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MaxPlanckResearch 3 | 13
The Body
According to Leonardo

Photo: Royal Collection Trust / Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013


In an age of modern anatomy atlases and freely available online body-browsers, Leonardo
da Vincis drawings of organs and body parts done with quill, ink and red chalk may strike us
as aesthetically pleasing, yet antiquated. Nevertheless, almost everyone in Germany carries
a reproduction of his famous Vitruvian Man with them on their health insurance card.
Alessandro Nova, Director at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, on the other hand,
explores Leonardos work in the light of the scientific knowledge it generates.


nyone who examines Leo- isches Institut in Florenz since 2006, to Leonardo was at the height of his ana-
nardo da Vincis anatomi- take a fresh look at the drawings, not tomical research when he met della
cal drawings will probably so much by examining their results, Torre in Pavia around 1510. The artist
first ask themselves to what but by pursuing the question of what had turned his attention to anatomy as
extent the detailed studies role the process of drawing, the genu- early as 1487 in Milan something
correlate to todays state of medical ine artistic act, played in the genera- that would occupy him for the rest of
knowledge. The depictions seem all too tion of scientific knowledge. his life. In the beginning, his investiga-
familiar, hardly deviating from the way tions into traditional medical knowl-
we see things today. And yet it is im- VEILED IN THE SHADOW edge played an important role, at least
portant to note that Leonardo was a pi- OF IGNORANCE as far as he was able to tap into such in-
oneer in this area and wasnt able to re- formation. After all, it must be borne
fer to anything even approximating Giorgio Vasari (1511 to 1574), who in mind that Leonardo was self-taught
such graphic visualizations of the in- paid tribute to numerous Renaissance in this area, and could read neither Lat-
ner workings of the human body. Med- artists with comprehensive biogra- in nor Greek. In his day, he was consid-
ical-historical research has already ex- phies, also turned his attention to ered to be a man without a classical ed-
tensively compared the knowledge Leonardos anatomical studies and ucation, which made it much more
that Leonardo garnered in his day with shed light on his association with the difficult for him to gain access to the
that of todays anatomical informa- physician and anatomy professor academic world. This was especially
tion, just as his specific morphological Marcantonio della Torre (1481 to the case with the work of Galen of Per-
and physiological discoveries have 1511). According to Vasari, he was gamon (129 to 199 A.D.), whose doc-
long been fully appreciated. The exten- one of the first that began to illustrate trines went unchallenged back then. It
sive inventory of drawings has also the problems of medicine with the has been proven that Leonardos li-
been philologically classified and sub- doctrine of Galen, and to throw true brary contained a copy of Johannes de
divided into anatomical units such as light on anatomy, which up to that Kethams Fasciculus Medicinae, whose
skeletal system, musculature, nervous time had been veiled in the thick and illustrations could at least visually con-
system and circulatory system, as well gross shadow of ignorance. And in vey Galens teachings before an Italian
as into todays established systems, this he found marvelous aid in the edition was published in 1495. When
which had not yet been identified in brain, work and hand of Leonardo, Leonardo carried out his first corpse
Leonardos day. In short, it can be said who made a sketchbook with draw- dissections, his goal was to understand
that the anatomical studies have since ings in red chalk retouched in pen and verify the centuries-old views of
been well researched. But perhaps it and ink: the bodies that he dissected the Greek anatomist and physician;
was just that that motivated Alessan- with his own hand were drawn with however, his meticulous autopsies
dro Nova, Director at the Kunsthistor- the greatest diligence. brought him increasingly into conflict

3 | 13 MaxPlanckResearch 69

Less is more: In drawing the female organs and vascular system, Leonardo left out the stomach and intestine (left); in the sketch
that shows the brachial plexus and muscle strength, for the sake of clarity, he refrained from showing the surrounding bones.

