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The pledge of professionalism manifests a great amount of responsibility and meanings to it.

I have
always thought that being a doctor is solely about helping out those who in need of medical attention.
Having to utterly reciting the pledge, it highlight to me remarkable sense of belonging to group of
professional, whose passion primarily save lives and cure disease with a set of ethics that need to be
adhered and set of characters and values need to be instilled, which I was not aware of.

Among the significance of the pledge is the underlying meaning of respect the privacy of my patients"
which marks the sense of responsibility to upholding to patient confidentiality. In the contemporary
practice of medicine in hospital where a patient is assessed and treated by doctors from different
specialties and houseman making rounding in and out of the ward, it is unlikely to uphold the
confidentiality of a patient. Furthermore, with the computed medical record, it makes it harder to uphold
it. Although the system itself is not helpful in maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the patient, I
need to train myself not to expose any confidential informations of my patient. I consulted a few doctors
of how to handle this, they suggested by pointing out that we are human and human are prone to make
mistakes and we as much as possible want to conceal our mistakes thus they recommended me to treat
those confidential information and regards it as my mistakes that I wish to correct it and conceal it solely
to myself. Another important part of the pledge is the idea of altruism which means to prioritize patient
welfare before even doctors. This requires immense scarification of energy, resources, and time especially
weekends and holidays and exposing themselves to risk for diseases and infection. Although it may
perceive as noble sacrifice by many, some may not concede to it, due to the notion of doctors are "money
grubber" and health entrepreneurs whose concern apart from treating patients are to make money out of a
sick people. Although it has been my passion to do medicine, scarifying my holiday and my daily normal
activities is a challenging exercise. In order to tackle this, I need to change my way of looking at medicine
as a profession per se but instead I need to regard it as a lifestyle and part of my daily activities that are
ought to be done enthusiastically.

Additionally, the idea of equal right which can be understood from "not allow the consideration... which
enable and assure that everyone has access to medical care and benefit. Conversely, some has difficulty
acknowledging this due to the normal human psychological biases toward ethnicity and personal
preferences toward their inclination. Although I have not been in such position, I strongly believe that
throughout my pursuit of medical knowledge, I will gradually eliminate those biases and readily imbue in
me those values.

One of the many that brought to my attention doctor need to be culturally competence which depict the
line of " strive to be a person of goodwill" and it manifest the idea of being vigilant and sensitive to
various aspect of patient needs and medical care. Nonetheless not all needs are really covered and for
instance the spiritual diseases. The grievance of current time is that human being is spiritually sick and
devoid of spiritual equilibrium and subsequently some also argue all the chaotic mess of the world stems
from the spiritual diseases such arrogance , selfishness, greedy and ostentation. With regard to this, with
the knowledge of medicine and my past knowledge of religious education, I wish to harmonize the both

The recitation of those pledge of professional is indeed great reflection of how to be a good doctor and it
awaken me to duly instill all the noble characters and inculcate good values to myself, physically,
mentally and spiritually and increase with all honesty in knowledge to sail out to serve humanity with
diligence, compassion and respect. I plan to seize this opportunity to strive earnestly to excel in
whatsoever required of me to be a good doctor.

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