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Harmonic Measurements in Industrial Power Systems

General Electric Company
8 Automation Lane
Albany, N.Y. 12205

Abstract-Harmonic measurements are made in mdus- necessary to perform a harmonic analysis to determiue
trial power systems m order to: (a) aid in the design of whether a capacitor bank may be used, or whether a
capacitor or filter banks, (b) vetlfy the design and harmonic filter is needed. Harmonic current injections
installation of capacitor or filter banks, (c) verify from standard power conversion equipment, such as six-
compliance with utllay harmonic distortion and twelvepulse drives, may be estimated without
requirements and (d) investigate suspected harmonic measurement. Howewer, the loading and diversity
problems. The results of these measurements are used factors may not be known. In addition, the wide variety
in design calculations, verification, comparison with of harmonic producing equipment in a facility may
standards, and system modeling. Each of these make estimation difEcult. The harmonic measurements
objectives will affect the choice of a measurement should be taken at times when the largest harmonic
approach. The selection of the measured quantities, sources are in steady-state operation at maximum
measurement points in the system, and the types of loading. Harmonic measurements are also needed to
instruments and transducers should be based upon the determine the distortion present from the utility system.
measurement objective. Once measurements are taken, This fnctor can only be determined by measurement.
additional calculations must be made to put the results The harmonic measurement data are then used to calcu-
into a useful form. The measurement results will then late the expected harmonic currents and voltages to be
provide a h basis for further engineaiug work. experienced by the proposed capacitor or filter bank.

I. INTRODUCTION B. Harmonic Filter and Cauacitor Bank Installation

Harmonic analysis studies of industrial power systems After the desigo process is complete, and a capacitor or
require measurement data. An approximate calculation filter bank has been installed, it should be checked to
may be made using estimates of harmonic maguitudes determine whether the desired results have been ob-
derived from equipment nameplate data, but this might tained and that the bank has been applied viithiu its de-
not reflect operating conditions. IEEE Standard 519- sign limits. Power factor measurements and fundamen-
1992 [l] contains " m e n d e d practices for tal ffquency voltage and current measurements provide
performing harmonic measurements. The harmonic initial codinnation of correct operation. Measurements
measurement process begms with the choice of of the harmonic voltages at, and of currents into, the
equipment and techniques that will determine the bank should be compared with the specified harmonic
validity of the results. General purpose spectnmr voltage and current capabilities of the bank. These
analysis instruments provide a wide variety of possible measurements are a baseline for tracking the future
measurement modes, from whicb the proper settings for performance of the device. Additional measurements
power system measurements must be chosen. Special- should be taken when any sigtuficant change is made in
purpose power system harmonic analyzers exist which the power system. A bank that has been properly
have fewer choices of measurement modes available, d e s i p d for one set of conditions may fail when
and thus require an uuderstanding of when and how they subjected to conditions not envisioned at the time of in-
can be used. Transducers that provide the low voltage stallation.
input for instruments are a critical link in the Harmonic current and voltage levels at a common bus
measurement process. Measurement points in the can vary with not only the m a w e , but the phase
system depend upon what analysis is to be done with angle of the harmonic sources. For this reason, a single
the measurement results. measurement alone may not indicate worst case
conditions. Harmonic measurements should always be
II. PURPOSES OF HARMONIC evaluated in conjunction with harmonic calculations.

A. Harmonic Filter Design and Camcitor Bank Amli- C. Comoliance with Ut&
and IEEE 519 Require

Before power factor correction capacitors are applied The requirements specified by an electric utility com-
in a facllay where s i d c a n t sources of harmonic pany for harmonic injection by industrial customers
currents and/or voltages are present, it is usually may be checked by measurements, but additional calcu-

0-7803-1877-3/94/$3.000 1994 IEEE

lations are often needed. IEEE Standard 5 19 [11 speci-
fies allowable levels of harmonic currents at the "point
of common coupling." Harmonic measurements,
coupled with harmonic analysis of both the worst case
conditions and of the &ects of the addition of power
factor correction capacitors or harmonic filters, will
indicate w h d e r or not a possible harmonic problem
exists, and can also serve to venfy the correctness of the
0"b Q
k Harmonic Filter Design and CaDacitor Bank h l i -