with this handed-down knowledge. A nary skills as a draftsman. However, it other, such as the assembling of sever-
challenging situation arose, which would be incorrect to reduce Leonar- al views to form a new image, the mag-
from then on would also be reflected dos role to that of an artist who sim- nification, separation or dismantling
in Leonardos drawings. The contradic- ply placed his eye and hand at della of details, and the simplification or
tions he encountered spurred him on Torres disposal, says Alessandro Nova, fragmentation of physicality to the
to create his own illustrated work that whose research picks up here. For, al- benefit of a transparent figure.
Photos: Royal Collection Trust / Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013
could record his observations and that though none of Leonardos contempo- Leonardos drawing of the female
was ultimately intended to convey no raries was as adept at drawing with a organs, for instance, which he com-
less than a new understanding of the pen and silverpoint or with black and pleted shortly before his encounter
human body. red chalk as Leonardo was, his anatom- with della Torre, is an ingenious con-
ical works are anything but an exact struction that, although it would nev-
VIRTUOSITY WITH CHALK, mimetic recording of the reality that er be found in reality, nevertheless con-
PEN AND SILVERPOINT would have presented itself to anyone veys an image of the morphology and
who took a close look at the dissected functioning of the female body in a
Leonardos encounter with della Torre corpses. Their graphic clarity stems, precision that had not existed until
twenty years later was an important ex- rather, from an enormous intellectual then. Leonardo gave due consideration
perience for both of them. Leonardo capacity that previously systematized to the graphic figurative modes: while
benefited from the exchange with a sci- and grasped that which he observed, he drew the uterus as transparent, he
entist who had a command of the ter- emphasizes Nova. I call this a manip- depicted the windpipe three-dimen-
minology and rules of the field. Della ulation of the visual data or the con- sionally and fully formed. In contrast,
Torre, on the other hand, was able to structed view. Leonardo masterfully he rendered the heart in a sectional
make good use of the artists extraordi- interwove various techniques with each view, and the digestive organs, like the

70 MaxPlanckResearch 3 | 13
The perspectival studies of the anatomy of the foot and the transparent depiction of the lower leg and foot musculature bear
witness to da Vincis extraordinary talent as a draftsman.

stomach and intestine, he left out com- which would otherwise have had to be workings of the skull. The drawing is
pletely in favor of a clearer arrange- explained at great length. To this end, thus not a portrayal of the skull, but a
ment. This example clearly shows he enlarged certain bones dispropor- symbol that cant be seen in this form
and this holds true for most of tionately to emphasize their particular in reality. Furthermore, Nova can con-
Leonardos anatomical drawings that functionality; with others, he consid- vincingly attest to the model-like
they are stylized representations and ered it necessary to show them from character of such an assembly by com-
Photos: Royal Collection Trust / Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013

that it is their high degree of abstrac- various perspectives to facilitate un- paring Leonardos sectional drawings
tion that ensures their compelling derstanding from all sides. Leonardo of the central structure of a domed
readability to this day. himself explained: Through this ters- church: He adapted the methods of
est way of drawing from various per- depiction that he was familiar with
CLARITY THROUGH THE ART spectives, one provides full and true from his work as an artist for his ana-
OF OMISSION knowledge of them, says Alessandro tomical studies.
Nova, quoting the artist and scholar.
In order to illustrate the musculature This methodical understanding IN THE COMPANY
of the foot and lower leg, Leonardo can already be seen in Leonardos ear- OF QUARTERED CORPSES
also made use of the art of omission ly anatomical drawings, like the skull
and simply extracted the entire skele- studies from 1489. Only the combina- Incidentally, in a new preface to his
ton, as this would have obscured the tion of depictions from different per- anatomy treatise in 1509, Leonardo
structure and organization of the mus- spectives, for example the orthogonal listed what he considered to be the
cles and tendons. By disassembling the projection and the top view, can pro- necessary requirements for modern
spine into its individual parts, he vide the viewer with a comprehensive anatomical drawings. In the process,
graphically illustrated their structure, and informative image of the inner he explicitly points out that it re-

3 | 13 MaxPlanckResearch 71
The drawing featured a density of information that could never
have been gleaned from a single autopsy.

quires much more than expert drafts- you may not be versed in the meth- as a whole, which he pieced together
manship, says Nova with a grin, in ods of geometrical demonstration, or anew from the information he consid-
light of Leonardos apparent fore- the methods of estimating the forces ered important. His drawing features a
sight, and goes on to quote Leonar- and power of the muscles; or you may density of information that could nev-
dos words: But though possessed of perhaps be found wanting in patience er have been gleaned from a single au-
an interest in the subject, you may so that you will not be diligent. topsy. Only several dissections finally
perhaps be deterred by natural repug- generated the data that flowed into
nance, or if this does not restrain you, DRAWING IS A COGNITIVE ACT a collective representation and yielded
then perhaps by the fear of passing FOR LEONARDO the overall image. As a result, by pon-
the night hours in the company of dering over the way to arrive at the
these corpses, quartered and flayed, Leonardo thus deliberately edited his best depiction, Leonardo simultane-
and horrible to behold. And if this drawings and constantly worked on ously attained a deeper understanding
does not deter you, then perhaps you improving the forms of representa- of the object. As such, for him, draw-
may lack the skill in drawing essential tion. As a natural scientist, he pene- ing is not a reproductive, but a cogni-
for such representation, and even if trated the surface of the body, delving tive act, explains Hana Grndler, who
you possess this skill it may not be into the interior while dissecting it. As is working with Alessandro Nova on
combined with a knowledge of per- an artist, through the medium of dia- this project. In his drawings, Leonar-
spective, while if it is so combined grams, he again returned to the body do doesnt simply represent fixed


