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10, OCTOBER 2015 4893

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nities to intercept the information. Therefore, protecting the data

Manuscript received October 18, 2013; revised January 1, 2014 and June 3,
2014; accepted November 11, 2014. Date of publication November 13, 2014;
date of current version October 13, 2015. This work was supported in part by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61102081 and
Grant 61221063; by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program
of Higher Education of China under Grant 20110201120013; by the New
Century Excellent Talents Support Fund of China under Grant NCET-13-0458;
by the Industrial Research Fund of Shaanxi Province under Grant 2012GY2-
28; by the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation under Grant 141063; and
by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University under Grant
2013jdgz11. The review of this paper was coordinated by Prof. H.-H. Chen.
The authors are with the Key Laboratory of Intellectual Network and
Network Security of the Ministry of Education, School of Electronic and
Information Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2014.2370754

0018-9545 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

ence signal to cover the information transmission. The signal vector

received at the relays is
yR = Psf R s + PJ h R z (1) + n R (1)

where y R  [yR,1 , yR,2 , . . . , yR,N1 ]T ; f R  [fR,1 , fR,2 , . . . ,

fR,N1 ]T and similarly for h R ; Ps and PJ are the transmit power
values of the source and the jammer, respectively; z (1) is the jamming
signal; and n R is the additive noise at the relay nodes. We normalize
E{|s|2 } = 1 and E{|z (1) |2 } = 1. Concurrently, the eavesdropper
will also receive the signal
Fig. 1. Joint cooperative beamforming and jamming scheme, where the solid (1) (1) (1)
lines and the dash lines are the transmissions in phases I and II, respectively.
yE = Ps fE s + PJ qE z (1) + nE (2)

where nE is the additive noise at the eavesdropper.
In phase II, the N 1 relay nodes do a distributed beamforming
transmissions in both phases is critical to guarantee the security of the
to forward the received signal to the destination. The transmitted
data transmission.
signal x R  [xR,1 , xR,2 , . . . , xR,N1 ] is x R = W y R , where W is
However, most previous works only consider taking cooperative
the weight matrix in the form of W = diag([w1 , w2 , . . . , wN1
beamforming or jamming in phase II to protect the transmission
and diag() is a diagonal matrix. Concurrently, the jammer transmits
[1][5]. In phase I, they assume that the source node broadcasts with (2)
its total power and all the relay nodes listen. Some even simply interference signal again as z (2) with power PJ . The received signals
assume that the transmission in phase I is perfectly secured [2], [3], at the destination D and the eavesdropper E are respectively
[10], which is obviously over optimistic. In our previous works [12],  
[13], we have already shown that the joint cooperative beamforming yD = Psg TRW f R s + PJ g TRW h R z (1) + n
D (3)
and jamming in both phases will greatly improve the secrecy rate.
However, power allocation of the source node still has not been (2)
yE = Psc TE W f R s +
PJ c TE W h R z (1) + n
E (4)
In this paper, we aim to enhance the security of an amplify-and- 
(2) (2)
forward (AF) cooperative relay network. Based on the joint coop- where D 
n PJ gJ z (2) + g TRW n R + nD , and E 
erative beamforming and jamming scheme in [12], we optimize the 
(2) (2)
power allocation of the source node to improve the secrecy rate further. PJ qE z (2) + c TE W n R + nE , respectively. c E  [cE,1 , cE,2 , . . . ,
We show that the secrecy rate is a quasi-concave function of the cE,N1 ]T , and nD and nE are additive noise terms at D and E
transmission power of the source node so that allocating its total during phase II, respectively. Equation (3) can be reformulated as
power may even harm the secrecy. This is intuitively reasonable since 
increasing the source transmission power will increase both the rate to  (1)
yD = Psw H a f g s + PJ w H a gh z (1) + n
D (5)
the legitimate destination and that to the eavesdropper. Therefore, the
power allocation should balance these two effects. The beamformer
design and power optimization problem can be solved by a bisec- where a f g  [fR,1 gR,1 , fR,2 gR,2 , , fR,N1 gR,N1 ]T and simi-
tion method together with a generalized eigenvalue decomposition, larly for a gh , and w  [w1 , w2 , . . . , wN1 ]T .
which has a semiclosed form and is computationally very conve- For the eavesdropper, each transmission phase grants it an opportu-
nient. Simulations show that the joint scheme greatly improves the nity to get the information. Combining (2) and (4) yields the receiving
security. model of the eavesdropper in the whole procedure as

y E = H E s + nE (6)
We consider an AF wireless network in which a source S wants to
send information to the destination D under the existence of an eaves-
dropper E. There are N intermediate relay nodes Rn , n = 1, 2, . . . , N , HE = PsH
Psw a cf
between S and D. Each node in the whole network is only equipped  
with a single antenna and is subject to the half-duplex constraint. n

