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Unit 1 test

1 Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences. (10 marks)

I .... ..... you've come late again!

A don't believe B am not believing
2 The Earth's atmosphere ........ . increasingly polluted.
A becomes B is becoming
3 Right now I ......... in London for a few days.
A work B am working
4 The Moon ......... around the Earth once every 24 hours.
A goes B is going
5 Thousands of people ....... .. Machu Picchu every year.
A visit B are visiting
6 Thank you for lending me your umbrella. I ......... it tomorrow.
A am returning B will return
7 I'll call you when I ......... to the hotel.
A get B will get
8 I ......... Veronica at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.
A meet B am meeting
9 Look at those clouds! It ......... rain .
A will B is going to
10 His plane .... ..... at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
A lands B is landing

2 Correct the mistake in each sentence. (10 marks)

Flying in a hot-air balloon was one of the most pleasure experiences of my life.

2 I spent a few peaceful days in an isolation house high up in the mountains.

3 Religious plays an important role in many people's lives.

4 Everyone says that the building is really danger, and you shouldn't go anywhere near it.

5 You shouldn't eat wild berries; they might be poison and could make you very ill.

6 If you want to go abroad, a passport is an absolute necessary. You can't enter another
country without one.

7 Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca city, is situated at a high of almost 4000 metres.

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Unit 1 test

8 When I wanted to go to India, I had no difficult getting a visa.

9 We finally reached the top of the mountain and looked in wonderful at the
fantastic view below us .

10 The spy Mata Hari was famous for both her courage and her beautiful.

3 Unjumble the letters in brackets to make suitable words. (10 marks)

We should all try to ... ...... ... ........ . (cercely) glass, paper and plastic.
2 The possibilities of wind and ... ... .... ..... ..... . (lasro) power are not being fully
3 CFC gases cause serious damage to the ... .. .... .. ..... .... . (noeoz) layer.
4 If everyone ... .. .......... ... ... (delnpta) just one tree, the air quality would improve
5 More and more people are using public ........ ....... ... ... (rrotpants) in an attempt
to help the environment.
6 .. .... .... .. ... .. .. .. (lblago) warming has resulted in hotter summers in Britain .
7 The .. ...... .. ....... .... (afralinl) has also increased and there have been some
serious floods in the last few years.
8 The .... ... ...... .. ...... (itlecyritec) we use in our houses can be produced in a
number of different ways.
9 Cars and factories produce poisonous .. ... .. .. ...... ..... . (seumf).
10 A lot of people are choosing to go on .. ..... .... .... ...... (noikgwr) holidays these

4 Underline the incorrect extra word in each sentence. (10 marks)

We need more trees to improve the air its quality and so help the environment.
2 We shouldn't throw them away glass bottles and paper, as these can be
used again .
3 These two photographs are both about of cities, but the cities are very different
from each other.
4 In the first picture, the people look happy. But however, in the second picture
they look a bit miserable.
5 England is reasonably mild in winter. On the other of hand, it often rains .
6 We are often have a lot of difficulty getting through to the office on the phone .
7 How do you feel about spending your next holiday in the Antarctica?
8 My sister is plays volleyball for her school team .
9 Modern aerosols don't not contain CFC gases . In fact, these have been banned in
many countries.
10 A wind power is being considered as an alternative to more conventional energy
sources .

120 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABL E

Unit 2 test

1 Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences. (10 marks)

I always leave home early ...... ... miss the morning rush hour.
A in order to B in order that
2 I turned my music down ... ...... annoy my neighbours.
A so as to B in order not to
3 I try to save a bit of money each month .. .... ... I have some spending cash for my holiday.
A in order to B so that
4 I put on a thick coat ... ...... get cold outside.
A in order to B in order that I wouldn 't
5 I go jogging and sw imming most days ...... ... I keep fit.
A in order that B in order to
6 .. ...... . where you live?
A Can I ask you B Can I ask to you
7 ......... how old you are?
A Would you mind to tell me B Would you mind telling me
8 .. ....... to your car?
A What happened B What did happen
9 Could you tell me ......... here?
A what are you doing B what you are doing
10 ... ... ... for your holiday next month?
A Where do you go B Where are you going

2 Correct the mistake in each sentence. (10 marks)

I took part for a competition to see who could eat the most hot dogs.

2 I'm afraid I can't bring the pressures of studying for so long every day.

3 Tom asked Jan if she had be abroad before.

4 I used to playing tennis a lot when I was younger.

5 What sorts of things do you take to account when you buy a new computer?

6 Let's take an advantage of the beautiful weather and go for a picnic.

7 He was always a good student, but the exam took out the best in him .

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Unit 2 test

8 When I was young, I was bought up by my grandparents.

9 I don't think that learning English is so difficult as learning Japanese.

10 This strange-looking package is sent to me last week, and I still haven't opened it.

3 Complete these sentences with a suitable word or phrase. (10 marks)

1 Do you play any musical ..................... ?

2 I really like .. .... .. ............. music, especially Mozart and Beethoven .
3 In our school rock band, John plays the guitar, Bill plays the drums and Joe, who's very good at
the piano, plays the ..................... .
4 Bricks and Lemons, a collection of 12 brand new tracks, is the first .... ... .............. by the rock
group Dead Before Dawn.
5 Bob Scruff is the ..... ...... .... ..... . with boy band Ping Pong. He's got a really great voice!
6 In my opinion, the Beatles were the best .. .............. .... . ever.
7 What's your favourite ..................... on this CD? I prefer Unchaining Melanie. It's beautiful!
8 I don't often ........ ............. to music. Only when I want to relax and unwind.
9 My favourite group got to ...... . .............. three weeks ago, and have been at the top of the
charts ever since.
10 The group's first ............ ...... .. . was released last week. It's got two songs on it, and it only
lasts for about five minutes, but I think it's great!

4 In this extract from a letter, underline the incorrect extra word in each line. There is an
example at the beginning. (10 marks)

0 Sorry that I haven't been written sooner, but I've been busy.
1 Anyway, thanks you very much for your letter. It was great to
2 hear your news. I'm writing because to tell you about a concert
3 I've seen advertised. Rotten Eggs they are playing at the
4 Mandela Stadium. I know you can really like them, and
5 thought of you might like to come with me to see them.
6 They are only be doing two concerts. Which date would you
7 rather prefer - the 21st or the 22d? Also, how much are you
8 prepared to pay? The most cheapest ticket is 15, the most
9 expensive is 25. Anyway, I hope when you can come. Don't
10 forget to write so soon and let me know.

122 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress test 1 (Units 1-3)

1 Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: 3 Correct the grammatical mistake in each sentence.
present simple or present continuous. (10 marks) (10 marks)
I ........................ ...... (not believe) a single thing
you've told me! Laurence is my best friend. I knew him since we were
2 I can't meet you now because I ...... .... ..... ............. . . young.
(do) my homework.
2 I work here on and off for the last seven years .
3 He usually .... .. ... ...... ..... .... ..... . (work) in an office in
3 When have you moved here? Last year, or the year
4 At the moment he ........ ...................... (work) in an before?
office in Birmingham.
5 The sun ............................ .. (rise) in the East. 4 We've lived in the same house since about 15 years.
6 He's worried because he .... ....... .... ... ...... ...... (think)
about his exam next week. 5 I didn't speak to John yet, but he should be at the
party later.
7 There are lots of students who
.. .... ................ ........ (want) to leave the course.
6 I already did my homework, so now I can relax .
8 Students .............................. (leave) the course in
increasingly large numbers right now. 7 I'm so brown because I just returned from my holiday.
9 I .............................. (not understand) your attitude.
10 Both the River Thames and the River Seine 8 Who did break the window in the living room?
... ......... ... ............. .. (flow) into the English Channel.
9 Have ever you been to Brazil?
2 Choose the best future form in bold to complete
10 Which film you like the best, The Rear Gunner or
these sentences. (10 marks)
Principal's Choice?
I'll give him your news when I see I will see him next
4 Complete these sentences with one word only.
2 He's quite excited because he will start I is starting (10 marks)
university next month.
I always go to bed early in ................. .. .. not to be
3 According to the timetable, the train leaves I will leave tired the next day.
at 7 o'clock tonight.
2 I moved to the front of the class ...... ............... as to
4 I don't know what to cook for dinner. Oh, I know! I see the board more clearly.
make I will make an omelette.
3 She went clothes shopping so ........ ............. she could
5 As soon as it gets I is going to get dark, come round to have something nice to wear at the party.
my place.
4 I turned the volume on the television down in order
6 It's getting really cold . I'm sure it is snowing I is going ..................... I wouldn't annoy my parents.
to snow later.
5 We spoke quietly so as ...... .. .... .. ...... . to disturb the
7 I can't see you tonight because I meet I am meeting others.
Nick in town.
6 ..... ..... ........... rock group do you prefer, Radiohead or
8 Polly has I is going to have a baby next month. the Stereophonics?
9 When you meet I are going to meet him, give him my 7 Can I .... ........ ...... .. . you why you arrived so late?
best wishes.
8 I'd like to ..................... what you think about rap
10 You're driving too fast! You are crashing I are going to music.

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Progress test 1 (Units 1-3)

9 Could you .... .. ... ... .. .. ..... me how old you are? 7 Unjumble the letters in brackets to make suitable
10 Would you .... .. .... .... ....... telling me how much you words. The first letter is underlined. (10 marks)
earn? Don't put your old bottles and newspapers in the bin;
take them to a .. ...... .... ... ... .... ....... .. .... .
5 Underline the incorrect extra word in each sentence. (ineycrlgc kabn) .
(10 marks)
2 Aerosol sprays contribute to the hole in the
It's a very dangerous to go swimming straight after you ............ .......... ... ....... .... (nQezo ya rel).
have eaten .
(rol.~a owpre) is a clean, safe
3 ...... ...... ... ... .... ..... ... ..... .
2 I always take my mobile phone with me so as that I can alternative to using fossil fuels to create energy.
call my friends easily.
4 Do you play any .... .... ... .. ... ... ... ...... .. .... . .
3 Could you take over the pressures of being a famous (usntrsminet)?
rock star?
5 I've been learning to play the ..... .... .. ... ... ... .... .. ..... .... .
4 A lot of people took their part in the competition (po.$,haonex) for two months.
organised by the school.
6 Ted Jones is the ..... .. .......... ... ... ....... ...... (elda egnsir)
5 We all took the advantage of the good weather and for my favourite band, Crosseye. He's got a great voice.
went to the beach.
7 I'm quite fond of my ..... ......... ..... .. .............. .
6 She always explains things so that clearly that we never (asla.(;tsems); we always get on well during our
have problems understanding what to do. English lessons.
7 He's got such of a good sense of humour, and always 8 I don't know him very well. He's just an
makes us laugh. . ...... ..... .... ... .... .. .. ......... (tueqaccnaina), not a
8 My teacher always gives me such a good advice. close friend.
9 (At the beginning of a letter) Thanks for your letter; sorry 9 Emma is very ... .... ...... ......... ...... ... ... .. (omeet.(;vpiti);
I've been taken ages to write back. she loves playing sports, and always plays to win .
10 (At the end of a letter) I'll write again soon . Lots of my 10 Nigel believes he is better than everybody else. He's so
love, Emily. .. ... .... ........ .. ... .. ..... ..... .. (garnoatr) !