The harmonic measurement data needed for design

calculations consist of harmonic source currents and HARMONIC CURRENT
voltages. Load equipment, such as rectifiers and
variable speed drives, are modeled as harmonic current m
sources in the calculations. The incoming harmonics MEASUREMENT POINT

kom elsewbere in the power system, e.g., the utlllty Ke Y

interfaces, are modeled as voltage sources. 1 - Incoming Lme
Voltage and Current
Harmonic current measurements at feeders and at 2 - Incoming Main Breaker
Voltage a n d Current
substation main breakers may be used to trace harmonic 3 - Feeder Breaker Current
currents to their sources. 4 - Low Voltage Substation
Main Breaker Voltage
Current measurements in a substation should be made a n d Current
at feeder breakers in preference to the main breaker (see 5 - Harmonic Source Current
6 - Capacitor Bank Current
Figures 1 and 2). If some of the feeders go to impedance
loads, such as motors, then measurements should be
made on the f w s ) of interest. The reason for this is Figure 1. OneLme Diagram of Typical Industrial Power
that the harmonic curreuts will divide betweea the System Showing Locations for Harmonic Measure-
transformer and the motors. Measurements may be ments.
made at the main breaker as a check. The s u m of the
feeder harmonic currents as measured should not be
expected to be the same as the harmonic currents
measured at the main breaker, because the phase angles M A I N BUS
of the currents are not measured. If power factor VOLTAGE M A I N BREAKER
correction capacitors are present anywhere in the
system, they should be disconnected during the
measurements to avoid resonance effects. i CURRENT

Current measurements should be made on all three

phases if possible, because harmonic currents may be
Voltage measurements at the point of common cou-

pling are necessary for the harmonic calculations. As W

with the current data, all three phases should be SCR

B. Harmonic Filter and CaDacitor Bank Installation Figure 2. OneLine Diagram of a Substation with Power
Factor Correction Capacitors and DC Drives.
Measurements taken &er installation do not need to
be as extensive as those made earlier. The harmonic
content of the capacitor current, bus voltage, and of the C. Compliance with Utility and IEEE 5 19 Rauirements
current and voltage at the utility tie point should be
checked. Industrial facilities should not supply more than the
Harmonic voltage measurements at substation buses allowed amount of harmonic current to the utility. The
will help to locate problem resonances. These point of common coupling is not always where the
measurements should be made with all existing metering is located, as is shown in Figure 3. Due to the
capacitors connected. expense of high voltage metering equipment, metering is
sometimes performed at the secondary level (Figure 3b),

and the utility billing is corrected for the losses in the More work needs to be done on the accuracy of CT
transformer. When harmonic measurements must be circuits at harmonic fkqueacies
made at the secondary level, they too must be corrected. The impedances m defined as follows:

Primary Impedance. This is not a factor in CT

I, Zps --Secondary winding capacitance.

Ze-- Excitation Impedance. This fieqwocy
dependent inductance forms a parallel resonant circuit
with Z(-s
Zs-- Secondary winding Mpedance. This is
smaller than Ze, resultmg in a very high resonant fie
z b -- Burden Impedance. This may have fiequency
dependence as well, which is not modeled here.

(0) P r 8 n o r y Meter,ng



(b) Secondory Metering Zb

Figure3. OneLine Diagrams Showing Point of

Common Coupling: (a) Primary MeCering, (b) Secon- Figure 4. Current Measurement (a) Circuit, (b)
dary Metering Equivalent Circuit [2].

