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Ready Reference

European Glossary
on Education Volume 3

EURYDICE, the information network Teaching Staff

on education in Europe
The EURYDICE Network produces reliable, readily comparable information on
national education systems and policies. EURYDICE also acts as an observatory,
highlighting both the diversity of systems and their common features.

Working on behalf of policy-makers and the world of education, EURYDICE

prepares and publishes:

regularly updated descriptive analyses of the organization of education systems;

comparative studies on specific topics of European interest;

Teaching Staff
indicators on the various levels of education from pre-primary to tertiary

EURYDICE also has its own database, EURYBASE, which constitutes a further highly
detailed reference source on education systems in Europe.

European Glossary on Education

By circulating the results of its work, EURYDICE promotes better mutual
understanding of these systems and the common issues that run through them.

Established in 1980, EURYDICE is an integral part of Socrates, the Community

action programme in education. The Network comprises National Units and a
European Unit. National Units set up by the corresponding education ministries now
exist in 30 countries, namely the 15 EU Member States, the three EFTA/EEA
countries, ten central and eastern European countries, Cyprus and Malta. These
Units provide and check the basic information needed to sustain network activity.
The Brussels-based European Unit set up by the European Commission is
responsible for management of the network, co-ordination of its activities,
preparation of the comparative analyses, and database design and administration.
Volume 3

EURYDICE on the Internet

The Information Network on Education in Europe
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Ready Reference

European Glossary
on Education
Volume 3

Teaching Staff

The Information Network on Education in Europe
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This document is published by the EURYDICE European Unit with the financial support of the European
Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture ).

Available in English (European Glossary on Education, Volume 3: Teaching Staff) and French (Glossaire
europen de lducation, Volume 3: Personnel enseignant).

ISBN 2-87116-333-2

This document is also available on the Internet (

Text completed in November 2001.

Eurydice, 2001.

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in part, except for commercial purposes, provided that
the extract is preceded by a complete reference to EURYDICE, the information network on education in
Europe, followed by the date of publication of the document.

Requests for permission to reproduce the entire document must be made to the European Unit.

European Unit
Avenue Louise 240
B-1050 Brussels

Tel. (32-2) 600.53.53

Fax (32-2) 600.53.63

Printed in Belgium
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Table of contents
Foreword 5
Introduction 7
Users guide 11
Part I: Glossary 15
Part II: Summary tables 169
European Union
French Community 170
German-speaking Community 171
Flemish Community 172
Denmark 173
Germany 174
Greece 177
Spain 178
France 180
Ireland 181
Italy 182
Luxembourg 183
The Netherlands 184
Austria 185
Portugal 186
Finland 187
Sweden 188
United Kingdom
England, Wales and Northern Ireland 190
Scotland 195
EFTA/EEA countries
Iceland 196
Liechtenstein 198
Norway 199
Pre-accession countries
Bulgaria 201
Czech Republic 202
Estonia 204
Cyprus 205
Latvia 207
Lithuania 208
Hungary 210
Malta 211
Poland 212
Romania 215
Slovenia 216
Slovakia 218

Acknowledgements 219

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Every education system uses its own specific terminology to describe the characteristics of its
organisation and operation. In trying to understand and make reliable comparisons of how the various
education systems in Europe really work, we are often confronted with questions of terminology. The
development of precise markers for reference purposes is thus absolutely essential for better mutual
understanding and quality co-operation between European countries.

In order to cater for this need, the Eurydice Network has in the last few years launched a new
publications series entitled the European Glossary on Education. The first volume dealing with
examinations, qualifications and titles was published in 1999, while the second, published in 2000, is
devoted to educational institutions.

Bearing in mind the prominence of teaching staff in education systems and the wide variety of situations
with which they are associated at European level, the Eurydice Network has decided to devote this third
Glossary to them. In addition to the 29 European countries covered in the second volume (the 15
Member States of the European Union, the 3 EFTA/EEA countries and the 11 pre-accession countries),
the present volume also includes Malta.

The book provides detailed coverage of the terminology used at national level to refer to teaching staff.
It includes those terms that are officially adopted or widespread and specific to a particular national
education system. Readers will thus be able to conveniently to locate the definitions of frequently
employed terms and gain a better understanding of the position of teachers as far as their training, their
recruitment, their status, their assessment or their promotion are concerned. The material used to compile
the volume was taken initially from the annually updated dossiers on national education systems
prepared by the Eurydice National Units for the Eurybase database, as well as from other publications
produced by the Network.

A guide to use of the Glossary is included by way of introduction. It contains all relevant definitions and
outlines the different aspects covered in the explanatory note on each term.

Preparation of the fourth volume of the Glossary to be published in 2002 is already in hand. It will
contain all terms used to designate staff who are involved in management, evaluation and guidance in

The Eurydice European Unit is very grateful to all National Units in the Network for their invaluable
contributions to the content of this publication, not to mention its quality and reliability. However, the
European Unit remains entirely responsible for its presentation, drafting and editorial style.

By making this Glossary available to all who attempt to compare, understand or translate terms specific
to the field of education, the Eurydice Network hopes to make a further contribution to the greater
transparency of education systems in Europe.

Luce Ppin
Head of the Eurydice European Unit
November 2001

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Educational staff can be divided into three main categories according to their responsibilities in the
education system:

1) staff directly responsible for teaching activities/instruction:

a. teachers/instructors;
b. teaching assistants/auxiliary teaching staff;

2) staff intervening indirectly in the teaching process:

a. staff responsible for managing and directing institutions and/or teaching (heads of institutions
for example);
b. staff responsible for the quality control of teaching (inspectors for example);
c. staff providing guidance and teaching/learning support (advisers, professeurs de remdiation
for example);

3) staff who work in administration (secretaries, bookkeeping, etc.), in welfare and healthcare
(health centres, school medicine, etc.), or who are responsible for logistical and supervisory
support (photocopying services, supervisors, etc.), or the maintenance and operation of an
institution (catering, transport, etc.).

This third volume of the European Glossary on Education covers nearly 600 national terms used during
the 2000/01 academic year to refer to persons in the first category, namely teaching staff. The other
two categories are not included in the present publication even if they perform certain teaching duties.
Staff who are concerned with the management of schools and institutions, or responsible for the quality
of teaching or for assistance with guidance, will be the subject of Volume 4 due for publication at the
end of 2002. The present book thus solely includes terms used to designate persons whose professional
occupation consists in stimulating and supervising the activity of pupils and students, and ensuring that
they learn knowledge and skills in educational and training institutions within the education system.

For the purposes of this glossary, the term teaching staff covers all qualified staff directly responsible
for class teaching/instruction at all levels of education (corresponding to the 1997 ISCED
classification) and types of education and training (general, vocational, technical, special, etc.).

The terms included correspond solely to the designation of the staff responsible for the foregoing tasks,
irrespective of the qualification or kind of degree they possess.

This category includes:

generalist and specialist teachers, instructors;

teaching staff responsible for adult education;
academic staff responsible for teaching;
assistant and auxiliary teaching staff and academic assistants.

All categories of staff involved in the organisation of extra-curricular activity, boarding schools, youth
services, recreational centres, etc. are not covered in the present volume.

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Since staff involved in pre-primary education (corresponding to ISCED level 0) may belong to various
occupational categories, the glossary includes only those whose responsibilities are not limited to the
care and physical well-being of children, but extend also to the organisation and supervision of
educational activities.

Library staff are included in this volume solely if, in addition to their administrative responsibilities and
their assistance to pupils/students in using library facilities, they are also expected to support the process
of learning (by organising educational activity, contributing to lessons in reading, etc.) or by teaching
specific subjects (such as information technology, etc.).

Specialist teachers/assistants in education for children with special educational needs are included.

Qualified staff working in adult education are included in so far as the content of programmes and the
qualifications awarded to adults are analogous to those intended for young pupils or students.

Among staff at the level of tertiary education, only academic staff and assistants with teaching duties, or
who assist with teaching, are included. Staff engaged exclusively in research are excluded.

Staff in charge of the initial and in-service training of teachers are also included.

Professionals or artists who are specialists from trade or occupational associations and employed as
trainers responsible for practical work and/or training periods outside or within the education institution
(in the context of vocational training or schools for the arts) are excluded (e.g. matres de stage).

Specific terms designating promotion posts within the teaching staff category itself are included.

Only staff working in the public and grant-aided private sectors of education are considered.

In countries with decentralised systems of education, the terminology used to designate various
categories of teaching staff may vary. In the case of some countries, therefore, the list of terms given in
this glossary is not necessarily exhaustive.


In order to provide easy access for a very wide range of readers, the terms relating to teaching staff are
presented in two sections.

In the first section, the reader will find all the terms listed in alphabetical order for all countries and
educational levels. Only the main terms, standard abbreviations and synonyms are included in the
alphabetical list. Besides the explanatory note on the term, the information given for each entry includes
a country reference, the most common grammatical forms of the basic term, and the level of education

The second section comprises summary tables. These are presented by country. The terms of the
category in question are classified by level of education in accordance with the UNESCO International
Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97), with the exception of staff responsible for adult
education, who are referred to with no distinction between the levels of education concerned. The
countries are presented in the order used by the European Union. Only the generic terms are included in
the national tables. The abbreviations and synonyms are shown in brackets. Certain details of specific
characteristics are shown below the summary tables where this is likely to contribute to a better
understanding of circumstances in the country concerned.


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The advantage of this dual structure is that it offers different routes of access to information. Readers
who know a term but not its meaning can search in the alphabetical list to find the references of the
country, the explanatory note and grammatical variants. Readers who are seeking all the terms used to
refer to teaching staff in a particular country should consult the national summary table in the second
section, and then consult the alphabetical list for a definition of each term.

For each country, a diagram illustrating the stages and structure of the education system is presented
along with the relevant national table, with the aim of helping readers to understand the system and its
structure more fully.

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Users guide

Main terms in the original language The same term may be used with different
meanings in several countries. Readers should,
Terms appear in the nominative singular form, in therefore, always check that the definition
the official language of the country. When the corresponds to the country for which they
term varies depending on gender, both forms are require information. The name of the country is
shown, the masculine form first (e.g. Lehrer/in, always indicated below the term.
instituteur/trice). Greek and Bulgarian terms are
transliterated into the Roman alphabet, with the When a single term is used to designate staff in
term in the Greek or Cyrillic alphabet in different categories, a single entry is given, but
brackets. the explanatory note specifies the various
responsibilities and meanings covered by the
The fields of specialisation are not shown. For
example, agrg de lenseignement secondaire
Common abbreviations and synonyms are
suprieur (qualified teacher at upper secondary
entered separately, with cross-references to the
level) in Belgium is included as a generic term,
unabbreviated terms in the explanatory notes.
but not agrg en physique, agrg en
mathmatiques, etc. However, given that in most
countries the generic terms employed for Grammatical variants
teachers who have specialised in one or several
subjects are often followed or preceded by the This heading covers the grammatical variants of
names of the one or more subjects concerned (as, each term (declined and plural forms, with the
for example, in teacher of mathematics or exception of those in English and French which
foreign languages teacher, etc.), the symbol (+) involve only the addition of s), indicating the
placed after the generic term is used to indicate main forms that the term may take in a text.
that this longer designation is possible. For These grammatical variants make it possible to
example, in the case of Belgium, the generic find entries and the definition of a term even if
term agrg de lenseignement secondaire the spelling is not identical with that of the
suprieur (+) means that the teacher in question generic term. In the case of abbreviations, the
may be called agrg en mathmatiques, agrg grammatical variants are not given.
en histoire, etc.
In languages which use a large number of
different grammatical forms, such as Finnish,
Where an academic title derived from a
Hungarian or the Slavic languages, only the root
particular formal qualification is used to refer to
of the word is indicated and is marked with an
a teaching responsibility, the term is included (as
asterisk (*), so that the reader will recognise the
in the case of rgent, professeur des coles, but
unchanging part of the word. One or two
not doktor, magister, etc.).
examples of the main declined forms will be
Common or conventional designations have been
included if they are widely used and known, or if Levels of education
they may appear in texts on education in the
country. Most teaching staff work at a specific level of
education and may be classified accordingly.
Reference is made to terms formerly used to However, some staff are involved at several
describe teaching staff only if they are still to be levels (for example, the Lehrer/in fr
found in national documents on education. sonderpdagogische Lehrmter works at
Similarly, new terms used with effect from the primary and secondary levels). In this case, the
2001/02 school year are included. various levels are indicated. When the category

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of staff concerned work essentially at a single entry into working life), or transitional
level, only this level is indicated. (preparing for entry into tertiary education).

The definitions of each level comply with Post-secondary education (ISCED 4)

the criteria used in the UNESCO International comprises education or training courses
Standard Classification of Education (ISCED provided between upper secondary and
1997) and are indicated below. For more tertiary education. In the national context,
information on ISCED 97, readers should the content of these courses is not considered
consult the official website: as being of tertiary education level and an upper secondary qualification is not always
required for admission. Post-secondary
Pre-primary education (ISCED 0) education courses are more advanced and
generally begins at the age of 3 and lasts more specialised than secondary education
between 2 and 3 years, depending on the age courses. They are often of a technical or
at which primary education starts. This level vocational nature and generally last between
is defined as the first phase of organised 6 months and 2 to 3 years.
instruction (for which staff are required to
have a recognised teaching qualification or Tertiary education (ISCED 5 and 6)
other specialised educational qualification). comprises courses at non-university,
university or postgraduate level. Admission
Primary education (ISCED 1) generally normally requires at least the satisfactory
begins between the ages of 5 and 7 and lasts completion of upper secondary education.
4 to 6 years.
When a specific term denotes a person
Lower secondary education (ISCED 2) responsible solely for adult education or
usually consists of 3 to 4 years of schooling training, this is stated in the explanatory note,
after the primary phase. Education is usually but the levels of education indicated cover
general, but in some countries technical or ISCED 1 to 5.
vocational courses are offered at this level. It
may prepare pupils either for direct entry to
adult working life or for entry into upper Explanatory notes
secondary education.
The explanatory notes provide a definition of the
In countries where compulsory education is term used to refer to each category of teaching
provided in a single structure without a staff concerned with a brief description of its
transition between the primary and lower main characteristics. Some specific terms, which
secondary levels, the two ISCED levels are needed to understand the context fully, have
concerned are cited for terms relating to been kept in the original language, for example
educational staff working within the single the names of certain qualifications, stages of
structure. education or institutions. Readers can refer to
Volumes 1 and 2 of the European Glossary on
Upper secondary education (ISCED 3) Education for fuller details of the names and
usually comprises 2 to 5 years of schooling characteristics of qualifications and education
with basic courses and more subject-oriented institutions. Terms in italics relating to staff
programmes. This level is often subdivided responsible for management and evaluation will
into general, technical and vocational be listed in Volume 4 to be published in 2002.
streams. Admission normally requires the
completion of lower secondary education. All cross-references to other terms explained in
Upper secondary education may either be the glossary are marked by an arrow ()
terminal (preparing the students for direct followed by the name of the term in question.


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DEFINITIONS AND DIMENSIONS selection based on CVs, qualifications,

experience, interview, public adver-
Each explanatory note covers the following tisement, etc.;
u main responsibilities: responsibility for
u type of education (general, technical,
teaching or teaching assistance, and/or other
vocational, artistic, special) and notional age
special tasks (for example, management,
ranges of pupils: shown in notes relating to
research at tertiary level, etc.);
staff at ISCED levels 0-4; only the notional
age at which studies begin is specified in the
case of ISCED levels 5-6; u type of contract and legal status:
permanent civil servants, employment on a
u initial training: selective entry and contractual basis, etc.;
qualification required to enter training, level
of programmes (post-secondary, non-
university, university), duration of training u appointment: person/authority responsible
and any remuneration of trainees at a given for appointment;
point in their training; if several possible
forms of training exist, the most widespread u employer: person/authority (central govern-
is indicated; the content and subjects of the ment, regional, local authority, etc.) respon-
curriculum are not given; if, in the case of sible for payment of the salary;
ISCED levels 5 and 6, no specific training is
provided to supplement the highest
qualification required for appointment to a u authority responsible for evaluation: only
post, only the name of that qualification is persons/bodies responsible for evaluating
referred to; these staff at the level of the institution or of
higher authorities are specified (e.g.
u specialisation: generalist (responsible for inspector, head of institution, Provincial
teaching all subjects), subject specialist or State Office);
semi-specialist teacher (teaching one or more
subjects), or teacher specialised in teaching
children with special educational needs; u possibility of promotion within the
teachers category: this relates solely to the
promotion of those who are indeed teachers
u qualification obtained on completing
and have not moved into another
training (the name of the qualification is
occupational category, as the result of
given in the original language);
evaluation, training and/or specific
qualifications acquired during their career.
u recruitment procedure(s): to simplify the Career advancement linked solely to
explanatory notes, two possibilities have automatic progression on a seniority scale is
been considered in relation to selection and not considered (except for tertiary
recruitment procedures: education). The possibility of promotion is
1) recruitment/selection at national/ indicated in the explanatory note by a cross-
regional level (by competitive reference () to the one or more new terms
examination, or from lists of eligible designating teachers who have been
candidates); promoted.
2) open recruitment procedure
selection organised and the decision
taken by the local authority/ Agreements relating to the recognition and
school/school head. In such instances, equivalence of diplomas between the European
the authority responsible is indicated. Union and EFTA/EEA countries are not referred
This method of recruitment includes to in the explanatory note.

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Sample explanatory note

Professeur des coles

Country: France
Level: Pre-primary/primary
Explanatory note: Teacher in an cole maternelle or cole lmentaire attended by pupils aged from
2 to 6 and 6 to 11, respectively. A first degree (licence or its equivalent) is required to register for
the competitive examination for this position, which candidates can prepare for in an institut
universitaire de formation des matres (IUFM, or university teacher training institute). Those who
perform successfully in the examination, which is organised at regional level by the acadmies
(geographically decentralised departments of the Ministry of Education), are appointed as trainee
teachers and move on to the second year of the IUFM where they receive one year of remunerated
multidisciplinary training as generalists. On satisfactory completion of their course, trainees
considered qualified to teach are awarded the certificat daptitude au professorat des coles (CAPE)
and secure tenured appointment. They are assigned to a school by the recteur dacadmie (head of
the acadmie concerned), where they are state employees with civil servant status. The inspecteur
de lducation nationale (IEN) is responsible for evaluating them. Teachers who hold the CAPSAIS
(certificat daptitude aux actions pdagogiques spcialises dadaptation et dintgration scolaire)
may also teach in schools for children with special educational needs and in the sections
denseignement gnral et professionnel adapts (SEGPA, or sections for adapted general and
vocational education) of collges. Former designation: Instituteur/trice.

The explanatory note describing terms used to u body/decision-making level that grants
designate promotion posts within the teachers promotion;
category contains the following information:
u new conditions of service: changes linked to
u reference to the term designating a teacher the promotion are indicated, such as a
prior to promotion with a cross-reference () change in salary, status or working time, or
to the term; the assumption of new responsibilities in
addition to teaching (such as those of an
u specific training and/or evaluation necessary adviser within the school, management
for promotion; tasks, etc.).


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Part I Glossary
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Country: Poland
Grammatical variants: Adiunkci, adiunkt*
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary


Teacher at non-university tertiary

education institutions normally enrolling
students from the age of 19. Satisfactory
performance in the candidatus exami-
nation is required for appointment which
education institutions normally enrolling is normally for 2 years at a time (but
students from the age of 19. The academic for no more than three 2-year periods),
degree of doktor habilitowany or doktor, or its and involves teaching responsibilities
equivalent, is required for appointment. only. Subject to satisfactory completion
Besides teaching, these staff are responsible for of a lektorbedmmelse (assessment),
carrying out academic research, upgrading teachers may be appointed to the post
their own professional skills and assisting with of Lektor.
organisational tasks in the tertiary institution Teacher at universities normally enrolling
concerned. Teachers are appointed by the head students from the age of 19. The degree of
(rektor) of the institution in accordance with Ph.D. or its equivalent is required for
open recruitment procedures established by it, permanent appointment. In addition to
and are employed by it on a permanent basis. teaching (including examination duties),
Those with the degree of doktor are obliged to these staff have research responsibilities.
obtain the degree of doktor habilitowany within In their initial period of employment, they
9 years following their appointment as adiunkt. are given teaching assignments and
Teachers are evaluated every 4 years, or at the associated supervisory responsibilities, so
request of their head of department (dziekan). that a lektor or Professor can make a
The criteria and procedures for appraisal final written assessment of their teaching
are defined in the statutes of the tertiary qualifications. Teachers in this category
education institution concerned. General term: are appointed for a 3-year period and may
Nauczyciel akademicki. themselves be promoted to the posts of
lektor or professor.
Adjunkt At tertiary level, adjunkter are appointed by
Country: Danemark their institution in accordance with an open
Grammatical variants: Adjunkten, adjunkter, recruitment procedure and employed by it on
adjunkterne a group contract basis. They are subject to no
Level: Upper secondary/tertiary individual formal assessment procedures.
Explanatory note:
Title of a Gymnasielrer in the first Adjunkt
years of permanent employment following Country: Sweden
graduation. Grammatical variants: Adjunkter

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Level: Tertiary Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/post-

Explanatory note: Teacher at a university or secondary
university college normally enrolling students Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskole
from the age of 19, whose responsibilities are (enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 16) and
divided between teaching, research and at videregende skole (pupils aged between
administration to an extent that depends on 16 and 19/20), who is trained as a subject
the individual institution concerned. specialist (generally in two or three subjects)
Candidates for this post should have an at university or university colleges
undergraduate degree (grundlggande), as (hgskole). The upper secondary school
well as demonstrable teaching skills. They are certificate (vitneml fra videregende skole)
recruited by the institution concerned in is necessary to embark on training. These
accordance with an open recruitment teachers also work in special education
procedure, and appointed by the vice- institutions. Training consists of 4 years of
chancellor (rektor), who may delegate this general training leading to a general
responsibility to another staff member. In university or hgskole degree (for example
public-sector universities and university candidatus/ta mag./agric./pharm./odont. etc.).
colleges, they are employed by the State on a In addition, students have to undertake a one-
permanent basis or, in some cases of initial year programme in educational theory and
employment, for a limited period. For practice. Training for adjunkt at the second
information on evaluation, see Professor. stage of grunnskole can also be organised as
a four-year hgskole course containing both a
Ajnkt theoretical and practical part. Teachers at
Country: Iceland grunnskole are appointed and employed by
the municipalities in accordance with an open
Grammatical variants: Ajnktar recruitment procedure. At upper secondary
Level: Tertiary schools, teachers are employed and appointed
Explanatory note: Permanently employed by the counties. For information on status and
part-time teacher at hskli normally evaluation, see Frskolelrer.
enrolling students from the age of 20. A
meistaragrda degree or its equivalent is Advanced skills teacher
usually the minimum requirement for Country: United Kingdom (E/W)
appointment. In most cases, these staff have Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
teaching responsibilities only. They may dary
apply for promotion to the post of Lektor,
Explanatory note: Promotion post for all
in which case the conditions governing
teachers working as a Classroom teacher
application vary with the institution
(generalist or specialist) at a (pre-primary)
concerned. Ajnktar are appointed by the
nursery school, primary or secondary school
dean of the faculty (deildarforseti), and are
(for ages 3-5, 4/5-11 and 11-16/18,
state employees with civil servant status.
respectively). This is a new grade of teacher
Posts do not normally have to be advertised,
introduced to provide career advancement for
although this is required under certain
excellent classroom teachers who prefer to
circumstances. In the private sector, these
remain classroom practitioners rather than
teachers are employed by the institution. Each
progress to management posts. Their main
institution has to have a system for evaluating
responsibility is class teaching, but they also
its work, and students evaluate teachers as
have additional responsibilities which
does the department/division to which they
involve sharing good practice with other
belong. Common term: Hsklakennari.
teachers and supporting wider professional
development. Posts in the advanced skills
Adjunkt (+) teacher (AST) category are created by
Country: Norway individual school governing bodies, and
Grammatical variants: Adjunkten, adjunkt* candidates must have reached point 9 on the


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classroom teachers pay scale and passed a sciences, artistic and technical fields, etc.).
national AST assessment procedure conducted Teachers in this category may also work in
by external assessors. Reassessment is needed the first years of secondary education, in the
after 5 years in an AST post or for a teacher qualification streams, and in non-university
applying for one after a period out of the tertiary education. They have first to obtain
grade. For initial training, qualifications, the degree of licence (involving 4 or 5 years
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, of university studies) which testifies to their
see classroom teacher. Abbreviation: AST. academic training in a specific field, and then
the diploma of agrg de lenseignement
Agrg/e de lenseignement secondaire secondaire suprieur (AESS), which
infrieur (+) qualifies them to teach. There is no specified
Country: Belgium (French Community) period in which this diploma has to be
Level: Lower/upper secondary obtained. For information on appointment,
Explanatory note: Teacher for the first three employer, status and evaluation, see
years of transitional secondary education Instituteur/trice maternel/le.
(pupils aged from 12 to 15), the first two
stages (degrs) of the qualification stream of Aineenopettaja (+)
secondary education (pupils aged from 12 to Country: Finland
16), or the third stage of vocational education, Grammatical variants: Aineenopettajat,
depending on the area of specialisation. aineenopettaj*
Teachers in this category are trained as Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
specialists in a particular subject area in the Explanatory note: Teacher in perusopetus,
institut pdagogique (pedagogical institute) of lukio (for ages 7-16 and 16-19 respectively)
a Haute cole. The certificat denseignement and in adult education and training, who
secondaire suprieur (CESS) is required to is a university-trained specialist. The
embark on training which lasts 3 years yliopilastutkintotodistus diploma is required
(short tertiary education). In its entirety, the for admission to the practical and theo-
course consists of general and vocational retical training which consists of a 5- to
training combined with periods involving 6-year academic course leading to the
placements and leads to the diploma of diploma of maisterintutkinto. These teachers
agrg/e de lenseignement secondaire are appointed by the local authority on
infrieur (AESI). The title of agrg de the basis of an open recruitment procedure.
lenseignement secondaire is required to For information on recruitment, appoint-
become matre spcial of foreign languages or ment, employer, status and evaluation,
physical education in primary education. For see Luokanopettaja (+). Swedish term:
information on appointment, employer, status mneslrare.
and evaluation, see Instituteur/trice
maternel/le. Synonym: Rgent/e (+). Akademielehrer/in
Country: Austria
Agrg/e de lenseignement secondaire Grammatical variants:
suprieur (+) Akademielehrer/innen*
Country: Belgium (French Community) Level: Tertiary
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- Explanatory note: Teacher at non-university
dary tertiary education institutions (Pdagogische
Explanatory note: Teacher at upper Akademie, Berufspdagogische Akademie,
secondary schools for pupils aged from 15 to Religionspdagogische Akademie) normally
18, who has been trained as a specialist. enrolling students from the age of 18. To
Training is provided mainly in university work in the theory and/or practice of
faculties, as well as in a few Hautes coles teaching, these staff have to hold a second
offering long tertiary education courses (in teaching diploma Lehramtsprfung, have a
business studies, economic and social minimum of 4 years teaching experience in

Part A Tome3.qxd 10/12/01 16:09 Page 20


compulsory education in the respective field, Level: Tertiary

and have published work on subjects with Explanatory note: Old term for
which their teaching is concerned. To teach Universitetslektor.
education, psychology, social science or
another subject within the training of lower Ammatillisten opintojen opettaja
secondary school teachers, they have to hold a Country: Finland
doctorate, have a minimum of 4 years Grammatical variants: Ammatillisten
teaching experience in compulsory education, opintojen opettajat, ammatillisten opintojen
and they have to have published work on opettaj*
subjects with which their teaching is Level: Upper secondary
concerned. These teachers are appointed and Explanatory note: Teacher at ammatillinen
employed by the Austrian Federal Ministry oppilaitos for students aged between 16
of Education, Science and Culture which and 19 and for adult students, and in
is responsible for teacher recruitment at adult education and training. (S)he is trained
the Akademien (there is no competitive as a vocational subject specialist at
examination). If they are not already civil ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu. The
servants, Akademielehrer/innen first get a ylioppilastutkintotodistus diploma is requi-
(fixed-term or permanent) contract and, after a red for admission to the practical and
period of 4 to 10 years, may become civil theoretical training which consists of a 3-
servants. Responsibility for evaluation is to 4-year academic course leading to
shared by the teachers themselves, the head of the diploma of maisterintutkinto or
department (Abteilungsleiter/in), the head of ammattikorkeakoulututkinto. These teachers
academy (Akademiedirektor/in), and the are appointed in accordance with an open
responsible Fachabteilung of the national recruitment procedure which requires 3 years
education authority (Austrian Federal of work experience in the field corresponding
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture). to their assignment, and pedagogical training
with a possible 35 credits (approximately one
Allmennlrer academic year). For information on
Country: Norway recruitment, appointment, employer, status
Grammatical variants: Allmennlreren, and evaluation, see Luokanopettaja (+).
-lrer* Swedish term: Lrare i yrkesmnen.
Level: Primary/lower secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskole mneslrare
(pupils aged between 6 and 16), including Country: Finland
special education institutions, who is trained Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
as a generalist mainly at university colleges Explanatory note: Swedish term for
(hgskole) which specialise in teacher Aineenopettaja (+).
training. The upper secondary school
certificate (vitneml fra videregende skole) is Anaplirotis/tria Kathigitis/tria
necessary to embark on training. Training (/ /)
lasts 4 years and contains both a theoretical Country: Greece
and practical part. Successful training leads to Grammatical variants: Anaplirotes/tries
the award of a certificate of general teacher Kathigites/tries
education (allmennlrervitneml). For Level: Tertiary
information on appointment, employer, Explanatory note: Teacher at universities
evaluation and status, see Frskolelrer. (panepistimio) and technological education
institutes (Technologico Ekpaideftiko Idryma,
Amanuensis or TEI) normally enrolling students from the
Country: Norway age of 18. Candidates for this post have to
Grammatical variants: Amanuensen, hold a doctorate (didaktoriko diploma).
amanuens* Appointment to the post at universities


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requires at least 4 years of teaching experience Arod(amat) mcbas skolotjs/a

and at least two original published Country: Latvia
contributions to academic journals while, at Grammatical variants: Arod(amat) mcbas
TEIs, 5 years of teaching experience and skolotji/as
original publications are required. Teachers in Level: Lower/upper secondary
this category also have research Explanatory note: Teacher at vocational
responsibilities and, after 3 years of education institutions (arodpamatizgltbas,
employment, are entitled to request promotion arodizgltbas un vidjs profesionls izgltbas
to the rank of Kathigitis/tria. At iestdes) enrolling pupils aged between 15
universities, they are appointed by the dean and 21. There is no special system for the
(prytanis) of the institution and, at TEIs, by training of these teachers who are generally
the president (Proedros) following a proposal professionals in an appropriate field
from the electoral board which announced the (involving 4-5 years training after lower
vacancy. They are employed on the basis of a secondary education), and who must acquire
permanent contract by the institution and are pedagogical training at tertiary level (5
civil servants. These staff are subject to no years). Tertiary education establishments
special evaluation procedures. offer special programmes of vocational
teacher training for teachers who have
Andragog/inja completed secondary vocational education.
Country: Slovenia These programmes aim to provide general
Grammatical variants: Andragogi/inje, knowledge of pedagogy and psycho-
andragog* logy leading to the qualification of voca-
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- tional education teacher (arodpedagoga
dary profesionl kvalifikcija). For information
Explanatory note: Synonym for on appointment, employer, status and
Organizator/ica izobraevanja odraslih. evaluation, see Pirmsskolas izgltbas
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) As.
Level: Lower/upper secondary Country: Slovenia
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Level: Tertiary
Assistant principal teacher. Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
Country: Finland Asist.
Grammatical variants: Apulaisopettajat, Country: Slovenia
apulaisopettaj* Level: Tertiary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
Explanatory note: Teacher at university in Asistent/ka.
the faculty of medicine normally enrolling
students from the age of 19, who has both Asistent ()
teaching and research responsibilities. Country: Bulgaria
Candidates for the position must have either Grammatical variants: Asistenti
an appropriate lisensiaatintutkinto or Level: Tertiary
tohtorintutkinto diploma, good teaching skills Explanatory note: Assistant to the
and, where necessary, need to have practical Professor. This post may be occupied by a
experience of the field in question. For person holding the title of magistur or doktor.
information on recruitment, appointment, The age limit at application for the post is 35
employer, status, and evaluation, see for those with the title of magistur and 40 for
Professori. Synonym: Kliininen opettaja. those with the title of doktor, and applicants
Swedish term: Bitrdande lrare. must have a proven academic record. These

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Asistent/ universitar/

staff, who have teaching and research the Profesor/ka. They can be promoted to
responsibilities, are appointed by the rector the post of Odborn/n asistent/ka. Staff in
(pp) on the basis of open competitive this category are appointed by the dean
recruitment, and employed by the institution (dkan/ka) of the faculty in accordance with
on three-year contracts renewable up to a an open recruitment procedure organised by
maximum period of nine years (for those with the school, and are employed by the
a magistur) or 12 years (those with a doktor). institution on a contractual basis. For
They are evaluated by the academic board information on evaluation, see profesor/ka.
once every three years.
Asistent/ universitar/ Country: Slovakia
Country: Romania Grammatical variants: Asistenti/tky, asis-
Grammatical variants: Asisteni universi- tent*
tari, asistente universitare Level: Tertiary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Assistant at tertiary
Explanatory note: Assistant teacher at education institutions (univerzita and vysok
tertiary education institutions normally kola) normally enrolling students from the
enrolling students from the age of 19. A age 18/19. Four to 6 years of university study
diploma de licena or an equivalent degree leading to the magister, ininier or doktor
and 2 years of teaching activity at university diploma are required for appointment to
level as Preparator universitar, or 4 years this position, which mainly involves
at secondary and post-secondary level, are responsibility for teaching, assistance to
the minimum requirements for appointment. students with their documentary work and
Staff in this category are appointed by the academic research. These teachers may be
rector on the basis of a competitive procedure promoted to the post of Odborn/n
organised by the university, and have teaching asistent/ka and are evaluated by the head of
and research responsibilities (including the department (vedci katedry). For
supervision of seminars and practical classes). information on recruitment, appointment,
They are employed by their institution on a employer and status, see odborn asistent.
contractual basis (for a maximum period of 10 General term: Uitel/ka na vysokej kole.
years) and can be promoted to the post of
Lector universitar after passing the required Asistent/ka
examination. Boards nominated by the Country: Slovenia
university senate evaluate them in accordance Grammatical variants: Asistenti/tke, asis-
with criteria established by the National tent*
Council for the Accreditation of Academic Level: Tertiary
Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates. Explanatory note: Teacher assistant working
under the supervision of Visokoolski/ke
Asistent/ka uitelj/ice at a tertiary education institution
Country: Czech Republic normally enrolling students from the age
Grammatical variants: Asistenti/tky, asis- of 19. Staff who occupy this post should
tent* hold a first degree (corresponding to
Level: Tertiary the professional title of profesor/ica (+),
Explanatory note: Assistant/teacher at univerzitetni/na diplomirani/na (+) or
tertiary education institutions (vysok koly) akademski/ka (+) in an appropriate discipline)
normally enrolling students from the age of and demonstrate exceptional ability in their
18/19. The qualifications required are in studies and work in the field of science or the
general similar to those of the Lektor/ka. arts. The title is awarded to candidates for a 3-
The responsibilities of these teachers involve year period and may be renewed subject to
scientific and educational tasks supervised by successful performance in teaching and
the head of their department, who is usually research or artistic activity. For the 3rd


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election (after 6 years), these staff have to Asistents/e

possess the magisterij degree (or have an Country: Latvia
established record of artistic achievement in Grammatical variants: Asistenti/es
artistic fields of study) and for the 4th election
(after 9 years), they must hold a doktorat Level: Tertiary
znanosti (or have an established record of Explanatory note: Assistant teacher working
artistic achievement in artistic fields of study). under the supervision of the Profesors at
Their title is awarded by the senat of the tertiary-level education institutions normally
institution concerned, in accordance with enrolling students from the age of 18. At least
legislative procedures (an appointment a Masters degree (maistra grds) is required
procedure known as habilitacija). The title for appointment. Staff in this category, who
can also be revoked. These staff are have teaching responsibilities only, are
responsible for teaching assistance and elected by the faculty board or institute
research/artistic activity at their institution. council for 6 years on the basis of an open
They are appointed by the rector of the competition. They can be promoted to the
university (rektor/ica univerze) or dean post of the Docents/e or Lektors/e. They
(dekan/ica) of the samostojni visokoolski are employed by the head of the faculty
zavod (if their institution is not incorporated (dekns) or institute concerned (institta
into a university), in accordance with an open direktors). For information on evaluation, see
recruitment procedure. In public institutions, Profesors/e.
they have civil servant status and are
evaluated by their institution. Asistent/ka Asocitais profesors/e
with the doktorat znanosti may be promoted Country: Latvia
to the post of Docent/ka. Abbreviations: Grammatical variants: Asocitie/s profe-
As., Asist. General term: Visokoolski/ke sori/es
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
education institutions (augstskola,
Country: Lithuania universitte) normally enrolling students
Grammatical variants: Asistentai/ts from the age of 18. Persons who hold the
Level: Tertiary degree of habilitated doctor (habilitt
Explanatory note: Teacher at a kolegija, doktora grds) or, in the case of a first
universitetas or akademija normally enrolling appointment, a doctors degree, may be
students from the age of 18/19. These teachers, elected as an asocitais profesors. In tertiary
who mainly provide practical training, are institutions for vocational education
themselves trained as specialists at a university- (profesionls augstks izgltbas iestds),
level institution. In order to be eligible for posts in this category may be occupied by
appointment, candidates should have the title holders of a doctors degree who have at
of master (magistras) and, in the case of those least 5 years of practical experience in their
intending to teach certain subjects, 3 years field. Besides teaching, these staff have
of experience in the corresponding professional research and supervisory responsibilities.
sector. Teachers are recruited on the basis of a For information on appointment, employer,
competitive selection procedure organised status, evaluation see Profesors/e. General
by each institution concerned, and are appointed term: Pasniedzjs/a.
by the school head (rektorius). They are
employed on a contractual basis by the state as Assistant
civil servants for a maximum period of 5 years,
and may be admitted to the post of Country: Belgium (French Community)
Lektorius/r. They are evaluated by their Level: Tertiary
institution in accordance with its own individual Explanatory note: Former designation of
procedures. Matre assistant.

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Assistant lecturer

Assistant lecturer these staff have additional responsibilities of an

Country: Ireland administrative nature which are greater than
Level: Tertiary those of a Special duties teacher. They are
Explanatory note: Assistant teacher at a recruited by internal competition within the
university or an Institute of Technology school and appointed by its board of
normally enrolling students from the age management, which determines the duties.
of 17/18, who is responsible mainly for They are considered to be public sector
teaching and research. This position is employees but not civil servants.
a main recruitment grade. Although staff
qualification requirements are a matter for Assistant principal teacher
each individual institution, the minimum Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
qualifications are generally an honours degree Level: Lower/upper secondary
and relevant postgraduate experience. These Explanatory note: Promotion post for all
staff can be promoted to the post of those working as a Teacher at a secondary
Lecturer. For all information on appointment, school. The promoted teachers are second in
employer, status and evaluation, see command in a large subject department in
Professor. such a school, or the head of a small
department or a member of guidance staff.
Assistant lecturer Abbreviation: APT.
Country: Malta
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary/ Assistant teacher
tertiary Country: United Kingdom (NI)
Explanatory note: Teacher at junior college Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
(upper secondary schools for ages 16-18) and dary
at the University of Malta normally enrolling Explanatory note: Teacher at all levels of
students from the age of 18. Candidates for school education, who is trained similarly
these posts, who normally have a bachelors to a Classroom teacher, but training
degree with first or second class honours, are courses and academic qualifications lead to
recruited on the basis of a competitive eligibility to teach rather than Qualified
examination organised by the University, and Teacher Status (as in England and Wales).
a selection/promotion board recommendation. Training is in 3 stages: initial training in a
Staff in this category, whose main tertiary education institution; a period of
responsibility is to teach, are appointed by the induction as Beginning teacher; and a
Council of the University, and employed by period of early professional development.
the latter on a permanent or contractual basis. Recruitment, promotion and evaluation are in
The University has no formal procedures for accordance with arrangements similar to
their evaluation. With effect from the 2001/02 those applicable to classroom teachers but
school year, these staff may work at post- staff are employed either by the school board
secondary vocational colleges (for ages 16- of governors or the Education and Library
21) that appoint and employ them on either a Board, depending on the category of school.
contractual or permanent basis. Equivalent in England and Wales: Classroom
teacher. Note: In recent official documents,
Assistant Principal the term qualified teacher is replacing
Country: Ireland assistant teacher to denote teachers other than
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary principals and vice-principals.
Explanatory note: Promotion post for all those
working as a Mainstream class teacher, a Assistent
Temporary teacher (+) (only appointed during Country: Estonia
his/her contract, or until the post ceases) at Grammatical variants: Assistendid, assis-
primary schools and a Teacher at secondary ten*
schools. Besides their normal teaching duties, Level: Tertiary


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Explanatory note: Teacher at a tertiary examen wetenschappelijk onderwijs). For

education institution (likool or information on appointment, employer, status
rakenduskrgkool), normally enrolling students and evaluation, see Lector.
from the age of 18. Completion of a course in
tertiary education is required for appointment. Assistent/e
Staff in this category are auxiliary teachers with Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
special qualifications enabling them to conduct Grammatical variants: Assistenten
seminars, and supervise practical and other Level: Tertiary
kinds of lesson. They are selected by a mixed Explanatory note:
membership decision-making body within the Auxiliary member of staff who supports
institution and, if they satisfy all requirements, the Docent/e, Hoofddocent/e,
may apply for any other of its teaching staff Hoogleraren and Gewoon hoogleraren
posts. For further information, see Professor. at hogescholen offering 2-stage tertiary
education courses normally enrolling
Assistent students from the age of 18. Staff in this
Country: Finland category are responsible for teaching,
Grammatical variants: Assistent/er research and guidance supervised by one
Level: Tertiary of the above-mentioned staff members
Explanatory note: Swedish term for and, when appointed on a permanent
Assistentti. basis, they can be promoted to the title of
Werkleider. For information on quali-
Assistent fications, appointment, employer and status,
Country: Norway see Praktijklector. Some staff within the
Grammatical variants: Assistenten, assis- category of assistent may have the title of
tent* praktijkassistent.
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper Auxiliary member of staff who supports
secondary/post-secondary the zelfstandig (independent) staff at
Explanatory note: Assistant of the Adjunkt universities. The duties of staff in this
(+), Allmennlrer, Faglrer (+), category include research training through
Frskolelrer or Lektor. The responsibility preparation of the degree of doctor. Their
of these staff is to provide assistance during appointment is in accordance with a
both teaching and non-teaching activities. temporary two-year contract twice
There are no specific educational requirements renewable. For other information on
for appointment. For information on appointment, employer and evaluation,
appointment, employer, evaluation and status, see praktijklector. Staff can be promoted
see frskolelrer. to the post of Doctor-assistent/e after
obtaining their doctorate.
Assistent in opleiding
Country: The Netherlands Assistente
Grammatical variants: Assistenten in Country: Portugal
opleiding Grammatical variants: Assistentes
Level: Tertiary Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Research assistant at Explanatory note: Teacher assistant in
universities normally enrolling students from the ensino superior universitrio (university
age of 18. In addition to undertaking the research tertiary education) or ensino superior
required for the degree of doctor (which is their politcnico (polytechnic tertiary education)
main commitment), staff in this category may normally enrolling students from the age of
also have teaching responsibilities. A tertiary 18. In the case of universities, these staff are
education qualification is the normal minimum recruited from among the Assistente
requirement for appointment (getuigschrift van estagirio/a who have completed a minimum
het met goed gevolg afgelegd afsluitend 2 years of teaching, or from among holders of

Part A Tome3.qxd 10/12/01 16:09 Page 26

Assistente convidado/da

the degree of mestrado or those who have politcnico (polytechnic tertiary education)
passed tests of teaching and academic ability. normally enrolling students from the age of
In institutions of ensino superior politcnico, 18. The licenciatura degree with a final
they are selected on the basis of an open classification of at least good, or its
recruitment procedure from among holders of equivalent, is required for appointment.
a second stage degree (licenciatura). Staff in These staff are responsible for practical and
this category are responsible for practical or laboratory or field work in subjects leading to
theoretical/practical teaching and for a licenciatura degree. They can be appointed
laboratory or field work in subjects leading to to the post of Assistente after obtaining a
a second stage degree (licenciatura) or to mestrado (postgraduate degree) or
further postgraduate studies supervised by a satisfactory performance in the provas de
Professor/a catedrtico/ca or Professor/a aptido pedaggica e capacidade cientfica
coordenador/a. Those who have obtained a (exams testifying to their teaching and
doutoramento (doctorate) or an equivalent academic ability). Appointment in either case
degree may be recruited as Professor/a is for a 4-year period (corresponding to an
auxiliar. In public-sector institutions, these annual contract renewable three times), in
staff are state employees with civil servant accordance with a decision by the academic
status. They are recruited by the academic council of their institution.
council of their institution, at universities for a
limited period of 6 years (renewable for a Assistentti
further 2 years) and at polytechnics for 3 years Country: Finland
(renewable once only for the same period). Grammatical variants: Assistentit, assis-
Assistente convidado/da Level: Tertiary
Country: Portugal Explanatory note: Assistant teacher at
Grammatical variants: Assistentes convi- university normally enrolling students from
dados/das the age of 19, who has both teaching and
Level: Tertiary research responsibilities. Candidates for the
Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino superior position must have a maisterintutkinto
universitrio (university tertiary education) or diploma. For information on recruitment,
ensino superior politcnico (polytechnic appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
tertiary education) normally enrolling students see Professori. Swedish term: Assistant.
from the age of 18. Staff appointed to these
posts must hold the licenciatura, or an Assistenzprofessor/in
equivalent degree, and have completed at least Country: Austria
4 years of academic or professional activity in a Grammatical variants:
field related to the subject(s) they intend to Assistenzprofessor/en/innen*
teach. They work under the supervision of the Level: Tertiary
Professor/a catedrtico/ca or Professor/a Explanatory note: Teacher at universities
coordenador/a. Following a decision by the normally enrolling students from the age of
academic council of their institution, they sign 18, who is responsible for certain individual
an annual contract renewable for 3-year periods. course lectures and has not submitted a post-
doctoral thesis (Habilitation). Teachers in this
Assistente estagirio/a category are trained at universities and have
Country: Portugal completed a doctorate (the Doktor degree).
Grammatical variants: Assistentes esta- They have teaching and research
girios/as responsibilities. They are appointed by the
Level: Tertiary Rektor/in of the university concerned on the
Explanatory note: Teacher assistant in basis of an open recruitment procedure (with
ensino superior universitrio (university the decision taken by the university
tertiary education) or ensino superior (Personalkommission). They are employed


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permanently by the university and are At tertiary non-vocational education

civil servants. The head of institute institutions, this post may be occupied by
(Institutsvor/stand/stndin) is responsible for a person holding the professional title of
evaluating them. magister (5 years of university studies) or
its equivalent, although it is also open to
Associate professor students who prepare for it in one of their
Country: Ireland final 2 years of study as assistant trainees,
Level: Tertiary in accordance with provisions in the
Explanatory note: Teacher in universities statutes of tertiary education institutions.
normally enrolling students from the age of Besides teaching, staff in this category are
17/18. In order to be eligible for this post, responsible for carrying out academic
candidates must have an honours degree, an research, upgrading their own
appropriate postgraduate qualification in their professional skills and assisting with the
subject, substantial research experience and a organisational tasks of their institution.
sound publishing record. For information on Teachers are appointed by the head
responsibilities, appointment, employer and (rektor) of the institution in accordance
status, see Professor. with open recruitment procedures
established by it. The appointment of an
Associate professor asystent who has not completed a year of
Country: Malta employment as a trainee assistant, is for
Level: Tertiary one year. After fulfilling this obligation,
Explanatory note: Teacher at the University staff are employed by the institution on a
of Malta normally enrolling students from the permanent basis, but are obliged to obtain
age of 18, who is responsible for teaching and the degree of doktor within 8 years
research. Candidates for this post, who must following their appointment. For
have the title of Doctor and have made sound information on evaluation, see Adiunkt.
contributions to knowledge and university At tertiary vocational education
affairs in general in order to be eligible, are institutions, the post of asystent may be
recruited on the basis of a selection/promotion occupied by a person holding the
board recommendation. Posts may be professional title of magister or magister
advertised for appointment within the grade. inynier or their equivalent. The
Teachers are appointed by the Council of the professional experience required is
University, and employed by the latter on a defined in the statutes of the institution
permanent or a contractual basis (normally for concerned. Responsibilities include
4 years). The University has no formal teaching and assistance with the
procedures for their evaluation. institutions organisational tasks. Teachers
are appointed, at the request of the head of
AST unit (dziekan, or kierownik jednostki such
Country: United Kingdom (E/W) as dyrektor instytutu), by the head of the
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- institution, and are employed by it on a
dary contractual basis. For information on
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of evaluation, see Profesor.
Advanced skills teacher. General term: Nauczyciel akademicki.

Asystent ATER
Country: Poland
Country: France
Grammatical variants: Asystenci, asystent*
Level: Tertiary Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Assistant at tertiary Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
education institutions normally enrolling Attach/e temporaire denseignement et de
students from the age of 19. recherche.

