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Curriculum Map

Intro Week: Intro Week: Intro Week:

Introduce myself Collect student Have students sit
share a few interest surveys in their new base
interesting facts Introduce groups
Get to Know journaling Introduction
You Game with Model process of game with base
index cards journaling group
Introduce norms Have students Reminder of
and expectations practice classroom norms
Hand out student journaling in Have students
interest survey response to a read My Name
and explain base prompt about from The House
groups themselves on Mango Street
Create identity
chart for
Have students
create identity
chart for their
own identities
Week 2: Week 2: Week 2:
Have students Snowball activity Students will
define culture and have students journal about
discuss what throw paper balls different labels
American culture into trashcan to that have been
means to them demonstrate put on them
Watch privilege Students will
documentary on Students will participate in a
Sudanese share stereotypes vocabulary mini-
immigrants about racial and lesson before
Think-Pair-Share ethnic groups reading Have
about reactions to Watch White Boy you ever?
the video Privilege strategy
Have students Journal in Students will read
share one response to an excerpt from
takeaway from White Boy The Absolutely
lesson Privilege True Diary of a
Have students Part Time Indian
complete an exit Students will
ticket that participate in a
discusses ways to whole-class
combat negative discussion about
stereotypes the text
Week 3: Week 3: Week 3:
Students will Students will Students will
respond to a Do respond to a Do respond to a Do
Now that asks Now that asks Now that asks
them about their them a question them about
gender about gender writing
Curriculum Map
Students will Students will read Students will
participate in a Girl by Jamaica participate in a
gender boxing Kincaid Think-Pair-Share
activity Students will that asks them
Students will respond to a about the
participate in a quick-write after importance of
graffiti discussion reading Girl sharing stories
that asks them Semicolon mini- Students will read
questions about lesson a personal
their perception Students will narrative and will
of gender complete a come up with a
Students will worksheet on list of elements of
participate in a semicolons a personal
quick-write narrative
following the Mini-lecture on
graffiti discussion elements of
Model writing
Have students
come up with a
list of writing
Exit Ticket that
asks students to
write their five
top writing
Curriculum Map
Week 4: Week 4: Week 4:
Students will use Students will Students will
a T chart to respond to a Do select two
provide details Now that asks discussion norms
about at least them about their to focus on for
three of their comfort level with their
writing territories their personal presentations in
Students will narrative base groups
participate in Mini-lesson on Presentation day
writing revision using students will
conferences as DRAFT share their
they write their Revision practice personal
personal with sentences on narratives with
narratives PowerPoint their base groups
Students will Students will for 10 minutes.
spend the complete a They will answer
remainder of the worksheet that questions
class period asks them to following their
writing their revise sentences presentations.
personal using delete
narratives using If they finish
their writing early, they will
territories start revising
their personal

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