The Ratio Correction Factor may be calculated from the

k Transducers
RCF = 1+*+*
z+z z+z,
Current Transformers It is preferable for safety rea- L, Le
sons to make current measurements at locations where Ibe resonant fkquency of Ze and ZCS is well above
current transformers (CTs) are already present for relay- the range of interest. If resistance is neglected, the
ing or metering pwposes. A clamp-on current probe is resonant fiequency of L and C is:
normally attached to the CT secondary leads. l'his
may be done at the back of a relay, or at an ammeter or
ammeter switch.
f= (2)
CT accuracy is usually specified only for 60 Hz 2 n m
According to the IEEEStandard 5 19-1992 [11, CTs have Ifthe inductance is fiequency dependent,
an accuracy in the range of 3% at frequencies up to 10 r
kHz [2]. The fiequea~cyresponse characteristics of a CT
circuit are a function of the internal impedances of the
CT and its burden. This is illustrated in Figures 4 and 5.
then the resonant ftequency becomes:

& -- Impedance of the measurement circuit.
The input circuit consists of the resistance and induc-
tance of the system forming a low-pass filter with the
For values of Lo = 8, and C = 1 nF for a CT tested by input capacitance of the VT. This does not affect the
Douglas [2], the resonant fkqwncy is approximately
21.6kHz This is well above the range of interest.
The percentage error as compared to the fundamental
1 4800120

may be calculated using (1). For the CT [2] and burden

combination shown, the maximum error at the 50th
harmonic of 60 Hz is less than l.oO/o. l'his is illustrated
in Figure 5. If similar data was available for other CTs,
and if burden impedances versus h q w c y were known,
the accuracy of actual measurement situations could be


1D1 -
lms .. MBwden MhOUIBwden
m ..

laxL ..
Input Ze ZCS Zm Zb

1m1 ..
1 , ; , : , : , , : , : + Figure 6. Voltage transformer, Burden and Harmonic
1 5 9 1 3 1 7 2 1 Z 5 2 8 3 3 3 7 4 1 4 6 4 8
Analyzer Input: (a) Circuit, (b) Equivalent Circuit [3].


Figure 5 . Current Measurement Equivalent Circuit F r e
q w c y Response Curves [2]. The CT modeled has a
ratio of 4000/5. The burden is a relay with R = 0.1
ohm, L = 9 3 m

Voltage transformers. Magnetic type voltage

transformers (VTs) are typically used in Industrial
Power Systems. The typical accuracy of a VT [l] is
within 3% for harmonics less than 5 kHz [3]. A typical
VT measurement circuit is shown in Figure 6. "he
Ratio Correction Factor (RCF) [3] is:
Figure 7. Voltage transformer, Burden and Harmonic
1 1 1 1 Analyzer Input: Frequency Response C w e s [3], using
RCF = l+Z;(-+-+-+-) (5) the data of Figure 6. The burden resistance is 2960
4 z, z
c3 zln Ohms.and the inductance is 1.52 Henries.
Where: response m the fkquency range considered here. 'Ihe
internal resonant fiequencies of the VT may be analyzed
zPs -- Winding Impedance. 'Ihis includes a series R-L in a similar manner to those of the CT. These reso-
term, and a primary-secondary capacitance. nances also are above the fieqmcy range of interest for
harmonic measurements.
zb -- Burden Impedance.
Direct Connections Direct connection may be made to
ZCS - Secondary capacitance to ground. Low Voltage circuits in cases where CTs and VTs are
not available. Voltage measurements may be performed
2, -- Excitation Impedance. This varies with frequency using a 100:1 Oscilloscope probe with d 6 c i e a t voltage
in a similar manner to the CT impedance. rating. Current measurements may be made by

attaching a clampon Current Probe around a cable or case in a power system that the ground of Voltage
busbar. For all direct measurements, the connection transformers in switchgear is not the same as the ground
should only be made while the circuit is de-energzed, of nearby receptacle outlets. If these two grounds are
locked out and grounded. The grounds must be not the same, applying the ground lead may cause a
removed, and the circuit reenergzed before the short circuit to occur, which may be dangerous to
measurement is made. personnel and damaging to equipment.