6 Put the word in brackets into the correct form .

(10 marks)
I've never seen such .... ..... ..... .. ........... (beauty)
flowers .
2 It was a ....... .. . ........... ... ... (please) meeting you
last week.
3 We had a ............. ...... ... .... . (wonder) time at
the party.
4 If you go to Malaysia during the rainy season, an
umbrella is an absolute ....... .. ................. . (necessary).
5 Becoming ...... ..... .. ....... ....... (fame) didn't change her
in any way.
6 It took years for the town to recover from the terrible
..... .... .... .... .... .... .. (tragic) of the earthquake.
7 The King Cobra is one of the most .. ....... ........... .... .. .
(poison) snakes in the world.
8 He's such a ............. ....... ... .... (create) person; he's
always writing interesting stories.
9 What's the ... .. .. .. .. .. .... ... ... .... (high) of Mount Everest?
10 He began work on the .... .. ............ ... ... .. . (develop) of
a new device to save petrol.

124 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 test

1 Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. (10 marks)

This is a true story, and it (1 ) ............ .. .. .. .. ..... .. ... (happen) a few years ago. The weather was
typically wintry - it (2) .... .......... ... . ........ .... (rain) non-stop all afternoon, and the pavements were
really slippery. I (3) ............ .................. (walk) home along Corn market Street when suddenly I
(4) ... .. ............... ......... . (slip) on the wet pavement. I didn't hurt myself too badly when I fell over,
because fortunately I (5) .. ........ .. ............ .. .. .. (land) on a big canvas suitcase which somebody
(6) ............... .. ... .. ....... . (leave) outside a shop. There was no sign of the owner, and nobody I
asked (7) .. ....... .. .. ........ .. .... ... (see) anyone leave it there. A woman waiting at a nearby bus stop
told me it (8) ... ... .... .......... ... ....... (stand) there when she arrived at the stop. Anyway, imagine my
surprise when, all of a sudden, the suitcase was unzipped from the inside and a man climbed out!
'Don't you hate it when that happens?' he said to me, and then (9) .... .. ....... .............. ... (run)
away up the street. To this day I have no idea who he was, or what he (10) ... ..... ............ ...... ... .
(do) in the suitcase.

2 Complete these sentences with as or like . (5 marks)

1 I spent the summer holiday working ..... .... .... ........ a tour guide in Barcelona.
2 He's really industrious and works ...... ..... ...... .... a slave for his company.
3 ............. ....... . you can see, all the students passed the exam.
4 ..................... his mother, Rick is a very sensitive and caring person.
5 I'll meet you outside the station ..................... we agreed.

3 Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences. (5 marks)

I ..... .... quickly at my watch before knocking on the door.

A stared B glanced C glared
2 He suddenly .. .. .. .. . in the middle of his speech . He had had a heart attack.
A collapsed B limped C tripped
3 It's ..... .... that you catch the 10 o'clock train .
A vital B major C strange
4 When I met her, I had a ... ...... feeling that we would always be together.
A weird B crucial C unconventional
5 She ......... into the room very quietly so that nobody would hear her.
A wandered B limped C crept

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Unit 4 test

4 Complete these sentences with a suitable adjective form of the nouns in the box.
(10 marks)

hope fame action pain noi se music beauty danger politics dirt

1 What have you done to your finger? It looks really .... ... .... ....... .
2 You can 't possible wear those trousers to your interview. They're so .. .... ........... . .
3 I've never been particularly ....... .. .. .. .... . , although I did once have piano lessons.
4 I don't know if I'll pass my exam, but I should do. I'm feeling quite .................. .
5 There's an election next month, but I've decided not to vote for any of the .. ... .... ........ .
6 He's very .. .. . ........ ... .. for his age, and goes swimming and jogging almost every day.
7 How can you possibly work in here? It's so ............ .. ... . ! I can't hear myself think!
8 This place is a photographer's dream come true! The scenery is really ... .......... ..... .
9 When she became a .......... ... ..... actress, she turned her back on all her friends .
10 We were warned not to go into the old house as it was considered to be extremely

5 Underline the incorrect extra word in each sentence. (10 marks)

Everyone agrees that the more harder you study, the more your English will improve, and this
will help you get a good grade in the FCE exam.
2 My parents pushed me very hard when I was young, and I was often forced to attend an extra
English, French, mathematics and computer lessons.
3 Children these days are spending more of time studying, and not enough time playing, with the
result that their social skills are developing more slowly.
4 I've worked as a nurse for the last five years, and while it's a very satisfying work, it's never
going to make me rich .
5 I've left a large box in the hall. Make sure you don't get trip over it.
6 The United Kingdom, the USA and the Australia have one major thing in common, and that is a
shared language.
7 I am happy to let you go out tonight, but you have to be promise to get home by 11 o'clock at
the latest, otherwise I won 't let you go out again.
8 The general feeling among modern parents is that as if you give your children more freedom,
they will respect you far more than if you control them more strictly.
9 A lot of parents are convinced that by making up their children study for hours on end every
day, they will turn them into a second Einstein or Mozart.
10 My mother and father they encouraged me to work hard, but they never forced me to spend
hours each day trying to learn everything under the sun .

126 Pearson Education Limited 20031

Unit 5 test

1 Replace the incorrect word or expression in bold with a correct one . More than one answer
may be possible. (10 marks)

I met my current boyfriend during I was studying at university.

2 At this time I was walking down the stairs, I tripped, fell down and broke my arm.

3 We were waiting for the bus as suddenly a man ran towards us waving a knife.

4 The train had left previously we arrived at the station.

5 Your teacher will be a bit late this morning, and should arrive by 10 o'clock. By the time, please
work on your projects.

6 As soon as our meeting with the director, we sat down and made some new plans for the

7 Later I had done my homework, I phoned my friend.

8 Amy spent two years working for a travel agency. It was in the meantime that she started
travelling regularly to Africa.

9 Everyone was surprised when Mike was late, because he'd before always been very punctual.

10 If we leave at 8 o'clock we'll miss our flight, so we'll need to leave previously if we want to get
to the airport on time .

2 Choose the best alternative in bold to complete these sentences . Choose both alternatives
where possible. (10 marks)
1 Joan can I manages to speak five languages fluently.
2 When he was only seven years old, Nigel was able to I could play the piano like a professional.
3 Could you I Did you manage to post my letter, or were you too busy?
4 My English isn't very good, but if I work really hard, I will be able to I can pass the FCE with a
good grade.
5 I'm very surprised you were able to I managed to get to the office on time today.
6 It took several attempts, but eventually I managed to I could speak to his agent on the phone.
7 I couldn't manage to I wasn't able to swim until I was twelve years old .
8 I don't think she'll agree to help you, but I can I manage to ask her, if you like.
9 I'm sorry. I did my best but I wasn't able to I didn't manage to get any tickets for the
show tonight.
10 I'll write your report, but I can't I don't manage to finish it before Friday.

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Unit 5 test

3 Put the word in brackets into the correct form. (10 marks)

At school, Jim Knowles had always wanted to be a (1 ) ........ ... ...... . (science), but he was never
much good at physics and chemistry. Instead, being rather (2) .. ................ (art), he considered
working as a painter, but then decided that he would never make much money. When he eventually
left school, he worked for a while as a graphic (3) .................. (design), but his heart wasn 't in the
work and he rapidly got bored . One day, he was reading an article about the lives of famous
(4) .. .. .. .. ... .. .... . (invent) and decided that this was the career for him . Having made this radical
(5) .. ... ...... ... .... (decide), he left his graphic design job. Unfortunately, he was unable to find
(6) .. .... .. .......... (employ) in the new career he had chosen . He desperately needed some money,
and so he started work on an (7) .................. (invent) that he hoped would (8) .................. .
(revolution) the modern kitchen and make him a fortune. Within six months, he introduced the
world to the result of his labours - an automatic fruit and vegetable peeler, which he believed would
take some of the (9) .......... .... .... (convenient) out of preparing meals. (10) .. .. .. ... ..... .... (fortune)
for Jim, the public showed very little interest in this remarkable breakthrough, and he is now
reconsidering his plans for the future.

4 Unjumble the letters in brackets to make suitable words. In each word, there are two
unnecessary letters. (10 marks)

This belt is made of .... ......... ... .... (helattreh) and was bought in a market in Morocco.
2 We packed everything into .. .. .... . .... .. ..... (dradocrbais) boxes.
3 This jacket is lined with ... .... ...... ....... (olobow) to keep you warmer in the winter.
4 Most supermarket bags are made of ........... ..... .... (tapklsico), and are very cheap to produce.
5 .. .. .. . . ... ..... .. .. (totinocs) shirts are much more comfortable than nylon ones, especially in
hot weather.
6 He was wearing a beautiful ...... .. ......... ... (okisls) tie which he had bought in Thailand .
7 Coke cans are made of .. .. ..... .. ... .. .... (duminiulama), and can be recycled .
8 He always seems to be wearing expensive ...... .. .. .. ... .. .. . (don Img) rings and other jewellery.
9 The blade on this knife is made of the best quality ..... ............... (edultes).
10 What .. .. ................ (dlowlo) is this table made of? I don't want to buy it if the trees came
from the rainforest.

128 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABL

Progress test 2 (Un its 4-6)

1 Put the verb in brackets into the best tense: present 3 Tick (./) the sentences that are grammatically correct.
simple, present continuous, future with will, or future with Correct the mistakes in the incorrect sentences. (10 marks)
going to. (10 marks)
1 I usually .......... ... ......... ... ..... (get) up quite early. He told me last week that he will help me, but in the end
2 Bob can't see you right now because he I had to do all the work on my own.
..... .... ......... .... ....... . (work) on his latest project.
2 She said she'd been to the doctor and didn't need to
3 Thanks for lending me your pen. I .. ....... .. ...... ......... ... .
have an operation .
(return) it at the end of the lesson .
4 According to the weather forecast, it 3 When have you come to this school, last week or the
.. ......... ...... ... .......... (rain) this afternoon . week before?
5 Please come and see me when your lesson
.............. ...... .. ........ (end). 4 She's a student, but she dresses like a factory worker.
6 I don't know whether I want to go to the party. I
................. ............. (still think) about it. 5 John is the same like me in many ways; we share the
same hobbies and both love learning languages .
7 'Would you like chicken soup or tomato soup?' 'Oh, I
...... ........ ... ........ .... . (have) chicken soup, please.'
6 Anne managed get some tickets for the show on Friday
8 I would love to see you tonight, but unfortunately I night.
........ ............ .......... (meet) my parents for dinner.
9 According to this timetable, our train 7 Were you able to get through to Rob on the phone?
.... .. ..... ....... ......... ... (arrive) at quarter to ten tonight.
10 Water ......... .... ..... .... ..... ... (boil) at 100 centigrade. 8 I'm really sorry, but there's few I can do to help you.