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Attach/e temporaire denseignement et de recherche

Attach/e temporaire denseignement et de may not, however, be granted until they have
recherche worked as teachers for at least 6 months. They
Country: France are appointed by the head (direktorius) of the
Level: Tertiary educational institution concerned, employed
Explanatory note: Temporary teacher in by the local authority as civil servants, and
tertiary education institutions normally for evaluated by the teacher appraisal commission
students aged 18 or over, who carries out the (pedagog atestacin komisija) of their school.
same amount of work as a Matre de For promotion possibilities, see Vyresnysis/
confrence. These duties may be assumed by nioji mokytojas/ja, Mokytojas/ja
students who are working for a doctorate, or metodininkas/k, Mokytojas/ja ekspertas/t.
who already hold one but are committed to
taking part in a competitive examination for Ayudante
recruitment to tertiary education. Candidates Country: Spain
are selected by a committee of specialists Grammatical variants: Ayudantes
from the institution concerned and then Level: Tertiary
appointed and employed by its head in Explanatory note: Teacher at facultades,
accordance with a 1- to 3-year contract escuelas tcnicas superiores or escuelas
renewable once for a year. They are subject to universitarias normally enrolling students
no evaluation procedure. Abbreviation: from the age of 18. In order to work at
ATER. escuelas universitarias, these teachers must
have a Licenciado, Arquitecto or Ingeniero
Aukltojas/ja degree (or Diplomado, Arquitecto Tcnico or
Country: Lithuania Ingeniero Tcnico degree for teaching certain
Grammatical variants: Aukltojai/jos subjects). To work at escuelas tcnicas
Level: Pre-primary superiores or facultades, they must hold a
Explanatory note: Teacher at a lopelis- Licenciado, Arquitecto or Ingeniero degree
darelis, darelis, or darelis-mokykla for and have completed their doctoral courses,
children aged from 1 to 6/7. Staff in this including at least 2 years of research. Besides
category are trained as pre-primary teachers at rounding off their academic training, they
a auktesnioji pedagogikos mokykla or a carry out educational tasks in accordance
university-level institution. The upper with the statutes of the university. They are
secondary school leaving certificate (bendrojo recruited (either as Ayudantes de facultad,
lavinimo mokyklos brandos atestatas) is Ayudantes de escuela universitaria or
required for admission to the practical and Ayudantes de escuela tcnica superior) by the
theoretical training, which consists of a 3- to institution, which also employs them.
4-year academic course leading to the diploma Institutions can stipulate fixed-term contracts
of college-level education (auktesniojo for a maximum of 2 years through public
mokslo diplomas), the diploma of higher examinations. Such contracts may be
education (auktojo mokslo diplomas or renewed once only for a maximum period of
diplomas), or the bachelors diploma 3 years. Teachers are appointed by the
(bakalauro diplomas). These staff are recruited competent body of the institution concerned
in accordance with an open procedure giving and evaluated by the Consejo de
them the permanent status of aukltojas which Universidades.


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Country: Sweden
Level: Pre-primary
Explanatory note: Child minder in a frskola
qualified teacher.

Behavioural support

development. Equivalent in England: Newly

Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)

or frskoleklass (pre-school class) for children
aged 1-6. The main task of these staff is to Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
care for the children through play and Explanatory note: Synonym for Special
educational activities. They are trained at educational needs auxiliary support.
upper secondary school, but no specific
degree is required for admission to the Bendrojo lavinimo dalyko/k mokytojas/ja (+)
theoretical and practical training, which Country: Lithuania
consists of a 3-year programme and leads to Grammatical variants: Bendrojo lavinimo
the barn- och fritidsprogrammet diploma. dalyko/k mokytojai/jos
Staff in this category are appointed by the Level: Lower/upper secondary
school head (rektor) in accordance with an Explanatory note: Teacher at pagrindin
open recruitment procedure and are employed mokykla and vidurin mokykla and gimnazija
(for ages 9/10 to 16/17, 16/17 to 18/19 and
under permanent contract by the municipality.
14/15 to 18/19 respectively). These teachers
There is no formal evaluation of staff, but the
are trained as specialists at either a
school head acts as counsellor and staff
auktesnioji pedagogikos mokykla or a
development manager. university-level institution if they are
intending to work in a pagrindin mokykla,
Barntrdgrdslrare and at a university-level institution for work
Country: Finland in a vidurin mokykla. Those wishing to train
Level: Pre-primary must hold the upper secondary school leaving
Explanatory note: Swedish term for certificate (bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos
Lastentarhanopettaja. brandos atestatas) and have obtained
satisfactory results in a vocational eligibility
Beginning teacher test (which may be taken at both the
Country: United Kingdom (NI) auktesnioji pedagogikos mokykla or the
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- university-level institution). The practical and
dary theoretical training consists of a 3- to 4-year
Explanatory note: An Assistant teacher academic course leading to the diploma of
who has recently completed initial teacher college-level education (auktesniojo moklso
training and is undergoing an induction period diplomas), the diploma of higher education
followed by a period of early professional (auktojo mokslo diplomas or diplomas) or


Part B Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:27 Page 30


the bachelors diploma (bakalauro diplomas). municipal adult education (for those aged 20
For information on recruitment, appointment, or over). (S)he is trained as a specialist at a
employer, status, and evaluation, see university or university college. The slutbetyg
Aukltojas/ja. For promotion possibilities, frn gymnasieskolan is required for admission
see Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja, to training for which there are two options.
Mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k, Mokytojas/ja Under the first option, future teachers can
ekspertas/t. study bildlrarprogrammet (a specific
programme including specialisation) which
Berufsschullehrer/in (+) lasts 3 years and leads to the bildlrarexamen
Country: Austria diploma. Under the second, they can train to
Grammatical variants: Berufsschullehrer/ become teachers in the upper levels of a
innen* grundskola (4 to 4 years of full-time study)
Level: Upper secondary or in a gymnasieskola (4 to 5 years full-time
Explanatory note: Teacher at Berufsschulen study). In the case of the second option,
(dual system compulsory vocational schools students must choose a combination of two
for apprentices), which enrol pupils aged subjects (arts and another subject). From
between 15 and 18. Teachers of general 1 July 2001, a new integrated teaching degree
education subjects or vocational theory is being introduced, replacing the
require a vocational (e.g. technical or bildlrarexamen. For information on
commercial) matriculation qualification recruitment, appointment, employer, status
(Reife- und Diplomprfungszeugnis) and 2 and evaluation, see Frskollrare.
years of relevant occupational experience.
Teachers of practical vocational subjects need Bitrdande lrare
a Meisterprfungszeugnis and 6 years of Country: Finland
relevant occupational experience. All teachers Level: Tertiary
are required to attend a 6-week training Explanatory note: Swedish term for
course at a Berufspdagogische Akademie Apulaisopettaja.
or at an in-service teacher training institute
(Berufspdagogisches Institut) during their Buitengewoon hoogleraar
first 2 years of teaching and, subse- Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
quently, a year-long full-time course at Grammatical variants: Buitengewoon
a Berufspdagogische Akademie. The hoogleraren, buitengewoon hoogleraars
qualification obtained is called the Level: Tertiary
Diplompdagog/e/in fr das Lehramt an Explanatory note: Part-time teacher at a
Berufsschulen. These teachers are employed university normally enrolling students from
by the Bundesland and appointed by the the age 18. The grade has the same level as
regional school council (Landesschulrat) or that of Gewoon hoogleraar. For further
the regional government (Landesregierung) information, see gewoon hoogleraar.
department responsible for the recruitment
procedure. The school inspector for BVE-docent
Berufsschulen (Berufsschulinspektor/in) and Country: The Netherlands
the Berufsschule school head (Direktor/in an Grammatical variants: BVE-docenten
Berufsschulen) carry out evaluations of their Level: Upper secondary
performance. Explanatory note: Specialist teacher at
vocational upper secondary education
Bildlrare institutions (Regionaal opleidingencentrum)
Country: Sweden normally enrolling students from the age of
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary 16-18/20. Teachers qualified as Leraar
Explanatory note: Teacher of art and design voortgezet onderwijs, as well as graduates
at a grundskola or gymnasieskola for pupils from other hbo courses may be appointed
aged 7-16 and 16-19 respectively, or in subject, in the latter case, to possession of a


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certificate of education (bewijs van of Cordinerend BVE-docent which

pedagogisch didactische bekwaamheid) involves broader responsibilities. These
awarded following a 1-year work-based teachers are appointed and employed by the
course containing both pedagogical and boards of institutions in the grant-aided
educational subjects. In order to teach private sector in accordance with an open
vocational subjects, relevant vocational recruitment procedure, and evaluated by the
qualifications or occupational experience are employer concerned. Although their contract
normally required. Teachers whose title is is based on private law, they enjoy public
BVE-docent may receive a first promotion servant status as a basic condition of service
with no change in the title and then, in a for pensions.
second stage, be promoted again to the grade


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Catedrtico/ca (con condicin de)
Country: Spain
Grammatical variants: Catedrticos/cas
(con condicin de)
Country: Spain

Catedrtico/ca de escuela universitaria

Grammatical variants: Catedrticos/cas de

escuela universitaria
Level: Tertiary
Level: Lower/upper secondary/tertiary
Explanatory note: Promotion title awarded Explanatory note: Teacher at escuelas
to the career civil servant Profesor/a de universitarias or facultades normally
Enseanza Secundaria (+), Profesor/a de enrolling students from the age of 18.
Artes Plsticas y Diseo, Profesor/a de (S)he has both teaching and research
responsibilities and, in order to be eligible for
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Requirements for
the position, must have the title of Doctor. For
promotion are at least 8 years of seniority in information on recruitment, appointment,
the corresponding civil servant teaching corps status, employer and evaluation, see
and area of specialisation. Promotion is Catedrtico/ca de Universidad.
requested by teachers themselves, and, in
order to obtain it, they must satisfactorily Catedrtico/ca de Msica y Artes Escnicas
complete a selection procedure at regional Country: Spain
level, consisting of a competitive procedure Grammatical variants: Catedrticos/cas de
and test. In the former, positive factors such as Msica y Artes Escnicas
teaching actually carried out, professional Level: Tertiary
qualifications, in-service training and other Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
professional activities (publications, etc.) are institutions which specialise in music, dance
taken into account. The test involves and dramatic art, and normally enrol students
presenting and debating one freely chosen from the age of 18. To gain access to this
topic in the teachers area of specialisation. position, teachers must be Profesor/a de
Msica y Artes Escnicas and satisfactorily
The competent body of the corresponding
complete a selection procedure. They are
Autonomous Community decides whether evaluated by the Inspector de Educacin.
this title should be granted and, if so,
promotion results in an increased salary and is Catedrtico/ca de Universidad
referred to specifically in the basic term, e.g. Country: Spain
Profesor de Enseanza Secundaria con Grammatical variants: Catedrticos/cas de
condicin de Catedrtico, Profesor de Artes Universidad
Plsticas y Diseo con condicin de Level: Tertiary
Catedrtico, Profesor de Escuelas Oficiales Explanatory note: Teacher at facultades or
de Idiomas con condicin de Catedrtico. escuelas tcnicas superiores normally

Part C Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:30 Page 34

Charg dducation

enrolling students from the age of 18. (S)he their permanent appointment (in universities
has both teaching and research responsibilities to the post of professeur ordinaire). The
and, in order to be eligible for the position, Ministry of the French Community is
must have the title of Doctor and occupy a responsible for evaluating them (only short
similar post at another university, or have at tertiary education is subject to inspection,
least 3 years experience as Profesor/a which is not carried out in either long
Titular de Universidad or Catedrtico/ca tertiary education or the universities).
de escuela universitaria. These teachers are
recruited on the basis of a competitive Charg de cours
examination organised by each university, and Country: Luxembourg
are appointed by the Rector de Universidad. Level: Post-secondary/tertiary
In public-sector universities, they are civil Explanatory note: Teacher at the University
servants. They are employed by the univer- Centre and Higher Technological Institute
sity and evaluated by the Consejo de (Centre universitaire and Institut Suprieur
Universidades and the Comisin Nacional de de Technologie) normally enrolling students
Evaluacin de la Actividad Investigadora. from the age of 19, who are recruited from
among the Professeur denseignement
Charg dducation secondaire (+) or university staff who do not
Country: Luxembourg have the teachers diploma (such as lawyers,
Level: Lower/upper secondary economists, doctors, etc.). Staff in this
Explanatory note: Teacher at general and category are responsible solely for teaching.
technical lyces enrolling pupils aged from 12 These teachers are generally employed on the
to 19. These staff are responsible for teaching basis of a temporary contract. For more
a particular subject area. The posts concerned information, see professeur denseignement
are offered to those who hold a higher secondaire.
education qualification without satisfying the
requirements for admission to the teacher Charg de direction dune classe
training course. They are appointed in Country: Luxembourg
accordance with an open recruitment Level: Pre-primary
procedure and are employed by the Ministry Explanatory note: An auxiliary teacher for
of Education on the basis of a temporary the Instituteur/trice at pre-primary level,
contract. There are no special arrangements who replaces him or her when absent. These
for evaluating chargs dducation. teachers may also give lessons in artistic,
musical or physical education. In order to
Charg de cours secure appointment, applicants have to have
Country: Belgium (French Community) completed their upper secondary education,
Level: Tertiary together with a three-week course organised
Explanatory note: Teacher at university and by the primary school inspectorate (collge
non-university tertiary education institutions des inspecteurs de lenseignement primaire).
normally enrolling students from the age of They are appointed in accordance with an
18. Those appointed to the post of charg de open recruitment procedure and employed by
cours should either hold a doctorate or be the municipalities on the basis of a temporary
studying for one. Staff in this category are contract. There are no special arrangements
responsible solely for teaching. They may be for evaluating these teachers.
promoted to the post of Professeur (in
universities and Hautes coles) or Chilcare worker
Professeur ordinaire (in universities only). Country: Ireland
Recruitment of these teachers is the Level: Pre-primary
responsibility of the administrative board of Explanatory note: Assistant in the early start
the institution which employs them. They pre-school programme for children aged
have temporary status in the years preceding between 3 and 4 in selected disadvantaged


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Collaboratore ed esperto linguistico

primary schools. Each pre-school class is undergraduate course combining initial

staffed by a Mainstream class teacher and teacher training (ITT) with degree studies
a qualified childcare worker. The minimum leading to a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.),
qualification to be eligible for this post is a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science
one year full time post leaving certificate level (B.Sc.) degree (concurrent model) and
2 qualification validated by the National Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). An
Vocational Certificate: Community & Health alternative route, which conforms to a
Services (NCVA), or equivalent qualifi- consecutive model but is less common at pre-
cations. Their main responsibilities include primary and primary level, is a 1-year
help with the care and support of pupils, postgraduate course leading to a Post-
support for learning activities, and assistance graduate certificate in Education (PGCE).
with resources and records. They are recruited Secondary classroom teachers are subject
on the basis of an open procedure. They are specialists, most of whom have completed a
appointed by the relevant schools board of 3- or 4-year degree in a specific discipline,
management. They are employed by the usually leading to a BA or B.Sc., followed by
school concerned. They are considered to be a 1-year postgraduate ITT course leading to a
public employees but not civil servants. PGCE (consecutive model) and QTS.
Postgraduate trainee teachers are eligible for
Classroom assistant a training salary, and further support may be
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) available depending on financial need. In
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary England, a Newly qualified teacher is
Explanatory note: Synonym for Teaching required to complete an induction year.
Classroom teachers are selected through
open recruitment procedures, by the school
Classroom assistant
governing body and headteacher, and
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
employed either by the former or the local
Level: Primary
education authority, depending on the
Explanatory note: Assistant of a Teacher
category of school. Teachers are considered
in the classroom in primary schools. No
formal qualifications are required for to be public employees but are not civil
appointment, although most local authorities servants. Contracts are usually permanent and
ask new classroom assistants to undergo some full-time, but may also be part-time, short- or
form of informal induction training. Staff in fixed-term in accordance with school needs.
this category offer support to teachers with all The headteacher is responsible for appraising
tasks, without however undertaking teaching individual classroom teachers while the
duties as such. They are appointed and national inspection bodies are responsible for
employed by the local education authority inspecting schools themselves. The
through open recruitment and, although progression of classroom teachers to the
positions are permanent, they are usually for upper pay scale depends on their
term time only. For evaluation, see teacher. demonstrating high sustained levels of
competence, achievement and commitment.
Classroom teacher Promotion possibilities relate mainly to the
Country: United Kingdom (E/W) leadership scale but also to Advanced
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- skills teacher. Equivalent in Northern Ireland:
dary Assistant teacher.
Explanatory note: Teacher at a (pre-primary)
nursery school, primary or secondary school Collaboratore ed esperto linguistico
(for ages 3-4/5, 4/5-11, and 11-16/18, Country: Italy
respectively). Pre-primary and primary Grammatical variants: Collaboratori ed
classroom teachers are trained as generalists esperti linguistici
and normally follow a 3- or 4-year Level: Tertiary

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Confereniar universitar

Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at recognised scientific and teaching activity at

universities normally enrolling students from university level are required for appointment
the age of 19. This post mainly involves tasks to this post which involves teaching and
related to foreign language learning and research responsibilities. These teachers can
support for teaching activities. Applicants for be promoted to the post of profesor
the position must be linguistic experts either universitar, in accordance with a competitive
with a diploma di Laurea or a degree from a procedure. They are subject to no evaluation
foreign university and native speakers of the procedure. For appointment, employer and
language concerned. They are recruited status, see profesor universitar.
following a competitive examination
organised by each university, and appointed Cordinerend BVE-docent
by the rettore. They are employed by the Country: The Netherlands
university on the basis of a permanent Grammatical variants: Cordinerend BVE-
contract, and evaluated by special bodies docenten
attached to it. Level: Upper secondary
Explanatory note: The highest promotion
Confereniar universitar grade of BVE-docent, implying a higher
Country: Romania level of responsibility as regards the
Grammatical variants: Confereniari coordination of departmental educational
universitari activity, the quality of teaching, the provision
Level: Tertiary of practical training and the external
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary contractual activities of the institution
education institutions, whose rank is concerned. For information on employment,
immediately below that of Profesor appointment, status and evaluation, see BVE-
universitar. A doctorate and 9 years of docent.


Part D Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:08 Page 37

Daskalos/la (/)
Country: Cyprus
Grammatical variants: Daskaloi, daskal*
Level: Primary
Explanatory note: Teacher at dimotica

training must have at least 5 years of teaching

experience in SEN school units. For all
information, see daskalos/la or kathigitis/tria.

scholeia, including special education Country: Liechtenstein
institutions, enrolling pupils from the age of 5 Grammatical variants: DAZ-lehrer/innen*
years and 8 months to 12. For further Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
information, see Nipiagogos. Explanatory note: Teachers at any level of
school education who assists pupils whose
Daskalos/la (/) mother tongue is not German, either in
Country: Greece intensive courses for a limited period of one
Grammatical variants: Daskaloi/les or two semesters, or additional lessons over
Level: Primary and above the normal workload of pupils. For
Explanatory note: Teacher at a dimotico information on appointment, employer and
scholeio enrolling children aged between 6 status, see Primarschullehrer/in.
and 12. For information on initial training, Evaluation is the responsibility of the
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, inspector at the level of education concerned.
see Nipiagogos.
Dstytojas/ja (auktesniosios mokyklos)
Daskalos/la Idikis Agogis (/ Country: Lithuania
) Grammatical variants: Dstytojai/jos
Country: Greece (auktesniosios mokyklos)
Grammatical variants: Daskaloi/les Idikis Level: Tertiary
Agogis Explanatory note: Vocational teacher at an
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary auktesnioji mokykla enrolling students aged
Explanatory note: Teacher at mainstream or between 18-19 and 21-22. These teachers are
separate special education primary and trained as specialists at a university-level
secondary schools for pupils with special institution for 4 to 5 years, unless they provide
educational needs (SEN). Staff in this practical training, in which case they train for
category are trained similarly to the 3 years at an auktesnioji mokykla. The upper
Daskalos/la or Kathigitis/tria, with secondary school leaving certificate (bendrojo
additional postgraduate specialised studies or lavinimo mokyklos brandos atestatas) is
training in either special needs education or in required for admission to the practical and
school psychology. In case of staff shortage, theoretical training, which leads to a diploma
teachers without postgraduate studies or of college-level education (auktesniojo

Part D Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:08 Page 38

Dstytojas/ja ekspertas/t

mokslo diplomas), the diploma of higher information on recruitment, appointment,

education (diplomas or auktojo mokslo status and evaluation, see Lector.
diplomas) or the bachelors diploma
(bakalauro diplomas). Staff in this category Docent/e
are recruited in accordance with an open Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
procedure giving them the permanent status of Grammatical variants: Docenten
dstytojas which may not, however, be granted Level: Tertiary
until they have worked as teachers for at least Explanatory note:
a year. They are appointed by the school head Teacher at hogescholen offering single-
(direktorius) as state employees with civil stage and 2-stage tertiary education
servant status, and evaluated by the teacher courses normally enrolling students from
certification/appraisal commission (dstytoj the age of 18. The degree of doctor is
atestacijos komisija) at the auktesnioji mokykla required for appointment to this post
concerned. For promotion possibilities, see which involves responsibility for teaching
Vyresnysis/nioji dstytojas/ja, Dstytojas/ja and research. For further information on
ekspertas/t. appointment, employer, status and
evaluation, see Praktijklector. These
Dstytojas/ja ekspertas/t teachers can be promoted to the post of
Country: Lithuania Hoofddocent/e or Hoogleraar.
Grammatical variants: Dstytojai/jos Teacher at a university normally enrolling
ekspertai/ts students from the age of 18. The degree of
Level: Tertiary doctor is required for appointment to this
Explanatory note: Highest promotion title post which involves responsibility for
awarded to all those who have held the title of teaching and research. These teachers are
Vyresnysis/nioji dstytojas/ja. Promotion is appointed by the board of their university
granted by the chief/general commission for on the basis of an open recruitment
vocational college teacher certification/ procedure and, in public universities, they
appraisal (vyriausioji auktesnij mokykl have public status. In private universities,
dstytoj atestacijos komisija) at the Ministry their status is private although almost
of Education and Science. For further entirely determined by public law.
information, see Mokytojas/ja ekspertas/t. Evaluation is mandatory and, from 2002,
is being conducted by the universities at
Doc. least every 5 years. Teachers can be
Country: Czech Republic, Slovenia promoted to the post of the hoofddocent.
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Docent/ka
Docent/ka. Country: Czech Republic
Grammatical variants: Docenti/tky, docent*
Docent Level: Tertiary
Country: The Netherlands Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
Grammatical variants: Docenten education institutions (vysok koly) normally
Level: Tertiary enrolling students from the age of 18/19. The
Explanatory note: Teacher at a tertiary doctorate and a period completed as an
vocational education institution (hogeschool) Asistent/ka or Odborn/n asistent/ka are
normally enrolling students from the age of 17. required for promotion to a senior lectureship
Although there are no statutory requirements as by the head of the university (rektor/ka) in a
regards initial qualifications, these teachers, venium docendi appointment procedure
who are responsible for teaching practical skills known as habilitace. Requests for the
associated with their professional field, are accreditation of habilitation are approved by
normally expected to have relevant vocational the Accreditation Commission. Teachers can
qualifications or occupational experience. For be promoted to the post of Profesor/ka. For


Part D Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:08 Page 39


information on responsibilities, appointment, Docentas/t

employer, status and evaluation see profesor. Country: Lithuania
Abbreviation: Doc. Grammatical variants: Docentai/ts
Level: Tertiary
Docent/ka Teacher at a kolegija, universitetas or
Country: Slovakia akademija normally enrolling students from the
Grammatical variants: Docenti, docent* age of 18/19. These staff, whose main
Level: Tertiary responsibilities involve teaching and research,
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary are trained as specialists at a university-level
education institutions (univerzita and vysok institution. In order to be eligible for
kola) normally enrolling students from appointment, candidates should have the title of
the age of 18/19. The doctorate (PhD), as doctor (daktaras) and, in the case of those
well as the vedecko-akademick hodnos intending to teach certain subjects, 3 years of
scientific/academic degree are required for experience in the corresponding professional
appointment to this post, which mainly sector. Staff in this category may be admitted to
involves responsibility for academic and the post of Profesorius/r. For information on
educational tasks (research, the supervision of recruitment, appointment, employer, status, and
theses and lectures). These teachers may be evaluation, see Asistentas/t.
promoted to the post of Professor/ka. They
are employed by the faculty or the tertiary Docents/e
education institution concerned on a Country: Latvia
permanent or contractual basis. For Grammatical variants: Docenti/es
information on recruitment, appointment and Level: Tertiary
evaluation see professor. General term: Explanatory note: Teacher at a tertiary
Uitel/ka na vysokej kole. education institution (augstskola, universitte)
normally enrolling students from the age of
Docent/ka 18. The doctoral degree (doktora grds) and
Country: Slovenia teaching experience are required for
Grammatical variants: Docenti/tke, docent* appointment. Staff in this category, who have
Level: Tertiary both teaching and research responsibilities,
Explanatory note: Teacher in tertiary education can be elected for 6 years by their faculty
institutions normally enrolling students from the board or institute council, or in accordance
age of 19. Staff who occupy this post have to with the order laid out by the institutions
possess the doktorat znanosti (doctorate of constitution. For information on appointment,
science), and should have demonstrated employer, status, evaluation, see
satisfactory performance as teachers and have Profesors/e. General term: Pasniedzjs/a.
academic and professional references. In artistic
fields, they should hold at least a first degree and Doctor-assistent/e
have an established record of artistic Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
achievement. Their title is awarded for a period Grammatical variants: Doctor-assistenten
of 5 years (renewable) by the senat of the Level: Tertiary
institution concerned, in accordance with Explanatory note:
legislative procedures. The title can also be Auxiliary member of staff who supports
revoked. Staff in this category are responsible the Docent/e, Hoofddocent/e,
for teaching and research or artistic activity at Hoogleraar and Gewoon hoogleraar at
their institution, and may be promoted to the hogescholen. The degree of doctor is the
post of Izredni/na profesor/ica. For further minimum requirement for appointment to
information on qualifications, appointment, this post, the status of which is always
employer, status and evaluation, see temporary (a two-year contract renewable
Asistent/ka. Abbreviation: Doc. General term: once) and which is intended to provide a
Visokoolski/ke uitelji/ice. sound basis for appointment as docent. For

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further information on appointment and research. They are selected by a mixed

employer, see Praktijklector. membership decision-making body within the
Promotion title for an Assistent/e at institution and, if they satisfy all requirements,
universities. The degree of doctor is the may apply for any other of its teaching staff
minimum requirement for appointment to posts. For all information, see Professor.
this post, the duties of which include
research and teaching on an independent Dotzent ()
basis. Appointment is in accordance with a Country: Bulgaria
temporary contract of up to 3 years which
may be renewed once. For further Grammatical variants: Dotzenti
information on appointment, employer Level: Tertiary
and evaluation, see praktijklector. Explanatory note: Associate professor at
tertiary education institutions normally
Doktorassistent enrolling students from the age of 19. This
Country: Finland post may be occupied by a person holding a
Grammatical variants: Doktorassistenter doctorate or its equivalent. For information on
Level: Tertiary appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
Explanatory note: Swedish term for see Professor.
Dsent Country: Belgium (German-speaking Com-
Country: Iceland munity)
Grammatical variants: Dsentar Grammatical variants: Dozent/en/innen*
Level: Tertiary Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at hskli normally Explanatory note: Teacher at the
enrolling students from the age of 20. An Pdagogische Hochschule and Kranken-
evaluation committee assesses the qualifications pflegeschule normally enrolling students from
of an applicant for this position, and a PhD or its the age of 18. These teachers are trained in the
equivalent is normally required for appointment. universities of the French Community of
Dsentar have teaching, research and adminis- Belgium. The university qualification of licence
trative responsibilities. They may apply for is required to obtain a post of this kind. In
promotion to the post of Professor, in which addition to their course responsibilities, teachers
case the conditions governing application vary ensure that students are properly supervised
with the university institution concerned. They and monitored. For information on appoint-
are appointed by the head (rektor) of the ment, employer, status and evaluation, see
institution on the basis of an open recruitment Kindergrtner/in.
procedure or following promotion, and are state
employees with civil servant status. In the
private sector, they are employed by the Dozent/in
institution. For information on evaluation, see Country: Liechtenstein
Ajnkt. Common term: Hsklakennari. Grammatical variants: Dozent/en/innen*
Level: Tertiary
Dotsent Explanatory note: Teacher at Universitt or
Country: Estonia Fachhochschule normally enrolling students
Grammatical variants: Dotsendid, dotsen* from the age of 19. In the public sector,
Level: Tertiary teachers have pursued an academic career and
Explanatory note: Teacher at a tertiary generally hold a doctorate and habilitation.
education institution (likool or They are employed on the basis of a private
rakenduskrgkool), normally enrolling students permanent contract and evaluated by the
from the age of 18. Staff in this category teach tertiary institution concerned. Synonym (in
one or more subjects and are involved in the public sector): Professor.


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Level: Pre-primary/primary
Early education childcare worker
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)

Explanatory note: Synonym for Nursery


Level: Pre-primary
Explanatory note: Teacher at grdini,
including special education institutions, for
children aged between 3 and 6/7, who is
trained as a generalist in upper secondary
schools for teacher training. On successful
Educador/a de infncia completion of their 5-year course, students
Country: Portugal receive a diploma de bacalaureat and a
Grammatical variants: Educadores/ras de certificate (atestat profesional) qualifying
infncia them for employment as pre-primary school
Level: Pre-primary teachers. Since the 1999/2000 school year,
Explanatory note: Teacher at pre-primary initial training of these teachers has been
education institutions enrolling children aged provided by university colleges (colegiu
between 3 and 6, who is trained for 4 years as universitar). A person intending to assume
a generalist at a tertiary teacher training responsibilities formerly exercised by
institution (Escola Superior de Educao) or educator/oare is now trained as an
university. Candidates must have the upper Institutor/oare (although already qualified
secondary school leaving certificate (diploma educator/oare will continue their activities
de estudos secundrios) to embark on and retain the former title). For all
training, which contains both a theoretical and information on employer, appointment, status
practical component and leads to the award of and evaluation, see institutor.
the licenciatura degree. These teachers are
responsible for the educational activity of Egyetemi adjunktus
very young children and for helping to Country: Hungary
coordinate the organisation of classroom Grammatical variants: Egyetemi adjunk-
activities. In public-sector schools, they are tusok, egyetemi adjunktus*
civil servants employed and appointed by the Level: Tertiary
Regional Education Authorities (Direces Explanatory note: Teacher in universities
Regionais de Educao, or DRE) on the basis (egyetem) normally enrolling students from
of a national application procedure organised the age of 18. The egyetemi oklevl diploma
by the Ministry of Education. For evaluation, and the qualification of teacher are required
see Professor/a. for appointment to this post. The
responsibilities of these teachers may vary
Educator/oare from one institution to the next and are
Country: Romania stipulated in the institutional regulations.
Grammatical variants: Educatori They may be promoted to the post of

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Egyetemi docens

Egyetemi docens. For information on Egyetemi tanrsegd

appointment, employer, status and evaluation, Country: Hungary
see Egyetemi tanr. Grammatical variants: Egyetemi tanr-
segd*, egyetemi tanrsegdek
Egyetemi docens Level: Tertiary
Country: Hungary Explanatory note: Teacher in universities
Grammatical variants: Egyetemi docens*, (egyetem) normally enrolling students from
egyetemi docensek the age of 18, who is trained as a specialist
Level: Tertiary in a university (egyetem). These teachers
Explanatory note: Teacher in universities are responsible to the Egyetemi tanr.
(egyetem) normally enrolling students from The egyetemi oklevl diploma and the
the age of 18. Those appointed to this post qualification of teacher are required for
must have a doctorate (doktortus), and be appointment to this post. The responsibilities
recognised as capable of managing and of these teachers may vary from one
supporting the work of students and institution to the next and are stipulated in the
Egyetemi tanrsegd. They may be promoted institutional regulations. They may be
to the post of Egyetemi tanr. For promoted to the post of Egyetemi
information on appointment, employer, status adjunktus. For information on appointment,
and evaluation, see egyetemi tanr. employer, status and evaluation, see egyetemi
Egyetemi tanr
Country: Hungary Ekpaideftis/tria (/)
Grammatical variants: Egyetemi tanrok, Country: Greece
Grammatical variants: Ekpaideftes/tries
egyetemi tanr*
Level: Post-secondary
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at IEK (Instituto
Explanatory note: Teacher of the highest
Epaggelmatikis Katartisis, or vocational
possible rank in universities (egyetem)
training institutes) enrolling graduates from
normally enrolling students from the age of Gymnasio/Lykeio or the second stage of
18. Those appointed to this post must have a Techniko Epaggelmatiko Ekpaideftirio, or
doctorate (doktortus) and special academic those who hold a recognised equivalent
accreditation (implying that they are qualification. They are subject specialists and
nationally and internationally recognised and may hold a university or TEI degree, just an
academic pioneers in their field of arts or upper secondary or lower secondary school
science). They must also be able to manage leaving certificate (apolytirio eniaiou lykeiou
and support the work of students and or apolytirio gymnasiou) or, in very rare
Egyetemi tanrsegd, and be recognised as cases, none of the foregoing qualifications
capable of giving conventional lectures in two provided they have recognised professional
foreign languages. Besides their teaching and expertise. They are employed on a
research responsibilities, staff at this level contractual basis, usually for 14 weeks,
have to carry out administrative, financial and although this may depend on the course. They
management tasks. They are recruited by the are appointed by a 3-member IEK Committee
head (rektor) of their institution in accordance on the basis of an open recruitment procedure
with an open selection procedure, formally and their work is informally assessed by the
appointed to their post by the President of the head of the Ekpaideftirio (Diefthintis).
Republic, employed by the Ministry of
Education, and have civil servant status. Ekstern lektor
The rektor and the Hungarian Committee Country: Danemark
for Accreditation (Magyar Akkreditcis Grammatical variants: Den eksterne lektor,
Bizottsg) are responsible for their internal eksterne lektorer, de eksterne lektorer
and external evaluation, respectively. Level: Tertiary


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Epikouros Kathigitis/tria

Explanatory note: Part-time external teacher universits. For promotion, see matre de
at universities normally enrolling students confrences.
from the age of 19. Satisfactory performance
in the candidatus examination and further Enseignant/e invit/e
advanced qualifications are required for Country: France
appointment. Staff in this category must Level: Tertiary
independently organise and carry out teaching Explanatory note: Temporary teacher in a
in accordance with decisions taken by their tertiary education institution normally for
institution, giving lectures and devising and students aged 18 or over. Teachers in this
administering examinations and other forms category perform teaching and research on a
of assessment. These teachers are appointed full-time or part-time basis. In order to be
by their institutions in accordance with an eligible, applicants should hold a doctorate,
open recruitment procedure and employed by or an equivalent university qualification, and
them on a group contract basis, normally for have teaching or research responsibilities
three years at a time. They are subject to no abroad. They are appointed by the recteur
individual formal assessment procedures. dacadmie (head of the acadmie), although
this will subsequently be the role of the head
Enseignant/e-chercheur/euse of the institution concerned, and employed by
Country: France the latter for 1-6 months each year. The
Level: Tertiary decree governing appointment may be
Explanatory note: Generic term to designate applicable for up to three years. They are
Matre de confrences and Professeur/e subject to no evaluation procedure. For
des universits. information on recruitment, see Matre de
confrences or Professeur/e des
Enseignant/e associ/e
Country: France
Epikouros Kathigitis/tria (
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Temporary teacher in Country: Greece
tertiary education institutions normally for Grammatical variants: Epikouroi Kathi-
students aged 18 or over. Teachers in this gites/tries
category perform teaching and research on a Level: Tertiary
full-time or part-time basis. In order to be Explanatory note: Teacher at universities
recruited full time, candidates should either (panepistimio) and technological educa-
have demonstrable professional experience in tion institutes (Technologika Ekpaideftika
a field related to their subject but outside Idrymata, or TEI). Candidates for this post
teaching or research, or hold a doctorat, or an have to hold a doctorate. Appointment to the
equivalent university qualification, and have post at a university requires at least 2 years of
teaching or research responsibilities abroad. independent teaching and original publication
In order to work part time, they have solely to following the completion of a doctoral thesis.
demonstrate that they have a main Appointment at a TEI calls for at least 4 years
professional occupation (other than in of professional activity at an appropriate level
teaching) and professional experience related and evidence of scientific or artistic activity
to the field in which they teach. They are (3 original publications or papers are
employed by the head of their institution for a required). Teachers in this category also have
maximum period of 3 years if they work full research responsibilities. They are employed
time and 9 years if they work part time. They by their institution for a 3-year period,
are subject to no evaluation procedure. For following which they may become state
information on their teaching and research employees and entitled to request promotion
duties, recruitment and appointment, see to the rank of Anaplirotis/tria
Matre de confrences or Professeur/e des Kathigitis/tria. They are appointed by the

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dean (prytanis) at universities, and by the TEI Eripedagoog

president (Proedros) in TEIs, following a Country: Estonia
proposal from the electoral board of the Grammatical variants: Eripedagoogid,
department which announced the vacancy. eripedagoog*
There is no specific staff evaluation system at Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
this level of education. Explanatory note: Teacher at a phikool or
gmnaasium, which enrols pupils with
Erhvervsskolelrer (+) special needs aged between 7 and 18, who is
Country: Danemark trained for 5 years at university (likool) for
Grammatical variants: work in special education. Training contains
Erhvervsskolelreren, erhvervsskolelrere, both a theoretical and practical part and,
erhvervsskolelrerne if successful, leads to the award of a
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary diplom with the academic degree of
Explanatory note: Teacher at vocational, bakalaureusekraad. For qualifications requi-
business or technical upper secondary schools red to enter initial training, appointment,
(erhvervsskoler, handelsskoler or tekniske employer, status and evaluation, see
skoler) for pupils aged between 16 and 19, Koolieelse lasteasutuse petaja.
who is trained as a vocational education
subject specialist at the National Institute for Erityislastentarhanopettaja
the Educational Training of Vocational Country: Finland
Teachers (Danmarks Erhvervspdagogiske Grammatical variants:
Lreruddannelse, or DEL). The training Erityislastentarhanopettajat,
involved is essentially a pedagogical course erityislastentarhanopettaj*
supplementing the technical skills and Level: Pre-primary
practical professional experience of skilled Explanatory note: Teacher for children with
workers who want to become teachers. In special educational needs in pre-school
order to embark on it, candidates must have a education either at pivkoti (day care
vocational training qualification and at least 5 centres) for those aged between 1 and 6 years
years of practical work experience in the old, or in perusopetus (for those aged 6).
subject they intend to teach. The professional (S)he is a university-trained specialist.
postgraduate teacher training course The kasvatustieteiden kandidaatintutkinto
(pdagogikum) is a linked-work-and-training diploma is required for admission to the
programme, in which periods of theoretical practical and theoretical training which
education alternate with periods of teaching consists of a course with a possible 35 credits
practice. The theoretical part lasts the (approximately one academic year)
equivalent of 14 weeks full time, and the qualifying the teacher to act as an
practical part the equivalent of 4 weeks full erityislastentarhanopettaja. For information
time. Much of the course involves on-the-job on recruitment, appointment, employer,
training supervised by a tutor status, evaluation, see
(praktikvejleder) at the training institution Lastentarhanopettaja. Swedish term:
itself. Within the first two years of Specialbarntrdgrdslrare.
employment, trainees must take the teaching
examination leading to the qualification of Erityisluokanopettaja
Eksamensbevis: Pdagogikum for lrere ved Country: Finland
erhvervsskoler og AMU-centre awarded by Grammatical variants:
the DEL. These teachers are appointed by Erityisluokanopettajat, erityisluokanopettaj*
their institutions in accordance with an open Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary
recruitment procedure, and employed by them Explanatory note: Teacher for children/
on a contractual basis with a status similar to pupils with special educational needs at
that of civil servants. They are subject to no pivkoti (day care centres) and perusopetus
individual formal assessment procedures. (for ages 6 and 7-16, respectively). Staff in


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this category are university-trained. The may also take the kasvatustieteiden
kasvatustieteiden kandidaatintutkinto or kandidaatintutkinto (120 credits roughly
maisterintutkinto diploma is required for equivalent to 3 academic years) or
admission to the practical and theoretical maisterintutkinto (160 credits roughly
training, which consists of a course with a equivalent to 4 academic years) degree
possible 35-50 credits (usually more than one with special pedagogy as the main sub-
academic year) leading to the ject; 3) ammatilliset opettajakorkeakoulut
erityisluokanopettajantutkinto diploma. These (vocational teacher training colleges) offer
teachers are recruited on the basis of an open special needs teacher education with a
recruitment procedure. The person/body in possible 35 credits (approximately one
charge of their appointment depends on the academic year), which qualifies those who
decision of the local authority responsible for have taken a higher academic or polytechnic
the management of the educational institution. degree to work as special needs teachers at
They are employed by the local authority as vocational institutions. All 3 options consist
civil servants or by a private maintaining body of theoretical and practical training. For
on a contractual basis. They are evaluated by information on recruitment, appointment,
the education provider. Swedish term: employer, status and evaluation, see
Specialklasslrare. Erityisluokanopettaja. Swedish term:
Speciallrare or Specialyrkeslrare.
Country: Finland Erzieher/in
Grammatical variants: Erityisopettajat, Country: Deutschland
erityisopettaj* Grammatical variants: Erzieher*
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- Level: Pre-primary
dary Explanatory note: Educator at Kindergarten
Explanatory note: Teacher at pre-primary enrolling children aged between 3 and 6, who
level (pivkoti and, in pre-school education, is trained at schools for social pedagogy
in perusopetus), primary and lower secondary which are part of the upper secondary system
levels (perusopetus), and upper secondary (Fachschule fr Sozialpdagogik). These
(lukio) and vocational upper secondary levels educators also work in day centres for
(ammatillinen oppilaitos, ammatillinen children and pupils and in residential
erityisoppilaitos), for ages 6, 7-16 and 16-19, establishments. The full-time training course
respectively. The main task of these teachers comprises 2 to 3 years of teaching in the
is to provide part-time special needs education Fachschule and practical vocational training
to pupils with minor/subject-specific learning work in social institutions. The entrance
difficulties or adjustment problems, except in requirements for this course are successful
the case of ammatillinen erityisoppilaitos completion of lower secondary education and
where full-time special needs instruction is relevant vocational training lasting at least 2
provided for students with severe learning years, or 2 years of professional experience.
difficulties. Education provided in these Training leads to the qualification of state-
institutions is preparatory and rehabilitating. recognised Erzieher and enables the staff
In becoming an erityisopettaja, there are 3 concerned to undertake group work based on
possible options: 1) teachers are special the methods of social pedagogy, in teams in
education specialists trained in postgraduate which they nevertheless exercise a high
programmes (3550 credits, equivalent to or degree of personal responsibility. Their task
slightly more than one academic year) at is to encourage the individual development of
university. The diploma of kasvatustieteiden children and young people in accordance with
kandidaatintutkinto or maisterintutkinto, or its their age and stimulate in them the desire
equivalent, is required for admission to to learn. The profession of Erzieher
training, and an entrance examination is now includes a number of professions
organised for these applicants; 2) candidates which were formerly separate (among

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them Krippenerzieherin, Kindergrtnerin, Level: Pre-primary

Hortnerin, Jugenderzieherin and Explanatory note: Teacher for children aged
Heimerzieherin). Staff in this category 6 at pivkoti and perusopetus. A person who
are appointed on the strength of their is a qualified Luokanopettaja is also a
personal application and the selection qualified esiopetusta antava opettaja. In
procedure of the institution concerned. In addition, a person who has taken a
public-sector institutions, they are public kandidaatintutkinto diploma in the field of
service employees in accordance with the pedagogy or who is a qualified
terms of the Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag Lastentarhanopettaja is also a qualified
(Collective Agreement for Federal esiopetusta antava opettaja. For information
Employees). They are evaluated by the head on recruitment, appointment, employer,
of the institution that employs them. status, evaluation, see lastentarhanopettaja
and luokanopettaja. Swedish term: Lrare
Esiopetusta antava opettaja som meddelar frskoleundervisning.
Country: Finland
Grammatical variants: Esiopetusta antavat
opettajat, esiopetusta antav* opettaj*


Part F Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:11 Page 47

Country: Austria
Grammatical variants: Fachhochschul-
Level: Tertiary

Fachhochschul-Lektor/in. These teachers

have teaching responsibility only, and are
employed on a contractual basis for a limited
period (3 years open to extension). For all
information on appointment, employer and
Explanatory note: Teacher at a evaluation, see Fachhochschul-Lektor/in.
Fachhochschule normally enrolling students
from the age of 18, who is responsible for Facilitator
lectures in a certain field. Teachers in this Country: Malta
category have either trained at university and Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
obtained a Magister or Diplom-..., or are dary
excellent practitioners in their field. They Explanatory note: Assistant at pre-primary,
have only teaching responsibilities, and are primary, lower secondary and upper
appointed to their post by the body which secondary levels. The main task of staff in
maintains the Fachhochschule, on the basis of this category is to support children/pupils
an open recruitment procedure (with the with special educational needs, such as those
decision taken by the appropriate with physical disabilities, so that they may be
Studiengangsleiter/in of the Fachhochschule educated within mainstream schools. An
programme). Teachers are employed on a upper secondary education certificate is
contractual basis for a limited period (3 years required for admission to the (theoretical and
maximum), but may subsequently be practical training) which consists of an 18-
employed as a Fachhochschul- month course leading to the Diploma in
Professor/in. The programme administrator Facilitating Inclusive Education run by the
(Studiengangsleiter/in) is responsible for University of Malta. These staff are recruited
evaluating them. following a public call for applications. In
public-sector schools, they are appointed by
Fachhochschul-Professor/in the Prime Minister on the recommendation of
Country: Austria the public service commission and are
Grammatical variants: Fachhochschul- employed by the Education Division as civil
Professor/en/innen* servants. They are evaluated by the head of
Level: Tertiary school and the education officer for special
Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher educational needs.
at a Fachhochschule normally enrolling
students from the age of 18, who is Facilitator Adult Education
responsible for lectures in a certain field Country: Malta
following employment as a Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary

Part F Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:11 Page 48


Explanatory note: Normally a Teacher (+) qualification and QTS (see classroom
who gives adult evening classes in a part-time teacher), and are also assessed against the
basis, in addition to teaching (s)he carries out fast track teacher criteria. The Department for
during the day. Staff in this category, who Education and Skills (DfES), schools and
apply annually to renew their responsibilities, local education authorities (LEAs) work
are recruited in accordance with an open together to identify fast track teacher posts.
procedure and employed on a contractual These are advertised amongst fast track
basis by the department of further studies and teachers who apply and are interviewed and
adult education. selected by the school governing body. The
central management of the fast track
Faglrer (+) programme provides financial support to
Country: Norway schools and LEAs, partly to ensure that the
Grammatical variants: Faglreren, -lrer* additional costs of employing a fast track
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary teacher are not passed on to the school. Fast
Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskole track teachers are eligible for accelerated
(enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 16) and progression up the salary scale and are
at videregende skole (pupils aged between 16 expected to occupy a range of posts within
and 19/20) who is trained as a subject their first years of teaching. Recruitment to
specialist at university colleges (hgskole). the fast track programme began in October
The upper secondary school certificate 2000 and the first fast track teachers are
(vitneml fra videregende skole) is necessary taking up their posts in September 2002.
to embark on training. However, persons from Promotion possibilities relate mainly to the
the age of 25 have the right to be assessed for leadership scale but also to Advanced
admission to tertiary education based on non- skills teacher.
formal learning. Courses last 3 years (or the
equivalent of 3 years) and contain both a
theoretical and practical part. Successful
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
training leads to the award of a diploma
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon-
(vitneml). These staff teach specific subjects
like arts and crafts, business, music, home
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
economics, theatre, ballet, physical education,
etc. For information on appointment, Foreign language assistant.
employer, evaluation and status, see
Frskolelrer. Fiskolai adjunktus
Country: Hungary
Fast track teacher Grammatical variants: Fiskolai adjunk-
Country: United Kingdom (E) tusok, fiskolai adjunktus*
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- Level: Tertiary
dary Explanatory note: Teacher in tertiary
Explanatory note: Prospective teacher or a education institutions (fiskola) normally
Classroom teacher in a (pre-primary) enrolling students from the age of 18. The
nursery school, primary or secondary school egyetemi oklevl diploma and the
(for ages 3-4/5, 4/5-11 and 11-16/18, qualification of teacher are required for
respectively) who has been recruited to the appointment to this post. The responsibilities
fast track programme. This programme aims of these teachers may vary from one
to recruit and develop top-quality graduates institution to the next and are stipulated in the
and highly talented serving teachers with the institutional regulations. They may be
highest potential for excellence in teaching. promoted to the post of Fiskolai docens.
Fast track trainees receive a training salary For information on appointment, employer,
and a bonus. At the end of initial teacher status and evaluation, see Fiskolai
training, they receive an academic tanr.