We assume that there is no direct connection between S and D. Our nE = (1) (2)
joint beamforming and jamming scheme is to divide the intermediate PJ c TE W h R z (1) + n
nodes into two groups: One node is jammer J, and all the other N 1
are relay nodes, as shown in Fig. 1. The relay nodes will forward with a cf  [cE,1 fR,1 , cE,2 fR,2 , , cE,N1 fR,N1 ]T , acg 
E,1 gR,1 , cE,2 gR,2 , , cE,N1 gR,N1 ] ,
the received signal using cooperative beamforming, and the jammer T
[c and n
E =
transmits interference signals to confuse the eavesdropper. The quasi- (1) (1) (1)
stationary flat-fading channels between S, R, J, and E are also shown PJ qE z (1) + nE . We assume that all the noise terms nD , nE ,
in Fig. 1. nE , and n R are zero-mean and time-spatially white independent
During phase I, S broadcasts its data. In conventional schemes complex Gaussian random variables with variance 2 . We also assume
[1][3], all N relay nodes will listen to the signal, whereas in our that the jamming signals z (1) and z (2) are both complex Gaussian
scheme, the N 1 relay nodes listen and the jammer sends interfer- random variables.


We can see that (12) is a decreasing function of PJ , and to make
information leakage as small as possible, we should let PJ = PJ
The achievable maximum secrecy rate is the measurement of the
where PJ is the maximum power constraint of the jammer. Substitut-
physical layer security ing (11) and (12) into (8) and after some simple manipulations, we
obtain the optimization problem as
Rs = max [I (yD ; s) I (yy E ; s)]+ (8)
wHR w
2 + Ps 1+w fg
w H R gg w
where [a] = max(0, a), and I(, ) is the mutual information. In our
+ max
w ,Ps a + bPs
considered problem, specifically, the destination and the eavesdrop-
per see an equivalent single-inputsingle-output and 1 2 single- s.t. w a cf = 0 w H a gh = 0
inputmultiple-output channel with correlated equivalent noise, w PR
w H T (Ps )w
respectively; hence, we have I(yD ; s) and I(yy E ; s) at the top of
the next page, where R f f  diag(|fR,1 |2 , |fR,2 |2 , . . . , |fR,N1 |2 ) Ps PT (13)
and similarly for R gg and R cc , respectively, and R f g  a f ga Hf g and
similarly for R cf , R gh , and R ch . We hope to achieve the maximum where a  2 + PJ |qE |2 , b  |fE |2 , T (Ps )  PsR f f + PJ R hh +
(1) (2)
secrecy rate by searching the optimal w , PJ , PJ , and Ps . 2I , PT is the source power constraint, and PR is the sum power
Remark: Most works only consider the fixed Ps case [2][13], i.e., constraint of the relay nodes.
the source node broadcasts its data with its total power.1 However, we Selection of the Jammer: From (12), the leakage rate is inverse to
will show that this may harm the secrecy, and the power allocation the jamming level. To improve the security further, we can select the
should be optimized. We will find that this will further improve the node with the largest |qE |2 as the jammer.
secrecy rate of the system greatly, as compared with the case utilizing Let H  [a acf , a gh ], and H is the projection matrix onto the null
all its power. space of H . Then the equation constraints can be transformed into
Substituting (9) and (10) into (8) w = H v where v is any vector. On the other hand, note that at the op-
timum, the power constraint w H T (Ps )w w PR should be active, i.e.,
I(yD ; s) w oH T (Ps )w
w o = PR . This is because (w w H R f gw )/(1 + w H R gg w )
 is an increasing function of the norm of w . However, the objec-
1 Psw H R f gw tive function is not an increasing function of Ps , which implies
= log 1+ (9)
2 w H R gg w )+PJ(1)w H R ghw +PJ(2) |gJ |2
2(1+w that utilizing the total power of the source may not be optimal.
Problem (13) now becomes