B. Probes C. J e m t h u t Interface

Clampon Current Transformers. The clampon cur- howdance The input impedance of an instrument is
rent transformer contains a split-core in a hmged struc- characterized by a resistance and a capacitance.
ture that allows for easy attachment to the circuit being Typically, harmonic analyzers have a 1 MO input
investigated. A small burden resistance (typically 5 resistance that is compatible with scope probe inputs.
Ohms) is attached to the CT output. It is selected so as ?be input capacitance of an instrumeat may be in the
not to cause saturation, but to provide mthcient input range of 10.100 pF. This is too small to have a
voltage for the instrument. Frequency response noticeable effect for harmonic measurements. If a probe
specifications and/or curves should be available h m is used, its input resistance and capacitance apply, not
the manufacturer to aid in selection. Clampon CTs are those of the instrument.
available in many styles, current ranges, ftequency
ranges, and accuracies. Many CTs designed for use at Voltaee Ihe inputs of instruments are only able to
60 Hz have an accuracy that fills off rapidly at the withstand a small voltage. Overvoltages will cause
higher harmonics, while CTs designed for higher ffe- measurement errors and possibly equipment damage.
quencies may not be accurate at 60 Hz Suitable Because of this,the use of a lOOX oscilloscope probe is
current probes have an accuracy of 0.5 to 2% over a recommended.
frequency range of 50 to 10,000 Hz The input range selection should be carefully noted.
Whether the input has manual or auto- ranging, the best
Hall Wect Probes. Hall effect current probes are accuracy is obtained when the amplitude signal being
similar to clampon current transformers in their manner measured is near the top of the range being used.
of usage. The semiconducting Hall d e c t device allows
DC currents to be measured as well as AC currents. D. HarmonicAnalvzers
?be specified accuracy for typical commercial probes is
2 to 5% over a frequency range of dc to 500 or 1000 Hz D!Es
Hall effect probes have not been generally used for
harmonic measurements in power systems, Harmonic measurements may be made with any of
several types of measurement systems. Almost all
Voltaae Probes. Voltage probes used for harmonic harmonic analyzers now use the Fast Fourier Transform
measurement serve two fimctions: to reduce the meas- (FFT) calculation procedure [9] for sampled data.
ured voltage to one usable by the instrument, and to
ke disturbance to the system being measured. SWCtrUm Analvzers combine the fimctions of data
Standard oscilloscope probes are generally used for input, calculation, and presentation of harmonic
harmonic measurements. The two major characteristics data, usually on an oscilloscope screen. These.are
of an oscilloscope probe are high resistance (typically available in both laboratory and portable types. A
10 MO) and low capacitance (typically 10-100 pF for a wide variety of frequency ranges and accuracy
1OX probe and 2 pF for a lOOX probe) [4]. The levels are available, some of which are suitable for
inductance is negbgible. Probe ftequency response is in power system use.
the hundreds of MHZ Care should be taken not to ex-
ceed the voltage rating of the probe. Portable Comwters may be fitted with analog input
The ground lead of the probe is a critical part of the boards and used as a spectrum analyzer. The FFT
measurement circuit. I f a differential input amplifier is may be pedormed in software or on a digital signal
available, two probes may be used, and the ground leads processing board.
removed f h m the probes. Where a single-ended meas-
urement must be made, the ground lead may be con- Power Svstem Harmonics Analvzer. Special
nected to the grounded side of the circuit being meas- purpose instruments are available to measure
ured onlv if the voltage is first measured between the power system harmonics. Harmonic analysis
instruments ground (usually the case, which is con- capability is also available as a feature on other
nected to the third wire of the 120 volt plug for s & ~ ) types of instrument, such as power and disturbance
and the point where the ground lead is to be attached, analyzers.
and found to be within acceptable limits. It is often the

Digital Stora~Oscilloscom [5] may be used to and included as if they were lower frequency spectral
gather sampled data, which is then transferred to a lines. Aliasing may cause measurement errors when
computer for processing. signals are present in the system which have a higher
frequency than the highest frequency being measured.
?his effect is minimized by anti-aliasing filters, present
in all harmonic analyzers. Because aliasing is caused
by outside signals, its &kt cannot be included in the
percentage error of the instrumeat. 'Ihe specification
Minimum SDecifications. which describes aliasing is the steepness of the anti-
Fmuencv Ranee. The frequency range to be measured
depends upon the purpose of the measurement. For
capacitor and harmonic filter design and application, Aliasing o f 6 5 t h H a r m o n i c
only those harmonics which have sufEcient m a m e
to affect the current and voltage rating of the device
need to be considered. Typically, measurements may
be made up to the 25th harmonic. The requirements of
IEEE Standard 519-1992 [l] include limitations on
harmonics above the 35th order. Instruments measuring
up to the 50th harmonic (3000 Hz in a 60 Hz system)
may be used. In many situations, harmonic magnaudes
above the 25th are so low that they have no practical
128 S a m p l e s
Accuracy. It is recommended in IEEE Standard 519-
1992 [l], that the harmonic analyzer used have an
accuracy of 5% of the harmonic limit specified in that
standard. For example, the limit for current harmonics
supplied fiom a distribution system at the point of
common coupling is 0.3% of the fundamental for odd Aliasing of 65th Harmonic
harmonics of order greater than 35. An error of 5% in
measuring 0.3% means that the overall accuracy must ~ 'T
be 0.015% of the fimdamental. For even harmonics, the
limit is 25% of this. In many practical cases,
measurement may be limited to the first 25 odd
harmonics, resulting in an accuracy requirement of
0.075% of the fimdamental.

