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Josh Stroud Unit 72 Assignment 3 Treatment

Sabre Who
The war comes to
you dares

Design Overview
By Josh Stroud

Contents Page

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Josh Stroud Unit 72 Assignment 3 Treatment

Page 3
1.0 Introduction to SAS Sabre
1.1 Game Title
1.2 The Format
1.3 Genre
1.4 Market research Audience
Page 4
1.5 Age
1.6 Gender
1.7 Audience
2.0 Language
2.1 Territories
Page 5
3.0 Overview
4.0 Theme
4.1 Structure of Game
5.0 Features of Game
Page 6
5.1 Characters Sketch

5.2 Mechanics

5.3 Storyline

5.4 Environment

Page 7
5.5 One Character
5.6 Game Environment

Page 8
5.7 Conclusion

Document Layout
Introduction to SAS Sabre

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Josh Stroud Unit 72 Assignment 3 Treatment

My game is going to be about an SAS team and the missions they go on.
You get to play one of four characters in the squad and each character is
going to have a different role in the game. For example, if you play as the
leader of the team then your job is to run the team you are on. If you play
as the sniper of the team, then your job would be to watch
over the team and make sure that they are safe or you
could play as the medic and then your job is to keep
the team alive if they get hurt. The last member of
the team is the stealth member and he is meant to be
quiet and not seen by the enemy. If you need to go in
somewhere and not get noticed, then you would need
him. The game is going to be set in different
locations; firstly, snowy Russia and secondly in Africa and the
third is going to be set in England. What you would do is go and do
missions that the game gives you and they could be things like you need
to go and rescue someone, retrieve some data or go and kill someone.
They are the kind of missions that you would be asked to do.
Game Title
My title is SAS Sabre and the reason I have picked this
name is because the British special forces is called the
SAS and my game is going to be based around these
men. So having the SAS in the name of the game fits in
with what the game is about. With the Sabre part of
the name, this is the name of the team that you will be
part of and so including it in the name fits in well.
The Format
In the game when you get the loading screen, you are going to be given
the option of whether you want to go on to the story mode or the
multiplayer. This would be done by toggling left or right to which ever you
want. When you click on the story, you are given the choice of whether
you want to carry on from where you last left off or you can start over
again and then play as other characters or on the multiplayer setting. You
can choose which game mode you want to do and you can play a number
of different game modes from team death match to capture the flag. As
you do this, you can level up more and then you can unlock more guns
and make yourself better and more skilled at the game.
The game would fit into the action genre. The reason for this is because
the game is going to have a rather lot of guns, bad language and fighting
in it so the only one it can really fall into is an action. It is also a war game
so that also makes it more of an action game as the mission in the game
is going to be you shooting at people and running around fast.

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Market research
The audience in video games is very important because you want to make
your game fit in with the kinds of things that they are going to want to
see. So you are going to have to tailor to their liking. If you have been
making a game series like Call of Duty 1,2 and 3, you are going to need to
make sure that if the audience like the first one and then the second one
then you are going to
have to keep to those
standards. You cant
make a game and the
first one people really like
and then completely
change the one after that
because you would be
taking away something
that people really like and then making something that they possibly dont
like. Audience
The age in video games is very important because that can have diced if
some parents want their kids playing a game if you have a game that is
an 18 then some parents arent going to want their kids playing the game.
You also need to know the gage that your game is going to be if you have
a game that is a 12 and it has got lots of swearing in it then people are
going to think that they
have been misled and it could
lead to complaints to your
game so you need to make
sure that your game is the
right age the age for the
game that I am going to be
making is going to be 18 the
reason for this is that my
game had got a lot of
violence in it. Its also got strong language so 18 is the right
certificate for it.
Most games out there now can be played by both genders and there
arent really any games that are just for guys or just for girls. They are for
both like with the game Call of Duty, it used to be just played by guys but
now it is being played by both. In the game you can pick whether you are
a girl or a boy and play the game in that gender. There are other games
out there that are like this, like the game Halo. In this game you can either
be a guy or a girl but only in the multiplayer setting because in the single

