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Calaverite is an uncommon and much sought after mineral by mineral

collectors and those seeking fortunes. Calaverite is one of the few minerals that is an
ore of gold, besides native gold itself. It is the most common gold bearing mineral
besides native gold. The element gold is typically either found as native gold (in its
elemental state), as an alloy with other metals such as silver and copper and as trace
amounts in a few minerals. To be an actual significant part of a non-alloyed mineral is
really quite uncommon for gold and this makes calaverite a unique mineral indeed.

For some reason gold has an affinity for the element tellurium, which is sometimes
found naturally as native tellurium. Tellurium is a semi-metallic element which means
that it has some properties of metals but not all or as strongly. This helps provide an
explanation for gold's, and other metals such as silver's, attraction to tellurium. Other
gold tellurides include sylvanite, (Silver Gold Telluride); kostovite, (Copper Gold
Telluride); krennerite, (Silver Gold Telluride); nagyagite, (Gold Lead Antimony Iron
Telluride Sulfide) and petzite (Silver Gold Telluride). Calaverite is closely related to
sylvanite and differs only in silver content and slightly in hardness, cleavage, color
and density. At times the two minerals are only distinguishable with chemical tests.

Crystals of calaverite are unique and of interest to collectors. Typically found as

striated prisms that can be twinned causing sharp bends, reticulated individuals and
skeletal or arborescent formations. These clusters remind many collectors of writing.

Calaverite: This mineral is a combination of tellurium and gold. Calaverite is

the name of tellurium bearing minerals that occur in certain low-temperature
hydrothermal veins, but jugakadang sometimes found in veins higher temperatures.
This mineral was first discovered in Calaveras County, California, tetapijugapenting
in Cripple Creek and Telluride Colorado, sertaKalgoorie, Australia ,.

A. Gold

Gold is a precious metal mineral that has many benefits. Berikit are several
stages in the mining and processing of gold as one of the minerals contained in
Gold Exploration Methods

The tendency of the gold contained in the presence of epithermal zone or the
so-called hydrothermal alteration zones. Hydrothermal alteration zone is a zone
where the water comes from so-called magma or magmatic water moves up to the
surface of the earth. Cracks of the results of the activity of the magmatic volcanoes
cause a high-pressure water rises to the surface of the earth. When water vapor
magmatic tangible reaches the earth's surface it comes in contact with meteoric water
which causes tio ion complex solution, sulfide ions and chloride ions that carry the
gold deposited.

Meteoric water usually occupies zones of rock cracks bekuyang undergo alteration
due to heating by magmatic water. Sei ring denganmakin increased sediment in the
cracks, the longer the cracks are covered by sediment accumulation of metals
yangmengandung complex ions containing gold. Alteration zones containing gold
potential can be identified by looking at pyrite or copper layer to a reservoir
composed of intrusive rocks eg granite or diorite.

a. Resistivity method

Gold responses to IP and resistivity is very diverse and quite sulitdiidentifikasi where
not every vein or former hydrothermal gold bearing fissures. Based on the results of
IP and resistivity or Magnetotelluric a vein can be identified auriferous by looking at
the value true_R or prisoners actually very small, but it should be noted that not every
value of resistivity that is lower than a vein is affected by gold because in addition to
gold jugaikut precipitated minerals pyrite and copper which also has a low resistivity

IP and resistivity data correlation with geochemical data an important alterasisangat

zone through which we can determine the geochemical data apakahyang dominant
mineral controlling the low resistivity values are gold, copper, or pyrite. So we can
know what is the dominant mineral vein deposited padasuatu.

Based on the results of IP and resistivity should be correlated more with the drill data
research location. This correlation is very important because geoelectric method (IP
and resistivity) is the beginning of a process or a process which is the palpability
provisional estimates. Correlation of earlier drill data will minimize any errors.