Noise in the instrument input circuit may be specified

, :
. I
48 64 83 96112
as an additional source of error in harmonic analyzers.
This should be well below the level of the input signal.
In order to "ise errors caused by noise, the input
voltage to the instrumat should be well above the lower @)
limit of the input range.
Figure 8. (a) Time plot of the &ect of sampling a signal
Dvnamic Ranee. 'Ihe dynamic range of the instrument of a frequency N/2 + 1 cycles per sampling period.
should be checked to ensure that the smallest detectable Here, N = 128 and a = 1. (b) The result of the FFT of
variations are not larger than the resolution required. this signal, showing aliasing to N/2 - 1 cycles.
The binary word length of the Analog to Digital
Aliasing is a consequence of the sampling process, and
Converter (ADC) provides the dynamic range. In order
to resolve a signal variation of 0.015% of fbll scale, a opemtes on the same principles as the sampling of a
hquency within the range desired. For an N point
dynamic range of 76 dl3 is needed. 'Ihis may be
provided by a 14 bit ADC. ADC specifications also sample, frequenciesfrom 0 to N/2 - 1 cycles per sample
period are captured, and the FFT will display them at
include a linearity error term on the order of f l Least
the correct fiequency. When the signal fresuency is
Significant Bit. This ADC error is included in the
between N/2 and N cycles per sample period, two or
overall instrument specification.
fewer samples per cycle are taken Aliasing occurs when
the FFT maps these frequencies into the range of 0 to
Aliasing occurs when signals of frequencies higher than
N/2 - 1. The amplitude level of the signal is preserved
the upper limit of the spectrum displayed ace sampled
during aliasing. The spectral Lines are mirrored at N/2,

_. .
so that a signal of N/2 +1 is displayed as if it were N/2 - Typical starting points are 50 out of 64 and 400 out of
1. This phenomenon also occurs with desired signals, 512 cycles per sampling period. A typical value of
so that a signal of fieqwncy 1 is mirrored at N - 1. rolloff is -130 dB per Decade. For the example of
When the FFT is calculated, the magnitudes of the lines Figure 8, the attenuation would be:
fiom 0 to N/2 - 1 are doubled, and the higher order lines
are dropped.
Let the sampled signal be expressed as a h c t i o n of
Atten. = 13Olog( $) (io)
the sample number, n:
=25.1 dB
= 5.56%

?bus the aliased signal is .0556/78 = 0.000712 per rmit,

where h is the harmonic order, N the number of causing a 3.6% m o r in the 0.02 per lmit 50th harmonic.
samples, and 8 the phase angle of the signal. If h is I h e slope of this anti-aliasing filter is illustrated in
expressed as a function of N/2 and a, where a is the Figure 9.
order of the aliasing:

- )+ @) . -+a (7)

lhis may be expressed as the product of a cosine wave

of fiequency N/2 and a sine wave of fiequency a:

