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Presentacin 5
Introduccin 6
Orientaciones metodolgicas 7
Lesson 1: Where is the Restaurant? 9
1.1 Expressing time 9
1.2 Simple present 10
1.3 Present Continuous 11
1.4 Imperatives 12
1.5 Language check 13
1.6 Reading 14
1.7 Vocabulary 15
On line Exploring 17

Lesson 2: How was your day? 18

2.1 Food 18
2.2 Would you like 19
2.3 Wh-Questions: who - whose 19
2.4 Verb To Be past tense 20
2.5 Language check 21
2.6 Reading 23
2.7 Vocabulary 24
On line Exploring 26

Lesson 3: There was a bug in my soup! 27

3.1 Entertainment and events 27
3.2 There was and there were 28
3.3 Listening 28
3.4 Language check 29
3.5 Reading 31
3.6 Vocabulary 31
Activity 32
Additional Exercises 33
On-line Exploring 34
Bibliographic References 34
Self-Assessment Unit One 35


Lesson 4: Who had an accident? 38
4.1 Life events 38
4.2 Past simple regular verbs 39
4.3 ed pronunciation 40
4.4 Past simple questions 41
4.5 Language check 41
4.6 Reading 42
4.7 Vocabulary 44
On line Exploring 47

Lesson 5: Music styles 48

5.1 Types of music 48
5.2 Past simple irregular verbs 49
5.3 Questions and negative 50
5.4 Language check 50
5.5 Reading 53
5.6 Listening 54
5.7 Vocabulary 55

On line Exploring 57

Lesson 6: Its time for shopping! 58

6.1 Clothes 58
6.2 Wh-questions in the past 58
6.3 Other wh-questions 59
6.4 Language check 60
6.5 Reading 61
6.6 Vocabulary 63
Activity 64
Additional Exercises 65
On-line Exploring 68
Bibliographic References 68
Self-Assessment Unit Two 69


Lesson 7: The seasons 72
7.1 Seasons and the weather 72
7.2 Simple present and present continuous 73
7.3 Spelling ing forms 73
7.4 Language check 74
7.5 Reading 75
7.6 Vocabulary 76
On line Exploring 78

Lesson 8: I feel superb! 79

8.1 Feelings and emotions 79
8.2 The definite article: the 80
8.3 Comparative and superlative adjectives 80
8.4 Language check 82
8.5 Reading 83
8.6 Vocabulary 84
On line Exploring 86

Lesson 9: What a night! 87

9.1 Words that go together: food 87
9.2 Countable and uncountable nouns 88
9.3 Quantifiers 88
9.4 Language check 89
9.5 Listening 91
9.6 Vocabulary 91
Activity 92
Additional Exercises 93
On-line Exploring 94
Bibliographic References 95
Self-Assessment Unit Three 96
Lesson 10: Are you going to the cinema tomorrow? 99
10.1 Places 99
10.2 Going to for future 100
10.3 Expressions with .have 100
10.4 Language check 101
10.5 Reading 103
10.6 Listening 104
10.7 Vocabulary 105
On line Exploring 107

Lesson 11: Are you going to take a taxi? 108

11.1 Transport 108

11.2 Expressions with go and play 108

11.3 Language check 109
11.4 Reading 110
11.5 Vocabulary 111
On line Exploring 113

Lesson 12: Our holidays 114

12.1 Holidays 114
12.2 Compound nouns 114
12.3 Prefixes and suffixes 115
12.4 Language check 115
12.5 Reading 116
12.6 Vocabulary 117
12.7 Song: Eternal Flame 118
Activity 119
Additional Exercises 119
On-line Exploring 121
Bibliographic References 121
Self-Assessment Unit Four 122


Unit one 125
Unit two 131
Unit three 137
Unit four 142
List of Irregular Verbs 147



El Cuaderno de Ingls II, ha sido preparado para que el alumno pueda continuar afianzando las
estructuras bsicas idioma Ingls, repasando lo aprendido en el primer manual y continuando al
siguiente nivel.

Este manual contiene muchos ejercicios que debern ser complementados con otros adicionales,
por esto se aconseja que cada vez que sea posible, escuchen canciones, programas,
conversaciones, etc. en ingls, y continen buscando ms ejercicios que abundan en la web.

Los vocabularios siempre son importantes para su comprensin y para ampliar su rango de
situaciones en las que pueda utilizar lo que est aprendiendo. La pronunciacin es importante;
continuar hallndolas entre barras y en letras cursivas. /xx/. Ejemplo: car /kr/ elephant /lefant/.

Tenga a mano el mismo cuaderno que us para sus prcticas del primer manual, adems de un
buen diccionario bilinge. Busque otras situaciones donde aplicar lo aprendido e incremente su
vocabulario personal.

El presente texto contiene explicaciones gramaticales y ejemplos prcticos para facilitar el

aprendizaje del alumno. Una vez comprendida la teora se contina con la prctica. sta no
solamente debe ser escrita, pues el idioma Ingls es muy diferente tanto como se lee que como
se escribe, sino que tambin se debe leer en voz alta para acostumbrarse a los nuevos sonidos
que se utilizarn.

Se recomienda que trate de resolver los ejercicios por cuenta propia y al final pueda comparar
las soluciones obtenidas con las correctas. Esto le permitir tener confianza y seguridad sobre
lo que est aprendiendo y al mismo tiempo podr medir sus logros personales. Si su verdadero
deseo es ser un buen profesional, har todo lo posible por ser honrado consigo mismo. Ver que
el esfuerzo vale la pena.

Qu sus esfuerzos tengan muchos xitos!



ESTRUCTURA: El manual de INGLS II est dividido en Cuatro Unidades Didcticas para

facilitar el estudio. Cada Unidad contiene pequeas lecciones que, en conjunto, deber estudiar,
aprender y practicar en un promedio de tres a cuatro semanas por unidad. La Unidad empieza
con un ttulo que le ayudar a tomar conciencia de lo que aprender y cmo puede serle til la
informacin. Cada Leccin contiene tanto la explicacin como los ejemplos necesarios para su
mejor entendimiento. Las lecciones contienen ejercicios, ayudas gramaticales y links para poder
practicar lo aprendido.
SUMILLA: La asignatura de Ingls II se encuentra dentro del sistema de cursos dirigidos a la
adquisicin de la competencia comunicativa; es de naturaleza terico-prctica.
El propsito es involucrar al alumno en el desarrollo de habilidades de escuchar, hablar, escribir
y leer (comprensin de mensajes escritos y orales), proporcionndole los elementos
estructurales necesarios en un nivel bsico y utilizando estrategias metodolgicas actualizadas
con temas de un texto unificado para todas las facultades.
Los contenidos se desarrollan en cuatro unidades temticas:
1. Un momento y un lugar
2. Mi pasado
3. Hacer un cambio
4. Salir de vacaciones

COMPETENCIA: El estudiante al concluir la asignatura de Ingls II adquirir y/o reactivar

habilidades bsicas de: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir; internalizando temas especficos y
gramtica bsica, haciendo uso de estrategias metodolgicas activas e interactivas,
complementadas con ayudas didcticas de audio, video, multimedia y recursos virtuales,
reconociendo as la importancia del idioma ingls para su desarrolloprofesional y/o acadmico.

ESTRATEGIA DE APRENDIZAJE: Tenga un buen diccionario bilinge a mano. (Ingls - espaol

/ espaol ingls) Consiga uno de bolsillo, de preferencia. Establezca un horario personal de
estudio diario. Sujtese a l y no lo vare por nada. Sea regular y constante. Motvese. Al leer la
situacin o caso de la Unidad piense: Cmo me puede ayudar esta informacin?. Primero, lea
bien las instrucciones y/o explicaciones. Observe y analice los ejemplos. Trate de explicar lo que
se ha ledo. Practique con los ejercicios. Hgalo todas las veces que considere necesario hasta
que se sienta seguro. Repase los ejercicios de pronunciacin que estn al final del Texto.
Hgalos con calma, reptalos cada vez que sea necesario. Aprenda el glosario final. Que ste le
brinde la base para edificar un nuevo vocabulario. Aada cuantas palabras considere necesarias.
Si hay alguna palabra en especial que le interesa bsquela en el diccionario y agrguela al
glosario. Aumente la variedad de ejercicios buscando las pginas de Internet que se sugieren al
final del Texto. Como ltimo paso, desarrolle la AUTOEVALUACION. Ponga a prueba todo lo
que aprendi. Una vez que lo logre pase a la siguiente Unidad.
EVALUACIN: Se estudiar las dos primeras Unidades para el Primer Parcial, y las dos ltimas
Unidades para el Segundo Parcial.



At the end of this Unit the student will be able to:
1.1 Speak, read and write in simple present tense.
1.2 Use properly the present continuous tense.
1.3 Express using the verb To be in the past tense.
1.4 Declare past ideas with: there was and there were.
1.5 Speak about entertainment and events in the simple past.

This Unit has the purpose to review basic skills in English; the ability to
understand and communicate in simple present, present continuous and
simple past, in common situations.




What time do we meet at the restaurant?

/wot tym du wi mit at de rstorant/

At 1:15 would be alright?

/At a kuarter past wan wud bi olryt/

What time is your train leaving?

/wot tym is yor tryn liyvin/

It leaves at 12 oclock
/it liyvs at tulv oclok/

What time does your train arrive?

/wot tym das yor tryn arryv/

It arrives at 11:45
/it arryvs at a kuarter tu tuelv/

What time do you get up?

/wot tym du yu gerp/

I usually get up at 6:30.

/ay yshuali gerp at jaf past six/

When do you go to the Institute?

/wen du yu gou tu de nstitiut/

I go everyday, from Monday to Friday

/ay gou vridey from mndey tu frydey/


Read the dialog and practice with your partner.

A: Hello Sandra. How are you?

B: Hi Don, Im fine thanks.
A: I need to speak with you. May I call you later?
B: Please, call me after 5 oclock.
A: Good, thanks!
B: Bye.


A: What time do you leave home?
B: ______________________________________________
A: Do you always take the bus at the same time?
B: _______________________________________________
A: What time does your class begin?
B: _______________________________________________
A: When do you do your homework?
B: _______________________________________________


KATY: Hi Janet! Do you want to eat with me?

JANET: Hi Katy! Sure, where do you plan to go?
KATY: I want to eat Chinese food. What do you think?
JANET: Its a good idea. Do you know a good Chinese Restaurant?
KATY: Yes, The Long-Fua.
JANET: Where is that?
KATY: Its near the University. Lets take a taxi.
JANET: Alright!


Complete the reading with the verb in the simple present:

be brush doesnt get eat fix get

have leave like like take wake wash

Every morning, Jack _______ up very early. He _______ his face. He _______ his teeth.
He ______ a shower and _______ breakfast. His mother ________ up earlier and
________ breakfast for everyone. His sisters _____ always late for breakfast. They
______ to sleep late so they _____ up late, too. His father ______ __________ to be

late. He always _______ home at half past seven every day. Jack and his fater
_________ to work early.


RICK: Hey Jack!

JACK: Hey Rick! Whats new?
RICK: Im looking for a new pair of good tennis shoes.
JACK: Oh, are you going to the new Mall?
RICK: Where?
JACK: The one in Keneth Avenue. It is offering good prices in every store for the
RICK: That sounds great!
JACK: Are you coming with me? We can have lunch together.
RICK: If you are paying the bill.
JACK: Yes, friend. Im inviting you.
RICK: Ok, Im going.
JACK: Fine, thanks.


Complete the reading with the verb in the present continuous:

be forget prepare run run

take think wait watch work

Jack ____________ home. He _____ in a hurry. His new TV show begins at 6:15 and
its 6:12. His sisters ____________ cartoons and his mother _______________ supper.
His father ____________ at the office. He always comes home late. While he
____________ home, he ____________ what to do to have the TV for himself. Oh! He

_____________ Ann! Ann ____________ for him at the Restaurant at 6:30! He

_____________ a taxi to be on time.

We find imperatives in instructions, warnings, or commands. They are also used to ask
for something and it is usually used with the polite please. Remember that these
sentences are used without a subject and the verb is in infinitive. The negative is directly
used with the auxiliary verb: dont.
Example: Come here.
Write your name and press submit.
Sit down, please.
Please, close the door.
Dont stand up!
Dont run!
When you are included in the imperative it is used: lets (abbreviation of: let us.) before
the verb. The negative is: lets not.
Example: Lets go to the beach.
Lets sit down.
Lets call the doctor.
Lets not go to the concert.
Imperatives may be used for emphasis with the auxiliary verb do and the verb be.
Though this combination is not frequently used, when it does is just to emphasize a
quality or condition.
Example: Dont be fool!
Dont be late!
Do be nice!
Do be gentle!


TEACHER: Sally please, call Paul.

SALLY: Yes, Miss. Paul, the teacher is calling you.
PAUL: Dont bother me!
TEACHER: Paul! Come here, please.
SALLY: He never obeys Miss.
PAUL: Dont talk!
TEACHER: Paul! Come here, please!
SALLY: You see! Hes very stubborn!
PAUL: No, Im not!

TEACHER: Please, stop fighting! Be quiet!

PAUL: Miss.
TEACHER: Shhhh! Lets calm down. I just want to give your tests back.
PAUL: Sorry teacher.
TEACHER: Dont worry Paul.


A: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in simple present.

1. Karina _______ her shoes and boots under the stairs. (put)
2. John and Paul _______ the papers in a suitcase. (carry)
3. Your father ________ to learn Spanish. (try)
4. Little Tommy ________ the chocolate cake in the kitchen. (smell)
5. My mother _________ coffee and chocolate to prepare a hot drink. (mix)
6. Walter and Silvia ________ the sandwiches. (pass)
7. My uncle ________ my bicycle every week. (crash)
8. My mother ________ with my father. (work)
9. The children ________ television every night. (watch)
10. The cat ________ the flowers in the garden. (smell)

B: Change the sentences into imperatives.

Example: You have to stand up. Stand up!
1. You must be quiet. ________________________________
2. You should close the door. ________________________________
3. You have to come here. ________________________________
4. You must study. ________________________________
5. You should not speak. ________________________________

6. You dont have to sit down. ________________________________

7. We have to read books. ________________________________
8. We must dance here. ________________________________
9. We should go to the beach. ________________________________
10. We dont have to play. ________________________________

C: Make imperative sentences, as many as you can.

Example: Stop smoking. Stop smoking! / Lets stop smoking. / Do stop smoking!

1. Not be late. _____________________________________________________

2. Walk slowly. ____________________________________________________
3. Read aloud. ____________________________________________________
4. Play chess. _____________________________________________________
5. Not read comics. ________________________________________________
6. Not sleep. ______________________________________________________
7. Not be late. _____________________________________________________
8. Keep quiet. _____________________________________________________
9. Stop playing. ____________________________________________________
10. Go. ___________________________________________________________

Katy and Janet meet at the University to go to a Chinese Restaurant. The Long-Fua
opens early, at 12 oclock, so the girls can have lunch before their class begins. They sit
down and a waiter comes with the menu.
Katy loves to eat Chinese food. She always asks for a Wonton Soup and Kam-lu Wonton.
But Janet loves to eat white rice with sweet and sour pork. Its her favorite.
They decide to have lunch together once a week. But Janet is thinking about doing
something new. Katy is paying attention to her friend. Janet wants to try different flavors
so maybe they can visit a different restaurant: Italian, Russian, French, and so forth. The
girls agree to visit them and enjoy eating food from different regions.

1. What time does the Chinese Restaurant open?
2. Why is it convenient for the girls?
3. Which is Katys favorite food?
4. Which is Janets favorite food?
5. Are they eating together every day?
6. What kind of restaurants do they plan to visit?


1. alright muy bien, de acuerdo

2. arrive llegar
3. be quiet silencio, cllate
4. begin empezar
5. bill cuenta
6. breakfast desayuno
7. brush cepillar
8. call llamar
9. calm down calmarse, tranquilizarse
10. cartoons dibujos animados
11. Chinese chino
12. commands rdenes
13. fight pelear
14. fix preparar, arreglar
15. forget olvidar
16. get up levantar de la cama
17. great fabuloso
18. himself por s mismo
19. homework tarea
20. late tarde
21. leave salir
22. lets vamos a
23. lunch almuerzo
24. mall centro comercial
25. meet encontrar, reunir, conocer
26. never nunca
27. on time a tiempo
28. opening apertura
29. pair par
30. polite corts, respetuoso, educado
31. prices precios

32. remember recuerde, recordar

33. same mismo, igual
34. sleep dormir
35. sorry lo siento
36. speak hablar
37. store tienda
38. stubborn terco(a)
39. submit presentar, enviar
40. supper cena
41. sure seguro
42. take tomar
43. tennis shoes zapatillas
44. though aunque
45. together juntos
46. train tren
47. wait esperar
48. warning advertencia(s)
49. while mientras
50. without sin
51. worry preocupar


Expressing time (with audio)

Simple present

Present continuous



2.1 FOOD

Miriam is preparing a party. She is inviting her friends Tim, Sam and Fred. Her sisters
Stella and Frida are coming to help her. She is thinking about all the things she needs
for the meeting. This is her list:
apricot /pricot/ beer /ber/
carrots /krrots/ celery /sleri/
chili /chli/ chips /chps/
crackers /crkers/ cream /krm/
honey /hny/ lemon /lmon/
oil /yl/ onions /nions/
peanut butter /pnat bter/ pepper /pper/
pineapple /paynpol/ salad /slad/
salt /solt/ soda /sda/
strawberries /strberris/ sugar /shgar/
tea /ti/ tomatoes /tomytos/
vegetables /vyetabols/ vinegar /vnegar/
Her sisters come early to go shopping and have everything ready. Frida is buying the
things from the list. Miriam is cleaning the apartment and Stella is helping her. When
Frida comes back, they begin to work in the kitchen. They have a lot of work to do. Its
for today! She thinks it is easier to prepare a barbecue with:
bacon /bycon/
beef /bif/
chicken /chken/
chops /chops/
fish /fish/
ham /jam/
leg /leg/
pork /pork/
ribs /ribs/
sausage /ssech/
steak /steyk/
turkey /trki/
But some friends dont eat meat. So, they are preparing some more vegetables and fruit.


This expression is used to offer or invite something politely. It is also used to say what
one or someone likes. When you make a question it is written without any contraction.
However, it is normally abbreviated in the affirmative form: would like -d like. In the
negative form the negative is contracted: wouldnt like.
Example: Would you like something to drink?
Id like a frozen coke, please.
Would you like some fruit?
Youd like our fruit salad. Its delicious.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Shed like a cup of tea instead.
Would your mother like a dog for a pet?
She wouldnt like it. Shes allergic to dogs.
Other variations of this expression is: Id love; Id prefer. 378294@N04/1
Example: Would you like something to eat? 5529321112/

Id love a piece of cake, please.