In the process of analysis of geoelectric should be careful with water tableyang will
lower resistivity value especially if the area is wet suatuzona like the river in argilic
zone of low resistivity value would be worth it to be due to the ions bound in
zonaalterasi argilic.
b. 2. Method of Geochemistry

Special geochemical exploration concentrated on measuring the abundance,

distribution and migration of elements ore or elements associated eratdengan ore,
with the aim of detecting ore deposits. In terms of yanglebih narrow exploration
geochemistry is measuring systematically the ataulebih trace elements in rocks, soil,
river sediment active, vegetation, water, or gas, to obtain geochemical anomalies,
namely the concentration of abnormal of certain elements that contrast against the
environment (background geochemistry).

In the method of geochemistry, trace elements and elements of gold bookmark

yangmenentukan the presence of gold, for example, elements of silver (Ag) and the
surrounding rock. In addition, the vegetation around the gold occurrences
menunjukkankeberadaan emas.Alasan use a pointing element, among others:

1.Unsur economically desirable is difficult to detect or analyzed

2.Unsur desired detection expensive

3.Unsur desirable not contained in the captured material (due to differences in

mobility) For example: Gold small abundance in the ore, therefore poladispersinya
only mengadung gold content is very low, less than batasminimal that can be
analyzed. On the other hand, Cu, As, or Sb may be associated with gold in abundance
relatively large.

Processing Gold

In gold mining, gold metal are not in pure form, but still mixed with other metals and
mixtures. Hence the need for the separation and purification of gold metal. During
this time, the separation of gold is done by cyanidation, amalgamation, and smelting
While pemurnianemas by electrolysis.

However, these methods have a negative impact bagilingkungan lot .. This is because
the chemicals used for the above reactions are toxic to the environment.

a. Amalgamation

Amalgamation is a process gold particles by mercury and form amalgam (Hg

Au). Amalgam is still the gold extraction process that palingsederhana and
inexpensive, but effective process for gold ore grade tinggidan have coarse grain size
(> 74 microns) and in the form of pure gold that is free (free native gold) .Proses
amalgamation is the process of physical chemistry, amalgamnya when heated, it will
break down into elements that mercury and gold bullion. Amalgamdapat decomposed
by heating in a retort, mercury will menguapdan water can be recovered from the
condensation of the mercury vapor. Au-Agtetap while remaining inside the retort as

Amalgamation method, which involves the use of mercury, gold can only
isolate approximately 50% -60%. In addition to inefficient, mercury
jugamenghasilkan residues have a negative impact on the environment (Hocker,
2000) .Even steam raksapun considered dangerous if inhaled human. Symptoms of
poisoning in humans include: cough, chest pain, bronchitis, pneumonia, tremor,
insomnia, headache, fatigue, weight loss, and indigestion.

b. Cyanidation

Cyanidation process consists of two important stages, namely the dissolution

process and the process of separating the gold from the solution. The solvent used in
the process cyanidasi is NaCN, KCN, Ca (CN) 2, or a mixture of all three. Solvents
most commonly used is NaCN, because it is able to dissolve gold better than other
solvents. In general, the dissolution reaction of Au and Ag were as follows:

8CN 4AU + - + O 2 + 2 H 2 O = 4AU (CN) 2 - + 4OH -

8CN 4AG + - + O 2 + 2 H 2 O = 4AG (CN) 2 - + 4OH

In the second stage of the separation of gold metal from the solution carried out by
precipitation using zinc powder (Zinc precipitation). The reaction is as follows:

2 Zn + 2 NaAu (CN) 2+ 4 NaCN + 2 H2O = 2 Au + 2 NaOH + 2 Na2Zn (CN) 4 + H2

2 Zn + 2 NaAg (CN) 2 + 4 NaCN + 2 H2O = 2 Ag + 2 NaOH + 2 Na2Zn (CN) 4 +


The use of Zn powder is one effective way to solution yangmengandung small gold
concentration. Zn powder were added to larutanakan precipitate gold and silver
metals. The deposition principle mendasarkanderet Clenel, based on differences in the
sequence of chemical activity darilogam electro-metal cyanide in solution, ie Mg, Al,
Zn, Cu, Au, Ag, Hg, Pb, Fe, Pt.setiap metal located on the left of the bond metal
cyanide complexes dapatmengendapkan replaces. So it is not only an urgent
yangdapat Zn Au and Ag, Cu and Al but can also be used, but karenaharganya more
expensive then it is better to use Zn. The process of decision-gold-silver rich solution
using Zn powder is called Proses MerillCrowe'
Given the methods that are not environmentally friendly, makadiperlukan other
methods are more environmentally friendly. According to Gardea-Torresdey, et al.
(1998) has long been known that the plant has the ability to take the gold from the
soil and accumulate in the tissues rapidly, either actively through the metabolism of
plants or passively through functional groups in plant tissue. This ability to regain ion
dapatdimanfaatkan gold (III) from the solution. Today has been developed adsorption
method using plant biomass, which is known as a method fitofiltrasi. Biomass
tumbuhandapat used to adsorb cationic or anionic metal ion. Various studies have
shown that plant biomass can bind various ionlogam such as Cu (II), Ni (II), Cd (II),
Cr (III), Sn (II), Au (III) and Zn (II) (Gardea-Torresdey , et al. 1998). Moreover,
biomass is biodegradable, so its use is environmentally friendly.

Tiemann, et al., (2004) estimated that the group - active groups contained in proteins
in plants is important for the binding process logam.Tumbuhan ions that have a high
protein content and can be used to bind the gold (III) by methods fitofiltrasi is bulrush
, Fitofiltrasi method is expected as an alternative method that can be used in the
processing of gold mining in Indonesia, so that the residue from the gold mining
results obtained will not be harmful to the environment, animals, and humans.

Gold processing systems dissolution (leaching) cyanide or tioureakonvensional new

value if done on rocks with gold kandunganminimal 5 grams / ton. Yet in reality the
majority of the content emasmemiliki rocks smaller than that. In order rock with a
gold content of at least 1 gram / ton can be processed economically, then the
processing system created dump leach / heap leach.

Unlike the way - the conventional way, the system is not performed rocks the size
refinement. In other words do not need to process - prosesmekanis against rock
mining. Rock the size of what adanyaditumpuk on a flat surface (field) that has been
coated polymer plastik.Plastik serves to hold the kind of chemical liquid so as not
seep into the subsoil, making it safe from contamination.

The dissolving process is done by spraying a chemical liquid with artificial

metodehujan through sprinkle - sprinkle placed on a pile batuan.Tetes solution will
then penetrate into the pore - porous rock, melarutkanlogam - metal desired.
Gravitational forces carrying metal solution to the bottom and then flowed into the
pond / lake reservoir. Wherewith the resulting solution into the pond / lake then
processed to obtain metallic silver emasdan

In common parlance in the world mineral processing, dump / heap leach processing
technique means the metal leaching system without refining process. So that a low
grade gold rock capable processed ekonomis.Larutan from the solvent tank is
channeled to sprinkle - sprinkle through the pipe - a pipe distributor, then flows into
the upper surface of the rock. Solvents watered from the top of the pile like raindrops.
Drops - drops of solution which befell chunk will flow gets down (with the first pass-
bongkahandibawahnya chunks, and so on). On arriving at the bottom, the solution has
been kayaakan metal salts

Rock heap leaching with cyanide (Cyanide Heap Leaching) is considered as the most
cost-effective way to separate grains of gold

fine ( But this method is not very environmentally friendly

karenasianida can release heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury which is
harmful to humans and fish, in low concentrations. According to the UN Environment
Programme (UNEP), from 1985 to 2000, more than a dozen reservoirs sewage
containing cyanide gold mine collapsed.