50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120


Figure 9. Anti-aliasing filter rolloff at -130 &/decade

starting at the 50th harmonic. For a 64 point FFT,
This product models the modulation effect shown in harmonics beyond the 78th would be aliased.
Figure 8(a), and may be expressed as two sidebands of
Nl2: For another example, suppose that the spectral lines
are spaced every 5 Hz,and 400 lines are displayed, the
maximum harmonic shown is the 3314 and the
. - ' /o\
maximum frequency is 2000 Hz With 512 bits m the
FFT, samples are taken up to 2560 Hz,just below the
43rd harmonic. 'Ihe first aliased hquency that can
appear in the display is 3120 Hz,or the 52nd harmonic.
At -130 dB/decade starting at 2000 Hz.,the attenuation
at 3120 Hz is 25.1 dB.,as in the example above. As
?be FFT produces both of the above terms in an N-line above, this will result in a 3.5% error m the 33rd
output. An example is shown in Figure 8@). This is harmonic for l/h amplitude distributions.
reduced to N/2 lines, with the values doubled, in the
final output. If a is negative, then the signal is within W i n d o w is used in spectnmr analyzers to provide
the range of the FFT and the aliasing is at the higher filtering in the time domain and bandwidth control in
fiequency of N a cycles. the frequency domain. Windowing in an FFT spectrum
A harmonic analyzer that samples 128 times, as in
analyzer performs the same function as bandpass
Figure 8, may have a display that goes to the 50th filtering did in earlier spectnrm analyzers which used
barmonic. The 78th harmonic would be aliased to the analog electronics. In the time domain, discrepancies
50th with a magnitude l/n of 0.0128, causing a 64%
due to changes in the signal during the sampling period
error in the measurement of the 50th harmonic of are removed. Windowing is performed by multiplying
magnitude 0.02. Anti-aliasing filters are used to reduce the sampled data by a window function, which is zero at
this error. each end of the time record.
Anti-aliasing filters are steep rolloff analog or digital A signal should have exactly the same voltage at the
filters placed in the instrument before sampling takes beginning of each consecutive sampling interval [8].
place. The filter rolloff starts below the fiequency N/2. Tbis may be accomplished if the system is in a steady-

- ~ -.
state condition with only integral order (characteristic) Ifthe error, E, goes to zero, then Cn also goes to zero
harmonics and the sampling mterval, T, is an integral unless m = n. When m = n,
multiple of the fundamental cycle time, 1/ Under
these conditions, each spectral line of the FFT contains 2 sin(n-n.E)
information on the magnitude of its respective harmonic q=-.
2 + ~n - n . E '
only. For N samples, N/2 lines are generated, giving a
maximum harmonic order of which goes to 1 if E goes to zero. One method of
making m = n is to use a phaselocked loop circuit to
lock the sampling period to the power system fiequency.

Third Harmonic x 1.01 1

If 1024 samples are taken in 0.2 Seconds, Lax = 42.
The spectral lines are spaced 1/0.2 or 5 Hz apart. In
order to detect non-characteristic harmonics, a
fiequency resolution of less than 60 Hz is required. The
amount of resolution between characteristic harmonics
depends upon the length, T, of the sampling interval.
The bandwidth of the measurement is usually wider
than the resolution due to windowing.
The N samples of the waveform being measured are
assumed by the FFT to be exactly repeated over all
time. If there is a discrepancy in the endpoints, then
errors will occur where signals fiom one fkquency are
added to those at anothex fiequency in the result. "his 128 Samples
is called spectral leakage. Suppose that the sampled
signal has a small frequency &or, E, in comparison
with the sample period, T

f ( t ) = sin(w.t.m(l+s)) (12) magnitude

Third Hanonicx1.01 showing leakage.
E 0.05
where0=2-n*f7andmisaninteger. TheFourier
Series of this fimction is:
F 0.04
9 0.03
F(t) = cmC,
n=O cos( o e t en + 4,) (13)
42 0II 0.02
.E= 0.01
i o
where 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213
Harmonic Order

2nsin( nmE)
=Abs{ n a b } (14) Figure 10. Illustration of spectral leakage. (a) Third
harmonic signal with 1% f i e q w c y error. (b) Magnitude
of leakage for lower order harmonic fiequencies.