9 There were very little people at Tom's party on Saturday

2 Choose the best alternative in bold to complete these
sentences. (10 marks)
I must tell you about something that happen I 10 We've got few eggs in the fridge . Shall we make an
happened to me a few weeks ago. omelette for lunch?
2 I knew I have known Jenny since we were little
3 When I was young, I lived I have lived in Peru for four
4 While I have waited I was waiting for the train, I met
an old friend.
5 I was surprised when he called me, because I didn't
hear I hadn't heard from him for almost ten years.
6 I surfed I was surfing the Internet when my computer
started giving off a strange smell.
7 I didn 't want any dinner because I already ate I had
already eaten a large lunch earlier in the day.
8 I wasn't knowing I didn't know what to do with the
money, so I gave it to charity.
9 I haven't met I hadn't met him before, so was surprised
when he started talking to me like an old friend.
10 Suddenly, I slipped I was slipping on a banana skin .

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Progress test 2 (Units 4-6)

4 Complete these sentences with one word only. 6 Put the word in brackets into the correct form.
(10 marks) (10 marks)
I went to the travel agency in ................ .. ... to book a I had a bit of .............................. (difficult) getting
holiday. through to him on the phone.
2 I took the train rather than the bus so as .................... . 2 She's a very .............................. (boss) girl. She
to be late for the meeting. should stop telling people what to do all the time.
3 Would you .......... ........... making a little less noise, 3 Do you think you'll miss the .... ........ ..... ... ... .. .. .. .
please? (comfortable) of your own home when you go camping
4 I've never seen .. .. .... .... ... ... ... a terrible film! next week?

5 Our flight had left .. .. .. .. ....... ...... the time we arrived at 4 It must have been really ...... .......... ...... ....... .(pain)
the airport. when you hit your thumb with the hammer.

6 The shoe shop doesn't open until 10. In the 5 Although he's almost 80 years old, my grandfather is
. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . , shall we buy the food we need? really .......... .. .......... ........ (action) .

7 I was surprised she was so angry, because 6 He's extremely .............................. (music), and can
. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . she'd always been such a calm, easy- play the violin, the piano and the guitar.
going person. 7 I wish I could paint, but I've never been particularly
8 The speaker was very boring, and ....... .............. his . ... ... ... .. ........ .......... (art).
speech, half of the audience fell asleep. 8 I would love to help you, but ... .... .. ....... ... .. .. .. .... .
9 Write your name on a ..................... of paper, fold it in (fortune) I've got too much to do.
half and give it to me. 9 My brother is ...... .... .................... (use) I He doesn't
10 If you go to the shops, could you get me a even know how to make a cup of tea!
........ ....... ...... of bread? 10 My home is very modern, with all the latest
.............................. (convenient).
5 Underline the incorrect extra word in each sentence.
(10 marks) 1 Choose the best alternative to complete these
I took a short holiday in Mexico following on my business sentences. (10 marks)
trip to the USA. I'm allergic to seafood. If I eat it, my skin always develops
2 We don't really need to hurry because we've got some a horrible .. ....... .
lots of time; our flight doesn't leave until almost A rash B bruise C stitch D cut
midnight. 2 He's had some problems ..... .. .. recently. He should go
3 We didn't expect such a cold weather when we went to and see a doctor.
South Africa! A to breathe B breath C breathless D breathing
4 Let's take the advantage of his absence to catch up on 3 I'm not very fond of ......... music, although I think
some of the work we've missed. Mozart and Beethoven are quite good.
5 We were fed up with going to the cinema, so Jan A classic B rock C favourite D classical
suggested that going for a meal for a change.
4 My sister is really .. ..... .. , which is probably why she
6 I wanted to have a party to celebrate my birthday, but my loves going to parties and meeting people.
father said me it would cost too much.
A sensitive B down-to-earth C loyal D sociable
7 Bill told to me he would arrive a bit late, and that I
5 I'm quite a relaxed person, and I accept people for what
should start dinner without him.
they are. I suppose I've always been fairly ..... ... . .
8 My sister reminded me about to call her as soon as I
A arrogant B easygoing C talkative D competitive
arrived at the airport.
6 .... ... .. power is only effective if you live in a country
9 We were really hungry, but all we had to eat was a bar of
where there's lots of sunshine.
the chocolate and some sweets.
A Wind B Alternative C Solar D Electricity
10 Let's meet for dinner at 6.30, and afterwards that we can
go to the cinema.

130 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress test 2 (Units 4-6)

7 ....... .. is growing in popularity as more people become

aware of the negative effects of travel on the
A Eco-travelling B Ecology-tourists C Eco-voyaging
D Eco-tourism
8 My ......... always leave the kitchen and living room in a
mess, and never clean the bathroom.
A classmates B flatmates C colleagues
D acquaintances
9 I don't trust any ......... parties. They all tell the same lies,
don't they?
A political B politics C politician D politically
10 I asked him several times to tell me the truth, but he still
......... breaking my camera.
A warned B said C denied D suggested

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 131

Unit 7 test

1 Complete these sentences with used to or use to and the correct form of the verb in
brackets. (10 marks)

When I was a child I ......... .d.i.4t(t. U.~~ .~~. ~.e:i.v.e .. ........ (not I have) much respect for my parents.

At first I found it difficult to wake up so early, but now I ........... ..... .... .. ..... .. .. ... .......... .
(get up) at 5.30 every day.
2 When we were young, my sister and I ............................................. (fight) like cat
and dog .
3 My last English teacher made us work really hard; he ............................................. (never
give) us any free time .
4 I .... ... ..... .......... ... ......... .. ...... ... (not like) seafood, but now I'm mad about it!
5 I ... ........ .. ... ... . .. ....... .. ... .. ...... ... (not) this horrible weather. I prefer sunshine and warmth.
6 Didn't you ...... ... .. ....... .. .. ... ..... ... ..... .. .. ... (live) in the house opposite mine?
7 I'm not a lazy person, but I ........................... ... .............. . Uust not work) as hard as this!
8 I ............. ... .. ....... .. ...... ..... ....... (know) everyone in my street, but they've all moved away,
and now I don't know any of my neighbours.
9 Even though I've lived in Britain for two years, I ...... ....................... ................ (still not
speak) English all the time.
10 We ..................................... ........ (not argue) so much. I don't know why our relationship
has changed.

2 Correct the mistake in each sentence . (10 marks)

Although she doesn't look it, my sister is much more young than me.

2 Mark is the younger person in the class.

3 Do you think that Yvette is the prettyest girl in our class?

4 The month I spent in Australia was the more exciting month of my life!

5 My brother is slight shorter than me .

6 My current English school is a much smaller than the one I was at before.

7 Jim didn't do any revision for the exam, but he still did so well as me.

8 I think my watch was much of more expensive than yours!

9 This computer is a far too expensive for me to buy.

10 I can afford this camera - it's cheaper to the others in the shop.
132 Pearson Education Limited 2003
Unit 7 test

3 Complete these sentences with words and expressions from the box. You must complete
both gaps in a sentence correctly to get a mark. (1 O marks)

get over wave leaving present slipped out get to know get married get back together
see me off farewell party drop out kiss get on cry split up get on my nerves
move on moved house set off run away leave home

My sister decided to .. ......................... to her fiance when she was 23, but after only six
months they .... ..... .................. , and she moved back to our house.
2 My parents and I used to argue a lot. We could never ........... ... ...... .... ... with one another,
and one day I decided to .... .. ... ... .. .... ......... from home and move in with my grandparents.
3 I didn't enjoy university. The people who taught me used to ........ ........... ........ with their
stupid rules and ideas, and in the end I had no option but to .. .... .. .. .... .. ... .. .. .... of college .
4 My brother decided to .. .. ............ ........... when he was 21, so the night before he went, my
parents and I invited all our neighbours for a big ........................... .
5 After ten years working for the same company, I realised it was time to ...... ....... ....... .. ... . .
and find another job. My boss gave me a wonderful .... .... .. .. .. ..... ...... .. - a solid gold Rolex!
6 It's been a great evening, but I should ...................... .. .. . before it gets too late. You don't
need. to come to the bus stop to .... ... .................. .. .
7 I was very unhappy when my girlfriend left me, but just as I was beginning to
.................................. her, she told me she wanted to .......................... . with me.
8 Joan was really upset, and quietly ......... .... ... .... .... ... of the room before anyone could see
she was beginning to .............. .. ........... .
9 I hoped she would ... ..... ... ..... ....... .... me when we said goodbye, but she didn't even touch
me. All she did was ........................... .
10 We ........................... last year, to a really friendly street. It took very little time to
........ .. ................ . our new neighbours.

4 Match sentences 1-10 with a suitable 'follow-on'

sentence from A-J . (10 marks)

Comics, footballs, computer games, dirty socks under A It is this approach to life that always gets him into trouble
the bed, CDs scattered all over the floor.... .. .... at school.
2 Both my children are being extremely difficult at the B However, I'm hoping this will pass as they become a little
moment. ...... ... older.
3 Like many teenagers, Pete is often very rude and c A lot of adults, however, see this behaviour as being
arrogant. .. ... .. .. simple rudeness .
4 Ask most adults about growing up, and they will tell you D However, in most cases, they are only doing what they
that adolescence is a very difficult stage of life .......... think is right for the future of their children.
5 As teenagers, we undergo physical and emotional E For many of them , it is a means of establishing some kind
changes as we move from childhood to adulthood . of identity by saying 'This is what I like. This reflects my
6 Teenagers often rebel against authority as a statement of F These things all remind me of my own teenage years.
independence .. ...... .. G From this moment on, we are considered to be adults in
7 Parents are often seen by their children as too strict. the legal sense of the word.
H We have a lot of new feelings, new experiences.
8 Music plays an important role in the lives of most young They tend to live for today, and make the most of what
people .......... they already have.
9 Teenagers rarely look far into the future . .. ..... .. J For this reason, many have no regrets about leaving their
10 At the age of 18, we become responsible for our actions teenage years behind.
in the eyes of the law. .. .......

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 133

Unit 8 test

1 Complete these sentences with an article (a I an I the) if necessary. Some gaps do not need
an article. (10 marks)

1 I'm having ........ . wonderful holiday in ... ... .. . Spain .

2 ... .. . .. . River Thames is one of ..... .... longest rivers in Britain .
3 ...... .. . sun rises in ......... East.
4 Take .. ... .. .. piece of bread and butter it on both sides. Then put .... ... .. bread under a hot
5 She's been taking ... .. .... photographs of birds all morning . I hope they are better than .... .. . ..
photographs she took of my cat last week!
6 ... ...... United States is such .. .... ... huge country, it would take years to see it all.
7 We spent hours walking around .... .. ... British Museum, and the funny thing is, I don't
remember ....... .. single thing I saw there.
8 I don't mind if you arrive ......... few minutes late, but coming half an hour late is ..... .. . .
different matter altogether.
9 There is .. ... .... modern glass pyramid in the courtyard of our hotel, which looks out of place
because ......... other buildings around it are much older.
10 She's .... . .... little strange, but she's .. ... .. .. kindest person I know.