Leonardo da Vinci, born near the town of Vinci in 1452 as the to be crowned with a life-sized equestrian statue. This project,
son of a notary, went to Florence at the age of 17. There, he too, was never realized.
was apprenticed to the sculptor and painter Andrea del Ver- Parallel to this, in 1506, he again took up his anatomical re-
rocchio. It was here that he completed the first paintings search; in Florence, around 1507/1508, he produced ground-
done by his own hand. In 1481, he was commissioned by the breaking drawings based on his dissection of a 100-year-old
monks at San Donato for an altarpiece showing the adora- man. In 1509, Leonardo altered the former concept for his trea-
tion of the magi. After this, he moved to Milan and entered tise on anatomy. In Pavia, he worked closely together with
the services of the regent Ludovico Sforza, who would later anatomy professor Marcantonio della Torre, who profited from
become duke. Over a period of many years, Leonardo Leonardos extraordinary skill as a draftsman. Starting in 1513,
planned and developed a monumental equestrian statue in he spent most of his time in Rome, where he continued his an-
honor of Ludovicos father, Francesco Sforza. In 1494, how- atomical studies at the Ospedale di Santo Spirito. Upon invi-
ever, the duke sent the bronze that was intended for the tation of the French King Franois I, he traveled to France in
monument the Italian wars had begun to his brother-in- 1516, where he lived in the Chteau du Clos Luc until his death
law, Ercole dEste, in Ferrara, sealing the fate of the statue. in 1519 at the age of 67.
In 1489 and 1490, while extensively exploring the move- Leonardos anatomical drawings have been part of the Roy-
ment patterns of the horse, Leonardo worked on his first an- al Collection in England since 1690 and are stored in the Royal
atomical drawings of the human figure, including his fa- Library at Windsor Castle. Leonardo bequeathed all of the
mous skull studies. At the same time, he produced the first drawings and manuscripts to his student Francesco Melzi. Af-
concept for an anatomical primer. In 1495, Leonardo began ter Melzis death, they were acquired by sculptor Pompeo Leo-
work on The Last Supper; in 1499, he left Milan. In 1503, he was ni, who bound the individual drawings into albums. The port-
commissioned with the painting of the Battle of Anghiari in folio in Windsor harks back to one of these albums, which was
the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. During this period, he also auctioned in Madrid in 1609 after Leonis death. They are now
painted his portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, the famous Mona completely accessible through an Internet database: www.roy-
Lisa. This was followed by several journeys between Milan Facsimiles were al-
and Florence, during which time da Vinci dedicated himself ready painstakingly edited and annotated by Kenneth Keele
to the tomb of general Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, which was and Carlo Pedretti in 1979/1980.

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Does agony and suffering characterize dying? The tranquil death of a 100-year-old man inspired Leonardo to create this memento mori,
while, for his anatomical treatise, he acknowledged the discovery of the four ventricles extensively in the famous mirror writing.

knowledge. It is rather the act of draw- and a brief look at the illustrations in times. The precision of new observa-
ing itself that sets free renewed reflec- Kethams book is all it takes to appreci- tions here still collides with the fictions
tions about what is being drawn. This, ate the progress in Leonardos draw- of conventional knowledge as it was
in turn, leads to a modified view of the ings, which denote a new epoch in the imparted in Galens teachings, con-
research object. Grndler continues: history of the depiction of the human cludes Nova.
The processuality in the acquisition body. However, on occasion, he didnt
Photos: Royal Collection Trust / Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013

and generation of knowledge also be- completely break with tradition, A MERE FOOTNOTE IN THE
comes visible in the numerous correc- stresses Nova, citing the studies in HISTORY OF MEDICINE
tions and improvements that have which Leonardo and della Torre turned
been identified in the drawings. their attention to the heart and its ven- Although the drawings are at the heart
tricles. While, on the one hand, they of Novas research, they cant be fully
NEW OBSERVATIONS VERSUS made the pioneering discovery that the understood and analyzed without the
ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE hearts system included four and not accompanying texts that Leonardo add-
just two ventricles, on the other hand, ed in his famous mirror writing. Text
Of course, Leonardos research began Leonardos drawings of this, which re- and image form an inseparable whole.
with nature studies, which are what corded their discovery, depicted the From a very early stage, Leonardo
gave him cause time and again to un- hearts septum as porous and perme- planned to publish the results of his dis-
dertake the complex efforts required for able for blood, which he could not have sections in a richly illustrated work with
performing autopsies, whether in Mi- observed on an exposed heart. He the title De figura umana of course,
lan, Florence or Rome. Through empir- could only have taken the hypothetical its a pity that, as with so many of the
ical studies, he succeeded in revising existence of these pores between the projects in his life, he was ultimately
traditional scientific representations, ventricles from the literature of the unable to bring this undertaking to