Would you like a cold tea?
Id prefer it hot, thanks.


Questions with who are used to ask for people, but you may ask for the subject or for
the person in the complement. When you ask for the subject of the sentence you dont
need to use an auxiliary verb to form the question. In this case, you just write the verb
after Who. If it is in simple present the verb is in the form of the third person singular.
Example: The doctors are at a meeting today.
Who is at a meeting today?
Mr. Clark and Harry Hughes talk about engineering.
Who talks about engineering?
The baby is sleeping.
Who is sleeping?

The verb is in the past after who without an auxiliary verb.

Example: The children were at the park.
Who was at the park?
The policeman changed the lights.
Who changed the lights?
Clarisse was making a cake when the bell rang.
Who was making a cake when the bell rang?

Questions with whose are used when we ask for possession. The question is formed
by: whose + the possession + verb. It is formed just like who subject we have learned.
Example: My mother is a nurse in this Hospital.
Whose mother is a nurse in this Hospital?

This is Harrys BMW.

Whose BMW is this?

Carlas dog is running after John.

Whose dog is running after John?

Your father is eating your hot dog.

Whose father is eating my hot dog?

Toms sister works at the Museum.

Whose sister works at the Museum?

Nancy and Stellas brother won the first prize.

Whose brother won the first prize?
The students examinations were falling down. 468387/
Whose examinations were falling down?


The past tense of the verb to be is formed with: was, were according to the subject.

I was a teacher.
You were a taxi driver.
He was an artist.
She was a policewoman.
It was a dog.
We were friends.
You were neighbors.
They were sick.

We use was with: I, he, she, and it. We use were with: you, we, and they.
INTERROGATIVE: The interrogative form is like in the present tense. You just put the
verb in front of the sentence.
Example: Was Helen at the concert yesterday?
Were you sick yesterday?
Was the teacher absent yesterday?
Were they hungry in the morning?
NEGATIVE: The negative is added to the verb and it is normally contracted: wasnt (was
not), werent (were not).

Example: I wasnt at home yesterday.

The children werent at the park this morning.
Gina wasnt at the restaurant at 1:00 oclock.
John and Jane werent from Cajamarca.

A. Offer your guest the following:

Example: A soda Would you like a soda?
1. A piece of cake - _________________________________________________
2. Some cheese - __________________________________________________
3. Some wine - ____________________________________________________
4. An ice cream cone - ______________________________________________
5. A new dress - ___________________________________________________
6. A cup of tea - ___________________________________________________
7. Some fruit - _____________________________________________________
8. A hamburger - ___________________________________________________
9. Chinese food - ___________________________________________________
10. Some cookies - __________________________________________________

B. Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verb to be: was, were.

1. The engineer _______ in his car yesterday.

2. This house ________ very dirty and ugly.
3. The buildings _______ in Mexico City.
4. The restaurant ______ in front of my parents house.
5. The children _______ at school in the morning.
6. The bricks _______ on the roof.
7. Sandra, Tina and Sue _______ at the party with John.
8. The operator ______ in the office at a quarter to eight.
9. That executive _______ the head of my department.
10. George _______ our foreman last year.

C. Change the sentences in exercise B into questions.

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________

D. Complete the sentences in the negative form of the verb: wasnt, werent.
1. Jerry __________ an accountant.
2. The teacher __________ a secretary.
3. The manager and the director ___________ friends.
4. Mary Simpson _______ a technician.
5. Ina, Sophie and Rina _______ students at the University.
6. Gaby and Charles ________ at the party last weekend.
7. The engineer _________ at the building at four oclock.
8. I ________ very happy with my new dress.
9. The designers ________ working during the earthquake.
10. Your architects ________ here at half past nine.

E. Make questions from the following sentences with: who or whose.

1. Gianina is cleaning Pablos office.
2. Nancy and Nick are in bed with the flu.
3. Mr. OConnor was driving home when he had a car crash.
4. The children played with the cat last night.
5. Some students are studying medicine in the garden.
6. Your dog went to Toms house and broke his bone.
7. The babys toys are in that box.
8. Our papers were on top of the bookshelf.
9. Teresas child was injured at school.
10. Those are the teachers notes.

Miriams party was yesterday. There were a lot of people in her apartment. Her friends
were glad to be there. They were dancing, eating and having fun. Her sisters, Stella and
Frida, were very happy to meet Tim, Sam and Fred. They were eating nachos, chips with
chili, crackers with cheese and spread, sodas, tea, beer, and so forth.
Frida was a good cook. There was pizza: ham and cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza and a
special pizza for veggies (vegetarians). The veggie pizza was for Stella and Tim because
they dont eat meat. But Sam, Fred, Miriam and Stella were eating fried chicken and
1. When was Miriams party?
2. Who was in the apartment?
3. What were they doing?
4. What were they eating?
5. Who was the cook?
6. Who was the veggie pizza for?


SAM: What a _______ idea Miriam. This is a great ______!

FRIDA: Yes, it is dear ________. And the __________ selection is fabulous!
MIRIAM: _______________! Im really _______ that you enjoy.
SAM: __________ pizzas are great!
FRIDA: Yes???
MIRIAM: But of course! ________ were made by Frida!
SAM: Wow! ___________ Frida!!!
FRIDA: Oh, not at all.
MIRIAM: ___________ an excellent cook.
SAM: Definitely!
FRIDA: _______________.
MIRIAM: ___________ very humble. madaires/5334767896/

SAM: Is that _____________ Rita?


FRIDA: No, she isnt. Shes ______________ Stella.

MIRIAM: Stella was helping me organizing __________________
SAM: No doubt. You are a nice ____________!


1. accountant contador
2. and so forth y dems, etc.
3. any minute en cualquier momento
4. apartment departamento
5. ask preguntar, pedir, solicitar
6. at this time para ahora, en este tiempo
7. bacon tocino
8. beef bife, carne, lomo
9. beer cerveza
10. bell campana
11. bricks ladrillos
12. chicken pollo
13. chili aj
14. chips papitas
15. chops chuletas
16. come back regresar
17. crackers galletas de soda
18. crash chocar, choque
19. cream crema
20. designer diseador(a)
21. dress vestido
22. early temprano
23. earthquake terremoto
24. eventually eventualmente
25. everything todo
26. executive ejecutivo, ejecutiva
27. fall down caer
28. filet filete (viene del francs)
29. finally finalmente
30. fish pescado
31. flu gripe, influenza
32. for a week por una semana
33. foreman capataz, encargado(a)
34. fried frito
35. go shopping ir de compras
36. ham jamn, jamn serrano
37. head jefe
38. honey miel de abeja
39. humble modesto(a)
40. in an hour en una hora
41. injured herido(a), lesionado(a)
42. kitchen cocina
43. last month el mes pasado
44. later ms tarde
45. leg pierna
46. meeting reunin, reunindo
47. near cerca, cercano

48. neighbors vecinos

49. next Monday el prximo lunes
50. now ahora
51. nowadays hoy en da
52. onions cebollas
53. operator operador, operadora
54. party fiesta
55. peanut butter mantequilla de man
56. pork cerdo, porcino, chancho
57. prize premio
58. rang timbr, son
59. ready listo
60. recently recientemente
61. ribs costillas
62. roof techo
63. salad ensalada
64. sausage salchicha
65. sick enfermo
66. since May desde mayo
67. soda gaseosa
68. soon pronto
69. spread pasta para untar, margarina
70. steak bistc, filete, churrasco
71. sugar azcar
72. taxi driver chofer de taxi
73. tea t
74. technician tcnico
75. there all
76. these days estos das
77. today hoy, hoy da
78. tomatoes tomates
79. tomorrow maana
80. tonight esta noche
81. turkey pavo
82. two years ago hace dos aos
83. usually generalmente, usualmente
84. vegetables vegetales
85. vegetarians vegetarianos
86. veggies vegetarianos
87. while mientras
88. whole entero



Would you like

Wh-questions: who whose

Verb To be past tense




The Campbells are planning the weekend. They have two boys and a girl. Ronny is 10,
Bill is 8 and Wanda is 6. They want to enjoy this year because last year was a mess.
They were in The Country Fair and were eating hot chicken soup. But there was a bug
in the soup!

They were watching the fireworks but one was so close that they were deaf for two
minutes. Poor Wanda!! She was crying all the night. They were in the Accident and
Emergency Unit for one hour. This year is different. They are planning it carefully.
They have a lot of choices:
air shows
art galleries
ballet recitals
beauty pageants
concert halls
cultural events
fireworks shows
ice shows
opera houses

sports events
The whole family finally decides for the San Diego Zoo. Wanda loves animals and the
boys want to see the giant panda and the polar bear. They will enjoy!


In the past tense we use there was and there were.

Example: There was a puppet called Pinocchio.
There were some bricks under the ladder.
There was an old house next to the Bank.
There were many children playing in the park.

For questions we use was or were at the beginning.

Example: Was there any soda in the fridge?
Were there dogs and cats under your window?
Was there an old big tree in front of your house?
Were there many people at the concert?

For negative sentences we use wasnt or werent.

Example: There wasnt any soda in the fridge.
There werent any oranges in the dining room.
There wasnt a restaurant on that corner. 391056/
There werent lots of people at the conference.


Last month was the opera season. The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Opera
House was presenting three great operas: Macbeth by Giuseppe Verdi, Tosca by
Giacomo Puccini and Salome by Richard Strauss.

There was a great attendance during that season. There were whole families enjoying
the plays. Drama students were able to talk with the main characters after the plays.
There was a lot of people in their old age who enjoyed the plays.

MR. JONES: Oh, Macbeth is ______________! This play was really great!
MISS PENN: Im glad to know that, Mr. Jones. This is _____________ I see Macbeth.
MRS. JONES: Oh, dear. ____________ our tenth.
MR. JONES: Yes, ____________ every season, but especially if they play Macbeth.
MISS PENN: Why _________________ so much? Do you like tragedies?
MRS. JONES: Not really. It is a tradition.
MR. JONES: Yes, ___________ was a great Shakespeare fan.
MISS PENN: Thats __________________. But why Macbeth?
MRS. JONES: ________________ in law was in a Macbeth play when he met his wife.
MR. JONES: Yes, _____________ love at first sight!


A. Complete the sentences with: there was there were.

1. ___________ an ambulance in front of the cinema yesterday.

2. ___________ two boats on the sea last night.
3. I saw that movie, ___________ a helicopter and a train.
4. ___________ a big apple on the boys head.
5. Yesterday, ____________ a lot of people at the stadium.

6. ___________ three trucks and two cars in the street.

7. ___________ a van full of children in front of the bookstore.
8. Im tired because ____________ a party all night.
9. ___________ ten men changing dollars in Ocoa.
10. How many people ___________ at the meeting yesterday?

B. Change the following sentences into questions.

1. There was a ghost in the house.

2. There were twenty guests at the Hotel.
3. There was a person fixing his car.
4. There were five trees behind the house.
5. There was a computer in the living room.
6. There were rats in the garage.
7. There were tomatoes, oranges and peas in the fridge.
8. There was a meeting with Mr. Shell at 4:00 this afternoon.
9. There was a storm last night.
10. There were a lot of books on the shelves.

C. Change the sentences in part A into negative.

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________

Yesterday, was a bad day for Ann. There were less than ten students in her class. It was
Friday and there was an important soccer game. There are usually twenty five students
in her class, but that day were only 6. It was a very hot day. The sun was shining but
there wasnt any air conditioner. The class was really bored. They were reading Macbeth,
Othello and Hamlet by Shakespeare. It was very difficult for the students to read. What
a day!

1. How was Anns day?
2. Why was it a bad day?
3. Why were the students absent?
4. How many students were there?
5. How many students are usually there?
6. How was the weather like?
7. What was the class about?
8. Was the class easy?

1. absent ausente
2. accident accidente
3. air conditioner aire acondicionado
4. air shows espectculos areos
5. art galleries galeras de arte
6. attendance asistencia
7. ballet recitals recitales de ballet
8. beauty pageants concursos de belleza
9. bored aburrida(o)
10. bucket balde

11. bug bicho, insecto

12. close cerca
13. competitions competencias
14. concert halls salas de conciertos
15. concerts conciertos
16. cultural events eventos culturales
17. choices elecciones
18. deaf sordo
19. easy fcil
20. emergency emergencia
21. exhibitions exhibiciones
22. father in law suegro
23. festivals festivales
24. films pelculas
25. fireworks fuegos artificiales
26. first sight primera vista
27. fridge refrigerador, nevera
28. ghost fantasma
29. guest invitado, husped
30. ice shows espectculos sobre hielo
31. ladder escalera de mano
32. less menos
33. mess lo, caos, desorden
34. old age tercera edad
35. on sale en oferta
36. opera houses salas de pera, teatros de pera
37. opera season temporada de pera
38. operas peras
39. outside afuera, en el exterior
40. parades desfiles
41. performing actuacin, interpretacin, representacin
42. play interpretar, obra
43. puppet marioneta, ttere
44. shelves anaqueles, repisas
45. shinning brillando
46. soccer game partido de ftbol
47. sports events eventos deportivos
48. stadiums estadios
49. storm tormenta
50. sun sol
51. theaters teatros
52. tragedies tragedias
53. weather clima
54. zoos zoolgicos


Click the following link and do the Quiz for: there is, there are, there was, there were


A. Choose the correct answer: there was / there were

1. ______________ a bird on my window.

2. I thought _______________ some sodas on the table.
3. ____________ a lot of people in the Bank.
4. ____________ an actor called Robert Wagner.
5. ____________ a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.
6. ____________ a fish in the cats bowl.
7. ____________ a thief behind Laura.
8. Yesterday, ____________ a rainy day.
9. ____________ cookies for tea time yesterday.
10. ____________ chocolates and candies for the children.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. Who is at the door? (Bobby)

2. Who studied for the exam? (some students)
3. Who won the football match? (Spain)
4. Who took my handbag? (the thief)
5. Who performs the best blueprints in the company? (Harry Hughes)
6. Whose car is this? (the teachers)
7. Whose baby is crying? (my)

8. Whose sister is the most attractive? (Valeries)

9. Whose dress is the most beautiful today? (Camilas)
10. Whose leg was injured in the car crash? (Richards)


Entertainment and events

There is, there are, there was, there were


Coe, Norman; Mark Harrison y Ken Paterson (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar.
New York, OUP
Gardner Ian y otros (2004) Style 1. Oxford, Macmillan Publishers Limited
Jones-Macziola, Sarah y Greg White (2003) Further Ahead. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Mitchell, H. Q. (2009) Traveller Beginners. Gran Bretaa, MM Publications.
Murphy, Raymond (2004) English Grammar in Use. 3 Ed, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Seligson Paul (2012) Essential American English 2. Elementary. Oxford,
Richmond Publishing.


DATE: __________________________ GRADE:
NAME: __________________________

A. GRAMMAR: (5 points)
Complete the sentences with the present tense:

1. Frank ________ to Mexico. (go)

2. Mollie ________ in her office at 12:30 p.m. (eat)
3. The students ________ English everyday. (study)
4. _____ you ________ to take a walk at the park? (want)
5. _____ Ursula __________ at school today? (teach)
6. These girls _______ with their teacher. (read)
7. That man _______ bread every morning. (buy)
8. The policeman _______ who is Ben. (ask)
9. Mr. Sullivan ________ sick today. (feel)
10. David and Don ________ to work every day. (run)

B. VOCABULARY: (5 points)

Unscramble the letters

1. sinono _____________________________
2. shpci _____________________________
3. nobca _____________________________
4. blam _____________________________
5. tgnioht _____________________________
6. rsewrikfo _____________________________
7. dapares _____________________________
8. gbu _____________________________
9. yheno _____________________________
10. ruktye _____________________________

C. READING: (5 points)

Read the text and answer the questions below.

When Jim was a little boy he was very nice. He was always smiling and giving thanks.
He was asking for permission and saying hello and good bye. He was so cute! When
he was 12 he was thin and tall. He was taller than his friends. He was always watching
TV. There were Packman games and he was playing all day long.
When he was 26 he was tall and fit. He was in love with all the girls. He was handsome
and nice. There were many discos and he was always there.
1. Who was Jim?
2. What did he do when he was a little boy?
3. How was he when he was 12?
4. What did he like to do?
5. Where was always Jim when he was 26?

D. COMPREHENSION: (5 points)
Answer the following questions.

1. Is there a window in your class?

2. Where you in English I last semester?
3. Who is there in the class?
4. Were there many exams yesterday?
5. Whose class do you attend?

Total 20 points.



At the end of this Unit the student will be able to:
2.1 Distinguish between regular and irregular verbs.
2.2 Ask and answer in the past tense.
2.3 Talk about food, music and shopping.
2.4 Describe past events.

This Unit has the purpose to identify, understand and produce small texts,
using the simple past and identifying regular and irregular verbs. Working in
oral and written essays prepared in groups.




Mark Anderson writes books. His editor needs some information about his past to write
a short biography. Mark is in front of his computer thinking about it.
He was born in 1969. His parents were Milton and Sarah Anderson. They married in
Chester Ville but lived in Graceland. When Sarah was pregnant she was always hungry.
When Mark was born his parents were very happy. It was a big family. There were three
boys and seven girls. The best time were the celebrations. They celebrated everything.
In fact, there was no date they didnt celebrate. Such as:
be born
be pregnant
become parents
buy a house
fall in love
first day at
get a job
get engaged
get married
get promoted
get sick
go to college
grow up
have a baby
learn to walk
leave home
leave school
move house
pass away (die)
pass your exams
raise a family
rent a house

take a vacation
Marks life wasnt boring at all. So he has a lot to write about. But, it
is too much. His editor asked only ten lines. What will he omit?

Past tense verbs are divided in two groups: regular and irregular. Regular verbs require
to add the suffix -d or ed to the main verb to form the simple past and the past participle.
Here are some rules.
Add d when the verb ends in -e.
Infinitive Past Past Participle
like liked liked
hire hired hired
fire fired fired
live lived lived
dance danced danced

Example: Samantha lived in London ten years ago.

The children liked the show.
Tracy hired a gardener for her mother.
Scott fired his secretary.

Add ed when the verb ends in a consonant sound.

look looked looked
wash washed washed
cook cooked cooked
talk talked talked
need needed needed

Example: Mrs. Hook washed all our clothes yesterday.