I(yy E ; s) = log det I + H E H H
2 vHR
  2 + Ps 1+vv H R
gg v
2 + PJ |qE |2
PJ qE h H H max
R W cE a + bPs
QE  (10) v ,Ps
PJ c E W h Rh R W H c E
(1) H T (1) T H
PJ qE cEW hR
s.t. v H T (Ps )vv = PR , Ps PT (14)
it has been shown in [12] that the problem is a nonconvex problem
even with fixed Ps . When taking Ps as a new optimization argument, where R f g  H H R f gH , R ff +
gg  H H R gg H , T (Ps )  PsR

the problem will be more difficult to solve. Therefore, we propose a
PJ R hh + I , R f f  H R f f H , and R hh  H R hhH . This
2 H H

heuristic scheme to achieve a suboptimal but reasonably good solution. problem can be decoupled into two concatenate subproblems as
Observing (8)(10), we can see that we hope to increase I(yD ; s) follows:
as large as possible while keeping I(yy E ; s) as small as possible.
Therefore, we can do the following three steps. vHR v
2 + Ps maxv fg
gg v
vH R
1) Design w in the null space of a cf to completely eliminate the max
Ps a + bPs
information leakage in phase II, i.e., let H a cf = 0 so that the
second row of H E in (7) can be eliminated. s.t. v T (Ps )vv = PR ,
Ps PT (15)
2) Design w in the null space of a gh to eliminate the interference to
the destination by the jamming signal in phase I, i.e., H a gh = 0 where inner optimization is performed over v , solely taking Ps as a
(it has been forwarded by the relay nodes in phase II). constant, and the solution of which is a function of Ps (Note that Ps
3) Since no information leakage happens in phase II (by 1)), the is an argument in T (Ps )), and the outer optimization problem is taken
jammer should stop sending interference so that D will not be over Ps . Let us first focus on the inner optimization.
jammed in phase II, i.e., PJ = 0. From the definition, T (Ps ) is a positive definite matrix, and there
exists an invertible
matrix A (Ps ) satisfying
A (Ps )H A(Ps ) = T (Ps ).
With all these considerations, (9) and (10) can be rewritten as Let v  (1/ PR )A A(Ps )vv , and v = PRA (Ps )1v. Substituting v
 into (15), we can rewrite the inner optimization as
1 Ps w H R f gw
I(yD ; s) = log 1+ (11)
2 2 1 + w H R gg w vH B (Ps )

v vH D (Ps )v
1 Ps |fE |2
I(yy E ; s) = log 1+ (1)
. (12) s.t. vH v = 1 (16)
2 2 + PJ |qE |2
where B (Ps ) = PRA (Ps )H R f gA (Ps )1 , and D (Ps ) =
1 Although the source power-allocation problem has been investigated in [1], I + PRA (Ps )H R gg A (Ps )1 . Obviously, the optimization problem
the proposed scheme is a hill-climbing method, which has no optimality (16) is a generalized eigenvalue problem. The optimal value is the
guarantee. largest eigenvalue of D (Ps )1B (Ps ) achieved at the eigenvector

associated with the largest eigenvalue. Mathematically, we have the Note that f (Ps ) is the nonzero eigenvalue of a rank-1 positive
optimal vo as semidefinite matrix, it is obvious that f (Ps ) 0, and then h(Ps ) 0.

Recalling that a > 0 and b 0, the denominator of (24) is always pos-
vo = E D (Ps )1B (Ps ) (17) itive in the range of Ps . Therefore, the positivitynegativity of g  (Ps )
depends on the numerator only. Let m(Ps ) = (a + bPs )h (Ps )
where is a scalar to normalize vo to satisfy voH vo = 1, and E [X] is
b 2 bh(Ps ). Since h(Ps ) is a real polynomial function of Ps , it
one eigenvector of matrix X associated with the largest eigenvalue.
f g is a rank-1 matrix; thus, B (Ps ) is a rank-1 matrix is continuous and its first derivative is m (Ps ) = bh (Ps ) + (a +
Note that R
bPs )h (Ps ) bh (Ps ) = (a + bPs )h (Ps ) < 0 due to h (Ps ) < 0.
as well. Therefore, matrix D (Ps )1B (Ps ) has only one nonzero
This indicates that the numerator m(Ps ) is a strictly decreasing
eigenvalue, which is the largest one. Since (18) holds, i.e.,
function. The positivitynegativity of g  (Ps ), Ps [0, PT ] has the