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The study of the human body was far more than an

empirical-scientific project for Leonardo.

completion, Nova finds. This is why ly deals with, making an interdisci- omy of the deceased. Since, in those
there is only the occasional reference to plinary approach virtually inescap- days, the process of dying was particu-
Leonardo in todays history of science able. In 2008, a conference was held in larly associated with agony and suffer-
and medicine. Only the written eluci- Florence that brought together physi- ing, the tranquil passing away of the old
dations make it possible to explain cians and science historians, philolo- man had strongly impressed Leonardo.
functional correlations and communi- gists and linguists, and last but not In the meantime, Alessandro Nova
cate the primary morphological obser- least, art historians. The results were has also begun to turn to other scientif-
vation from a physiological perspective. published in 2011 in a collection of es- ic areas in his exploration of Leonardos
says entitled Leonardo da Vincis Ana- drawings. To this end, he invited young
FINDINGS DRAWN UP tomical World. Language, Context and scholar Rodolfo Maffeis to join him in
IN DIALOG FORM Disegno. In this publication, Leonar- conducting research into Leonardos
dos language is examined and light studies concerning light and astrono-
To this end, over the decades, Leonar- shed upon the philosophical and liter- my. In contrast to the anatomical draw-
do even altered the concept of his trea- ary works that he dealt with and that ings, the astronomical sketches havent
tise. While, in 1489, he assumed there influenced his texts. It may come as a been historically-philologically exam-
would be a tight, balanced synthesis of surprise that, up until that point, and ined, meaning that they must first be
words and images, in which, however, despite the immense body of literature classified and embedded in the knowl-
the drawings would ultimately have about the life and work of Leonardo, edge context of the time. Moreover,
predominated, he decided, starting in no one had ever turned their attention 2011 and 2013 saw two further confer-
1509, to draw up the results in dialog to the books and treatises written by ences devoted to Leonardos optical
form, which was standard for many della Torre, even though he was, for a studies and to his concept of nature.
written works during the Italian Renais- short time, working in such close col- When it comes to optics, we also en-
sance, and which could better express laboration with Leonardo. counter the typical triad: appropriation
doubts, opinions and unresolved issues. of traditional knowledge, contraposi-
Leonardo came to recognize that one THE SEARCH FOR THE SEAT tion of his own experiments and obser-
could limit oneself to the medium of OF THE SOUL vations, and recording of the results in
drawing only if it were possible to ob- texts, sketches and drawings, says
serve all of the things that are depicted As the study of the human body was far Nova, reporting on the first results. As
in these drawings in a single figure. But more than an empirical-scientific proj- with anatomy, optics preoccupied
it is better to render and describe. In ect for Leonardo, the metaphysical as- Leonardo his entire life, so that it isnt
the end, it was another physician who pects cant be overlooked. While I far afield to interpret his meticulous sci-
profited from Leonardos achieve- thought I was learning how to live, I entific studies as a permanent subtext
ments, says Alessandro Nova. It was have been learning how to die, he once to his artistic accomplishments.
Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius philosophized, and it comes as no sur- Or did they even constitute the
who, in 1543, was the first to publish prise that the search for the seat of the main text? The further exploration of
an illustrated anatomical work based intellect, the soul and the emotions re- the interrelationship between art and
on dissections of the body: the com- peatedly accompanies his anatomical science, which, in the past, were very
pendium De humani corporis fabrica. studies. The encounter with a 100-year- closely tied to each other, could offer
But it is believed that he may have old man in Florence around 1507/1508 vital impulses to research into Leonar-
known Leonardos drawings. with whom Leonardo spoke shortly be- do da Vinci. Thanks to Alessandro
The anatomical subject matter and fore the mans death and whose body Nova, this interrelationship has final-
the comprehensive accompanying texts he then dissected induced him to look ly found a bastion at the Kunsthistor-
go beyond what an art historian usual- for traces of dying in the specific anat- isches Institut in Florenz.

74 MaxPlanckResearch 3 | 13

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