Andy talked about his first day at school.
I cooked last night for today.
The painter needed more money to buy more paint.

If the verb ends in y change it for ied.

study studied studied
hurry hurried hurried
marry married married
carry carried carried

worry worried worried

Example: Peter married Molly and Joe last year.
Jonathan carried the big boxes to the truck.
Doris and Gary hurried to buy the tickets for the show.
My mother worried for my father when he was in Vietnam.

If the verb ends in a stress vowel + a consonant the last consonant is duplicated and
added ed to it. If it is a two syllable verb you just duplicate the last consonant when the
last syllable is stressed.
stop stopped stopped
plan planned planned
prefer preferred preferred
permit permitted permitted
regret regretted regretted
can canned canned

Example: The bus stopped in front of the restaurant.

The man permitted his dog to eat at the table.
Ralph regretted to have asked Mary some help.
My grandmother canned her soup.

The verb does not change in affirmative sentences. It is the same for every subject.
Example: We studied English yesterday.
She worked late last Friday.
The engineer visited the building last week.
My dog wanted a bone.


The past regular verb ending -ed is not pronounced the same in every regular verb.
There are three basic rules to follow.
The first is when the verb in the infinitive ends in d or in t sound, then the ed is
pronounced /id/.
Example: want wanted /wntid/ need needed /nydid/
wait waited /wytid/ fold folded /fldid/
hate hated /jytid/ decide decided /disydid/

The second rule is when the verb in infinitive ends in a voiceless sound (s, sh, ch, k, f, h,
p, x), then the ed is pronounced /t/.

Example: look looked /lkt/ stop stopped /stopt/

wash washed /wosht/ reach reached /rycht/
crunch crunched /crncht/ kiss kissed /kist/
laugh laughed /laft/ tax taxed /taxt/
The third is if the verb in infinitive ends in a voiced sound (b, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, w, y, z) then
the ed is pronounced /d/.
Example: rob robbed /robd/ arrange arranged /arrnyd/
call called /cld/ claim claimed /klymd/
can canned /kand/ register registered /ryisterd/
move moved /muvd/ play played /pleyd/
buzz buzzed /bazd/ crow crowed /crud/


When we want to ask a question we need the auxiliary did. The use of this auxiliary
makes the verb change into the infinitive.
Example: Did you study English yesterday?
Did she work late last Friday?
Did the engineer visit the building last week?
Did the dog want a bone?
We use the auxiliary didnt (did not) for the negative and the verb
changes into the infinitive. /photos/brunkfordbrau
Example: You didnt study English yesterday.
She didnt work late last Friday.
The engineer didnt visit the building last week.
The dog didnt want a bone.


A. Complete the sentences with the verb in the simple past.

1. We __________ in Barranco last year. (live)

2. Mr. Clark ___________ an engineer named Harry Hughes. (hire)
3. Harry __________ to the workers about the new building. (talk)
4. The workers __________ more bricks to work faster. (need)
5. Mr. Clark __________ about the bricks. (worry)
6. Jane and Susan __________ for a job last week. (look)
7. The children _________ the birds tail. (paint)
8. We _________ the little cat Pussy. (name)

9. They _________ to visit us yesterday. (want)

10. Robert __________ a doctor yesterday. (call)

B. Change the sentences in part A into questions.

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________

C. Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verb in negative.

1. Tina and Ted _______________ fruit and vegetables. (like)

2. Mrs. Smith _________________ Harry from the office. (call)
3. Doris Day _________________ with Gene Kelly. (dance)
4. My mother _________________ this chicken. (cook)
5. Paul _________________ his football shirt. (wash)
6. Sandra __________________ Peter in August. (marry)
7. I __________________ on my sweater last night. (clean)
8. You __________________ any present for the party. (need)
9. The policeman ____________________ the thief. (catch)
10. The children ____________________ under the rain yesterday. (walk)


Brenda cleaned her house, washed her clothes and cooked when Sally called. She
planned a trip to the Rocky Mountain National Park. She wanted some outdoor activities
for the vacations. Brenda liked the idea and accepted to go. They lodged in a cabin and
practiced cycling, fishing and hiking. They were there for a week when they decided to
go horseback riding.

Brenda was the first to choose her horse. It was a beautiful black stallion. Sally decided
to ride on a white mare. They watched the landscape and visited the surroundings. They
enjoyed the walk when Sallys horse stepped on a hole and fell down. Sally fell down
too. Brenda called for help.

TECHNICIAN: Who had an accident?

BRENDA: Here, my friend Sally.
SALLY: Yes, I fell down from the horse.
TECHNICIAN: Dont you know how to ride a horse?
BRENDA: Yes, she does.
SALLY: I do. But the horse stepped in a hole and fell.
TECHNICIAN: Oh, sorry. And how is the horse?
BRENDA: It is alright. He looks well.
SALLY: At least he can walk.
TECHNICIAN: Thats good.
BRENDA: Is she bad?
SALLY: Ouch!
TECHNICIAN: Sorry. No it isnt too bad. But you will have to rest for a couple of days.
BRENDA: Does she need any other thing?
SALLY: Maybe you have to come back to see me again.
TECHNICIAN: No it isnt necessary.
BRENDA: Who knows, maybe she needs extra medicine for the pain.
SALLY: Or a massage!
TECHNICIAN: Ja, ja, ja. No, not at all.
BRENDA: My name is Brenda.
SALLY: And Im Sally.
TECHNICIAN: Nice to meet you girls. My name is Bob. See you.

1. What did Brenda do at home?
2. What did Sally do?
3. What did Sally want for her vacations?
4. Did Brenda refuse the invitation?
5. When did they decide to go horseback riding?
6. Which horse stepped on the hole?

7. Who was the technician?

8. What did the girls want?

Listen carefully and write down the regular verbs and the endings you hear.
1. ________________ 11. ________________
2. ________________ 12. ________________
3. ________________ 13. ________________
4. ________________ 14. ________________
5. ________________ 15. ________________
6. ________________ 16. ________________
7. ________________ 17. ________________
8. ________________ 18. ________________
9. ________________ 19. ________________
10. ________________ 20. ________________


1. ago hace (tanto tiempo)

2. be born nacer
3. become llegar a ser
4. biography biografa
5. boring aburrida(o)
6. buzz zumbar
7. cabin cabaa
8. can enlatar, poder
9. carry llevar
10. college universidad, facultad, escuela profesional, instituto
11. cook cocinar
12. couple par
13. crow alardear, jactarse
14. crunch mascar, hacer crujir
15. dance bailar
16. die morir
17. editor editor(a)
18. fall in love enamorarse
19. fell down se cay
20. fire despedir
21. fold plegar, doblar
22. get a job conseguir un trabajo
23. get engaged comprometerse
24. get married casarse

25. get promoted ser ascendido(a)

26. get sick enfermarse
27. graduation graduacin
28. grow up crecer
29. hate odiar
30. have a baby tener un beb
31. hire emplear, contratar
32. hole hueco
33. hurry apurar
34. immigrate inmigrar
35. in fact de hecho
36. landscape paisaje
37. laugh reir, reirse
38. learn aprender
39. leave home irse de casa
40. leave school acabar sus estudios
41. like gustar
42. live vivir
43. lodged alojaron
44. look mirar
45. marry casar(se)
46. massage masaje
47. move house mudarse de casa
48. need necesitar
49. omit omitir
50. outdoor al aire libre
51. pain dolor
52. parents padres
53. pass away morir
54. permit permitir
55. plan planear
56. prefer preferir
57. pregnant embarazada, encinta
58. raise a family formar una familia, educar a los hijos
59. reach alcanzar, llegar
60. refuse rechazar
61. regret arrepentir
62. rent a house alquilar una casa
63. retirement retiro, jubilacin
64. rob robar
65. stepped pis
66. stop parar
67. study estudiar
68. such as tal como
69. surroundings alrededores
70. take a vacation tomarse unas vacaciones
71. talk hablar
72. tax gravar (impuestos)

73. travel viajar

74. trip viaje
75. walk caminar, paseo
76. wash lavar
77. wedding boda


Past Simple regular verbs

Ed pronunciation



People have different preferences in music styles. Therefore there are many types of
music. Some styles are:
Baroque style
Classical style
Romantic style
Modern style
Baroque music was composed about four hundred years ago. But you can still listen to
it in operas and theaters. Classical music came later. It was composed in the period from
1750 to 1820. It was the era of Mozart and Haydn. During the second half of the 18th
century Romantic music dominated in Germany. Ravels Bolero is an excellent example
of it. The twentieth century arose with modern music. Here we can find different types,
such as:
heavy metal
hip hop
Probably your grandparents danced the waltz or jazz and enjoyed listening classical
music. And you, which one do you prefer?


Irregular verbs are those that do not follow any rule to be written in the past tense. So,
there is no need to add ed at the end of the verb. Therefore, they have to be learned
by heart. Even though, they can be grouped as to ease their study.

The first group is of those verbs that do not change in any tense.
Example: Infinitive Past Past Participle
bet bet bet
put put put
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
fit fit fit
quit quit quit

The second group is of those verbs that are the same in the simple past and in the past
Example: bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
catch caught caught
have had had
make made made

The third group is of those verbs that are the same only in the infinitive and the past
participle. They only change in the simple past tense.

Example: come came come

run ran run
become became become
wed wedded wed
overcome overcame overcome

A fourth group is of those verbs that change completely in every tense.

Example: do did done
eat ate eaten
drink drank drunk
see saw seen
go went gone
write wrote written


Irregular verbs follow the same rules as the regular verbs to change into the question or
negative forms. (Except the verb To Be we have already learned.)
Example: Did the teacher have a big poster in the classroom?
Did Harry eat a big pizza last night?
Did you do the English exam?
Silvia didnt go to work yesterday
Mr. Cash didnt write this letter.
The children didnt drink soda on Sunday.


A. Choose the correct verb in the past tense.

1. Estella __________ to study at the University in 2009.

a) begin
b) begun
c) began
d) begen

2. Harry _________ Mr. Clark employee.

a) were
b) is
c) are
d) was

3. __________ Caroline study at the University?

a) do
b) did
c) was
d) were
4. Harry __________ as a technician for Mr. Clark.
a) worked
b) didnt cook
c) didnt work
d) cooked

5. The electrician _____________ all the electrical system.

a) cut
b) talked
c) collapsed
d) needed
6. The IT engineer _______________ the bridge.
a) built
b) didnt build
c) drank
d) didnt drank

7. Sandra and Patty _____________ Vera an e-mail.

a) ate
b) saw
c) wrote
d) went

8. ________ the field engineer in the meeting yesterday?

a) was
b) were
c) be
d) been
9. We ___________ the systems engineer here. Our computers didnt work.
a) needed
b) became
c) ran
d) overcame

10. The Director ___________ the secretary sleeping in the job.

a) burnt
b) caught
c) brought
d) bought

B. Change the following sentences into questions.

1. The secretary made some appointments for Mr. Green.

2. The Principal was in a meeting with the Dean.
3. The doctor found two nurses to help in the hospital.
4. The city needed a new highway.
5. We studied engineering at the California University.
6. They married in Cali in 1975.
7. The architect, the engineer and Mr. Clark had a meeting.
8. My father hurried home because it was late.
9. My mother worried about my father because he was late.
10. The little boy carried his bag with difficulty.

C. Change the sentences into negative form.

1. Harry went to work by car yesterday.

2. The dog ate the bone in the garden.
3. We bought a new table last week.
4. Mr. Clark traveled to London last year.

5. I waited for you three hours at the cafeteria.

6. Tim liked to play tennis when he was a child.
7. They drank ten bottles of beer in an hour.
8. The teacher had a laptop on her desk last week.
9. The children visited their grandparents last Sunday.
10. Sheila was at work during the earthquake.


My name is Kim. Im not very fat but I needed to lose some weight. Something happened
and everybody tells me that I look great! I lost five kilos but they dont know how. It began
three weeks ago when somebody invited me a nacho. I had the nacho with a frozen
lemonade. What a great mistake! That night was so cold that I froze. When I came home
I felt so bad that I couldnt sleep. I woke up with a sore throat and had high fever. My
mother came to visit me and stayed for the weekend. She made me some chicken soup
and hot liquids. I laid in bed for three days. Eating just soup and tea!

I read the newspaper everyday (something I dont have the time for) and I watched TV
until I fell asleep. I could wake up any time and sleep late until I felt better. But I missed
work. And soon I got bored. After those three days I lost two kilos. It was great! So I
decided to continue with the same diet for ten more days. The results: lost five kilos. But
now I feel weak and the doctor said that I have to eat more and better. What will I do?

1. When did Kim begin to lose weight?
2. How did she sleep that night?
3. Which were her symptoms?
4. What was her diet?
5. What did she do when she was sick?
6. How many days was she on a diet?
7. What did the doctor say?


Listen to the following song and complete the information from:

When _________ just a _______________

I _____________________: what will I be?
Will _________ pretty?
Will _________ rich?
Heres _________________ to me:
Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.
The future ________________ to see.
Que sera, sera
What __________, __________.
_________ I grew __________ fell _____________
I ______________ sweetheart what lies ahead,
Will we have rainbows, ___________________?
Heres ______________ sweetheart said:
Que sera, sera. Whatever ____________, ____________.
The future __________________ to see.
Que sera, sera

What ____________, ____________.

Now I have _______________________ own
They _____________________: what will I be?
Will I __________________? Will I _________________?
I tell them tenderly:
Que sera, sera. Whatever _____________, _____________.
The future __________________ to see.
Que ser, ser
What ____________, _____________.
Que ser, ser


1. arose surgi, result

2. asleep dormida(o)
3. Baroque Barroco
4. become llegara a ser
5. began empez
6. bet apostar
7. bring traer
8. build construir
9. burn quemar
10. buy comprar
11. by heart de memoria
12. catch atrapar, coger
13. Classical Clsico
14. come venir
15. cost costar
16. cut cortar
17. diet dieta

18. do hacer (con la mente)

19. dominated dominada
20. drink beber, tomar
21. eat comer
22. felt sent, sinti
23. fit encajar
24. froze congel
25. Germany Alemania
26. go ir
27. have tener
28. high fever fiebre alta
29. laid ech, echado
30. lose perder
31. make hacer (con la mano)
32. missed extraaba, extra
33. Modern Moderna
34. overcome sobrellevar
35. preferences preferencias
36. put poner
37. quit renunciar
38. Romantic Romntica
39. run correr
40. said dijo
41. see ver
42. sleep late dormir hasta tarde
43. so bad tan mal
44. somebody alguien
45. something algo
46. sore throat dolor de garganta
47. still todava, an
48. style estilo
49. sweetheart amor, amorcito
50. symptoms sntomas
51. tenderly tiernamente
52. therefore por lo tanto
53. weak dbil
54. wed casarse
55. weight peso
56. whatever lo que sea


Past irregular verbs




Shopping is sometimes took as a therapy. People love to go shopping but it is better if it

is for clothes. Clothing stores are very popular now-a-days, but when did they started?
Theres a story behind every family and there is no exception in old stores. Here is a little
about the history of H&M.
H&M opened in 1947 as a womens clothing store in Sweden. It was originally called
Hennes. In 1952 opened a branch in Stockholm and in 1964 opened its first store outside
in Norway. In 1968 bought a hunting, and fishing equipment store called Mauritz
Widforss. Since then its name changed to Hennes and Mauritz (H&M). It soon grew and
opened stores in the US, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Russia, South Korea, Turkey,
Romania, Croatia, Singapore, Bulgaria, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Chile, Finland, other
countries and through the internet.
Among the clothing it sells we have:
belt /blt/ blouse /blus/
boots /bts/ bra /br/
cap /kp/ coat /kut/
drawers /drwers/ dress /drs/
handbag /jndbag/ hat /jt/
jacket /yket/ jeans /dshns/
pants /pnts/ pullover /pulver/
scarf /skrf/ shirt /shrt/
shoes /shs/ shorts /shrts/
skirt /skirt/ socks /sks/
stockings /stkins/ suit /st/
sweater /suter/ tie /ty/
t-shirt /tshert/ underwear /nderwer/


To ask past information we use the verb to be or the auxiliary did in case of other verbs.
Example: Marie made a cake last night.
What did Marie do last night?
When did she make a cake?
Who made a cake last night?

The engineer was in a meeting at 6 oclock last Monday.

Who was in a meeting at 6 oclock last Monday?
When was the engineer in a meeting at 6 oclock?
What was the engineer doing at 6 oclock last Monday?

Robert danced at Ritas party with Angie.

What did he do at Ritas party?
Who danced at Ritas party with Angie?
Where did he dance with Angie?

Anthony sang last night because it was his parents anniversary.

Why did Anthony sing last night?
Whose anniversary was it?
What did Anthony do last night?
There are other wh-questions used in frequent speech. If the question is why, then you
must explain your answer and begin with because.
Example: Why did you get up at 5 a.m. yesterday?
Because I had to cook 20 pizzas for my boys class.
Why were the papers under the desk?
Because Mr. Clark wanted to see the blueprints.
Why did the teacher take another exam?
Because only two out of fifteen students approved the exam.
Why did I fail the course?
Because you were playing Pokemon Go all the weekend!
Another wh-question is How. It asks for manner, condition, degree, or means.
Example: How did you do it?
How was the machine operating?
How weak did you feel?
How did you get there?
How can be also combined to form other questions asking for information.
Example: How long did you stay with the doctor?
How many computers did you need?
How often did you visited Mary?
How much did it cost?
Another wh-question is Which. It asks for a choice.
Example: Which book was that?
Which sandwich did you choose?
Which dress did you like best?
Which color was your last car?


A. Make questions from the following sentences.

1. The children were fighting for the new toys.

2. Many people bought the new cellphone.
3. Wilmington is in Delaware.
4. Romeo was in love with Juliet.
5. Janet planned all the party alone.
6. A truck fell on its side causing traffic congestion.
7. Mrs. Klein called at 3:30.
8. The accident occurred at 3.20 a.m.
9. My vacations were in June.
10. The Dean spoke Swedish during the Congress.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. How did Hellen get home? (by bus)
2. Why did Ernest break up with Sally? (She was too stubborn.)
3. When did Keith call Fred? (yesterday)
4. Where did you leave the car? (Two blocks away.)
5. Who wrote Tom Sawyer? (Mark Twain)
6. What was behind the house? (A snake)

7. Why was Pete so angry? (The papers were not ready.)

8. How long did you wait for Camille? (Two hours)
9. Which car did he take to go to the Faculty? (The subway)
10. How often did you have a test? (Every month)

C. Give additional information about yourself.

1. Which English do you prefer? American or British?

2. Why do you prefer it?
3. When were you born?
4. Where did you live when you were five?
5. How often did you visit your grandparents?
6. What did you like to play when you were ten?
7. Who helped you with your homework when you were seven?
8. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
9. Why do you study English?
10. How did you call your father when you were little?