following cases.
D (Ps )1B (Ps ) D (Ps )1A (Ps )H H H
af g
If m(0) 0, then g  (Ps ) is always negative, and the maximum
= D (Ps )1 PRA (Ps )H H H
af g objective value is g(0) = log( 2 /a) < 0, which suggests that the

secrecy rate is 0 and it is impossible to communicate safely.
f g H A (Ps ) D (Ps )1A (Ps )H H H
af g If m(PT ) 0, then g  (Ps ) is always positive so that g(Ps ) is an

increasing function, and the maximum happens to be g(PT ).
= PRa H
f g H A (Ps ) D (Ps )1A (Ps )H H H
af g
Finally, if m(0) > 0 and m(PT ) < 0, which implies that g  (0) > 0,

D (Ps )1 A(Ps )H H H
af g (18) then g  (PT ) < 0. Since m(Ps ) is a strictly decreasing continuous real
function, there must be a unique point, for example, Pc (0, Ps ),
where, in the first equation, we just substitute B (Ps ) in such that m(Pc ) = 0, and for Ps Pc , m(Ps ) > 0 and for Ps Pc ,
and, in the second equation, we change the positions of the m(Ps ) < 0. Then, we conclude that, for Ps Pc , g(Ps ) is strictly
productions, the only nonzero eigenvalue is  PRa H f g H A (Ps ) increasing, and for Ps Pc , g(Ps ) is strictly decreasing. According
1 H H
D (Ps ) A (Ps ) H a f g , and the associated eigenvector is to the definition [17], g(Ps ) is a quasi-concave function Ps . In this
D (Ps )1 B (Ps )) = D (Ps )1 A(Ps )H H H
E(D af g . situation, Ps = Pc achieves the maximum g(Pc ) of problem (22).
We now have Since Pc is the unique real root of the equation m(Ps ) = 0, we can
  calculate Pc by using the bisection method.
= D (Ps )1A (Ps )H H H
af g
 (19) From this discussion, we can see that the optimal Ps depends on the
 positivitynegativity of m(0) and m(PT ). Only when m(PT ) 0,
vo = PRA (Ps )1D (Ps )1A (Ps )H H H
af g (20)
allocating the total power of the source is optimal. In the case that
and the maximum objective function of (16) is m(0) > 0 and m(PT ) < 0, only a part of its total power should
be allocated. This can be intuitively explained as follows. Since the
f (Ps )  PRa H
f g H A (Ps ) D (Ps )1A (Ps )H H H
af g legitimate channel from the source to the destination is a two-hop
relay channel, both power values Ps and PR will impact the secrecy
= PRa H 1H H a f g .
f g H (T (Ps ) + PRR gg ) (21) rate. From a traditional two-hop AF relay network without security
consideration, we know that if PR is fixed, increasing Ps will first
Substituting (21) into (15), we get the outer optimization
 increase the rate, but it will achieve a limit and will not increase any
2 + h(Ps ) more no matter how large Ps is since then the fixed PR becomes a
max g(Ps )  log
Ps a + bPs bottleneck of the two-hop channel, as shown in [16]. In the security
transmission of the AF two-hop network, however, increasing Ps too
= log( 2 + h(Ps )) log(a + bPs ) much not only will not increase the rate of the legitimate channel but
s.t. 0 Ps PT (22) also will increase the leakage rate to the eavesdropper [from (12)]
and thus harms the secrecy rate. This is the reason that Ps should not
where h(Ps )  Ps f (Ps ) = PR Psh H J (Ps )h h, h  H H always be the maximal available power PT .
a f g , and
J (Ps )  (PsR f f + PJ R hh + I + PRR gg )1 . The objective
2 After the optimal Pso = Pc has been obtained, the optimal cooper-
function is a difference of two logarithm functions, which is neither ative beamformer w o has a closed form w o = H v o where v o is in
convex nor concave, and generally difficult to solve. However, in the the form of (20). Finally, we substitute the so-obtained Pso and w o
following, we will show that it is a quasi-concave function of Ps . into (11) and (12) to get the secrecy rate. We summarize the whole
Toward this end, let us first evaluate the convexity of h(Ps ). The first algorithm in Table I.
and second derivatives of h(Ps ) to PS are