2 Complete these sentences with a relative pronoun and the correct form of the verb in
brackets. (10 marks)

Example :
My brother, .. ... .w.~o, .. .... . .. . .. .... !6. .~or.k!ng .. ... .. (work) in Paris at the moment, is coming to visit
me next week.

Goa is the area in India .. ... .. .. ... .... .. I .... ..... .... .. ....... ....... . (spend) my last holiday.
2 Rachel, ... .... .. .. ....... sister ................... ..... ...... (be) a doctor, can 't stand the sight
of blood!
3 At ten to nine, ..... .......................... ....... ... .... ... (be) just before the exam begins, please
make sure you assemble outside the hall.
4 At nine o'clock last night, .. .. .... ....... .. . we all .......... .. .... .. ... ... ..... . (arrive) at his house, we
were surprised to discover he had gone out.
5 James is currently in London, ............. ..... he .. .......... .. ..... .. .... ..... (work) on a new
design project.
6 Shared Planet, .. .... ... .... .... . .. .... ... ... ... ... .. (start) in 1996 as a travel company organising
working holidays, closed down at the beginning of January.
7 Look over there! That's the man ... .. . .... ... .. ... dog ..... ........ ... ...... ... ..... (bite) my sister
last week!
8 Brian and Mark, ....... ...... ..... ..... ....... .. ....... .. .. ..... (live) opposite me, are having a big party
next week.
9 The island of Barbados, ........ .. ... .... . my parents .. .. ... ........ .... ...... .... . (spend) their
honeymoon in the 1980s, is a popular tourist destination .
10 I'm working here until Saturday, .... .. .... ... .. ... I ... ... ..... .. .. .. .. .. . ....... . (leave) to start a new
job in Brussels.
134 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Unit 8 test

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold.
and a different form of the word underlined in the first You must use two or three words, including the word in bold .
sentence. (5 marks) (5 marks)

Example: I told him to be quiet, but he continued talking .

He said, 'It is highly probable it will rain .' on
strong I told him to be quiet, but he .
He said there was a .. ~~.rq_ng prqP.a.J?i!i.t y .. of rain. talking.

He told me you would be responsible for looking after the 2 He worked all day on Saturday because he had taken
children on Saturday. Friday off.

your up

He told me it would be ........ ... . ......... ..... .... to look He worked all day on Saturday to
after the children on Saturday. ... ................. ......... . taking Friday off.

2 Our knowledge of technology isn't sufficient to send 3 Stop pretending you don't know what to do!
people to other planets. out
enough Stop ............. .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. . that you don't know what
We don't have .. .................... ..... .. knowledge to send to do .
people to other planets. 4 You've missed a lot of classes, and you'll have to do a lot
3 He thinks he is able to read other people's minds! of work before you're at the same level as the other
He thinks he has .............. . .... . ...... . ... to read other
people's minds! You've missed a lot of classes, and you'll have to do a lot
of work in order to ......... ..................... the other
4 He started telling everyone what to do as soon as he
arrived at the airport.
5 We've had a relaxing few days, but now we have to start
working really hard.
He started telling everyone what to do on
.. .......... ... ... ............ at the airport.
We've had a relaxing few days, but now we have to
5 Personally speaking, I don't believe a single word he says.
. ................... ......... . some real work.
Everything he says ............. .. ............... as far as I am

5 Choose the best alternative in bold to complete these sentences. (10 marks)

She's very high I tall for a ten year old.

2 What's the height/ length of Mount Everest?
3 He spent seven weeks measuring the height I width of the Mississippi River in different places.
4 The cost of living is now so tall I high that people are protesting to the government.
5 I have a very short/ low opinion of people who are rude.
6 These streets are so thin I narrow, you can't get a car down them .
7 Phew! I've just had a very thin I narrow escape from an angry dog!
8 Are you really going out wearing that thin I narrow shirt? You'll freeze to death!
9 He's an extremely deep I shallow person. He has no strength of character, and he never has an
opinion on anything.
10 The ceiling in my living room is so low I short that I can't stand up properly in it.

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 135

Progress test 3 (Units 7-9)

1 A teacher is warning a student about his behaviour. 5 I've been at college for six months, but I still find it
Read the passage and put the verbs in brackets into a difficult working so hard all the time.
suitable form. (10 marks) used

Now listen. I (1 ) ... ...... ........... ....... (want) to talk to you I've been at college for six months, but I'm still
....... .... ..... .. ... .... .. so hard all the time.
about your attitude and behaviour. For the last two months
6 I'm sorry, but I didn't manage to get the tickets you
you (2) ..... ... .... ........ ....... (miss) most of your classes and asked me for.
(3) ........................... (not do) any homework. wasn't
Furthermore, I (4) .. .. .. .................. ... (become) increasingly I'm sorry, but I .................. ......... get the tickets you
annoyed with the way you talk to your teachers. The other asked me for.
7 'Tom, don't forget to do your homework,' said his
day, for example, you (5) ..................... ...... (te ll) Mr
Roberts he looked like a 'hideous gorilla', and while he
(6) ........ ... ... .. .... .. .... . (try) to talk to you, you just walked
Tom's mother ... ....... .... ............. homework.
away from him . He (7) .. ... ....... ... ... .... .... . (be) very upset 8 There weren't a lot of people at the show.
since then. Tomorrow, I (8) ... .. .... ... ........... .. .. (write) a very
report for your parents, and unless you There ..... ..... ...... ........ ... the show.
(9) ........................... (start) showing some signs of 9 I love spicy food now, but I haven't always liked it.
improvement, I'll send it to them. Now, your next class use

(10) ........................... (begin) at 11 o'clock. Make sure I ...... ..................... like spicy food.

you're there, or else! 10 I get really annoyed when people arrive late for
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar nerves
meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold. You It ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. .. .. . when people arrive late for
must use between two and five words, including the word appointments.
in bold. (10 marks)
We spoke in whispers because we didn't want to disturb 3 Complete these sentences. Use one word only.
anyone. (10 marks)
order 1 I took part .. .. ... .. ... a pie-eating competition, and won!
We spoke in whispers .............. .. ........... disturb 2 You need to take a lot of things .. .. ... ... .. account when
anyone. choosing a good language school.
2 It was wrong of you to speak to your teacher like that. 3 The exam brought ............ the best in her.
have 4 My sister split .......... .. with her boyfriend because they
You ..... .. ... .... ......... .... to your teacher like that. always argued.

3 The train left the station before we arrived. 5 I've worked here for years, but now I've decided to move

6 She found her history course very boring, and eventually
The train ................... .... .... the time we arrived.
decided to drop ... ..... .... of college.
4 My sister is a doctor. She lives in Bogota .
7 It took me a long time to get ........ .... the death of my
lives pet goldfish.
My sister, ........................... , is a doctor.

136 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress test 3 (Units 7-9)

8 You'll get into trouble if you carry ............ behaving in 8 He isn't afraid to ............ his mind; sometimes he can
this way. be a bit insensitive.
9 She made ............ that she had a boyfriend, but we A talk B tell C discuss D speak
knew she was lying. 9 I loved that story you wrote; it was ...... .. .... excellent.
10 I must get ............ to some revision before the exam. A very B extremely C such D absolutely
10 This computer costs 850. It's only a ............ cheaper
4 Underline the incorrect extra word in each sentence. than the one you bought last week.
(10 marks)
A little B less C much D slightly
I thought you were trying to lose weight! You really
shouldn't have to eaten so much ice cream.
6 Correct the incorrect word form in each sentence.
2 I don't believe you! You can't have ever done your (10 marks)
homework already!
3 I don't resemble my father in any way at all, but I do look In spite of her age, Suzanne is slight taller than her two
as like my mother a bit. older sisters.
4 I had just been finished my lunch when the telephone
rang and a man asked to speak to my mother. 2 I've spent a consider amount of time on this project.
5 Do ghosts exist? This is a question that has puzzled the
people for hundreds of years. 3 I've done a lot of work, and my teacher says I've made
good progress, so I'm feeling quite hopeless that I'll do
6 I'm really sorry, but there's a little I can do to help. Why
well in the exam.
don't you ask Helen?
7 Larry and Pascal, who they both live with me, are on 4 There is no scientist evidence that fast food is bad for
holiday at the moment. you, and of course it tastes delicious too!
8 I can't help noticing that your mobile phone is a lot of
smaller than mine. 5 Employer is at an all-time low. There are a lot of people
9 I've travelled all over the world, but Paris is the only city without jobs at the moment.
in where I feel at home.
6 In ancient Egypt, the sun-god Ra was considered to be
10 You're late once again! You really do must come on time,
the most powered god.
or your boss will be very angry.
7 Have you seen Imogen's new car? Apparently it was real
5 Choose the best alternative to complete these expensive and she had to borrow money from her
sentences. (10 marks) parents to buy it.
He seems a bit rude when you first meet him, but when
you ............ to know him better, he's really very friendly. 8 I was looking through some old boxes in the garage
A do B go C get D make when I made a remarkable discover that changed my life!
2 I don't think I ............ to go out tonight.
9 My brother is two years young than me, although he
A should B ought C must D shouldn't doesn't look it.
3 ............ my holidays, I like to take things easy and relax.
A While B At C With D During 10 Are there any recycled banks in your town, or do you
throw all your bottles and newspapers away?
4 We had ............ a great time we didn't want to come
A so B very C really D such
5 They ..... ....... us not to walk on the ice in case it broke.
A said B suggested C warned D explained
6 He was nervous because he ........... . been on an
aeroplane before.
A wasn't B hadn't C isn't D didn't
7 We spent a ............ more money than we had
A lot B much C far D great

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 137

Progress test 3 (Units 7-9)

7 Choose the best alternative in bold to complete these

sentences . (10 marks)
1 Who's the main /lead I head singer with the Prodigy?
2 Jane always seems to understand people's feelings and
problems. She's quite a generous I self-confident I
sensitive girl.
3 I think I've fainted I broken I bruised a bone in my arm.
4 He keeps up-to-date with the latest medical advances by
reading medical journals I magazines I editorials.
5 There's a good sitcom I documentary I soap opera
about the wildlife of South Africa on television tonight.
6 I don't think I'll see the latest James Bond film. The
review I headline I article in today's paper didn't say
anything positive about it.
7 Could you stop talking house I office I shop? It's really
annoying when people discuss their work all the time!
8 I wish you wouldn't talk about me behind my head I
back I ears.
9 She's much too slim I narrow I thin . She should eat
10 It's quite safe for the children to play in this part of the
river; the water's very shallow I narrow I deep.