There was a man who lived 2,000 years ago. He did not have things of his own. He was
not rich, but he was considered the richest man in the world. He did not attend any of the
famous Greek Schools of his time, but he was called teacher by thousands. Indeed, his
teachings influenced millions and still do now. Who was this man? Did he really exist?

This man was Jesus Christ. He was the richest man in knowledge. His teachings and
acts were recorded in the Bible in four Gospels written by: Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John. They wrote the gospel or good news about Jesus. They considered good news
because Jesus by his death gave mankind the opportunity to recover what Adan and
Eve lost: perfection, a paradise, peace and a direct relationship with God.
His teachings were written in common Greek and part in
Hebrew. The people who heard his words were poor and
humble. So the words he used were simple but full of
meaning. He also helped people understand his
teachings by giving examples of daily life. Like when he
talk about the broad road and the narrow road. Or when
he talked about the good tree and the rotten tree.
Everyone was able to understand. Wasnt he the best teacher ever?

1. Who lived two thousand years ago?
2. Why was he considered the richest man in the world?
3. How did thousands call him?
4. How long did his teachings influence people?
5. Where are his teachings and acts recorded?
6. Who wrote the Gospels?
7. What does gospel mean?
8. Why did they consider Jesus good news?
9. How did he explain things?
10. Give an example of daily life that Jesus used.


1. acts obras, hechos

2. Adan Adn
3. alone sola(o)
4. among entre
5. attend asistir
6. because porque, debido a
7. belt correa
8. Bible Biblia
9. blouse blusa
10. boots botas
11. bra sostn, corpio, brasier
12. branch sucursal
13. break up romper, separarse
14. broad ancho
15. cap gorra
16. coat saco
17. common comn
18. congestion congestin
19. daily life vida diaria
20. drawers calzoncillos
21. dress vestido
22. equipment equipo
23. Eve Eva
24. fishing pesca
25. full lleno(a)(s)
26. God Dios
27. Gospels Evangelios
28. handbag cartera
29. hat sombrero
30. how long por cunto tiempo
31. how often cun a menudo
32. humble humilde
33. hunting caza
34. indeed en verdad, ciertamente
35. jacket casaca
36. jeans jeans
37. Jesus Christ Jesucristo
38. John Juan
39. knowledge conocimiento
40. Latvia Letonia
41. like como
42. Luke Lucas
43. mankind humanidad
44. Mark Marcos
45. Matthew Mateo
46. meaning significado
47. means medio, medios
48. narrow estrecho
49. Norway Noruega
50. own propio, de su propiedad
51. pants pantalones
52. paradise paraso
53. peace paz

54. poor pobre

55. pullover chaleco(cerrado)
56. relationship relacin
57. road camino
58. scarf chalina
59. shirt camisa
60. shoes zapatos
61. shorts short
62. simple sencillas(os), simples
63. since desde
64. skirt falda
65. socks calcetines
66. still todava, an
67. stockings medias
68. subway subterrneo, metro
69. suit terno
70. sweater chompa
71. teachings enseanzas
72. therapy terapia
73. through a travs de, mediante
74. tie corbata
75. traffic trfico
76. T-shirt polo
77. Turkey Turqua
78. underwear ropa interior
79. which cul
80. why por qu
81. words palabras
82. world mundo


1.- Read and make the exercises found in:

2.- Watch and listen for the conversation in a shopping


A. Complete the sentences with the verb in the simple past.

1. Anthony was driving his car when the policeman _____________ him. (stop)
2. Kelly was living in New Orleans when she __________ five. (be)
3. The people was dancing when the music ___________. (change)
4. Sam and Cindy were playing the piano when their mother _________. (come)
5. Taylor was running upstairs when he _________ down. (fall)
6. Mr. Wong was working when his son ______ an accident. (have)
7. Aladdin was cleaning the lamp when a genie ____________. (appear)
8. Cinderella was running downstairs when she _________ a shoe. (leave)
9. The man was taking a picture when the guide __________. (call)
10. We were watching a TV program when my father __________ to bed. (go)

B. Reading

When Harry was a boy, he lived in Denver, Colorado. He used to travel every day to
school by bus. The bus picked him up and took him to school. There were children of
other countries at school. There were from South Africa, Italy, Germany, Chile and Peru.
He was a very friendly boy. He became a good friend of Mario.
Mario was Peruvian. He spoke English and Spanish. Harry
learned Spanish from Mario. One day, Harry was playing in the
park when his mother called. Harry answered in Spanish: Ya
voy! His mother was very surprised that Harry spoke Spanish.
Where did he learn Spanish? Harry explained about his friend
Mario and soon became bilingual.
1. Where did Harry live when he was a boy?
2. How did he use to travel to school?
3. Who were at school with Harry?
4. Where were the children from?
5. Who did Harry become a good friend?
6. Why was his mother surprised?

C. Choose the correct question word.

1. ________ car was in front of the building?
a) who
b) whose
c) when
d) what
2. __________ was Mary doing? Shes reading a book.
a) when
b) who
c) what
d) whose
3. __________ were the children coming from the park?
a) whose
b) what
c) who
d) when

4. __________ was knocking at the door?

a) when
b) whose
c) who
d) what

5. __________ called you after lunch?

a) who
b) what
c) whose encedailydose/2261030312/

d) when

6. _________ were you reading?

a) when
b) whose
c) what
d) who
7. ___________ did the baby sleep?
a) when
b) who
c) whose
d) what

8. __________ class was this?

a) who
b) where
c) whose
d) when
9. _________ did Harry go on vacations?
a) who
b) where
c) what
d) whose
10. ___________ book was that on the table?
a) where
b) whose
c) what
d) who


Wh- questions

Readings in different tenses


Coe, Norman; Mark Harrison y Ken Paterson (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar.
New York, OUP
Eastwood, John (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate. New York,
Oxford University Press.
Gardner Ian y otros (2004) Style 1. Oxford, Macmillan Publishers Limited
Jones-Macziola, Sarah y Greg White (2003) Further Ahead. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Mitchell, H. Q. (2009) Traveller Beginners. Gran Bretaa, MM Publications.
Murphy, Raymond (2004) English Grammar in Use. 3 Ed, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Seligson Paul (2012) Essential American English 2. Elementary. Oxford,
Richmond Publishing.

DATE: __________________________ GRADE:
NAME: __________________________

A. GRAMMAR: (5 points)
Complete the past tense of these verbs.
1. come _______________ 6. look _______________
2. read _______________ 7. eat _______________
3. play _______________ 8. do _______________
4. record _______________ 9. buy _______________
5. write _______________ 10. is _______________

B. VOCABULARY (5 points)
Fill in the blanks with the correct word in the correct tense:
fall in love reggae drawers get engaged Carnivals
scarf T-shirt waltz pass away anniversary

The first day I met Rose I _______________with her. I was playing ______________
and my friends left me out of the room all wet with only my ____________ and
_____________. I ran out and crashed with her who gave me her ______________ to
cover myself. I remember that the radio was playing a nice _____________ song. I would
never forget. After three months we _______________ and celebrated dancing a
____________. Its her favorite. I gave her a golden fish for our first ________________
but soon it ________________. She was so sad that she broke up with me!

C. READING: (5 points)
Read the text and answer the questions below.

Christopher Columbus was a famed Italian explorer who discovered America in 1492.
He was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. He almost die on his first trip to the Atlantic Ocean
in 1476. But his greatest expedition was the one where he discovered the New World.
He believed that the world was round and to prove this he had to travel around it. Nobody
believed him. So he went to Spain to ask for help. Soon he left Spain in the Santa Maria
with the Pinta and the Nia. This opened the chance to Europe to colonize America.

1. Who was Christopher Columbus?


2. Where was he born?

3. Which was his first trip?
4. When did he discover the New World?
5. Who helped him?

D. LISTENING (5 points)
Listen carefully to the reading and answer the questions:
1. Who was the first president of the United States?
2. When was he born?
3. When did he become president?
4. Which title did he prefer?
5. Who was the next president? ?


Total 20 points.



At the end of this Unit the student will be able to:
3.1 Express accurately in simple present and present continuous.
3.2 Identify countable and uncountable nouns.
3.3 Learn how to use the definite article: the.
3.4 Use properly: how much and how many.
3.5 Express his/her feelings.

This Unit has the purpose to help the student express himself accurately in the
simple present and the present continuous, use countable and uncountable
nouns, articles, and use in context the vocabulary of this unit.



Our weather changes according to the seasons. In spring plants begin to grow and the
landscape is full of colors of blooming plants. The weather is warmer and often wetter.
Some places experience rainy days that cause floods.
Highest temperatures are experienced in summer, during the hottest days of the year.
Heat waves cause trouble when they are too high. In the autumn, or fall, temperatures
cool again. And in winter, temperature lowers to the minimum. Some areas experience
snow, others rainy days.
All of this may change depending the location on Earth. Some regions experience
extreme temperatures while others, that are closer to the equator, experience fair
temperatures. Some regions close to the sea experience foggy weather and cloudy days.
How is your region?


PRESENT SIMPLE: This tense is used mainly to talk about current facts and actions.
Facts may be about general things for people or animals. Actions may be a habit, a
hobby or any other thing that occurs with certain frequency.
Example: I go to work every day.
Does he eat breakfast at 6 oclock?
Mary always reads a book at night.
Mr. Blue plays tennis on Saturdays.
We study English at the University.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS: This tense is used to express projects, hobbies, or other

actions in progress.

Example: My children are studying Math now. (Action in progress)

The teacher is preparing a Math examination. (Action in progress)
We are collecting stamps. (Hobby)
Karla and Tina are taking piano lessons. (Hobby)
Are you going to Spain next month? (Project)

There are verbs that are not used in the present continuous or progressive: be, like, love,
hate, want, have, hear, know, see, smell and think. They are called sensorial verbs.


The present continuous follows some grammar rules that we are going to learn.

When the verb ends in e it is replaced by the ending ing.

Example: come coming
write writing
take taking
mistake mistaking

When the main verb ends in a single stressed vowel followed by a consonant you must
duplicate the last consonant and then add the ing. When it is a verb of two syllables, if
the vowel is unstressed you do not have to duplicate the last syllable. (open opening)

Example: fit fitting

cut cutting
stop stopping
begin beginning

When the verb ends in ie you have to change it for y and then add the ing.
Example: die dying
lie lying

All of the rest of the verbs you just have to add ing at the end.
Example: work working
say saying
start starting


A: Change the verbs to the gerund -ing.

1. build _________________
2. carry _________________
3. dance _________________
4. meet _________________
5. study _________________
6. swim _________________
7. take _________________
8. talk _________________
9. walk _________________
10. work _________________

B: Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct tense: present simple or present

1. You _________________ the TV every day. (watch)

2. Harry ________________ a new blueprint for a Hotel now. (draw)
3. The teacher _______________ dancing hip-hop and jazz. (like)
4. Our father _______________ an excellent teacher. (be)
5. My sister ________________ playing chess. (love)
6. That dog ________________ too loud. I cant hear you. (bark)
7. We ___________________ our house this week. (paint)
8. John and Ken ________________ their homework now. (do)
9. My mother _________________ dogs. (hate)
10. The foreman _________________ everyone for lunch. (call)

C: Make questions and answer with the words given.

Example: How is the weather today?

Its cloudy.

1. Sunny
2. Foggy
3. Windy
4. Rainy
5. Cold
6. Hot
7. Warm
8. Stormy


Louis is a famous cook. He works hard every day. His day begins at 8:15 in the market.
He buys all the vegetables, fruit and meat he needs for his restaurant. It is in the top 10
restaurants in his state. The restaurant is a family enterprise. He is the owner and main
cook. His wife Betty is the general manager. His son Dorian is the second cook. His son
Andre is the bartender. His daughter Linda is the cashier.

Louis is working for his last day. He is already 68 and is planning to retire. He is going to
leave the restaurant in Dorians hands. Linda and Andre will help their brother running
the restaurant. Betty is retiring with Louis. They are going to Hawaii to spend a deserved

1. Who is Louis?
2. How does his day begin?
3. What does he do?
4. Why is it a family enterprise?
5. Why is it a special day?
6. Where are Louis and Betty going for their vacation?
7. Why do you think they deserve it?


1. autumn otoo
2. bartender barman
3. blooming floreciente, en flor
4. cloud nube
5. cloudy nublado
6. cold fro
7. collect coleccionar
8. cool fresco, refrescar
9. deserved merecida(s)
10. Earth Tierra (planeta)
11. enterprise empresa
12. equator ecuador (lnea ecuatorial)
13. experienced experimenta(n)
14. fair buen, lindo
15. fall otoo
16. flood inundacin
17. fog niebla
18. foggy nublado
19. hate odio
20. hear escuchar, or

21. heat calor

22. highest ms alta(o)
23. hot caliente
24. know saber, conocer
25. lie mentir
26. location ubicacin
27. low bajo
28. mistake equivocarse
29. often a menudo
30. rain lluvia
31. rainy lluvioso
32. retire retirar
33. rule reglas
34. say decir
35. sea mar
36. season estacin
37. smell oler
38. snow nieve
39. spring primavera
40. start empezar
41. summer verano
42. sunny soleado
43. think pensar, creer
44. too demasiado
45. trouble problema, dificultad
46. want querer
47. warm tibio
48. waves olas, ondas
49. wetter ms hmedo
50. wind viento
51. windy hace viento
52. winter invierno
53. write escribir


Seasons and weather

Spelling ing forms



Mankind can express feelings and emotions. Although men differ from women, we both
are able to show how we feel. Some people demonstrate their emotions directly, and
when they do not is because they are protecting the ones they love. On the other hand,
others do not express their feelings, because they prefer to show that are self-reliant.
They are hard to show how they feel and focus in the problems to solve.
Our feelings and emotions made what we really are. If we let them manage us, then our
lives end in chaos. But if we can control them, our lives will be quieter. There are many
emotions that we feel. Here is a list of some of them.
lazy et/4116634257/
wonderful emjet/4117405292


The definite article the is used when we talk about something known. It is not used before
proper names of: countries, cities, streets, lakes, mountains, continents, isles,
languages, nationalities, etc. with some exceptions.
Example: We visit Italy and Spain every year.
Rome is the capital of Italy.
Do you know where Washington Street is?
We would like to visit Long Island.
But it must be used before names of rivers, seas and oceans.
Example: The Amazon River is in Peru.
The Mediterranean Sea is in Europe.
We go to the beaches at the Pacific Ocean in summer.
It is also used in points of the world like geographic areas, deserts, forests, gulfs and
Example: It is hard to live in the North Pole.
Our company has offices in the Middle East.
The story begins when Rachel visited the Black Forest.
When you refer to things or people in general the definite article is not written except if it
is a specific noun.
Example: Water is cool and transparent. (In general)
The water is boiling. (The one in the boiler.)
Cats are very lovely. (In general)
The cat is chasing the mouse. (A specific cat.)
It is also written before ranking or ordering expressions.
Example: Today is the last day of classes.
Lets celebrate the first day of Andy!
Sally pays the next month and I pay this month.


We use the comparative and superlative of short or long adjectives to make comparisons
or to say that they are the most or the least of a whole. We find some adverbs in the list
that have the same form as an adjective. We will review some rules that must be

Short adjectives of one syllable are added er than or the est at the end. But if the
adjective ends in e we only add r or st at the end.


nice nicer than the nicest
warm warmer than the warmest
large larger than the largest

Example: You drive slower than Erick.

Nathaly is the slowest driver in the class.

If the adjective ends in a stressed vowel + consonant you have to double the last
consonant before writing er or est. (Letters: y, w are considered vowel sounds.).
thin thinner than the thinnest
fat fatter than the fattest
hot hotter than the hottest

Example: Sandra is thinner than Ursula.

Antonia has the fattest cat in the city.

Adjectives ending in consonant + y, the y is changed by ier. But if it is vowel + y it is

not changed just add er.
foggy foggier than the foggiest
silly sillier than the silliest
gray grayer than the grayest

Example: Mr. Thatchers hair is grayer than Mrs. Wilsons hair.

Sheldon Cooper is the silliest man in TV series.

Adjectives with two or more syllables do not change, you only write more or the most
before the adjective.
intelligent more intelligent than the most intelligent
exciting more exciting than the most exciting
reliable more reliable than the most reliable
peaceful more peaceful than the most peaceful

Example: I think that Aruba is more peaceful than Hawaii.

Denmark is the most peaceful country on Earth.
Some two syllable adjectives may be used in any of two ways.
clever cleverer/est more/the most clever
quiet quieter/est more/the most quiet
simple simpler/st more/the most simple
narrow narrower/est more/the most narrow
common commoner/est more/the most common

Example: An American Laboratory built the quietest place on earth.

The Ibo Language of Nigeria is the most simple language in the world.

There are a few irregular adjectives that change completely.

good/well better than the best
bad/badly worse than the worst
far farther/further than the furthest
little less than the least
many more than the most

Example: This examination was hard but Dalia did the least mistakes.
Henry threw his ball and it fell further than my ball.


A: Write the definite article THE where is needed.

1. ______ milk is white and healthy.
2. This is _____ third time we have to wait for the papers.
3. ______ teacher is preparing our next class.
4. We are going to _______ Cali next month.
5. Many people want to listen to __________ Beatles.
6. ______ America is divided in _______ North America, _______ South America
and ________ Central America.
7. Mrs. Frances wants to go to _________ Moon.
8. Susan was at ______ train station two hours ago.
9. Do you study at _____ home?
10. We live in the coasts of ______ Pacific Ocean.

B: Complete the sentences with the comparative form of adjectives:

1. A fly is ______________ a cat. (small)

2. A cat is ______________ a spider. (large)
3. The Earth is _____________ the Moon. (big)
4. The Sun is ______________ the Moon. (bright)
5. Our piano is _____________ our guitar. (bad)
6. Virginia was _____________ her sister. (thin)
7. Water is _____________ wine. (clear)
8. My boots are _____________ yours. (dirty)
9. This homework is ______________ the last one. (easy)
10. The teacher was _______________ this one. (tall)

C: Complete the sentences with the superlative form of adjectives.