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Fiskolai docens Fiskolai tanrsegd

Country: Hungary Country: Hungary
Grammatical variants: Fiskolai docensek, Grammatical variants: Fiskolai
fiskolai docens* tanrsegdek, fiskolai tanrsegd*
Level: Tertiary Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher in tertiary Explanatory note: Teacher in tertiary
education institutions (fiskola) normally education institutions (fiskola) normally
enrolling students from the age of 18. Those enrolling students from the age of 18. These
appointed to this post must hold the egyetemi teachers are responsible to the Fiskolai
oklevl diploma. They must also be tanr. The egyetemi oklevl diploma and the
recognised researchers or engaged in a highly qualification of teacher are required for
noteworthy form of professional activity or appointment to this post. The responsibilities
practice, and be capable of managing and of these teachers may vary from one
supporting the work of the teachers and institution to the next and are stipulated in the
students for whom they are responsible and institutional regulations. They may be
giving conventional lectures in a foreign promoted to the post of Fiskolai
language. They may be promoted to the post adjunktus. For information on appointment,
of Fiskolai tanr. For information on employer, status and evaluation, see fiskolai
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, tanr.
see fiskolai tanr.
Fiskolai tanr Country: Danemark
Country: Hungary Grammatical variants: Folkeskolelreren,
Grammatical variants: Fiskolai tanrok, folkeskolelrere, folkeskolelrerne
fiskolai tanr* Level: Primary/lower secondary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Teacher at a folkeskole
Explanatory note: Teacher of the highest for pupils aged between 6/7 and 16, who
possible rank in institutions of tertiary is trained as a generalist in teacher
education (fiskola) normally enrolling training tertiary education institutions
students from the age of 18. Those appointed (lrerseminarier). The general upper
to this post must have a doctorate secondary school leaving certificate
(doktortus), be recognised by specialists in (awarded following satisfactory performance
their field, and make a highly significant in the studentereksamen, HF, HHX or HTX
contribution to academic life. They must also examinations) is necessary to embark on
be able to manage and support the work of training, which lasts 4 years and contains
students and Fiskolai tanrsegd, and be both a theoretical and practical part. Training
recognised as capable of giving conventional comprises the following: 4 main subjects
lectures in a foreign language. For (Danish or mathematics plus 3 other subjects
information on responsibilities, see chosen by the student); a major independent
Egyetemi tanr. Recruitment is administered assignment related to one of the main
by the head of the institution (fiskolai rektor) subjects; Christian studies/philosophies of
or, in the case of fiskola not subdivided into life; and pedagogical subjects. Successful
departments, by the figazgat (in accordance training leads to the award of the bevis for
with an open selection procedure). These staff lrereksamen. Teachers are appointed by the
are formally appointed by the Prime Minister, municipalities in accordance with an open
employed by the Ministry of Education, and recruitment procedure and employed by
have civil servant status. The head of their them on a group contract basis. They are
institution and the Hungarian Committee for subject to no individual formal assessment
Accreditation (Magyar Akkreditcis procedures and, after 8 years of employment,
Bizottsg) are responsible for their internal they are granted the title of Overlrer.
and external evaluation, respectively. Teachers in this category may also assume

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special responsibilities in the folkeskole, such Frskolelrer

as those of Skolebibliotekar (school Country: Norway
librarian). Grammatical variants: Frskolelreren,
Folkhgskollrare Level: Pre-primary/primary
Country: Sweden Explanatory note: Teacher at barnehager
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- (children up to 5 years of age) and the first
dary year of grunnskole (6-year-old children), who
Explanatory note: Teacher of adults at a is trained as a generalist at a university
folkhgskola, who is university trained as a college (hgskole) specialising in pre-
specialist. Higher education of at least 3 years primary teacher training. The upper
in an appropriate field is required for secondary school certificate (vitneml fra
admission to the practical and theoretical videregende skole) is necessary to embark
training, which consists of a 1-year academic on training. However, persons from the age of
course leading to the folkhgskollrarexamen 25 have the right to be assessed for admission
diploma. Employer and status may differ, to tertiary education based on non-formal
depending on the type of ownership learning. Training for frskolelrer lasts 3
concerned. For information on recruitment, years and contains both a theoretical and
appointment and evaluation, see practical part. Successful training leads to the
Frskollrare. award of a diploma (frskolelrervitneml).
Teachers are appointed and employed by the
Foreign language assistant municipalities in accordance with an open
recruitment procedure. They are employed on
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
a contractual basis and are not civil servants.
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- There is no evaluation of teachers only
dary/tertiary school evaluation in general.
Explanatory note: Synonym for Language
assistant. Abbreviation: FLA. Frskollrare
Country: Sweden
Forskarassistent Level: Pre-primary
Country: Sweden Explanatory note: Teacher in a frskola or
Grammatical variants: Forskarassistenter frskoleklass (pre-school class) for children
Level: Tertiary aged 1-6, who is trained as a generalist at a
Explanatory note: Teacher at a university or university or university college. The slutbetyg
university college normally enrolling students frn gymnasieskolan diploma is required
from the age of 19, whose responsibilities are for admission to the theoretical and practical
divided between teaching, research and training, which consists of a 3-year aca-
administration to an extent that depends on demic course leading to the barn- och
the individual institution concerned. ungdomspedagogisk examen diploma. These
Candidates for this post should normally have staff members are appointed by the
acquired the title of doktor within the 5 years school head (rektor) in accordance with
preceding their application. They are recruited an open recruitment procedure and are
by the institution concerned in accordance employed under permanent contract by
with an open recruitment procedure, and the municipality. From 1 July 2001, a
appointed by the vice-chancellor (rektor), new integrated teaching degree is being
who may delegate this responsibility to introduced, replacing the barn- och
another staff member. In public-sector ungdomspedagogisk examen. All future
universities and university colleges, they are teachers will have a common basic
employed by the State for a maximum period competence, combined with a chosen
of 4 years. For information on evaluation, see specialisation in particular subject areas
Professor. and/or age-groups. The different teaching


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qualifications will vary in length between subjects, such as arts and crafts, training is
120 and 220 credit points (between also provided at Kennarahskli slands
approximately 3 and 5 academic years). (Iceland University of Education), Hsklinn
There is no formal evaluation of teachers, but Akureyri (University of Akureyri) and
the school head acts as counsellor and staff Listahskli slands (Iceland Academy of the
development manager. Arts). Applicants for training at Hskli
slands must have a BA or BSc degree (3 or
Frsteamanuensis 4 years of study). Here, training lasts one
Country: Norway year, or one semester if applicants have a
Grammatical variants: Frsteamanuensen, degree higher than the foregoing. Courses
-amanuens* are both academic and practical and lead
Level: Tertiary to the qualification required to teach at
Explanatory note: Associate professor at upper secondary level, which also enables
universities and university colleges (hgskole) its holders to teach at primary and
normally enrolling students from the age of lower secondary schools. Courses at
19. This post, which involves both teaching Kennarahskli slands or Hsklinn
and research responsibilities, may be occupied Akureyri leading to the same qualification are
by a person holding a doctorate or an part time and last 2 years. These teachers,
equivalent qualification. They can be who are state employees and civil servants,
promoted to the post of Profesor. For are appointed by the school head
information on appointment, employer, status (sklameistari) on the recommendation of the
and evaluation, see Hgskolelektor. school board. All vacant posts at upper
secondary schools must be advertised. Only
Framhaldssklakennari (+) those who have a letter of accreditation from
Country: Iceland the Minister of Education, Science and
Grammatical variants: Framhaldssklakennarar Culture are authorised to use the term
Level: Upper secondary framhaldssklakennari as a professional title.
Explanatory note: Teacher at framhaldsskli Every upper secondary school has to
enrolling pupils aged between 16 and 20, who implement methods to evaluate its work.
is trained as a subject specialist at Hskli Common term: Kennari.
slands (University of Iceland). In some

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Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
Grammatical variants: Gastprofessors,
Level: Tertiary

parallel to the university course, together with

the licence (in one or 2 years, as the student
wishes) or following it (in one year, or 2 years
part time). Successful training results in
the award of the degree of geaggregeerde
Explanatory note: Teacher at hogescholen voor het secundair onderwijs (groep 1 and 2
offering single-stage and/or 2-stage for lower and upper secondary level, respec-
tertiary education courses and at universities, tively). Some members of staff follow
normally enrolling students from the age of training within Social Advancement Educa-
18. These teachers are usually contractually tion (onderwijs voor sociale promotie)
engaged for short periods to perform highly which prepares them for an exam leading
specialised tasks, including lectures on to the certificate of teaching ability
specific subjects at universities. They are not (getuigschrift pedagogische bekwaamheid).
appointed to a fixed post at the institution Teachers specialising for work in upper
concerned, and do not have to fulfil any secondary education obtain the degree of
formal qualification requirements. licentiaat or meester. For information on
appointment, employer, and status, see
Geaggregeerde voor het secundair onderwijs (+) Kleuteronderwijzer/es. New arrangements for
Country: Belgium (Flemish Community) evaluation to be conducted by the head of
Grammatical variants: Geaggregeerden school (directeur) are still in hand.
voor het secundair onderwijs
Level: Lower/upper secondary Gewoon hoogleraar
Explanatory note: Teacher at secondary Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
schools for pupils aged between 12 and 18/20. Grammatical variants: Gewoon hoog-
Training for teachers in lower secondary leraren, gewoon hoogleraars
education (groep 1) is organized in hogescholen Level: Tertiary
offering single-stage tertiary education (3 Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
years). Training for teachers in upper at hogescholen offering single-stage, and/or
secondary education (groep 2) is organized 2-stage tertiary education courses and at
by the universities and in hogescholen university, enrolling students normally from
offering 2-stage courses. These teachers are the age of 18. Staff in this category have to
trained as specialists. The upper secondary have at least 6 years of teaching experience as
school leaving certificate (diploma secundair Docent/e, Hoofddocent/e or
onderwijs) is necessary to embark on training Hoogleraar at a hogeschool or university. For
which usually lasts 4 years. Postgraduate information on appointment, employer,
teacher training may be undertaken either evaluation and status, see Praktijklector.

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Glaven asistent

Glaven asistent ( ) Graduate teaching assistant

Country: Bulgaria Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
Grammatical variants: Glavni asistenti Level: Tertiary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Teaching assistant who is
Explanatory note: Chief assistant recruited a postgraduate (mainly) research student.
from among the Starchi asistent. Staff in There are no statutory qualifications but
this category are appointed on the basis of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) usually
their teaching experience and academic and have a good first degree (normally a
research record, and have teaching and Bachelors degree with first or upper second
research responsibilities. For information on class honours), and are studying for a
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, Masters degree or doctorate. They are
see Asistent. usually recruited from within the department
in which they are studying, and their duties
Graduate teacher may include leading tutorials, taking lectures,
Country: United Kingdom (E/W) providing demonstrations, and assessing
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- course work and examination papers.
dary Teaching is limited to six hours a week. Some
Explanatory note: Generalist or specialist institutions provide training for GTAs and
teacher in a (pre-primary) nursery school, other research students in support of their
primary school or secondary school (for ages teaching activities, while others offer mentors.
3-4/5, 4/5-11 and 11-16/18, respectively), who Staff in this category are employed by their
is following an employment-based route to university or tertiary education institution,
Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) via the which itself determines evaluation and
Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP). promotion procedures. Abbreviation: GTA.
Graduate teachers must be over 24 years of
age and have successfully completed a first Grundskollrare (+)
degree (normally a Bachelors degree). Country: Sweden
Trainees must first find employment in a Level: Primary/lower secondary
school and are paid as an unqualified teacher. Explanatory note: Teacher at a grundskola,
The school (or school partnership) is for pupils aged 7-16, or in municipal adult
responsible for assessing training needs and education (for those aged 20 or over). (S)he is
devising and supervising the training plan, either trained as a generalist (to teach at
which is approved by the Teacher Training primary level) or as a subject-specialist (to
Agency (TTA) in England or the National teach at lower secondary level) at a university
Assembly for Wales and may include off-site or university college. The slutbetyg frn
training. Since September 2000, schools in the gymnasieskolan diploma is required for
GTP have received grants paid by the TTA to admission to the theoretical and practical
cover their trainee salary costs. Entry to the training, which consists of a 3-year
GTP is competitive, with a limited number of academic course (for teachers in grades 1-7)
places each term allocated to the best schools or a similar 4-year course (for teachers in
and graduate trainees in priority recruitment grades 4-9) leading to the grundskollrarexamen
areas and subjects for which teachers are in diploma. From 1 July 2001, a new integrated
short supply. The TTA also pays an additional teaching degree is being introduced,
grant to cover the training and assessment replacing the grundskollrarexamen. For
costs of trainees who follow a 1-year information on recruitment, appointment,
postgraduate programme which may be cut to employer, status and evaluation, see
a minimum of 3 months for those with Frskollrare.
significant teaching experience. For employer,
status, evaluation and promotion, see
Classroom teacher.
Country: Iceland
Grammatical variants: Grunnsklakennarar


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Level: Primary/lower secondary an likool after obtaining their first university

Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskli degree, following which they are awarded a
enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 16, who special certificate (tunnistus). For
is trained as a generalist teacher at qualifications required to enter initial
Kennarahskli slands (Iceland University training, appointment, employer, status and
of Education) or Hsklinn Akureyri evaluation, see Koolieelse lasteasutuse
(University of Akureyri). Satisfactory petaja.
performance in the Stdentsprf examination
or its equivalent is required to embark on Gymnasiallehrer/in (+)
training which lasts 3 years, except in the case Country: Liechtenstein
of a distance learning course which lasts 4 Grammatical variants: Gymnasiallehrer/
years. Grunnsklakennari can also be trained innen*
at Hskli slands (University of Iceland). In Level: Lower/upper secondary
this case, a BA or BSc. degree (3 or 4 years of Explanatory note: Teacher at a Gymnasium
study) is required to embark on training which for pupils aged between 11 and 19, who is
lasts one year, or one semester if applicants trained as a specialist in one or more subjects
have a degree higher than the foregoing. at universities or specialised tertiary
Courses are both academic and practical and education institutions in Switzerland or
lead to the award of the teaching qualification. Austria. The upper secondary school leaving
Only those who have a letter of accreditation certificate (Maturazeugnis) is necessary to
from the Minister of Education Science and embark on training, which lasts 4-5 years and
Culture are authorised to use the term contains both a theoretical and practical part.
grunnsklakennari as a professional title. Successful completion of training results in
Staff in this category have civil servant status the award of the Gymnasium teacher diploma.
and are employed and appointed by the For information on appointment, employer
municipalities on the basis of an open and status, see Primarschullehrer/in.
recruitment procedure. Every school has to Evaluation of teachers is the joint
implement methods to evaluate its work. responsibility of the head of the department
Common term: Kennari. of higher education (Unterrichtskommission)
and a team of subject specialists chaired by
GTA that person.
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
Level: Tertiary Gymnasielrer (+)
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Country: Danemark
Graduate teaching assistant. Grammatical variants: Gymnasielreren,
gymnasielrere, gymnasielrererne
Gmnaasiumi ainepetaja (+) Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary
Country: Estonia Explanatory note: Teacher at a gymmnasium
Grammatical variants: Gmnaasiumite or at HF-, HHX- and HTX- institutions
ainepetajad, gmnaasiumi* ainepetaja* enrolling pupils aged between 16/17 and 19,
Level: Lower/upper secondary who is university trained for 5 years as a
Explanatory note: Teacher at a gmnaasium, general education subject specialist. In order
for pupils aged between 16 and 18, who is to embark on teacher training, candidates
trained for 5 years as a semi-specialist at a must hold the candidatus degree in one or
university level institution (likool). Training more subjects (the vast majority of
contains both a theoretical and practical part gymnasium teachers have specialized in two),
and, if successful, leads to the award of a following which they apply for admission to
diplom with the academic degree of the professional postgraduate teacher training
bakalaureusekraad. If courses do not course (pdagogikum). The first 5-month
specialise in teacher training, students have to part of this course consists of teaching
complete a one-year teacher training course in practice (remunerated at 80 % of the starting

Part G Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:33 Page 56


salary for fully qualified gymnasielrere), Gygypedaggus

while the second part lasting some two weeks Country: Hungary
involves theoretical/pedagogical training. Grammatical variants: Gygypedaggusok,
Successful training results in the award gygypedaggus*
of the diploma in education (bevis for Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
pdagogikum). These teachers are appointed dary
by the counties in accordance with an open Explanatory note: Teacher in separate
recruitment procedure, and employed by them schools for special education, and
on a permanent or fixed-term group contract mainstream schools offering special
basis. Their status may be similar to that of education as an integral part of their provision
civil servants and they are subject to no formal at all levels of schooling. Teachers in this
assessment procedures. In their first year of category specialise in working with children
permanent employment, they have the title of who have special educational needs. They
Adjunkt and, after 13 years, they are may teach all school subjects in pre-primary
automatically granted the promotion title of schools (voda) and the first 6 years of the
Lektor. ltalnos iskola. In mainstream secondary
schools offering special education, they work
Gymnasielrare (+) as assistants to Tanr, Okleveles tanr,
Country: Sweden Szakoktat, Szakmai tanr. These staff
Level: Upper secondary are trained in tertiary education institutions
Explanatory note: Teacher at a (fiskola) or universities (egyetem). The
gymnasieskola for pupils aged between 16 certificate awarded on satisfactory
and 19, or in municipal adult education (for performance in the upper secondary school
those aged 20 or over). (S)he is trained as a leaving examination (rettsgi vizsga) and
subject-specialist (in 2 or 3 subjects) at a successful performance in a tertiary education
university or university college. The slutbetyg entrance examination (felvteli vizsga) are
frn gymnasieskolan is required for admission required to embark on training which lasts at
to the theoretical and practical training, which least 7 or 8 semesters (depending on whether
consists of a 4 year academic course trainees specialise in one or two school
(comprising 2 years for the main subject, 1 subjects). Training consists of a theoretical
years for the other subjects and 1 year of part and a practical part, including
teacher training) and leads to the placements, and leads to the award of the
gymnasielrarexamen diploma. From 1 July fiskolai oklevl or egyetemi oklevl diploma
2001, a new integrated teaching degree and qualification as a gygypedaggus. For
is being introduced, replacing the information on appointment, employer, status
gymnasielrarexamen. For information on and evaluation, see vodapedaggus.
recruitment, appointment, employer, status
and evaluation, see Frskollrare.


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Country: Iceland
Grammatical variants: Handmenntakennarar
Level: Primary/lower secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskli for

lize in two subjects. The upper secon-

dary general school leaving certificate
(Reifeprfungszeugnis), or its equivalent, is
necessary to embark on training which lasts at
least 3 years and contains both a theoretical
pupils aged between 6 and 16, trained at and practical part. Successful training leads to
Kennarahskli slands (Iceland University the award of a Lehramt fr Hauptschulen
of Education) in the general programme for qualification. For all information on
teacher trainees, who may select handicrafts appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
(woodwork, knitting, needlework, etc.) as an see Volksschullehrer/in.
optional course. In this case, satisfactory
performance in the Stdentsprf examination, Heimilisfrikennari
or its equivalent, is required to embark on Country: Iceland
training which is both academic and practical Grammatical variants: Heimilisfrikennarar
and leads to a BEd degree. For information on Level: Primary/lower secondary
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskli
see Grunnsklakennari. for pupils aged between 6 and 16, who is
trained at Kennarahskli slands (Iceland
Hsklakennari University of Education) in the general
Country: Iceland programme for teacher trainees, and who may
Grammatical variants: Hsklakennarar select home economics as an optional course.
Level: Tertiary In this case, satisfactory performance in the
Explanatory note: Common term for Stdentsprf examination, or its equivalent, is
Ajnkt, Lektor, Dsent, Prfessor required to embark on training which is both
and Stundakennari. academic and practical and leads to a BEd
degree. For information on appointment,
Hauptschullehrer/in (+) employer, status and evaluation, see
Country: Austria Grunnsklakennari.
Grammatical variants:
Hauptschullehrer/innen* Hochschuldozent/in
Level: Lower secondary Country: Deutschland
Explanatory note: Teacher at Hauptschulen Grammatical variants: Hochschuldozenten,
enrolling pupils aged between 10 and 14, Hochschuldozent*
who is trained as a subject specialist at Level: Tertiary
a Pdagogische Akademie (non-university Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
tertiary education). These teachers specia- education institutions (Hochschulen)

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normally enrolling students from the age of Explanatory note: Specialist teacher at a
19. Recruitment is based on qualification tertiary vocational education institution
requirements similar to those for a (hogeschool) normally enrolling students
Professor. Depending on their specific terms from the age of 17. Although there are no
of employment, Hochschuldozenten perform specific training courses for those wishing
their duties independently in the fields of to teach in tertiary education, staff in
science and the arts, research and teaching, in this category have to hold a tertiary education
accordance with the requirements of their qualification (getuigschrift van het met
institution. They are appointed by the goed gevolg afgelegd afsluitend examen
competent authority under Land law (e.g. the (hoger beroepsonderwijs or wetenschappelijk
Ministry of Education and Science) on the onderwijs)), as well as a certificate testi-
proposal of the appropriate bodies at the fying to their teaching ability (bewijs van
university institution concerned, and pedagogisch didactische bekwaamheid),
employed by the Land. They are generally which is normally awarded following a
appointed for 6 years with temporary civil 1-year work-based course. Their responsi-
servant status and, in some Lnder, they bilities for teaching and applied research
may also be public service employees are broader than those of the
in accordance with the Bundes- Hogeschooldocent, and they may also have
angestelltentarifvertrag (Collective Agree- organisational responsibilities depending on
ment for Federal Employees). In medicine, the institution concerned. For appointment,
their employment contract can be extended by employer, status and evaluation, see
4 years. If the contract of Hochschuldozenten Lector.
is preceded by an employment contract as
Oberassistent/in or Oberingenieur/in, their Hgskoledosent
period of service is reduced by the period of Country: Norway
the previous contract. They are evaluated by Grammatical variants: Hgskoledosenten,
the institution at which they perform their -dosent*
duties. In exceptional cases, they may be Level: Tertiary
given a permanent contract. Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
at state colleges (statlig hgskole) normally
Hogeschooldocent enrolling students from the age of 19. The
Country: The Netherlands main qualification required for appointment
Grammatical variants: Hogeschooldocenten to this post is a doctorate, or its equivalent,
Level: Tertiary but other criteria such as completion of an
Explanatory note: Specialist teacher at a academic dissertation, a significant
tertiary vocational education institution publications record, management and
(hogeschool) normally enrolling students participation in research projects and
from the age of 17. These teachers have professional experience, are also taken into
teaching responsibilities related to theoretical account. These staff have teaching and
aspects of their professional field and to the research responsibilities. For information on
relationship between its theory and practice. appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
They may be promoted to the post of see Hgskolelektor.
Hogeschoolhoofddocent. For information on
qualifications, appointment, employer, status Hgskolelrer
and evaluation, see Lector. Country: Norway
Grammatical variants: Hgskolelreren,
Hogeschoolhoofddocent -lrer*
Country: The Netherlands Level: Tertiary
Grammatical variants: Explanatory note: Assistant at state colleges
Hogeschoolhoofddocenten (statlig hgskole) normally enrolling students
Level: Tertiary from the age of 19, who has limited


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responsibilities involving the practical level of responsibility. For all additional

teaching of students. The qualifications information, see instructeur.
required for appointment are four-year tertiary
education, with at least 2 years of education in Hoofdinstructeur praktijkonderwijs
the subject which applicants intend to teach, Country: The Netherlands
as well as professional experience and Grammatical variants: Hoofdinstructeurs
a satisfactory grasp of educational theory praktijkonderwijs
and practice. They can be promoted to the Level: Tertiary
post of Hgskolelektor. For information on Explanatory note: Promotion title for
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, Instructeur praktijkonderwijs at a tertiary
see Hgskolelektor. vocational education institution (hogeschool),
normally enrolling students from the age of
Hgskolelektor 17. The hoofdinstructeur praktijkonderwijs
Country: Norway has a higher level of responsibility than the
Grammatical variants: Hgskolelektoren, former. For all additional information, see
-lektor* Instructeur praktijkonderwijs.
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Assistant of Hoofdlector
Hgskoledosent at state colleges (statlig Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
hgskole). This post may be occupied by a Grammatical variants: Hoofdlectoren, hoofd-
person with a higher degree examination lectors
(hovedfag) from a university or university Level: Tertiary
college, and involves teaching responsibilities Explanatory note: Promotion title for a
Lector promoted in accordance with seniority
only. These staff are employed, appointed and
in his/her post.
evaluated by the institution, and employed on
a contractual basis. They are not civil
servants. They can be promoted to the
Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
post of Frsteamanuensis. Grammatical variants: Hoofdpraktijk-
lectoren, hoofdpraktijk-lectors
Hoofddocent/e Level: Tertiary
Country: Belgium (Flemish Community) Explanatory note: Promotion title for a
Grammatical variants: Hoofddocenten Praktijklector in the hogeschool, who is
Level: Tertiary promoted in accordance with seniority in
Explanatory note: Promotion title for a his/her post.
Docent/e in the hogeschool or at university.
These staff are promoted in accordance with Hoogleraar
their seniority in the post of docent. In Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
universities, there are no fixed criteria for Grammatical variants: Hoogleraren, hoog-
promotion. They may be promoted on the leraars
basis of their output as teachers, as well as Level: Tertiary
researchers, and subsequently further Explanatory note:
promoted to the post of Hoogleraar. Teacher at hogescholen offering single-
stage and/or 2-stage tertiary education
Hoofdinstructeur (landbouw) praktijkonderwijs courses enrolling students normally from
Country: The Netherlands the age of 18. The doctoraat is the
Grammatical variants: Hoofdinstructeurs minimum requirement for appointment to
(landbouw) praktijkonderwijs this post which involves responsibility for
Level: Upper secondary teaching and research. For further
Explanatory note: Promotion title for information on appointment, employer,
Instructeur. The hoofdinstructeur has a higher status and evaluation, see Praktijklector.

Part H Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:35 Page 60


Promotion title for a Docent/e or hoofddocent. For information on appoint-

Hoofddocent/e in accordance with their ment, employer, status and evaluation, see
seniority in the posts of docent or Lector.
hoofddocent in their own hogeschool. They
may also be further promoted to the post of Hushllslrare
Gewoon hoogleraar. Country: Sweden
Promotion title for a hoofddocent at a Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
university, who is promoted on the basis of Explanatory note: Teacher of home
useful professional experience. They may economics at a grundskola, for pupils aged 7-
subsequently be further promoted to the 16, or in adult education institutions (for
post of gewoon hoogleraar. those aged 20 or over). Staff in this category
can only teach at a gymnasieskola
Hoogleraar (for students aged 16-19) if they hold
Country: The Netherlands the (now abolished) hushllslrarexamen
Grammatical variants: Hoogleraren qualification. At present, home economics
Level: Tertiary can be selected only as an area of
Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher specialisation in combination with another
at universities normally enrolling students subject in the programme leading to the
from the age of 18. Although there are grundskollrarexamen diploma (grades 4-9).
no specific statutory requirements regarding These staff are trained as specialists at
previous training, in practice these teachers universities or university colleges and the
will be expected to have the degree of slutbetyg frn gymnasieskolan diploma is
doctor and an academic publishing record. required for admission to training. From 1
Besides their academic and educational July 2001, a new integrated teaching degree
responsibilities, they may also have to is being introduced, replacing the
perform organisational tasks, depending grundskollrarexamen. For information on
on the institution concerned. They can recruitment, appointment, employer, status
be recruited from the Universitair and evaluation, see Frskollrare.


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Country: Sweden
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher of physical
Country: Italy

Insegnante di scuola dellinfanzia

Grammatical variants: Insegnanti di scuola

education at a grundskola or gymnasieskola, Level: Pre-primary
enrolling pupils aged between 7-16 and 16-19 Explanatory note: Teacher at scuola
respectively, or in municipal adult education dellinfanzia for pupils aged between 3 and 6.
(for those aged 20 or over). (S)he is trained as (S)he is a university-trained generalist. A
a specialist at a university or university diploma di superamento dellesame di Stato
college. The slutbetyg frn gymnasieskolan conclusivo dei corsi di studio di istruzione
diploma is required for admission to training secondaria superiore, as well as satisfactory
which lasts from one term to 1 years, performance in an examination (prova di
depending on the level of education chosen, ammissione) for entrance to the training
and leads to the idrottslrarexamen diploma. institution, are required for admission to the
From 1 July 2001, a new integrated teaching practical and theoretical training, which
degree is being introduced, replacing the consists of a 4-year academic course leading
idrottslrarexamen. For information on to the degree of laurea in Scienze della
recruitment, appointment, employer, status Formazione Primaria (indirizzo per
and evaluation, see Frskollrare. insegnanti di scuola dellinfanzia). From the
2001/02 school year, a 3+2-year course initial
Insegnante di scuola con particolari finalit training will be implemented. These teachers
Country: Italy are recruited following a national competitive
Grammatical variants: Insegnanti di scuola examination (concorso), as a result of which
con particolari finalit they acquire permanent teacher status. Until
Level: Upper secondary the 2000/01 school year, they were appointed
Explanatory note: Teacher at upper by the Provveditore agli studi but, with the
secondary schools, for pupils aged between 14 ongoing reform of public administration,
and 19. These teachers are university-trained future responsibility for their appointment has
specialists whose main task is to teach certain yet to be decided. Teachers are employed by
subjects to disabled pupils and cope with the State and, in public-sector schools, they
particular special needs. For information on are civil servants. They are evaluated only
training, see Insegnante di sostegno. For after their first year of tenure (anno di
information on recruitment, appointment, prova/formazione) by the Comitato di
status, employer and evaluation, see Valutazione (School Evaluation Board) and
Insegnante di scuola dellinfanzia. the headteacher.

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Insegnante di scuola elementare

Note: Due to the ongoing reform, some Insegnante di sostegno

universities are maintaining a 4-year course Country: Italy
for future pre-primary and primary teachers, Grammatical variants: Insegnanti di sostegno
whereas others are adopting the 3+2-year Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
course formula. dary
Explanatory note: Teacher at pre-primary,
Insegnante di scuola elementare primary, lower secondary and upper
Country: Italy secondary institutions for age-ranges 3-19.
Grammatical variants: Insegnanti di scuola These staff work mainly alongside the class
elementare teacher when one or more disabled pupils are
Level: Primary present, and are responsible for certain
Explanatory note: Teacher at scuola educational and teaching activities. They are
elementare for pupils aged between 6 and 11. university trained specialists, and a diploma di
For information on training, recruitment, superamento dellesame di Stato conclusivo
status, employer, appointment and evaluation, dei corsi di studio di istruzione secondaria
see Insegnante di scuola dellinfanzia. superiore is required for admission to
training. Depending on the school level at
Insegnante di scuola media (+) which they work, their initial training is
Country: Italy similar to that of Insegnante di scuola
Grammatical variants: Insegnanti di scuola dellinfanzia, Insegnante di scuola
media elementare, Insegnante di scuola media
Level: Lower secondary (+), Insegnante di scuola secondaria
Explanatory note: Teacher at scuola media superiore (+). However, besides completing
for pupils aged between 11 and 14, who is a the ordinary curriculum, candidates for the
university-trained specialist in one or more title of insegnante di sostegno must complete
disciplines. The Laurea diploma as well as at least 400 additional hours of special
satisfactory performance in an examination teaching activities relating to the school
(prova di ammissione) are required for integration of pupils with special needs. For
admission to the practical and theoretical information on recruitment, appointment,
training, which consists of a 2-year status, employer and evaluation, see
postgraduate specialisation at a scuola di insegnante di scuola dellinfanzia.
specializzazione leading to the qualification of
abilitazione allinsegnamento. These teachers Insegnante tecnico-pratico
are recruited following a national competitive Country: Italy
examination (concorso), as a result of which Grammatical variants: Insegnanti tecnico-
they acquire permanent teacher status. For pratici
information on employer, status, appointment Level: Upper secondary
and evaluation see Insegnante di scuola Explanatory note: Teacher at upper
dellinfanzia. secondary schools for pupils aged between 14
and 19, who teaches technical and/or practical
Insegnante di scuola secondaria superiore (+) disciplines. Staff do not have neither special
Country: Italy training nor previous experience in the
Grammatical variants: Insegnanti di scuola disciplines concerned. Only a relevant
secondaria superiore diploma di superamento dellesame di Stato
Level: Upper secondary conclusivo dei corsi di studio di istruzione
Explanatory note: Teacher at upper secondaria superiore is required for this
secondary schools, for pupils aged between 14 position. These teachers are recruited
and 19. For information on training and following a national competitive examination
recruitment, see Insegnante di scuola (concorso), as a result of which they acquire
media (+). For further information, see permanent status. They are employed by the
Insegnante di scuola dellinfanzia. State and, in public schools, they are civil


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servants. They are only evaluated after the certificat denseignement secondaire
first year of tenure by the headteacher. For suprieur (CESS) is required to embark on
information on appointment, see training which lasts 3 years (short tertiary
Insegnante di scuola dellinfanzia. education) and, in its entirety, consists of
general education combined with periods
Instituteur/trice involving practical placements. The course
Country: France leads to the qualification of instituteur/trice
Level: Pre-primary/primary maternel/le. The conditions of recruitment
Explanatory note: Name given to teachers depend on whether the sector of education
working in an cole maternelle or cole concerned is public or private and grant aided.
lmentaire until the 1990 reform. They are In public-sector education administered and
now gradually being replaced by financed by the French Community, the
Professeur/e des coles and, subject to certain Community Ministry is responsible for
conditions, may be admitted to this category. selection. In other public-sector schools or in
grant-aided private establishments, the
Instituteur/trice governing body of the school concerned
Country: Luxembourg (municipality, province or private body, etc.)
Level: Pre-primary/primary determines the conditions of recruitment.
Teachers are employed by the French
Explanatory note: Teacher at Spilschul and
Community. In education administered by the
coles primaires enrolling children from 3 to
Community, they have civil servant status
6 years of age and from 6 to 12 years of age,
(preceded by a period during which they have
respectively. These teachers are either trained
a provisional contract). Teachers who work in
as generalists at the Luxembourg Institut
other public-sector schools or in grant-aided
suprieur dtudes et de recherches
private schools do not have civil servant
pdagogiques (ISERP, or Higher Institute for
status, but their terms of employment are
Pedagogical Study and Research) or have
governed by a statute similar in many respects
completed courses (recognised as equivalent)
to the one applicable to civil servants.
abroad. In order to embark on training, which
Teachers are evaluated by inspecteurs whose
lasts at least three years, candidates must have
responsibilities and tasks depend on the
the Luxembourg (general or technical)
educational sector concerned.
secondary school leaving certificate (diplme
de fin dtudes secondaires) or a foreign
equivalent. ISERP courses (theoretical and Instituteur/trice primaire
practical) lead to the certificat dtudes Country: Belgium (French Community)
pdagogiques (with a choice between training Level: Primary
for pre-primary or primary education). This Explanatory note: Teacher at an cole
certificate is required in order to enter the primaire (primary school) attended by pupils
national competitive examination providing aged between 6 and 12, who has been trained
for access to teaching. Teachers are employed as a generalist in the institut pdagogique
by the municipalities and have civil servant (pedagogical institute) of a Haute cole. For
status. They are evaluated by the inspecteurs information on training, appointment,
de lenseignement primaire. employer, status and evaluation, see
Instituteur/trice maternel/le.
Instituteur/trice maternel/le
Country: Belgium (French Community) Institutor/oare
Level: Pre-primary Country: Romania
Explanatory note: Teacher in an cole Grammatical variants: Institutori
maternelle (pre-primary school) for children Level: Pre-primary/primary
aged from 2 to 6, who has been trained as a Explanatory note: Teacher at pre-primary
generalist in the institut pdagogique (grdini) and primary schools, including
(pedagogical institute) of a Haute cole. The special education institutions, for pupils aged

Part I Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:39 Page 64


3-6/7 and 6/7-10/11, respectively. Teachers in Instructeur praktijkonderwijs

this category are trained as generalists in a Country: The Netherlands
tertiary level teacher training college (colegiu Grammatical variants: Instructeurs praktijk-
universitar). The upper secondary school onderwijs
leaving certificate (diplom de bacalaureat) is Level: Tertiary
required to enrol for training and candidates Explanatory note: Practical training ins-
also have to pass an entry examination tructor at a tertiary vocational education
regulated by the Ministry of Education. institution (hogeschool), normally enrolling
Training lasts 2-3 years and contains both a students from the age of 17, who supports
theoretical and practical part. During this student learning usually in workshop-based
period, trainees also specialise in a foreign activity. Although no training courses or
language, music, drawing, or physical qualifications are specifically prescribed for
education, which they are then entitled to these instructors, vocational qualifications or
teach in a lower secondary school. practical experience in a particular
Satisfactory completion of training leads to professional field are normally required for
the award of a diploma de absolvire. In the appointment. Promotion prospects may relate
public sector, teachers in this category are to Hoofdinstructeur praktijkonderwijs. For
appointed by the county school inspectorate information on recruitment, appointment,
on the basis of a competitive examination, and status and evaluation, see Lector.
employed by their school on a contractual
basis (following a 2-year probationary Instructeur technische vaardigheden
period). Private-sector institutions are Country: The Netherlands
responsible for their own examinations and Grammatical variants: Instructeurs tech-
appointments, about which they have to nische vaardigheden
inform the county school inspectorate. The Level: Tertiary
school head (director) and the school Explanatory note: Technical skills instructor
inspector (inspector colar) are responsible for at a tertiary vocational education institution
the evaluation of these teachers. (hogeschool), normally enrolling students
from the age of 17, who supports student
Instructeur learning usually in the use of workshop
Country: The Netherlands machinery. For all additional information, see
Grammatical variants: Instructeurs Instructeur praktijkonderwijs.
Level: Upper secondary
Explanatory note: Instructor at vocational Instructor
upper secondary education institutions Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
(Regionaal opleidingencentrum) normally Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary
enrolling students from the age of 16-18/20. Explanatory note: Instructor who supports
Staff in this category provide support for student learning, usually in workshop-based
student learning, usually in workshop-based situations in further education institutions
activity geared to the acquisition of practical offering vocational and/or general educa-
skills, providing assistance, for example, with tion for students (including adults)
the use of machinery and laboratory settings. over compulsory school age. While there
Although there are no statutory requirements are no statutory requirements for initial
as regards initial qualifications, assistants are qualifications, most further education
normally expected to have relevant vocational institutions require a professional qualifi-
qualifications or occupational experience. cation, such as a National Vocational
Promotion prospects may relate to Qualification (NVQ) or a City & Guilds
Hoofdinstructeur (landbouw)praktijkonderwijs. award. Instructors are recruited through open
For information on employment, appoint- procedures, normally by senior managers of
ment, status and evaluation, see BVE- the institution. Their main responsibilities
docent. vary but may include instructing individual


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students or small groups in the use of Level: Tertiary

workshop machinery, or supervising an open Explanatory note: Title of
learning information technology workshop. Universittslektor/in responsible for teaching
They are not expected to teach whole classes practical-oriented subjects.
or assess student performance. Promotion
opportunities for instructors depend on their Instruktorius/r
institution but, with the necessary Country: Lithuania
qualifications and experience, many progress Grammatical variants: Instruktoriai/rs
to the main grade Lecturer scale. For Level: Pre-primary
employer, types of contract and evaluation, Explanatory note: Former title of Kno
see lecturer (further education). kultros pedagogas prior to the March 2001
Note: Instructor is also a term used in schools ministerial order approving a new list of
for staff who possess appropriate skills who educational staff posts.
may be appointed as an unqualified teacher
when no qualified teacher with the same skills nvtor/oare
is available. Country: Romania
Grammatical variants: nvtori
Instructor (+) Level: Primary
Country: Malta Explanatory note: Teacher at primary
Level: Lower/upper secondary schools, including special education
Explanatory note: Teacher formerly employed institutions, for pupils aged between 6/7 and
in trade schools (for ages 14-16) to teach 11, who is trained as a generalist in upper
technology, craft and other related subjects secondary schools for teacher training. On
before the closure of the schools in 2001. successful completion of their 5-year course,
Following this change, most of these staff students receive a diploma de bacalaureat and
now teach technology in secondary schools. a certificate (atestat profesional) qualifying
Following this change, most of these staff them for employment as primary school
now teach technology in secondary schools, teachers. Since the 1999/2000 school year,
and are retrained for this purpose. However, initial training of these teachers has been
the post of instructor is now gradually being provided by university colleges (colegiu
phased out. Their initial training is due to universitar). A person intending to assume
implementation. For information on responsibilities formerly exercised by an
recruitment, employer, status and evaluation, nvtor is now trained as an
see Teacher (+). Institutor/oare (although already qualified
nvtoare will continue their activities and
Instruktor retain the former title). For further
Country: Poland information, see institutor.
Grammatical variants: Instruktorzy, ins-
truktor* rttakennari
Level: Tertiary Country: Iceland
Explanatory note: Teacher of subjects such Grammatical variants: rttakennarar
as physical education or ICT (information and Level: Primary/lower secondary/upper secon-
communication technology), who work at dary
universities and other tertiary education Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskli for
institutions normally enrolling students from pupils aged between 6 and 16, or at
the age of 19. For further information, see framhaldsskli, for students aged between 16
Lektor. General term: Nauczyciel akademicki. and 20. These teachers are trained as subject
specialists (in physical education) at
Instruktor/in Kennarahskli slands (Iceland University
Country: Austria of Education). Satisfactory performance in the
Grammatical variants: Instruktor/en/innen* stdentsprf examination or its equivalent is

Part I Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:39 Page 66

Itinerant teacher

required to embark on training which lasts 3 Izr. profesor/ica

years, except in the case of a distance learning Country: Slovenia
course which lasts 4 years. Courses are both Level: Tertiary
academic and practical and lead to a BEd Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
degree. Teachers in this category have civil Izredni/na profesor/ica.
servant status and are employed and
appointed by the municipality (at primary and Izredni/na profesor/ica
lower secondary level) or by the State (at Country: Slovenia
upper secondary level) on the basis of an open Grammatical variants: Izredni/ne
recruitment procedure. Every compulsory and profesorji/rice, izredn* profesor*
upper secondary school has to implement Level: Tertiary
methods to evaluate its work. Explanatory note: Teacher in tertiary
education institutions normally enrolling
Itinerant teacher students from the age of 19. Staff who occupy
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) this post have to possess the doktorat znanosti
Level: Primary (doctorate of science), and should have
Explanatory note: Teacher at primary demonstrated satisfactory performance as
schools enrolling pupils aged between 5 and teachers and have academic and professional
12, who is trained as a subject specialist references. In artistic fields, they should hold
(music, physical education, art, drama) in at least a first degree and have an established
teacher education faculties at universities. record of artistic achievement. Their title is
These teachers usually hold a secondary awarded for a period of 5 years (renewable)
Teaching Qualification (TQ) and have by the senat of the institution concerned, in
completed a Postgraduate Certificate of accordance with legislative procedures. The
Education (PGCE) at a faculty of education title can also be revoked. Staff in this category
within a university and, sometimes, a special are responsible for teaching and research
course enabling them to teach in primary or artistic activity at their institution,
schools. For all information on recruitment, and may be promoted to the post of
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, Redni/na profesor/ica. For further information
see Teacher. on qualifications, appointment, employer,
status and evaluation, see Asistent/ka.
Izr. prof. Abbreviations: Izr. prof., Izr. profesor/ica.
Country: Slovenia General term: Visokoolski/ka uitelji/ica.
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
Izredni/na profesor/ica.


Part K Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:41 Page 67

Kathigitis/tria (/) (+)
Country: Cyprus
Grammatical variants: Kathigites, kathigit*
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon-

leads to the ptychio degree in the specialist

subject concerned. These teachers have to
take 3-month introductory training courses
before or after appointment.
At technical/vocational education schools
Explanatory note: Teacher at schools for (TEEs) enrolling pupils aged between 15
secondary education and tertiary level and 18, these teachers are trained as
institutions, who is trained as a subject vocational education subject specialists
specialist either abroad (the numbers of years either at a technological education
depends on the country) or at the University of institute (Technologiko Ekpaideftiko
Cyprus (4 years of studies). These staff can Idryma, or TEI) or university. Training (in
also obtain positions in primary education to the field concerned) lasts 3 to 5 years
teach subjects such as music and physical and, if successful, leads to the award of
education. In order to embark on training, the ptychio. Teachers have to follow a
candidates should possess the upper one-year teacher training course in the
secondary school leaving certification Technical Pedagogy School (Pedagogiki
(apolytirio) and have passed a competitive Techniki Scholi, or PATES) either before
entrance examination. Successful training or after appointment.
leads to the award of a ptychio degree. Those These teachers can also teach at Second
wishing to teach in tertiary level education Chance Schools (Scholei a Defteris Efkerias -
have to possess a postgraduate degree ) enrolling
(metaptychiako). For information on students aged 18-30 who have not completed
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, basic 9-year compulsory education.
see Nipiagogos. For information on qualifications required to
embark on training, appointment, employer,
status and evaluation, see Nipiagogos.
Kathigitis/tria (/) (+) Highest grade of teacher at universities
Country: Greece (panepistimio) and technological edu-
Grammatical variants: Kathigites/tries cation institutes (Technologiko Ekpaideftiko
Level: Lower/upper secondary/tertiary Idryma, or TEI) normally enrolling
Explanatory note: students from the age of 18. Candidates
Teacher at a gymnasio or at general upper for this post have to hold a doctorate.
secondary education institutions enrolling Appointment to the post at a TEI requires
pupils aged between 12 and 18, who is 7 years of professional activity at
trained as a subject specialist at university an appropriate level, significant scientific
(panepistimio). Training lasts 4 years and or artistic activity (at least 4 original

Part K Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:41 Page 68

Kathigitis/tria farmogon

publications) and a recognised contri- Explanatory note: Common term for

bution to progress in science or art, or the the Grunnsklakennari and
development of technology. Appointment Framhaldssklakennari (+).
to the post at a university requires at least
6 years of independent teaching, original Kindergarten assistant
publications and at least 3 years of teaching Country: Malta
in postgraduate university programmes. Level: Pre-primary
Teachers at this level also have research Explanatory note: Assistant at pre-primary
responsibilities. At universities, where they schools for children aged 3 to 4, whose main
are state employees, they are appointed by task is to educate by creating a stimulating
the institution in accordance with a decision environment through play. The Kindergarten
by the dean (prytanis), following a proposal assistant follows a 2-year vocational course
by the electoral board of the department at the pre-school education centre (an
which announced the vacancy. At TEIs, institution at upper secondary level). A lower
where they are civil servants, they are secondary education certificate is required for
appointed by the President of the TEI admission to the (theoretical and practical)
(Proedros), following a similar proposal. training which leads to a Certificate in Pre-
There is no specific staff evaluation system school Education. These staff are recruited
at this level of education. following a call for applications from citizens
aged 18 or over who have successfully
Kathigitis/tria farmogon (/ completed the 2-year vocational course. They
) are appointed by the Prime Minister on the
Country: Greece recommendation of the public service
commission and employed by the Education
Grammatical variants: Kathigites/tries
Division. In public-sector schools, they are
civil servants and evaluated by the head of
Level: Tertiary
school and the education officer for pre-
Explanatory note: Teacher at technolo-
primary and junior primary levels. In grant-
gical education institutes (Technologiko aided private schools, they are employed by
Ekpaideftiko Idryma, or TEI). Candidates for the school governing body.
this post have to hold a ptychio degree or a
recognised equivalent. Appointment to the Kindergrtner/in
post requires 5 years of professional activity Country: Austria
at an appropriate level, and documented Grammatical variants: Kindergrtner/innen*
ability to apply appropriately scientific or Level: Pre-primary
artistic knowledge and technological Explanatory note: Teacher at a Kindergarten
methods, or to conduct part of a research enrolling children aged between 3 and 6, who
project. These teachers are appointed on the is trained as a generalist at Bildungsanstalten
basis of an open recruitment procedure and fr Kindergartenpdagogik (5-year upper
employed by their institution for a 3-year secondary school) or at a Kolleg (2-year post-
period, following which they may become secondary course). Training contains both a
civil servants subject to evaluation by the theoretical and practical part. Successful
head of department (proistamenos) and the training leads to the award of the Diplom.
approval of the councils of the department, These teachers are employed and appointed
faculty and TEI. There is no specific staff on the basis of an open recruitment procedure
evaluation system at this level of education. by the founders (municipalities, religious
bodies, private persons) of the institutions in
Kennari which they work. Their contract and legal
Country: Iceland status, as well as their salary, depend on the
Grammatical variants: Kennarar employer. They can be employed with civil
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary servant status (but their employment in the


Part K Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:41 Page 69


private sector is always on a contractual basis). Level: Pre-primary

In public-sector, these teachers are Explanatory note: Teacher at Kindergarten
evaluated by the kindergarten inspector for children aged between 4 and 6, who is
(Kindergarteninspektor/en/innen) of each Land. trained as a generalist at tertiary education
institutions in Switzerland or Austria.
Kindergrtner/in Admission requirements vary depending on
Country: Belgium (German-speaking Com- the course, institution or country concerned.
munity) In general, an upper secondary school leaving
Grammatical variants: Kindergrtner/innen* certificate (Maturazeugnis) is necessary to
Level: Pre-primary embark on training. Teachers are appointed
Explanatory note: Teacher in Kinder- by the local authorities in accordance with an
gartenschulen for children aged between 3 open recruitment procedure, and employed
and 6, who has been trained as a generalist in on the basis of a private permanent contract.
a Pdagogische Hochschule. Training lasts The Kindergarteninspektor/in controls and
three years (short course tertiary education). evaluates the further career of such teachers
The Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des as specified in the contract.
Sekundarunterrichts, or its equivalent, is
required to embark on training which, in its Klassenassistent
entirety, consists of general education Country: The Netherlands
combined with periods involving placements. Grammatical variants: Klassenassistenten
The course leads to the qualification of Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary
Kindergrtner/in. The conditions of recruit- Explanatory note: Assistant to the regular
ment depend on whether the sector of classroom teacher in special education. There
education concerned is public or private and are no statutory requirements as regards
grant-aided. In public-sector education training or qualifications, although
administered and financed by the German- experiments with training at the level of
speaking Community, the Community vocational secondary education are under
ministry is responsible for selection. In way. A klassenassistent provides help with
public-sector education administered by the routine teaching activities and supervision, as
municipalities or grant-aided private educa- well as the guidance of pupils in special
tion, the administrative body of each school education. For further information, see
(municipality, private body, etc.) determines Onderwijsassistent.
the conditions of recruitment. Teachers
are employed by the German-speaking Klassipetaja
Community. In education administered by the Country: Estonia
Community, they have civil servant status Grammatical variants: Klassipetajad,
(preceded by a period during which they have klassipetaja*
a provisional contract). Teachers who work in Level: Primary
public-sector municipal schools or grant- Explanatory note: Teacher at a phikool
aided private schools do not have civil servant or gmnaasium for pupils aged between 7
status, but their terms of employment are and 12, who is trained for 4 years as a
governed by a statute similar in many respects generalist at a university-level institution
to the one applicable to civil servants. (rakenduskrgkool or likool). Training
Teachers are evaluated by Inspektor/in whose contains both a theoretical and practical part
responsibilities and tasks depend on the and, if successful, leads to the award of a
educational sector concerned. Synonym: diplom-diplomipe or diplom with the
Vorschullehrer/in. academic degree of bakalaureusekraad. For
information on qualifications required to
Kindergrtner/in enter initial training, appointment, employer,
Country: Liechtenstein status and evaluation, see Koolieelse
Grammatical variants: Kindergrtner/innen* lasteasutuse petaja.

Part K Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:41 Page 70


Klasslrare enrol pupils aged from 6 to 14 with special

Country: Finland educational needs, for whom they cater as an
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary integral part of their provision. Teachers in
Explanatory note: Swedish term for this category specialise in the education of
Luokanopettaja (+). physically handicapped children and are
trained for 4 years in a tertiary education
Kleuteronderwijzer/es institution (fiskola). The certificate awarded
Country: Belgium (Flemish Community) on satisfactory performance in the upper
Grammatical variants: Kleuteronderwijzers secondary school leaving examination
Level: Pre-primary (rettsgi vizsga) and successful performance
Explanatory note: Teacher at kleuterscholen in a tertiary education entrance examination
for children aged between 2 and 6, who is (felvteli vizsga) are required to embark on
trained as a generalist in hogescholen. The training. This consists of a theoretical part
upper secondary school leaving certificate and a practical part, including placements,
diploma secundair onderwijs is necessary to and leads to the award of the fiskolai oklevl
embark on training which lasts 3 years and diploma and qualification as a konduktor. For
contains both a theoretical and practical part. information on appointment, employer, status
Successful training leads to the qualification and evaluation, see Okleveles tanr.
of kleuterleid(st)er. Procedures relating
to recruitment, appointment, employer, Knyvtros-tanr
evaluation and status are regulated by two Country: Hungary
decrees, one for pre-primary education Grammatical variants: Knyvtros-tanrok,
administered by the Community and one for knyvtros-tanr*
grant-aided (public or private) provision. In Level: Lower/upper secondary
the case of the former, teachers are appointed Explanatory note: Teacher/librarian in lower
by the Community. Permanent appointments and upper secondary schools (enrolling pupils
are administered by the governing board of aged between 10 and 18), who is trained both
the group of schools (raad van bestuur van de as a subject specialist and librarian in
scholengroep) which announces vacancies in a tertiary education institution (fiskola).
the Belgian Official Journal. In grant-aided The certificate awarded on satisfactory
(public or private) education, teachers are performance in the upper secondary school
appointed by the administrative body of their leaving examination (rettsgi vizsga) and
school (whether a city, province, or private successful performance in a tertiary education
entity). All teachers are employed by the entrance examination (felvteli vizsga) are
Flemish Government Ministry of Education, required to embark on training which lasts at
and those in Community-administered least 4 years. Training consists of a
schools have civil servants status; in free theoretical part and a practical part, including
subzidised schools, employment is governed placements, and leads to the award of
by both civil and labour legislation. In the fiskolai oklevl diploma and a
the Flemish Community schools, kleuter- twofold qualification as a librarian and
onderwijzers are evaluated by the school head teacher (tanri szakkpests). For infor-
(directeur) whereas, in grant-aided (public or mation on appointment, employer, status and
private) schools, no evaluation procedures as evaluation, see Okleveles tanr (+).
yet exist.
Koolieelse lasteasutuse kasvataja
Konduktor Country: Estonia
Country: Hungary Grammatical variants: Koolieelsete
Grammatical variants: Konduktorok, lasteasutuste kasvatajad, koolieelse*
konduktor* lasteasutus*kasvataja*
Level: Primary/lower secondary Level: Pre-primary
Explanatory note: Teacher in special Explanatory note: Former title of
separate or mainstream ltalnos iskola which Koolieelse lasteasutuse petaja.