and a = m (1 + E) - n, b = m (1 + E) + n. Notice that m This is valid as long as neither the f i e q w c y nor the
is the original harmonic order of the measured signal, harmonic content changes during the sampling interval
while n is the harmonic order of the calculated In the general case, the approach that is used is to
harmonic. This equation may be used to calculate the multiply the data by a window fimction that forces it to
leakage error for a small fiequency deviation between zero at each end of the sampling interval [6,7l.This can
the fiequency being measured and the sampling rate of only be done accurately if several cycles of the
the instrument. As an example, a third harmonic signal fundamental are included in the sample interval.
measured with a fieqmcy error of 1% gives a second Twelve or more cycles are usually taken. The window
harmonic component as follows: m = 3, n = 2, E = 0.01, function that provides the best measurement accuracy is
a = 1.03, b = 5.03, Cn = 0.023. The second harmonic the Flat Top or P201 window, developed by RW. Potter
leakage component is thus 2.3% of the third harmonic [6]. 'Ihis window has an accuracy of 1% or better for
signal. This example is illustrated m Figure 10. signals within the passband, and has minimal ripple
outside, resultiug m very little leakage.

. -.


Vrms nn- A A A-A- n-n A - A I\


m V o 1t

-20 I
START: 0 Sec STOP: 200 mSec
X: 60 Hz Y: 9.644 mVrms

Figure ll(a). Example of harmonic time and fieqmcy plots.

The lack of a window is a window itself, called the

uniform window [SI. The passband of the uniform
window is the same shape as the Fourier Trandorm of a
rectangular pulse. This is called the Dirichlet kernel, 60 9.643840
120 0.172305
and crosses the h o k t a l axis at integral multiples of 180
, 0.111622
l/r. All of the signals within any of the lobes are 300 2.22e435
360 0.010796
reported m the FFT as part of the harmonic being 420 0.406912
480 0.031020
measured. 540 0.160509
604 0.021196
660 0.838977
no 0.011017
780 0.211742
E. Wut Formats 840
960 0.020547
1020 0.516714
Data Storage Requirements. Because of the large 1080 0.014085
1140 0.126692
amount of measurement data collected, the harmonic 1200 0.021903
analyzer should have sufficient non-volatile data 1260 0.149194
1320 0.016943
memory. 'fhis can be in the form of bubble memory, 1380
solid-state memory cards using electrically erasable 1500 0.102153
1560 0.039994
programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) or similar 1620 0.151095
1680 0.023227
devices. Floppy disk data storage may be used ifthe 1740 0.274709
1a00 0.017199
e"ent permits. 1060 0.022349
1920 0.021852
1980 0.119536
Printed Results. The measurement results may be RSS -- 9.9768 mV
printed with both time and frequency plots alongside the
tabulated harmonic magnitudes, as shown in Figure 11.
Vrum - 26.5054 %
16.1146 mV

These results may be printed automatically by the use of

a computer that interfaces with the harmonic analyzer.
Figure 1l(b). Example of harmonic measurement
results m tabular format.



:ma= E VG:~ R
PT mtlo
CKT Volt.
m c or SCOPC:

Figure 12. Example of a harmonic measurement data collection form.

V. EVALUATION OF RESULTS being analyzed. Careful measurement procedure should

eliminate this added complication in most cases.
A. Additional Calculations Needed
B. Use ofresults
The result of a harmonic measurement consists of a
millivolt level for each firesuency on each phase. l'his The harmonic analysis program should first be used to
can be converted to system volts or amperes by model the existing system as a base case. As many case
multiplying by the CT or VT ratios and by taking into conditions as necessary should be used to model all
account transducers and burden resistors. It is switching configurations in the system. From this the
important that all necessary data be recorded m the m a x i " harmonic current magmitudes can be
field. A typical data recording form is shown in Figure determined for the PCC and compared with the limits
12. This also contains spaces for recording data directly specified in IEEE Standard 519-1992 [l], or other
if an instrument with memory is not available. standard as required. "his will aid in determining
Because the power system is modeled with a oneline whether a harmonic filter is necessary. The harmonic
equivalent circuit, the harmonic magnaudes fkom all currents and voltages at existing capacitors and har-
three phases should be averaged. The harmonics should monic filters may be calculated and compared with their
be converted to a percentage of the fimdamental, as well ratings.
as to system amperes and volts. The total harmonic The next step is to analyze the system for resonances,
distortion ('ITID) and total demand distortion O D ) [l] usmg existing or recommended capacitors as necessary.
must also be calculated. Calculations pdormed usually include determining
Harmonics are evaluated on a steady-state basis, amplification factors for injected currents, and
meaning that design values are constant for periods of 1 impedance magnitudes and angles. Both of these
hour or more [ 11, it may be necessary to average several calculations produce plots of harmonic scans across the
measurements taken at different times. This may be fkequency range of interest. These calculations should
done within the instrument, or later when the data is be done for all case conditions, and for all permutations
of component tolerances within each case condition.