138 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 10 test

1 Complete these sentences with words or expressions from the box. Use each word or
expression at least once. (10 marks)

should don't have to didn't have to must have to had to mustn't wasn't allowed to

You ................ ...... ................ do your homework now if you don't want to. It's your
2 I really ... ................. .. ... ....... .... ... remember to send my grandmother a birthday card. I'll
feel terrible if I forget.
3 My parents say I ............. ............ .... .......... be home by 11 o'clock at the latest. If I'm not
home by then, I'll be in a lot of trouble!
4 It's a good idea to use a monolingual dictionary as much as possible. You
... .................................... refer to one every time you are unsure what a word means, how
it is pronounced or how it is used.
5 You ............................. .. ... ..... come into my room without knocking. If you do it again, I'll
be really angry.
6 I .. .... ...... ..... ........... ... .... .... buy anything new to wear at the party. I already had the perfect
clothes for it, so there was no point.
7 I didn't come to the football match with you last night because I ... .. ... .... .... ...... ...... .......... .
stay at home and wait for a really important phone call.
8 My mother explained that I ....................................... see Blood of the Werewolf at the
cinema because I wasn't old enough to watch horror films.
9 Don't worry. You ........... . .... . ...... ................ return that money I gave you. I don't want
it back.
10 He ........................... ............ make up all those stupid excuses for missing his lesson. We
all knew he had a good reason, and the lesson wasn't important anyway.

2 Complete these sentences with too or enough and a word from the box. Use much or many
where necessary. (10 marks)

petrol safe noisy money time slowly big spicy students quickly

She ate her lunch ................. ... . .. .. ... . , and as a result had a stomach ache all afternoon.
2 The car didn't have ................. ..... .... .... to go all the way without stopping, so we bought
some at a motorway service station.
3 This tiny flat isn't .......... .... ..... ........ ... for both of us to live in.
4 There are ...... ... .. ......... .... ... ... in this class; some of them will have to change class.
5 It's really annoying; our teacher never speaks English ... . ..... ....... .. ............ for us to
understand her.
6 It was far ........ ....... .. ....... ...... to have a conversation because of the roadworks in the street

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 139

Unit 10 test

7 He spent . ................ . .. ... . .... .. answering the first part of the exam, and so wasn 't able to
complete the second part before everyone was told to stop writing .
8 I love hot food, but this curry is far . . . ..... . .... . ... . ... .... .. . .. for me to eat.
9 I don't have . ... . .. .... . .. . .. . . ... . . .. . . .. to buy dinner. Shall we eat at home instead?
10 Don't walk on the ice. It isn't .... . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .

3 Choose the best alternatives below to complete this passage. (10 marks)

A few weeks ago, I received an invitation (1 ) .... . . ... Rob's party, which he had decided to hold as
part (2) . .. . .. . .. his celebrations to mark the end (3) .. ... .. . . his exams. Now, generally speaking I don't
believe (4) . ..... . .. spending a lot of money (5) .. . .. . ... a whole new set of clothes just for a party, and
I'm not really keen (6) . .... .... shopping for clothes anyway. However, Rob's parties are famous
(7) .. ... . ... their extravagance - live music, fireworks and so on - and so just for once I decided to
break my own golden rule . I asked my dad to lend me some money, which he reluctantly gave me
(after complaining (8) ... . ..... the fact that teenagers spend so much these days, naturally!). For days
I worried (9) ... .. .. .. what I would wear. I asked my sister, but she wasn 't very interested (1 O) ...... .. .
helping me, as she hadn't been invited . In the end, I decided just to go in a pair of jeans and a
T-shirt. Anyway, you can imagine my relief when I got to the party and discovered that everyone else
had decided to do the same!

1 A at B to C with D in
2 A for B with C about D of
3 A of B to C for D at
4 A about B in C of D with
5 A with B to C in D on
6 A with B for C on D to
7 A for B about C of D through
8 A of B with C about D for
9 A for B with C to D about
10 A to B for C in D about

4 Correct the mistakes. There are two mistakes in each sentence. (10 marks)

I've run out on money again . I'd better go to a pointcash to get some more .

2 How much money did you put out of the bank? 500? What are you going to spent all that on?

3 Oh no! I've just checked my bank statement and discovered I'm in dept by almost 1000! I've
spent far too many recently.

4 Every month I save off some money and put in it a special savings account.

5 Here are my tips for a successful shopping trip : always try to get a discount, always pay for cash,
and always make sure you keep the recipe in case you decide something isn 't suitable after
you've bought it.

140 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 11 test

1 Unjumble the letters in brackets to make suitable words, then complete the sentences with a
question tag (e.g. don't you, hasn't he). You must complete both gaps correctly to get a mark.
(10 marks)

1 You can .... ...... ... ...... .. (pksea) French fluently, ......... ... .................. ?
2 You like ........ .... .. ....... (goncoik) Chinese food, .... ... ....................... ?
3 You're ........ .... ......... (nicogm) to my party tomorrow, ................. ........ ... .. ?
4 She hasn't .. .......... ......... (ngiev) him the present yet, ............................. . ?
5 You can't ............ ..... .... (wsmi) very well, .... .... ... .. ................. ?
6 You weren't ..................... (ktngali) to Sue at the party last night, ........................... ... ?
7 You will ..................... (hepno) me for a chat tonight, ....... ...... ................. ?
8 You're not going to ..................... (atek) the FCE exam this year, ....... ............ ........ .. . ?
9 Before you went to Spain last year, you hadn't ..................... (valdtrele) much,
.............................. 7

10 Ted used to ................. .... (vile) in Peru, ..... ......................... ?

2 Tick (./) the sentences that are grammatically correct. Correct the mistakes in the incorrect
sentences. (10 marks)

I love learning to play the guitar. I've been having seven lessons already.

2 I've been trying to talk to Brian all morning, but he keeps ignoring me.

3 She's been calling me twelve times this morning. I haven't managed to get any work done
as a result.

4 She's phoned me all morning, and I don't think she'll give up until I've spoken to her.

5 Since the beginning of the month, I've been learning how to use spreadsheets on the computer.
My next lesson is tomorrow.

6 You've been playing enough computer games already. Why don't you turn the computer
off now?

7 My eyes are red because I've just peeled onions.

8 I've studied the past simple and now I'm going to start looking at the past continuous .

9 I've started taking extra English lessons because I'm determined to pass my exam next month.

10 He's sent me rude emails for months and I'm getting really fed up with it.

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 141

Unit 11 test

3 Complete these sentences with a word from Box A and a word from Box B. You may need to
change the form of the word from Box A. You can use the words more than once. (10 marks)


use save spend waste time water paper electricity money space

Did you ....... .... .. ... .. .. . a lot of ..................... on Christmas presents?

2 The room is very small, but if we .... ... .. ..... .. .. ... the ... ............. ... .. well, we can get
everything in.
3 You shouldn't ........... .......... so much ... .... .. .. ... ..... ... Turn the TV off when you're not
watching it.
4 Even though it was an important call, he didn't .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. a lot of ..................... on the
phone because he said he couldn't afford the bill.
5 It's 20 minutes on foot, but why don't I drive you there? That should ................. .... you some
.................... . if you're in a hurry.
6 If you don't want to ... ..... .... ... .. ... . any .... ....... .. .. .. ... . , you should make sure all your taps
are properly turned off when you finish washing up or brushing your teeth.
7 Re-using old envelopes is a good way of .............. ......... ...... ...... .. ..... .
8 I think playing video games all day is a complete ..................... of .. ..... .. ... ....... .. !
9 Have you ..... .. .... ... .... ... any ..................... for your holiday? You'll need lots of cash if you
want to have a good time.
10 Stop ... .. ..... .. ..... ... . my ........ ............. ! None of this is important. I've got better things to
do with my Iife !

4 Complete these sentences with a suitable adjective that describes feelings, starting with the
letter in bold. (10 marks)

I was absolutely a .......... ... ... .... . when she turned up on my doorstep, as I had thought she
was in New Zealand.
2 She's always smiling and making jokes. I don't know how she manages to be so
c. .. ...... ... .. ....... all the time.
3 I felt sow ..................... when he hadn't come home by midnight that I called the police.
4 Tony was extremely u ...... .. .... ........ . when I told him I didn't want to go out with him any
more .
5 I'm so e ............... ... ... ! My dad has said he's going to buy me a car for my birthday!
6 I explained very clearly what he had to do, but he still looked totally c. ... ................. .
7 I really wanted to talk to her, but when I got through to her mobile, the line was noisy and I
couldn't hear a word she said. I felt so f ................ ..... !
8 It's cold and rainy, my bank account is overdrawn, my girlfriend left me yesterday and my
hamster has just died. I'm sod ...................... Life? Don't talk to me about life!
9 A lot of people feel n ......... . ........... about going to the dentist, but I actually enjoy it!
10 I like to think I'll be able to pass my exam, but to be honest I'm not very h .. ................ .. . .

142 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress test 4 (Un its 10-12)

1 Complete these sentences with the correct form of 7 I have to start work really early, but I'm not used getting
the verb in brackets. (10 marks) up so early in the morning, and I often oversleep .

Be quiet, please. I ..................... ........ . (try) to watch

8 There are quite a few differences between the English
spoken in Britain and the English spoken in United States.
2 Our flight ................ .............. (leave) at half past
nine, so we should get to the airport by 7.30 at the 9 Did you say that you saw John at the party? You can't
latest. seen him - he was with me in the pub!
3 I can't see you tonight because I .................. ... ........ .
(go) out with Mandy. 10 When I was young, I wasn't allowed stay out late without
4 I ........................ ...... (finish) my homework. Can I my parents' permission.
watch TV now?
5 We ................ .. .......... .. (have) a picnic when it 3 Correct the mistake in each sentence. (10 marks)
started raining.
6 The lesson ......... .... .... .. ....... .. . . (start) by the time we My father is always really generous - he gave me an
arrived at school. absolutely fantastic stereo system since my last birthday.
7 He's my best friend . I .............. . ............... (meet) him
when we were at primary school. 2 I hope you don't think I'm being nosy, but can I ask you
8 You shouldn't .............................. (eat) that fruit where were you last night?
salad - it was for the party tonight. I'll have to make
something else for dessert now. 3 I've worked like a teacher all my life, but to be honest I'm
thinking of doing something different for a change.
9 My arms ache because I .................. .... ........ (paint)
my bedroom all day.
4 They explained me they wanted to go out, but I told
10 I must ............... ............... (be) mad not to accept his them it was much too cold and they should stay in.
offer of a free holiday, but it's too late to change my
mind now. 5 We don't have many times before the match begins, so
we ought to leave as soon as possible, otherwise we'll
2 Add the missing word in each sentence. (10 marks) miss it.

I left home early in order avoid the rush hour on the 6 Kittyworld is the film which two men arrive on a planet
roads. where cats are in control.

2 It was my time at university that I met my future wife. 7 Have you met Matthew, who's brother used to be in my
class at school?
3 The party was great, and we had such good time that we
didn't want to go home. 8 The musical we saw in London last weekend was very
brilliant, although we had to pay a lot to see it.
4 My first job was working as a gardener. This time, I didn't
really have any proper plans for the future. 9 Every time you leave the lights on when you're out of the
room, you spend a lot of unnecessary electricity.
5 I'm afraid I wasn't able fix your computer, but I promise
I'll do it tomorrow. 10 You can't sing, you can't dance and you can't act, do
you? So why have you decided to become an actor?
6 I was in the shower when I slipped on a bar soap and
twisted my ankle.