Part K Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:41 Page 71

Knstlerischer/sche Mitarbeiter/in

Koolieelse lasteasutuse petaja admission to the training which consists of a

Country: Estonia 4-year university-level course leading to the
Grammatical variants: Koolieelsete bachelors diploma (bakalauro diplomas).
lasteasutuste petajad, koolieelse* For further information, see Bendrojo
lasteasutus* petaja* lavinimo dalyk/ko mokytojas (+).
Level: Pre-primary
Explanatory note: Teacher at a koolieelne Knstlerischer/sche Assistent/in
lasteasutus, for children aged between 1 and Country: Deutschland
7, who is trained as a generalist in non- Grammatical variants: Knstlerische Assis-
university level courses at a kutseppeasutus tenten, Knstlerisch* Assistent*
(3 years) or at university level in an likool Level: Tertiary
(4 years). The upper secondary edu- Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
cation leaving certificate (gmnaasiumi institutions (Hochschulen), in particular those
lputunnistus, lputunnistus kutse- ja for education in the creative arts, which
keskhariduse omandamise kohta, lputunnistus normally enrol students from the age of 19. A
kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta or doctorate (Promotion) or a second state
lputunnistus keskerihariduse omandamise examination (zweite Staatsprfung), with
kohta) and the certificate of national exami- good results in either case, is required for
nations (riigieksamitunnistus) are required appointment to this post although, in certain
to embark on training, which contains both Lnder, it is sufficient for candidates to have
a theoretical and practical part and leads completed studies in art and to demonstrate
to a diplom-kutsekrghariduspe, diplom- particular achievements in artistic practice.
diplomipe or diplom with the academic degree Teachers in this category perform artistic and
of bakalaureusekraad. These teachers are academic services in research and teaching,
recruited by the school head (koolieelse as a result of which they may acquire
lasteasutuse juhataja) in accordance with a additional academic qualifications, and they
competitive procedure approved by the board have to be given sufficient time for
of trustees (hoolekogu). They are employed by independent creative art and research. They
the institution on a contractual basis, and the are selected by their university unit (faculty,
conditions and procedure for their evaluation department, etc.) which assigns them to a
are established by a Ministry of Education Professor who is responsible for and supports
regulation. Internal evaluation is conducted by them in performing their services. These
the school head or his/her teaching and teachers are employed by the Land, usually as
education deputy and by the school teachers temporary civil servants, but sometimes also
council. External evaluation is conducted as public service employees in accordance
by Ministry of Education officials and a county with the Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag
governor. Former title: Koolieelse lasteasutuse (Collective Agreement for Federal
kasvataja. Employees). Their appointment in either
capacity is generally limited initially to 3
Kno kultros pedagogas/g years, although it may be extended by a
Country: Lithuania further 3 years. They are evaluated by their
Grammatical variants: Kno kultros university unit and the professor responsible
pedagogai/gs for their work.
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
dary Knstlerischer/sche Mitarbeiter/in
Explanatory note: Teacher of physical Country: Deutschland
education at all levels of school education, Grammatical variants: Knstlerische
who is trained as a specialist at a university- Mitarbeiter, Knstlerisch* Mitarbeiter*
level institution The upper secondary school Level: Tertiary
leaving certificate (bendrojo lavinimo Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
mokyklos brandos atestatas) is required for institutions (Hochschulen), in particular those

Part K Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:41 Page 72


for education in the creative arts, which enrol in this category must have a tertiary edu-
students usually from the age of 19. cation diploma (non-university or university
Candidates must normally have graduated level diplom-kutsekrghariduspe, diplom-
from an institution of higher education. They diplomipe or diplom with the academic
are obliged to perform services of an degree of bakalaureusekraad) and a
academic nature, including the teaching of minimum 2 years of professional experience
subject theory and practical skills to students, in a relevant field, and have additionally
and demonstrating the application of completed 160 hours of teacher training. For
academic methods. They may also be given appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
responsibility for independent teaching and see Koolieelse lasteasutuse petaja.
research. If staff in this category are assigned
to a Professor, (s)he has the authority to Kutseppeasutuse ldhariduslike ainete
instruct them in their work. They are selected petaja (+)
by the university unit (faculty, department, Country: Estonia
etc.) and employed by the Land. They are Grammatical variants: Kutseppeasutuste
usually employed as civil servants or as public ldhariduslike ainete petajad,
service employees in accordance with the kutseppeasutus* ldhariduslike ainete
Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag (Collective petaja*
Agreement for Federal Employees) and Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary
evaluated by the university unit. Explanatory note: Teacher at a
kutseppeasutus, enrolling pupils aged
Kutsepetaja between 16 and 20, who is trained at
Country: Estonia university (likool) for work in general
Grammatical variants: Kutsepetajad, education as a subject semi-specialist. For
kutsepetaja* information on initial training, see
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary Gmnaasiumi ainepetaja (+). For infor-
Explanatory note: Teacher at a mation on qualifications required to enter
kutseppeasutus, enrolling pupils aged initial training, appointment, employer, status
between 16 and 20, who has specialised and evaluation, see Koolieelse lasteasutuse
in vocational and technical subjects. Staff petaja.


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Language assistant
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
Level: Lower/upper secondary
Explanatory note: Assistant in secondary

Library Board (in Northern Ireland).

Synonym: Foreign language assistant (FLA).

Lrare i gemensamma mnen

Country: Finland
schools enrolling pupils aged between 12 and
18. Normally language assistants are students Level: Upper secondary
from countries such as France, Germany, Explanatory note: Swedish term for
Spain or Italy who have recently completed a Yhteisten opintojen opettaja.
period of tertiary level study in their own
country. They are appointed and employed for Lrare i yrkesmnen
a temporary period by the local education Country: Finland
authority. For evaluation, see Teacher. Level: Upper secondary
Explanatory note: Swedish term for
Ammatillisten opintojen opettaja.
Language assistant
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) Lrare som meddelar frskoleundervisning
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- Country: Finland
dary/tertiary Level: Pre-primary
Explanatory note: Assistant in a secondary Explanatory note: Swedish term for
school (pupils aged from 11-16/18), a further Esiopetusta antava opettaja.
education institution offering vocational
and/or general education normally for Lastentarhanopettaja
students (including adults) aged over 16, or a Country: Finland
tertiary education institution (general and Grammatical variants:
vocational education for students normally Lastentarhanopettajat, lastentarhanopettaj*
aged over 18). These staff help in teaching Level: Pre-primary
foreign languages and may be recruited Explanatory note: Teacher at pivkoti (day
through the Central Bureau for International care centres) for children aged between 1 and
Education and Training. Usually aged 6, who is a university-trained generalist. The
between 20 and 30, they are prospective ylioppilastutkintotodistus diploma is required
teachers of English or students of other for admission to the practical and theoretical
subjects who are highly proficient in English. training, which consists of a 3-year academic
They are employed, normally for a single course leading to the kasvatustieteiden
academic year, by the institution concerned or, kandidaatintutkinto diploma. These teachers
in the case of some categories of school, the are recruited on the basis of an open
local education authority or Education and recruitment procedure. The person/body in

Part L Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:19 Page 74

Learning support assistant

charge of their appointment depends on the concerned. In tertiary institutions a similar

decision of the local authority responsible for post exists which is more generally referred to
the management of the educational institution. as a Non-medical helper. Abbreviation:
They are employed by the local authority LSA.
as civil servants or by a private maintaining
body on a contractual basis. They are Lecteur/trice de langues trangres
evaluated by the pivkoti in accordance with Country: France
its internal arrangements. Swedish term: Level: Tertiary
Barntrdgrdslrare. Explanatory note: Temporary teacher of
foreign languages in tertiary education
Learning support assistant institutions normally enrolling students from
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) the age of 18. Practical instruction is given,
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- either in the mother tongue of the individual
dary/post-secondary teachers concerned or in a language which
they speak with equal facility. In order to
Explanatory note: Assistant in a pre-primary
be eligible for this post, applicants have to
setting (children aged from 2/3-4/5),
hold a matrise, or an equivalent foreign
primary school (ages 4/5-11) and secondary
qualification. For information on recruitment,
school (ages 11 to 16 or 18), or a further
employer and status, see Matre de langues
education institution (vocational and/or
trangres. These staff are subject to no
general education for students over 16,
evaluation procedure.
including adults). Staff in this category
provide the extra help often needed for
pupils/students with special educational needs Lector
(including those with physical disabilities) to Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
be educated in mainstream institutions. There Grammatical variants: Lectoren, lectors
are no national requirements for training or Level: Tertiary
qualifications, although some local education Explanatory note: Teacher at hogescholen
authorities (LEAs) or Education and offering single-stage tertiary education
Library Boards (Boards) in Northern Ireland courses normally enrolling students from the
and schools/institutions may stipulate their age of 18. The licentiaat degree (4 years of
own requirements. These staff may undertake tertiary education at university or hogescholen
training leading to qualifications awarded by offering 2-stage courses) is the minimum
the City & Guilds awarding body, and are requirement for appointment to this post. The
selected through open recruitment procedures tasks involved include teaching in practice-
by the school governing body/board of oriented courses and implementation of
governors. Their main responsibilities depend project-based scientific research. For
largely on individual pupils needs but, in information on appointment, employer, status
general, they help to increase pupil/student and evaluation, see Praktijklector. These
participation in class activity, and may also teachers can be granted the promotion title of
assist with individual physical needs, such as Hoofdlector.
physiotherapy, or carry out special
programmes. They are employed by the Lector
LEA/Board or the governing body/board of Country: The Netherlands
governors, depending on the institution, and Grammatical variants: Lectoren
are considered to be public employees but are Level: Tertiary
not civil servants. Evaluation procedures and Explanatory note: Top grade of teacher at a
promotion opportunities depend on the tertiary vocational education institution
individual school or authority concerned. (hogeschool) normally enrolling students
Synonym: Special needs assistant but other from the age of 17. They have reached a very
terms, including teaching assistant, may also high level in their chosen field of
be used depending on the institution specialisation, given their professional


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responsibilities for innovation in teaching and, years of teaching activity at university level or
above all, applied research. In general these 6 years at secondary and post-secondary level,
teachers hold at least a tertiary education are required for appointment. These staff have
qualification (getuigschrift van het met goed both teaching and research responsibilities.
gevolg afgelegd afsluitend examen (hoger They are appointed by the rector on the basis
beroepsonderwijs or wetenschappelijk of a competitive procedure organised by their
onderwijs)). They are employed and university and can be promoted to the post of
appointed on the basis of an open recruitment confereniar universitar after passing the
procedure by the board of the institution and, required examination. They are employed by
in the public sector, they have the status of their institution on a contractual basis and
public servants. In the private grant-aided their title of lector universitar is certified
sector, their contract is based on private law, by the National Council for the Accreditation
although they enjoy public servant status as a of Academic Degrees, Diplomas and
basis condition of service for pensions. Certificates. Boards nominated by the
Standard teaching responsibilities are university senate evaluate them in accordance
determined in the collective agreement for with criteria established by the foregoing
tertiary education, and institutions are free to National Council.
specify additional duties. They are evaluated
by the employer, i.e. the board of the Lecturer
institution. Country: Ireland
Level: Tertiary
Lector () Explanatory note: Teacher at a university or
Country: Greece an Institute of Technology normally enrolling
Grammatical variants: Lectores students from the age of 17/18, who is
Level: Tertiary responsible mainly for teaching and research.
Explanatory note: Teacher at universities Some lecturers are recruited externally, while
(panepistimio) normally enrolling students others are promoted from the post of
from the age of 18. Appointment to this post Assistant lecturer. An appropriate honours
requires at least 2 years of teaching experience degree or its equivalent, is normally
and at least two original published considered to be the minimum qualification
contributions to academic journals. Teachers for recruitment to this grade. Where a lecturer
in this category also have research is recruited by promotion from the post of
responsibilities and are employed by their assistant lecturer, at least 5 years of
institution on a contractual basis. After 3 years experience in the latter position are required.
but before 7 years of employment, they are Where a lecturer is recruited externally, a
entitled to request promotion to the rank of minimum of 3 years of teaching experience is
Epikouros Kathigitis/tria. They are appointed required. For all information on appointment,
on the basis of an open recruitment procedure employer, status and evaluation, see
by the dean (prytanis). There is no specific Professor.
staff evaluation system at this level of
education. Lecturer
Country: Malta
Lector universitar Level: Tertiary
Country: Romania Explanatory note: Teacher at the University
Grammatical variants: Lectori universitari of Malta normally enrolling students from the
Level: Tertiary age of 18, who is university trained as a
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary specialist and responsible for teaching,
education institutions normally enrolling research and administration. Candidates for
students from the age of 19, whose rank is this post, who must have the title of Doctor
between that of Confereniar universitar and in order to be eligible, are recruited on the
Asistent/ universitar/. A doctorate, and 4 basis of a selection/promotion board recom-

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mendation. Posts may be advertised for grade but, here again, practices and job
appointment within the grade. Teachers are titles (e.g. programme leader, course
appointed by the Council of the University, leader, etc.) may vary from one institution
and employed by the latter on a permanent or to the next, usually to reflect the
contractual basis. The University has no responsibilities entailed.
formal procedures for their evaluation. Specialist teacher in tertiary education
institutions (including universities) which
Lecturer normally enrol students aged over 18.
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) Institutions are encouraged to provide
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary/ initial training for their staff and are free to
tertiary decide on their own arrangements,
although training programmes may be
Explanatory note:
externally accredited. These teachers are
Specialist teacher in a further education selected through open recruitment
institution which provides vocational procedures, as a rule by senior managers
and/or general education normally for of the institution. A good first degree
students (including adults) aged over 16. (usually a Bachelors degree) in the
Lecturers are encouraged to undertake subject to be taught is normally required,
initial training but this has not been a but a Masters degree or doctorate and
statutory requirement. From September publications may also be required
2001, all new full-time further education qualifications. The main responsibilities of
teachers in England have to obtain a lecturers depend on their institution and,
higher education certificate in teaching, besides teaching, may include research
while part-time teachers have to obtain a and the provision of learning support and
Further and Adult Education Teachers guidance. Their contracts may be full- or
Certificate (FAETC) awarded by the City part-time, with the precise contractual
& Guilds of London Institute. The arrangements also dependent on
duration of these courses depends on the institutional requirements. The employer
mode of study. In Northern Ireland, further is normally the governing body of the
education lecturers without an initial institution, which makes its own
teacher training qualification must arrangements for appraisal. Promotion is
normally hold an approved university or possible to the higher grades on the
vocational qualification in their subject lecturing scale Senior lecturer or
and, in the case of the latter, must also Principal lecturer. For historical reasons,
have a good grade in the General the grading systems and titles used in
Certificate of Secondary Education universities founded before 1992 are not
(GCSE) in English and mathematics, and the same as those of new universities
have 3 years of industrial or business established since then, and job titles and
experience. Lecturers are selected through responsibilities may also vary from one
open recruitment procedures, as a rule by institution to the next irrespective of the
senior managers of the institution. foregoing distinction.
Although they are considered to be public
employees, the employer is normally the
governing body of the institution, while Lecturer
the precise contractual arrangements Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
depend on the latters requirements. Level: Post-secondary/tertiary
Evaluation is also the responsibility of the Explanatory note: Teacher at further edu-
institution and, in most cases, carried out cation colleges enrolling people aged over 16,
by the head of department or other senior for whom school is no longer compulsory, and
manager. Promotion is possible to higher at higher education institutions enrolling
grades on the main grade lecturing scale, students normally from the age of 18.
or to lower levels of the management Although staff in this category are not


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Lehrer/in an allgemeinbildenden hheren Schulen

required to have a teaching qualification, Level: Tertiary

some lecturers at further education Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary edu-
institutions may hold a Bachelor of Education cation institutions (Hochschulen) normally
(B.Ed.) or Postgraduate Certificate of enrolling students from the age of 19.
Education (PGCE) while, at higher education Candidates must have completed studies at
institutions, they usually hold a postgraduate university level (Hochschulstudium), or
qualification in their specialist subject. All demonstrate excellent achievements in their
lecturers are expected to carry out some field, in addition to teaching ability. Staff in
administrative tasks in addition to their this category carry out their teaching
teaching responsibilities and, in higher independently, and are generally appointed
education institutions, to undertake academic and employed by the university or the Land on
research. They are selected through an open a contractual basis for a fixed period (initially
recruitment procedure and employed by the around 1 semester). Their appointment is
educational institution to which they belong granted on the recommendation of the faculty
(under permanent or temporary contract). concerned, in the form of a contract
They are evaluated by the Scottish Higher specifying their teaching commitment for a
Education Funding Council with the given number of hours in the teaching period
assistance of the Quality Assurance Agency of the semester and, in appropriate cases,
and can be promoted to the post of Senior responsibility for the administration of
lecturer. examinations. These teachers are evaluated by
Note: There is a difference between the job their university unit.
description of lecturers in the older, pre-1992
universities and that of the newer post-1992 Lehrer/in an allgemeinbildenden hheren
universities and higher education colleges. Schulen (+)
Country: Austria
Lehrbeauftragter/te Grammatical variants: Lehrer/innen* an
Country: Austria allgemeinbildenden hheren Schulen
Grammatical variants: Lehrbeauftragte* Level: Lower/upper secondary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Teacher at a Allgemein-
Explanatory note: Teacher at universities bildende hhere Schule (AHS) enrolling
normally enrolling students from the age of pupils aged between 10 and 18, who is
18, who is responsible for certain individual university trained as a general education
course lectures under the supervision of a subject specialist. Staff in this category also
Universittsprofessor/in. Teachers in this teach general education subjects in technical
category have been university trained and and vocational schools (berufsbildende
obtained a Magister or Diplom-... degree. mittlere und hhere Schulen - BMHS). The
They have teaching responsibilities only general upper secondary school leaving
and are selected by their university on the certificate (Reifeprfungszeugnis), or its
basis of an open recruitment procedure (with equivalent, is necessary to embark on training.
the decision taken by the appropriate Training (in two different subjects) lasts at
university Personalkommission). Teachers are least 4 years and, if successful, leads to the
employed by the Rektor/in of the university award of the Magister degree. In order to
for a limited period, but may subsequently obtain a teaching qualification, candidates
secure permanent tenure as a have to follow an additional year of practical
Universittslektor/in. The head of institute training at school (Unterrichtspraktikum).
(Institutsvor/stand/stndin) is responsible for During this year, they also have to attend
their evaluation. special programmes and seminars organized
by a Pdagogisches Institut. The Lehramt
Lehrbeauftragter/te qualification is awarded and the teachers may
Country: Deutschland apply for a position. In public-sector
Grammatical variants: Lehrbeauftragte* institutions, the regional school council

Part L Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:19 Page 78

Lehrer/in an Polytechnischen Schulen

(Landesschulrat) appoints these teachers and subjects have to have completed an

is responsible for the recruitment procedure apprenticeship, obtained the master
(there is no competitive examination). craftsmen qualification and have six years
Teachers are employed by the federal of occupational experience.
authorities (Bund), start on fixed-term or Teacher of vocational theory at
permanent contracts and, after some years, berufsbildende mittlere Schulen (BMS)
may become civil servants. They are which are technical and vocational
evaluated by the inspector of the regional schools enrolling pupils from 14 to 18
school council (Landesschulinspektor/in). years have to hold a Reife- und
Diplomprfungszeugnis in a relevant
Lehrer/in an Polytechnischen Schulen (+) subject and have worked for 2 years in a
Country: Austria relevant occupation. Teacher training for
Grammatical variants: Lehrer/innen* an the last two staff categories initially takes
Polytechnischen Schulen place at a Berufspdagogische Akademie
Level: Upper secondary or at a Berufspdagogisches Institut
Explanatory note: Teacher at Polytechnische alongside regular employment (4
Schulen enrolling pupils aged 14/15, who is semesters), and subsequently entails a 2-
trained as a subject specialist (in two subjects semester full-time course at an academy
and two vocational areas) at a Pdagogische of vocational education. The content and
Akademie (non-university tertiary education) duration of training vary depending on the
or in a Pdagogisches Institut. The Lehramt specialisation.
fr Hauptschulen qualification is a Teachers are appointed by the Landesschulrat
requirement to embark on training in a (regional school council) which is also
Pdagogisches Institut. The supplementary responsible for the recruitment procedure,
training for a teacher at Hauptschulen to and are federal employees with either a
become a teacher at a Polytechnische Schule private law or public law contract. The
lasts one year and leads to the award of a inspector of the regional school council
Lehramt fr Polytechnische Schulen. For all (Landesschulinspektor/in) and the Direktor/in
information on appointment, employer, status carry out evaluations of teacher performance.
and evaluation, see Volksschullehrer/in. They visit classes to observe teachers at
Lehrer/in fr berufsbildende Gegenstnde an
berufsbildenden mittleren und hheren Lehrer/in fr Fachpraxis im beruflichen
Schulen Schulwesen
Country: Austria Country: Deutschland
Grammatical variants: Lehrer/innen* fr Grammatical variants: Lehrer* fr
berufsbildende Gegenstnde an berufs- Fachpraxis im beruflichen Schulwesen
bildenden mittleren und hheren Schulen Level: Upper secondary
Level: Upper secondary Explanatory note: Teacher of practical
Explanatory note: subjects at vocational upper secondary
Teacher of vocational subjects at schools enrolling pupils aged between 16 and
berufsbildende hhere Schulen (BHS) 19. The training course for these teachers
which are technical and vocational schools lasts 18 months. It is divided fairly evenly
enrolling pupils aged between 14/15 and between school-based practical work and
19 have to have a degree (at least 4 years) theoretical training which are closely
from a university or a university of arts. In interlinked. Candidates for training in this
some fields relevant professional activity must have successfully completed
experience and the attendance of Realschule (lower secondary level) or have
continuing training courses at a an equivalent recognised certificate, in
Pdagogisches Institut is also required. addition to successfully completing
Teachers of practical skills in vocational vocational training and appropriate technical


Part L Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:19 Page 79

Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter fr alle oder einzelne

Schularten der Sekundarstufe I

school training for at least 3 semesters, or Vorbereitungsdienst, newly qualified teachers

vocational training and a relevant master can apply for permanent employment at
craftmans certificate (Meisterprfung) or, yet public-sector schools. Applications have to be
again, any training course and examination addressed to the ministry dealing with school
recognised as equivalent by the Lnder. In affairs (or to the intermediate-level school
addition, candidates must demonstrate that advisory body) of the Land concerned, or in
they have successfully completed at least 2 some cases directly to a particular school. The
years of relevant vocational activity following ministry has to give final approval to the
completion of their vocational training. At the outcome of the recruitment procedure. All
end of the training course, there is a state teachers in public-sector schools are
examination (Staatsprfung) which includes a employed by the Land. The ministry decides,
written examination, a test lesson and an oral with reference to Land legislation, whether
examination. Lehrer fr Fachpraxis teach on they should be employed as Land civil
an independent basis and impart skills for servants or as public service employees
practical basic and technical training. They in accordance with the Bundes-
help in the preparation and conduct of angestelltentarifvertrag (Collective Agree-
experiments and exercises as part of or as a ment for Federal Employees). In exceptional
supplement to theoretical teaching. They are cases, teachers can also be appointed as
assessed by the school head (Schulleiter/in) salaried employees on the basis of fixed-term
and on the basis of a classroom visit by Land employment contracts. They are assessed by
school inspectors. For appointment, employer the school head (Schulleiter/in), and in
and status, see Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter der classroom visits by Land school inspectors.
Grundschule bzw. der Primarstufe.
Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter fr alle oder
Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter der Grundschule einzelne Schularten der Sekundarstufe I
bzw. der Primarstufe Country: Deutschland
Country: Deutschland Grammatical variants: Lehrer* fr Lehrmter
Grammatical variants: Lehrer* fr fr alle oder einzelne Schularten der
Lehrmter der Grundschule bzw. der Sekundarstufe I
Primarstufe Level: Lower secondary
Level: Primary Explanatory note: Teacher at lower secon-
Explanatory note: Teacher at a Grundschule dary education institutions enrolling pupils
enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 10, who aged between 10 and 16, who is trained as a
is trained as a generalist at a university or an subject specialist at a university or an
equivalent tertiary education institution. equivalent tertiary education institution.
The usual entrance requirement for the The usual entrance requirement for the
studies entailed is the general higher edu- studies entailed is the general higher edu-
cation entrance qualification (Allgemeine cation entrance qualification (Allgemeine
Hochschulreife). Training comprises 7 Hochschulreife). Training generally includes
semesters leading to the first state 7 to 9 semesters leading to the first state
examination (erste Staatsprfung) which is examination (erste Staatsprfung) which is
then generally followed by 2 years of practical normally followed by 2 years of practical
teacher training or preparatory service teacher training or preparatory service
(Vorbereitungsdienst) leading to the second (Vorbereitungsdienst) leading to the second
state examination (zweite Staatsprfung). state examination (zweite Staatsprfung). The
The university course incorporates study course usually includes at least 2 subjects. In
of an elective or specialised subject as well addition, students must participate in at least
as the theory and practice of primary school one period of several weeks school teaching
teaching. Subject options and areas of practice, which should include supervised
specialisation vary from Land to Land. practice both of general teaching skills and
After successful completion of the subject-based teaching. The training course

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Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter fr die Sekundarstufe II

(allgemeinbildende Fcher) oder fr das Gymnasium

may be supplemented by practice periods Explanatory note: Teacher at vocational

outside school. For appointment, employer, upper secondary education institutions
evaluation and status, see Lehrer/in fr enrolling pupils aged between 16 and 19,
Lehrmter der Grundschule bzw. der alist. The usual entrance requirement for the
Primarstufe. studies entailed is the general higher
education entrance qualification (Allgemeine
Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter fr die Hochschulreife). The university course in
Sekundarstufe II (allgemeinbildende Fcher) subject-related theory and general subjects
oder fr das Gymnasium (+) generally lasts 9 semesters and leads to the
Country: Deutschland first state examination (erste Staatsprfung).
Grammatical variants: Lehrer* fr In addition, students must also complete a
Lehrmter fr die Sekundarstufe II period of work experience of at least 12
(allgemeinbildende Fcher) oder fr das months which must be relevant to the selected
Gymnasium vocational area of specialisation and
Level: Lower/upper secondary completed at the same time as the course. This
Explanatory note: Teacher at a Gymnasium is usually followed by 2 years of practical
or upper secondary education institution teacher training or preparatory service
(pupils aged between 12 and 19), who is (Vorbereitungsdienst) leading to the second
university trained as a subject specialist. state examination (zweite Staatsprfung).
The usual entrance requirement for the Approximately half of the university course of
studies entailed is the general higher study should include the in-depth study of a
education entrance qualification (Allgemeine vocational subject area. The course includes
Hochschulreife). Training comprises a course specific subject-related studies in teaching
of study lasting 9 semesters (occasionally and school practice. For appointment,
12 semesters in artistic subjects) leading employer, evaluation and status, see
to the first state examination (erste Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter der Grundschule bzw.
Staatsprfung) which is usually followed by der Primarstufe.
2 years of practical teacher training or
preparatory service (Vorbereitungsdienst) Lehrer/in fr sonderpdagogische Lehrmter (+)
leading to the second state examination Country: Deutschland
(zweite Staatsprfung). The university course Grammatical variants: Lehrer* fr
must include at least two subjects, including sonderpdagogische Lehrmter
studies in subject-related teaching skills. The Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
course includes at least one period of several Explanatory note: Teacher of children/pupils
weeks school training practice which should with special educational needs at primary, or
include supervised practice both of general lower secondary or upper secondary special
teaching skills and subject-based teaching. education institutions (Sonderschulen), or in
The training course may be supplemented integrated classes in mainstream schools. The
by periods of practice outside school. For entrance requirement for the university
appointment, employer, evaluation and studies entailed is the general higher
status, see Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter der education entrance qualification (Allgemeine
Grundschule bzw. der Primarstufe. Hochschulreife). These staff may even teach
in vocational schools. The qualifications
Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter fr die required to teach at different types or levels of
Sekundarstufe II (berufliche Fcher) oder fr special education can be obtained in two
die beruflichen Schulen (+) ways: either through an additional course of
Country: Deutschland study concluded with a state examination
Grammatical variants: Lehrer* fr Lehrmter (Staatsprfung) subsequent to another
fr die Sekundarstufe II (berufliche Fcher) complete teacher education course, or through
oder fr die beruflichen Schulen a first degree course of study. The latter is a
Level: Upper secondary university course lasting at least 9 semesters,


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which leads to the first state examination qualifications are not required, primarily
(erste Staatsprfung). This is followed by 2 involves teaching practical skills and
years of practical teacher training or expertise. Their recruitment conditions vary
preparatory service (Vorbereitungsdienst) depending on the tasks to be carried out, and
leading to the second state examination range from successful completion of the
(zweite Staatsprfung). The first degree master craftmans certificate (Meisterprfung)
course includes the study of educational to the successful completion of university
science and subject-related studies in one or studies (Hochschulstudium) or doctoral-level
more areas, as well as in education for special studies (Promotion). In addition, candidates
needs. Studies in the theory of teaching, as may be required to provide firm evidence
well as teaching practice, form an integral part of technical achievements in the field in
of the course. Two special education options which they intend to teach. Teachers in this
should be chosen. For appointment, employer, category are employed by the Land, either
evaluation and status, see Lehrer/in fr as civil servants or as public service
Lehrmter der Grundschule bzw. der employees in accordance with the Bundes-
Primarstufe. angestelltentarifvertrag (Collective Agree-
ment for Federal Employees), and are
Lehrer/in fr bergreifende Lehrmter der recruited under fixed- term or permanent
Primarstufe und aller oder einzelner contracts. They are appointed and evaluated by
Schularten der Sekundarstufe I (+) their university unit (faculty, department, etc.).
Country: Deutschland
Grammatical variants: Lehrer* fr Lehtori (+)
bergreifende Lehrmter der Primarstufe und Country: Finland
aller oder einzelner Schularten der Grammatical variants: Lehtorit, lehtor*
Sekundarstufe I Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/tertia-
Level: Primary/lower secondary ry
Explanatory note: Teacher at primary and Explanatory note: Teacher in perusopetus
lower secondary education institutions (pupils (children aged 7-16), lukio (ages 16-19 and
from the 1st to the 10th year), who is trained adult students), ammatillinen oppilaitos (ages
similarly to the Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter 16-19 and adult students), university,
der Grundschule bzw. der Primarstufe. ammattikorkeakoulu (from the age of 19) and
Depending on the Land, teaching quali- in adult education and training. (S)he is
fications can be obtained simultaneously for trained as a specialist, at a university or
primary level and certain types of school at ammattikorkeakoulu. The diploma of
lower secondary level, or for the whole of yliopilastutkintotodistus or kandidaatintutkinto
lower secondary level. Study of selected is required for admission to the practical and
subjects at an academic level depends partly theoretical training which consists of a 5- to 6-
on the type of school concerned. For year academic course leading to the diploma
appointment, employer, evaluation and status, of maisterintutkinto or lisensiaatintutkinto.
see Lehrer/in fr Lehrmter der Grundschule (S)he has teaching responsibilities and at
bzw. der Primarstufe. university also research responsibilities.
Candidates for a position in universities must
Lehrkraft fr besondere Aufgaben generally have an appropriate lisensiaatintutkinto
Country: Deutschland diploma or an appropriate tohtorintutkinto
Grammatical variants: Lehrkrfte fr diploma. Pedagogical training with a possible
besondere Aufgaben 35 credits (approximately one academic year)
Level: Tertiary is required for appointment to the post. If, in
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary case of ammattikorkeakoulu, teachers are not
education institutions (Hochschulen) nor- trained at the time of appointment, they have
mally enrolling students from the age of 19. to be trained within 3 years following it.
The work of these staff, for which professorial These teachers are employed by the local

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authority or a private maintaining body, the Akureyri (University of Akureyri).

university or the ammattikorkeakoulu. They Satisfactory performance in the Stdentsprf
are appointed by the education provider in examination or its equivalent is required to
accordance with an open recruitment embark on training which lasts 3 years, except
procedure which in the case of polytechnics in the case of a distance learning course which
requires 3 years of work experience in the lasts 4 years. Courses are both theoretical and
field corresponding to their assignment. At practical and lead to a BEd degree. These
tertiary level, they are evaluated by the teachers have civil servant status and are
university or the ammattikorkeakoulu. At employed and appointed to a specific leikskli
other levels, they are evaluated by the by the municipality on the basis of an open
provider of education. Swedish term: Lektor. recruitment procedure. Every pre-primary
institution has to implement methods to
Leibeinandi evaluate its work, including teaching.
Country: Iceland
Grammatical variants: Leibeinendur Leitor/a
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- Country: Portugal
dary Grammatical variants: Leitores/as
Explanatory note: Level: Tertiary
At pre-primary level, assistant of the Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino
Leiksklakennari. Staff in this category superior universitrio (university tertiary
are not required to have specific education) normally enrolling students from
qualifications or experience, and their the age of 18, who is responsible for teaching
main task is to assist leiksklakennarar in modern languages (or in certain cases the
their work with children. other subjects in the licenciatura). Instruction
Teacher without full qualifications in is given either in the mother tongue of the
grunnskli for pupils aged between 6 and teachers concerned or in a language equally
16, or in framhaldsskli for pupils aged familiar. This post can be occupied by those
between 16 and 20. The heads of these two holding a licenciatura degree or its
kinds of institution (sklastjri and equivalent. These teachers are appointed on
sklameistari, respectively) have to obtain invitation by the university concerned, or
permission from the Minister of from among nationals or foreigners in
Education, Science and Culture to employ accordance with the terms of international
individual teachers in this category for one agreements. The initial contract is valid for
year at a time. one year renewable subject to a decision by
These teachers have civil servant status and the university academic council.
are employed and appointed by the
municipality (in schools for pre-primary and Lektor
compulsory education) or by the State (at Country: Danemark
upper secondary level institutions) on the Grammatical variants: Lektoren, lektorer,
basis of an open recruitment procedure. lektorerne
Schools at all levels have to implement Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary/
methods to evaluate their own work. tertiary
Explanatory note:
Leiksklakennari Title automatically granted to a
Country: Iceland Gymnasielrer after 13 years of
Grammatical variants: Leiksklakennarar employment as an Adjunkt.
Level: Pre-primary Teacher at non-university tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at leikskli for education institutions normally enrolling
pupils up to 6 years of age, trained as a students from the age of 19. In addition to
generalist teacher at Kennarahskli slands satisfactory performance in the candidatus
(Iceland University of Education) or Hsklinn examination, applicants must be able to


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provide written evidence of subject- Explanatory note: Swedish term for

specific and teaching qualifications Lehtori (+).
which may have been acquired through
previous appointment as an adjunkt, Lektor
or in other relevant employment. Country: Iceland
Permanent employment as a lektor Grammatical variants: Lektorer
requires satisfactory completion of Level: Tertiary
a lektorbedmmelse, in which the Explanatory note: Teacher at hskli
qualifications of the applicant are assessed normally enrolling students from the age of
by a Ministry of Education committee. 20. An evaluation committee assesses the
Teacher at universities normally enrolling qualifications of an applicant for this position.
students from the age of 19. The degree A PhD degree or its equivalent is usually
of Ph.D. or its equivalent is required required for appointment. Lektorar have
for appointment, together with a sound teaching, research and administrative
academic publishing record. In addition responsibilities. They may apply for
to teaching (including examination promotion to the post of Dsent, in which
duties), these staff have research and case the conditions governing application
administrative responsibilities. They may vary with the university institution concerned.
be promoted to the post of Professor. Lektorar are appointed by the head (rektor) of
At tertiary level, lektorer are appointed by the institution on the basis of an open
their institutions in accordance with an open recruitment procedure or following
recruitment procedure and employed by them promotion. For information on employer and
for an indefinite period on a group contract status, see dsent. For information on
basis. They are subject to no individual formal evaluation, see Ajnkt. Common term:
assessment procedures. Hsklakennari.

Lektor Lektor
Country: Estonia Country: Poland
Grammatical variants: Lektorid, lektor* Grammatical variants: Lektorzy, lektor*
Level: Tertiary Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at a tertiary edu- Explanatory note: Teacher of foreign
cation institution (likool or rakenduskrgkool), languages at universities and other tertiary
normally enrolling students from the age of education institutions normally enrolling
18. An academic degree (bakalaureusekraad, students from the age of 19. The title of
magistrikraad, doktorikraad or a recognised magister (5 years of university studies) or its
equivalent), or higher education and equivalent, or another qualification
experience in a specialised professional field, corresponding to requirements defined in the
are required for appointment. Staff in this statutes of the institution concerned, is
category are mainly responsible for giving necessary for appointment. Teachers are
lectures. They are selected by a mixed appointed, at the request of the dean (dziekan)
membership decision-making body within the or the head of unit (kierownik jednostki such
institution and, if they satisfy all as dyrektor instytutu), by the head (rektor) of
requirements, may apply for any other of its the institution, in accordance with open
teaching staff posts. For further information, recruitment procedures established by it.
see Professor. Besides teaching, they are responsible for
upgrading their own professional skills and
Lektor assisting with the institutions organisational
Country: Finland tasks. They are employed by the institution on
Grammatical variants: Lektorer a permanent basis. For information on
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/ evaluation, see Adiunkt. General term:
tertiary Nauczyciel akademicki.

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Lektor specialised in teaching foreign languages.

Country: Sweden Staff who occupy this post must hold a first
Grammatical variants: Lektorer degree in languages (generally the
Level: Tertiary professional title of profesor/ica in one or two
Explanatory note: Teacher at a university or languages), have at least 5 years of
university college normally enrolling appropriate experience and have demons-
students from the age of 19, whose trated satisfactory performance as teachers.
responsibilities are divided between teaching, Their title is awarded for a period of 5 years
research and administration to an extent that (renewable) by the senat of their institution, in
depends on the individual institution accordance with legislative procedures. The
concerned. Candidates for this post should title may also be revoked. Staff in this
have the title of doktor (or its equivalent), or category are primarily responsible for
demonstrable ability in artistic fields, as well teaching. For appointment, employer, status
as teaching skills. They are recruited in and evaluation, see Asistent/ka. General
accordance with a competitive examination term: Visokoolski/ka uitelji/ica.
organised by each institution, or through the
promotion of qualified Adjunkter who Lektor/ka
apply for the post. These teachers are Country: Czech Republic
appointed by the vice-chancellor (rektor), Grammatical variants: Lektoi/rky, lekto*
who may delegate this responsibility to Level: Tertiary
another staff member. In public-sector Explanatory note: Lecturer at tertiary
universities and university colleges, they are education institutions (vysok koly) normally
employed by the State on a permanent basis enrolling students from the age of 18/19. The
or, in some cases of initial employment, for titles of inenr in the field of technology,
a limited period. For information on agriculture, economics and architecture, or
evaluation, see Professor. magistr in other fields (except medicine or
veterinary medicine in which students are
Lektor (+) awarded the title of doktor) are required for
Country: Norway appointment to this post. The work of these
Grammatical variants: Lektoren, lektor* lecturers is supervised by the head of their
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- department, who is usually the Profesor/ka.
dary For information on responsibilities,
Explanatory note: Teacher at the second appointment, employer and status, see
stage of grunnskole for pupils aged between Asistent/ka.
13 and 16 and at videregende skole (upper
secondary education institutions enrolling Lektor/ka
pupils aged between 16 and 19/20), who Country: Slovakia
is trained as a candidatus/candidata Grammatical variants: Lektori/ky, lektor*
mag./agric./pharm./odont., etc. before under- Level: Tertiary
taking a 2-year postgraduate course Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
(hovedfag) including a final thesis. For education institutions (univerzita and vysok
information on appointment, employer, status kola) normally enrolling students from the
and evaluation, see Frskolelrer. age of 18/19. The main responsibilities of
teachers in this category are the provision of
Lektor/ica practical training, as well as support for
Country: Slovenia teaching and learning through the preparation
Grammatical variants: Lektorji/rice, lektor* of documentation and the supervision of
Level: Tertiary laboratory facilities, etc. They may be
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary promoted to the post of Asistent/ka. For
education institutions normally enrolling information on recruitment, appointment,
students from the age of 19, who has employer, status and evaluation, see


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Leraar in opleiding

Odborn/ asistent/ka. General term: vocational education institution (hogeschool).

Uitel/ka na vysokej kole. Training requires 168 credit points (equivalent
to 4 years of study) and is offered either full
Lektorius/r time, part time or as a dual learning route. The
Country: Lithuania course contains both a theoretical and
Grammatical variants: Lektoriai/rs practical part. The upper secondary school
Level: Tertiary leaving certificate (havo, vwo or mbo) is
Explanatory note: Teacher at a kolegija, necessary to embark on training which, if
universitetas or akademija normally enrolling successful, results in the award of a
students from the age of 18/19. These getuigschrift van het met goed gevolg
teachers, who mainly give lectures and carry afgelegd afsluitend examen hoger
out methodological work, are trained as beroepsonderwijs. These teachers are also
specialists at a university-level institution. qualified to work in special schools and
In order to be eligible for appointment, generally complete a part-time postgraduate
candidates should have the title of master course of 42 credit points leading to the (non-
(magistras) and, in the case of those compulsory) special education qualification
intending to teach certain subjects, 3 years (getuigschrift). They are employed and
of experience in the corresponding appointed by the governing body (bevoegd
professional sector. Staff in this category may gezag) of the school on the basis of an open
be admitted to the post of Docentas/t. recruitment procedure and, in the public
For information on recruitment, appointment, sector, they have public servant status and a
employer, status, and evaluation, see contract based on civil law. In the grant-aided
Asistentas/t. private sector, their contract is based on
private law, although they enjoy public
Lektors/e servant status as a basic condition of service
Country: Latvia for pensions. They are evaluated by the
Grammatical variants: Lektori/es employer (the governing body of the school)
Level: Tertiary which, in practice, normally means the school
Explanatory note: Teacher at a tertiary
education institution (augstskola, universitte)
normally enrolling students from the age of Leraar in opleiding
18. The degree of habilitated doctor, doctor or Country: The Netherlands
a masters degree (habilitt doktora, doktora Grammatical variants: Leraren in opleiding
or maistra grds) are required for Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
appointment. Teachers who have only dary
teaching responsibilities, may be elected by Explanatory note: Trainee teacher in pri-
faculty board or institute council for 6 years. mary (basisonderwijs), general secondary
For information on appointment (except for (voortgezet onderwijs) or vocational upper
coordination involving the Ministry of secondary schools (middelbaar beroeps-
Education and Science), employer, onderwijs). Students in the final year of their
evaluation, see Profesors/e. General term: teacher training may be employed in a school
Pasniedzjs/a. under a training/employment contract for a
limited period (5 months full time or 10
Leraar basisonderwijs months part time). Trainee teachers have the
Country: The Netherlands same responsibilities as regular teachers,
Grammatical variants: Leraren basis- and receive a certain amount of guidance
onderwijs from their employer and training institution,
Level: Pre-primary/primary both of which also evaluate them. They
Explanatory note: Teacher at basisschool are salaried employees with civil servants
enrolling children aged between 4 and 12, status. For further information, see
who is trained as a generalist at a tertiary Leraar basisonderwijs, Leraar voortgezet

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Leraar speciaal (voortgezet) onderwijs

onderwijs and BVE-docent. Abbreviation: Level: Lower/upper secondary

Lio. Explanatory note: Teacher at secondary
schools enrolling pupils aged between 12 and
Leraar speciaal (voortgezet) onderwijs 16/18, who is trained as a subject specialist
Country: The Netherlands in teacher training courses at a tertiary
Grammatical variants: Leraren speciaal vocational education institution (hogeschool)
(voortgezet) onderwijs or university. Teachers in secondary schools
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary are of two kinds: those with a grade one
Explanatory note: Teacher at a special school qualification (eerstegraads) and a grade two
(school voor speciaal onderwijs) for pupils qualification (tweedegraads), respectively.
in the primary and secondary school The upper secondary school leaving
age-group, who are unable to attend a certificate (havo, vwo or mbo) is necessary to
mainstream or special primary or secondary embark on training in a hogeschool, at which
school. For further information, see Leraar applicants for grade one courses must have a
basisonderwijs and Leraar voortgezet grade two qualification in the subject to be
onderwijs. studied. Postgraduate university teacher
training courses leading to a grade one
Leraar speciaal basisonderwijs qualification are open to all those with a first
Country: The Netherlands degree in an area providing adequate
Grammatical variants: Leraren speciaal preparation for the subject they wish to
basisonderwijs teach. Training at a hogeschool for a grade
Level: Pre-primary/primary two qualification requires 168 credit points
Explanatory note: Teacher at a special (equivalent to 4 years of study), offered
primary school (speciale school voor either full time, part time or as a dual
basisonderwijs) enrolling children from the learning route, and contains both a
age of 4 who, at least temporarily, require theoretical and practical part. Training at a
special educational treatment. Teaching is hogeschool for a grade one qualification
geared to enabling them to return to a requires 63 credit points (equivalent to 1
mainstream primary school (basisschool). years of study), whereas postgraduate
For further information, see Leraar university teacher training requires 42 credit
basisonderwijs. points (equivalent to 1 year of study) and
is offered either full time, part time or as
a dual learning route. Graduates receive
Leraar speciaal voortgezet onderwijs
a getuigschrift van het met goed gevolg
Country: The Netherlands
afgelegd afsluitend examen (hoger
Grammatical variants: Leraren speciaal
beroepsonderwijs at the hogeschool or
voortgezet onderwijs
wetenschappelijk onderwijs from the
Level: Lower secondary university). Grade two teachers are qualified
Explanatory note: Teacher at a special to teach the first 3 years of havo and vwo, all
secondary school (speciale school voor years of vmbo (mavo/vbo) and in secondary
voortgezet onderwijs) enrolling children from vocational education (mbo). Grade one
the age of 12 who, at least temporarily, require teachers are qualified to teach at all levels of
special educational treatment. Teaching is secondary education, as well as in special
geared to enabling them to return to a schools. They are employed/appointed by
mainstream secondary school. For further the board of the institution on the basis of
information, see Leraar voortgezet an open recruitment procedure and evaluated
onderwijs (+). by their employer. Standard teaching
responsibilities are determined at decen-
Leraar voortgezet onderwijs (+) tralised sectoral level and institutions are free
Country: The Netherlands to specify additional duties. For further
Grammatical variants: Leraren voortgezet information on appointment, employer and
onderwijs status, see Leraar basisonderwijs.


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Leraar voortgezet speciaal onderwijs of qualified librarians generally include

Country: The Netherlands teaching students certain information and
Grammatical variants: Leraren voortgezet study skills. They are normally employed by
speciaal onderwijs the governing body of the institution and
Level: Lower secondary regarded as public employees, but they are not
Explanatory note: Teacher at a special civil servants. In some categories of
secondary school (school voor voortgezet secondary school, the employer is the local
speciaal onderwijs) for pupils in the education authority or (in Northern Ireland)
secondary school age-group, who are unable the Education and Library Board. Evaluation
to attend a mainstream or special secondary procedures and promotion opportunities
school. For further information, see Leraar depend on the institution concerned.
basisonderwijs and Leraar voortgezet
onderwijs (+). Lio
Country: The Netherlands
Lettore/trice Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
Country: Italy dary
Grammatical variants: Lettori/trici Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Leraar
Level: Tertiary in opleiding.
Explanatory note: Former title of
Collaboratore ed esperto linguistico now only LSA
rarely used. Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
Librarian dary
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- Learning support assistant.
Explanatory note: Librarian in secondary Luokanopettaja (+)
schools (pupils aged from 11-16/18), further Country: Finland
education institutions offering vocational Grammatical variants: Luokanopettajat,
and/or general education normally for luokanopettaj*
students (including adults) aged over 16, and Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary
tertiary education institutions (normally for Explanatory note: Teacher at pivkoti and
students aged over 18). Staff in this category at the first stage of perusopetus for pupils
may often have the formal title of assistant aged 6-7 and 7-13 respectively. Staff in this
librarian when appointed to their first category are university trained as generalists
professional post. Initial training for to teach at primary level, and they may also
librarians involves either a 3- or 4-year provide pre-school education. On completion
tertiary education course in library and of an extensive course in a subsidiary subject
information management, usually leading to a (at least 35 credits, including teacher
Bachelors degree, followed by a postgraduate education), they are further eligible to work as
diploma, Master of Arts (MA) or Master of subject teachers at the second stage of
Science (MSc) in library and information perusopetus (pupils aged 13-16). Applicants
management. Courses are usually accredited for class teacher education are required to
by the Library Association of which some have completed the matriculation
librarians secure associate membership to examination. In general, their practical and
become chartered librarians. Recruitment is theoretical training lasts 5 years and leads to
normally carried out by senior managers of the maisterintutkinto diploma. These teachers
the institution in accordance with open are recruited on the basis of an open
procedures, and secondary schools sometimes recruitment procedure. The person/body in
employ staff who are not formally qualified. charge of their appointment depends on the
Besides normal library duties, responsibilities decision of the local authority responsible for

Part L Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:19 Page 88


the management of the educational institution. on a contractual basis. They are evaluated by
They are employed by the local authority as the education provider. Swedish term:
civil servants or by a private maintaining body Klasslrare.