h (Ps ) = PR h H J (Ps )h ffh
h Psh H J 2 (Ps )R
In the simulation cases, all the channel coefficients are randomly
h (Ps ) = 2PRh H J 3 (Ps )(PJ R
hh + 2I + PRR
gg )R
f f h (23)
generated in each simulation run as complex zero-mean Gaussian
respectively. The detailed derivations are given in the Appendix. random vectors with unit covariance. Noise power 2 is normalized to
Since J (Ps ) is a positive definite matrix and so as J 3 (Ps ), we have be at 0 dBm. In addition, 5000 Monte Carlo runs were done for each
h (Ps ) < 0, i.e., h(Ps ) is a concave function of Ps . point in the figures. Jammer power PJ is assumed to be PR /(N 1),
The first derivative of g(Ps ) is where N is the number of the intermediate nodes.
 In Fig. 2, we show the secrecy rate of the proposed joint opti-
 1 h (Ps ) b mization scheme and compare it with the scheme where all N nodes
g (Ps ) =
ln 2 2 + h(Ps ) a + bPs do null-space beamforming in phase II without jamming in phase I
(labeled as Relay only in the figure). We show cases with differ-
(a + bPs )h (Ps ) b 2 bh(Ps ) ent N = 8, 12, respectively. The total power of the source is PT =
= . (24)
ln 2 ( 2 + h(Ps )) (a + bPs ) 10 dBm. The x-axis PM is the total power consumed by all the relay


Fig. 3. Secrecy rate enhancement of the optimized source power allocation

to the total power allocation of the joint scheme, where PM = 10, 20, and
30 dBm.

Fig. 4. Secrecy rate enhancement of the joint scheme versus the sum power
Fig. 2. Secrecy rate comparison of the proposed joint scheme and the relay- PM , where PT = 10, 20, and 30 dBm.
only scheme.

PT is small, the optimal value of Ps should be the source power con-

nodes and the jammer PM = PR + PJ . To make the comparison fair, straint PT . With PT being larger and larger, transmitting with the full
for the Relay only scheme, N relay nodes have the same total power will harm the secrecy rate, which consists in the aforementioned
power. We can see that, as the total power increases, the secrecy interpretations. In this situation, increasing PT will not increase the
rate of the proposed joint scheme has significant improvement to secrecy rate anymore, and the optimal Ps should be a constant, which
the Relay only scheme. This is because, in the proposed joint leads to a fixed secrecy rate. Fig. 4 shows this enhancement versus
scheme, the jammer plays an important role and greatly reduces the the sum power PM when PT = 10, 20, and 30 dBm, respectively. We
information leakage in phase I, whereas in the Relay only scheme, can find that when PM is small, the secrecy rate of the Optimal Ps
the transmission in phase I is revealed to the eavesdropper without any is larger, indicating that in this situation, using full source power is
protection. In addition, we can see that, although the total power is not the optimal choice. However, when PM is large enough, the total
fixed, as N increases, the achievable secrecy rate increases as well. power allocation is optimal.
This is obviously due to the power gain provided by the more relay In Fig. 5, we show the advantage of the jammer selection. The
nodes. x-axis is still the total power. We can see that selecting the node with
Fig. 3 shows the secrecy rate enhancement of the optimized source the largest |qE |2 as the jammer improves the secrecy rate further. As
power allocation (labeled as Optimal Ps ) to the total power alloca- the total power increases, the improvement gets smaller. This is also
tion (labeled as Full Ps ) of the joint scheme. We show the cases reasonable since with more power, the function of jammer selection
when PM = 10, 20, and 30 dBm, respectively. It is obvious that when becomes insignificant.

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Here, we will give the detailed derivation of (23). First, we have
h(Ps ) = Ps f (Ps ) = PR Psh H J (Ps )h
h, and its first derivative is

h (Ps ) = PRh H J (Ps )h

h PR Psh H J  (Ps )h

h Psh H J 2 (Ps )R
= PR h H J (Ps )h

where J 2 (Ps )  J (Ps )J

J (Ps ). The second derivative of h(Ps ) is

h (Ps ) = PR h H J  (Ps )h ffh
h h H J 2 (Ps )R

J 2 (Ps ))R
PR Psh H (J ffh

= PR 2h
hH J 2 (Ps )R 2 h
f f h + 2Psh H J 3 (Ps )R

hh + 2I +PRR
= 2PRh H J 3 (Ps )(PJ R gg )R

=R 2
ff .
where J 3 (Ps ) = J (Ps )J
J (Ps )J
J (Ps ), and R ff

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