1. Tokyo is _______________ city in the world. (large)
2. Delta Air Lines is _____________ airline in the world. (large)
3. Chandra Bahadur Dangi is _____________ man in the world. (small)
4. Alexandra is _____________ girl in our class. (tall)
5. This is _____________ pizza I have eaten. (good)
6. Plan 9 from Outer Space is _____________ movie ever made. (bad)
7. Caracas is considered ___________________ place to live. (dangerous)
8. There are many contests to find ___________________ girl in the world.
9. Our Andean Condor is ___________________ bird in the world. (big)
10. Muhammad is the ________________ name in the world. (common)


Nursery teachers work in pre-school nurseries with children in their early years (3 to 5).
They help children develop basic skills, abilities and motivate their intellect through
games, songs and other activities. Though it is not very easy, they manage to work with
them and help them in their physical, intellectual and emotional growth.
A first day in class, is not easy for anyone. Children, parents and teachers face the first
contact with many different reactions. Some kids are more stubborn than others. Other
kids are weeping, while others go and play with all the toys they can take. A nursery
teacher usually helps kids and parents into this transition.
Sometimes parents are more emotional than their kids. It is hard for them to leave their
kids and the kids cry when their parents leave. Some parents are so excited that cannot
leave until they see their kids quiet. Others just bring them, stay some minutes and leave.
But there are those parents who never leave. They stay all day with their kids. Who needs
Nursery schools are furnished according to children needs. They have all the furniture
made just for their size. So they are smaller than the furniture we normally use. They
also have toilet and handwashing areas especially
prepared for them. When you come into one of the
rooms you can see smaller tables and chairs, lower
shelves, and the most little brooms and dust pans you
can see. Children learn to clean their places and to put
everything away. When parents learn about what
their children can do, they feel proud and happy. milygoodstein/5440515244/
What a joy!


1. able capaz
2. although aunque
3. annoyed molesto, irritado
4. ashamed avergonzado
5. beaches playas
6. betrayed traicionado
7. boiler hervidor
8. boiling hirviendo
9. both ambos
10. broom escoba
11. chaos caos
12. cheated engaado(a)
13. cities ciudades
14. clever listo(a), ingenioso(a)
15. comfort consolar
16. confused confundido(a)
17. continent continente
18. countries pases
19. delighted encantado(a)
20. demonstrate demostrar
21. depressed deprimido(a)
22. deserts desiertos
23. develop desarrollar
24. differ diferir, distinguir
25. dust pan recogedor de basura
26. embarrassed avergonzado(a)
27. emotions emociones
28. end terminar
29. excited emocionado(a), entusiasmado(a)
30. exciting apasionante, fascinante, emocionante
31. face enfrentar
32. feel sentir
33. feelings sentimientos
34. focus enfocarse, centrarse
35. forest bosque
36. frightened asustado(a)
37. furniture muebles
38. gray gris
39. growth crecimiento
40. guilty culpable
41. gulf golfo
42. handwashing lavado de manos
43. hard difcil, duro
44. if si
45. isle isla
46. kids nio(a), chico(a), menor

47. large grande

48. lazy flojo(a)
49. let dejar, permitir
50. manage dirigir, arreglar
51. Moon Luna
52. mountain montaa
53. nice amable, simptico(a)
54. north norte
55. nursery guardera, cuna, nido
56. ocean ocano
57. on the other hand por otro lado
58. ones aquellos
59. overwhelmed agobiado(a), abrumado(a)
60. peaceful pacfico
61. peninsula pennsula
62. pole polo
63. quiet callado(a), silencioso(a), tranquilo(a)
64. really en verdad
65. relaxed relajado(a)
66. reliable confiable, responsable
67. river ro
68. scared asustado(a), aterrorizado(a)
69. self-reliant autosuficiente
70. show mostrar
71. shy tmido(a)
72. silly tonto(a), estpido(a)
73. size tamao
74. skill destreza
75. slow lento(a)
76. solve resolver
77. spider araa
78. street calle
79. toilet inodoro
80. toy juguete
81. unhappy descontento(a)
82. upset descompuesto(a), molesto(a)
83. use suelen, soler
84. weeping lloroso(a)
85. wonderful maravilloso(a)


Feelings and emotions

Definite article: the

Comparative and superlative



Claudia is throwing a birthday party for her husband. He will be 40 next Sunday so its
an important birthday! She will not prepare any hot food, so she is planning to serve
chips with some tasty dips. She will prepare some appetizers but she is not sure if she
will have time. Also, she will get some cheese and crackers. Perhaps she will make a
fresh salad, too.
Since she is the host of the party, she will provide some beverages, but her husbands
friends will probably bring more. Guests usually bring beers, wine and sodas to parties.
It is polite to bring something when you are invited to a party!

There are many food expressions in English that are used constantly. Here we have
some examples:
bread and butter meat and potatoes
salt and pepper sweet and sour
cottage cheese fish and chips
cream cheese frozen food
ham and eggs apple pie
Edam cheese bitter chocolate
French fries lemon pie
hot dog lemon curd
chips and dip wine and cheese
mashed potatoes pancakes and syrup



Countable nouns are those that you can count one by one and have singular and plural
form. Example: book/books, chair/chairs, table/tables, pencil/pencils, etc. They can be
used with a number, the indefinite article: a, an, and with the quantifier some and any.

Example: There are some lemons for the pisco sour.

Are there any peaches for the pie?
We dont have any chairs.
I have two red pens and a pair of scissors.
Are there any cookies in the jar?
Uncountable nouns you cannot count one by one and only have one form that is not
singular nor plural. They cannot be counted or divided in different elements. For example:
rice, coffee, cheese, bread, salt, etc. You can use the quantifier: some, any; but you
cannot use them with: a, an directly. To use the indefinite article you use a word or
expression like: a cup of, a slice of, a piece of, a bottle of, a kg. of, etc. We cannot count
ideas, qualities, liquids, powders, gases, and things too small to be counted.
Example: I want some milk.
Is there any milk in the fridge?
Do you have some cheese?
I eat a piece of cake every day.
Do you want a slice of cheese?
I have a bottle of milk.

We know some quantifiers to use with countable nouns. Now we need to know which
quantifiers to use with uncountable nouns. This table can help us:


As you can see, there are some quantifiers that can be used with countable and
uncountable nouns. Like: some and any. But there are other quantifiers that we use only
with uncountable nouns: much and a little.
Example: How much tea is left on the pot?
There is a little tea left on the pot.
How much sugar do you want?
Just a little, please.
How much money do you have?
I have just a little. Why?
How much is that toy?
Its not much.
While many and a few are used with countable nouns.
Example: How many bottles of wine are left?
We have only a few bottles.
How many red pens do you need?
I need a few.
How many people visit your company every day?
Not a few. There are lots of people coming every day.
How many days are there for the next meeting?
Just a few days.


A: Complete the dialog with a / an / some / any

A: Lets have dinner together!

B: Ok. What do we have in the fridge?
A: Lets see We have ________ lettuce and ______ carrot in the fridge. And
here is _____ onion.
B: Check the vegetable drawer. Do we have ______ tomatoes?
A: You are right! There are __________ tomatoes and ______ avocado.
B: Excellent. We have everything for a nice salad. Do we have _______ eggs? I
can prepare __________ mayonnaise.
A: Yes we have ________ egg. Is it enough for the dressing?
B: Yes. It will be delicious! I promise!

B: Complete the sentences with: how much or how many.

1. __________________ bottles of wine are there in the cellar?

2. __________________ sugar do you take in your tea?

3. __________________ bananas do we have?

4. __________________ mayonnaise is left in the jar?
5. __________________ fruit do you eat in a week?
6. __________________ steaks have we got?
7. __________________ cans of soda are there in the fridge?
8. __________________ milk is there in the bottle?

C: Make questions and answer according to the example.

Example: chocolates / box
Are there any chocolates in the box?
Yes, there are some chocolates in the box. / No, there arent any chocolates
in the box.
1. sandwiches / lunchbox

2. sugar / coffee
3. soup / pot
4. lemonade / jar
5. vegetables / basket
6. dressing / salad

D: Write five sentences and five questions using the words from the list.

appetizers avocado beer

cake carrot cheese
chips crackers cookies
dip dressing egg
lemon lettuce mayonnaise
milk onions pot
salad salt slice
soda sugar tea
toast tomatoes vegetables

1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________?
7. ________________________________________________________?
8. ________________________________________________________?
9. ________________________________________________________?
10. ________________________________________________________?


Bread Pudding ___________ recipe:

1. Tear up __________________ and put the pieces __________________.
2. Whisk together: _____________, 2 tablespoons _________________, 2
tablespoons ______________ and 1 tablespoon of melted ___________.
3. Pour the mixture on top _____________ and mix.
4. Put ____________ with the mixture in the microwave ________________.
5. Enjoy!


1. appetizers bocaditos
2. apple pie pastel de manzana
3. basket canasta, cesta
4. beverages bebidas
5. bitter chocolate chocolate amargo
6. bread pan
7. butter mantequilla
8. can lata, tarro
9. cellar stano, bodega
10. cookie galleta
11. cottage cheese queso cabaa, requesn
12. crunchy crocante, crujiente
13. cheese queso
14. dip salsa
15. dressing alio
16. drawer cajn

17. enjoy disfrute

18. French fries papas fritas
19. frozen food comida congelada
20. host anfitrin(a)
21. hot dog perro caliente, pancho
22. husband esposo
23. lemon curd crema de limn
24. lemon pie tarta de limn
25. lunchbox lonchera
26. mashed potatoes pur de papa
27. mayonnaise mayonesa
28. melted derretida(o)
29. mix mezclar
30. mixture mezcla
31. on top of encima de
32. pancakes panqueques, hotcakes
33. peaches duraznos, melocotones
34. pepper pimienta
35. perhaps quizs, tal vez
36. piece trozo, pedazo
37. pot tetera, olla
38. pour verter, poner
39. powders polvos
40. pudding pudin
41. qualities cualidades
42. quantifier cuantificador
43. recipe receta
44. salt sal
45. slice rodaja, rebanada, tajada
46. sour cido
47. sweet dulce
48. syrup jarabe, almbar
49. tablespoon cuchara
50. tasty sabroso(a)(s)
51. tear up romper en pedazos
52. throwing a party dar / preparar una fiesta
53. toast tostada
54. together junto(a)(s)
55. whisk batir, agitar
56. wine vino


Read the following recipe and do all the exercises.


A: Indicate if the noun is countable (C) or uncountable (U).

1. children ________ 6. milk ________

2. scientists ________ 7. butter ________
3. glasses ________ 8. waiters ________
4. bread ________ 9. juice ________
5. bottle ________ 10. people ________

B: Write the correct article: a, an, the or nothing.

1. Carol is ________ waitress at Hilton Head Restaurant.

2. _________ waiter is Mr. Thomas.
3. Benny and Bobby usually eat _____ French fries with chicken.
4. ________ French fries are tasty and crunchy.
5. There is _____ extremely difficult exam programed for tomorrow.
6. I like ______ blue shirt that is on that shelf.
7. The Wilsons flew over ________ Alps and _______ London.
8. We visited _______ Great Wall in China.
9. _______ grapes are good for you.
10. Did you call ______ doctor?

C: Write where appropriate: how many, how much, some, any

1. ______________ homework do you have to do?

2. We dont have ______ homework to do today.
3. Rina bought _______ chips but she didnt buy ______ dip.
4. ______________ lessons are there in this book?
5. Do you know if there is ______ work to do?
6. _______________ friends does she have?
7. We have eaten _________ meat with wine and cheese.
8. ______________ time does it take to get from London to Cornwell?
9. Do you have _______ cottage cheese?
10. ______________ languages do you speak?


Countable and uncountable nouns

Much and many

Some and any



Coe, Norman; Mark Harrison y Ken Paterson (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar.
New York, OUP
Eastwood, John (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate. New York,
Oxford University Press.
Gardner Ian y otros (2004) Style 1. Oxford, Macmillan Publishers Limited
Jones-Macziola, Sarah y Greg White (2003) Further Ahead. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Mitchell, H. Q. (2009) Traveller Beginners. Gran Bretaa, MM Publications.
Murphy, Raymond (2004) English Grammar in Use. 3 Ed, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Seligson Paul (2012) Essential American English 2. Elementary. Oxford,
Richmond Publishing.

DATE: __________________________ GRADE:
NAME: __________________________

A. GRAMMAR (5 points)
Complete the sentences with the simple present tense or the present continuous:
1. Carol always ___________ the newspaper. (read)
2. My children never __________ TV from Monday to Friday. (watch)
3. Ann _____________ breakfast now. (make)
4. Those dogs ______________ after that black and white cat! (run)
5. I am busy. I _____________ letters to our clients. (write)
Give the comparative or superlative form of the adjective:
1. Karen has ____________________ dress I saw. (beautiful)
2. This exam is _________________ the last one. (easy)
3. My father works ________________ my brother. (hard)
4. Today is _________________ day of the year. (hot)
5. Sorry, I need a __________ soda. This one is warm. (cold)

B. VOCABULARY (5 points)
Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the square.
Angry excited frightened shy unhappy
Dressing chips appetizers dip vegetable
There was a party in the classroom. They were celebrating the last day of classes.
Everybody was very __________. Only Chris was ________ because she never likes
parties. Sophia was a little __________ because she is very _________. No one was
_____________. There was a lot of food to eat. The teacher prepared some
______________ salad with a very tasty ___________. There were also some
________________ that the children brought, and there were ________ and _______
for all the children.
Write if the noun is countable (C) or uncountable (U):
1. salt _____ 4. soda _____ 8. bag _____
2. banana _____ 5. cheese _____ 9. watch _____
3. file _____ 6. pen _____ 10. music _____
7. laptop _____

C. READING: (5 points)
Read the text and answer the questions below.

The party in the class was very interesting. The teacher prepared many games for the
children. There were a lot of prizes: medals, balloons, candies, etc. The children enjoyed
the music. Even Sophia danced with Chris. They really enjoyed the party.
The next day Sophia came to school earlier than usual. The teacher was very surprised.
But she said that she was very happy that his friends danced with her yesterday. Chris
was also early that day. She wanted to play with Sophia. They enjoyed dancing and
playing together at the party.
1. What happened in the class?
2. What did the teacher prepare?
3. What did Sophia and Chris do in the party?
4. What did Chris do the next day?
5. What did Sophia do the next day?

D. LISTENING (5 points)
Answer the following questions from the listening.

1. Where is Paul?
2. Why is he there?
3. Who invited Paul?
4. Did Paul enjoy the trip?
5. What is Paul doing next year?

Total 20 points.



At the end of this Unit the student will be able to:
4.1 Answer questions in future tense using be going to.
4.2 Write short reports in present, past and future.
4.3 Use collocations with: have.
4.4 Identify and use compound nouns.
4.5 Express correctly using prefixes and suffixes.

This Unit has the purpose to learn more complex grammar structures and
rules, to be used in a communicative environment, in simple present, simple
past and future tense, in common situations.




There are beautiful places to visit anywhere. Sometimes we never visit those close where
we live. Lima is the capital of Peru, but many people think that they have to go to Cusco,
Cajamarca or Arequipa to find interesting places to visit. But it is not necessarily true.
Here are some examples of what you are going to find in this Colonial city with a rich
historical and architectural heritage.
When Francisco Pizarro founded Lima in 1535, he had direct orders from Spain to build
a city based on the model of Seville. The houses were built in blocks around Plaza Mayor,
and the houses in the Colonial style. There you can visit the Cathedral, The Government
Palace and the Municipality Palace that surround Plaza Mayor.
If you are going to visit archeological places, you can find huacas all around Lima.
Huaca Pucllana, for example, is in Miraflores and is dated 500 AD. It was a ceremonial
and administrative center for the Lima Culture. The archeologists found simple textiles
made of alpaca or vicua wool, pottery decorated with snakes and fish, and stone tools.
They found a number of tombs providing information of the Wari culture.
You can visit a lot of museums: Larco
Museum, Arts of Lima Museum, Italian Art
Museum, Palacio de la Exposicin, The
National Museum, etc. There are many
other interesting museums to visit, but
maybe the most interesting for everyone
who visits Lima is the Gold Museum of
Peru and Weapons of the World. There
you need two hours to visit it all around and learn about this private collection of
Miguel Mujica Gallo.
Children enjoy visiting the two zoos we have. Parque de las Leyendas and Huachipa
Zoo keep many interesting animals from different species. If you want to see something
different with your family, enjoy a visit to The Magic Water Circuit which has the record
in the Guinness Book for the largest fountain complex in the world. It offers 13 different
fountains that are illuminated at night, and many are interactive.
There are also theaters, cinemas, circuses, etc. So, if you are going to plan a short
vacations or a weekend, why not visit Lima surroundings?


There is another form to express future in English, and it is with this expression: be going
to. The verb to be is used according the subject, plus going to and the main verb in
infinitive. It is used to indicate predictions based in what has been decided or if the intend
to realize it exists.
Example: We are going to study German next year.
Patty is going to visit us in May.
Its going to rain this evening.
Johnny is going to run around the park.
Kate is going to be late.

The interrogative form is exactly like when we just use the verb to be.
Example: Are you going to study German next year?
Is Patty going to visit us in May?
Is it going to rain this evening?
Is Johnny going to run around the park?
Is Kate going to be late?
The same is true when we change the sentence into the negative form.
Example: We arent going to study German next year.
Patty isnt going to visit us in May.
It isnt going to rain this evening.
Johnny isnt going to run around the park.
Kate isnt going to be late.


Some verbs are used combined with other words in a specific arrangement. This is called
a collocation. Here we are going to learn collocations with some verbs.
HAVE: There are useful expressions used with have. Like
have a good time have a talk
have a baby have a problem
have a relationship have an excuse
have work have a breakdown
have a headache have a bath
have a drink have a haircut
have a holiday have a rest
have lunch have sympathy
have an appointment have an advantage 0/3117346317
have a break have a chance

have a class have an exam

have fun have a look
have a party have tea
have time have something in common
have the flu have a sore throat
Example: We expect to have a good time next week in Florida.
I need to have a haircut soon!
Im in a rush. I have an appointment with Mrs. Tucker in an hour.
Do you think I have a chance with Dorothy?


A. Change the verb to the future using be going to:

1. Raul visits Tania and Alma in summer.

2. The Wilsons send their children to a French school.
3. Claire and Bob raise three children.
4. Mr. Thompson trains his dog at the Dog Park.
5. Miss Wanda writes letters in German.
6. Elizabeth, Dina and Sabrina enjoyed their vacations in Hawaii.
7. The accountant records the accounts in the books.
8. The engineer ensures that the building design is safe.
9. The foreman supervises the work of the laborers.
10. The architect designed a huge building complex.