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Maestro/ra (+)
Country: Spain
Grammatical variants: Maestros/ras
Level: Pre-primary/primary

Level: Upper secondary/tertiary

Explanatory note: Teacher at upper
secondary institutions (for ages 16-18) and
vocational tertiary institutions (normally
from the age of 18 onwards), who is trained
Explanatory note: Teacher at escuelas de
Educacin Infantil (enrolling children aged as a specialist at tertiary level. The Bachiller
between 3 months and 6 years old) and diploma is required for admission to this
primary schools (ages 6-12), including special practical and theoretical training, which lasts
education institutions. (S)he is trained as a 3 academic years and leads to the degree of
generalist or specialist at an escuela Diplomado, Arquitecto Tcnico, Ingeniero
universitaria or facultad. The Bachiller Tcnico or their equivalent. For information
diploma is required for admission to this on recruitment, appointment, employer, status
practical and theoretical training, which lasts and evaluation, see Maestro/ra (+).
3 academic years and leads to the degree of
Maestro/ra obtainable in the fields of pre- Mainstream class teacher
primary education, primary education, foreign Country: Ireland
languages, music, sports, special education, or Level: Pre-primary/primary
hearing and speech. In public-sector schools, Explanatory note: Teacher at primary
these teachers are recruited on the basis of a schools (for children/pupils aged between 4
competitive examination at regional level. and 12) and in pre-school classes (for ages
They are appointed and employed by the 3/4), including special education institutions,
competent body of the Autonomous who is trained as a generalist in a College of
Community concerned and are normally civil Education. The leaving certificate is required
servants. In the case of grant-aided private for admission to the (practical and
schools, they are recruited on the basis of the theoretical) training, which lasts 3 to 4 -
selection criteria established by the School years and leads to the degree of Bachelor of
Council, the school head and the owner of the Education. These teachers are selected for
establishment concerned who employs them appointment by open competition, following
on a contractual basis. They are evaluated by which they are appointed by the school board
the Inspector de Educacin. of management. Although their contract is
normally permanent, they may be also be
Maestro/ra de Taller de Artes Plsticas y employed on a short- or fixed term contract
Diseo (in accordance with school needs) by the
Country: Spain Department of Education and Science (DES)
Grammatical variants: Maestros/ras de on behalf of the board. They are considered to
Taller de Artes Plsticas y Diseo be public employees but not civil servants.

Part M Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:17 Page 90

Matre assistant

Teachers on first appointment must undergo Level: Tertiary

probation, which is normally one year but Explanatory note: Teacher and researcher in
may be extended. They are evaluated by the tertiary education institutions normally for
DES Inspectorate and can be promoted students aged 18 or over. The main
Special duties teacher. For information on responsibilities of staff in this category are
temporary post, see Temporary teacher. For divided between (theoretical and practical)
promotion possibilities, see Special duties teaching and research. In order to be on the
teacher or Assistant Principal. national list of qualified applicants for this
position drawn up by the Conseil national
Matre assistant des universits (National Universities
Country: Belgium (French Community) Council), they have to hold a doctorat or its
Level: Tertiary equivalent, be a full-time Enseignant/e
Explanatory note: Assistant responsible to a associ/e, belong to a research team or, under
Professeur in some university courses. The certain circumstances, have demonstrable
degree of licence (successful completion of 4 professional experience. These teachers are
or 5 years of university studies) is the then recruited on the basis of an open
minimum requirement for appointment to this competitive examination at institutions, for
post. Besides giving theoretical and practical the purpose of filling one or more vacancies.
classes, staff in this category are responsible The career record of applicants is examined
for applied research in their department, and by the committee of specialists and
have to undertake doctoral studies and administrative board of the institution
supervise and guide other students. They are concerned. Candidates who perform
appointed and employed by a university and successfully in the competitive examination
have temporary status (lasting six years are appointed by the Minister of Higher
broken down into three periods of 2 years Education and awarded permanent tenure
each). After six years, appointment to the post after occupying their post for 1 year (prior to
of premier assistant is possible (following a 2001, the period was 2 years). They are state
competitive selection procedure open to employees with civil servant status and, when
holders of a doctorate). They are evaluated by considered for possible promotion, are
the professeur. Former designation: Assistant. evaluated by the Conseil national des
universits. Generic term: Enseignant/e-
Matre denseignement technique (+) chercheur/euse.
Country: Luxembourg
Level: Lower secondary Matre de cours spciaux
Explanatory note: Teacher at technical Country: Luxembourg
lyces solely at the level of lower secondary Level: Lower/upper secondary
education (for pupils aged from 12 to 15). Explanatory note: Teacher at technical
These teachers are trained as specialists in lyces, enrolling pupils aged between 12 and
post-secondary education (3 years of study in 19, who has been trained as a specialist in a
Luxembourg). The certificat daptitude technical branch of studies abroad (generally
technique et professionnelle (CAPT) is in a 2-year non-university course). For
required to embark on training which leads to information on conditions of admission to the
the brevet de matrise professionnelle. These profession, appointment, employer, status and
staff teach vocational theory and carry out evaluation, see Professeur denseignement
practical work. For information on conditions secondaire (+).
of admission to the profession, appointment,
employer, status and evaluation, see Matre de langues trangres
Professeur denseignement secondaire (+). Country: France
Level: Tertiary
Matre de confrences Explanatory note: Temporary teacher of
Country: France foreign languages in tertiary education


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Mokytojas/ja ekspertas/t

institutions normally for students aged 18 whether it should be granted. The promotion
or over. Practical (and in exceptional circum- title may also be revoked by the Ministry. The
stances theoretical) instruction is given, either title, which may additionally be conferred on
in the mother tongue of the individual other staff involved in school education, is
teachers concerned or in a language which evaluated in terms of coefficients, in such a
they speak with equal facility. In order to way that salary is increased in accordance
be eligible for this post, applicants have to with a given coefficient from the day that
have successfully completed one year of promotion takes effect. Those who possess the
postgraduate study, or its equivalent. They are title for 5 years and meet other stipulated
selected, appointed and employed by the head requirements may be appointed to the post of
of the institution concerned on a contractual head (ravnatelj/ica) of the institution
basis for a period of 1-3 years. They are concerned. These staff may subsequently be
subject to no evaluation procedure. promoted to the title of Svetovalec/lka. The
promotion title is appended to the basic term,
Matre spcial e.g. uitelj/ica mentor/ica.
Country: Belgium (French Community)
Level: Primary Modersmlslrare
Explanatory note: Teacher at an cole Country: Sweden
primaire for pupils aged between 6 and 12, Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
who has been trained as a subject specialist Explanatory note: Teacher of the mother
solely to teach either foreign languages or tongue (where this is a minority or regional
sport. These teachers have to have the title of language) at a grundskola or gymnasieskola,
Agrg/e de lenseignement secondaire for pupils aged 7-16 and 16-19, respectively.
infrieur (+). For information on appointment, (S)he is trained as a specialist at a university
employer, status and evaluation, see or university college. The slutbetyg frn
Instituteur/trice maternel/le. gymnasieskolan diploma, combined with
adequate skills in the language concerned and
Mentor/ica in Swedish, is required for admission to the
Country: Slovenia theoretical and practical training, which lasts
Grammatical variants: Mentorji/rice, at least 3 years and leads to the examen som
mentor* modersmlslrare diploma. From 1 July
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- 2001, a new integrated teaching degree
dary/post-secondary/tertiary is being introduced, and will include tea-
Explanatory note: Promotion title (first ching of the mother tongue as one possible
grade) awarded to all working as the area of specialisation. For information on
Organizator/ica izobraevanja odraslih, recruitment, appointment, employer, status
Predavatelj/ica vije ole, Predmetni/na and evaluation, see Frskollrare.
uitelj/ica (+), olski/ka knjiniar/ka,
Uitelj/ica (+), Uitelj/ica razrednega Mokytojas/ja ekspertas/t
pouka, Vzgojitelj/ica predolskih otrok. Country: Lithuania
Requirements for promotion are at least 4 Grammatical variants: Mokytojai/jos
years of employment in education, sound ekspertai/ts
performance as a teacher, professional Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
qualifications, in-service training and further dary
professional activities (such as counselling Explanatory note: Highest promotion title
and the publication of textbooks, articles, awarded to all those who have held the title of
reviews, manuals or research papers, etc). Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja or
Promotion is proposed by the head Mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k. The staff
(ravnatelj/ica) of the institution concerned or concerned must be able to demonstrate sound
by the teachers themselves, and the Ministry teaching ability as teachers (with over 6 years
of Education, Science and Sport decides in the profession), and have obtained in-

Part M Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:17 Page 92

Mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k

service training (including tests), and concerned may subsequently be promoted to

undertaken further professional activities the title of Mokytojas/ja ekspertas/t. To
(such as participation in projects, writing form a category-specific promotion title, the
articles, assisting less experienced teachers, second element of the generic term
evaluating and developing subject or study (metodininkas/k) of the promotion title is
programmes, and dissemination of the appended to the basic term, e.g. aukltojas/ja
methodology and teaching material related to metodininkas/k.
the subject area in which they have been
working). For the procedure relating to Moniteur/trice
promotion, see mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k, Country: France
and for the concomitant salary, see Level: Tertiary
vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja To form a Explanatory note: Temporary teacher in
category-specific promotion title, the second tertiary education institutions normally for
element of the generic term (ekspertas/t) of students from the age of 18, who carries out
the promotion title is appended to the basic one third of the amount of practical work of
term, e.g. aukltojas/ja ekspertas/t. the Matre de confrences. The duties
involved are assumed by those working for a
Mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k doctorate who are familiarising themselves
Country: Lithuania with the tasks of an Enseignant/e-
Grammatical variants: Mokytojasi/jos chercheur/euse, under the guidance of a tutor.
metodininkai/ks They are recruited by the head of their
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- institution from among those who have
dary/ received research grants, following a
recommendation from a committee authorised
Explanatory note: Promotion title (second
by the administrative board of the institution
grade) awarded to all those who have held the
concerned. These staff are appointed and
title of Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja. The
employed by the head of the institution for no
staff concerned must be able to demonstrate
longer than 3 years on a contractual basis.
sound teaching ability as teachers (with at
They are subject to no evaluation procedure.
least 6 years in the profession), have obtained
in-service training (including tests), and
undertaken further professional activities Monitor/a
(such as participation in projects, writing Country: Portugal
articles, assisting less experienced teachers, Grammatical variants: Monitores/ras
evaluating and developing subject or study Level: Tertiary
programmes, and dissemination of the Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at all
methodology and teaching material related to types of tertiary education institution
the subject area in which they have been normally enrolling students from the age of
working). In most cases, promotion is granted 18. This post can be occupied by those
by the teacher appraisal commission holding a licenciatura degree or by students in
(pedagog atestacin komisija) of the school the last two years of their studies leading to
concerned, on the approval/recommendation the licenciatura. They are responsible for
of one or more external central, regional or working with (but not replacing) teaching
local administrative and teacher in-service staff during practical and theoretical/practical
training bodies. In the case of a profesijos classes and in laboratory or field work. They
mokytojas, promotion is granted by the are employed on a non-tenured basis
chief/general commission for vocational following a proposal by the academic council
teacher certification/appraisal (vyriausioji of the institution concerned.
profesijos mokytoj atestacijos komisija) at the
Ministry of Education and Science. For the Musiklrare
procedure relating to the concomitant salary, Country: Sweden
see Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja. The staff Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary


Part M Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:17 Page 93


Explanatory note: Teacher of music at a Muzikos vadovas/v

grundskola or gymnasieskola, for pupils aged Country: Lithuania
7-16 and 16-19 respectively, or in municipal Grammatical variants: Muzikos vadovai/vs
adult education (for those aged 20 or over). Level: Pre-primary
(S)he is trained as a specialist at a university Explanatory note: Former title of Muzikos
or university college. The slutbetyg frn pedagogas prior to the March 2001
gymnasieskolan diploma is required for ministerial order approving a new list of
admission to training for which there are educational staff posts.
two options. Under the first option, future
teachers can study musiklraprogrammet (a Myndmenntakennari
specific programme including specialisation) Country: Iceland
which lasts 4 years and leads to the Grammatical variants: Myndmenntakennarar
musiklrarexamen diploma. Under the Level: Primary/lower secondary
second, they can train to become teachers in Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskli for
the upper levels of a grundskola (4 to 4 pupils aged between 6 and 16, who is trained
years of full-time study) or in a gymnasieskola as a specialist in artistic subjects at
(4 to 5 years of full-time study). In the case Listahskli slands (Iceland Academy of the
of the second option, students must choose a Arts). Satisfactory performance in the
combination of two subjects (music and stdentsprf examination, or its equivalent,
another subject). From 1 July 2001, a new and in an entrance examination are required to
integrated teaching degree is being embark on training, the first part of which
introduced, replacing the musiklrarexamen. lasts 3 years and leads to a BA degree. These
For information on recruitment, appointment, teachers then have to complete a further year
employer, status and evaluation, see of professional training at the University of
Frskollrare. Iceland or Iceland University of Education to
become fully qualified. Myndmenntakennari
Muzikos pedagogas/g can also be trained at Kennarahskli slands
Country: Lithuania (Iceland University of Education) in the
Grammatical variants: Muzikos pedagogai/ general programme for teacher trainees, who
gs may select arts as an optional course. In this
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper case, satisfactory performance in the
secondary stdentsprf examination, or its equivalent, is
Explanatory note: Teacher of music at all required to embark on training which is both
levels of education, who is trained as a academic and practical and leads to a BEd
specialist at an auktesnioji pedagogikos degree. For information on appointment,
mokykla or a university-level institution. For employer, status and evaluation, see
further information, see Bendrojo lavinimo Grunnsklakennari.
dalyk/ko mokytojas (+).

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Part N Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:24 Page 95

Nauczyciel akademicki
Country: Poland
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele akade-
miccy, nauczyciel* akademicki*
Level: Tertiary

certificate is necessary to embark on training.

Applicants must pass an entrance
examination or fulfil other institutional or
course requirements. Training lasts 3 or 5
years and contains both a theoretical and
Explanatory note: General term for practical part. The 3-year courses lead to a
academic staff responsible for teaching, licencjat degree (required for employment at
research and management at tertiary lower secondary level); 5-year courses lead to
education institutions. See Adiunkt, a magister degree (required for work at upper
Asystent, Instruktor, Lektor, Profesor, secondary level). In addition to their
Profesor nadzwyczajny, Profesor responsibility for the library service,
zwyczajny, Starszy wykadowca, teacher/librarians are obliged to instruct each
Wykadowca. class in use of the library (przysposobienie
czytelniczo-informacyjne) for 1 or 2 hours a
Nauczyciel/ka bibliotekarz/rka year per class throughout the school year. The
Country: Poland library itself is thus the venue for these
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki lessons, as well as the provision of services
bibliotekarze/rki, nauczyciel* bibliotekarz* by the staff concerned. For information on
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/post- appointment, employer, status and type of
secondary contract and promotion, see Nauczyciel/ka
Explanatory note: Teacher/librarian in all wychowania przedszkolnego.
types of educational institutions enrolling
pupils aged between 7 and 19/21. For Nauczyciel/ka dyplomowany/na
employment at primary level, staff in this Country: Poland
category are trained at upper secondary Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki
library school (liceum bibliotekarskie) where dyplomowani/ne, nauczyciel* dyplomowan*
the certificate of completion of lower Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
secondary school (gimnazjum) is necessary to dary/post-secondary
embark on training, or at a post-secondary Explanatory note: Promotion post (fourth
library school (studium bibliotekarskie). For grade) which may be obtained by all types of
work at secondary level, staff are trained in schoolteacher who have been accepted by the
tertiary education university or non-university selection committee during an interview on
type institutions where they do a course completion of a 2 year 9 month individual
in library and information science skills development programme as a
(bibliotekoznawstwo i informacja naukowa). Nauczyciel/ka mianowany/na. However, if
In this case, the wiadectwo dojrzaoci teachers hold the degree of doktor, the

Part N Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:24 Page 96

Nauczyciel/ka gimnazjum

duration of the skills development programme post of Nauczyciel/ka mianowany/na. For

can be reduced to 9 months by the school head information on responsibilities, see nauczyciel
(dyrektor szkoy). Promotion to this post is staysta.
confirmed by the regional education
authorities (kuratorium). For the main Nauczyciel/ka mianowany/na
responsibilities of teachers in this category, Country: Poland
see nauczyciel mianowany. They are Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki
appointed to their post on a permanent basis mianowani/e, nauczyciel* mianowan*
by the dyrektor szkoy, and their average Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
salary is fixed at 225 % of the average dary/post-secondary
salary of trainee teachers ( Nauczyciel/ka Explanatory note: Promotion post (third
staysta/tka). They may be promoted to the grade) which may be obtained by all
category of Profesor owiaty. categories of schoolteacher with the title of
Nauczyciel/ka kontraktowy/wa who have
Nauczyciel/ka gimnazjum passed an examination on completion of a 2
Country: Poland year 9 month individual skills development
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki programme. However, if teachers hold the
gimnazjum, nauczyciel* gimnazj* degree of doktor or have been appointed to the
Level: Lower secondary post of nauczyciel kontraktowy with 3 years of
Explanatory note: Teacher at gimnazjum professional experience in a tertiary education
enrolling pupils aged between 13 and 16. institution, or have a minimum 5 years of
For all information on initial training professional experience and a significant
and certification, see Nauczyciel/ka professional record, the duration of the skills
przedmiotw oglnoksztaccych. For development programme can be reduced to 9
information on appointment, employer, status, months by the school head (dyrektor szkoy).
evaluation and promotion, see Promotion is granted by the local authority
Nauczyciel/ka wychowania przedszkolnego. responsible for the school. Teachers in this
category are appointed to their post on a
Nauczyciel/ka kontraktowy/wa permanent basis by the dyrektor szkoy, and
Country: Poland their average salary is fixed at 175 % of the
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki average salary of the trainee teacher (
kontraktowi, nauczyciel* kontraktow* Nauczyciel/ka staysta/tka). They may also
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- exercise fresh additional responsibilities in
dary/post-secondary schools and other educational institutions, in
Explanatory note: Promotion post (second that they can become stage tutors (opiekun
grade) for all schoolteachers working as a stau) for nauczyciel staysta or nauczyciel
Nauczyciel/ka staysta/tka (trainee teacher) kontraktowy who are preparing for promotion,
who hold the required qualifications have as well as experts, examiners, advisors
successfully completed a 9-month contractual and trainers in in-service teacher training
placement under the individual skills institutions. They may be promoted to
development programme, and obtained an the category of Nauczyciel/ka
official endorsement from the qualification dyplomowany/na.
commission on the basis of an interview.
Promotion is granted by the school head Nauczyciel/ka nauczania pocztkowego
(dyrektor szkoy). The average salary of Country: Poland
teachers in this category is fixed at 125 % of Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki
the average salary of a trainee teacher nauczania pocztkowego, nauczyciel*
(nauczyciel staysta). They are employed on a Level: Primary
contractual basis by the school head for a Explanatory note: Teacher at szkoa
maximum three-year period enabling them to podstawowa (enrolling pupils aged between
fulfil the requirements for promotion to the 7 and 13), who is trained as a generalist with


Part N Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:24 Page 97

Nauczyciel/ka staysta/tka

a specialisation in initial learning (nauczanie certificate is necessary to embark on

pocztkowe) at a university or other tertiary training. Applicants must pass an entrance
education institution. For information on examination or fulfil other institutional or
initial training and qualifications, appoint- course requirements. Training lasts 3 or
ment, employer, status, evaluation and 5 years and contains both a theoretical
promotion, see Nauczyciel/ka wychowania and practical part. The 3-year courses lead
przedszkolnego. to a licencjat degree or a diploma; courses
lasting 5 years lead to a magister or
Nauczyciel/ka praktycznej nauki zawodu magister edukacji degree. Graduates from
Country: Poland such colleges specialised in subjects other
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki than language teaching can teach at primary
praktycznej nauki zawodu, nauczyciel* level, but to teach at lower secondary level
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary they have to obtain a licencjat degree
Explanatory note: Teacher of practical and, at upper secondary level, a magister
subjects at vocational upper secondary and degree. For information on appointment,
post-secondary institutions enrolling pupils employer, status, evaluation and promo-
aged between 16 and 19/21. Staff in this tion, see Nauczyciel/ka wychowania
category are trained as specialists in one or przedszkolnego.
more vocational subjects in upper secondary
vocational schools (in which case the basic Nauczyciel/ka staysta/tka
school leaving certificate is required to Country: Poland
embark on training), in post-secondary Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki
vocational schools (for which the upper stayci/stki, nauczyciel* stayst*
secondary school leaving certificate is Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
required), or in tertiary teacher training dary/post-secondary
institutions (for training requirements in Explanatory note: Initial post (first grade) on
tertiary education institutions see the promotion scale open to all new entrants
Nauczyciel/ka teoretycznych przedmiotw to the teaching profession. Entrants may be
zawodowych (+)). Teaching qualifications employed as nauczyciel staysta (trainee
and training in work safety regulations are teachers) if they hold the required
also necessary. For information on appoint- qualifications (have completed tertiary
ment, employer, status, evaluation and education with a pedagogical component or
promotion, see Nauczyciel/ka wychowania study at a teacher training college, show
przedszkolnego. respect for basic moral values and fulfil
health requirements). The main responsibilities
Nauczyciel/ka przedmiotw oglnoksztaccych (+) include teaching, the provision of guidance
Country: Poland for pupils in the recognition of patriotic and
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki democratic values, and the provision of
przedmiotw oglnoksztaccych, nauczyciel* support to individual pupils and development
Level: Primary/lower secondary/upper secon- of their personality and skills. Trainee
dary/post-secondary teachers are employed for one year on a
Explanatory note: Teacher at secondary contractual basis in order to fulfil the
level education institutions enrolling pupils requirements (essentially a 9-month probation
aged between 13 and 19, who is trained as a period, or sta, and a successful interview
specialist in one or more general education with the qualification commission) for
subjects at a university or in specialised promotion to the post of Nauczyciel/ka
tertiary education institutions (wysze szkoy kontraktowy/wa. Each trainee has a personal
pedagogiczne). Those who specialise in tutor (opiekun stau) during the probation
foreign language teaching can be trained in a period. Unlike the other categories of teacher
3-year non-university college (kolegium on the promotion scale, trainee teachers are
nauczycielskie). The wiadectwo dojrzaoci not subject to standard evaluation procedures,

Part N Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:24 Page 98

Nauczyciel/ka teoretycznych przedmiotw zawodowych

but only those relating to the foregoing initial certificate is necessary to embark on training.
promotion. Their average salary is fixed at Applicants must pass an entrance examination
82% of the national average salary in any and/or fulfil other institutional requirements.
given year. Training contains both a theoretical and
practical part. Courses lasting 3 years lead to
Nauczyciel/ka teoretycznych przedmiotw a non-university level diploma or to a
zawodowych (+) licencjat degree (required for employment at
Country: Poland lower secondary level); courses lasting 5
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki years lead to a magister degree (necessary for
teoretycznych przedmiotw zawodowych, employment at upper secondary level). For
nauczyciel* information on appointment, employer, status,
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary evaluation and promotion, see
Explanatory note: Teacher at vocational Nauczyciel/ka wychowania przedszkolnego.
upper secondary and post-secondary
institutions enrolling pupils aged between 16 Nauczyciel/ka wychowania przedszkolnego
and 19/21, who is trained as a specialist in one Country: Poland
or more vocational education subjects in Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki
teacher education faculties at universities and wychowania przedszkolnego, nauczyciel*
other tertiary education institutions. The Level: Pre-primary
wiadectwo dojrzaoci certificate is necessary Explanatory note: Teacher at przedszkole
to embark on training. Applicants must pass enrolling children aged between 3 and 7, who
an entrance examination or fulfil other is trained as a generalist in teacher education
institutional or course requirements. Training faculties at universities, in tertiary teacher
lasts 3 or 5 years and contains both a education institutions (wysze szkoy
theoretical and practical part. The 3-year pedagogiczne) or in 3-year teacher training
courses lead to a licencjat degree; 5-year colleges (kolegium nauczycielskie). The
courses lead to the magister, magister wiadectwo dojrzaoci certificate is necessary
edukacji or magister inynier degree. For to embark on training. Applicants must pass
information on appointment, employer, status, an entrance examination and/or fulfil other
evaluation and promotion, see institutional requirements. Training (with
Nauczyciel/ka wychowania przedszkolnego. specialisation in pre-primary pedagogy)
contains both a theoretical and practical part.
Nauczyciel/ka wspomagajcy/ca Courses lasting 3 years lead to a non-
Country: Poland university level diploma or to a licencjat
Grammatical variants: Nauczyciele/lki degree; courses lasting 5 years lead to a
wspomagajcy/ce, nauczyciel* wspomagajc* magister degree. These teachers are employed
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- on a contractual basis by the school head
dary (dyrektor szkoy) and in accordance with
Explanatory note: Teacher in separate conditions of employment defined in the
institutions for special education and Teachers Charter. The dyrektor szkoy
mainstream institutions providing such appoints them on the basis of an open
education at all levels of schooling, which recruitment procedure. Teacher evaluation is
enrol pupils aged between 3 and 19/21 who carried out by the school head (on his/her own
have special educational needs. Teachers in initiative, or at the request of the teachers
this category are trained as subject generalists themselves, the pedagogical supervision unit,
specialising in the pedagogy of special needs, the body responsible for the schools
at teacher education faculties in universities, management, the School Council or the
or at teacher tertiary education institutions Parents Council). The period between two
(wysze szkoy pedagogiczne) or 3-year consecutive evaluations (including evaluation
teacher training colleges (kolegium for promotion) cannot be less than a year.
nauczycielskie). The wiadectwo dojrzaoci Promotion is possible: see Nauczyciel/ka


Part N Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 8:24 Page 99

Nursery assistant

stayst/tka, Nauczyciel/ka kontraktowy/wa (apolytirio eniaiou lykeiou) is required to

(contract teacher), Nauczyciel/ka embark on training which lasts 4 years and
mianowany/na (appointed teacher), contains both a theoretical and practical part.
Nauczyciel/ka dyplomowany/na (chartered Successful training leads to the award of the
teacher) and Profesor owiaty (senior ptychio degree. From 1998 to 2002, the
teacher an honorary title). system of appointments to these posts from
the official national list (epetirida) of
Newly qualified teacher available teachers, in accordance with the date
Country: United Kingdom (E/W) they applied for inclusion on it, is gradually
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- being phased out and replaced by selection on
dary the basis of a competitive examination
Explanatory note: A Classroom teacher organised by the Supreme Council for the
who has recently completed initial teacher Selection of Personnel (ASEP). From 2003
training and who, in England, must undertake onwards, teachers will be appointed
an induction year to be fully qualified. exclusively from lists drawn up following
Equivalent in Northern Ireland: Beginning national competitive examinations; an
teacher. Abbreviation: NQT. additional certificate of pedagogical and
teaching proficiency will be required.
Nipiagogos () Teachers in this category are employed and
Country: Cyprus appointed by the Ministry of Education, and
Grammatical variants: Nipiagogoi, nipiagog* become civil servants after 2 years. They may
also be employed by the Director of
Level: Pre-primary
Education in each prefecture as
Explanatory note: Teacher at nipiagogeia
supplementary teachers with a contract for
enrolling children from 3 to 5 years and 8
one school year in order to cover temporary
months, who is trained as a generalist at
needs. They are evaluated by the school
university or in other tertiary education
counsellor (scholikos symvoulos).
institutions in Cyprus or Greece. In order to
embark on training, candidates should possess
the upper secondary school leaving Non-medical helper
certification (apolytirio) and have passed a Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
competitive entrance examination. Training Level: Tertiary
lasts 4 years and contains both a theoretical Explanatory note: An assistant who, at
and practical part. Successful training leads to tertiary level, performs similar duties to
the award of a diploma (ptychio nipiagogou). Learning support assistant at pre-primary,
Teachers are employed and appointed by the primary and (lower and upper) secondary
State in accordance with a system in which levels of education.
priority goes to the date and year of
application. They are evaluated by the school NQT
inspector (epitheoritria), and those in public- Country: United Kingdom (E/W)
sector schools are civil servants. Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
Nipiagogos () Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Newly
Country: Greece qualified teacher.
Grammatical variants: Nipiagogoi
Level: Pre-primary Nursery assistant
Explanatory note: Teacher at a nipiagogeio Country: United Kingdom (E/W)
enrolling children aged between 4 and 6, who Level: Pre-primary/primary
is trained as a generalist in the pedagogical Explanatory note: Synonym for Pre-
department for primary education at a school assistant in Northern Ireland where
university (panepistimio). The upper nursery assistant is the term most commonly
secondary education school leaving certificate used.

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Nursery assistant

Nursery assistant schools enrolling pupils aged between 5-12, to

Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) support the work of the Teacher.
Level: Pre-primary Satisfactory completion of a 2-year course at a
Explanatory note: Auxiliary staff member at further education college or on-the-job
a pre-school centre and in nursery classes in vocational training is necessary prior to
primary school enrolling children aged appointment. Most nurses are qualified with
between 3 and 5, who has the same Scottish Vocational Qualification level 3 in
responsibilities as a Nursery nurse, but in a early years care and education, or a Higher
more junior role. There is no national National Certificate (HNC) in childcare and
requirement for a qualification although the education. Their function is not limited to
Scottish Vocational Qualification level 2 is the health care and they have a significant
most appropriate qualification. When working element of education in their training. When
in the publicly funded centres, staff in this working in a publicly funded centre, staff in
category are recruited and employed by the this category are recruited by the local
local education authority on either a education authority on either a permanent
permanent or temporary basis. For evaluation, contract, in which case appointments are
see Teacher. made through open recruitment procedures, or
a temporary contract. Most pre-school units
Nursery nurse are inspected by Her Majestys Inspectors of
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) Education (HMIE) and key areas of their
Level: Pre-primary/primary activity are evaluated. The work of teachers is
Explanatory note: Staff member at a pre- included in these areas. Synonyms: Nursery
school centre (covering different settings such officer, Early education childcare worker.
as local authority nursery schools and classes,
private day nurseries, voluntary sector Nursery officer
nurseries, child and family centres, Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
community nurseries and Gaelic medium Level: Pre-primary/primary
nurseries) for children aged between 3 and 5. Explanatory note: Synonym for Nursery
Nursery nurses may also work in primary nurse.


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Country: Deutschland
Grammatical variants: Oberassistenten,
Level: Tertiary

good results in either case, is required for

appointment to this post. In addition, staff in
this category may have to have acquired at
least 2 years of professional experience
outside tertiary education. They teach classes
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary independently, perform academic services as
education institutions (Hochschulen) nor- required and are appointed for 6 years. For
mally enrolling students from the age of 19. appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
Teachers in this category must have the see Oberassistent/in.
Habilitation or be able to provide firm
evidence of equivalent academic achieve- Oberschullehrer/in (+)
ments. In institutions for the creative arts in Country: Liechtenstein
some Lnder, it is sufficient for candidates to Grammatical variants: Oberschullehrer/innen*
have completed a course in art and to Level: Lower secondary
demonstrate achievements in artistic practice. Explanatory note: Teacher at Oberschule for
These staff teach classes independently and pupils aged between 11 and 15/16 who is
perform academic services as required. They trained as a subject specialist at universities
are appointed for 4 years, except in medicine or specialised tertiary education institutions
(6 years). They are employed by the Land in Switzerland or Austria. The upper
as temporary civil servants or as temporary secondary school leaving certificate
public service employees in accordance (Maturazeugnis) is required to embark on
with the Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag training, which generally lasts 4 years and
(Collective Agreement for Federal Employees). contains both a theoretical and practical part.
They are appointed and evaluated by their Successful completion of training results in
university unit (faculty, department etc.). the award of a diploma for teachers in
secondary education, entitling its holder to
Oberingenieur/in teach a wide range of subjects. For
Country: Deutschland information on appointment, employer and
Grammatical variants: Oberingenieure, status, see Primarschullehrer/in.
Oberingenieur* Evaluation is the responsibility of the
Level: Tertiary Oberschulinspektor/in.
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
education institutions (Hochschulen) nor- Odborn/n asistent/ka
mally enrolling students from the age of 19. A Country: Slovakia
doctorate (Promotion) or a second state Grammatical variants: Odborni/n asis-
examination (zweite Staatsprfung), with tenti/tky, asistent*


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Odborn/n asistent/ka

Level: Tertiary or two subjects in a university (egyetem). The

Explanatory note: Assistant at tertiary certificate awarded on satisfactory
education institutions (univerzita and vysok performance in the upper secondary school
kola) normally enrolling students from the leaving examination (rettsgi vizsga) and
age of 18/19. The doctorate (PhD) and at least successful performance in a tertiary education
3 years of teaching practice are required for entrance examination (felvteli vizsga) are
appointment to this post, which mainly required to embark on training which lasts 8
involves responsibility for teaching, the or 10 semesters. Training consists of a
supervision of seminars, advising students and theoretical part and a practical part, including
cooperating in scientific research. These placements, and leads to the award of the
teachers may be promoted to the post of egyetemi oklevl diploma and qualification as
Docent/ka. They are recruited on the basis of a tanri szakkpests. These teachers are
an open procedure and appointed by the dean employed by the municipality, appointed by
(dekan). They are employed by the faculty or the school head (igazgat) in accordance with
the tertiary education institution on a an open recruitment procedure, and have civil
contractual basis. There is no formal system servant status. The school head and nationally
of evaluation at this level. General term: listed experts are responsible for their internal
Uitel/ka na vysokej kole. and external evaluation, respectively.

Odborn/n asistent/ka Onderwijsassistent

Country: Czech Republic Country: The Netherlands
Grammatical variants: Odborn/n asis- Grammatical variants: Onderwijsassistenten
tenti/tky, odborn* asistent* Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Teaching assistant who is
Explanatory note: Senior assistant/teacher at employed to assist teachers Leraar
tertiary education institutions (vysok koly) basisonderwijs in primary schools (for pupils
normally enrolling students from the age of aged between 4 and 12). Training is provided
18/19. The qualifications required are in at vocational upper secondary institutions
general similar to those of the Lektor/ka. (Regionaal opleidingencentrum), in a (part-
The doctorate is a normal requirement time or full-time) 3-year course leading to a
depending on internal institutional diploma middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, an
regulations. The work of these teachers is exit qualification based on occupational
supervised by the head of their department profiles. Teaching assistants provide help with
who is usually the Profesor/ka. They are routine teaching activities and supervise
normally appointed from among the pupils in the acquisition of practical skills. In
Asistent/ka (depending on internal general secondary education, experiments are
institutional regulations) and can be promoted under way with this category of staff (also
to the post of Docent/ka. For information known as assistent). For information on
on responsibilities, appointment, employer, employment, appointment, status and
status and evaluation, see asistent. evaluation, see leraar basisonderwijs.

Okleveles tanr (+) Onderwijsassistent (BVE)

Country: Hungary Country: The Netherlands
Grammatical variants: Okleveles tanrok, Grammatical variants: Onderwijsassistenten
okleveles tanr* (BVE)
Level: Lower/upper secondary Level: Upper secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher in the final 4 Explanatory note: Technical assistant at
years of ltalnos iskola (pupils aged between vocational upper secondary education
10 and 14) and upper secondary schools institutions (Regionaal opleidingencentrum)
enrolling pupils aged between 14 and 19. normally enrolling students from the age of
These teachers are trained as specialists in one 16-18/20. Staff in this category assist regular


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Overseas teacher

teachers in workshop activities geared to the the case of the Uitelj/ica (+). Their main
acquisition of practical skills, providing help, responsibility is to organise and teach in adult
for example, with laboratory settings and the education programmes. For appointment,
use of machinery. Although there are no employer, status, evaluation and qualifying
statutory requirements as regards initial phase on the job, see uitelj. For promotion
qualifications, assistants are normally possibilities, see Mentor/ica. Synonyms:
expected to have relevant vocational Vodja izobraevanja odraslih, Andragog/inja.
qualifications or occupational experience. For
information on employment, appointment, Osnovnolski/ka uitelj/ica
status and evaluation, see BVE-docent. Country: Slovenia
Grammatical variants: Osnovnoolski/ke
Onderwijzer/es uitelji/ice, osnovnoolsk* uitelj*
Country: Belgium (Flemish Community) Level: Primary/lower secondary
Grammatical variants: Onderwijzers Explanatory note: General term for all
Level: Primary teachers in compulsory education (osnovna
Explanatory note: Teacher at lagere school ola), see Predmetni/na uitelj/ica (+),
for pupils aged between 6 and 12, who is Uitelj/ica razrednega pouka.
trained as a generalist in hogescholen. The
upper secondary school leaving certificate verassistent
diploma secundair onderwijs is necessary to Country: Finland
embark on training which lasts 3 years and Grammatical variants: verassistent/er
contains both a theoretical and practical part. Level: Tertiary
Successful training results in the award of the Explanatory note: Swedish term for
degree of onderwijzer. For further information Yliassistentti.
on appointment, employer, status and
evaluation, see Kleuteronderwijzer/es. Overlrer
Country: Danemark
petaja Grammatical variants: Overlreren,
Country: Estonia overlrere, overlrerne
Grammatical variants: petajad, petaja* Level: Primary/lower secondary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Designation of a
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary educa- Folkeskolelrer after 8 years of employment,
tion institutions (likool or rakenduskrgkool), provided his or her conditions of tenure have
normally enrolling students from the age 18. been satisfied in every respect.
These staff carry out practical types of
teaching task and, if they satisfy the necessary verlrare
requirements, may apply for any other Country: Finland
teaching staff posts at their institution. For Level: Tertiary
further information, see Profesor. Explanatory note: Swedish term for
Organizator/rica izobraevanja odraslih
Country: Slovenia Overseas teacher
Grammatical variants: Organizatorji/rice Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
izobraevanja odraslih, organizator* Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- dary
dary Explanatory note: Teacher with a recognised
Explanatory note: Teacher at adult education teaching qualification from outside the
institutions enrolling students from the age of European Union, who undertakes the duties of
15. These staff are normally trained in 4-year a generalist or specialist Classroom
teacher training courses at various types of teacher/Assistant teacher in a (pre-primary)
academic tertiary education institution, as in nursery school, primary or secondary school


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(for ages 3-4/5, 4/5-11 and 11-16/18, vodapedaggus

respectively). In England and Wales, these Country: Hungary
teachers can only be employed in maintained Grammatical variants: vodapedaggusok,
(publicly-funded) schools in three circum- vodapedaggus*
stances: as trainees on an employment-based Level: Pre-primary
route to Qualified Teacher Status (see Explanatory note: Teacher in voda
Graduate teacher and Registered teacher); enrolling children aged between 3 and 6/7,
as temporary teachers when their appointment who is trained as a generalist in a tertiary
is for no more than 4 years from the date of education institution (fiskola). The certificate
first employment as a teacher in the United awarded on satisfactory performance in the
Kingdom; and as an Instructor. In Northern upper secondary school leaving examination
Ireland, they may be granted eligibility to (rettsgi vizsga) and successful performance
teach by the Department of Education, subject in a tertiary education entrance examination
to the provision of evidence that their initial (felvteli vizsga) are required to embark on
training course was comparable to initial training, which lasts 3 years. Training consists
teacher training courses in Northern Ireland. of a theoretical part and a practical part,
They are selected through open recruitment including placements, and leads to the award
procedures by the school governing of the fiskolai oklevl diploma and
body/board of governors and are employed by qualification as a vodapedaggus. These
it or by the local education authority or (in teachers are employed by the municipality,
Northern Ireland) the Education and Library appointed by the school head (vodavezet) in
Board, depending on the category of school. accordance with an open recruitment
Evaluation procedures are the same as for procedure, and have civil servant status. The
classroom teacher/assistant teacher. school head and nationally listed experts are
responsible for their internal and external
evaluation, respectively.


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Country: Danemark
pdagoger, pdagogerne

and, if successful, results in the award of the

diploma bevis for pdagoguddannelsen.
Public-sector educators are employed and
appointed by the municipalities, counties, or
self-governing institutions in the private
Level: Pre-primary
Explanatory note: Educator at kindergartens sector, on the basis of an open recruitment
(brnehaver) or in pre-primary classes procedure. They are employed on a group
(brnehaveklasser) for children aged between contract basis with a status similar to that of
3 and 7 within both public-sector institutions civil servants, and are subject to no individual
or settings (administered at municipal, county evaluation procedure.
or central level) and in the private sector.
Educators may also work with older children Pdagogmedhjlper
and young people in recreation centres Country: Danemark
(fritidshjem) or school-based after-school Grammatical variants: Pdagogmedhjlperen,
facilities (skolefritidsordninger) or with pdagogmedhjlpere, pdagogmedhjlperne
children and young people with social Level: Pre-primary
problems or physical or mental handicaps. Explanatory note: Educator assistant to a
Educators are trained as generalists in Pdagog. With the fairly recent
specialised tertiary education institutions basic education programme (pdagogisk
(pdagogseminarier). Admission to training grunduddannelse) leading to the required
may require any one of the following: 1) qualifications for staff in this category, those
satisfactory performance in the general upper concerned are now able to qualify at
secondary school leaving examination (the specialised secondary education institutions.
studentereksamen, or the HF, HHX or HTX Candidates for employment in day-care
examinations); 2) a minimum of 2 years of centres have to be aged at least 17. For
occupational employment, as well as Danish admission to the basic education programme,
taken at level A and another subject taken at they must have obtained a place for practical
level B at upper secondary level; 3) a training and satisfy one of the following
vocational education and training programme requirements: satisfactory completion of the
lasting at least 2 years; 4) a completed introductory year for young people who have
entrance examination for the further social left basic school (the 9th or 10th form of the
and health education programmes; 5) the folkeskole); at least 1 year of additional
basic educator training programmes leading to education following completion of the
the qualification of Pdagogmedhjlper. 9th form of the folkeskole; at least one year
Training, which lasts three-and-a-half years, of occupational experience following
contains both a theoretical and practical part completion of the 9th form, or equivalent


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Pamatizgltbas skolotjs/a

relevant experience. The sandwich-type study Grammatical variants: Pirmsskolas

programme lasting 1 years consists of one izgltbas pedagogi
year of theoretical education and six months Level: Pre-primary
of trainee service. Satisfactory completion of Explanatory note: Synonym for
the programme leads to the award of a Pirmsskolas izgltbas skolotjs/a.
certificate, indicating the examination results,
with statements on general proficiency and Pirmsskolas izgltbas skolotjs/a
the type of practical training place occupied. Country: Latvia
For information on appointment, employer, Grammatical variants: Pirmsskolas izgltbas
status and evaluation, see pdagog. skolotji/as
Level: Pre-primary
Pamatizgltbas skolotjs/a (+) Explanatory note: Teacher at a pre-primary
Country: Latvia school (pirmsskolas izgltbas iestde) enrolling
Grammatical variants: Pamatizgltbas children aged between 1 and 5. Staff in this
skolotji/as category are trained at university-level
Level: Primary/lower secondary institutions as pre-primary generalist teachers.
Explanatory note: Teacher at a pamatskola The upper secondary school leaving
enrolling pupils aged between 7 and 16, who certificate (atestts par visprjo vidjo
is trained at a university-level institution as a izgltbu) or its equivalent is necessary to
generalist for the first stage of this school embark on training which lasts 4-5 years and
(grades 1-4) and as a subject specialist for the contains both a theoretical and practical part.
second stage (grades 5-9). The upper Successful training leads to the award of the
secondary school leaving certificate (atestts bachelor of pedagogy degree (pedagoijas
par visprjo vidjo izgltbu) or its equivalent bakalaura grds) or pre-primary school
is necessary to embark on training which lasts teaching qualification (pirmsskolas skolotja
4-5 years and contains both a theoretical and kvalifikcija). These teachers can specialise in
practical part. Successful training leads to the art, music and physical education, and work
award of the bachelor of pedagogy degree also at the first stage of basic school
(pedagoijas bakalaura grds) or a subject (pamatskola). They are employed and
specialist qualification (priekmeta skolotjs) appointed by the head (izgltbas iestdes
or basic schoolteachers qualification direktors) or founder of the school concerned
(pamatizgltbas skolotja kvalifikcija). on the basis of an open recruitment procedure,
Teachers who have specialised in art, music employed on a contractual basis and evaluated
and physical education may work also in pre- by the school inspectors (izgltbas
primary education. For information on inspektors). Synonym: Pirmsskolas izgltbas
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, pedagogs.
see Pirmsskolas izgltbas skolotjs/a.
Pirmsskolas specils izgltbas skolotjs/a
Pasniedzjs/a Country: Latvia
Country: Latvia Grammatical variants: Pirmsskolas
specils izgltbas skolotji/as
Grammatical variants: Pasniedzji/as
Level: Pre-primary
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at special pre-
Explanatory note: General term for teaching primary education institutions (specil
staff in a tertiary education institution, see pirmsskolas izgltbas iestde) or of special
Asocitais profesors/e, Docents/e, groups (grupas brniem ar attistbas
Lektors/e, Profesors/e, Viesdocents/e, traucjumiem) in such institutions usually
Vieslektors/e, Viesprofesors/e. enrolling children aged between 1 and 5, who
have special educational needs. Staff in this
Pirmsskolas izgltbas pedagogs category should normally have completed a
Country: Latvia tertiary-level teacher training, and hold a


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Pradini klasi mokytojas/ja

teaching qualification in the relevant branch Pomonik/ica vzgojitelja/ljice predolskih otrok

of special education (pirmsskolas skolotja Country: Slovenia
kvalifikcija konkrt specils izgltbas Grammatical variants: Pomoniki/ice
novirzien), such as work with pupils who vzgojiteljaljice predolskih otrok, pomoni*
have language development problems, vzgojitelj* predolskih otrok
impaired hearing or eyesight, etc. The upper Level: Pre-primary
secondary school leaving certificate (atestts Explanatory note: Assistant to the
par visprjo vidjo izgltbu) or its equivalent Vzgojitelj/ica predolskih otrok at vrtci, who
is required to embark on training which lasts is responsible for the care, upbringing and
4-5 years and contains both a theoretical and education of children. S(he) is usually trained
practical part. For all information on at upper secondary school in a special
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, programme (predolska vzgoja). The basic
see Pirmsskolas izgltbas skolotjs/a. school leaving certificate (sprievalo o
konani osnovni oli) and satisfactory
Play leader performance in a musical aptitude test are
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) required to embark on training which lasts 4
Level: Pre-primary years. Those who pass the school leaving
Explanatory note: Person widely employed examination (zakljuni izpit/poklicna matura)
in playgroups, childcare settings and are awarded the occupational title of
community centres. Most play leaders have pomonik/ica vzgojitelja/ice predolskih otrok.
qualifications such as a Higher National Their qualifying phase on the job as trainees
Certificate (HNC) in childcare and education (pripravniki) in vrtec lasts 6 months. For more
or Scottish Vocational Qualification level 3 in information on the qualifying phase on the
early years care and education. Their role is to job, appointment, employer, status and
plan appropriate learning opportunities for evaluation, see vzgojitelj/ica predolskih
children. Staff in this category are recruited otrok. Common term: Pomonik/ica
and employed by the institution concerned, vzgojitelja/ljice.
and can work on a full-, part-time or sessional
basis depending on its opening hours. They Pradini klasi mokytojas/ja
are subject to no evaluation procedure. Country: Lithuania
Grammatical variants: Pradini klasi
Phikooli ainepetaja (+) mokytojai/jos
Country: Estonia Level: Primary
Grammatical variants: Phikoolide Explanatory note: Teacher at a darelis-
ainepetajad, phikooli* ainepetaja* mokykla or pradin mokykla for pupils aged
Level: Primary/lower secondary between 6/7 and 9/10. These teachers are
Explanatory note: Teacher at a phikool or trained as generalists at an auktesnioji
gmnaasium for pupils aged between 7 and pedagogikos mokykla or a university-level
16, who is trained as a semi-specialist in institution. The upper secondary school
university-level courses at a rakenduskrgkool leaving certificate (bendrojo lavinimo
or likool. For further information, see mokyklos brandos atestatas) is required for
Koolieelse lasteasutuse petaja. admission to the practical and theoretical
training, which consists of a 3- to 4-year
Pomonik/ica vzgojitelja/yice academic course leading to the diploma of
Country: Slovenia college-level education (auktesniojo mokslo
Grammatical variants: Pomoniki/ice diplomas), the diploma of higher education
vzgojitelja/ljice, pomoni* vzgojitelj* (auktojo mokslo diplomas or diplomas) or the
Level: Pre-primary bachelors diploma (bakalauro diplomas). For
Explanatory note: Common term for information on recruitment, appointment,
Pomonik/ica vzgojitelja/ljice predolskih employer, status, and evaluation, see
otrok. Aukltojas/ja. For promotion possibilities,


Part P Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:26 Page 108


see Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja, status is private although almost entirely

Mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k, Mokytojas/ja determined by public law. Evaluation
ekspertas/t. is mandatory and being conducted by
universities at least every 5 years from
Praktijklector 2002. Praktijklectors working at univer-
Country: Belgium (Flemish Community) sities cannot be promoted.
Grammatical variants: Praktijklectoren,
praktijklectors Pred.
Level: Tertiary Country: Slovenia
Explanatory note: Level: Tertiary
Teacher at hogescholen offering single- Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
stage tertiary education courses normally Predavatelj/ica.
enrolling students from the age of 18. The
gegradueerde degree (3 years of tertiary Predavatelj/ica
education) is the minimum requirement Country: Slovenia
for appointment to this post. The duties Grammatical variants: Predavatelji/ce,
involved include teaching in practice- predavatelj*
oriented courses, project-based scientific Level: Tertiary
research and administrative responsi- Explanatory note: Teacher in professionally-
bilities. There is a distinction between oriented tertiary education programmes
autonome hogescholen and public-sector (visokoolski strokovni programi) at various
or private grant-aided hogescholen. institutions normally enrolling students from
Teachers are appointed by the board of the age of 19. Staff who occupy this post must
directors of a hogeschool (hogeschool- hold a first degree, normally have at least 5
bestuur), in most cases on the basis of an years of appropriate experience and have
open recruitment procedure, while its demonstrated satisfactory performance as
administrative body is the employer. teachers. Their title is awarded for a period of
Employment in either the public or private 5 years by the senat of the tertiary education
sector may be subject to civil or labour institution concerned, in accordance with
legislation and thus either statutory or legislative procedures. The title can also be
contractual. The status of statutory revoked. Staff in this category are primarily
teachers in autonome hogescholen is very responsible for teaching, and may be
similar to that of civil servants. Evaluation promoted to the post of Viji/ja
of each staff member is mandatory and predavatelj/ica if they have the second degree
carried out at least every 5 years by the of magisterij or specializacija. For further
hogeschoolbestuur. Teachers can be information on qualifications, appointment,
promoted to the title of Hoofdpraktijk- employer, status and evaluation, see
lector. Asistent/ka. Abbreviation: Pred. General term:
Teacher of practice-oriented courses in Visokoolski/ke uitelji/ice.
universities normally enrolling students
from the age of 18. The licentiaat degree Predavatelj/ica vije ole
(4 or 5 years of tertiary education at Country: Slovenia
university or hogescholen offering 2- Grammatical variants: Predavatelji/ce vije
stage courses) is the minimum ole, predavatelj*
requirement for appointment to this post. Level: Tertiary
The tasks involved are the same as those Explanatory note: Teacher at vija strokovna
of teachers at the hogescholen (see above). ola (tertiary vocational education institution)
Teachers are appointed on the basis of an normally enrolling students from the age of
open recruitment procedure for renewable 19. Staff who occupy this post must hold at
terms of 1 to 5 years by the board of the least a first degree, have 3 years of appropriate
university which employs them. Their professional experience and demonstrate