Most of the gold rock does not stand alone, but terbungkusoleh another metal layer in
the form of sulfide salts. Sepertiini required to dissolve gold refractory' processes or
process such that permukaanlogam veil of gold / silver exposed to solvents. Some
examples of this model adalahCuAuTeS2 gold (gold copper alloy tellurium sulfide),

Dissolving impurities require the presence of oxygen from the air as

bantuanoksidator. In the conventional treatment processes kedalamlarutan oxygen is
injected through the air bubbles piped into a solvent bath container, and then
distributed to all parts through the system Dump Leach agitator.Dalam round rocks
exposed to the outside air so there is no obstacle to supply oxygen, but when a pile of
chunks become more High arise shield against outside air. To overcome this
makadilakukan chimney installation of the air supply at a place - a place that would
allegedly lack of air.

Pemerian HCl in chalcopyrite (commonly found in rocks of gold) will dissolve

elemental iron, and copper behind in the form of copper sulphide logam.Sulfida is
very easily oxidized by oxygen to copper sulfat.Proses this oxidation produces heat
which causes the stack to be warm

CuFeS 2 + 2HCl = cus + FeCl 2 + H 2 S

CUS + 2O 2 = CuSO 4.

To get a neutral ion NO3 it currently has digunakangaram of lead nitrate Pb (NO3) 2
salt will decompose in water into kationPb2 + and NO3 anions. The process of adding
Pb (NO3) 2 can be done bersamadengan cyanidation process, and this process
excellence nitrox' than klorinasi' in the system Dump / Heap Leach ... "
In general, alluvial gold mining method performed by alluvial deposits, among
others: gold mining on active alluvial deposits (young) carried on the body - the body
of the river using simple equipment sepertidulangan or skillet, crowbars, shovels,
hoes and sieve. When mining is done to take the ancient alluvial material or recent
alluvial contained in the cliffs or on the ground, then taking the gold ore is done by
membuatsumuran or trenching to achieve layers estimated to contain material derived
emas.Selanjutnya fed in the vicinity of the mine pit spray tambang.Metode who uses
a powerful engine of 5.5 pk / unit to mine gold in the alluvial soil of old or lapukan of
rocks essentially, then the material is included in the box sluice , and minerals -
mineral weighs in tray.

In geology, the gold mining sites are often found sediment - alluvial deposits of
young and old alluvial generally consists of fragments - fragments of milky white
quartz, ultra-mafic rock, rock and rock sedimen.Umumnya election gold potential in
the old alluvial deposits will meningkatseiring with increased sediment grain size is
relatively deep and close to the bedrock

B. Tellurium

Tellurides is a mineral containing tellurium. Although rarely found in nature as a

native element, tellurium is one of the few elements which chemically combine with
the gold to form a natural stable minerals. Although not common in the world at
large, local rich telluride deposits have formed some very well-known deposits.
Containing gold tellurides are important in some of the richest ore in Goldfield,
Nevada - high-grade ore that contains upwards of 10,000 ounces of gold per ton. If
you have tellurides in ores, it is important that you are aware of the fact that, because
it affects how you will process it. Tellurides are leachable by cyanide but it can take
an extended period of time, as the telluride mineral must be completely dissolved by
leaching solutions.

Tellurium (Te) has a melting point of 452 0 C bit is added to the Lead will increase its
hardness, and if added to the Copper will give a free-cutting properties.

Tellurium is a chemical element with the symbol Te and atomic number 52. It is a
brittle mineral, slightly toxic, rare, silver-white metalloid. Tellurium is chemically
related to selenium and sulfur. It is sometimes found in the original form, like crystal

Tellurium has no biological function, though the fungus can combine in a sulfur and
selenium into amino acids like tellurocysteine and telluromethionine. [5] In humans,
tellurium partly metabolized to dimethyl telluride, (CH3) 2TE, a gas with a garlic-like
odor in the breath exhaled tellurium victims of poisoning or exposure.