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 143

Progress test 4 (Units 10-12)

4 Complete these sentences with one word only. 6 Unjumble the words below to make complete
(10 marks) sentences. The first and last word of each sentence are in
Leonardo da Vinci was an engineer and scientist, but he's their correct place. (10 marks)
more famous ..... .... his paintings and drawings. He my stealing denied money.
2 As a child, I was brought ......... by my uncle and aunt.
3 When no one was looking, I slipped .. .. .... . of the room 2 I'm to every working so not hard used day.
and went upstairs.
4 I don't have enough money ......... go on holiday this 3 You computer use his without shouldn't his permission.
5 First .... .. ... all, I'd like to thank you all for coming here
4 You your have more smartly should for dressed
tonight .
6 Could you speak ......... ? I can't hear a word you're
5 We enough our haven't to pay money for got holiday.
7 I've just got an invitation ..... .. .. Sarah's party.
8 She spent over 100 ....... .. chocolate!
6 You mustn't anyone really my tell secret.
9 Do you believe .... ... .. ghosts?
10 I seem to spend so much time worrying .. ....... small,
unimportant things. 7 I get must ten before home o'clock.

5 Complete these sentences with the correct form of 8 You her last called didn't night, you?
the word in brackets. (10 marks)
I was so ... .................. (annoy) when he arrived 9 Jane watch might know where your is.
without phoning me first.
2 In ancient Rome, the punishment for corruption was
10 You have phone been the asleep must when rang.
particularly ......... ........... . (brute).
3 She came up with a new ........ ............. (invent): a
robot that takes your dog for a walk!
7 Choose the best alternative to complete these
4 This incredible new kitchen appliance will
sentences. (10 marks)
................... .. (revolution) the way we prepare food.
If you go to the supermarket, could you get me a ......... .
5 What's the ...... . .............. (live) expectancy of the
of toothpaste?
average cat?
A bar B tube C slice D piece
6 I like studying at this school. Everyone is so
... ... .............. . (cheer). 2 She ......... . quietly down the stairs so no one would
hear her.
7 .. ................ ... (science) research is being carried out to
A wandered B tripped C crept D collapsed
develop a water-powered engine.
8 'Black-eyed' Bertie, the ..................... (famous) 3 Joan 's been talking about me behind my .... .... .. again.
murderer, has been sentenced to life in prison. A back B neck C head D body
9 I lost some expensive ..... .............. .. (photograph) 4 I can't speak any louder because I've lost my .......... .
equipment when I was on holiday. A speech B voice C sound D talk
10 The games were a big success. Over 200 .. ........... ..... .. . 5 We need to ...... .. .. more money if we want to have
(compete) took part. enough to buy a new car.
A spend B use C waste D save
6 This MP3 player is much too expensive. I can't .......... it.
A pay B afford C save D spend

144 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress test 4 (Units 10-12)

7 I asked for a ..... ..... when I bought my new mobile

phone, but the shop assistant told me they couldn't go
any lower.
A discount B refund C receipt D cashpoint
8 I'm really .... . .... . with my car. It keeps breaking down all
the time.
A confused 8 worried C frustrated D depressed
9 We have no .... .. .... that he committed the crime.
A evidence 8 fibres C fingerprints D wounds
10 Only one person committed the crime, but the police are
investigating five ...... .... .
A scientists 8 culprits C pathologists D suspects

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 145

Unit 13 test

1 Choose the best alternative in bold to complete these sentences. (10 marks)

1 On our long drive up to Scotland, we had to stop several times taking I to take a rest.
2 I wish he would stop talking I to talk all the time.
3 I tried calling I to call Tom, but I couldn't find a phone that worked .
4 If you don't understand the meanings of any words, try using I to use a dictionary to look
them up .
5 Although we said we understood the rules, he went on explaining I to explain them to us
until in the end we just told him to shut up .
6 After giving us our instructions, he went on telling I to tell us about the potential problems we
might have.
7 I went to the post office, but I'm afraid I didn't remember posting I to post your letter. I'll do it
8 I don't have many memories of my early childhood, but I do remember being I to be really
9 Why don't you try sending I to send them an e-mail - they might take more notice of that
than a phone call.
10 Stop making I to make so much noise! I'm trying to work!

2 Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense: future continuous or future perfect.
(10 marks)

1 What time's your interview? 9 o'clock? OK, I'll ....... ... ... .. ... ....... .. ... (think) of you then.
2 If Liverpool win the match tomorrow, they'll .. ........... ................. (win) every match this
3 I'm off to New York tomorrow. This time tomorrow morning I'll ...... .. ... ......... .......... (sit) on a
plane halfway across the Atlantic.
4 What will you ........ .... ... ............... (wear) to Jane's party tomorrow night?
5 By the end of this week, I'll ........ ... .. .. . ............. . (finish) all my exams and will be able to
6 We're spending too much money. If we go on like this, we'll ... ........ .... .. ............ . (spend) all
our cash before the end of the holiday.
7 I started teaching at this school almost a year ago. In fact, next Monday I'll
.. .. ... .. .... ........ ..... .. .. (be) here for a whole year exactly.
8 Where will you .... .. .... ...... .. .. ... ....... (go) for your next holiday?
9 Guess what? At the end of the week, I'll ..................... .. ..... .. (know) you for six whole
10 Tim's wife's baby is expected some time tomorrow. He's fairly calm about it right now, but I bet
he'll .......... .. .......... .. ... ... (tear) his hair out with worry soon enough .

146 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 13 test

3 Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences. (5 marks)

I really hate making .... ...... Why don't you ask somebody else?
A decisive B decisions C decide D decisively
2 If you made more of a/an ......... , you might do better at school.
A attempt B try C effort D endeavour
3 I'm not trying to make ......... for my behaviour; I'm just trying to apologise.
A excuses B reasons C explanations D suggestions
4 One of your duties in this job is to make the ......... every morning.
A beds B tables C cooking D washing up
5 Don't forget to make that ...... ... before you have lunch.
A homework B washing C shopping D phone call

4 Complete these sentences with one word only. (5 marks)

I don't believe you! You're making it ......... !

2 We had a terrible argument last week, and we .still haven't made it ......... yet.
3 What do you make ......... that new student in our class? She's a bit strange, isn't she?
4 It was already dark, but we could just make ......... the road in the moonlight.
5 As soon as the football match finished, we made ......... a bar near the stadium.

5 Complete these sentences with suitable words or expressions from the box. Use each word I
expression once only. (10 marks)

boarding pass sightseeing windsurfing great fun visa polluted shops strange
by air going clubbing on foot breathtaking passport sunbathing landing card
noisy eating out by tube hitchhike international driving licence

We've been .............................. until 4 o'clock in the morning - the nightlife here is

2 I love ............. ................. when I'm on holiday, especially in small local restaurants. During
the day I just like lying on the beach, .............................. .
3 We wanted to go ........ ....... ...... ..... .... , but we couldn't afford the tickets for the flight, so
in the end we decided to ....... . .... . .................. It was surprising how many cars stopped to
give us a lift.
4 The scenery here is absolutely .... .......................... , and it was good to get away from the
city, which is so .............................. that your eyes and nose hurt all the time.
5 The best way to get around London is .................. .. .............. (the trains are quick and
convenient) and ..... ....... ........... ....... if you're wearing comfortable shoes.
6 It was so .............................. in the nightclub you couldn't hear what anybody was saying! I
think it's really .............................. that people like going to such places.
7 Since arriving here, we've been doing some .............................. - there are so many
interesting places to visit. We've also been looking round the ............................. . for
interesting souvenirs to take home.
8 If you want to go to Australia, you'll need a .............................. , which you can get from
the Australian embassy, and make sure your .............................. is still valid, otherwise you
won't be able to get into the country.
9 I had an .............................. so that I could hire a car, but I must have dropped it in the
water when I went ... ........................... .
10 This is your ............................. , which shows your departure gate. They'll give you a
.............................. on the plane, which you'll have to fill in and hand to immigration on
your arrival.

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 147

Unit 14 test

1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the
passive voice. You must use between two and five words. (5 marks)

The police arrested two men who had broken into the local bank.
Two men who had broken into the local bank .. .... ... ... .. .... ...... ..... . by the police.
2 Somebody had eaten all the food by the time we arrived.
All the food ...... .. .............. .. ...... by the time we arrived .
3 The town council has offered me a financial grant to help me start my own business.
I ..... ....... .... ... .. .... .. ... a financial grant by the town council to help me start my own business.
4 My teacher gave me some good advice to help me pass my FCE exam .
I ..... ..... .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. some good advice by my teacher to help me pass my FCE exam.
5 When we woke up, we discovered that the wind had blown down a large tree during the night.
When we woke up, we discovered that a large tree ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ..... ..... . by the wind during
the night.

2 Correct the mistake in each sentence . (5 marks)

Our school building is really old . It had built at the beginning of the 19th century.

2 When I got to school, I discovered the lesson had been cancelling .

3 I don't like be spoken to so rudely.

4 She went for a walk in the woods on Friday, and isn't been heard from since then .

5 I can 't \et you use my camera because it hasn't been for paid yet.

3Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. In some sentences,
the word will stay the same, but you will need to add another word before it. (10 marks)

1 Why did he win the race? Simple! He ran ... ... ......... ... ... ..... .. .. (fast) than anyone else .
2 I'm late for school ..... ..... .... ... ....... ... ... (often) than I would like to be.
3 Of all the students in this class, Luca speaks English the ....... ............ ..... .. .... (fluent).
4 Our flight left .. ..... ..... .... ... ... .. ...... (early) than we expected, and we almost missed it as a
5 He did really ... ........... .... .. ...... ... . (good) in the exam, and we're both proud of him.
6 She did ... ......... .. . .. .... ...... ... (bad) than me in the class tests, but still got a good result in the
exam itself.
7 Of all the teachers in our school, Mr Jenkins is the one I like the .. ... .. ..... ......... .. ....... (little).
8 I know .... ...... ....... ... .. ... .. ... (little) English than her, but I'm determined to improve .
9 She's .... .... ... .. .... .. .. ....... .. (good) at tennis than anyone else in the club .
1O In fact, of all the players I've seen, she plays the ............ .. .... .. .... ...... (good)!

148 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 14 test

4 Complete the conversational phrases in these dialogues, using one word only. (10 marks)
'I hate this weather, and the food and the hotel room are dreadful.'
'For .... ... ........ ... sake, stop complaining!'
2 'Shall we go to the cinema or go for a drink?'
'I'm ... ............... - whichever you prefer.'
3 'Are you going to do your homework?'
'There's no .......... ......... Our teacher won't be here tomorrow.'
4 'Shall I put the television on?'
'You may as .. ...... ...... ..... There's nothing else to do.'
5 'Please don't tell David I went out with Nigel last night.'
'Don't worry. I wouldn't ............. ..... of it.'
6 'Shall I tell Fiona what I did?'
'I really don't .... .. ............. I'm not at all interested in your problems.'
7 'Would you like to go out or stay in this Saturday?'
'I don't ................... Either is fine with me.'
8 'I'm really bored!'
'Well, there's a good film on at the cinema. How ..... ... .......... it?'
9 'Shall we invite Sean and Roger round tonight?'
'No ................. . why not.'
10 'Shall I make something to eat?'
'If you .................. to.'