Part P Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:26 Page 109


outstanding achievements in their field. education programmes receive an appropriate

Graduates who have not undertaken an professional title, such as univerzitetni/na
appropriate teacher training programme diplomirani/na (+), and have to complete the
(leading to the professional title profesor/ica) one-semester additional teacher training
have to complete the one-semester additional course (program pedagoko-andragokega
teacher training course (program pedagoko- izobraevanja). The additional special
andragokega izobraevanja). Their title is teaching qualification (specialna pedagoka
awarded for a period of 5 years (renewable) izobrazba) is required for teaching children
by the vocational college lecturers assembly with special needs. In the case of some
(predavateljski zbor) of the vija strokovna subjects (such as foreign languages), these
ola concerned, in accordance with a teachers also teach at primary school level.
procedure stipulated by the Ministry of For appointment, employer, status, evaluation
Education. Staff in this category are and qualifying phase on the job, see
responsible for teaching, and are appointed by Uitelj/ica (+). For promotion possibilities,
the head (ravnatelj/ica) of the institution see Mentor/ica. Abbreviation: PRU.
concerned on the basis of an open recruitment Formal term: Uitelj/ica predmetnega pouka.
procedure. In public institutions, they have General term: Osnovnoolski/ka uitelj/ica.
civil servant status. They are evaluated by the
head (ravnatelj/ica) of the institution and Preparator universitar
school inspector (inpektor/ica za olstvo). Country: Romania
Promotion is possible, see Mentor/ica, Grammatical variants: Preparatori univer-
Svetovalec/lka and Svetnik/ica. Synonym: sitari
Predavatelj/ica vije strokovne ole. Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Junior teaching assistant
Predavatelj/ica vije strokovne ole in tertiary education institutions normally
Country: Slovenia enrolling students from the age of 19. Staff in
Grammatical variants: Predavatelji/ce vije this category may be students in the last year
strokovne ole, predavatelj* of long university courses and have teaching
Level: Tertiary and research responsibilities (including
Explanatory note: Synonym for supervision of seminars and practical classes).
Predavatelj/ica vije ole. They are appointed by the director de
departament, employed by their institution on
Predmetni/na uitelj/ica (+) a contractual basis for a maximum period of 2
Country: Slovenia years and can be promoted to the post of
Grammatical variants: Predmetni/ne Asistent/ universitar/ after passing the
uitelji/ice, predmetn* uitelj* required examination. They are subject to no
Level: Lower secondary evaluation procedure. For further information,
Explanatory note: Teacher at the second see asistent universitar.
stage of the osnovna ola, including special
education institutions (grades 5/6 to 8/9), for Prepodavatel ()
pupils aged between 11 and 15. These Country: Bulgaria
teachers are trained as specialists in one or Grammatical variants: Prepodavateli
more subjects in various 4-year academic Level: Tertiary
tertiary education courses (mainly teacher Explanatory note: Lecturer at tertiary
training programmes with both theoretical and education institutions normally enrolling
practical components). The upper secondary students from the age of 19. The degree of
school leaving examination certificate magistur (5 years of university studies) or its
(matura) is required to embark on training equivalent is required for appointment to this
which, if successful, leads to the award of the post which involves teaching responsibilities
professional title of profesor/ica (+). only. For information on appointment and
Graduates of non-teacher-training tertiary employer, see Professor. Evaluation is


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Pre-school assistant

organised within the tertiary education attended a pre-primary education institution (a

institution concerned and approved by the priemokyklinio ugdymo grup may be set up
appropriate faculty council in accordance with in a pre-primary or general education school,
criteria established by the institutions local library or other public institution). Staff
academic board. in this category are trained as pre-primary or
primary teachers at a auktesnioji
Pre-school assistant pedagogikos mokykla or a university-level
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) institution. The upper secondary school
Level: Pre-primary/primary leaving certificate (bendrojo lavinimo
Explanatory note: Assistant in a pre-primary mokyklos brandos atestatas) is required for
setting (nursery school, pre-primary group, admission to the practical and theoretical
playgroup, or the reception class of a primary training, which consists of a 3- to 4-year
school) for children aged 2/3-4/5. There are academic course leading to the diploma of
no national requirements for training or college-level education (auktesniojo mokslo
qualifications, although some local authorities diplomas), the diploma of higher education
and schools set their own requirements. The (auktojo mokslo diplomas or diplomas), or
range of recognised qualifications awarded the bachelors diploma (bakalauro diplomas).
includes the Level 2 Certificate in Child Care For information on recruitment, appointment,
and Education or Level 2 Certificate in Pre- employer, status, and evaluation, see
school Practice which normally involve 2 Aukltojas. This is a term in the new list of
years of part-time study. Pre-school assistants educational staff posts approved by the March
are selected through open recruitment 2001 ministerial order for teachers.
procedures by the school governing
body/board of governors, the local education Primarschullehrer/in
authority or Education and Library Board Country: Belgium (German-speaking
(Northern Ireland) or, in the case of private Community)
and voluntary schools and groups, by the Grammatical variants: Primarlehrer/innen*
management. The main responsibilities of a Level: Primary
pre-school assistant include help with the care Explanatory note: Teacher at Primarschulen
and support of pupils, support for learning enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 12, who
activities, and assistance with resources and is trained as a generalist. The training course
records. The employer, evaluation procedures leads to the Primarschullehrer/in diploma.
and promotion opportunities depend on the For information on training, appointment,
type of institution concerned. However, the employer, status and evaluation, see
national inspection bodies are responsible for Kindergrtner/in.
inspecting all publicly funded pre-primary
settings, including the quality of teaching Primarschullehrer/in
provided. Synonym: Nursery assistant (which Country: Liechtenstein
is the term in common use in Northern Grammatical variants: Primarlehrer/innen*
Ireland). Level: Primary
Explanatory note: Teacher at Primarschule
Priemokyklinio ugdymo pedagogas/g for pupils aged between 6 and 11, who is
Country: Lithuania trained as a generalist at tertiary education
Grammatical variants: Priemokyklinio institutions in Switzerland and Austria. An
ugdymo pedagogai/gs upper secondary school leaving certificate
Level: Pre-primary (Maturazeugnis) is necessary to embark on
Explanatory note: Teacher at a training which lasts 3 years and contains
priemokyklinio ugdymo grup (preparatory both a theoretical and practical part.
pre-school education group which provides Successful completion of training results
preparation for entry to primary school) for in the award of a Primarlehrer-Diplom.
children aged between 5 and 6/7 who have not Teachers are employed and appointed by the


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Profesijos mokytojas/ja

government on the basis of an open resources and reporting on pupils.

recruitment procedure, and become civil Abbreviation: PT.
servants following successful completion
of a 2-year provisional period. Evaluation is Prof.
the responsibility of the Primarschul- Country: Czech Republic
inspektor/in. Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
Principal lecturer Profesor/ka.
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
Level: Tertiary Profesijos mokytojas/ja
Explanatory note: Promotion title for staff Country: Lithuania
(traditionally in the new universities Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon-
established since 1992) working as Senior dary
lecturer. They generally undertake higher Explanatory note: Teacher at a profesin
level administrative, management and mokykla for pupils/students aged between 14
research activities in addition to teaching and 18 or over. These teachers are trained as
duties. Although universities and colleges theoretical vocational subject specialists at a
decide their own recruitment and promotion university-level institution for 4 to 5 years or
procedures, posts designated as principal at a auktesnioji mokykla for 3 years.
lecturer would in general be subject to open However, staff in the same broad category
recruitment. For initial training, recruitment, may also provide practical training, in which
evaluation and employer, see Lecturer case their own training is shorter as they are
(higher education). trained at post-secondary level (profesin
mokykla). The lower secondary school leaving
Principal lecturer certificate (pagrindins mokyklos baigimo
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) paymjimas) is required for admission to
Level: Post-secondary/tertiary practical training, while the upper secondary
Explanatory note: Promotion title for all school leaving certificate (bendrojo lavinimo
those working as a Senior lecturer. mokyklos brandos atestatas) is required for
Principal lecturers generally undertake higher admission to the theoretical and post-
level administrative and management tasks in secondary practical training, which leads to a
addition to teaching duties. They can be skilled workers diploma (kvalifikuoto
promoted to the post of Professor. darbuotojo diplomas), a diploma of college-
level education (auktesniojo mokslo
diplomas) a diploma of higher education
Principal teacher (diplomas or auktojo mokslo diplomas) or a
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) bachelors diploma (bakalauro diplomas).
Level: Lower/upper secondary The staff concerned are recruited in
Explanatory note: Highest grade of accordance with an open procedure giving
promotion post for a Teacher after an them the permanent status
effective period as an Assistant principal of profesijos mokytojas which may not,
teacher in the subject departments however, be granted until they have worked as
(mathematics, history or science, etc.) of teachers for at least a year. They are appointed
secondary schools. The duties of staff in by the school head (direktorius) as state
this category involve teaching, staff employees with civil servant status, and
management and responsibility for the evaluated by the teacher appraisal
provision of their subject within the school commission (pedagog atestacin komisija) at
curriculum. Their other responsibilities the profesin mokykla concerned. For
include setting departmental aims and promotion possibilities, see Vyresnysis/nioji
priorities, planning curriculum provision for mokytojas/ja, Mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k,
their subject, managing departmental staff and Mokytojas/ja ekspertas/t.


Profesionls ievirzes izgltbas programmu skolotjs/a

Profesionls ievirzes izgltbas programmu with the institutions organisational tasks.

skolotjs/a These teachers are appointed, at the request of
Country: Latvia the head of unit (dziekan, or kierownik
Grammatical variants: Profesionls ievirzes jednostki such as dyrektor instytutu), by the
izgltbas programmu skolotji/as head (rektor) of the institution, and are
Level: Lower/upper secondary employed by it on a contractual basis.
Explanatory note: Teacher at music, art and Evaluation is obligatory every 4 years, or at
sports schools (mzikas, mkslas and sporta the request of the head of unit or individual
skola) enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 18. teachers themselves. The evaluation
For information on training, see B Arod(amat) procedure is defined in the institutions
mcbas skolotjs/a. For information on statutes. General term: Nauczyciel
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, akademicki.
see B Pirmsskolas izgltbas skolotjs/a.
Profesor/a Emrito/a
Profesionls izgltbas skolotjs/a Country: Spain
Country: Latvia Grammatical variants: Profesores Emritos
Grammatical variants: Profesionls izgltbas Level: Tertiary
skolotji/as Explanatory note: Special honorary life title
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary awarded by universities to a retired B
Explanatory note: Teacher at secondary and Catedrtico/ca de Universidad, B Profesor/a
post-secondary vocational education institutions Titular de Universidad, B Catedrtico/ca de
(arodizgltbas, vidjs profesionls izgltbas escuela universitaria, B Profesor/a Titular de
iestdes, koledas) enrolling pupils aged escuela universitaria who has an exceptional
between 15 and 21. There is no special system teaching, academic and scientific/artistic
for the training of these teachers who, if they record. The main requirement for the title is at
hold a tertiary education diploma (4-5 years) least 10 years of seniority in the
in a professional field (other than teaching), corresponding teaching corps and area of
may undergo university vocational teacher specialisation. The title establishes a
training for a year, or take the 2-year contractual relationship between its holder
university-level standard pedagogical courses and the university, involving various kinds of
leading to a higher pedagogical qualification. collaboration, such as teaching (in particular
For information on appointment, employer, through specialisation courses or seminars).
status and evaluation, see B Pirmsskolas Their remuneration is compatible with their
izgltbas skolotjs/a. retirement pension. The title may also be
granted to retired personalities with an
Profesor international reputation in the academic or
Country: Poland cultural fields.
Grammatical variants: Profesorowie, profe-
sor* Profesor nadzwyczajny
Level: Tertiary Country: Poland
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary Grammatical variants: Profesorowie
vocational education institutions normally nadzwyczajni, profesor* nadzwyczajn*
enrolling students from the age of 19. The Level: Tertiary
academic title of profesor or the academic Explanatory note: Teacher at universities
degree of doktor habilitowany or doktor is and other academic tertiary education
required for appointment, together with institutions normally enrolling students from
professional experience acquired outside the age of 19. The academic title of B
tertiary education. The type of professional Profesor or the academic degree of doktor
experience required is defined in the statutes habilitowany or its equivalent is required for
of the institution concerned. Besides teaching, appointment. In exceptional circumstances, a
responsibilities of this post include assistance person not holding the required qualifications


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can be appointed to this post by the Minister Profesor zwyczajny

of Education in recognition of outstanding Country: Poland
professional achievement in areas other than Grammatical variants: Profesorowie
the academic world. Teachers are appointed, zwyczajni, profesor* zwyczajn*
at the request of the dean (dziekan), by the
Level: Tertiary
head (rektor) of the tertiary institution
concerned in accordance with open Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
recruitment procedures established by it. They at universities and tertiary non-vocational
are employed on a permanent basis if they education institutions normally enrolling
hold the academic title of professor. If not, students from the age of 19. The academic
they are employed for an initial period of 5 title of Profesor is required for
years. For responsibilities, see Profesor appointment. In addition to teaching, staff at
zwyczajny; for evaluation, see Adiunkt. this level are responsible for carrying out
General term: Nauczyciel akademicki. academic research, tutoring research staff,
upgrading their own professional skills and
assisting with organisational tasks in their
Profesor owiaty institution. They are appointed by the Minister
Country: Poland of Education at the request of the head
Grammatical variants: Profesorowie owiaty, (rektor) of the tertiary institution concerned,
profesor* owiat* in accordance with open recruitment
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- procedures established by it, and are
dary/post-secondary employed by it on a permanent basis. For
Explanatory note: Honorary promotion post information on evaluation, see Adiunkt.
for all types of schoolteacher, which is General term: Nauczyciel akademicki.
conferred on Nauczyciel/ka dyplomowany/na
with an outstanding professional record, a Profesor/ka
minimum of 10 years of professional Country: Czech Republic
experience as nauczyciel dyplomowany and a
Grammatical variants: Profesoi/rky, profeso*
minimum of 20 years in the teaching
profession. Promotion is granted by the Level: Tertiary
Minister of Education. Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
at tertiary education institutions (vysok koly)
Profesor universitar normally enrolling students from the age of
18/19. The responsibilities of the profesor/ka
Country: Romania comprise scientific and educational tasks
Grammatical variants: Profesori universitari involving the administration of lectures and
Level: Tertiary the application of research findings to
Explanatory note: Highest rank of teacher in education, etc. A doctorate and a period
tertiary education institutions normally completed as a Docent/ka are normal
enrolling students from the age of 19. The title requirements for promotion to a professorship
of doctor, original published papers and 9 by the President of the Czech Republic.
years of teaching activity at university level Proposals for these posts are submitted by the
are required for appointment. These staff have academic senate of the university concerned.
teaching and research responsibilities and are Requests for the accreditation of promotion
appointed by the rector, in accordance with a are approved by the Accreditation
competitive procedure organised by the Commission. Staff in this category are
institution, and employed by it on a appointed by the dean (dkan/ka) of the
contractual basis. The title of profesor faculty and employed by the institution
universitar is certified by the National following an open recruitment procedure
Council for the Accreditation of Academic governed by its internal regulations.
Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates. They are Evaluation of teaching staff in tertiary
subject to no evaluation procedure. education is normally conducted by the


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institution itself every 1 to 5 years. employer, status and evaluation, see

Abbreviation: Prof. Institutor/oare.

Profesor/ka Profesor/oar de educaie special

Country: Slovakia Country: Romania
Grammatical variants: Profesori/rky, profe- Grammatical variants: Profesori de educaie
sor* special
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at special education
Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher institutions, who is trained at a university or other
at tertiary education institutions (univerzita tertiary education institution as a generalist but
and vysok kola) normally enrolling stu- specialises in teaching children/pupils with
dents from the age of 18/19. The doctorate special educational needs. For information on
(PhD), as well as the scientific/academic training, see Profesor/oar. For information
degree (vedecko-akademick hodnos) of on appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
Docent/ka, are required for promotion to a see Institutor/oare.
professorship by the President of the Slovak
Republic. Teachers in this category are mainly
Profesor/a Asociado/da
responsible for academic and educational
Country: Spain
tasks (research, the supervision of theses and
lectures). The academic senate of the Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras
university concerned submits proposals for Asociados/das
posts and staff are appointed to them by the Level: Tertiary
dean (dekan) of the faculty or the university Explanatory note: Teacher at facultades,
rector (rektor). They are employed by the escuelas tcnicas superiores or escuelas
faculty or the higher education institution as universitarias normally enrolling students
civil servants on a permanent basis. There is from the age of 18. In order to be eligible for
no formal system of evaluation at this level. this position in which teaching is the main
General term: Uitel/ka na vysokej kole. responsibility, candidates must have a
Licenciado, Arquitecto or Ingeniero degree.
They are recruited by the university from
Profesor/oar (+) among specialists who normally practise their
Country: Romania profession outside the academic world, and
Grammatical variants: Profesori/profesoare are appointed by the competent body of the
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- university concerned. They are employed by it
dary on a contractual basis and evaluated by the
Explanatory note: Teacher at lower, upper Consejo de Universidades.
and post-secondary institutions, including
special education institutions, for pupils aged Profesor/a de Apoyo
between 11 and 22, who is trained as a Country: Spain
specialist in one or more subjects at Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras de
universities and other tertiary education Apoyo
institutions. The upper secondary school Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary
leaving certificate (diplom de bacalaureat) is Explanatory note: Teacher and/or assistant
required to enrol for training and candidates (depending on the requirements of the
also have to pass an entrance examination educational institution concerned) of
regulated by the Ministry of Education. Maestro/ra (+), Tcnico/ca Superior en
Training lasts 4-5/6 years (long university Educacin Infantil, Profesor/a de
education) and contains both a theoretical and Enseanza Secundaria (+) (for children aged
practical part. Successful completion of from 3 months to 6 years, 6-12 and 12-16,
training leads to the award of a diploma de respectively). The main responsibilities of
licena. For information on appointment, these staff are to lead activities, teach certain


Profesor/a de Msica y Artes Escnicas

pupils in need of educational support and For information on recruitment, appointment,

assist other teachers. They are usually trained status, employer and evaluation, see B
as specialists (as in the case of profesor/a de Maestro/ra (+). For the promotion of civil
apoyo a la Educacin Especial), but are servant teachers, see B Catedrtico/ca (con
sometimes generalists (as in the case of condicin de).
profesor de apoyo al programa de Educacin
Compensatoria). For information on training, Profesor/a de Escuela Oficial de Idiomas
recruitment, appointment, status, employer Country: Spain
and evaluation, see maestro. Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras de
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas
Profesor/a de Artes Plsticas y Diseo Level: Lower/upper secondary
Country: Spain Explanatory note: Teacher of languages at an
Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras de Official School of Languages, enrolling pupils
Artes Plsticas y Diseo from the age of 14. (S)he is trained as a
Level: Upper secondary/tertiary specialist at facultades or escuelas tcnicas
Explanatory note: Teacher at upper superiores. The Bachiller diploma is required
secondary institutions (for ages 16-18) and for admission to this practical and theoretical
vocational tertiary institutions (normally from training, which lasts 4, 5 or 6 academic years
the age of 18 onwards). (S)he is trained as a and leads to the degree of Licenciado,
specialist at tertiary level. The Bachiller Arquitecto or Ingeniero. These teachers are
diploma is required for admission to this recruited on the basis of a competitive
practical and theoretical training, which lasts examination at regional level. They are
4, 5 or 6 academic years and leads to the appointed and employed by the competent
degree of Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero or body of the Autonomous Community
their equivalent. For information on concerned and are generally civil servants.
recruitment, appointment, employer, status They are evaluated by the Inspector de
and evaluation, see B Maestro/ra (+). For the Educacin. For the promotion of civil servant
promotion of civil servant teachers, see B teachers, see B Catedrtico/ca (con
Catedrtico/ca (con condicin de). condicin de).

Profesor/a de Enseanza Secundaria (+) Profesor/a de Msica y Artes Escnicas

Country: Spain Country: Spain
Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras de Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras de
Enseanza Secundaria Msica y Artes Escnicas
Level: Lower/upper secondary/ tertiary Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher at lower secon- Explanatory note: Teacher at elementary and
dary institutions (pupils aged 12-16), general intermediate level institutions specialised in
and vocational upper secondary institutions the educational fields of music and dance.
(ages 16-18) including those for special These institutions normally enrol pupils from
education, and vocational tertiary institutions the age of 8 and 12, respectively. In
(normally from the age of 18 onwards). (S)he exceptional cases, staff in this category, who
is trained as a specialist at facultades or have trained as specialists at tertiary level,
escuelas tcnicas superiores. The Bachiller may teach certain subjects at an advanced
diploma is required for admission to this level equivalent to that of tertiary education.
practical and theoretical training, which lasts The Bachiller diploma is required for
4, 5 or 6 academic years and leads to the admission to the practical and theoretical
degree of Licenciado, Arquitecto or training, which lasts 4, 5 or 6 academic years
Ingeniero. These teachers must also complete and leads to the degree of Licenciado,
a teaching qualification course that lasts one Arquitecto, Ingeniero, or their equivalent.
academic year and leads to the Ttulo These staff must also study certain pedagogic
Profesional de Especializacin Didctica. subjects. For information on recruitment,


Part P Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:26 Page 116

Profesor/a Tcnico/ca de Formacin Profesional

appointment, status, employer and evaluation, Explanatory note: Teacher at facultades or

see Maestro/ra (+). escuelas tcnicas superiores normally
enrolling students from the age of 18. (S)he
Profesor/a Tcnico/ca de Formacin Profesional has both teaching and research responsibilities
Country: Spain and, in order to be eligible for the position,
Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras Tcni- must have the title of Doctor. For information
cos/cas de Formacin Profesional on recruitment, appointment, status, employer
and evaluation, see Catedrtico/ca de
Level: Lower/upper secondary/tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at lower
secondary institutions (pupils aged 12-16),
Profesor/a Visitante
general and vocational upper secondary
Country: Spain
institutions (ages 16-18) including those for
special education, and vocational tertiary Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras Visi-
institutions (normally from the age of 18 tantes
onwards). (S)he is trained as a specialist at Level: Tertiary
facultades or escuelas universitarias. The Explanatory note: Teacher employed on a
Bachiller diploma is required for admission to contractual basis. For all information, see
this practical and theoretical training, which Profesor/a Asociado/da.
lasts 3 academic years and leads to the degree
of Diplomado, Arquitecto Tcnico or Ingeniero Profesorius/r
Tcnico. These teachers must also complete a Country: Lithuania
teaching qualification course that lasts one Grammatical variants: Profesoriai/rs
academic year and leads to the Ttulo Level: Tertiary
Profesional de Especializacin Didctica. For Explanatory note: Teacher at a universitetas
information on recruitment, appointment, or akademija normally enrolling students
employer, status and evaluation, see from the age of 18/19. These staff, whose
Maestro/ra (+). main responsibilities involve teaching,
research and the training of researchers, are
Profesor/a Titular de escuela universitaria themselves trained as specialists at a
Country: Spain university-level institution. In order to be
eligible for appointment, candidates should
Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras Titu-
have the title of doctor (daktaras) and
lares de escuela universitaria
have published the results of their research
Level: Tertiary in one or more academic journals. For
Explanatory note: Teacher at escuelas uni- information on recruitment, appointment,
versitarias or facultades normally enrolling employer, status, and evaluation, see
students from the age of 18. In order to be Asistentas/t.
eligible for this position in which teaching is
the main responsibility, candidates must have Profesors/e
a Licenciado, Arquitecto or Ingeniero degree Country: Latvia
(or a Diplomado, Arquitecto Tcnico or Grammatical variants: Profesori/es
Ingeniero Tcnico degree for teaching certain
Level: Tertiary
subjects). For information on recruitment,
Explanatory note: Highest grade of a teacher
appointment, status, employer and evaluation,
at a tertiary education institution normally
see Catedrtico/ca de Universidad.
enrolling students from the age of 18. In
addition to the habilitated doctor degree
Profesor/a Titular de Universidad (habilitt doktora grds) required for
Country: Spain appointment, teachers at this level have to
Grammatical variants: Profesores/ras Titu- satisfy the specific requirements of their
lares de Universidad institution. They carry out and set the
Level: Tertiary priorities for research, and contribute to the


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Professeur ordinaire

education of students, as well as to the Professeur denseignement secondaire (+)

evaluation of courses, tertiary education Country: Luxembourg
institutions and the work of their structural Level: Lower/upper secondary
units. They supervise the Assistents/e. The Explanatory note: Teacher at general and
scope of each of these basic kinds of activity technical lyces enrolling pupils aged between
is determined by the institution concerned. 12 and 19, who has been trained as a specialist
Teachers are elected for 6 years on the basis of abroad (generally in a four-year university
an open competition, and the rector (rektors) course). In order to embark on training,
of the institution concludes an employment candidates must have the Luxembourg
contract with them. The contract has to be (general or technical) secondary school
coordinated with the Minister of Education leaving certificate (diplme de fin dtudes
and Science, while the academic and teaching secondaires) or a foreign equivalent.
qualifications of the teacher concerned have Following their courses abroad, students have
to be assessed by the enlarged habilitation to register for the national competitive
council (habilitcijas padome). The Ministry of recruitment examination in order to embark
Education and Science is broadly responsible on the 3-year course of teacher training, which
for the evaluation of tertiary education is regarded as a compulsory stage of training
institutions, their courses and the academic provided wholly in Luxembourg. During their
staff, required for their accreditation and entire course, trainees have to carry out
licensing. In carrying out this responsibility, teaching duties for which they are
the Ministry may call on independent remunerated. On its satisfactory completion,
expertise and arrange for the self-evaluation they are appointed and employed by the State,
of individual institutions. The evaluation of with civil servant status. There are no special
teachers is an integral part of this activity. arrangements for evaluating these teachers.
General term: Pasniedzjs/a.
Professeur du centre universitaire
Professeur Country: Luxembourg
Country: Belgium (French Community) Level: Post-secondary/tertiary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Teacher at the University
Explanatory note: Teacher in a tertiary Centre and Higher Technological Institute
education institution normally enrolling (Centre universitaire and Institut Suprieur de
students from the age of 18, who is trained at Technologie) normally enrolling students
a university or at a Haute cole offering from the age of 19, who are recruited from
long tertiary education courses. Those among the Professeur denseignement
appointed to the post of professeur have to secondaire (+). These staff are responsible for
have held the qualification of docteur, teaching and research. For information on
ingnieur or agrg de lenseignement appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
suprieur for at least 8 years, and must see professeur denseignement secondaire.
possess a doctorat in order to teach at Under new legislation, staff who secure these
university. In addition to giving courses, posts will have to hold a doctorate and be
teachers in this category have to ensure that nominated.
students are supervised and that their work is
regularly assessed. They may also be Professeur ordinaire
responsible for a department. Recruitment of Country: Belgium (French Community)
these teachers is the responsibility of the Level: Tertiary
administrative board of the institution which Explanatory note: Teacher of the highest
employs them. They have civil servant or rank in universities normally enrolling
equivalent status, depending on whether they students from the age of 18. Those appointed
work in the public or private sector of to the post of professeur ordinaire have to
education. For information on evaluation, see possess the degree of docteur and have
Charg de cours. acquired several years of experience as a


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Professeur/e agrg/e

charg de cours. Their tasks are the same as 15 and 15 to 18, respectively. A first degree
those of a professeur associ, professeur (licence or its equivalent) is required to
extraordinaire, Charg de cours. In register for the competitive examination for
institutions administered by the French this position in subjects in general education
Community, they are recruited by the whereas, for subjects in technical education, a
administrative board of the institution licence or 5 years of professional experience
concerned (the government announces the are required. Candidates can prepare for the
vacancy). In other public-sector institutions examinations, which are organised at national
and in grant-aided private establishments, the level, in an institut universitaire de formation
administrative body of the institution des matres (IUFM, or university teacher
concerned creates new posts or announces training institute). Those who perform
vacancies as it sees fit. These teachers are successfully in them are appointed as trainee
employed by their institutions and have civil teachers and move on to the second year of the
servant status. For information on evaluation, IUFM where they receive one year of
see charg de cours. remunerated training as specialists in their
subject. On satisfactory completion of their
Professeur/e agrg/e (+) course, trainees considered qualified to teach
Country: France secure tenured appointment and are awarded
Level: Upper secondary/tertiary the Certificat daptitude au professorat de
Explanatory note: Teacher in a lyce (and, in lenseignement secondaire (CAPES) in the
exceptional circumstances, a collge), the subjects of general education, or the Certificat
classes prparatoires aux grandes coles daptitude au professorat de lenseignement
(CPGE, or preparatory classes for the grandes technique (CAPET) in the subjects of
coles) or in the sections de techniciens technical education. They are appointed to an
suprieurs (STS, or higher technical sections), acadmie by the Minister of Education and
or in higher education institutions, for pupils assigned to a school by the recteur
normally aged 15-18 and students aged 18 or dacadmie (head of the acadmie
over. A matrise degree or its equivalent is concerned), where they are state employees
required to register for the nationally with civil servant status. The inspecteur
organised competitive examination for this dacadmie-inspecteur pdagogique rgional
position, which candidates can prepare for at (IA-IPR, or the acadmie inspector-regional
either a university or in an cole normale inspector of education) for the subject
suprieure (higher college for teacher concerned and the school head are responsible
training). Those who perform successfully in for evaluating them.
the examination are appointed as trainee
teachers and move on to the second year of the Professeur/e dducation physique et sportive
IUFM where they receive one year of Country: France
remunerated training as specialists in their Level: Lower/upper secondary
subject. On satisfactory completion of their Explanatory note: Teacher of physical
course, trainees considered qualified to teach education at a collge or lyce, which
secure tenured appointment. For information normally enrol pupils aged from 11 to 15 and
on appointment, assignment to a school, 15 to 18, respectively. To register for the
employer, status and evaluation, see competitive examination for this position, a
Professeur/e certifi/e (+). licence de sciences et techniques des activits
physiques et sportives (STAPS, or science and
Professeur/e certifi/e (+) techniques of physical and sports activities),
Country: France or a diploma in physical education of at least
Level:Lower/upper secondary an equivalent level, is required. On
Explanatory note: Teacher at a collge or satisfactory completion of their course,
lyce, including schools for special education, trainees considered qualified to teach obtain
which normally enrol pupils aged from 11 to the Certificat daptitude au professorat


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dducation physique et sportive (CAPEPS). tenured appointment. They are assigned to a

For information on recruitment, appointment, school by the recteur dacadmie (head of the
employer, status, and evaluation, see acadmie concerned), where they are state
Professeur/e certifi/e (+). employees with civil servant status. The
inspecteur de lducation nationale (IEN) is
Professeur/e de lyce professionnel responsible for evaluating them. Teachers
Country: France who hold the CAPSAIS (Certificat daptitude
Level: Upper secondary aux actions pdagogiques spcialises
Explanatory note: Teacher at a lyce dadaptation et dintgration scolaire) may
professionnel normally enrolling pupils aged also teach in schools for children with special
from 15 to 19, who teaches two subjects in educational needs and in the sections
general education and one in vocational denseignement gnral et professionnel
education. Depending on the subject they adapts (SEGPA, or sections for adapted
intend to teach, candidates registering for the general and vocational education) of collges.
competitive examination for this position, Former designation: Instituteur/trice.
should possess a first degree (licence or its
equivalent), a vocational qualification, or Professeur/e des universits
professional experience (of 5 to 8 years Country: France
depending on circumstances). On satisfactory Level: Tertiary
completion of their course, trainee teachers
Explanatory note: Teacher and researcher in
considered qualified to teach obtain the
tertiary education institutions normally for
Certificat daptitude au professorat de lyce
students aged 18 or over. The responsibilities
professionnel (CAPLP). For information on
of staff in this category are divided between
recruitment, appointment, employer, status,
theoretical teaching and research. In order to
and evaluation, see Professeur/e certifi/e
be on the national list of qualified applicants
for this position drawn up by the Conseil
national des universits (National Universities
Professeur/e des coles Council), they have to hold a doctorat, a
Country: France habilitation diriger des recherches, be a
Level: Pre-primary/primary full-time Enseignant/e associ/e, belong to
Explanatory note: Teacher in an cole a research team or, under certain circumstances,
maternelle or cole lmentaire attended by have demonstrable professional experience.
pupils aged from 2 to 6 and 6 to 11, They are recruited on the basis of a competitive
respectively. A first degree (licence or its examination in accordance with the same
equivalent) is required to register for the procedure as for Matre de confrences.
competitive examination for this position, National concours dagrgation (competitive
which candidates can prepare for in an institut examinations) exist for subjects in the fields of
universitaire de formation des matres (IUFM, law, politics, economics and management.
or university teacher training institute). Those Candidates who perform successfully in the
who perform successfully in the examination, examinations are appointed by the President of
which is organised at regional level by the the Republic and granted tenure immediately.
acadmies (geographically decentralised For information on employer, status and
departments of the Ministry of Education), are evaluation, see matre de confrences. Generic
appointed as trainee teachers and move on to term: Enseignant/e-chercheur/euse.
the second year of the IUFM where they
receive one year of remunerated
multidisciplinary training as generalists. On
satisfactory completion of their course, Country: Danemark
trainees considered qualified to teach are Grammatical variants: Professoren, profes-
awarded the Certificat daptitude au sorer, professorerne
professorat des coles (CAPE) and secure Level: Tertiary


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Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher institution, which can conduct internal staff
at universities normally enrolling students evaluation in addition to the external evaluation
from the age of 19, who undertakes research, conducted by the Higher Education Evaluation
teaching and academic publishing. In addition Council.
to the qualifications of a Lektor, applicants
for posts in this category should be able to Professor
provide evidence of an extensive international Country: Ireland
publishing record involving original enquiry Level: Tertiary
with a significant contribution to advances in Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
their field. In addition to their ability to in universities normally enrolling students
sustain these achievements, applicants are from the age of 17/18, who is responsible
also expected to demonstrate proficiency in mainly for teaching, research and staff
the management of research and other areas of development. In order to be eligible for this
responsibility. Finally, they must be qualified post, candidates must have an honours degree,
to take on teaching assignments, and special an appropriate postgraduate qualification in
effort and innovation in the field of teaching their subject, substantial research experience
are weighted together with other and a sound publishing record. These teachers
considerations when assessing candidates for are appointed on the basis of a competitive
appointment. These teachers are normally procedure organised by the individual
appointed by their institutions in accordance institution, which is also responsible for
with an open recruitment procedure, and evaluating their performance. They can be
employed by them on a contractual basis with employed on a permanent or contractual basis
a status similar to that of civil servants. They and are classed as public servants.
are subject to no individual formal assessment
procedures. Professor
Country: Finland
Professor Grammatical variants: Professor/er
Country: Estonia Level: Tertiary
Grammatical variants: Professorid, profes- Explanatory note: Swedish term for
sor* Professori.
Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary education Professor
institutions (likool or rakenduskrgkool), Country: Liechtenstein
normally enrolling students from the age of 18. Grammatical variants: Professoren*
The doctorate (doktorikraad) or a recognised Level: Tertiary
equivalent is required for appointment. Explanatory note: Synonym for Dozent/in
However, in artistic fields, teachers may be (in the public sector).
recognised for creative or similar achievements
without necessarily holding a doctorate. All Professor
teachers in this category are leaders in their field Country: Malta
and are responsible, at their institution, for Level: Tertiary
organising academic study and tuition, as well as Explanatory note: Teacher at the University
the management of research, in the subject of Malta normally enrolling students from the
area(s) concerned. Posts for so-called tenured age of 18, who is university trained as a
professors are filled for up to 5 years, whereas specialist and mainly responsible for teaching,
those who are non-tenured are employed for a and the conduct and supervision of research.
fixed period of up to 3 years. Teachers are Candidates for this post, who must have the
selected in accordance with a competitive title of Doctor and an established reputation
procedure determined by the board of the among their peers in order to be eligible, are
institution concerned and appointed to the post recruited on the basis of a selection/promotion
by its head (rektor). They are employed by the board recommendation. They are appointed


Part P Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:26 Page 121


by the Council of the University, and Professor

employed by the latter on a permanent or Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
contractual basis (normally for 4 years). The Level: Tertiary
University has no formal procedures for their Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
evaluation. at universities and other tertiary education
institutions normally enrolling students from
Professor the age of 18. This is a promotion post for a
Country: Norway Principal/senior lecturer and signifies
Grammatical variants: Professoren, profes- recognition of excellence in a particular field
sor* of academic enquiry. Although professors are
Level: Tertiary not required to have a teaching qualification,
Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher it is common for them to hold a postgraduate
at universities and university colleges qualification in their specialist subject. In
(hgskole) normally enrolling students from addition to teaching, their responsibilities
the age of 19. The academic title of doctor or include carrying out academic research and
its equivalent and experience in undertaking administrative tasks. They are
teaching/tutoring are required for usually appointed on a permanent basis in
appointment. A professor has both teaching accordance with an open recruitment
and research responsibilities. For information procedure conducted by the institution that
on appointment, status, evaluation and employs them. They are evaluated by the
employer, see Hgskolelektor. Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
with the assistance of the Quality Assurance
Professor Agency.
Country: Sweden
Grammatical variants: Professorer Prfessor
Level: Tertiary Country: Iceland
Explanatory note: Teacher of the highest Grammatical variants: Prfessorar
academic rank at a university or university Level: Tertiary
college, normally enrolling students from the Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
age of 19. The responsibilities of staff in this at hskli normally enrolling students from
category are divided between teaching, the age of 20. An evaluation committee
research and administration to an extent that assesses the qualifications of an applicant for
depends on the individual institution a professorship, and a PhD or its equivalent is
concerned. There are, according to the Higher required for appointment. A prfessor has
Education Ordinance, no formal requirements teaching, research and administrative
as regards degrees. They are recruited in responsibilities and is appointed by the head
accordance with a competitive examination (rektor) of the university institution concerned
organised by each institution, or through the on the basis of an open recruitment procedure
promotion of qualified Lektorer who apply or following promotion. For information on
for the post. These staff, who must have employer, status, see Lektor and for
demonstrable academic or artistic ability, as information on evaluation, see Ajnkt.
well as teaching skills, are appointed by the Common term: Hsklakennari.
vice-chancellor (rektor). In public universities
and university colleges, they are permanently Professor ()
employed by the State (or, as in the case of a Country: Bulgaria
professor in the fine arts, on the basis of Grammatical variants: Professori
renewable contracts for a maximum period of Level: Tertiary
10 years). There are no procedures for the Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
formal evaluation of individual teachers, at tertiary education institutions normally
although students may assess their enrolling students from the age of 19. This
performance during or after a course. post may be occupied by a person holding the


Part P Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:26 Page 122


title of Doctor of Science, or its equivalent, Educao, or DRE), whereas those in the
who is already a teacher and has a second and third stages, or in ensino
distinguished academic record in terms of secundrio, are employed and appointed by
publications and research. These staff have schools (conselho de escola). In public-sector
teaching, research and administrative schools, they are civil servants. These
responsibilities. They are elected by the teachers are evaluated by the school board on
scientific council of the institution concerned the basis of a report on their activity
on the basis of open competitive recruitment, (documento de reflexo crtica) which they
and approved by the Higher Accreditation write and submit themselves. The frequency
Commission ( ). of evaluation depends on the status of the
They are appointed by the rector (pp), teacher concerned: career teachers are
employed by their institution on a permanent evaluated during the school year in which
contract and evaluated by its academic board promotion occurs, whereas contracted
once every five years. teachers are evaluated during the 30 days prior
to the end of their contract.
Professor/a (+)
Country: Portugal Professor/a adjunto/ta
Grammatical variants: Professores/ras Country: Portugal
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary Grammatical variants: Professores/as adjun-
Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino bsico
(basic education for pupils aged between 6 Level: Tertiary
and 15/16) and ensino secundrio (secondary Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino
education for pupils aged between 15 and superior politcnico (polytechnic tertiary
18). Those intending to teach in the first stage education) normally enrolling students from
of ensino bsico are trained as generalists, the age of 18, who is recruited from among
whereas those training for the second and Assistente with at least 3 years of service and
third stages of ensino bsico, or for ensino a mestrado or its equivalent. Staff in this
secundrio, are subject specialists. The upper category are responsible for the administration
secondary school leaving certificate (diploma and teaching of theoretical, theoretical/practical
de estudos secundrios) is required to embark and practical classes, the supervision of trainee
on training which, for the first and second teacher placements, the conduct of seminars
stages of ensino bsico, is provided at non- and field or laboratory work, the administration
university tertiary education institutions and conduct of research, and for helping to
(Escolas Superiores de Educao) and at coordinate general activity within their
universities, whereas training for the third academic field. For information on appoint-
stage and for ensino secundrio is offered ment, employer, status and evaluation, see
only at universities. In all cases, training Professor/a coordenador/a.
includes both a theoretical and practical part.
Courses for candidates wishing to work in the Professor/a associado/da
first and second stages of ensino bsico last 4 Country: Portugal
years and lead to the licenciatura degree, Grammatical variants: Professores/ras
whereas as those for trainees intending to associados/das
teach in the third stage or in ensino secundrio Level: Tertiary
last 4 or 5 years, depending on the type of Explanatory note: Teacher responsible for
course, and lead to a licenciatura degree. helping the Professor/a catedrtico/ca to
These teachers are recruited on the basis of a administer subjects in bacharelato,
national application procedure supervised by licenciatura and postgraduate courses, and to
the Ministry of Education. Teachers in the chair seminars, supervise practical or
first stage of ensino bsico are employed and theoretical/practical classes and field or
appointed by the Regional Education laboratory work, and guide and carry out
Authorities (Direces Regionais de research. These teachers are appointed


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Professor/a coordenador/a

following their recruitment either by transfer and academic activities of the Professor/a
from another institution, or in accordance with associado/da and all categories of
a procedure open to anyone holding a doutor Assistente, and for coordinating courses and
(doctorate) who has been a university teacher managing and conducting research. They are
for at least 5 years. For information on appointed by their institution in accordance
employer, status and evaluation, see professor with a competitive open recruitment
catedrtico. procedure (based on their CV and the results
of the agregao) and, in public-sector
Professor/a auxiliar institutions, they are state employees with
Country: Portugal civil servant status. They are evaluated by the
Grammatical variants: Professores/ras comisses externas de avaliao.
Level: Tertiary Professor/a convidado/da
Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino Country: Portugal
superior universitrio (university tertiary Grammatical variants: Professores/ras convi-
education) normally enrolling students from dados/das
the age of 18, who is recruited from among Level: Tertiary
Assistente or Assistente convidado/da, or Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino
from among holders of a doutor degree superior universitrio (university tertiary
(doctorate) or its equivalent. Staff in this education) normally enrolling students from
category are responsible for subjects in the age of 18, whose qualifications and
bacharelato, licenciatura and postgraduate responsibilities are similar to those of a
courses, and for teaching practical or Professor/a catedrtico/ca. These teachers are
theoretical/practical classes and carrying out appointed by invitation, with the approval of a
field or laboratory work. For information on two-thirds majority of the academic council of
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, the university concerned which employs them
see Professor/a catedrtico/ca. on a contractual basis. Subject to a decision by
the council, their 5-year contract is renewable.
Professor/a catedrtico/ca
Country: Portugal Professor/a coordenador/a
Grammatical variants: Professores/ras Country: Portugal
catedrticos/cas Grammatical variants: Professores/ras
Level: Tertiary coordenadores/ras
Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino Level: Tertiary
superior universitrio (university tertiary Explanatory note: Teacher in ensino
education) normally enrolling students from superior politcnico (polytechnic tertiary
the age of 18. Applicants for posts in this education) normally enrolling students from
category must hold a grau de agregao the age of 18, who is recruited on the basis of
(degree for a career in teaching obtained a public competitive examination for
following successful defence of a thesis, Professor/a adjunto/ta with at least 3 years of
submission of a report on teaching in a given service, or for other applicants with a
area and a viva voce examination) and have at doutoramento (doctorate) or its equivalent in
least 3 years of teaching experience. These their specialised area. These staff are
teachers are responsible for determining the responsible for the academic and technical
teaching and academic focus of one or more coordination of teaching and research within a
subjects or a department, administering work particular subject area, tutoring the activities
on subjects in bacharelato, licenciatura and of professor adjunto and Assistente in the
postgraduate courses, chairing seminars and same area, the administration and teaching of
supervising practical or theoretical/practical theoretical, practical and theoretical/practical
classes and field or laboratory work. They are classes, and supervising trainee teacher
also responsible for supervising the teaching placements and laboratory or field work. They


Part P Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:26 Page 124

Professor/a de apoio educativo

are appointed by their institutions as state Level: Tertiary

employees with civil servant status, and Explanatory note: Teacher from a foreign
evaluated by the comisses externas de tertiary education institution, who is recruited
avaliao. by invitation from among teachers of
recognised merit and prestige, to teach in
Professor/a de apoio educativo Portuguese tertiary education establishments
Country: Portugal in the same areas as in his/her home
Grammatical variants: Professores/ras de institution. The precise duties of teachers in
apoio educativo this category are specified in their contract
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- which is valid for 1 year renewable subject to
dary a decision by the academic council of the
Explanatory note: Assistant teacher who institution concerned.
undergoes the same training as the
Professor/a. However, a 2-year specialised Professor/in
training course in education support/special Country: Deutschland
education, which is offered in the Escolas Grammatical variants: Professoren,
Superiores de Educao or universities, is Professor*
soon to become compulsory. Working with Level: Tertiary
class teachers, these teachers are responsible Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary education
for providing support to pupils or small institutions (Hochschulen) normally enrolling
groups of pupils between and during students from the age of 19. Conditions for
classroom activities. They are employed and the appointment of these teachers are the
appointed by the Regional Education successful completion of university studies
Authorities (Direces Regionais de (Hochschulstudium), teaching ability and
Educao, or DRE) on the basis of marked academic ability which is generally
applications in response to vacancies in the apparent from the quality of their doctorate
DRE education support network. In public- (Promotion). Furthermore, depending on the
sector schools, they are civil servants. For requirements of the post concerned, additional
evaluation, see professor/a. academic accomplishments may have to be
demonstrated, either through a Habilitation or
Professor/a de educao especial (+) an equivalent achievement. In artistic subjects,
Country: Portugal candidates have to demonstrate special aptitude
Grammatical variants: Professores/ras de for artistic work and achievement and,
educao especial depending on the requirements of the post
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/post- concerned, appointment may be further subject
secondary to specific accomplishments in the application
Explanatory note: Teacher at special and development of academic methods during
education institutions at all levels, who no less than 5 years of professional experience,
undergoes the same training as the at least 3 of which must have been acquired
Professor/a (in the third stage of ensino outside university. In the case of pedagogical or
bsico or in ensino secundrio). These staff subject teaching posts in teacher training, only
carry out teaching functions and/or provide candidates with 3 years of experience in school
pedagogical counselling and support to pupils teaching may be appointed. Staff in this category
with special educational needs. For independently perform duties relating to science
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, or the arts, and research and teaching in their
see professor. subject area, in accordance with institutional
requirements. Their regular duties also include
Professor/a visitante study reform activities, academic counselling,
Country: Portugal the conduct of examinations and the
Grammatical variants: Professores/ras administration of their institution. Vacancies for
visitantes these teachers are publicly advertised by the


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appropriate bodies of the university concerned, there does not exist any formal requirement,
in announcements with the description of the (s)he generally holds the title of Dottore or
nature and extent of the tasks entailed. The Dottore di Ricerca. These teachers are recruited
university presents a list of candidates to the following a competitive examination organised
Land Ministry of Education and Science which by each university, with due regard also for their
then appoints the person selected. A Professor is titles and publications. Applicants who are not
employed by the Land and has civil servant already Professore associato have to pass a
status, with either limited or unlimited tenure. In test on the theory and practice of teaching. They
some cases, (s)he may also be employed by the are appointed by the rettore and employed by the
Land as a public service employee in accordan- State on a permanent basis. In public-sector
ce with the Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag universities they are civil servant. They are
(Collective Agreement for Federal Employees). evaluated by a special body attached to their
Teachers at this level are not usually evaluated. university, known as Nucleo di valutazione
Professore a contratto
Country: Italy Professore straordinario
Grammatical variants: Professori a contratto Country: Italy
Level: Tertiary Grammatical variants: Professori straordinari
Explanatory note: Teacher at universities Level: Tertiary
normally enrolling students from the age of Explanatory note: The first title of
19. These staff are mainly involved in Professore ordinario (o di prima fascia) that
teaching and research. They are recruited on teachers hold for 3 years following their
the basis of a selection procedure determined appointment, prior to evaluation to confirm
by the university (in accordance with proved their permanent status. For all information,
professional and scientific titles) concerned see professore ordinario (o di prima fascia).
which appoints them on a temporary basis.
Within the limits imposed by its budget, it can Professori
provide them with one-year fixed-term Country: Finland
contracts renewable for up to 6 years, and Grammatical variants: Professorit, professor*
evaluates them in accordance with its own Level: Tertiary
special procedures. Explanatory note: Teacher at university
normally enrolling students from the age of
Professore associato (o di seconda fascia) 19, who has teaching, management and, above
Country: Italy all, research responsibilities. Candidates for
Grammatical variants: Professori associati the position are required to have scientific or
Level: Tertiary artistic ability, good teaching skills and, where
Explanatory note: Teacher at the basic necessary, have practical experience of the
hierarchical level in universities normally field in question. Normally, these teachers
enrolling students from the age of 19. For have the title of doktor and are selected on the
information on qualification, recruitment, basis of an open recruitment procedure. The
appointment, status and promotion, see body in charge of their appointment depends
Professore ordinario (o di prima fascia). on the decision of their university which
employs them as civil servants, and evaluates
Professore ordinario (o di prima fascia) them in accordance with its internal
Country: Italy arrangements. Swedish term: Professor.
Grammatical variants: Professori ordinari
Level: Tertiary PRU
Explanatory note: Teacher at the highest level Country: Slovenia
in universities normally enrolling students from Level: Lower secondary
the age of 19. (S)he is mainly involved in both Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
teaching and research. In spite of the fact that Predmetni/na uitelj/ica (+).