When appropriate capacitor and/or filter sizes and
locations have been determined, the current and voltage REFERENCES
calculations performed originally should be repeated.
Using the design values, currents and voltages should be [ 11 IEEE Standard 519-1992: IEEE Recommended
calculated for all permutations of component tolerances Practices and Requirementsfor Harmonic Control
during all case conditions. The worst case results in Electrical Power Systems. New York: IEEE,
should then be used in specifying the components. The 1993.
current values at the PCC should be compared with the
limits given in IEEE Standard 519-1992 [l], or other [2] D. A. Douglas, "Current Transformer Accuracy
required standard, and with base case values. The with Asymmetric and High Frequency Fault
harmonic currents should be reduced to an acceptable Currents," in ZEEE Transactions on Power
level in the h a 1 result. Apparatus andsystems, Vol. PAS-100, No.3, pp.
1006-1011, March, 1981.
[3) D. k Douglas, "Voltage transformer Accuracy at
By careful selection of equipment and techniques, 60 Hz Voltages Above and Below Ratmg and at
useful harmonic measurements may be made in Frequencies Above 60 Hz," m IEEE Transactions
industrial power systems. on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS- 100,
The accuracy of the various portions of the No.3, pp. 1370-1375, March, 1981.
measurement system may be estimated as follows, in
percentage of the measured harmonic: [4] Tektranix, Inc., ABC's of Probes, Beaverton, Ore-
gon: Tektronix, Inc., 1989.
Instrument Transformers 0.1 -- 1%
[5] J.K.Winn, Jr., D.R Crow, "Harmonic Measure-
current Probes 0.5 -- 2% ments Using a Digital Storage Oscilloscope," in
IEEE Transactions on Indusw Applications, Vol.
Harmonic Analyzer 5 yo IA-25,N.4, p ~ 783-788,
. JUlyIAUguSt 1989.

Aliasing 0 -- 3.6% [6] Dick Benson, Techniquesfor Signal and System

Analysis, PN 363-0100-01, Beaverton, Oregon:
Windowing 0 *- 1% Tektronix, Inc., 1991.
Leakage 0 -- 5% [7l The Fundamentals of Signal Analysis, Application
Note 243, Palo Alto, CA: Hewlett-Packard, 1985.
Overall measurement error should be on the order of
10% of the harmonic magnitude. If a harmonic is [8] F.J. Harris, "Onthe Use of Windows for Harmonic
measured which is 0.3% of the fimdamental, the overall analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform," in
accuracy required is 0.03%. The instrument accuracy Proceedings ofthe IEEE, Vol. 66, NO. 1, pp. 51 -
should then be 0.015% of the fuudamental or better. 83. January, 1978.
The least expensive way to improve accuracy is to use
the spectrum analyzer fumction selections wisely. [9] W.T. Cochran, J.W.Cooley, "What is the Fast
Current probe selection is also of critical importance. Fourier Transform?" in Proceedings of the IEEE,
The use of probes not designed for use above 60 Hz Vol. 5 5 , No. 10, pp. 1664-1674, October, 1967.
can result m far greater inaccuracies.
When the measurements have been completed, they
may be used in harmonic calculations to design filters
and to check compliance with stsndards. If the
measurements have been performed with their final use
m mind, the h a 1 result will be both accurate and useful.


The author would like to thank Mr. Randall Schlake of

General Electric Company, who developed some of the
test procedures described here, including the document
shown in Figure 12. The author would also like to
thank Mr. Louie Powell of General Electric Company
for his many helpful suggestions.


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