5 Underline the incorrect word in each sentence, and replace it with a suitable word from a
different sentence . (10 marks)

We didn't sell many tickets for the show. In fact, we had the smallest actors since the theatre
opened last year.

2 I like watching foreign-language films but it's hard work reading the commercials.

3 The film was great, but the directors were badly cast. I mean, whoever thought that Robin
Williams would make a good Superman?

4 This TV programme is terrible. Shall we see if there's anything better on the other reviews?

5 I haven't seen any good film for ages. I love live performances, but it costs so much to go to
the theatre.

6 It was an interesting documentary, but there were so many subtitles; on TV at that time of day
there's a break every seven minutes!

7 I haven't read the interval for his latest film, but everyone I've spoken to says it's quite good.

8 It wasn't a very successful audience! It was shown in the cinema for about a week, then
released on video.

9 I've always had a lot of respect for plays like Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock.

10 During the channels, we went for an ice cream and talked about what might happen in the
second half.
Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 149
Progress test 5 (Un its 13-1 5)

1Complete these sentences with a correct form of the 4 There were no passengers on the bus.
verb in brackets. More than one answer may be possible. any
(10 marks) There ... .... .. ......... .................... on the bus.
Don't interrupt him. He .... .. ... .......... ........... ... .... .... . 5 Our teacher says we must fill in the answer sheet with a
(work). pencil.
2 I couldn't answer the phone because I to
............... ..... .. ... ........... ......... (have) a shower at
The answer sheet ... ... .. ........ ....... .. ........... ... with
the time.
a pencil.
3 I .. .. .. ..... ............ ............... ..... .. (meet) Helena this
6 The last time I went to the cinema was in 1998.
afternoon, so I can't see you until this evening.
4 The lesson ..... .. ............ ..... ...... ... ............ (start) by
the time we arrived . I .. .......................... .. ... ...... the cinema since 1998.

5 Of course I look hot. I ... ............. ..... .. ........ ............. . 7 Could you tell me what you were doing?
Uust jog). mind
6 I'm sorry, but I don't remember Would ............ .. . .. ..... ..... ..... ... .. .. me what you
.. .. ........................................ . (meet) you before. were doing?
7 After decorating the kitchen , he went on 8 You're much too young to smoke!
............................................. (paint) the living old
You ....... ......... ..... ..... ..... ........ smoke!
8 By the time he got to the meeting, all the important
9 I'll help you if you promise to lend me your bicycle .
decisions ..... ....... ....... ............. ..... ........ (already
make) . as
9 Yesterday I ................. ..... ...... .... ............. (give) I'll help you ....... ..... .. .. ... ...... .............. you promise
some really useful advice about losing weight. to lend me your bicycle.

10 I love second-hand shops. You can often buy wonderful 10 It's not possible for me to send the card to him until
clothes that ........ ... ..... ...... ....... ... ... .. .... .... (never you've signed it.
wear). him
I ..................... .................. card until you've
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar signed it.
meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold. You
must use_between two and five words, including the word
in bold. (10 marks)
'John, don't forget to pay the phone bill,' I sa id.
I ........ ... ................. ....... .... the phone bill.
2 I find it strange living on my own.
I'm ....................................... on my own.
3 My brother is shorter than me .
I'm .. ... .. ......... .. .. ....... ........... my brother.

150 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress test 5 (Units 13-15)

3 Complete these sentences with one word only. 5 Complete these sentences with a verb from the box
(10 marks) in the correct form. You can use each verb more than once.
I know I .................... . have called her, but I didn't (10 marks)
have time.
2 We left early in order ..................... to arrive late. I work give set get make I
3 I've never seen ....... ..... ...... ... a strange-looking man!
1 He was ill, but he's gradually ... ............. .. over it.
4 With his big ears and sad expression, our English teacher
.... .... ............. like a large dog! 2 When I asked her why she hadn't done any homework,
she . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up an excuse about a sick relative
5 I thought I would miss my train but fortunately I
who she had to visit .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to catch it.
3 It's getting late - perhaps we should . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . off
6 I was so excited ..................... first time I travelled
before it gets dark.
4 What's wrong with the television? It's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . off
7 She was ..................... tired to get up, so stayed in
bed all morning. a really nasty smell.
5 Mr Roberts is very strange . I'm not sure what to
8 You didn't spend all your money at the weekend,
.. ... .. ....... .... of him .
...... ........ ..... .. you?
6 Do you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on with your parents, or do you
9 When I was young, I didn't ....... .... .......... to like going
argue all the time?
to school.
10 You won't pass the exam .................. ... you're
7 He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . away all his things to charity, then
moved abroad.
prepared to work really hard for the next two weeks.
8 Have you managed to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . out how to start
4 Underline the incorrect extra word in each sentence. your computer?
(10 marks) 9 We didn't have a summer holiday this year, so we went
I arrived here in June last year, so next month I'll have skiing in winter to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up for it.
been being here for one year exactly. 10 I've . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up trying to talk to her. She never
2 He was really boring, so it was a relief when eventually listens to a word I say.
he stopped to talking and left the room.
3 For my last birthday, she gave to me a fantastic leather 6 Put the word in brackets into the correct form.
(10 marks)
jacket and a pair of cowboy boots.
She tried to explain her ........................... (believe) in
4 The man who robbed the bank was been arrested some
the existence of life after death.
time last night.
5 I'm going on holiday on Friday, so this time next week I'll 2 I'm afraid I find your plans completely
........................... (accept).
have be sitting on a beach sipping a large, cold drink!
3 Although he's now very ... ...... .............. .. .. (fame), he
6 It was while during my last holiday that I met the girl of
my dreams. hasn't changed in any way at all.

7 I said I was hungry, so he made me a couple of slices of

4 He had some really ..... ... ...... .... ... .. ... . (imagine)
the toast with lots of jam and butter. excuses for not arriving on time.

8 That was the first time I've seen so a film that only lasted
5 Scientists believe they now have the .......................... .
(technology) knowledge to carry out brain transplants.
twenty minutes. What a complete waste of money!
9 Jane is standing on one leg in the car park, balancing a 6 On your ................... ........ (arrive) at the school, ask
to talk to the principal.
bucket of water on her head and singing a song about a
banana. She must have be mad! 7 Our new house has all the latest modern
...... ... ... ........ ....... (convenient).
10 As long as you arrive on time and promise not to say a
word, but I'll make sure you get a free seat in the 8 I would love to help you, but ........ ................. . .
theatre. (fortune) I'm much too busy.
9 Judy is so ........................... (talk) - she never seems
to shut up!
10 They don't drink for .......... . ................ (religion)

Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE 151

Progress test 5 (Units 13-15)

7 Choose the best alternative to complete these

sentences. (10 marks)
I wasn't simply pleased when she told me her wonderful
news; I was absolutely ......... .
A delighted B amazed C fantastic D fascinating
2 Look at that view. It's absolutely .... ... .. .
A breathless B breathalysed C breathtaking
D breathing
3 In my .... .. .. . , the new library building is really ugly.
A point B thought C concern D opinion
4 'Would you like to go to the cinema or the ice rink
tonight?' 'I'm ... ...... . You decide.'
A good B simple C easy D well
5 The play wasn't very good, and almost half the .........
left before the end.
A cast B audience C viewers D spectators
6 Most companies are now careful to give ...... ... pay to
men and women.
A equality B equally C inequality D equal
7 The shop can't give you a discount, even if you pay
in ...... ... .
A cash B cheque C credit card D money
8 Stop wasting my time. Get to the .. ....... and say what
you mean!
A reason B point C motive D explanation
9 It would take a long time to swim or row a boat across
the river because of its great . .. .. .. .. .
A width B length C height D depth
10 When nobody was looking, we quietly .... ..... out of the
room and went home.
A set B dropped C left D slipped

152 Pearson Education Limited 2003 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test keys
Unit 1 test acceptable) 8 did break = broke 9 Have ever you = Have you
ever 10 film you like = film do I did you like
1A 2B 3B 4A SA 6B 7A 8B 9B 10A 4 1 order 2 so 3 that 4 that S not 6 Which 7 ask
2 1 pleasure = pleasurable 2 isolation = isolated 3 Religious = 8 know 9 tell 10 mind
Religion 4 danger = dangerous S poison = poisonous 5 1 It's g_ very 2 so as that 3 take over the pressures 4 took
6 necessary = necessity 7 high = height 8 difficult = difficulty their part S took the advantage 6 so that clearly that 7 such
9 wonderful = wonder 10 beautiful = beauty Qf a 8 such g_ good advice 9 I've been taken 10 lots of
3 1 recycle 2 solar 3 ozone 4 planted S transport 6 Global ~love
7 rainfall 8 electricity 9 fumes 10 working 6 1 beautiful 2 pleasure 3 wonderful 4 necessity S famous
4 1 its 2 them 3 about 4 But S of 6 are 7 the 8 is 6 tragedy 7 poisonous 8 creative 9 height 10 development
9 not 10 A 7 1 recycling bank 2 ozone layer 3 Solar power 4 instruments
S saxophone 6 lead singer 7 classmates 8 acquaintance
Unit 2 test 9 competitive 10 arrogant

1A 2B 3B 4B SA 6A 7B 8A 9B 10B Unit 4 test

2 1 took part in 2 can't take the pressures 3 if she had been
abroad 4 used to play tennis S do you take into account 1 happened 2 had been raining 3 was walking 4 slipped
6 Let's take advantage of (without an) 7 the exam brought out S landed 6 had left 7 had seen 8 was standing I had been
8 I was brought up 9 is as difficult as 10 package was sent standing 9 ran 10 was doing
to me 2 1 as 2 like 3 As 4 Like s as
3 1 instruments 2 classical 3 keyboards (or any other instrument
3 1B 2A 3A 4A SC
connected with rock music) 4 album I record I CD S (lead)
singer 6 band I group I rock group 7 song I track 8 listen 4 1 painful 2 dirty 3 musical 4 hopeful S political 6 active
9 number one 10 single 7 noisy 8 beautiful 9 famous 10 dangerous
4 1 thanks~ very much 2 I'm writing because to tell you S 1 the more harder 2 attend an extra 3 more of time 4 it's g_
3 Rotten Eggs they are playing 4 I know you can really like them very satisfying S don't gg:t trip 6 and the Australia 7 have to
S thought Qf you might 6 They are only be doing 7 would you be promise to 8 is that as if you 9 making JJQ their children
rather prefer 8 The most cheapest ticket 9 I hope when you 10 father they encouraged me
can come 10 write so soon
Unit 5 test
Progress test 1 (Units 1-3)
1 while 2 While I As I When 3 when 4 by the time I before I
1 don't believe 2 am doing 3 works 4 is working S rises when S In the meantime 6 During I Following I After 7 After
6 is thinking 7 want 8 are leaving 9 don't understand 8 at this time I at that time I then 9 previously 10 earlier I
10 flow before that
2 1 see 2 is starting 3 leaves 4 will make S gets 6 is going 2 1 can 2 was able to I could 3 Did you manage to 4 will be
to snow 7 am meeting 8 is going to have 9 meet able to S were able to I managed to 6 managed to 7 wasn't
10 are going to crash able to 8 can 9 wasn't able to I didn't manage to 10 can't
3 1 knew = have known 2 work = have worked 3 have you 3 1 scientist 2 artistic 3 designer 4 inventors S decision
moved = did you move 4 since =for S didn't speak = haven't 6 employment 7 invention 8 revolutionise I revolutionize
spoken 6 already did = have already done 7 just returned = 9 inconvenience 10 Unfortunately
have just returned (NB: In American English, I just returned is
4 1 leather 2 cardboard 3 wool 4 plastic S Cotton 6 silk
7 aluminium 8 gold 9 steel 10 wood