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PT accordance with institutional requirements and

Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) objective criteria, namely the number of
Level: Lower/upper secondary children who are very young (aged between 2
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of and 3) or need greater supervision. Training,
Principal teacher. which lasts 4 years, is provided in vocational
secondary education (enseignement secondaire
Puricultrice de qualification) and, if successful, leads to the
Country: Belgium (French Community) award of the certificat de qualification de
Level: Pre-primary puricultrice required for appointment. Staff
Explanatory note: Female staff assistant to the are recruited on the basis of a temporary
Instituteur/trice maternel/le, who is contract, evaluated by the institution concerned
qualified to work in day nurseries, with very and employed by its administrative body (the
small children or in an cole maternelle. In French Community, a province or a private
coles maternelles, including those in special body, etc.).
education, these staff are recruited in


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Razredni/na uitelj/ica
Country: Slovenia
uitelji/ice, razredn* uitelj*
Level: Primary

institutions in Switzerland and Austria. The

upper secondary school leaving certificate
(Maturazeugnis) is required to embark on
training, which generally lasts 4 years and
contains both a theoretical and practical part.
Explanatory note: Common term for Successful completion of training results in
Uitelj/ica razrednega pouka. the award of a diploma for teachers in
secondary education, or a specialist teachers
Reader diploma. For information on appointment,
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) employer and status, see
Level: Tertiary Primarschullehrer/in. Evaluation is the
Explanatory note: Promotion post for a responsibility of the Realschulinspektor/in.
Senior lecturer in recognition of his or her
contribution to a particular area of study at Red. prof.
universities and other tertiary education Country: Slovenia
institutions, normally enrolling students from Level: Tertiary
the age of 18. Although readers are not Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
required to have a teaching qualification, it is Redni/na profesor/ica.
common for them to hold a postgraduate
qualification in their specialist subject. Red. profesor
Besides teaching, they are expected to carry Country: Slovenia
out academic research and undertake some Level: Tertiary
administrative tasks. They are employed by Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
the institution to which they belong. For Redni/na profesor/ica.
information on status and evaluation, see
Lecturer. Redni/na profesor/ica
Country: Slovenia
Realschullehrer/in (+) Grammatical variants: Redni/ne profe-
Country: Liechtenstein sorji/rice, redn* profesor*
Grammatical variants: Level: Tertiary
Realschullehrer/innen* Explanatory note: Teacher of the highest
Level: Lower secondary possible rank in tertiary education institutions
Explanatory note: Teacher at Realschule for normally enrolling students from the age of
pupils aged between 11 and 15/16, who is 19. Staff who occupy this post have to
trained as a specialist in one or more subjects possess the doktorat znanosti (doctorate of
at universities or specialised tertiary education science), and should have demonstrated


Part R Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:29 Page 128


satisfactory performance as teachers and have a degree and securing QTS. The minimum
academic and professional references. In period of training is 1 year. Trainees must first
artistic fields, they should hold at least a first find employment in a school and are paid as
degree and have an established record of unqualified teachers. The school (or school
artistic achievement. In principle, this title is partnership) is responsible for assessing
awarded for an indefinite period by the senat training needs and devising and supervising
of the university concerned, in accordance the training plan, which is approved by the
with legislative procedures, but it may also be Teacher Training Agency or the National
revoked. In the case of institutions not Assembly for Wales and may include off-site
incorporated into a university (samostojni training. For employer, status, evaluation and
visokoolski zavod), the title of redni/na promotion, see Classroom teacher.
profesor/ica is awarded by the senat of the
institution, following the approval of the Resource teacher
Council for Higher Education of the Republic Country: Ireland
of Slovenia. Staff in this category are Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
responsible for teaching and research or Explanatory note: Teacher for pupils with
artistic activity at their institution. For special educational needs (SEN) who attend
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, mainstream primary and secondary schools.
see Asistent/ka. Abbreviations: Red. prof., The staff concerned are trained as special
Red. profesor/ica. General term: education specialists whose main respon-
Visokoolski/ka uitelji/ica. sibility is to provide additional teaching
support and assess the needs and progress of
Rgent/e (+) pupils, while also advising the Mainstream
Country: Belgium (French Community) class teacher or Teacher (+) (depending on
Level: Lower/upper secondary the level of education concerned). They are
Explanatory note: Synonym for Agrg/e recruited on the basis of an open procedure,
de lenseignement secondaire infrieur (+). and appointed by school boards of
management in accordance with needs
Regent/in (+) determined by the Inspector of the school
Country: Belgium (German-speaking Com- concerned. Teachers are employed on a full-
munity) time basis (in a single school or a cluster of
Level: Lower secondary schools), or are part time when there is an
Explanatory note: Synonym for insufficient SEN pupil/teacher ratio. They are
Sekundarschullehrer/in Unterstufe (+). considered to be public servants and evaluated
by the Inspectorate of the Department of
Registered teacher Education and Science (DES). Abbreviation:
Country: United Kingdom (E/W) RT.
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
dary Ricercatore/trice
Explanatory note: Generalist or specialist Country: Italy
teacher in a (pre-primary) nursery school (for Grammatical variants: Ricercatori/trici
children aged 3-4/5), primary or secondary Level: Tertiary
school (for ages 4/5-11 and 11-16/18 Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at
respectively), who is undergoing an universities normally enrolling students from
employment-based route to Qualified Teacher the age of 19. No previous experience is
Status (QTS) via the Registered Teacher required for this position which primarily
Programme. These teachers must be aged involves teaching and research activity. Apart
over 24 and have successfully completed 2 from a university ad hoc evaluation board
years of full-time tertiary education (or its that evaluates the candidates, (s)he is recruited
part-time equivalent). They spend up to 2 on the basis of an open procedure (including
years working and training while completing oral and written tests). After 3 years, the


Part R Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:29 Page 129


academic and teaching activity of these staff RT

are evaluated by a national board constituted Country: Ireland
by two Professore ordinario and one Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
Professore associato. If the evaluation is Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
positive, their position as ricercatore is Resource teacher.
confirmed. For information on appointment,
employer, status and evaluation, see
professore ordinario.


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Sekundarschullehrer/in Oberstufe (+)
Country: Belgium (German-speaking Com-

Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary

Explanatory note: Teacher for the final

Sekundarunterrichts, or its equivalent, is

required to embark on it. In its entirety, the
course consists of general and vocational
training combined with periods involving
placements and leads to the diploma of agrg
three years of secondary education de lenseignement secondaire infrieur
(Sekundarschulen, for pupils aged from 15 to (AESI). For information on appointment,
18), who has been trained as a specialist, at a employer, status and evaluation, see
university or in the institut pdagogique Kindergrtner/in. Synonym: Regent/in (+).
(pedagogical institute) of a Haute cole in the
French Community of Belgium. Training lasts SENCO
at least four years (long course tertiary Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
education) and the Abschlusszeugnis der Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts, or its Explanatory note: Abbreviation of
equivalent, is required to embark on it. In its Special educational needs coordinator.
entirety, the course consists of general and
vocational training combined with periods Senior lecturer
involving placements and leads to the diploma Country: Ireland
of agrg de lenseignement secondaire Level: Tertiary
suprieur (AESS) or to a licence. For Explanatory note: Promotion post for all
information on appointment, employer, status teachers working as a Lecturer. Staff in
and evaluation, see Kindergrtner/in. this category are mainly responsible for
teaching and researches, but they also have
Sekundarschullehrer/in Unterstufe (+) other duties. The minimum qualifications for
Country: Belgium (German-speaking Com- the post are an appropriate honours degree,
munity) an appropriate postgraduate qualification and
Level: Lower secondary 5 years of teaching experience. In an Institute
Explanatory note: Teacher for the first of Technology, they can be promoted to the
three years of secondary education higher academic management posts of senior
(Sekundarschule, for pupils aged from 12 to lecturer II and senior lecturer III. For all
15), who has been trained as a specialist, at a information on appointment, employer, status
university or in the institut pdagogique and evaluation, see Professor.
(pedagogical institute) of a Haute cole in the
French Community of Belgium. Training lasts Senior lecturer
three years (short course tertiary education) Country: Malta
and the Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Level: Tertiary


Part S Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:32 Page 132

Senior lecturer

Explanatory note: Teacher at the University probationary teachers, or carrying out work
of Malta normally enrolling students from the related to curriculum development and
age of 18, who is responsible for teaching, providing support to colleagues. They are paid
research and administration. One of the main on a higher scale. Promotion is carried out by
requirements for eligibility for this post is at the local education authority in accordance
least 5 years of experience as a Lecturer. with an open recruitment procedure.
For information on training, status, employer,
evaluation, see lecturer. Srkennari
Country: Iceland
Senior lecturer Grammatical variants: Srkennarar
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) Level: Primary/lower secondary
Level: Tertiary Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskli for
Explanatory note: Promotion title for staff pupils aged between 6 and 16, trained both as
working as Lecturer (tertiary education), a generalist teacher and a specialist in
who undertake teaching duties as well as teaching children with special educational
higher level administrative, management and needs, at Kennarahskli slands (Iceland
research activities. Although universities and University of Education). A BEd degree (3
colleges decide their own recruitment and years of study) is required to embark on
promotion procedures, posts designated as training, in which two courses are possible.
senior lecturer would in general be subject to The first is equivalent to one year of full-time
open recruitment. For further information on study and leads to a diploma, while the second
initial training, recruitment, evaluation and lasts 2 years and leads to an M.Ed degree.
employer, see lecturer. These courses are both academic and
practical. For information on appointment,
Senior lecturer employer, status and evaluation, see
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) Grunnsklakennari.
Level: Post-secondary/tertiary
Explanatory note: Promotion post for all Skolebibliotekar
those working as a Lecturer. Promotion is Country: Danemark
usually carried out through open competition Grammatical variants: Skolebibliotekaren,
by the institution itself. These staff can be skolebibliotekarer, skolebibliotekarerne
promoted to the post of Principal lecturer, Level: Primary/lower secondary
Reader or Professor. Explanatory note: School librarian at a
folkeskole for pupils aged between 6/7 and
Senior nursery nurse 16, who is trained in the same way as the
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) Folkeskolelrer. In addition to the
Level: Pre-primary folkeskolelrer training, the school librarian
Explanatory note: Promotion post for all must have completed a 240 hour school librarian
those working as a Nursery nurse. course with a further 48 hour project work. For
Promotion is on the basis of open competition further information, see folkeskolelrer.
set by the education authority and duties are
similar to those of a nursery nurse. Sljdlrare
Country: Sweden
Senior teacher Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) Explanatory note: Teacher of crafts at a
Level: Primary/lower secondary grundskola or gymnasieskola, for pupils aged
Explanatory note: Promotion post for all 7-16 and 16-19 respectively, or in municipal
those working as a Teacher at primary adult education (for those aged 20 or over).
schools or at secondary schools. Staff in this (S)he is trained as a specialist at a university
category undertake duties just above the level or university college. The slutbetyg frn
of the basic scale, such as offering guidance to gymnasieskolan diploma is required for


Part S Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:32 Page 133


admission to training for which there are two possibilities, see Mentor/ica. For
options. Under the first option, future teachers appointment, employer, status, evaluation and
can study sljdlrarprogrammet (a specific qualifying phase on the job, see uitelj.
programme including specialisation) which
lasts 3 years and leads to the sljdlrarexamen Sonderkindergrtner/in
diploma. Under the second, they can train to Country: Austria
become teachers in the upper levels of a Grammatical variants:
grundskola (4 to 4 years of full-time study) Sonderkindergrtner/innen*
or in a gymnasieskola (4 to 5 years of full- Level: Pre-primary
time study). In the case of the second option, Explanatory note: Teacher at Sonder-
they must choose a combination of two kindergarten enrolling children with special
subjects (crafts and another subject). From needs aged between 3 and 6, who is trained as
1 July 2001, a new integrated teaching a specialist in special education. These
degree is being introduced, replacing teachers can also work at mainstream
the sljdlrarexamen. For information on Kindergrten which enrol and cater for
recruitment, appointment, employer, status children with special educational needs. For
and evaluation, see Frskollrare. further information, see Kindergrtner/in.

SNA Sonderschullehrer/in
Country: Ireland Country: Austria
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary Grammatical variants:
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Sonderschullehrer/innen*
Special needs assistant. Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher at Sonderschulen
olski/ka knjiniar/ka and at primary and secondary schools (year 6
Country: Slovenia to year 10 or year 15), who is trained as a
Grammatical variants: olski/ke generalist at a Pdagogische Akademie (non-
knjiniarji/rke, olsk* knjiniar* university tertiary education course). Training
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/post- lasts at least 3 years and the upper secondary
secondary/tertiary school leaving certificate (Reifeprfungs-
Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at zeugnis), or its equivalent, is necessary to
general, technical, vocational, artistic, or embark on it. Successful training leads to the
special education institutions (osnovne ole, award of the Lehramt fr Sonderschulen
gimnazije, srednje strokovne/tehnike ole, diploma. The Sonderschullehrer/in is
poklicne ole, vije strokovne ole) for responsible for teaching nearly all subjects
students from the age of 6. An upper (foreign languages included), and very often
secondary education examination (matura) is there are two Sonderschullehrer/innen in one
required to embark on training in an academic class to help pupils with special needs. For
tertiary education programme for librarians some handicaps (blindness, deafness,
which lasts 4 years. Training contains both a muteness, etc.), there are special schools for
theoretical and practical part and leads to the which teachers normally have special
professional title of univerzitetni/na qualifications in addition to their diploma. For
bibliotekar/ka or profesor/ica bibliotekarstva. information on appointment, employer, status
This post can also be occupied by an and evaluation, see Volksschullehrer/in.
Uitelj/ica (+) or school counsellor
(svetovalni/na delavec/vka) with an additional Sonderschullehrer/in
course in librarianship. As specialists in Country: Belgium (German-speaking Com-
school librarianship and information munity)
technology, they teach students to access, use Level: Pre-primary/primary
and evaluate information in relation to the Explanatory note: Specialist teacher for
classroom curriculum. For promotion children with special educational needs who is


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trained similarly to the Kindergrtner/in or Certificate/Diploma (HNC/D) in supporting

Primarschullehrer/in. For information on special learning needs is specifically aimed at
training, appointment, employer, status and those who wish to work with children and
evaluation, see Kindergrtner. adults with special learning needs. Duties of
staff in this category are usually dependent on
Sonderschullehrer/in the needs of the children involved. Staff are
Country: Liechtenstein recruited and appointed through open
Grammatical variants: competition, and employed on the basis of a
Sonderschullehrer/innen* fixed-term contract by the local education
Level: Primary/lower secondary authority concerned. For evaluation, see
Explanatory note: Teacher at Sonderschule, teacher. Synonyms: Special educational
enrolling pupils with special educational needs assistant, Behavioural support.
needs aged between 6 and 16, who acquires a
special qualification to teach them. For Special educational needs coordinator
information on appointment, employer and Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
status, see Primarschullehrer/in. Eva- Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
luation is the responsibility of the inspector at
Explanatory note: Teacher responsible for
the level of education concerned.
coordinating educational provision for pupils
with special educational needs at schools
Special duties teacher offering mainstream provision. A teacher in
Country: Ireland this category is normally a Classroom
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary teacher or Assistant teacher in a primary
Explanatory note: Promotion post for all school (pupils aged 4/5-11). In secondary
those working as a Mainstream class schools for pupils aged 11-16/18, one or more
teacher, a Temporary teacher (+) (only teachers, including a head of department or
appointed during his/her contract, or until the other senior manager, may perform the duties
post ceases) at primary schools and a of a special educational needs coordinator
Teacher at secondary schools. As well as (SENCO). Specific in-service training courses
doing normal teaching duties, these staff have are normally provided but external
additional responsibilities of an administrative qualifications such as the Postgraduate
nature. They are recruited by internal Certificate in the Co-ordination of Special
competition within the school and appointed Education are available at tertiary education
by its board of management, which determines institutions. The usual entry requirement is a
the duties. They are considered to be public first degree (normally a Bachelors degree),
sector employees but not civil servants. although other applicants without one who
have substantial relevant professional
Special educational needs assistant experience may also be admitted. Besides
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) teaching, the main responsibilities of a
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/post- SENCO include: daily management of the
secondary schools special educational needs (SEN)
Explanatory note: Synonym for Special policy; coordinating provision for children
educational needs auxiliary support. with SEN; maintaining the schools SEN
register and overseeing the records on all
Special educational needs auxiliary support pupils with SEN; liaising with and advising
Country: United Kingdom (Scotland) fellow teachers and parents of children with
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary SEN; contributing to the continuing
Explanatory note: Assistant of a Teacher, professional development of teaching staff;
who gives particular help to children with and liaising with external support agencies.
special education needs who are integrated in For recruitment, employer, status, evaluation
primary schools. Although no formal and promotion, see classroom teacher/
qualifications are required, a Higher National assistant teacher. Abbreviation: SENCO


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Special needs assistant Explanatory note: Normally a Classroom

Country: Ireland teacher or Assistant teacher in a mainstream
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary secondary school for pupils aged 11 to 16 or 18,
Explanatory note: Assistant for children/ or a special school for pupils aged 4/5 to 16 or
pupils with special educational needs (SEN) 18 with special educational needs (SEN). Staff
who attend special or mainstream primary and in this category teach either a specific subject (as
secondary schools. The staff concerned are subject specialists) or focus on specific groups
mainly responsible for generally assisting of pupils such as those with special educational
class teachers with duties of a non-teaching needs (in which case they are known as SEN
nature. Their work is supervised by the specialists). SEN teachers who teach children
principal, the Mainstream class teacher or with a hearing impairment, visual impairment or
Teacher (+) (depending on the level of multi-sensory impairment are required to obtain
education concerned). They may be employed an additional, approved qualification within 3
on a full- or part-time basis. For information years of appointment. Courses are provided by
on recruitment, status and evaluation, see tertiary education institutions and may be
Resource teacher. Abbreviation: SNA. studied full-time (1 year) or part-time (2-5 years)
and normally lead to a diploma in tertiary
Special needs assistant education. For recruitment, employer, status,
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) evaluation and promotion, see classroom
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- teacher/assistant teacher.
Explanatory note: Synonym for Learning Specialist teaching assistant
support assistant. Other synonyms may also be Country: United Kingdom (E/W)
used depending on the institution concerned. Level: Pre-primary/primary
Explanatory note: A Teaching assistant
Specils izgltbas skolotjs/a usually in a primary school (pupils aged 4/5-
Country: Latvia 11) who assists teachers and pupils with
Grammatical variants: Specils izgltbas literacy and numeracy work. Although there
skolotji/as are no statutory requirements, these assistants
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary are now encouraged to undertake specialist
Explanatory note: Teacher at special schools teaching assistant courses (usually 1-year
(specil skola, specil interntskola, attstbas part-time) provided by some tertiary
vai rehabilitcijas centrs) or of special groups education establishments. For recruitment,
(specils izgltbas klase) in general education employer, status, evaluation and promotion,
institutions usually enrolling pupils aged see teaching assistant.
between 6 and 15/21, who have special
educational needs. For all information on Specialklasslrare
qualifications, recruitment, appointment, Country: Finland
employer, status and evaluation, see Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower secondary
Pirmsskolas specils izgltbas skolotjs/a. Explanatory note: Swedish term for
Country: Finland Speciallrare
Level: Pre-primary Country: Finland
Explanatory note: Swedish term for Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower
Erityislastentarhanopettaja. Explanatory note: Swedish term for
Specialist teacher
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) Speciallrare
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- Country: Sweden
dary Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary


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Explanatory note: Title gradually being komisija) of their school. For promotion
phased out and replaced by Special- possibilities, see Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja,
pedagog. Mokytojas/ja metodininkas/k, Mokytojas/ja
Country: Sweden Specialyrkeslrare
Grammatical variants: Specialpedagoger Country: Finland
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
Explanatory note: Teacher for pupils aged dary
between 7-16 and 16-19 respectively, who Explanatory note: Swedish term for
have functional learning impairments, Erityisopettaja.
whether enrolled in special education or
at a grundskola or gymnasieskola. (S)he is Sprachassistent/in
trained as a specialist at a university or Country: Liechtenstein
university college. The grundskollrarexamen, Grammatical variants:
barn-och ungdomspedagogisk examen or Sprachassistent/en/innen*
gymnasielrarexamen diploma (depending on Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
the level concerned) is required for admission to Explanatory note: Assistant teacher at
training, which consists of a 1-year academic primary and secondary schools enrolling
course leading to a specialpedagogexamen pupils aged between 6 and 19, who is
diploma. For information on recruitment, undergoing training as a foreign language
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, teaching specialist at tertiary institutions.
see Frskollrare. Title gradually being Native speakers of the language concerned,
phased out: Speciallrare. staff in this category have a one-year contract
and are participants in the Comenius action of
Specialusis/lioji pedagogas/g the EU Socrates programme, or engaged on
Country: Lithuania similar terms. They are evaluated by the
Grammatical variants: Specialieji/liosios teachers they assist and inspectors responsible
pedagogai/gs for the level of education at which they work.
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
dary Srednjeolski/ka uitelj/ica
Explanatory note: Teacher at all levels of Country: Slovenia
school education, who is trained as a specialist Grammatical variants: Srednjeolski/ke
in special education at iauli universitetas. uitelji/ice, srednjeolsk* uitelj*
The secondary school leaving certificate Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary
(bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos brandos Explanatory note: General term for all
atestatas), as well as satisfactory performance teachers in upper secondary education, see
in an entrance examination, is required for Uitelj/ica (+).
admission to the practical and theoretical
training which consists of a 5-year academic Starchi asistent ( )
course leading to the diplomas degree. These Country: Bulgaria
staff are recruited in accordance with an open Grammatical variants: Starchi asistenti
procedure giving them the permanent status of Level: Tertiary
specialusis pedagogas which may not, Explanatory note: Senior assistant recruited
however, be granted until they have worked as from among the Asistent. Staff in this
teachers for at least 6 months. They are category are appointed on the basis of their
appointed by the school head (direktorius) of teaching experience and academic and
the educational institution concerned, research record, and have teaching and
employed by the regional authority as civil research responsibilities. For information on
servants, and evaluated by the teacher appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
appraisal commission (pedagog atestacin see asistent.


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Starszy wykadowca a first degree, have 2 years of appropriate

Country: Poland professional experience and demonstrate
Grammatical variants: Starsi wykadowcy, outstanding achievements in their field. In
starsz* wykadowc* principle, their title is awarded for an
Level: Tertiary indefinite period but it may also be revoked.
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary non- They are mainly responsible for the provision
vocational education institutions normally of teaching assistance in their institution, but
enrolling students from the age of 19. The they also carry out certain tasks related to
qualifications required are defined in the research or artistic activity. They may be
statutes of the institution concerned. Besides promoted to the post of Viji/ja
teaching, these staff are responsible for strokovni/na sodelavec/vka. For further
upgrading their own professional skills and information on qualifications, appointment,
assisting with the institutions organisational employer, status and evaluation, see
tasks. For information on appointment, Asistent/ka. Abbreviations: Strok.
employer, status and evaluation, see sodelavec/vka, Strok. sod. General term:
Adiunkt. General term: Nauczyciel Visokoolski/ka sodelavci/vka.
Strokovni/na svetnik/ica
Strok. sod. Country: Slovenia
Country: Slovenia Grammatical variants: Strokovni/na
Level: Tertiary svetniki/ice, strokovn* svetni*
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Level: Tertiary
Strokovni/na sodelavec/vka. Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at
tertiary education institutions normally
Strok. sodelavec/vka enrolling students from the age of 19. Staff
Country: Slovenia who occupy this post should hold at least a
Level: Tertiary first degree, have 15 years of appropriate
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of professional experience and demonstrate
Strokovni/na sodelavec/vka. outstanding achievements in their field. In
principle, their title is awarded for an
Strok. svet. indefinite period by the senat of the institution
Country: Slovenia concerned, in accordance with legislative
Level: Tertiary procedures, but it may also be revoked. They
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of are mainly responsible for the provision of
Strokovni/na svetnik/ica. teaching assistance in their institution, but
they also carry out certain tasks related to
Strok. svetnik/ica research or artistic activity. For further
Country: Slovenia information on qualifications, appointment,
Level: Tertiary employer, status and evaluation, see
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Asistent/ka. Abbreviations: Strok. svet., Strok.
Strokovni/na svetnik/ica. svetnik/ica. General term: Visokoolski/ka
Strokovni/na sodelavec/vka
Country: Slovenia Stundakennari
Grammatical variants: Strokovni/ne Country: Iceland
sodelavci/vke, strokovn* sodelav* Grammatical variants: Stundakennarar
Level: Tertiary Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary/tertia-
Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at ry
tertiary education institutions normally Explanatory note:
enrolling students from the age of 19. Staff Part-time teacher at grunnskli enrolling
who occupy this post should hold at least pupils aged between 6 and 16. See


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Subject coordinator

Grunnsklakennari and/or Supply teacher

Leibeinandi. Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
Part-time teacher at framhaldsskli Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
enrolling students aged between 16 and dary
20. See Framhaldssklakennari (+) Explanatory note: Normally a Classroom
and/or leibeinandi. teacher or Assistant teacher in a (pre-
Part-time teacher at hskli normally primary) nursery school, primary or
enrolling students aged 20 and over. A secondary school (for ages 3-5, 4/5-11 and 11-
meistaragrda degree or its equivalent is 16/18, respectively), who is employed by a
usually the minimum requirement for school, a local education authority or (in
appointment. These staff, who have Northern Ireland) an Education and Library
teaching responsibilities only, are appointed Board. These staff provide temporary cover
by the dean of the faculty (deildarforseti) for absent teachers, and may be generalists or
and employed by the State on a temporary specialists depending on the age of the pupils
basis. Posts do not normally have to be taught. Supply teachers may be self-employed
advertised, although this may occur under or recruited by a teacher supply agency. The
certain circumstances. For information on government is currently developing a range of
evaluation, see Ajnkt. Common term: training and employment measures to raise
Hsklakennari. the status and quality of supply teaching. For
initial training, see classroom teacher/
Subject coordinator assistant teacher.
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary Svetnik/ica
Explanatory note: Synonym for Subject Country: Slovenia
Grammatical variants: Svetniki/ice, svetni*
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
Subject leader
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
Explanatory note: Highest promotion title
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
awarded to all those who have held the title of
Explanatory note: Normally a Classroom
Svetovalec/lka for 5 years. They must also
teacher or Assistant teacher (generalist) in
be able to demonstrate sound performance as
a primary school (pupils aged 4/5-11). In a
teachers, professional qualifications, in-
secondary school for pupils aged 11-16/18,
service training and further professional
the duties of a subject leader may be
activities (such as counselling and the
undertaken by one or more senior teachers,
publication of textbooks, articles, reviews,
including heads of department. A subject
manuals or research papers, etc.). For the
leader provides leadership and direction for
procedure relating to promotion and the
the teaching of a subject within a school,
concomitant salary, see Mentor/ica. Staff
ensuring that it is managed and organised to
with the title of svetnik/ica who meet other
meet the aims of both the school and subject
stipulated requirements may be appointed to
concerned. Initial training is the same as for a
the post of head (ravnatelj/ica) of the
classroom teacher, with possible provision of
institution concerned. The same title is also
internal or external professional development
conferred on other staff involved in school
courses. The main responsibilities include
education. The promotion title is appended to
teaching, supporting, guiding and motivating
the basic term, e.g. uitelj/ica svetnik/ica.
teachers of the subject concerned, evaluating
the effectiveness of teaching, and learning and
informing future priorities and targets. For Svetovalec/lka
employer, status, evaluation and promotion, Country: Slovenia
see classroom teacher/assistant teacher. Grammatical variants: Svetovalci/lke,
Synonym: Subject coordinator. svetoval*


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Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- part and a practical part, including

dary/post-secondary/tertiary placements, and leads to the award of the
Explanatory note: Promotion title (second fiskolai/egyetemi oklevl diploma and
grade) awarded to all those who have held the twofold qualification as a teacher (tanri
title of Mentor/ica for at least 4 years. They szakkpests) and as an engineer, agricultural
must also be able to demonstrate sound specialist or economist. Those awarded the
performance as teachers, professional egyetemi oklevl diploma are qualified to
qualifications, in-service training and further teach the theory of the profession concerned
professional activities (such as counselling in all institutions, while those who obtain a
and the publication of textbooks, articles, fiskolai oklevl teach practical subjects in the
reviews, manuals or research papers, etc.). For szakkzpiskola, and theoretical subjects
the procedure relating to promotion and the relating to the profession concerned in the
concomitant salary, see mentor. Staff with the szakmunkskpz iskola. For information on
title of svetovalec/lka who meet other appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
stipulated requirements may be appointed to see Okleveles tanr (+).
the post of head (ravnatelj/ica) of the
institution concerned. They may subsequently Szakoktat (+)
be promoted to the title of Svetnik/ica. The Country: Hungary
promotion title of svetovalec/lka, which may Grammatical variants: Szakoktatk,
also be conferred on other staff involved in szakoktat*
school education, is appended to the basic Level: Upper secondary
term, e.g. uitelj/ica svetovalec/lka. Explanatory note: Teacher in vocational
and/or technical education institutions
Szakmai tanr (+) (szakkzpiskola, szakmunkskpz iskola and
Country: Hungary szakiskola) enrolling pupils aged 14 to 19, who
Grammatical variants: Szakmai tanrok, is trained as a specialist in a tertiary education
szakmai tanr* institution (fiskola). The certificate awarded
Level: Upper secondary on satisfactory performance in the upper
Explanatory note: Teacher in vocational secondary school leaving examination
and/or technical education institutions (rettsgi vizsga) and successful performance
(szakkzpiskola, szakmunkskpz iskola in a tertiary education entrance examination
and szakiskola) enrolling students aged 16 to (felvteli vizsga) are required to embark on
20 and adults, who is trained as a specialist in training which lasts 3 years. Training consists
a single subject in a tertiary education of a theoretical part and a practical part,
institution (fiskola) or a university (egyetem). including placements, and leads to the award
The certificate awarded on satisfactory of the fiskolai/egyetemi oklevl diploma, and
performance in the upper secondary school qualification as a teacher (tanri szakkpests)
leaving examination (rettsgi vizsga) and and as an engineer, agricultural specialist or
successful performance in a tertiary education economist. For information on appointment,
entrance examination (felvteli vizsga) are employer, status and evaluation, see
required to embark on training which lasts 4, Okleveles tanr (+).
5 or 6 years. Training consists of a theoretical


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Part T Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:34 Page 141

Tanr (+)
Country: Hungary
Grammatical variants: Tanrok, tanr*
Level: Lower secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher in the final 4

(rettsgi vizsga) and successful performance

in a tertiary education entrance examination
(felvteli vizsga) are required to embark on
training which lasts 4 years. Training consists
of a theoretical part and a practical part,
years of ltalnos iskola enrolling children including placements, and leads to the award
aged between 10 and 14, who is trained as of the fiskolai oklevl diploma and
a specialist in one or two subjects in a tertiary qualification as a tant. For information on
education institution (fiskola) or a university appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
(egyetem). The certificate awarded on see Okleveles tanr (+).
satisfactory performance in the upper
secondary school leaving examination Teacher
(rettsgi vizsga) and successful performance Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
in a tertiary education entrance examination Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
(felvteli vizsga) are required to embark on dary
training which lasts 3 years (for those who Explanatory note: Teacher at pre-primary,
specialise in one subject) or 4 years (for those primary, lower and upper secondary schools
specialising in two). Training consists of a (including special education institutions) for
theoretical part and a practical part, including pupils aged between 5 and 18, who is trained
placements, and leads to the award of the as a generalist (pre-primary and primary
fiskolai oklevl diploma and qualification as level) or subject specialist (at secondary
a tanr. For information on appointment, level) in faculties of education at universities.
employer, status and evaluation, see The minimum entrance requirements for
Okleveles tanr (+). places on teacher education courses vary
according to whether candidates are taking an
Tant initial degree leading to a Teaching
Country: Hungary Qualification (TQ) or a Postgraduate
Grammatical variants: Tantk, tant* Certificate of Education (PGCE). To enter the
Level: Primary 4-year courses leading to a B.Ed. degree and
Explanatory note: Teacher in the first 4 or 6 Teaching Qualification (pre-primary and pri-
years of ltalnos iskola enrolling pupils aged mary education), the Scottish Qualifications
between 6 and 10/12, who is trained as a Certificate - Higher Grade and achievement
generalist in a tertiary education institution of Grades 1, 2, or 3 at Standard Grade in two
(fiskola). The certificate awarded on further subjects or equivalent qualifications
satisfactory performance in the upper are necessary. Entry to the 1-year PGCE
secondary school leaving examination course leading to TQ (primary level) requires


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that candidates should hold a degree from a university-trained specialist. There are 2
UK university (involving at least 3 years of training options in securing eligibility for this
study) or its equivalent from an institution post. The first option involves completing a
outside the UK, and passes in English at the one-year full-time postgraduate course after
Higher Grade and mathematics at Standard obtaining a Primary degree (following at least
Grade of the Scottish Qualifications 3 years of study). This course is a desirable
Certificate (or equivalent qualifications). but not currently essential requirement for
After taking a degree, secondary school- second level teachers in the vocational sector.
teachers enter the teaching profession, The second option is to undertake a 4-year
through the PGCE course or through the concurrent Degree Programme (requiring a
B.Ed. degree which is offered in a limited BA, BSc or BComm degree), with a teacher
number of subjects. Entry to the PGCE course training component. Both forms of training
leading to a TQ (secondary education) lead to the Higher diploma in Education.
requires a degree from a UK university (or its These teachers are recruited on the basis of an
equivalent from an institution outside the open examination, and appointed by the
UK), in which candidates have sufficient school management authority. They are
breadth and depth of study for teaching the employed on the basis of a permanent contract
subject concerned in Scottish secondary by the Department of Education and Science
schools. A pass in English at Higher Grade, or (DES) and considered to be public employees
an equivalent qualification, is also necessary. but not civil servants. They are evaluated by
Some subjects also have other specific the DES Inspectorate. For promotion
requirements. Entry to the teaching profession possibilities, see Special duties teacher or
in publicly funded schools is through Assistant Principal.
registration with the General Teaching
Council. Besides teaching responsibilities, Teacher (+)
the duties of staff in this category include Country: Malta
participating in school administration, offe-
ring guidance to pupils and reporting to Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
parents on their progress. Teachers in publicly Explanatory note: Teacher at primary, lower
funded schools are appointed through an open secondary and upper secondary levels (for
recruitment procedure and employed by the ages 5-11, 11-16 and 16-18, respectively).
local education authorities. They are not civil Teachers at primary level are trained as
servants, and their contracts may be generalists, while teachers at secondary level
permanent or temporary. In private or fee- are trained as specialists or semi-specialists.
paying schools, they have individual contracts For admission to training, an upper secondary
with their schools. During the process of education certificate is required. Teachers in
school inspection, carried out by Her both categories normally follow a 4-year
Majestys Inspectors of Education (HMIE), degree course combining practice and degree
key areas of school activity are evaluated, and studies leading to a Bachelor of Education
the work of teachers is included in these areas. (B.Ed.). Alternatively, they may follow a one-
Promotion is possible: see Senior teacher, year postgraduate course leading to a
Assistant principal teacher, Principal Postgraduate Certificate in Education
teacher. (PGCE). Teachers in public-sector schools are
recruited following a public call for
applications, and appointed by the Prime
Teacher (+) Minister on the recommendation of the public
Country: Ireland service commission. They are employed by
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- the Education Division as civil servants and
dary evaluated by the head of school and the
Explanatory note: Teacher at secondary education officers. In grant-aided private
schools (second level schools) for ages 12-15 schools, they are employed on a contractual
and 15-18, and in adult education, who is a basis by the school governing body. Until the


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Tecnico di laboratorio

2000/01 school year, staff in this category also use of information and communications
worked at post-secondary level (for ages 18- technology in the classroom, and contributing
21). With effect from the 2001/02 school year, to the health and well-being of pupils. They
they have to reapply for the post of are employed by the local education authority
Assitant Lecturer. (LEA), the Education and Library Board (in
Northern Ireland) or the school, depending on
Teaching assistant the category of school. Evaluation procedures
Country: Malta and promotion opportunities depend on the
Level: Tertiary individual school or authority. Synonym:
Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at the Classroom assistant.
University of Malta normally enrolling Note: Other terms are also in use to denote
students from the age of 18. Her/his teaching assistants depending on the local
responsibilities involve teaching, research and education authority/Education and Library
other related work. Candidates for these posts, Board concerned.
who normally have a bachelors degree with
first or second class honours, are recruited on Technical Demonstrator
the basis of a competitive examination Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
procedure organised by the University, and a Level: Tertiary
selection board recommendation. Posts may Explanatory note: Technical staff (usually
be advertised for appointments within the postgraduate students) who undertake
grade, and are generally occupied either by teaching duties in tertiary education
promising new graduates or highly institutions and university departments
experienced persons in a technical area of (general and vocational education for students
specialisation. These staff are appointed by normally aged over 18). There are no statutory
the Council of the University, and employed qualifications, but demonstrators usually have
by the latter on a permanent or contractual a good first degree (in general a Bachelors
basis (normally for 4 years). The University degree with first or upper second class
has no formal procedures for their evaluation. honours), and are studying for a Masters
degree or doctorate. They are usually
Teaching assistant recruited from within the department in which
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) they are studying. Demonstrators are
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary normally employed by the institution for the
Explanatory note: Staff member employed duration of their research studies. Although
to assist teachers in the classroom in primary practices vary, responsibilities generally
and secondary schools (for ages 4/5 and 11- include supervising laboratory sessions,
16/18). The term teaching assistant is helping students with technical problems in
sometimes used to cover all assistants in a their practical work, checking attendance and
school, including Specialist teaching reporting back to Lecturers on the success
assistant, Pre-school assistant and of sessions.
Learning support assistant. There are no
national requirements for training or Tecnico di laboratorio
qualifications, although some local authorities Country: Italy
and schools stipulate their own requirements. Grammatical variants: Tecnici di labora-
However, national occupational standards are torio
currently undergoing development to form the Level: Upper secondary
basis of a specialist National Vocational Explanatory note: Assistant of Insegnante
Qualification (NVQ). Their main responsi- tecnico-pratico at upper secondary school, for
bilities include help with classroom resources pupils aged between 14 and 19. The main task
and records, assistance with the care and of staff in this category is to help teachers with
support of pupils, support for learning class activities. They do not have special
activities and for literacy, numeracy and the training, as only a relevant diploma di


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Tcnico/ca Superior en Educacin Infantil

superamento dellesame di Stato conclusivo promoted to Special duties teacher or

dei corsi di studio di istruzione secondaria Assistant Principal.
superiore is required for this position. Staff
are recruited following a national competitive Tohtoriassistentti
examination (concorso), as a result of which Country: Finland
they acquire permanent status. They are
Grammatical variants: Tohtoriassistentit,
employed by the State and, in public schools,
they are civil servants. They are only
evaluated after the first year of tenure by the Level: Tertiary
headteacher. For information on appointment, Explanatory note: Teacher at university
see Insegnante di scuola dellinfanzia. normally enrolling students from the age of
19, who has teaching, management and,
Tcnico/ca Superior en Educacin Infantil above all, research reponsibilities. Candidates
for the position are required to have a
Country: Spain
tohtorintutkinto diploma, good teaching
Grammatical variants: Tcnicos/cas Super- skills and, where necessary, need to have
iores en Educacin Infantil practical experience of the field in question.
Level: Pre-primary For information on recruitment, appointment,
Explanatory note: Teacher and/or assistant status, see professori. Swedish term:
(depending on the requirements of the Doktorassistent.
educational institution concerned) of
Maestro/ra (+) at escuelas de Educacin
Infantil enrolling pupils between 3 months
and 3 years old. (S)he is trained as a Country: Iceland
generalist at tertiary level. The Bachiller Grammatical variants: Tnmenntakennarar
diploma is required for admission to the Level: Primary/lower secondary
2-year training course, which consists of non- Explanatory note: Teacher at grunnskli
academic professional studies leading to the enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 16, who
degree of Tcnico Superior en Educacin is trained as a subject specialist in music at the
Infantil. For information on recruitment, Tnlistarsklinn Reykjavk (Reykjavik
appointment, status, employer and College of Music). Satisfactory performance
evaluation, see maestro. in an entrance examination, as well as
previous study of music, are required to
Temporary teacher (+) embark on training which lasts 3 years, leads
Country: Ireland to a bachelors degree in Music Education
Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary (BEd) and qualification as a teacher of music.
Explanatory note: Normally a Mains- Tnmenntakennari can also be trained at
tream class teacher in a primary school (for Kennarahskli slands (Iceland University
ages 4-12) or a Teacher in a secondary of Education) in the general programme for
schools (for ages 12-18). These staff provide teacher trainees, who may select music as an
temporary cover for absent teachers, and are optional course. In this case, satisfactory
paid on the same salary scale as mainstream performance in the stdentsprf examination,
class teachers. A temporary teacher with 3 or its equivalent, is required to embark on
years of continuous temporary service may be training which is both academic and practical
granted panel rights which amount to and leads to a BEd degree. For information on
permanency. Where appointment is for a appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
period of 8 months or longer, the selection see Grunnsklakennari.
procedures for appointment to a permanent
post are applicable. For information on initial Tutor
training, recruitment, employer, see mains- Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI)
tream class teacher. Temporary teachers Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon-
working only at primary level may be dary/tertiary


Part T Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:34 Page 145


Explanatory note: Term used at all levels of pupils/students as, for example, class tutors or
education from lower secondary level personal tutors. In tertiary education, further
upwards to denote Classroom teachers, education and, in particular, adult education
Assistant teachers or Lecturers who, institutions where teaching is carried out in
besides their teaching duties, have pastoral relatively small groups, the term is often used
(welfare) responsibilities for groups of as a synonym for lecturer.


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Country: Czech Republic

Uitel/ka 1.-5. ronku zkladn koly

Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky 1.-5.

ronku zkladn koly, uitel*
Level: Primary

aged between 11 and 15. (S)he is trained as a

subject specialist or semi-specialist, usually
at a faculty of education at a university
(univerzita). The upper secondary school
leaving certificate (vysvden o maturitn
Explanatory note: Teacher at the first stage zkouce) is necessary to embark on training,
of the zkladn kola enrolling pupils aged and applicants must fulfil institutional/faculty
between 6 and 11. (S)he is trained as a requirements. Specialist training for 6th to
generalist, usually in the faculty of education 9th grade teachers lasts 5 years and contains
at a university (univerzita). The upper both a theoretical and practical part. Trainees
secondary school leaving certificate can also undertake a 4- or 5-year study
(vysvden o maturitn zkouce) is necessary programme for other levels or types of school
to embark on training, and applicants must with additional (usually 2-year) courses for
fulfil institutional/faculty requirements. lower secondary school teaching. Successful
Specialist training for 1st to 5th grade teachers training leads to the title of magistr. Other
lasts 4 years and contains both a theoretical training possibilities for these teachers also
and practical part. Trainees can also undertake exist. Teachers are appointed by the school
a 4- or 5-year study programme for other head (editel/ka samostatnho druhho stupn
levels or types of school with additional zkladn koly or editel/ka zkladn koly) in
(usually 2-year) courses for primary level accordance with an open recruitment
teaching. Successful training leads to the title procedure. For all information on employer,
of magistr. Other training possibilities for status and evaluation, see Uitel/ka
these teachers also exist. Teachers are matesk koly.
appointed by the school head (editel/ka
prvho stupn zkladn koly or editel/ka Uitel/ka matesk koly
zkladn koly) in accordance with an open Country: Czech Republic
recruitment procedure. For all information on Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky matesk
employer, status and evaluation, see koly, uitel*
Uitel/ka matesk koly. Level: Pre-primary
Explanatory note: Teacher at the matesk
Uitel/ka 6.-9. ronku zkladn koly (+) kola enrolling children aged between 3 and
Country: Czech Republic 6, who is trained as a generalist usually at the
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky 6.-9. stedn odborn kola (upper secondary
ronku zkladn koly, uitel* education institution specialising in teacher
Level: Lower secondary training for pre-primary education). Training
Explanatory note: Teacher at the second lasts 4 years. Admission is based on
stage of the zkladn kola enrolling pupils successful completion of the zkladn kola,


Part U Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:36 Page 148

Uitel/ka odbornho uilit

and applicants must fulfil institutional admission year of practice in a relevant profession. They
requirements. Successful training leads to the also have to satisfactorily complete the
award of the vysvden o maturitn zkouce additional (usually 2-year) special teacher
certificate. Other training possibilities for these training course at a faculty of education. For
teachers also exist, even at university level. In information on appointment, employer,
schools which have the status of a legal entity, evaluation and status, see Uitel/ka
teachers are appointed by the school head speciln zkladn koly.
(editel/ka matesk koly) in accordance with an
open recruitment procedure, and are employed Uitel/ka odbornch pedmt konzervatoe (+)
by the school on a contractual basis. The district Country: Czech Republic
authority (okresn ad) is the employer of Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky odbornch
teachers at schools which are not legal entities, pedmt konzervatoe, uitel*
and specially selects someone to appoint them. In Level: Lower/upper secondary/tertiary
this case, teachers are also employed on a Explanatory note: Teacher of specialised
contractual basis. The school inspector (koln education subjects at the konzervato
inspektor/ka) is responsible for their evaluation. enrolling pupils aged 11-19 (in the field of
dance) and 15-21 (in singing, music and
Uitel/ka odbornho uilit (+) dramatic arts). (S)he is trained as a subject
Country: Czech Republic specialist at a university (univerzita) or
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky odbornho konzervato. The upper secondary school
uilit, uitel* leaving certificate (vysvden o maturitn
Level: Upper secondary zkouce) is necessary to embark on university
Explanatory note: Teacher at special training, and applicants must fulfil
vocational school (odborn uilit) enrolling institutional/faculty requirements. Admission
remedial school graduates, usually aged to 8 years of study/training in the field of
between 15 and 17/19. The qualifications dance at the konzervato depends on
required by these teachers are similar to those successful completion of the 5th grade of
of the Uitel/ka veobecn vzdlvacch zkladn kola, and an entrance examination
pedmt stedn koly (+) and Uitel/ka organised by the school. Admission to 6 years
odbornch pedmt stedn koly (+) with the of study/training in singing, music and
additional (usually 2-year) special teacher dramatic arts at the konzervato depends on
training course at a faculty of education. For successful completion of the final year of
information on appointment, employer, zkladn kola and an entrance examination
evaluation and status, see Uitel/ka organised by the school. Successful training at
speciln zkladn koly. university leads to the titles of bakal (3 years
of study) or magistr (4-5 years of study).
Uitel/ka odbornho vcviku speciln koly Successful training (6 or 8 years) at the
Country: Czech Republic konzervato leads to the award of the
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky odbornho vysveden o absolutoriu diploma. Other
vcviku speciln koly, uitel* training possibilities for these teachers also
Level: Upper secondary exist. In all cases, teachers gain their teaching
Explanatory note: Teacher conducting qualifications in the complementary training
practical training at the workshops of special course. For further information on this course,
upper secondary schools which are organised as well as on appointment and evaluation see
by type of handicap and provide education Uitel/ka odbornch pedmt stedn koly
and vocational training for pupils aged (+).
between 15 and 17/19. Besides qualifications
similar to those of the Uitel/ka pedmtu Uitel/ka odbornch pedmt stedn koly (+)
praxe, these teachers require a certificate Country: Czech Republic
(vun list) from 2- to 3-year vocational Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky odbornch
upper secondary education, with at least 1 pedmt stedn koly, uitel*


Part U Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:36 Page 149

Uitel/ka pedmtu praxe

Level: Upper secondary who, although they have intellectual

Explanatory note: Teacher of specialised development deficiencies that prevent them
subjects at upper secondary schools, including from being educated in a regular, special or
schools of arts (stedn umleck kola), which remedial school, are able to benefit from at
enrol pupils aged from 15 to 18/19. Staff in least some aspects of education. For further
this category may also sometimes teach in a information, see Uitel/ka speciln
vy odborn kola. They are trained as zkladn koly.
subject specialists, usually at a university
(univerzita), in courses not specifically related Uitel/ka praktick koly (+)
to teaching. The upper secondary school Country: Czech Republic
leaving certificate (vysvden o maturitn Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky praktick
zkouce) is necessary to embark on training, koly, uitel*
and applicants must fulfil institutional/faculty Level: Upper secondary
requirements. Explanatory note: Teacher at special
For general and technical/professional vocational school (praktick kola) enrolling
upper secondary school teaching, they remedial and auxiliary school graduates or
normally do 4- to 5-year university pupils who have finished zkladn kola
courses in a particular area of before completing the 9th year of compulsory
specialisation, which are not specifically school attendance. The qualifications required
related to teaching and lead to the title of by these teachers are similar to those of the
magistr in the subject concerned. Uitel/ka veobecn vzdlvacch pedmt
For stedn umleck kola teaching, they stedn koly (+) and Uitel/ka odbornch
usually do the 3- to 6-year university pedmt stedn koly (+) with the additional
course in a particular area of (usually 2-year) special teacher training
specialisation. Successful training leads to course at a faculty of education. For
the titles of bakal (3 years of study) or information on appointment, employer,
magistr (4-6 years of study). evaluation and status, see Uitel/ka
In either case, teachers gain their teaching speciln zkladn koly.
qualifications in the complementary training
course provided mainly by faculties of Uitel/ka pedmtu praxe
education. This course normally lasts 2 years Country: Czech Republic
(part-time study) and focuses primarily on Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky pedmtu
pedagogical and psychological training. praxe, uitel*
Students who pass their final exam obtain a Level: Upper secondary
certificate. Other training possibilities for Explanatory note: Teacher for practical
these teachers also exist. They are appointed training or of a practical subject in the
by the school head (editel/ka stedn koly) in workshop of an upper secondary
accordance with an open recruitment vocational/technical school (pupils aged 15 to
procedure and employed by the school on a 17/19). These teachers are trained as
contractual basis. The school inspector (koln specialists at university (univerzita) in a
inspektor/ka) is responsible for their particular vocational/technical field. The
evaluation. upper secondary school leaving certificate
(vysvden o maturitn zkouce) is necessary
Uitel/ka pomocn koly to embark on training, and applicants must
Country: Czech Republic fulfil institutional/faculty requirements.
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky pomocn Successful training leads to the title of bakal
koly, uitel* (3 years of study) or magistr (4-5 years of
Level: Primary/lower secondary study). Teachers in this category can also be
Explanatory note: Teacher at an auxiliary graduates from 2- to 3-year vocational upper
school (pomocn kola). These schools secondary education, who hold the vun list
normally enrol pupils aged between 6 and 20 certificate in the field concerned. Other


Part U Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:36 Page 150

Uitel/ka speciln matesk koly

training possibilities for them also exist. In all Explanatory note: Teacher at special basic
cases, they gain their teaching qualifications school (speciln zkladn kola) enrolling
in the complementary training course. For pupils aged between 6 and 15/16 with special
further information on this course, as well as educational needs (usually physical handicaps
on appointment and evaluation, see or behavioural or learning difficulties). These
Uitel/ka odbornch pedmt stedn teachers are normally trained as specialists or
koly (+). semi-specialists, in the faculty of education at a
university (univerzita). The upper secondary
Uitel/ka speciln matesk koly school leaving certificate (vysvden o
Country: Czech Republic maturitn zkouce) is necessary to embark on
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky speciln training, and applicants must fulfil
matesk koly, uitel* institutional/faculty requirements. Specialised
Level: Pre-primary training in special teaching for a particular type
Explanatory note: Teacher at special pre- or level of school lasts 5 years, and successful
primary school (speciln matesk kola) students are awarded the title magistr. Staff in
enrolling children with special educational this category are appointed by the school head
needs usually aged between 3 and 6. (S)he is (editel/ka speciln koly) in accordance with
trained similarly to the Uitel/ka matesk an open recruitment procedure and employed
koly with the additional (usually 2-year) part- by the institution on a contractual basis. The
time special teacher training course at a school inspector (koln inspektor/ka) is
university faculty of education. For responsible for their evaluation.
information on appointment, employer,
evaluation and status, see Uitel/ka Uitel/ka veobecn vzdlvacch pedmt
speciln zkladn koly. stedn koly (+)
Country: Czech Republic
Uitel/ka speciln stedn koly (+) Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky veobecn
Country: Czech Republic vzdlvacch pedmt stedn koly, uitel*
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky speciln Level: Lower/upper secondary
stedn koly, uitel* Explanatory note: Teacher of general
Level: Upper secondary education subjects at lower and upper
Explanatory note: Teachers at various types secondary education institutions enrolling
of special upper secondary school (speciln pupils aged between 11/15 and 18/19, who is
stedn kola) which enrol pupils aged from 15 trained as a subject specialist or semi-
to 18/19 and, in the case of the konzervato, specialist in the faculty of education at a
up to the age of 22. The qualifications university (univerzita). Staff in this category
required by these teachers are the same as in may also sometimes teach in a vy odborn
the case of the Uitel/ka veobecn kola. The upper secondary school leaving
vzdlvacch pedmt stedn koly (+), certificate (vysvden o maturitn zkouce) is
Uitel/ka odbornch pedmt stedn koly necessary to embark on training, and
(+) and Uitel/ka odbornch pedmt applicants must fulfil institutional/faculty
konzervatoe (+) with the additional (usually requirements. Specialised theoretical and
2-year) special teacher training course at a practical training for these teachers lasts 5
faculty of education. For information on years. They can also undertake a 4- or 5-year
appointment, employer, evaluation and status, study programme for other levels or types of
see Uitel/ka speciln zkladn koly. school with additional (usually 2-year)
courses for upper secondary school teaching.
Uitel/ka speciln zkladn koly Successful training leads to the award of the
Country: Czech Republic title of magistr. For all information on
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky speciln appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
zkladn koly, uitel* see Uitel/ka odbornch pedmt stedn
Level: Primary/lower secondary koly (+).