B. Change your answers in section A into questions.

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________

C. Choose the correct verb tense:

1. Girls _____________ pearls.
a. use
b. are going to use
c. uses
d. used
2. Scientists _______________ that we must stop smoking.
a. are going to say
b. say
c. says
d. said
3. Next summer, our father _______________ late.
a. works
b. worked
c. work
d. is going to work
4. Mary Patterson ________________$5,000 shopping next week.
a. spend
b. is going to spend
c. spends
d. spent
5. His teacher ______________ an exam yesterday.
a. takes
b. took
c. is going to take
d. take
6. That car _____________ very old.
a. looks
b. looked
c. is going to look
d. look
7. In 1992, America _____________ its 500th Anniversary.
a. is going to celebrate
b. celebrate

c. celebrated
d. celebrates
8. In 2017, America _________________ its 525th Anniversary.
a. is going to celebrate
b. celebrated
c. celebrates
d. celebrate
9. Juan Gabriel _______________ beautiful songs in his life.
a. compose
b. composes
c. composed
d. is going to compose
10. Journalists always _________________ interesting news.
a. Look for
b. Looks for
c. Looked for
d. Are going to look for
D. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate collocation in the correct verb tense.

have a look have fun have a chance have tea

have a good time have lunch have the flu have time
have an appointment have a rest

1. Our children are going to __________________ at the circus.

2. We are expecting to ____________________ with our friends at your party.
3. Charles ____________________ at 2 oclock every day.
4. Alexa and Rita ________________________ with Mr. Kent next Friday.
5. Let me _____________________ at those papers. They can be important.
6. They need to ________________ before the presentation.
7. Do you think I ________________ with Mary?
8. Sorry, I cant help you. I dont ___________ to waste.
9. Patrick is not coming today. He ____________.
10. Its five oclock. Lets ________________.

Are you going to the cinema tomorrow? Or this weekend? Many people enjoy going to
see a movie on weekends. There are many kinds of movies: action, comedy, adventure,
romance, fantasy, drama, horror and biography, just to mention some.

Action, drama, horror and adventure films are for people who
like to feel a rush of adrenalin. Comedy, fantasy and romantic
films amuse and make people laugh. Historical and
biographical films tell us details of a real person or event.
There are some films that are called: of all time, because
they are never forgotten. Like: My Fair Lady, won 8 Oscars,
and got 12 nominations. From Here to Eternity, won 8
Oscars and had 13 nominations. Gone with the Wind, won
8 Oscars and had 13 nominations. West Side Story, won 10
Oscars with 11 nominations. Ben Hur, won 11 Oscars with
12 nominations. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the
King, won 11 Oscars from 11 nominations. Titanic, won 11
-_The_Return_of_the_King.jpg Oscars from 14 nominations. Would you see any of them?

TREVOR: Jamie, _______________ to go to the movies?
JAMES: Of course, you know how ______________!
TREVOR: Do you remember ______________________ together?
JAMES: Yes, indeed. It was one of all time. _____________________?
TREVOR: It was Titanic. I will never forget. ___________, my grandmother and my
sister would _____________ that I didnt take them with me.
JAMES: Oh! I remember, too! ________________ in the cinema were crying!
TREVOR: Yes, thats why __________________ something different.
JAMES: What do you ______________?
TREVOR: I just ___________________________ tonight, so Why
___________________________ Keeping up with the Joneses?
JAMES: Mmmm. I dont know about that film. _______________________?
TREVOR: No, _________________________ film.
JAMES: Good! _________________________. I prefer some action.
TREVOR: Dont worry friend. I chose something we can ______________________.
JAMES: What is it about?
TREVOR: Its about a couple who suspects about _________________________ and
end in the middle ______________________ espionage plot.
JAMES: Excellent! __________________.
TREVOR: Not at all.
JAMES: Ok, ____________.


1. accounts cuentas
2. AD (anno domini) A.D. (ao del Seor), D.C. (despus de Cristo)
3. amuse divertir, entretener
4. anywhere en cualquier parte
5. around alrededor de
6. blocks cuadras
7. cathedral catedral
8. circus circo
9. dated fechada
10. ensure se asegura, asegurar
11. espionage espionaje
12. founded fund
13. fountain fuente
14. From Here to Eternity De aqu a la Eternidad
15. Gone with the Wind Lo que el Viento se Llev
16. government gobierno
17. have a bath tomarse un bao
18. have a break tener un descanso
19. have a breakdown tener una crisis
20. have a chance tener una oportunidad
21. have a drink tomar una bebida
22. have a good time pasarla bien
23. have a haircut cortarse el pelo
24. have a headache tener un dolor de cabeza
25. have a holiday tener vacaciones
26. have a look echar un vistazo
27. have a party tener una fiesta
28. have a rest tomar un descanso
29. have a sore throat tener dolor de garganta
30. have a talk hablar
31. have an advantage tener una ventaja
32. have an appointment tener una cita
33. have fun divertirse
34. have lunch almorzar
35. have something in common tener algo en comn
36. have sympathy simpatizar
37. have tea tomar el t
38. have the flu tener la gripe
39. have time tener tiempo
40. heritage herencia
41. jelly gelatina, jalea, mermelada
42. keep guardar, conservar, criar
43. king rey
44. lecturer orador
45. middle medio
46. municipality municipalidad
47. My Fair Lady Mi Bella Dama
48. palace palacio
49. pearls perlas
50. plot trama, complot, conspiracin
51. pottery cermica
52. return regreso
53. rush of adrenalin descarga de adrenalina

54. Seville Sevilla

55. snakes serpientes, culebras
56. stone piedra
57. surround rodea, bordea
58. suspect sospechar
59. The Lord of the Rings El Seor de los Anillos
60. tombs tumbas, sepulturas
61. waste desperdiciar, gastar
62. weapons armas
63. wool lana


Future: going to

Collocations: have



People need to move goods, animals and other people from one place to another. We
use different means of transport: by air, rail, road and water. Man used to walk or use
animals to transport himself or carry a load. The horse, donkey and mule were used as
beasts of burden. Other places used an ox or a camel for transportation.
Later, man gave a new use to wheel. He invented the bicycle, which was considered a
machine of precision and balance, made for his convenience. When he invented the
steam locomotive, it became a practical way to transport people and goods. Soon, man
invented the train and the railroad. The Bullet Train service was introduced in Japan in
1964. Meanwhile, man invented cars, trucks to travel by land. He also invented boats,
canoes, ships, speed boats, motor boats, yachts, sailboats, steamboats, etc. to travel by
sea. And airplanes, helicopters, rockets, jets, to travel by air.
ambulance /mbiulans/
boat /bwt/
concrete mixer /konkrt mkser/
crane truck /kryn trak/
fire engine /fyer nyin/
helicopter /jlicopter/
sail boat /syl bowt/
taxi /tksi/
tractor /tractor/
train /tryn/
van /van/
yacht /yt/


GO: This verb is used with activities that end in ing and other expressions. Here are
some of this combinations.
go fishing go on a date
go skiing go out of fashion
go swimming go smoothly
go abroad go unnoticed
go bad go wrong
go bald go quickly

go blind go on
go crazy go astray
go on foot go running
go online go surfing
go out of business go shopping
go overseas go home
go quiet go downtown
go sailing go left
go to sleep go horse riding
Example: My brother likes to go fishing every Sunday. os/36821100@N04/3896338
I prefer to go shopping every weekend. 968/

Would you like to go on a date Saturday night?

Please look at the map. I dont want that we go astray again.
PLAY: This is a verb which we combine with team sports, games and ball games. This
is a list of some examples.
play football play by the rules
play down play basketball
play chess play cricket
play board games play badminton
play table-tennis play snooker
play hockey play baseball
play rugby play volleyball
play squash play your cards right
Example: They have time to play board games.
When we play football, my mother always prepares jelly for us.
Dont play down your attributes. They are attractive.
Larry played his cards right and won the contract.

A. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate collocation in the correct verb tense.

play rugby go on play chess go abroad

play by the rules go on foot play board games play down
go out of business go to sleep

1. Supermercados Monterrey _____________________ in 1993.

2. Little Willy doesnt like to _______________ early.
3. We hope it doesnt end too late, because we dont like to ______________.
4. Tadeo _____________ when he was in high school.

5. Mrs. Harrison usually ________________ at the end of each month.

6. Garry Kasparov _____________ in the World Chess Champion in 1985 and won.
7. Mr. Ernst likes to work with John because he always ________________
8. The lecturer ______________ with his explanation, but everyone was sleeping.
9. Little Tom never ____________________ because he is just two years old.
10. Nina never _________________ to Johns words.


Transport is changing now-a-days. This sector is taking into consideration the

responsible care for our environment, protecting the health of the communities. There is
a strong initiative to go green. Jill Buck founded the Go Green Initiative in 2002 in the
United States. Today, this initiative operates in all 50 U.S. states and in 73 countries.
She teaches that the first thing to become energy efficient is lowering the amount of
energy you consume. Then you can buy solar panels for your energy needs. But just
those that you need and no more than that.
InTech Energy is a new partner of the Go
Green Initiative. It has developed a software
that combines power monitoring, energy
analytics and building control. When you use
this software you can find which equipment
contributes to the high electricity bill you pay.
You can install it in your computer or in your

1. What kind of initiative is it developing now-a-days?
2. What does this initiative look for?
3. Where does the Go Green Initiative operate?
4. Who is its founder?
5. What does she teach?
6. Do you think it is a good initiative?


1. ambulance ambulancia
2. balance balance, equilibrio
3. beasts bestias
4. bedroom dormitorio
5. boat bote
6. bullet bala
7. burden carga
8. camel camello
9. canoe canoa
10. compound compuesto
11. concrete mixer mezcladora de cemento
12. crane truck gra
13. donkey burro
14. fire engine carro de bomberos
15. go abroad ir al extranjero, viajar al extranjero
16. go astray perderse, irse por mal camino
17. go bad echarse a perder, torcerse, ir por mal camino
18. go bald quedarse calvo
19. go blind quedarse ciego
20. go crazy volverse loco, enloquecer
21. go downtown ir al centro de la ciudad
22. go home ir a casa
23. go horse riding ir a montar caballo
24. go left ir a la izquierda
25. go on a date tener una cita romntica, salir en una cita
26. go on foot ir a pie
27. go on continuar
28. go online conectarse en lnea
29. go out of business salir del negocio, quebrar
30. go out of fashion estar fuera de moda
31. go overseas ir al extranjero, salir del pas
32. go quickly ir rpido
33. go quiet guardar silencio
34. go running ir corriendo
35. go sailing ir a navegar,
36. go shopping ir de compras
37. go smoothly ir suavemente, hacerlo fluidamente
38. go surfing ir a surfear
39. go to sleep ir a dormir
40. go unnoticed pasar desapercibido
41. go wrong equivocarse
42. goods productos, mercadera
43. helicopter helicptero
44. horse caballo
45. jet avin a reactor
46. land tierra
47. lecturer orador, conferenciante
48. load carga
49. locomotive locomotora
50. meanwhile mientras tanto
51. mule mula
52. ox buey
53. play board games jugar juegos de mesa

54. play by the rules seguir las reglas, respetar o cumplir las reglas
55. play chess jugar ajedrez
56. play down restar importancia
57. play snooker jugar al billar
58. play table-tennis jugar tenis de mesa
59. play your cards right jugar bien sus cartas
60. rail ferrocarril
61. railroad va frrea, ferrocarril
62. rocket cohete
63. sailboat velero
64. ship barco
65. speed velocidad
66. steam vapor
67. steamboat barco a vapor
68. taxi taxi
69. truck camin
70. van camioneta, combi
71. way forma
72. wheel rueda
73. yacht yate


Collocations: go, play


Holidays! Everybody loves holidays. There are different types of holidays. But the best
is that people can take a day or a long weekend off. You can travel overseas if you are
on your vacation time, but holidays are usually one or a few days.
There are some common holidays around the world, such as: Christmas Day, Valentines
Day and New Years Day. There are other holidays that are celebrated according to your
country and culture, like: Thanksgiving Day in the United States, Saint Patricks Day in
Ireland, etc.
Holidays are established after a commemoration
of an event or in honor of a person. Like when
each country celebrates their Independence Day,
or Somebodys Day.
People use to call a holiday, a day off, because
they dont have to go to work. Holidays are the best days for commerce. They launch
special offers so people can enjoy those days with their families. Hotels, restaurants,
travel agencies, amusement parks are some examples.


In English there are words formed by combining two nouns. They are known as
compound nouns. Compound nouns have two parts, the first identifies what kind of thing
or person it is or its purpose. The second part identifies the thing or person. But
remember that most compound nouns meaning is different or more specific, than when
the nouns are separated.
Example: air + port - airport
boy + friend - boyfriend
bus + stop - bus stop
tooth + paste - toothpaste
bed + room - bedroom
foot + ball - football
life + time - lifetime
moon + light - moonlight
weather + man - weatherman
some + where - somewhere
sun + flower - sunflower
skate + board - skateboard


Suffixes and prefixes are important in any language, because they change the meaning
of a word. Suffixes are added at the end of a word and prefixes are added at the
beginning of a word. Here are some examples.
Some prefixes make the adjective in negative like: un-, im-, in-, ir-, il-, non-, dis-.
Example: fortunate unfortunate expected unexpected
partial impartial perfect imperfect
visible invisible convenient - inconvenient
responsible irresponsible regular irregular
legal illegal legible - illegible
sense nonsense believer nonbeliever
able disable appear disappear

English uses suffixes er, -ar, -or, -ist, -ant, -ent, -an, -ian, -ee in nouns for people.
Example: dance - dancer office - officer
beg - beggar burgle burglar
act actor visit visitor
novel novelist drama dramatist
ignore ignorant account accountant
reside resident study - student
Mexico Mexican Peru Peruvian
music musician Brazil Brazilian
employ employee refuge refugee


A. Complete the sentences with a compound noun (noun + noun).
Example: This paper is special for the wall. It is a wallpaper.
1. Tony is looking for a stop for buses. He is looking for a __________________
2. In this game the boys kick the ball with their foot. It is ___________________
3. I like the light of the moon at night. Oh, you like the _____________________
4. This flower is very big and looks like the sun. it is a _____________________
5. Who is Abraham Levy? He tells us the weather. He is the ________________
6. Where did you leave my book? I dont know. It must be __________________
7. Be careful! That paste is not for the feet. It is a _________________________
8. There are a lot of types of boards. But kids use ________________________
9. This house has a living room, a dining room and three ___________________
10. We have to be at the __________________ two hours before our flight leaves.

B. Change the words. Use the prefixed or suffixes learned.

1. We are going to have a tour to Madrid. We are going to be ___________ there.
2. My electric appliances are out of order. I need an _______________
3. The __________ is the person who edits books.
4. My sister lives in Brazil for 51 years. She is ______________ now.
5. The company employs ten new people as their ______________
6. This report is not complete, it is ______________
7. I am not _____________ on the contrary, Im too responsible at work.
8. My drawing is not perfect. Sorry, Im ____________
9. His wallet didnt appear. It ______________ mysteriously.
10. We didnt expect visits yesterday. Paul was an ____________ visit.

It is very helpful to arrange vacations with anticipation. When you hire a travel agency, it
helps you and simplifies the process in planning a trip. Travel agencies can provide a
travel package made just for your needs. They book flights, cruises, hotels, restaurants,
events and whatever you want to do in the journey. If you take advantage of travel
agencies, you may go and enjoy your trip without spending more than what you paid to
the agency.

GRACE: Honey, good news!

RODNY: Whats up dear?
GRACE: My friend Georgina from the travel agency made a travel package just for us!
RODNY: Great!
GRACE: Look, here is the itinerary.
RODNY: mmand all of this just for $400?
GRACE: Yes! Isnt it great?
RODNY: But of course!
GRACE: Well I have to get ready and make the luggage.
RODNY: Dont forget to put my trunks and your tankini.
GRACE: I think Im going to take my bikinis.
RODNY: No, your tankini is best.

1. What do you have to do before going on vacations?
2. Which is the best way to plan a vacation?

3. What do travel agencies provide?

4. What can they do?
5. If you hire a travel agency, which is the advantage?
6. Which good news did Grace have?

1. advantage ventaja
2. amusement entretenimiento
3. appear aparecer
4. appliance aparato
5. arrange arreglar
6. beggar mendigo
7. believer creyente
8. book reservar
9. boyfriend novio, mejor amigo
10. burglar ladrn
11. burgle robar
12. culture cultura
13. dancer bailarn
14. day off da libre
15. employee empleado
16. fortunate afortunado
17. helpful til, provechoso
18. holidays feriados
19. Independence Day Da de la Independencia
20. Ireland Irlanda
21. itinerary itinerario
22. journey travesa
23. kick patear
24. launch lanzar
25. lifetime vida, de por vida, durante la vida
26. luggage equipaje, maletas
27. migrate emigrar
28. moonlight luz de luna
29. nonbeliever incrdulo, ateo, agnstico
30. nonsense sin sentido
31. offer oferta
32. officer oficial, agente, directivo
33. package paquete
34. refuge refugio
35. refugee refugiado, asilado
36. skateboard patineta
37. somewhere en alguna parte, en algn lugar
38. sunflower girasol
39. tankini dos piezas (tapa ms que el bikini)
40. toothpaste pasta de dientes
41. trunks ropa de bao de hombre

42. unable incapaz

43. unexpected inesperado
44. unfortunate desafortunado
45. wallpaper papel para empapelar, papel de pared
46. weatherman hombre del tiempo
47. whats up qu pasa?

12.7 SONG: Check the mistakes.


Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?
I believe, its meant to be, darling
I watch you when you are sleeping.
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an eternal flame?

You belong with me.

Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Say my name Sun shines through the rain.
kypeanut/4258271749 A whole life so lonely. (repeat)
And then come and ease the pain.
I dont want to lose this feeling, oh

Close your eyes, give me your hand.

Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you feel the same?
Do you understand?
Am I only dreaming?
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling.

Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?
Is this burning an eternal flame?
Am I only dreaming?

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling.

Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand? s/farehamwine/15506641870/
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming? Ah.
An eternal flame
(Repeat again)


Look for a travel agency and find out about a special place you want to go. Ask for travel
packages and prices. Then write a report of what you learned.


