and is shown in Fig 10.
A detailed study of the frictional heat, flash temperature,
heat dissipation and equilibrium temperature in spur gears
is found in the work of Wang sa . In Fig 11, the minimum
film thickness, maximum equilibrium temperature and
maximum flash temperature are shown for different tooth

Transient cond.itions
The studies of Wang sa , Wang and Cheng s4 , Holland as ,
Holland and Wallingerss and Wallinger s2 indicate that the
SAP PP EAP changing flow conditions in a gear t o o t h contact do not
Distance along line of contact decrease the film thickness compared with steady state
conditions. Holland as gives the following formula for
Fig 8 Comparison of the contact in gears and rollers (from calculating the film thickness in changing flow conditions
Reference 40) between two rollers:

TRIBOLOGY international June1982 127

Holmberg- Surveyof applicationsof ehlonmachineelements

H m i n = 1.86 G '4 ( V * ) 0"467 ~1)-0'0867 (6) 1.7' 5 I

V* - 77
' dt
and dh/dt is the change in film thickness with time and the
other symbols are the same as defined for Eq (1). According
::t. 150
I ,
Dynamic film thickness -60

to this method, the minimum film thickness in a gear tooth =

contact would be found at the end of the contact path and =.5
not in the beginning as a steady state calculation could
indicate (Fig 12). - \ ~_....~ E
The results of Holland and Wallinger show the same trends ,.E ~ ~_
as the film thickness analysis of spur gears by Wang s3 where E=
E Inn-- ~ ~ ~ -40 E
he takes into account both thermal effects and dynamic E "-- " S t a t i c film thickness ';
loads (Fig 13). The squeeze effect results in a thicker film at ~ n-- 166 r / s =E
the beginning of the tooth contact rather than what a P = 0.755 MN/m
steady-state analysis would predict.
" 75 - 30
=.o l I I = I I '~ - I i l I I I I = 1
-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8
."-" Relative contact position
0.9 -- , ~ / p ~ N=5O Fig 12 Film thickness in gear tooth contact at steady state
O.S -
/ ? ~ and transient conditions (from Reference 55)

/// 1.6 - -

1.2 - - ~ ~"" - - " ~

0.5- E /
-: _ /
0.4-- "----""~ "~" 0 8 - / W=4120N
"~ 1/ / #/ ' ' ~ ~ " N=25r/s
E / / / -~ T = 40.5C
-~ 0 . 3 - - "~ 0 . 6 - -
" E - Transient
0.2-- o= Pitch point --
iT 0 4 -- Steady state
N Rotational frequency,r/s
0.1-- ------ Isothermal 0.2--
I I I I I I I I J I I I I I J I i I J I
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Distance along line of contact, x,mrn Distance along line of contact, x,mrn
Fig 10 Effect of sliding on film thickness throughout the
Fig 13 Comparison between the steady state and dynamic
tooth contact {from Reference 52)
film thickness {from Reference 53)
Effect of load
/~in /~ml C
*F ~="
._= Conclusions
3o ehl theory can be used in gearing design by calculating the
== specific film thickness. When this is less than two, the lubri-
-II00 cation normally works well. When the specific film thick-
=2 ZC- 200 2~g ness decreases below two, the reliability of the lubrication
~_ -0.4 depends more and more on boundary lubrication effects.
IC-02 150 ~ ~- Calculations at the pitch point give a satisfactory rough
.E 6O a value for the film thickness, even if more reliable methods
are needed. Fig 14 shows the influence of different para-
0- I 4O I00 E= E=
0 I 0!8 i 01.9 I i10 I MN/m EE meters on the minimum film thickness in a gear contact.
I I The load per contact width is 229 N/mm. The influence of
5 0 0I 0
i 60i00
4000 I b f / i ni o
Load, W temperature is strong and the influence of load is small.
Fig 11 Effect of load on lubrication performance in a spur There is a qualitative agreement between these results by
gear tooth contact (from Reference 53) Wallinger s2 and the results of Wang s3 .

128 T R I B O L O G Y i n t e r n a t i o n a l June 1 9 8 2
Holmberg - Survey of applications of ehl on machine elements

To achieve better understanding of the lubrication of gears, Taking the calculation of maximum Hertzian stresses alone
it is not only necessary to handle the complex transient as a design criterion would be misleading. The stresses are
contact condition, but also to develop a better understand- higher in cam profile 2, but its reliability is better because
ing of microgeometry, and thermal and lubricant-material the reduction in the nose radius that increases the Hertzian
chemistry effects. stresses causes, at the same time, an increase in speed and
a corresponding increase in the film thickness. Fig 15 shows
C a m and t a p p e t m e c h a n i s m the film thicknesses for the two cam profiles calculated by
The operating conditions between cams and tappets are isothermal elasto-hydrodynamic theory s6's~ .
similar to those between gear flanks and the lubrication is
15.28 I 8
usually in the elasto-hydrodynamic regime. Changes in
geometry, speed and load cause temperature variations and
a transient condition of lubrication.
The benefits from using ehl theory in cam and tappet
mechanism design are shown by comparing the two cam
profiles in Fig 15.
0.6 I I I

Cam I / Cam 2

~= 0.4
.Cam 2


20 0 Cam angle 2dOegree

~- o.2
sur r ~ o : 0 . 0 2 Nsm-2
2. Centre distance
O. 3. Viscosity/rotational frequency _
4. Pressure coefficient, a
5. Tooth load 0.5
6. Temperature
.. I I I
050 75 I00 125 150
Change in parameter value, /o
Fig 15 Oil film thickness for two cam profiles (from
Fig 14 Influence of different gearing parameters on Reference 56)
minimum film thickness in a gear tooth contact (from
Reference 52)