Unit tests: Percentage converter

Score 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
% 2.5 s 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27 .5 30 32.5 35
Score 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28
% 37.5 40 42.5 45 47.5 50 52.5 55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70
Score 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40
% 72.5 75 77.5 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 97.5 100

Test keys

Progress test 2 (Units 4-6) 3 1 your responsibility 2 enough technological 3 the ability
4 his arrival 5 is unbelievable
1 get 2 is working 3 will return 4 is going to rain 5 ends 4 1 carried I kept on 2 make up for 3 making out 4 catch up
6 am still thinking 7 will have 8 am meeting 9 arrives
with 5 get down to
10 boils
5 1 tall 2 height 3 width 4 high 5 low 6 narrow 7 narrow
2 1 happened 2 have known 3 lived 4 was waiting 5 hadn't 8 thin 9 shallow 10 low
heard 6 was surfing 7 had already eaten 8 didn't know
9 hadn't met 10 slipped
Progress test 3 (Units 7-9)
3 1 he would help me 2 ./ 3 have you come = did you come
4 ./ 5 like = as 6 managed get= managed to get 7 ./ 1 want 2 have missed 3 haven't done 4 have become I am
8 few = little 9 little = few 10 few = some I a few becoming 5 told 6 was trying 7 has been 8 am going to
write 9 start 10 begins
4 1 order 2 not 3 mind 4 such 5 by 6 meantime
7 previously 8 during 9 sheet I piece 10 loaf 2 1 in order not to 2 shouldn't have spoken 3 had (already) left
(the station) by 4 who lives in Bogota 5 not used to working
5 1 following on my business trip 2 got some lots of time 3 such
6 wasn't able to 7 reminded him to do his 8 were very few
Q. cold weather 4 Let's take the advantage 5 suggested that
people at 9 didn't use to 10 gets on my nerves
going 6 said me it would 7 told to me 8 reminded me about
to call 9 of the chocolate 10 afterwards that we can 3 1 in 2 into 3 out 4 up 5 on 6 out 7 over 8 on 9 out
10 down
6 1 difficulty 2 bossy 3 comfort 4 painful 5 active 6 musical
7 artistic 8 unfortunately 9 useless 10 conveniences 4 1 have to eaten 2 have ever done 3 look as like 4 just been
finished 5 puzzled the people 6 there's Q. little 7 who ~
7 1A 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 C
both 8 a lot of smaller 9 city ill where 10 You really do must

Unit 7 test 5 1C 2 B 3 D 4 D 5C 6 B 7 A 8 D 9 D 10 A
6 1 slight = slightly 2 consider = considerable 3 hopeless =
1 am used to getting up 2 used to fight 3 never used to give
hopeful 4 scientist = scientific 5 Employer = Employment
4 didn't use to like 5 am not used to 6 use to live 7 am just
6 powered = powerful 7 real = really 8 discover = discovery
not used to working 8 used to know 9 am still not used to
9 young = younger 10 recycled = recycling
speaking 10 didn't use to argue
7 1 lead 2 sensitive 3 broken 4 journals 5 documentary
2 1 is much younger than me 2 the youngest person 3 the
6 review 7 shop 8 back 9 thin 10 shallow
prettiest girl 4 the most exciting month 5 is slight~ shorter
than me 6 school is much smaller than (without a) 7 he still
Unit 10 test
did as well as me 8 was much more expensive (without of)
9 computer is far too expensive (without a) 10 it's cheaper than
1 don't have to 2 must 3 have to 4 should 5 mustn't
the others
6 didn't have to 7 had to 8 wasn't allowed to 9 don't have
3 1 get married, split up 2 get on, run away 3 get on my nerves, to 10 didn't have to
drop out 4 leave home, farewell party 5 move on, leaving
2 1 too quickly 2 enough petrol 3 big enough 4 too many
present 6 set off, see me off 7 get over, get back together
students 5 slowly enough 6 too noisy 7 too much time
8 slipped out, cry 9 kiss, wave 10 moved house, get to know
8 too spicy 9 enough money 10 safe enough
4 1F 2 B 3 A 4 J 5 H 6 C 7 D 8 E 9 I 10 G
3 1B 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 D 10 C
Unit 8 test 4 1 run out on = run out of; pointcash = cashpoint 2 put out of=
take out of; spent = spend 3 dept = debt; many = much
1 a, I 2 The, the 3 The, the 4 a, the 5 /, the 6 The, a 4 save off= save up; put in it= put it in 5 pay for cash = pay in
7 the, a 8 a, a 9 a, the 10 a, the cash; recipe = receipt

2 1 where, spent 2 whose, is 3 which, is 4 when, arrived

5 where, is working 6 which, started 7 whose, bit 8 who,
live 9 where, spent 10 when, leave I am leaving

Progress tests: Percentage converter

Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
% 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 19 20
Score 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

% 21 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 33 34 36 37 39 40
Score 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
% 41 43 44 46 47 49 50 51 53 54 56 57 59 60
Score 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
% 61 63 64 66 67 69 70 71 73 74 76 77 79 80
Score 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
% 81 83 84 86 87 89 90 91 93 94 96 97 99 100

Test keys

Unit 11 test Unit 14 test

1 speak, can't you 2 cooking, don't you 3 coming, aren't you 1 were arrested 2 had been eaten 3 have been offered
4 given, has she S swim, can you 6 talking, were you 4 was given S had been blown down
7 phone, won't you 8 take, are you 9 travelled, had you
2 1 had built= was built 2 cancelling = cancelled 3 be spoken =
10 live, didn't he
being spoken 4 isn't been = hasn't been S been for paid =
2 1 I've been having = I've had 2 ./ 3 She's been calling = She's been paid for
called 4 She's phoned = She's been phoning S ./ 6 You've
3 1 faster 2 more often 3 most fluently 4 earlier S well
been playing = You've played 7 I've just peeled = I've just been
6 worse 7 least 8 less 9 better 10 best
peeling 8 ./ 9 ./ 10 He's sent= He's been sending
4 1 goodness 2 easy 3 point 4 well S dream 6 care
3 1 spend, money 2 use, space 3 waste, electricity 4 spend,
7 mind 8 about 9 reason 10 want
time S save, time 6 waste, water 7 saving, paper I money
8 waste, time 9 saved, money 10 wasting, time 5 1 actors = audience 2 commercials = subtitles 3 directors =
actors 4 reviews = channels S film = plays 6 subtitles =
4 1 amazed 2 cheerful 3 worried 4 upset I unhappy
commercials 7 interval = reviews 8 audience = film
5 excited 6 confused 7 frustrated 8 depressed 9 nervous
9 plays = directors 10 channels= interval
10 hopeful
Progress test 5 (Units 13-15)
Progress test 4 (Units 10-12)
1 is working 2 was having 3 am meeting I am going to meet I
1 am trying 2 leaves 3 am going 4 have finished S were
will be meeting 4 had started S have just been jogging
having 6 had started 7 met 8 have eaten 9 have been
6 meeting 7 to paint 8 had already been made 9 was given
painting 10 have been
10 have never been worn
2 1 in order to avoid 2 It was during my time 3 such a good
2 1 reminded John to pay 2 not used to living 3 not as short as
time 4 At this time S able to fix 6 bar of soap 7 used to
4 weren't any passengers S has to be filled in 6 haven't been
getting up 8 in the United States 9 can't have seen
to 7 you mind telling 8 aren't old enough to 9 as long as
10 allowed to stay
10 can't send him the
3 1 since = for 2 were you = you were 3 like = as 4 explained
3 1 should 2 not 3 such 4 looks S managed 6 the 7 too
=told (OR me = that; OR ffle) S many times = much time 8 did 9 use 10 unless
6 which = in which (OR where) 7 who's = whose 8 very =
really I absolutely (OR brilliant = good, OR 'Jff'f) 9 spend = 4 1 been being here 2 stopped to talking 3 gave to me 4 was
waste I use 10 do you = can you been arrested S I'll have be 6 It was while during 7 of the
toast 8 seen so a film 9 must have be 10 a word, but I'll
4 1 for 2 up 3 out 4 to S of 6 up 7 to 8 on 9 in
10 about 5 1 getting 2 made 3 set I get 4 giving S make 6 get
7 gave 8 work 9 make 10 given
1 annoyed 2 brutal 3 invention 4 revolutionize I revolutionise
5 life 6 cheerful 7 Scientific 8 infamous 9 photographic 6 1 belief 2 unacceptable 3 famous 4 imaginative
10 competitors S technological 6 arrival 7 conveniences 8 unfortunately
9 talkative 10 religious
6 1 He denied stealing my money.
2 I'm not used to working so hard every day. 7 1A 2C 3D 4C SB 6D 7A 88 9A 10D
3 You shouldn't use his computer without his permission.
4 You should have dressed more smartly for your interview.
5 We haven't got enough money to pay for our holiday.
6 You really mustn't tell anyone my secret.
7 I must get home before ten o'clock.
8 You called her last night, didn't you?
9 Jane might know where your watch is.
10 You must have been asleep when the phone rang.
71B 2C 3A 4B SD 6B 7A 8C 9A 10D

Unit 13 test

1 to take 2 talking 3 to call 4 using 5 explaining 6 to tell

7 to post 8 being 9 sending 10 making
2 1 be thinking 2 have won 3 be sitting 4 be wearing 5 have
finished 6 have spent 7 have been 8 be going 9 have
known 10 be tearing
31B 2C 3A 4A SD
4 1 up 2 up 3 of 4 out S for
1 going clubbing, great fun 2 eating out, sunbathing 3 by air,
hitchhike 4 breathtaking, polluted 5 by tube, on foot 6 noisy,
strange 7 sightseeing, shops 8 visa, passport 9 international
driving licence, windsurfing 10 boarding pass, landing card


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