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player, the protagonist is a male. One of the main reasons is because the
game has been going for so long that when it was first made guys, only
really played video game so it only gives you the choice of male because
it Is the same.
The audience that is going to be playing
my game is going to be 18 to 25 year
olds and the reason why I have picked
this is because I feel they are the kind
of people that are going to be playing. I
wont go any younger as the age that
my game is for is going to be 18+ and
people who are younger shouldnt be playing it. So the ages that I have
said I feel are right because I feel that young adults are going to be the
right choice and at the age where they are in college or university.
As my game isn't just going to be set in one place, there are going to be a
lot of different languages that are going to be used.
The main people in the game are going to be
speaking English but then other
people might speak another
language and so for that, I will
have subtitles. There will also
be something where you can
change the language so if you are from another
country then you can choose the language that the game is on to help
This game is going to be played on the Xbox one or PC so you can go into
a shop and then buy it or you
could buy it in their online stores
so on the steam workshop or the
Xbox online shop. If you were to
get it on the Xbox store, there
might be other versions that you
could buy like the limited addition
one or the normal one but one
would cost more than the other
one. You might also be able to get additional content the
same with the PC and they both offer the option of additional content.
My game is going to be about an SAS squad who have to complete
missions and fight other teams. The people in the team that you can play
against can either be the leader of the team who tells everyone what to
do and where to go or you could be the sniper of the team who is in

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charge or looks out for the team. He would be looking out at what could
be coming to try and kill them. Another member of the team is the medic
and he is there to make it so that the team is alive and if they get hurt he
can help them. When you are doing the mission, the game will tell you
what the objective is and your team would have to think of a way to do it.
When you are doing these things, there are other teams out there trying
to stop you from doing them, you would have to try a defeat them and the
people that are trying to stop you are going to try and kill you. If they hurt
you then the medic will have to get to you and heal you so that you can
go back into the fight. After they have done this, they would then have
been given the chance to go onto another mission. They also give you the
experience point so that you can improve yourself.
The game is going to be about an SAS special forces team and missions
and you be asked to fight against different people teams. The game has
mixture of different combat styles. After completing a mission, you would
move onto the next mission but also build up skill points, your weapons
and your ammunition will improve too.
Structure of Game

All Features
The features that are going to be added are going to be things like
multiplayer and this is so that you can play this game with your friends
and/or against other people that are online. Another feature is the
subtitles and you can have subtitles on whilst you are playing the game.
So when you are on the story mode and someone is talking to you, you
can have it so that they are talking with some text on the bottom. You
would use this if you are hard of hearing or if you have problem with your
speakers, or if you dont have any. With the story mode, your character
you want to play as and each other one has their own set of dialogue.

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Characters Sketch

The game is going to be played on an
Xbox so it will be played the same way
that most Xbox games are played. You
would use a controller to move around
and shoot your gun. The bad guys in the
game are going to be trying to kill you so
when you see one of them, you so you
would need to kill them first. The team
mates that are with you are going to try
and keep you alive and it would be your
job to keep them alive too depending on the role you chose. There will be
someone speaking over your game telling you what to do so you can
listen to them and follow what they say.
The story for my game is going to be you as the character playing as one
of the members of the SAS team. You are set out on your mission but it
doesnt go right so you have to survive and then find a way of getting to
somewhere safe. You would also have to fight of the enemy with your
team and you would be one of the four British special forces team.
The game environment will change a lot depending what level you are on.
You want to be in the same places and this game is mostly set in London
but you do a lot of traveling. At one point you could be in London and the
next level you could be in South Africa. So it will change a lot and the
surroundings will also change. You could be in a city at one point and then
after that you could be in a jungle or even a desert.
One Character

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Game Environment

The reason why I think this is a good idea for my game is because I have
seen that there used to be games like this out that where very good and

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they have gone so I think trying to bring them back would be a good idea.
The reason why I think using the SAS as the main thing in the game is a
good idea is because you dont really see any games with them in it and
so I feel this a good plan. I also feel that no one really knows what
happens in the SAS so I can set the game as I please as there is no right
and wrong.

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