A. Choose the correct answer: collocations

1. We expect to ____________ at your party tomorrow.

a. have a good time
b. have a baby
c. have a relationship
d. have an excuse
2. Tomorrow, Im going to __________ with Charles.
a. have a headache
b. have a bath
c. have a rest
d. have lunch
3. Ramn is sick in bed, because he ____________
a. has time
b. has a look
c. has the flu
d. has tea
4. I cant speak because I _____________
a. have a break
b. have a chance
c. have a sore throat
d. have something in common
5. The manager is going to ____________ for an international seminar.
a. go skiing
b. go on a date
c. go abroad
d. go wrong
6. These children love to _____________ all around the house.

a. go astray
b. go running
c. go online
d. go blind
7. Finally, the babies have to _____________, its 8 oclock.

a. go left
b. go home
c. go sailing
d. go to sleep

8. I dont like Samantha because she doesnt _______________

a. play by the rules

b. play chess
c. play down
d. play cricket

9. Dont worry. You must _____________ to finish this job.

a. do judo
b. do the shopping
c. do your best
d. do it yourself
10. Dont forget to ____________ of your vacation for tomorrow.

a. do your nails
b. do harm
c. do push-ups
d. do a report


Compound nouns

Prefixes and suffixes


Coe, Norman; Mark Harrison y Ken Paterson (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar.
New York, OUP
Eastwood, John (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate. New York,
Oxford University Press.
Gardner Ian y otros (2004) Style 1. Oxford, Macmillan Publishers Limited
Jones-Macziola, Sarah y Greg White (2003) Further Ahead. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Mitchell, H. Q. (2009) Traveller Beginners. Gran Bretaa, MM Publications.
Murphy, Raymond (2004) English Grammar in Use. 3 Ed, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press
Seligson Paul (2012) Essential American English 2. Elementary. Oxford,
Richmond Publishing.

DATE: __________________________ GRADE:
NAME: __________________________

A. GRAMMAR: (5 points)
Write the verb in the future:
1. Silvana __________________ accounting next year. (practice)
2. The engineers ___________________ a new vehicle for the moon. (design)
3. Our Chief of Human Resources ___________________ 5 employees. (employ)
4. Sam ______________________ this weekend. (work)
5. The policeman__________________ the bugglar soon. (catch)
6. A judge ________________ an audience tomorrow. (have)
7. Football players ____________________ exercise more often. (do)
8. Tankinis ____________________ out of fashion next summer. (go)
9. Mr. Sunders______________________ his cards right to win the contract. (play)
10. Keneth and Kim ___________________like proffesional singers tonight. (sing)

B. VOCABULARY: (5 points)
unfortunate inconvenient impartial
officer dramatist ignorant
fire engine ambulance yacht
sail boat

1. William Shakespeare was one of the most famous _____________.

2. The _______________ stopped our car and asked some questions.
3. Judges have to be very _______________ when they do their duties.
4. We have an ____________ in processing your orders.
5. Only ___________ people lose their time doing nothing.
6. Jim Carrey acted in the film A Series of ____________ Events.
7. Stellas party is going to be in a __________
8. Gary and Steve arent at home. They are living in their ___________
9. The _____________ didnt get on time and the fire grew big.
10. Please, call an ___________ and take care of the children!


Living in a big city means to leave with many, many people around you. This creates a
lot of problems. For example: the traffic. If you drive your car, you have to be careful with
others: cars and people. If there is an accident you must know the numbers to call the
police, the firemen and an ambulance. Dont forget to carry your ID with you.
1. What does living in a big city mean?
2. What creates a lot of problems?
3. Who do you have to be careful with?
4. Which numbers are important to know?
5. What is important not to forget?

D. LISTENING: (5 points)
Answer the following questions about the listening.
6. Where are Sandra and Glenn going?
7. What are they planning after the film?
8. Who likes action movies?
9. Who likes to eat japanese food?
10. Where did they decide to eat?

Total 20 points.


Write your answer according to your experience.
1. Gets
2. Washes
3. Brushes
4. Takes
5. Eats
6. Gets
7. Fixes
8. Are
9. Like
10. Wake
11. Doesnt
12. Like
13. Leaves
14. Have
1. Is running
2. Is
3. Are watching
4. Is preparing
5. Is working
6. Is running
7. Is thinking
8. Is forgetting
9. Is waiting
10. Is taking
A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in simple present.
1. Puts
2. Carry
3. Tries
4. Smells
5. Mixes
6. Pass
7. Crashes
8. Works
9. Watch
10. Smells
B. Change the sentences into imperatives.
1. Be quiet!
2. Close the door! / Close the door, please.
3. Come here! / Come here, please.
4. Study! / Study, please.
5. Dont speak!
6. Dont sit down!

7. Read books, please.

8. Dance here, please.
9. Lets go to the beach.
10. Dont play! / Lets not play.
C. Make imperative sentences, as many as you can.
1. Dont be late! / Lets not be late.
2. Walk slowly! / Lets walk slowly. / Do walk slowly.
3. Read aloud! / Lets read aloud. / Do read aloud.
4. Play chess! / Lets play chess. / Do play chess.
5. Dont read comics! / Lets not read comics.
6. Dont sleep! / Lets not sleep.
7. Dont be late! / Lets not be late.
8. Keep quiet! / Lets keep quiet. / Do keep quiet.
9. Stop playing! / Lets stop playing. / Do stop playing.
10. Go! / Lets go. / Do go.
1. It opens at 12 oclock.
2. Because it is before their class.
3. Its Wonton Soup and Kam-lu Wonton.
4. Its white rice with sweet and sour pork.
5. No, they arent. They are eating together once a week.
6. They plan to visit: Italian, Russian, French and other restaurants.
A. Offer your guest the following:
1. Would you like a piece of cake?
2. Would you like some cheese?
3. Would you like some wine?
4. Would you like an ice cream cone?
5. Would you like a new dress?
6. Would you like a cup of tea?
7. Would you like some fruit?
8. Would you like a hamburger?
9. Would you like Chinese food?
10. Would you like some cookies?
B. Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verb to be: was, were.
1. Was
2. Was
3. Were
4. Was
5. Were
6. Were
7. Were
8. Was
9. Was
10. Was
C. Change the sentences in exercise A into questions.
1. Was the engineer in his car yesterday?

2. Was this house very dirty and ugly?

3. Were the buildings in Mexico City?
4. Was the restaurant in front of my parents house?
5. Were the children at school in the morning?
6. Were the bricks on the roof?
7. Were Sandra, Tina and Sue at the party with John?
8. Was the operator in the office at a quarter to eight?
9. Was that executive the head of my department?
10. Was George our foreman last year?
D. Complete the sentences in the negative form of the verb: wasnt, werent.
1. Wasnt
2. Wasnt
3. Werent
4. Wasnt
5. Werent
6. Werent
7. Wasnt
8. Wasnt
9. Werent
10. Werent
E. Make questions from the following sentences with: who or whose.
1. Who is cleaning Pablos office?
2. Who is in bed with the flu?
3. Who was driving home when he had a car crash?
4. Who played with the cat last night?
5. Who is studying medicine in the garden?
6. Whose dog went to Toms house and broke his bone?
7. Whose toys are in that box?
8. Whose papers were on top of the bookshelf?
9. Whose child was injured at school?
10. Whose notes are those?
1. It was yesterday.
2. There were Miriam, her friends and her sisters.
3. They were dancing, eating and having fun.
4. They were eating nachos, chips with chili, crackers with cheese and spread,
sodas, tea, beer and so forth.
5. Frida was the cook.
6. It was for Stella and Tim because they dont eat meat.
SAM: What a good idea Miriam. This is a great party!
FRIDA: Yes, it is dear sister. And the music selection is fabulous!
MIRIAM: Thank you! Im really glad that you enjoy.
SAM: These pizzas are great!
FRIDA: Yes???
MIRIAM: But of course! They were made by Frida!
SAM: Wow! Excellent Frida!!!
FRIDA: Oh, not at all.
MIRIAM: Yeah, she is an excellent cook.
SAM: Definitely!
FRIDA: Please dont.

MIRIAM: She is very humble.

SAM: Is that your friend Rita?
FRIDA: No, she isnt. Shes our sister Stella.
MIRIAM: Stella was helping me organizing this meeting.
SAM: No doubt. You are a nice family!!
MR. JONES: Oh, Macbeth is my favorite! This play was really great!
MISS PENN: Im glad to know that Mr. Jones. This is the first time I see Macbeth.
MRS. JONES: Oh, dear. This is our tenth.
MR. JONES: Yes, we come every season, but especially if they play Macbeth.
MISS PENN: Why do you like it so much? Do you like tragedies?
MRS. JONES: Not really. It is a tradition.
MR. JONES: Yes, my father was a great Shakespeare fan.
MISS PENN: Thats very interesting. But why Macbeth?
MRS. JONES: Because my father in law was in a Macbeth play when he met her wife.
MR. JONES: Yes, it was love at first sight!
A. Complete the sentences with: There was there were
1. There was
2. There were
3. There were
4. There was
5. There were
6. There were
7. There was
8. There was
9. There were
10. Were there
B. Change the following sentences into questions.
1. Was there a ghost in the house?
2. Were there twenty guests at the Hotel?
3. Was there a person fixing his car?
4. Were there five trees behind the house?
5. Was there a computer in the living room?
6. Were there rats in the garage?
7. Were there tomatoes, oranges and peas in the fridge?
8. Was there a meeting with Mr. Shell at 4:00 this afternoon?
9. Was there a storm last night?
10. Were there a lot of books on the shelves?
C. Change the sentences in part A into negative.
1. There wasnt an ambulance in front of the cinema yesterday.
2. There werent two boats on the sea last night.
3. I saw that movie, there wasnt a helicopter and a train.
4. There wasnt a big apple on the boys head.
5. Yesterday, there werent a lot of people at the stadium.
6. There werent three trucks and two cars in the street.
7. There wasnt a van full of children in front of the bookstore.
8. Im tired because there wasnt a party all night.
9. There werent ten men changing dollars in Ocoa.

10. How many people were not there at the meeting yesterday?
1. It was a bad day.
2. Because there were less than ten students in her class.
3. Because it was Friday and there was an important soccer game.
4. There were only six.
5. There are usually twenty five students.
6. It was a very hot day.
7. They were reading Macbeth, Othello and Hamlet by Shakespeare.
8. No, it was very difficult for the students to read.
A. Choose the correct answer: there was / there were
1. There was
2. There were
3. There were
4. There was
5. There were
6. There was
7. There was
8. There was
9. There were
10. There were
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Bobby is at the door.
2. Some students studied for the exam.
3. Spain won the football match.
4. The thief took your handbag.
5. Harry Hughes performs the best blueprints in the company.
6. This is the teachers car.
7. My baby is crying.
8. Valeries sister is the most attractive.
9. Camilas dress is the most beautiful today.
10. Richards leg was injured in the car crash.


Complete the sentences with the present tense:
1. Goes
2. Eats
3. Study
4. Do / want
5. Does / teach
6. Read
7. Buys
8. Asks
9. Feels

10. Run
Unscramble the letters.
1. onions
2. chips
3. bacon
4. lamb
5. tonight
6. fireworks
7. parades
8. bug
9. honey
10. turkey
C. READING: Read the text and answer the questions below.
1. He was a nice little boy.
2. He was always smiling, giving thanks, asking for permission and saying hello
and good bye.
3. He was thin and tall.
4. He was always watching TV and playing packman all day long.
5. He was always in a disco.
D. COMPREHENSION: Answer the following questions.
Answer according your circumstances.

A. Complete the sentences with the verb in the simple past.
1. Lived
2. Hired
3. Talked
4. Needed
5. Worried
6. Looked
7. Painted
8. Named
9. Wanted
10. Called
B. Change the sentences in part A into questions.
1. Did you live in Barranco last year?
2. Did Mr. Clark hire an engineer named Harry Hughes?
3. Did Harry talk to the workers about the new building?
4. Did the workers need more bricks to work faster?
5. Did Mr. Clark worry about the bricks?
6. Did Jane and Susan look for a job last week?
7. Did the children paint the birds tail?
8. Did you name the little cat Pussy?
9. Did they want to visit us yesterday?
10. Did Robert call a doctor yesterday?
C. Complete the sentences with the simple pasts of the verb in negative.
1. Didnt like
2. Didnt call
3. Didnt dance
4. Didnt cook
5. Didnt wash
6. Didnt marry
7. Didnt clean
8. Didnt need
9. Didnt catch
10. Didnt walk
1. She cleaned her house, washed her clothes and cooked.
2. She planned a trip to the Rocky Mountain National Park.
3. She wanted some outdoor activities.
4. No, she accepted to go.
5. After a week there.
6. It was Sallys horse.
7. He was Bob.
8. They wanted him to come back.
Listen carefully and write down the regular verbs and the endings you hear.
1. Added /id/

2. Answered /d/
3. Brushed /t/
4. Compared /d/
5. Curved /d/
6. Continued /d/
7. Communicated /id/
8. Changed /t/
9. Caused /t/
10. Decided /id/
11. Developed /t/
12. Doubted /id/
13. Dressed /t/
14. Employed /d/
15. Earned /d/
16. Ended /id/
17. Examined /d/
18. Fixed /t/
19. Happened /d/
20. Imagined /d/
A. Choose the correct verb in the past tense.
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. B
B. Change the following sentences into questions.
1. Did the secretary make some appointments for Mr. Green?
2. Was the Principal in a meeting with the Dean?
3. Did the doctor find two nurses to help in the hospital?
4. Did the city need a new highway?
5. Did you study engineering at the California University?
6. Did they marry in Cali in 1975?
7. Did the architect, the engineer and Mr. Clark have a meeting?
8. Did your father hurry home because it was late?
9. Did your mother worry about your father because he was late?
10. Did the little boy carry his bag with difficulty?
C. Change the sentences into negative form.
1. Harry didnt go to work by car yesterday.
2. The dog didnt eat the bone in the garden.
3. We didnt buy a new table last week.
4. Mr. Clark didnt travel to London last year.
5. I didnt wait for you three hours at the cafeteria.

6. Tim didnt like to play tennis when he was a child.

7. They didnt drink ten bottles of beer in an hour.
8. The teacher didnt have a laptop on her desk last week.
9. The children didnt visit their grandparents last Sunday.
10. Sheila wasnt at work during the earthquake.
1. It began three weeks ago.
2. She couldnt sleep.
3. She had a sore throat and high fever.
4. She eat soup and tea.
5. She read the newspaper everyday and watched TV until she fell asleep.
6. Thirteen days. (Three days and ten more days.)
7. He said that she has to eat more and better.
Listen to the following song and complete the information from:

When I was just a little girl

I asked my mother: what will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Heres what she said to me:
Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.
The future is not ours to see.
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be.

When I grew up and fell in love

I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead,
Will we have rainbows, day after day?
Heres what my sweetheart said:
Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.
The future is not ours to see.
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own

They ask their mother: what will I be?
Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?
I tell them tenderly:
Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.
The future is not ours to see.
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be.
Que sera, sera

A. Make questions from the following sentences.
1. Why were the children fighting?
2. What did many people buy?
3. Where is Wilmington?

4. Who was in love with Juliet?

5. What did Janet do?
6. What happened?
7. Who called at 3:30?
8. When did the accident occur?
9. When were your vacations?
10. What did the Dean speak during the Congress?
B. Answer the following questions.
1. She got home by bus.
2. Because she was too stubborn.
3. He called Fred yesterday.
4. I left the car two blocks away.
5. Mark Twain wrote Tom Sawyer.
6. A snake was behind the house.
7. Because the papers were not ready.
8. I waited two hours for Camille.
9. He took the subway to go to the Faculty.
10. We have a test every month.
C. Give additional information about yourself.
Answer according your circumstances.
1. Jesus Christ lived two thousand years ago.
2. Because of his teachings / knowledge.
3. They called him teacher.
4. They still do now.
5. They are recorded in the Bible in four Gospels.
6. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
7. It means good news.
8. Because Jesus by his death gave mankind the opportunity to recover what Adan
and Eve lost.
9. He used simple words and gave examples of daily life.
10. He talked about the broad road and the narrow road. / He talked about the good
tree and the rotten tree.
A. Complete the sentences with the verb in the simple past.
1. Stopped
2. Was
3. Changed
4. Came
5. Fell
6. Had
7. Appeared
8. Left
9. Called
10. Went
1. He lived in Denver, Colorado.
2. He used to travel every day to school by bus.
3. There were children from other countries.
4. They were from South Africa, Italy, Germany, Chile and Peru.

5. He became a good friend of Mario.

6. She was surprised that Harry spoke Spanish.
C. Choose the correct question word.
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. B


Complete the past tense of these verbs.
1. Came
2. Read
3. Played
4. Recorded
5. Wrote
6. Looked
7. Ate
8. Did
9. Bought
10. Was
Fill in the blanks in the blanks with the correct word in the correct tense:
The first day I met Rose I fell in love with her. I was playing Carnivals and my friends left
me out of the room all wet with only my T-shirt and drawers. I ran out and crashed with
her who gave me her scarf to cover myself. I remember that the radio was playing a nice
reggae song. I would never forget. After three months we got engaged and celebrated
dancing a waltz. Its her favorite. I gave her a golden fish for our first anniversary but
soon it passed away. She was so sad that she broke up with me!

Read the text and answer the questions below.
1. He was a famed Italian explorer.
2. He was born in Genoa, Italy.
3. It was to the Atlantic Ocean.
4. He discovered The New World in 1492.
5. Spain helped him with the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nia.
Listen carefully to the reading and answer the questions:
The first president of the United States was George Washington. He was born in 1732
in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He served in the colonial armies during the Revolution

before he became president in 1789. Many people suggested other titles but he preferred
to be called Mr. President. He was a man of great personal integrity. In 1797, he passed
the government to John Adams and returned to Mount Vernon to live as a simple farmer.
He passed away in 1799 after a bad cold.
1. George Washington was the first president of the United States.
2. He was born in 1732.
3. He became president in 1789.
4. He preferred to be called Mr. President.
5. John Adams was the next president.

A. Change the verbs to the gerund ing.
1. Dancing
2. Walking
3. Building
4. Taking
5. Talking
6. Meeting
7. Working
8. Carrying
9. Studying
10. Swimming
B. Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct tense: present simple or present
1. Watch
2. Is drawing
4. Is
5. Loves
6. Is barking
7. Are painting
8. Are doing
9. Hates
10. Calls
C. Make questions and answer with the words given.
1. How is the weather today? Its sunny.
2. How is the weather today? Its foggy.
3. How is the weather today? Its windy.
4. How is the weather today? Its rainy.
5. How is the weather today? Its cold.
6. How is the weather today? Its hot.
7. How is the weather today? Its warm.
8. How is the weather today? Its stormy.
1. Louis is a famous cook.
2. His day begins buying vegetables fruit and meat in the market.
3. He is the owner and main cook in his restaurant.
4. Because his wife is the general manager, his son Dorian is the second cook, his
son Andre is the bartender and his daughter Linda is the cashier.
5. Because he is working for his last day.
6. They are going to Hawaii.
7. Because they worked many years. / Because he is 68. / Because his sons and
daughter are old.
A. Write the definite article THE where is needed.

