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Shakespeare in the Bush

What is presenting them from understanding Hamlet in the same way she does?
Cultural differences
Social structures King vs chief
Family structure (to marry dead brothers sister or not to marry?)

Language barrier
Missing words/concepts
Ghost vs witch vs omen
Different connotations for the same words

Intended as a performance/telling is verbally remediated from play to
book to oral story

Who decides what stories mean?
Enthocentricism assumed universality

Needed to understand Hamlet as intended?

Learn about British culture (in the ren)
Overcome Language
Overcome ethnocentrism not everything is the same as [us]
There are other cultures to learn about

Is the essay racist?

Tribe as comically simplistic?
Focus on cultural/language issues instead of race
Cultural snobbery in anthropology resolved by the 60s?

Is there a point of view from which their interpretation is valid?

Authorial intent? Eco
Define authorship? (text remediated)
Took a play foreign to them and made it relatable to their experiences
Bridge cultures
Purpose in reading determines whether or not an interpretation is satisfying

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