60 80 I O0 120 60 80 I00 120

,oo \ o//// ,,oo -,o I / /
, _-Oo~ - - - - /
"014 ~ 140

20 60

oo ) ?r_,,oo /, - 180

\\ \ ~ ~-"-N:23r/s
\\~ i _ ~ J / ~ N:8./,
~ / ~ r=100 C
a ~ T:50C J N:25r/s
Fig 16 Film thickness between cam and tappet at different cam angles and (a) different speeds with an oil temperature of
50C and ( b) different oil temperatures at a speed 0[23 r/s (from Reference 57)

TRI B O L O G Y international June 1982 129

Holmberg - Survey o f applications o f ehl on machine elements

Film thicknesscalculations 3. Hamrock B.J. and Dowson D. Ball Bearing Lubrication: The
Film thickness calculations for the unsteady state lubrica- Elastohydrodynamics of Elliptical Contacts. John Wiley and
tion condition in a cam and tappet contact have been Sons, 1981
investigated by Nerge 58 and Holland 3s's9. Fig 16 shows the 4. DowsonD. Elastohydrodynamics. Proc. I. Mech. E., 1968,
influence of speed and oil temperature on film thickness 182, {3A), 151-167
according to Holland s9 , who uses Eq (6) in his film thickness 5. DowsonD. Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication. In Interdiscipli-
calculations. The point of minimum film thickness is found nary Approach to the Lubrication of Concentrated Contacts,
Ku P.M. (ed) , Proc. of NASA Syrup. held 15-17July 1969,
at about 130 . Vichard 6 has demonstrated that the squeeze Troy, New York, NASA SP-237, 1970, 27-76
film effect tends to maintain stable conditions in a thin
6. Cheng H.S. Fundamentals of Elastohydrodynamic Contact
lubricating film which is subject to sudden change in loading. Phenomena. Paper presented at International Conference on
A simple practical formula for calculating the film thickness Fundamentals of Tribology held 19-22 June 1978,
with the assumption of steady-state conditions is given by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA, 1009-1048
Fowles x7 and the Mobil EHL Guidebook 18
7. Holmberg K. Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Theory and
Its Applications on Machine Elements. Inst. o f Machine Design,
Cam design Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, Report
A new way of designing the cam profile in a cam and tappet A1, 1981
contact is using the elasto-hydrodynamic theory as related 8. Tallian T.E., Chin Y.P., Huttenlocher D.F., Kamenshine J.A.,
above. Such approaches to cam design have recently been Sibley L.B. and Sindlinger N.E. Lubricant Films in Rolling
worked out for flat tappets by Deschler and Wittmann61 , Contact of Rough Surfaces.ASLE Trans., 1964, 7 (2), 109-126
for cylindrical tappets by Dyson 62 and for the finger 9. Dowson D. and Higginson G.R. New Roller-Bearing Lubrication
follower mechanism by Dyson 6a Formula. Engineering, 4 Aug. 1961, 158-159
10. Dowson D. and Higginson G.R. Theory of Roller-Bearing
Conclusions Lubrication and Deformation. In Lubrication and Near Conven-
tion, 1963, L Mech. E., Paper 19, 216-22 7
ehl theory has enlarged considerably our understanding of
11. Petrousevitch A.I., Kodnir D.S., Salukvadze D.L., Bakashvili D.L.
the contact region in interacting machine elements. This and Schwarzman V.Sh. The Investigation of Oil Film Thickness
knowledge can be applied to some of the most common in Lubricated BaH-Race Rolling Contact. Wear, 1972, 19,
machine elements such as ball and roller bearings, gears and 369-389
cam and tappet mechanisms. By using the formulae 12. Cheng H.S. Application of Elastohydrodynamics to Rolling
developed in ehl theory, machine designers can construct Element Bearings.ASME Paper No. 74-DE-32, 19 74
machines with greater reliability. 13. Tyler J.C., Carper H.J., Brown R.D. and Ku P.M. Analysis of
ehl theory can also be applied to other machine elements, Film Thickness Effect in Slow-Speed Lightly-Loaded Elasto-
hydrodynamic Contacts. Part I. Southwest Research Institute,
such as traction drives, elastic seals, journal and thrust Distr. by NTIS, US Department of Commerce, A F ML- TR- 74-189,
bearings, foil bearings and tyres on wet roads. Efforts have AD/A-O05 726, 1974
been made to apply ehl theory to developing artificial 14. Tyler J.C., Carper H.J. and Ku P.M. EHD Film Thickness
human joints. Behaviour in DMA Bearings. Part I - Experimental and
Computational Techniques. ASLE Trans., 1979, 22 {3), 201-212
Even if the main features of ehl theory are well established,
there is still lack of understanding in matters of detail. 15. WilsonA.R. The Relative Thickness of Grease and Oil Films in
More scientific work is needed, especially on the following Rolling Bearings.Proc. I. Mech. E., 1979, 193, 185-192
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Weyler M.E, a n d C h i h Wu A N u m e r i c a l M e t h o d for t h e
C a l c u l a t i o n o f L u b r i c a n t Pressures. Tribology International,
April 1982, 15(2), 8 9 - 9 5
In this article, E q ( 4 6 ) was p r i n t e d w r o n g l y . I t s h o u l d read:

E(H3)= f+c [h(x)+hs] 3 K 1 ~

-h(~) 4(2~)o ep (- ~ ( )~ ) d h s

TRIBOLOGY international June 1982 131

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