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English basics

Persuasive texts

Persuasive writing is used in many different texts such as: letter, newspapers,
articles and more. It is important you know why to be persuasive and how.

Persuasive texts are meant to

persuade the reader on what you
are talking about.
1. If you are talking about a
crisis in London and how we
must donate money to the
people who were injured you
must persuade them to
donate money.
Persuading the reader is a very
useful skill as it is used in many
texts and will really help your
argument when up against

A persuasive text uses something

called DAFOREST.
This is an abbreviation which stands
Direct language talking directly to
the reader, engage them.
Alliteration create a rhythm to the
Facts include factual information
on the text.
Opinions include people opinions.
Rhetorical questions- make the
reader contemplate.
Emotive language- make the reader
feel sympathy.
Statistics- numbers for the facts.
Three (ruleof) repetition

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