1. X
2. The
3. The
4. X
5. The
6. X, x, x, x
7. The
8. The
9. X
10. The
B. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of adjectives.
1. Smaller than
2. Larger than
3. Bigger than
4. Brighter than
5. Worse than
6. Thinner than
7. Clearer than
8. Dirtier than
9. Easier than
10. Taller than
C. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of adjectives.
1. The largest
2. The largest
3. The smallest
4. The tallest
5. The best
6. The worst
7. The most dangerous
8. The most beautiful
9. The biggest
10. The most common
A. Complete the dialog with: a / an / some / any.
A: Lets have dinner together!
B: Ok. What do we have in the fridge?
A: Lets see We have a lettuce and a carrot in the fridge. And here is an onion.
B: Check the vegetable drawer. Do we have any tomatoes?
A: You are right! There are some tomatoes and an avocado.
B: Excellent. We have everything for a nice salad. Do we have any eggs? I can
prepare some mayonnaise
A: Yes we have an egg. Is it enough for the dressing?
B: Yes. It will be delicious! I promise!
B: Complete the sentences with: how much or how many.
1. How many
2. How much
3. How many
4. How much
5. How much

6. How many
7. How many
8. How much
C. Make questions and answer according to the example.
1. Are there any sandwiches in the lunchbox?
Yes, there are some sandwiches in the lunchbox. / No, there arent any
sandwiches in the lunchbox.
2. Is there any sugar in the coffee?
Yes, there is some sugar in the coffee. / No, there isnt any sugar in the coffee.
3. Is there any soup in the pot?
Yes, there is some soup in the pot. / No, there isnt any sugar in the pot.
4. Is there any lemonade in the jar?
Yes, there is some lemonade in the jar. / No, there isnt any lemonade in the jar.
5. Are there any vegetables in your basket?
Yes, there are some vegetables in my basket. / No, there arent any vegetables in
my basket.
6. Is there any dressing in the salad?
Yes, there is some dressing in the salad. / No, there isnt any dressing in the
D. Write five sentences and five questions using the words from the list.
Sentence example:
1. The salad doesnt have any salt or dressing.
2. John likes carrots and cheese.
Question example:
1. Does the salad have any salt or dressing?
2. Does John like carrots and cheese?
Bread Pudding for one recipe:
1. Tear up a piece of bread and put the pieces into a cup.
2. Whisk together: an egg, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of milk and 1
tablespoon of melted butter.
3. Pour the mixture on top of the bread and mix.
4. Put the cup with the mixture in the microwave for 2 minutes.
5. Enjoy!

A: Indicate if the noun is countable (C) or uncountable (U).
1. Children ___C__ 6. Milk ___U___
2. Scientists ___C__ 7. Butter ___U___
3. Glasses ___C__ 8. Waiters ___C___
4. Bread ___U__ 9. Juice ___U___
5. Bottle ___C__ 10. People ___C___

B: Write the correct article: a, an, the or nothing.

1. A
2. The
3. X
4. The

5. An
6. The
7. The / x
8. The
9. X
10. the

C: Write where appropriate: how many, how much, some, any

1. How much
2. Any
3. Some / any
4. How many
5. Any
6. How many
7. Some
8. How much
9. Any
10. How many


Complete the sentences with the present tense or the present continuous:
1. Reads
2. Watch
3. Is making
4. Are running
5. Am writing
Give the comparative or superlative form of the adjective:
1. The most beautiful
2. Easier than
3. Harder than
4. The hottest
5. Colder
Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the square.
There was a party in the classroom. They were celebrating the last day of classes.
Everybody was very excited. Only Chris was angry because she never likes parties.
Sophia was a little frightened because she is very shy. No one was unhappy. There was
a lot of food to eat. The teacher prepared some vegetable salad with a very tasty
dressing. There were also some appetizers that the children brought, and there were
chips and dip for all the children.
Write if the noun is countable (C) or uncountable (U).
1. U
2. C
3. C
4. U
5. U

6. C
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. U
C. READING: Read the text and answer the questions below.
1. There was a party in the class.
2. She prepared many games for the children.
3. Sophia danced with Chris.
4. She was early at school and wanted to play with Sophia.
5. She enjoyed playing with Sophia.
Answer the following questions from the listening.
Paul Rogers is in Kenya. He is there searching about wild life. Dr. Schuller invited Paul
to help him in his research. Paul is so excited with this job that he cant think in anything
else. He enjoyed the trip. He had the chance to go on safari and see wild animals in their
habitats. He is planning to visit Republic of the Congo next year, to learn about the
1. Paul is in Kenya.
2. He is searching about wild life.
3. Dr. Schuller invited Paul.
4. Yes, he did.
5. He is planning to visit Republic of the Congo to learn about the gorillas.

A. Change the verb to the future using be going to:
1. Raul is going to visit Tania and Alma in summer.
2. The Wilsons are going to send their children to a French school.
3. Claire and Bob are going to raise three children.
4. Mr. Thompson is going to train his dog at the Dog Park.
5. Miss Wanda is going to write letters in German.
6. Elizabeth, Dina and Sabrina are going to enjoy their vacations in Hawaii.
7. The accountant is going to record the accounts in the books.
8. The engineer is going to ensure that the building design is safe.
9. The foreman is going to supervise the work of the laborers.
10. The architect is going to design a huge building complex.
B. Change your answers in section A into questions.
1. Is Raul going to visit Tania and Alma in summer?
2. Are the Wilsons going to send their children to a French school?
3. Are Claire and Bob going to raise three children?
4. Is Mr. Thompson going to train his dog at the Dog Park?
5. Is Miss Wanda going to write letters in German?
6. Are Elizabeth, Dina and Sabrina going to enjoy their vacations in Hawaii?
7. Is the accountant going to record the accounts in the books?
8. Is the engineer going to ensure that the building design is safe?
9. Is the foreman going to supervise the work of the laborers?
10. Is the architect going to design a huge building complex?
C. Choose the correct verb tense.
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
D. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate collocation in the correct verb tense.
1. Have fun
2. Have a good time
3. Has lunch
4. Are going to have an appointment
5. Have a look
6. Have a rest
7. Have a chance
8. Have time
9. Has the flu

10. Have tea

TREVOR: Jamie, do you want to go to the movies?
JAMES: Of course, you know how I love movies!
TREVOR: Do you remember the last movie we saw together?
JAMES: Yes, indeed. It was one of all time. What was its name?
TREVOR: It was Titanic. I will never forget. My mother, my grandmother and my
sister would never forget that I didnt take them with me.
JAMES: Oh! I remember, too! All the girls in the cinema were crying!
TREVOR: Yes, thats why I want to see something different.
JAMES: What do you have in mind?
TREVOR: I just want to have fun tonight, so Why dont we go and see Keeping up
with the Joneses?
JAMES: Mmmm. I dont know about that film. Is it a romantic film?
TREVOR: No, its an action-comedy film.
JAMES: Good! I dont like romantic films. I prefer some action.
TREVOR: Dont worry friend. I chose something we can have a good time.
JAMES: What is it about?
TREVOR: Its about a couple who suspects about their perfect neighbors and end in
the middle of an international espionage plot.
JAMES: Excellent! Wont be boring.
TREVOR: Not at all.
JAMES: Ok, lets go.
A. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate collocation in the correct verb tense.
1. Went out of business
2. Go to sleep
3. Go on foot
4. Played rugby
5. Goes abroad
6. Played chess
7. Plays by the rules
8. Went on
9. Plays board games
10. Plays down
1. An initiative to go green.
2. It looks for taking into consideration the responsible care for our environment,
protecting the health of the communities.
3. It operates in all 50 U.S. states and in 73 countries.
4. Jill Buck is its founder.
5. She teaches that to become energy efficient you have to lower the amount of
energy you consume first.
6. Yes, it is. We need to help our eco-system in order to continue living.
A. Complete the sentences with a compound noun (noun + noun).

1. Bus stop
2. Football
3. Moonlight
4. Sunflower
5. Weatherman
6. Somewhere
7. Toothpaste
8. Skateboards
9. Bedrooms
10. Airport
B. Change the words. Use the prefixed or suffixes learned.
1. Tourists
2. Electrician
3. Editor
4. Brazilian
5. Employees
6. Incomplete
7. Irresponsible
8. Imperfect
9. Disappear
10. Unexpected


1. We have to arrange vacations with anticipation.
2. The best way is to hire a travel agency.
3. Travel agencies can provide a travel package made just for your needs.
4. They book flights, cruises, hotels, restaurants, events and whatever you want to
do in the journey.
5. You may go and enjoy your trip without expending more than what you paid for
the agency.
6. She told her husband about her friend Georgina.

12.7 SONG: Check and find the mistakes


Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an eternal flame?

I believe, its meant to be, darling

I watch you when you are sleeping.
You belong with me.
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Say my name
Sun shines through the rain.
A whole life so lonely. (repeat)
And then come and ease the pain.
I dont want to lose this feeling, oh

Close your eyes, give me your hand.

Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling.

Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
And, is this burning an eternal flame?

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling.

Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming? Ah.
An eternal flame
(Repeat again)

A. Choose the correct answer: collocations
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. D


Complete the verb in the future:
1. Is going to practice
2. Are going to design
3. Is going to employ
4. Is going to have
5. Is going to catch
6. Is going to have
7. Are going to do

8. Are going to go
9. Is going to play
10. Are going to sing
1. Dramatist
2. Officer
3. Impartial
4. Inconvenient
5. Ignorant
6. Unfortunate
7. Yacht / sail boat
8. Sail boat / yatch
9. Fire engine
10. Ambulance
1. It means to leave with many, many people around you.
2. Living in a big city and the traffic.
3. You have to be careful with others: cars and people.
4. The numbers to call the police, the firemen and an ambulance.
5. Dont forget to carry your ID with you.
Sandra and Glenn are going to the cinema tomorrow. They are planning to eat something
after the film. Sandra would like to see a romantic movie. But Glenn likes action movies.
They decided to see a romantic-action movie. They have to decide where to eat. Sandra
likes italian food and Glenn likes japanese food. So they decided to go to an international
restaurant. What a good friend!
1. They are going to the cinema.
2. They are planning to eat something.
3. Glenn likes action movies.
4. Glenn likes Japanese food.
5. They decided to go to an international restaurant.



Abide abiding abode abode permanecer
Arise arising arose arisen levantarse
Awake awaking awoke awoken/awaked despertar
Be (am, is, are) being was/were been ser/estar
Bear bearing bore born soportar, *nacer
Beat beating beat beaten golpear
Become becoming became become llegar a ser
Begin beginning began begun empezar
Behold beholding beheld beheld mirar/ver
Bend bending bent bent doblar
Bereave bereaving bereaved/bereft bereaved/bereft desolar
Beseech beseeching besought besought rogar
Beset besetting beset beset acosar
Bestride bestriding bestrode bestridden dominar
Bet betting bet/betted bet apostar
Bid bidding bade/bid bidden/bid ofrecer
Bide biding bode/bided bided esperar
Bind binding bound bound unir/pegar
Bite biting bit bitten morder
Bleed bleeding bled bled sangrar
Blend blending blended blended mezclar
Blow blowing blew blown soplar
Break breaking broke broken romper
Breed breeding bred bred criar
Bring bringing brought brought traer
Build building built built construir
Burn burning burnt/burned burnt/burned quemar
Burst bursting burst burst explotar
Buy buying bought bought comprar
Cast casting cast cast arrojar
Catch catching caught caught coger
Chide chiding chid/chided chid/chidden regaar
Choose choosing chose chosen escoger
Cleave cleaving clove/cleaved cloven/cleaved adherir
Cling clinging clung clung adherirse
Clothe clothing clothed/clad clothed/clad vestir
Come coming came come venir
Cost costing cost cost costar

Creep creeping crept crept arrastrarse

Crow crowing crowed crowed cacarear
Cut cutting cut cut cortar
Dare daring dared dared desafiar
Deal dealing dealt dealt pactar
Dig digging dug dug cavar
Dive diving dove/dived dived zambullirse
Do(does) doing did done hacer
Drag dragging dragged dragged arrastrar
Draw drawing drew drawn dibujar
Dream dreaming dreamt dreamt soar
Drink drinking drank drunk beber
Drive driving drove driven manejar
Dwell dwelling dwelt dwelt habitar
Eat eating ate eaten comer
Fall falling fell fallen caer
Feed feeding fed fed alimentar
Feel feeling felt felt sentir
Fight fighting fought fought pelear
Find finding found found encontrar
Fit fitting fit fit acomodar
Flee fleeing fled fled huir
Fling flinging flung flung arrojar
Fly flying flew flown volar
Forbid forbidding forbade forbidden prohibir
Forget forgetting forgot forgotten olvidar
Forgive forgiving forgave forgiven perdonar
Forsake forsaking forsook forsaken abandonar
Freeze freezing froze frozen helar
Get getting got got/gotten conseguir
Give giving gave given dar
Go going went gone ir
Grave graving graved graven/graved grabar
Grind grinding ground ground moler
Grow growing grew grown crecer
Hang hanging hung hung colgar
Have (has) having had had tener
Hear hearing heard heard escuchar
Hew hewing hewed hewed/hewn talar
Hide hiding hid hidden esconder

Hit hitting hit hit pegar

Hold holding held held sostener
Hurt hurting hurt hurt herir
Inlay inlaying inlaid inlaid incrustar
Keep keeping kept kept mantener
Kneel kneeling knelt knelt arrodillarse
Knit knitting knit/knitted knit/knitted tejer
Know knowing knew known conocer
Lay laying laid laid colocar
Lead leading led led dirigir
Lean leaning leaned/leant leaned/leant inclinarse
Leap leaping leaped/leapt leaped/leapt saltar
Learn learning learned/learnt learned/learnt aprender
Leave leaving left left dejar
Lend lending lent lent prestar
Let letting let let permitir
Lie lying lay lain acostarse
Light lighting lighted lighted/lit encender
Lose losing lost lost perder
Make making made made fabricar/hacer
Mean meaning meant meant querer decir
Meet meeting met met encontrar
Misspend misspending misspent misspent malgastar
Mistake mistaking mistook mistaken equivocarse
Mow mowing mowed mowed/mown segar
Overcome overcoming overcame overcome sobreponerse
Overeat overeating overate overeaten comer de ms
Overrun overrunning overran overrun plagar
Oversee overseeing oversaw overseen inspeccionar
Pay paying paid paid pagar
Put putting put put poner
Quit quitting quit quit renunciar
Read reading read read leer
Rebuild rebuilding rebuilt rebuilt reconstruir
Rend rending rent rent desgarrar
Resell reselling resold resold revender
Retell retelling retold retold recontar
Rewrite rewriting rewrote rewritten corregir
Rid ridding rid/ridded rid/ridded desembarazar
Ride riding rode ridden montar

Ring ringing rang rung llamar por tel.

Rise rising rose risen subir
Rive riving rived riven/rived rasgar
Run running ran run correr
Saw sawing sawed sawed/sawn serruchar
Say saying said said decir
See seeing say seen ver
Seek seeking sought sought buscar
Sell selling sold sold vender
Send sending sent sent enviar
Set setting set set (dis)poner
Sew sewing sewed sewn/sewed coser
Shake shaking shook shaken sacudir
Shave shaving shaved shaven/shaved afeitar
Shear shearing sheared sheared rapar
Shed shedding shed shod verter
Shine shinning shone shone brillar
Shoe shoeing shod shod calzar
Shoot shooting shot shot disparar
Show showing showed shown mostrar
Shrink shrinking shrank shrunk encoger
Shut shutting shut shut cerrar
Sing singing sang sung cantar
Sink sinking sank/sunk sunk/sunken hundir
Sit sitting sat sat sentarse
Slay slaying slew slain asesinar
Sleep sleeping slept slept dormir
Slide sliding slid slid resbalar
Sling slinging slung slung tirar
Slink slinking slunk slunk escabullirse
Slit slitting slit slit rajar
Smell smelling smelt smelt oler
Smite smiting smote smitten golpear
Sow sowing sowed sown sembrar
Speak speaking spoke spoken hablar
Speed speeding sped sped apresurar
Spell spelling spelled spelled deletrear
Spend spending spent spent gastar
Spin spinning spun spun girar
Spit spitting spit spit escupir

Split splitting split split dividir

Spoil spoiling spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt estropear
Spread spreading spread spread estenderse
Spring springing sprang sprung saltar
Stand standing stood stood levantarse
Stave staving staved/stove staved/stove desfondar
Steal stealing stole stolen robar
Stick sticking stuck stuck pegarse
Sting stinging stung stung pinchar
Stink stinking stank stunk apestar
Stride striding strode stridden caminar
Strike striking struck struck golpear
String stringing strung strung encordar
Strive striving strove striven esforzarse
Swear swearing swore sworn jurar
Sweat sweating sweat sweat sudar
Sweep sweeping swept swept barrer
Swell swelling swelled swelled/swollen hinchar
Swim swimming swam swum nadar
Swing swinging swung swung balancear
Take taking took taken tomar
Teach teaching taught taught ensear
Tear tearing tore torn rasgar
Tell telling told told decir
Think thinking thought thought pensar
Thrive thriving throve/thrived thriven prosperar
Throw throwing threw thrown tirar
Thrust thrusting thrust thrust empujar
Tread treading trod trodden/trod pisar
Underfeed underfeeding underfed underfed desnutrir
Undersell underselling undersold undersold vender x -
Understand understanding understood understood entender
Undo undoing undid undone deshacer
Wake waking woke woken despertar
Wear wearing wore worn vestir
Weave weaving wove woven tejer
Wed wedding wedded wed casarse
Weep weeping wept wept llorar
Wet wetting wet wet mojar
Win winning won won ganar

Wind winding wound wound enrollar

Withdraw withdrawing withdrew withdrawn retirar
Withhold withholding withheld withheld retener
Withstand withstanding withstood withstood aguantar
Wring wringing wrung wrung retorcer
Write writing wrote written escribir

*Solo en voz pasiva.

NOTA: Los verbos que no se encuentran en esta lista son verbos regulares. Estos verbos tienen
el pasado y el pasado participio idnticos y solamente se les agrega ed al final. Ejemplos:

Look looking looked looked mirar

Record recording recorded recorded registrar
Translate translating translated translated traducer
Want wanting wanted wanted querer

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