Physical Properties

Tellurium has two allotropes, crystalline and amorphous. When crystalline, tellurium
is silvery white and when in a pure state has a metallic luster. This is a metalloid
brittle and easily powdered. Tellurium amorphous is black powder-chocolate prepared
by precipitation from acid solution tellurous or acid dr (Te (OH), tellurium is a
semiconductor that shows electrical conductivity greater in a certain direction which
depends on the alignment of atoms; increased conductivity slightly when exposed to
light (photoconductivity ). When in a liquid state, tellurium is corrosive to copper,
iron and stainless steel .. From chalcogens, tellurium has the highest melting and
boiling points, at, 722.66 K (841.12 F) and 1261 K (1810 F) each.


2025. [32] The main source of tellurium is from anode sludge generated during the
electrolytic refining of blister copper. It is a component of dust from lead refining
furnace. 1,000 tonnes of copper ore treatment usually produce one kilogram (2.2
pounds) tellurium.

Anode mud containing selenides and tellurides of precious metals in the compound of
formula M2Se or M2Te (M = Cu, Ag, Au). At a temperature of 500 C baked anode
mud with sodium carbonate under air. Metal ions are reduced to metal, while telluride
which is converted to sodium tellurite. [29]

M 2 Te + O 2 + Na 2 CO 3 Na 2 TeO 3 + 2 M + CO 2

Tellurites can run out of the mixture with water and usually present as hydrotellurites
HTeO3- in solution. Selenites are also formed during this process, but they can be
separated by adding sulfuric acid. The hydrotellurites converted into tellurium
dioxide dissolves while selenites stay in solution. [29]
HTeO -3 + OH + H 2 SO 4 TeO 2 + SO 2- 4 + 2 H 2 O

Metal reduction is done either by electrolysis or by reacting tellurium dioxide with

sulfur dioxide into sulfuric acid. [29]

TeO 2 + 2 SO 2 + 2H 2 O Te + 2 SO 2- 4 + 4 H +


The largest consumer tellurium is metallurgy, where it is used in iron, copper and lead
alloy. When add to stainless steel and copper it makes This metal more machinable.
This blend to iron cor for promoting cold for the purpose of spectroscopy, as presence
electrically conductive graphite free tend deleteriously affect spark result the
emissions test. In lead The increase strength and durability and reduce action
corrosive sulfuric acid

Tellurium is used in cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar panels. Laboratory tests

National Renewable Energy Laboratory achieved using this material for some of the
highest efficiency solar cells power plant. Large commercial production of CdTe solar
panels by First Solar in recent years has significantly increased tellurium demand. If
some cadmium in CdTe then replaced by zinc (Cd, Zn) Te is formed which is used in
solid-state X-ray detectors.Alloyed with both cadmium and mercury to form mercury
cadmium telluride, the infrared-sensitive semiconductor material is formed.
Organotellurium compounds such as dimethyl telluride, telluride diethyl, diisopropyl
telluride, telluride telluride allyl methyl diallyl and used as precursors for
metalorganic vapor phase epitaxial growth of II-VI compound semiconductor.
Diisopropyl telluride. For (DIPTe) are used as precursors preferred to achieve a low
temperature growth of CdHgTe by MOVPE. processes highest purity metalorganics
both selenium and tellurium are used. The compounds for the semiconductor industry
and prepared by adduct purificationellurium as suboxide. tellurium is used in the
media layer of several types of rewritable optical discs, including rewriteable
compact disc (CD-RW), rewritable Digital Video Disc (DVD-RW) and rewritable
Blu-ray Disc

Tellurium dioxide is used to make the acousto-optical modulator (AOTFs and

AOBSs) for confocal microscropy.

Tellurium is used in the new phase change memory chip developed by Intel. Bismuth
telluride (Bi2Te3) and lead telluride thermoelectric element device works. Lead
telluride used in far-infrared detectors.

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