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Uitel/ka pecilnej koly

Uitel/ka zvltn koly research and management at tertiary

Country: Czech Republic education institutions. See Asistent/ka,
Grammatical variants: Uitel/lky zvltn Docent/ka, Lektor/ka, Odborn/n
koly, uitel* asistent/ka, Profesor/ka.
Level: Primary/lower secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher at a remedial Uitel/ka odbornch predmetov
school (zvltn kola) enrolling pupils aged Country: Slovakia
between 6 and 15 who have intellectual Grammatical variants: Uitelia/lky odbornch
deficiencies that prevent them from being predmetov, uitel*
taught in the regular zkladn kola or special Level: Upper secondary
basic school (speciln zkladn kola). For Explanatory note: Teacher of specialised
further information, see Uitel/ka speciln education subjects at technical/vocational
zkladn koly. upper secondary schools (stredn odborn
kola/stredn odborn uilite) and at arts-
Uitel/ka materskej koly oriented institutions (konzervatrium) for
Country: Slovakia pupils aged between 15-19 and 15-18
Grammatical variants: Uitelia/lky materskej respectively. These teachers are trained
koly, uitel* as specialists at university, and the upper
Level: Pre-primary secondary school leaving certificate
Explanatory note: Teacher at matersk kola (vysvedenie o maturitnej skke) and
for children aged between 3 and 6. There are (vysvedenie o maturitnej skke a talentov
2 training options: 1) candidates are trained at skky) is required for admission to training.
secondary pedagogical school (stredn For those wishing to teach at stredn odborn
pedagogick kola). Admission is based on kola/stredn odborn uilite, the training
successful completion of the zkladn kola consists either of a 5-year university course
and they have to pass examinations focused on a pedagogical branch for technical
(prijmacie skky). The period of theoretical subjects (sben tdium ininierske
and practical study lasts 4 years and leads to a pedagogick) leading to the magister/
the award of the school leaving certificate; 2) ininier diploma, or a 5- to 6-year university
it is also possible to obtain the qualification at course directly focused on technical branches,
university, in which case the upper secondary or various branches such as agriculture,
school leaving certificate (vysvedenie o medicine, economics, arts (including a 2-year
maturitnej skke) is required for admission. additional pedagogical study called doplnkov
The (theoretical and practical) training pedagogick tdium) leading to the magister/
consists of a 4-year period of academic ininier diploma. To teach at konzervatrium,
specialisation for pre-primary education teachers have to be konzervatrium graduates
leading to the magister diploma with and have the Absolventsky diplom certificate.
specialisation for teaching at this level. For information on recruitment, appointment,
Teachers are recruited on the basis of an open employer, status and evaluation, see
recruitment procedure, and appointed and Uitel/ka veobecnovzdelvacch predmetov
employed by the local authority (okresn strednej koly (+).
rad) as civil servants. They are evaluated by
a school inspector (kolsk inpektor). Uitel/ka pecilnej koly
Country: Slovakia
Uitel/ka na vysokej kole Grammatical variants: Uitelia/lky pecilnej
Country: Slovakia koly, uitel*
Grammatical variants: Uitelia/lky na vysokej Level: Primary/lower/upper secondary
kole, uitel* Explanatory note: Teacher at primary, lower
Level: Tertiary and upper secondary special schools
Explanatory note: General term for (pecilna kola) for pupils aged between 6
academic staff responsible for teaching, and 19 with special educational needs, who is


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Uitel/ka veobecnovzdelvacch predmetov strednej koly

university trained as a specialist. The upper (okresn rad). They are civil servants, and
secondary school leaving certificate evaluated by a school inspector (kolsk
(vysvedenie o maturitnej skke) is required inpektor).
for admission to the (theoretical and practical)
training. Extended to the study of special Uitel/ka zkladnej koly pre 1-4 ronik
pedagogy for youth with special educational Country: Slovakia
needs (pecilna pedagogika pre mlde so Grammatical variants: Uitelia/lky zkladnej
pecilnymi potrebami vo vzdelvan) or the koly pre 1-4 ronik, uitel*
study of special pedagogy (pecilna Level: Primary
pedagogika), training is the same as in the Explanatory note: Teacher at the first stage
case of the Uitel/ka zkladnej koly of zkladn kola for pupils aged between 6
pre 1-4 ronik or Uitel/ka zkladnej koly and 10, who is trained as a generalist at
pre 5-9 ronik (+) or Uitel/ka university. The upper secondary school
veobecnovzdelvacch predmetov strednej leaving certificate (vysvedenie o maturitnej
koly (+), depending on the level concerned. skke) is required for admission to the
Students may specialise in a particular (theoretical and practical) training, which
pedagogical area related to a given form of consists of a 4-year academic course focused
handicap. For all information on recruitment, on the first stage of basic school (uitestvo
employer, status and evaluation, see uitel pre I. stupe zkladnej koly) leading to the
zkladnej koly pre 1-4 ronik, uite magister diploma. These teachers are
zkladnej koly pre 5-9 ronk, uite appointed by the local authority (okresn
veobecnovzdelvacch predmetov strednej rad), and employed by it or by the school (if
koly, uite odbornch predmetov. the latter is a legal entity). For information on
recruitment, status and evaluation, see
Uitel/ka veobecnovzdelvacch predmetov Uitel/ka materskej koly.
strednej koly (+)
Country: Slovakia Uitel/ka zkladnej koly pre 5-9 ronik (+)
Grammatical variants: Uitelia/lky Country: Slovakia
veobecnovzdelvacch predmetov strednej Grammatical variants: Uitelia/ky zkladnej
koly, uitel* koly pre 5-9 ronik, uitel*
Level: Upper secondary Level: Lower secondary
Explanatory note: Teacher at general upper Explanatory note: Teacher at the second
secondary schools (gymnzium) for pupils stage of zkladn kola for pupils aged
aged between 15 and 19, who is university between 10 and 15, who is trained as a
trained as a specialist. Training depends on specialist at university (2 major subjects). The
the internal structure of universities upper secondary school leaving certificate
preparing teaching staff for upper secondary (vysvedenie o maturitnej skke) is required
schools. The upper secondary school leaving for admission to the (theoretical and practical)
certificate (vysvedenie o maturitnej skke) training, which consists of a 5-year academic
is required for admission to the (theoretical course focused on the second stage of basic
and practical) training, which consists of a 5- school (uitestvo pre II. stupe zkladnej
year academic course focused on 2 major koly) leading to the magister diploma. These
subjects (uitestvo eobecnovzdelvacch teachers are recruited on the basis of an open
predmetov kombincie predmetov) leading to recruitment procedure, and appointed by the
the magister diploma. These teachers are local authority (okresn rad) or by the
recruited on the basis of an open recruitment headteacher (riadite/ka) of the school (if the
procedure, and appointed by the local latter is a legal entity). Their employer is the
authority (krajsk rad) or by the school (if a legal entity) or the local authority
headteacher (riadite/ka) of the school (if the (okresn rad). They are civil servants, and
latter is a legal entity). Their employer is the evaluated by a school inspector (kolsk
school (if a legal entity) or the local authority inpektor).


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Uitelj/ica razrednega pouka

Uitelj/ica (+) (pripravniki) in the institution in which they

Country: Slovenia intend to teach. On completion of a
Grammatical variants: Uitelji/ce, uitelj* qualifying phase on the job lasting 10
months, they take a teaching certification
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary
examination (strokovni izpit) supervised by
Explanatory note: Teacher at general, a state teaching examination board appointed
technical, artistic or vocational upper by the Minister of Education. The head
secondary education institutions (gimnazije, of their institution (ravnatelj/ica) and school
srednje strokovne/tehnike ole and poklicne inspector (inpektor/ica za olstvo) are
ole) for pupils aged between 15 and 19. responsible or evaluating them. For
These teachers may be grouped into 3 main promotion possibilities, see Mentor/ica.
categories, as follows: 1) those trained as General term: Srednjeolski/ka uitelj/ica.
general education subject specialists (uitelji
splonoizobraevalnih predmetov); 2) those
trained as subject-specific theory specialists Uitelj/ica predmetnega pouka
( uitelji strokovnoteoretinih predmetov) ; Country: Slovenia
and 3) those who give practical instruction Grammatical variants: Uitelji/ce predmetnega
(uitelji praktinega pouka in vein) . pouka, uitelj* predmetnega pouka
Teachers in the first two categories are Level: Lower secondary
trained in various academic tertiary Explanatory note: Formal term for
education courses. The upper secondary Predmetni/na uitelj/ica (+).
school leaving examination certificate
(matura) is required to embark on training, in Uitelj/ica razrednega pouka
which courses for general education subject
specialists (mainly teacher training Country: Slovenia
programmes with both theoretical and Grammatical variants: Uitelji/ce razrednega
practical components) last 4 years. pouka, uitelj* razrednega pouka
Successful training leads to the award of the Level: Primary
professional title of profesor/ica (+). Explanatory note: Teacher at the first stage
Graduates from non-teacher training of the osnovna ola, including special
programmes are awarded an appropriate education institutions (grades 1 to 4/5),
professional title, such as univerzitetni/na for pupils aged between 6/7 and 11/12,
diplomirani/na (+), and have to complete the who is trained as a generalist at the
one-semester additional teacher training pedagoka fakulteta (faculty of education).
course (program pedagoko-andragokega Satisfactory performance in the upper
izobraevanja). Teachers who give practical secondary school leaving examination
instruction have to successfully complete at certificate (matura) and in a musical
least srednja strokovna ola (secondary aptitude test are required to enter academic
technical school), acquire 3 years of work tertiary education, which lasts 4 years and
experience in their field of specialisation, contains both a theoretical and practical
and also complete a one-semester teacher part. Successful training is marked by the
training course or pass a master craftsman award of the professional title of profesor/ica
examination (mojstrski izpit). An additional razrednega pouka, but an additional special
special teaching qualification (specialna teaching qualification (specialna pedagoka
pedagoka izobrazba) is required in order to izobrazba) is required for work with children
work with children with special needs. with special needs. For appointment,
These staff are appointed by the head of the employer, status, evaluation and qualifying
institution concerned (ravnatelj/ica) on the phase on the job, see Uitelj/ica (+).
basis of an open recruitment procedure and For promotion possibilities, see
employed by the central government. In Mentor/ica. Abbreviation: Uitelj/ica RP.
public institutions, they have civil servant Common term: Razredni/na uitelj/ica .
status. They begin their career as trainees General term: Osnovnoolski/ka uitelj/ica.


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Uitelj/ica RP

Uitelj/ica RP Undervisningsassistent
Country: Slovenia Country: Danemark
Level: Primary Grammatical variants:
Undervisningsassistenten, -assistenter, -assis-
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of tenterne
Uitelj/ica razrednega pouka. Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Part-time assistant teacher
Uitelj/ica vein at universities normally enrolling students
Country: Slovenia from the age of 19, who performs independent
teaching assignments of a usually rudimentary
Grammatical variants: Uitelji/ce vein, nature, or teaches at the level of Adjunkt,
uitelj* Lektor or Professor. Satisfactory perfor-
Level: Tertiary mance in the candidatus examination or its
Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at equivalent is required for appointment which
tertiary education institutions normally is normally for 3 years at a time. These staff
enrolling students from the age of 19. Staff are appointed by their institution in
who occupy this post should hold at least a accordance with an open recruitment
first degree, have 5 years of professional procedure and employed by it on a group
experience and demonstrate outstanding contract basis. They are subject to no
achievements in their field. In principle, their individual formal assessment procedures.
title is awarded for an indefinite period but it
may also be revoked. They are mainly Universitair docent
responsible for the provision of teaching Country: The Netherlands
assistance. For further information on Grammatical variants: Universitaire docen-
qualifications, appointment, employer, status ten
and evaluation, see Asistent/ka. General Level: Tertiary
term: Visokoolski/ke sodelavci/vke. Explanatory note: Teacher at universities
normally enrolling students from the age of
Unattached teacher 18. Although there are no specific statutory
requirements regarding previous training, in
Country: United Kingdom (E/W/NI) practice the degree of doctor is a preferred
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon- qualification for appointment. The
dary responsibilities of these teachers include
Explanatory note: Teacher who is not scientific and educational tasks and their
attached to a particular school, but deployed promotion prospects relate to Universitair
by the local education authority (LEA), or (in hoofddocent, although opportunities for
Northern Ireland) the Education and Library promotion depend on the individual
Board (Board). Initial training is the same as institution or authority concerned. For
for a Classroom teacher or Assistant information on appointment, employer, status
teacher and recruitment is by open procedures and evaluation, see Lector.
by senior staff of the LEA/Board. The main
responsibilities of teachers in this category Universitair hoofddocent
vary, and it may include peripatetic teachers Country: The Netherlands
such as music teachers, supply teachers and Grammatical variants: Universitaire hoofd-
teachers employed to provide education at docenten
home (home tutors) for certain pupils. Level: Tertiary
Unattached teachers are employed by the Explanatory note: Promotion title for
LEA/Board and considered to be public Universitair docent at universities normally
employees but they are not civil servants. enrolling students from the age of 18. The
Evaluation and promotion are the same as for responsibilities of these teachers, which are
a classroom teacher/assistant teacher. broader than those of a universitair docent,


Part U Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:36 Page 155


include scientific and educational duties and, appointed by the Rektor/in of the university
in some institutions, organisational tasks. concerned on the basis of an open recruitment
They can be promoted to the post of procedure (with the decision taken by
Hoogleraar although promotion opportunities the appropriate university Habilitations-
depend on the individual institution or kommission). They are employed either
authority concerned. For information on permanently by the university as civil servants,
qualifications required, see universitair or in accordance with a part-time contract. The
docent. For appointment, employer, status and head of the institute (Institutsvor/stand/stndin)
evaluation, see Lector. is responsible for evaluating them.

Universittsassistent/in Universittslektor/in
Country: Austria Country: Austria
Grammatical variants: Grammatical variants:
Universittsassistent/en/innen* Universittslektor/en/innen*
Level: Tertiary Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Teacher at universities
Explanatory note: Teacher at universities
normally enrolling students from the age of
normally enrolling students from the age of
18, who works under the supervision of a
18, who is responsible for certain individual
Universittsprofessor/in, and is also respon-
course lectures under the supervision of a
sible for certain individual course lectures.
Universittsprofessor/in. This post may be
This post may be occupied by a person
occupied by a person holding a Magister or
holding a Magister or Diplom-... degree and,
Diplom-... degree. Teachers are appointed by
if (s)he is to be eligible for promotion, the
the Rektor/in of the university on the basis of
degree of Doktor. Staff in this category have
an open recruitment procedure (with the
teaching and research responsibilities. They
decision taken by the appropriate university
are appointed by the Rektor/in of the
Personalkommission), and are permanently
university concerned on the basis of an open
employed by the university following a period
recruitment procedure (with the decision
spent working as a Lehrbeauftragte/r. The
taken by the appropriate university
head of the institute (Institutsvor/stand/stndin)
Personalkommission) and employed by the
is responsible for evaluating them. Other title
university. For the first 3 to 6 years,
for teaching practical-oriented subjects):
employment is for a limited period but may
then, under certain circumstances, become
permanent with civil servant status. The head
of the institute (Institutsvor/stand/stndin) is Universittsprofessor/in
responsible for evaluating these teachers. Country: Austria
Other title (for assistants on a contractual Grammatical variants:
basis): Vertragsassistent/in. Universittsprofessor/en/innen*
Level: Tertiary
Universittsdozent/in Explanatory note: Highest grade of teacher
Country: Austria at universities normally enrolling students
Grammatical variants: from the age of 18, who is responsible for
Universittsdozent/en/innen* unsupervised teaching of an academic subject
Level: Tertiary and for research. Posts in this category may be
Explanatory note: Teacher at universities occupied by persons holding the degree of
normally enrolling students from the age of Doktor and a Habilitation or its equivalent.
18, who is responsible for teaching an Teachers are appointed by the Rektor/in of
academic subject. This post may be occupied the university concerned on the basis of an
by a person holding the degree of Doktor and open recruitment procedure. They are
a Habilitation. Staff in this category have permanently employed by the university and
teaching and research responsibilities, and are are civil servants. The head of institute


Part U Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:36 Page 156


(Institutsvor/stand/stndin) and the Rektor/in University demonstrator

are responsible for evaluating them. Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
Level: Tertiary
Universiteitsprofessor Explanatory note: Assistant who is a student
Country: The Netherlands studying for a Masters degree or Ph.D. S(he)
Grammatical variants: Universiteitsprofessoren may be employed by the institution concerned,
Level: Tertiary during the period of studies and is supervised by
Explanatory note: Top grade of researcher/ the Professor. Staff in this category contribute
teacher at universities normally enrolling to the work of a university department, and to
students from the age of 18. Staff in this very courses in higher education by taking either
recently introduced category have usually classes or seminars. Their appointment is
reached the highest possible level in their field equivalent to that of an assistant lecturer
and only a very limited number are appointed although their main function will be that of a
from among the Hoogleraar. They are postgraduate student or post-doctoral fellow.
nominated and employed for general service
by the board of their university and entirely Utchitel () (+)
free to define the area to which their research Country: Bulgaria
and teaching relates. Grammatical variants: Utchiteli
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper secon-
Universitetslektor dary/post-secondary
Country: Finland Explanatory note: Teacher at all levels of
Grammatical variants: Universitetslektorer school education enrolling pupils aged
Level: Tertiary between 3 and 19, who is trained as a
Explanatory note: Swedish term for generalist (for pre-primary and primary
Yliopistonlehtori. levels) and as a subject specialist (secondary
level). The upper secondary school leaving
Universitetslektor certificate (diploma za sredno obrazovanie) is
Country: Norway necessary to embark on training which lasts 4
Grammatical variants: Universitetslektoren, or 5 years for pre-primary and primary
-lektor* schoolteachers, and leads to the degrees of
Level: Tertiary baklavur and magistur, respectively. For
Explanatory note: Assistant of Professor lower and upper secondary schools, teacher
at universities and university colleges training lasts 5 years and leads to the degree of
(hgskole). This post may be occupied by a magistur. Courses are general and followed
person who has passed a higher degree exam by a period of in-school practical work. These
(hovedfag) at a university or university teachers are also entitled to work at special
college, or in equivalent tertiary education education institutions. They are appointed by
or an artistic activity. Professional experience the head of the institution (director -
is also taken into account. These staff pp) in accordance with an open
mainly have teaching responsibilities. recruitment procedure, employed by the
They can be promoted to the post of municipality on a permanent contract and
Frsteamanuensis. For information on evaluated by the head of the regional
appointment, employer, status and evaluation, inspectorate (natchalnik na inspectorat -
see Hgskolelektor. Old term: Amanuensis. p).


Part V Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:38 Page 157

Country: Latvia
Vidjs izgltbas skolotjs/a (+)

Grammatical variants: Vidjs izgltbas

Level: Upper secondary

employer, status, evaluation see

Profesors/e. General term: Pasniedzjs/a.


Country: Latvia
Explanatory note: Teacher at general Grammatical variants: Vieslektori/es,
(vidusskolas, imnzijas, liceji) and vocational
education institutions (profesonls izgltbas
Level: Tertiary
iestdes) enrolling pupils aged between 15 and
18, who is university-trained as a subject Explanatory note: Visiting teacher at a tertiary
specialist. The upper secondary school education institution normally enrolling
leaving certificate (atestts par visprjo vidjo students from the age of 18. For information on
izgltbu) or its equivalent is necessary to appointment, see Viesprofesors/e. For
embark on training which lasts 4-5 years and information on qualifications, responsibilities,
contains both a theoretical and practical part. employer, status, evaluation, see Lektors/e.
Successful training leads to the award of the
bachelor of pedagogy degree (pedagoijas Viesprofesors/e
bakalaura grds) or a subject specialist Country: Latvia
qualification (priekmeta skolotjs) or Grammatical variants: Viesprofesori/es,
secondary school teachers qualification viesprofesoru
(vidjs izgltbas skolotja kvalifikcija). For Level: Tertiary
all information on appointment, employer, Explanatory note: Visiting teacher at a
status and evaluation, see Pirmsskolas tertiary education institution (augstskola,
izgltbas skolotjs/a. universitte) normally enrolling students from
the age of 18. In most cases, the appointment
Viesdocents/e of teachers in tertiary education institutions is
Country: Latvia
by open competition for a 6-year period (see
Grammatical variants: Viesdocenti/es,
Profesors/e). However, following a
Level: Tertiary proposal from the faculty or institutional
Explanatory note: Visiting teacher at a council, the senate (Sents) of the institution
tertiary education institution (augstskola, concerned may decide not to announce a
universitte) normally enrolling students from competition but to fill a vacant, or
the age of 18. For information on temporarily vacant, staff position by
appointment, see Viesprofesors/e. For employing a visiting teacher for up to two
information on qualifications, responsibilities, years. For information on qualifications,


Part V Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:38 Page 158


responsibilities, employer, status, evaluation, Visiting professor

see Profesors/e. General term: Pasniedzjs/a. Country: United Kingdom (Scotland)
Level: Tertiary
Vikar Explanatory note: Teacher who has made a
Country: Danemark considerable contribution in a particular field,
Grammatical variants: Vikaren, vikarer, which is recognised by the host higher
vikarerne education institution concerned. It is unusual
Level: Primary/lower secondary for the appointment of a visiting professor to
Explanatory note: Temporarily employed involve heavy teaching or administrative
teacher at a folkeskole for pupils aged between duties.
6/7 and 16, who is trained in the same way as
a Folkeskolelrer, but who may also be Viji/ja predavatelj/ica
appointed on the basis of other relevant Country: Slovenia
educational or occupational experience. These Grammatical variants: Viji/je predavatelji/ce,
teachers are employed to cover for sickness or vij* predavatelj*
similar forms of absence on the part of a Level: Tertiary
folkeskolelrer, or to satisfy other temporary Explanatory note: Teacher in professionally-
requirements. If their employment lasts less oriented tertiary education programmes
than 3 months, they are paid by the hour and (visokoolski strokovni programi) offered by
their appointment can be cancelled without various types of institution normally enrolling
notice. If they are employed for longer than 3 students from the age of 19. Staff who occupy
months, they are paid on a monthly basis. this post must hold a second degree (generally
Vikarer are appointed by the municipalities in the academic title of magisterij or the
accordance with an open recruitment professional title of specializacija) in an
procedure and employed by them on a group appropriate discipline. Their title is awarded
contract basis. They are subject to no for a period of 5 years by the senat of the
individual formal assessment procedures. relevant tertiary education institution, in
accordance with legislative procedures. The
Vi. pred. title can also be revoked. Staff in this category
Country: Slovenia are primarily responsible for teaching.
Level: Tertiary For appointment, employer, status and
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Viji/ja evaluation, see Asistent/ka. Abbreviations:
predavatelj/ica. Vi. pred., Vi. predavatelj/ica. General term:
Visokoolski/ke uitelji/ice.
Vi. predavatelj/ica
Country: Slovenia Viji/ja strokovni/na sodelavec/vka
Level: Tertiary Country: Slovenia
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Viji/ja Grammatical variants: Viji/je strokovni/ne
predavatelj/ica. sodelavci/vke, vij* strokovn* sodelav*
Level: Tertiary
Vi. strok. sod. Explanatory note: Teacher assistant at
Country: Slovenia tertiary education institutions normally
Level: Tertiary enrolling students from the age of 19. Staff
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Viji/ja who occupy this post should hold at least a
strokovni/na sodelavec/vka. first degree, have 10 years of appropriate
professional experience and demonstrate
Vi. strok. sodelavec/vka outstanding achievements in their field. In
Country: Slovenia principle, their title is awarded for an
Level: Tertiary indefinite period by the senat of the institution
Explanatory note: Abbreviation of Viji/ja concerned, in accordance with legislative
strokovni/na sodelavec/vka. procedures, but it may also be revoked. They


Part V Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:38 Page 159

Vychovatel/ka-asistent/ka uitele

are mainly responsible for the provision of Akademie (non-university tertiary education).
teaching assistance in their institution, but The Volksschullehrer/in is responsible for
they also carry out certain tasks related to teaching nearly all subjects (foreign languages
research or artistic activity. They may be included). The general upper secondary school
appointed to the post of Strokovni/na leaving certificate (Reifeprfungszeugnis), or its
svetnik/ica. For further information on equivalent, is necessary to embark on training
qualifications, appointment, employer, status which lasts at least 3 years and contains both a
and evaluation, see Asistent/ka. theoretical and practical part. Successful training
Abbreviations: Vi. strok. sodelavec/vka, Vi. leads to the award of a Lehramt fr Volksschulen
strok. sod. General term: Visokoolski/ka qualification. The regional school council
sodelavci/vka. (Landesschulrat) or, in some provinces, the
regional government Landesregierung, appoints
Visokoolski/ka sodelavec/vka these teachers and organises the procedure for
Country: Slovenia their recruitment (there is no competitive
Grammatical variants: Visokoolski/ke examination). Teachers are employed by the
sodelavci/vke, visokoolsk* sodelav* regional government (Landesregierung). At the
Level: Tertiary start of their career, they get a fixed-term contract
Explanatory note: General term for all and, after a period of 4 to 10 years, they
academic assistants in tertiary education, see may become civil servants. They are evaluated
Asistent, Strokovni/na sodelavec/vka, by the inspector of the local school council
Strokovni/na svetnik/ica, Uitelj/ica vein, (Bezirksschulinspektor/in).
Viji/ja strokovni/na sodelavec/vka.
Visokoolski/ka uitelj/ica Country: Belgium (German-speaking Com-
Country: Slovenia munity)
Grammatical variants: Visokoolski/ke Level: Pre-primary
uitelji/ice, visokoolsk* uitelj* Explanatory note: Synonym for Kinder-
Level: Tertiary grtner/in.
Explanatory note: General term for all
academic staff responsible for teaching and Vychovatel/ka-asistent/ka uitele
research or artistic activity in tertiary Country: Czech Republic
education, see Docent/ka, Izredni/na Grammatical variants: Vychovatel/lky-
profesor/ica, Lektor/ica, Predavatelj/ica, asistenti/tky uitele, vychovatel*-asistent*
Redni/na profesor/ica, Viji/ja predavatelj/ica. uitele
Level: Primary/lower secondary
Vodja izobraevanja odraslih Explanatory note: Educational support staff
Country: Slovenia at zkladn kola (including special education
Grammatical variants: Vodje izobraevanja schools) with large numbers of socially
odraslih, vodj* izobraevanja odraslih disadvantaged children. Teachers supervise
Level: Lower/upper secondary/post-secon- the work of these staff who are directly
dary responsible to the school head. They must be
Explanatory note: Synonym for older than 18 and should at least have
Organizator/ica izobraevanja odraslih. successfully completed the zkladn kola.
They have to take a short course in the
Volksschullehrer/in rudiments of teaching which is organised by
Country: Austria various accredited institutions and leads to the
Grammatical variants: Volksschullehrer/innen* award of a certificate. School heads have to
Level: Primary apply to the Ministry of Education for this
Explanatory note: Teacher at a Volksschule category of educational staff via the district
enrolling pupils aged between 6 and 10, who authority (okresn ad). Their tasks include
is trained as a generalist at a Pdagogische helping pupils to get used to school, assisting


Part V Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:38 Page 160

Vyresnysis/nioji dstytojas/ja

teachers with classroom activities and Pradini klasi mokytojas/ja, Profesijos

furthering cooperation with childrens parents mokytojas/ja (staff categories to be awarded
and their local community. In schools which the title of vyresnysis mokytojas),
have the status of a legal entity, these support Specialusis/lioji pedagogas/g, and for
staff are appointed by the school head and papildomojo ugdymo pedagogas/g (who
employed by the school. The district authority performs related duties outside school hours).
is their employer at schools which are not The staff concerned must be able to
legal entities, and specially selects someone to demonstrate sound teaching ability as
appoint them. The school inspector (koln teachers (with at least 4 years of experience in
inspektor/ka) is responsible for their the profession), in-service training (including
evaluation. tests) and further professional activities (such
as participation in projects, writing articles,
Vyresnysis/nioji dstytojas/ja assisting less experienced teachers,
Country: Lithuania evaluating and developing subject or study
Grammatical variants: Vyresnieji/niosios programmes, and dissemination of the
dstytojai/jos methodology and teaching material related to
Level: Tertiary the subject area in which the particular staff
Explanatory note: Promotion title (first member has been working). In most cases,
grade) conferred on all those who have promotion is granted by the teacher/appraisal
worked as Dstytojas/ja. The staff concer- commission (pedagog atestacin komisija) of
ned must be able to demonstrate sound the school concerned. The exceptions are the
teaching ability as teachers (with at least 5 profesijos mokytojas, to whom promotion is
years of experience in the profession), in- granted by the qualification commission
service training (including tests) and further (kvalifikacijos komisija) at the Teacher
professional activities (such as participation in Professional Development Centre (Pedagog
projects, writing articles, assisting less profesins raidos centras). The promotion
experienced teachers, evaluating and of these teachers entitles them to an increa-
developing subject or study programmes, and sed salary. Teachers may subsequently
dissemination of the methodology and be promoted to the title of Mokytojas/ja
teaching material related to the subject area in metodininkas/k or Mokytojas/ja
which the particular staff member has been ekspertas/t. A strict immediate sequence, e.g.
working). The promotion is granted by from vyresnysis mokytojas to mokytojas
the chief/general commission for vocatio- metodininkas, is not required. To form a
nal college teacher/appraisal (vyriausioji category-specific promotion title, the first
auktesnij mokykl dstytoj atestacijos element of the generic term (vyresnysis/ioji)
komisija) at the Ministry of Education and of the promotion title is appended to the basic
Science. Teachers may subsequently be term, e.g. vyresnysis/nioji aukltojas/ja.
promoted to the title of Dstytojas/ja
ekspertas/t. For further information, see Vzgojitelj/ica
Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja. Country: Slovenia
Grammatical variants: Vzgojitelji/ice,
Vyresnysis/nioji mokytojas/ja vzgojitelj*
Country: Lithuania Level: Pre-primary
Grammatical variants: Vyresnieji/niosios Explanatory note: Common term for
mokytojai/jos Vzgojitelj/ica predolskih otrok.
Level: Pre-primary/primary/lower/upper
secondary Vzgojitelj/ica predolskih otrok
Explanatory note: Promotion title (first Country: Slovenia
grade) conferred on all those who have Grammatical variants: Vzgojitelji/ce
worked as Aukltojas/ja, Bendrojo predolskih otrok, vzgojitelj* predolskih
lavinimo dalyko/k mokytojas/ja (+), otrok


Part V Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:38 Page 161

Vzgojitelj/ica predolskih otrok

Level: Pre-primary second teacher in the first year of the 9-year

Explanatory note: Teacher at vrtec osnovna ola (for children aged 6). These staff
(including special education institutions) for are appointed by the head of the institution
children aged between 3 and 6/7, who is concerned (ravnatelj/ica) on the basis of an
trained as a generalist at a pedagoka fakulteta open recruitment procedure and employed by
(faculty of education). Satisfactory perfor- the local community (obina). In public
mance in the upper secondary school leaving institutions, they have civil servant status.
examination (zakljuni izpit/poklicna matura They begin their career as trainees
or matura) and in a musical aptitude test are (pripravniki) in the institution (vrtec) in which
required to embark on training in the 3-year they intend to teach. On completion of a
professionally-oriented tertiary education qualifying phase on the job lasting 10 months,
programme (predolska vzgoja). Successful they take a teaching certification examination
training leads to the award of the professional (strokovni izpit) supervised by a state teaching
title of diplomirani/na vzgojitelj/ica examination board appointed by the Minister
predolskih otrok. Staff in this category are of Education. The head of their institution
responsible for the care, upbringing and (ravnatelj/ica) and school inspector (inpektor/
teaching of young children, and require an ica za olstvo) are responsible for evaluating
additional qualification (specialna pedagoka them. For promotion possibilities, see
izobrazba) for work with children with special Mentor/ica. Common term: Vzgojitelj/ica.
needs. They may also occupy the position of


Part V Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:38 Page 162
Part W Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:39 Page 163

Country: Belgium (Flemish Community)
Grammatical variants: Werkleiders
Level: Tertiary

Land, usually as temporary civil servants, but

sometimes also as temporary public service
employees, in accordance with the
Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag (Collective
Agreement for Federal Employees). Their
Explanatory note: Promotion title for a
permanently appointed Assistant/e in the appointment in either capacity is generally
hogeschool, who is promoted in accordance limited initially to 3 years, although it may be
with seniority in his/her post. extended by a further 3 years. They are
evaluated by their university unit (faculty,
Wissenschaftlicher/che Assistent/in department, etc.) and the professor
Country: Deutschland responsible for their work.
Grammatical variants: Wissenschaftliche
Assistenten, Wissenschaftlich* Assistent* Wissenschaftlicher/che Mitarbeiter/in
Level: Tertiary Country: Deutschland
Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary Grammatical variants: Wissenschaftliche
education institutions (Hochschulen) normal- Mitarbeiter, Wissenschaftlich* Mitarbeiter*
ly enrolling students from the age of 19. Level: Tertiary
Candidates for this post must either have a Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary
doctorate (Promotion) or have successfully institutions (Hochschulen) enrolling students
completed the second state examination usually from the age of 19. These staff, who
(zweite Staatsprfung). Furthermore, in must normally have graduated from an
engineering, they must also have obtained institution of tertiary education, have to
very good results in the degree examination perform services of an academic nature,
(qualifizierter Studienabschluss) while, in including the teaching of theoretical
medical disciplines, they must have achieved knowledge and practical skills to students and
excellent results in the state examination demonstrating the application of academic
(Staatsprfung) following the course of study methods. Staff in this category may be
or training. These staff perform academic assigned to a Professor with the authority
services in research and teaching, as a result to instruct them in their work. For
of which they may acquire additional appointment, employer, status and evaluation,
qualifications, and have to be given sufficient see Knstlerischer Mitarbeiter.
time to pursue their own independent
research. They are selected by the appropriate Wykadowca
body at their institution which assigns them to Country: Poland
a Professor who is responsible for and Grammatical variants: Wykadowcy,
supports them in performing their services. wykadowc*
Teachers in this category are employed by the Level: Tertiary


Part W Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:39 Page 164


Explanatory note: Teacher at tertiary At tertiary vocational education

education institutions normally enrolling institutions, the required qualifications are
students from the age of 19. the degree of doktor, or the professional
At tertiary non-vocational institutions, the title of magister or magister inynier or
required qualifications are defined in the their equivalent, and professional
statutes of the institution concerned. experience acquired outside tertiary
Teachers are appointed, at the request of education. The kind of experience required
the dean (dziekan) or the head of unit is defined in the statutes of the institution
(kierownik jednostki such as dyrektor concerned. Responsibilities include
instytutu), by the head (rektor) of the teaching and assistance with the
institution, in accordance with open institutions organisational tasks. Teachers
recruitment procedures established by it. are appointed, at the request of the dean or
In addition to teaching, their the head of unit (kierownik jednostki such
responsibilities include upgrading of their as dyrektor instytutu), by the head of the
own professional skills and assistance with institution on the basis of a recruitment
the institutions organisational tasks. procedure established by it, and are
These teachers are employed by the employed by it on a contractual basis. For
institution on a permanent basis. For information on evaluation, see Profesor.
information on evaluation, see Adiunkt. General term: Nauczyciel akademicki.


Part Y Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:41 Page 165

Yhteisten opintojen opettaja

Country: Finland
Grammatical variants: Yhteisten opintojen
opettajat, yhteisten opintojen opettaj*


and evaluation see professori. Swedish term:

Level: Upper secondary Country: Finland

Explanatory note: Teacher at ammatillinen Grammatical variants: Yliopettajat, yliopettaj*
oppilaitos for students aged between 16 and Level: Tertiary
19. Depending on the type of institution and Explanatory note: Senior teacher responsible
subject to be taught, these teachers, for teaching at an ammattikorkeakoulu
responsible for teaching the core subjects, are (polytechnic) normally enrolling students
required to have either an appropriate higher from the age of 19. Candidates for the position
academic degree (ylioppilastutkintotodistus must have an appropriate lisensiaatintutkinto
diploma) or a polytechnic degree or tohtorintutkinto diploma and at least 3
(ammattikorkeakoulututkinto diploma), or the years of work experience. Pedagogical
highest possible qualification in their own training with a possible 35 credits
occupational field, including a pedagogical (approximately one academic year) is also
training with a possible 35 credits required for appointment. If teachers are not
trained at the time of appointment, they have
(approximately one academic year). For
to be trained within 3 years following it. They
information on recruitment, appointment,
are appointed by the education provider on the
employer, status and evaluation, see basis of an open recruitment procedure, and
Luokanopettaja (+). Swedish term: Lrare i employed by the ammattikorkeakoulu as civil
gemensamma mnen. servants or on a contractual basis. They are
evaluated by the ammattikorkeakoulu in
Yliassistentti accordance with its internal arrangements.
Country: Finland Swedish term: verlrare.
Grammatical variants: Yliassistentit,
yliassistent* Yliopistonlehtori
Level: Tertiary Country: Finland
Explanatory note: Senior assistant at Grammatical variants: Yliopiston lehtorit,
university normally enrolling students from yliopiston lehtor*
the age of 19, who has teaching, management Level: Tertiary
and, above all, research responsibilities. Explanatory note: Teacher at university
Candidates for the position must have normally enrolling students from the age of
an appropriate lisensiaatintutkinto or 19, who is responsible for teaching,
tohtorintutkinto diploma. For information on management and research. Candidates for the
recruitment, appointment, employer, status position are required to have a


Part Y Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:41 Page 166


tohtorintutkinto diploma, good teaching skills aged 20 or over). The slutbetyg frn
and, where necessary, need to have practical gymnasieskolan diploma, appropriate voca-
experience of the field in question. In tional tertiary education of at least 1 years,
comparison with Tohtoriassistentti, their and extensive work experience (between 2 and
work is concerned more with teaching than 5 years) are required for admission to the
with research. For information on recruitment, practical and theoretical training. This consists
appointment, status, see Professori. of a 1-year academic/practical course leading
Swedish term: Universitetslektor. to the gymnasielrarexamen diploma
(yrkesinriktad). From 1 July 2001, a new
Yrkeslrare integrated teaching degree is being introduced,
Country: Sweden replacing the gymnasielrarexamen. For
Level: Upper secondary/post-secondary information on recruitment, appointment,
Explanatory note: Teacher at an upper employer, status and evaluation, see
secondary institution for pupils aged between Frskollrare.
16 and 19, or in adult education (for those


Part Z Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:42 Page 167

Zasluni/na profesor/ica
Country: Slovenia
profesorji/ice, zaslun* profesor*

Level: Tertiary
Explanatory note: Special honorary title
(Professor Emeritus) awarded by the senate of
the university concerned to a retired
Redni/na profesor/ica who has an exceptional
teaching, academic and scientific/artistic


Part Z Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:42 Page 168
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:45 Page 169

Part II Summary tables

Part II Tome3.qxd
Belgium (French Community)

Belgium (French Community)








" # $




" # $


Page 170


(  )!    

!" !




Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd

Belgium (German speaking Community)






     ! "#   
$  # 

%     &'"#   

(     &'"#   

) *  +    


Page 171


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Belgium (German-speaking Community)

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd
Belgium (Flemish Community)

Belgium (Flemish Community)







#        !   


%&  '      /   
!   !,  

Page 172
()  0 +  

*) !
*)(++, !
- !

.++ !


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd






Page 173

 # $%  

'(% &

 # $%  


'(% &


+% ,
 # $%  
.% %%%


 /# $ $0%%%( 00%(%-0$%1- %2% $ $0%(0%$%(34
$ 0$ 
  5 %    %%46$-(%  7  6$-(% 0$8 90  
   % -  7 0 %7 
7%%- $%-6$-0%5$%(-8%(0 $ $0%0%%0$%

Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd





              $ '"#$# 
    ! "    
 ! " " $    
"  %" &


        "$       $ '"#$# 
  "  %"    &


Page 174
%" "#  
$  "*" &


 ! " " $    

"  %" &

     )"' ",          $ '"#$# 



%" "#  

$  "*" &

%"   )

$     &

Part II Tome3.qxd
Germany (continued)


""  "#

%  #  

Page 175



Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 9:50 Page 176
Part II Tome3.qxd





  $  %  !"#"

 +,-  , ,. /01(12
  $  %  !"#"


 +,-  , ,. /01(12
  $  %  !"#"

   $67, ,. &!'891(12

 %;  ., ,. +,-  , ,.   

Page 177

 >.+,-  , ,. &?!#92#

+,-  , ,. /01(12

+,-  , ,. &7.@;




Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary

workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd







         % &    

Page 178
    % &       !


    ! ' ! 


      % &    

    !$  %     )(  
    % &       !

    ! ' ! 
   !!   !$ 
Part II Tome3.qxd

Spain (continued)











Page 179










Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses


Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd








  $ $

Page 180


 ()  *$)  


-  $ $. 

/0   $1


/0 $ $. 
 $ $


 233#4 )"5)    )   )       6 7    $ )

Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd





 " "




 " "


Page 181


 " "







Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and

Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd









         !  "       


% &
 '      "       
 (  )

Page 182
'    *  ) 



Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd








   " #
$ %   

Page 183

   " #
$ %   

$ %  (   

) *
$ %  (   


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd

The Netherlands

The Netherlands










"  #$%     #$  
&  #$% 
'( ) )  ) 

Page 184
 ) ) 



, -  .    


' / 

' //( 
'( ) )  ** 
 ) )  ** 
 ) )  //  /  

0   /( 
0   (  


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd





"  # $   
%  !

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"  # $   
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Page 185
" (+$($  
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4 5   

4 5  ( 


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and

Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd











# $
 % + 

Page 186






Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd


 % &" 

     $   %  

  $ %  
 % $ 

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  $ %  
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Page 187
 % $ 

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Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd





    "# " $$"#  



Page 188

    "# " $$"#  






    "# " $$"#  

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Part II Tome3.qxd
Sweden (continued)







& '

Page 189





Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd
United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)






  +, " 

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Page 190
"# $  %"&




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"# $  %"&


Part II Tome3.qxd
United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) (continued)






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Page 191
# $% &    #' 
) *      

+ *  *   

United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

Part II Tome3.qxd
United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) (continued)

United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)













Page 192


$%&'  $( 









#  $



Part II Tome3.qxd
United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) (continued)










% &

&    )
    %(  (    



( *(



Page 193


United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 10:07 Page 194
Part II Tome3.qxd

United Kingdom (Scotland)






       !  " 

           !! ! 
 #$  !! 


 &! ! &
 '( ( !  " 

Page 195
  !! ! 
#$  !! 


 &! ! &
 '( ( !  " 
  !! ! 
#$  !! 



 '   /$     


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

United Kingdom (Scotland)

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd







Page 196







 ()  *
Part II Tome3.qxd
 Iceland (continued)







Page 197

Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and

Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd






#$   %

&' %

( %

#$   %

Page 198

+ ,
 !-  !.!



Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd










Page 199





%  %  
& '  ()  


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 10:10 Page 200
Part II Tome3.qxd









  ! " #$%&  22  544&  
'()!* +,-$./0/  6*22  7/0&/44& 
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Page 201


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd
Czech Republic

Czech Republic




 !" # $%& '() !   $ 


'() !   $ 
&+#,(&- . 



%#) / 

0 !1 # $%&
'() !   $ 

Page 202

&- . &/ 

&+#,(&- . 
&+#($   -/ 

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&+#,(&- . & 
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&- $#3

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"&0  5     
6 #

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%#) / 


Part II Tome3.qxd
Czech Republic (continued)

        %   & % $"" '      
  ( ) %  


*                %
  ,            $ $  
*       %  +
 ,   ! " #
% #
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. )  %
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        %  )    %   .    
 %  ) $     %  $ % " !"  $ %

*        . 
 % )   


Page 203


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Czech Republic
Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd











Page 204




Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd





      !"#"       !"#" 

$  % &'  & &( )*+,+- .   

/  % &'  & &( )*+,+- .   
0  % &'  & &( )*+,+- .   


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Page 205

Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and

Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 10:21 Page 206
Part II Tome3.qxd







" # $  


" # $  

Page 207
" # 
( ) !

 " #   

 & )  "  & # 

# )
( #
(  " 


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses


Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd





 "  " 

$%!   !
&  ! 


Page 208

$( (! 

&  ! 

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&  ! 

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Part II Tome3.qxd
 Lithuania (continued)






" #  


Page 209

Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd







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#$ $!%


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Page 210
' %


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01) $)!/


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd










Page 211


! "


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses


Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd



        ! %& 



  ''      ! %& 

Page 212

!( )& *



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Part II Tome3.qxd
 Poland (continued)


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Page 213



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Part II Tome3.qxd
Poland (continued)







Page 214


%&  '



()  ))


Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd










Page 215

# $



Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd






  ( ) # 
$  %#  $  %# 

Page 216
&#   % ( ) #
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Part II Tome3.qxd
Slovenia (continued)







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Page 217


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Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

3- 4555666

3-& !66667

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses

Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year

Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd




  !"   # 

  %!&   # 

 )*#+ ,   # 




Page 218




Structures of school and tertiary education institutions, 2000/01

Pre-primary school-based Lower secondary vocational Compulsory full-time education

Primary Upper secondary vocational Compulsory part-time education

Part-time or combined school and
Single structure Post-secondary non-tertiary workplace courses
Lower secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5B Additional year
Upper secondary general Tertiary education: ISCED 5A >> Study abroad
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 12:58 Page 219









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Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 13:00 Page 222
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 13:00 Page 223

European Glossary on Education. Volume 3. Teaching Staff


Brussels: Eurydice

2001 - 224 p.

(Ready Reference)

ISBN 2-87116-333-2

Descriptors: Teacher, Teaching personnel, Cyprus, Malta, EFTA, Central and Eastern Europe,
European Union
Part II Tome3.qxd 11/12/01 13:01 Page 224
Ready Reference

European Glossary
on Education Volume 3

EURYDICE, the information network Teaching Staff

on education in Europe
The EURYDICE Network produces reliable, readily comparable information on
national education systems and policies. EURYDICE also acts as an observatory,
highlighting both the diversity of systems and their common features.

Working on behalf of policy-makers and the world of education, EURYDICE

prepares and publishes:

regularly updated descriptive analyses of the organization of education systems;

comparative studies on specific topics of European interest;

Teaching Staff
indicators on the various levels of education from pre-primary to tertiary

EURYDICE also has its own database, EURYBASE, which constitutes a further highly
detailed reference source on education systems in Europe.

European Glossary on Education

By circulating the results of its work, EURYDICE promotes better mutual
understanding of these systems and the common issues that run through them.

Established in 1980, EURYDICE is an integral part of Socrates, the Community

action programme in education. The Network comprises National Units and a
European Unit. National Units set up by the corresponding education ministries now
exist in 30 countries, namely the 15 EU Member States, the three EFTA/EEA
countries, ten central and eastern European countries, Cyprus and Malta. These
Units provide and check the basic information needed to sustain network activity.
The Brussels-based European Unit set up by the European Commission is
responsible for management of the network, co-ordination of its activities,
preparation of the comparative analyses, and database design and administration.
Volume 3

EURYDICE on the Internet

The Information Network on Education in Europe

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