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sectioning - Change size of section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph... file:///C:/Users/Shashank Dixit/Downloads/sectioning - Change size of se...

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I would like to increase the size of pretty much every headlines, so that it is more prominent than the
normal text.

I read about the titlesec package, but can't seem to find good example how to use the package.

Using Gonzalo Medina does in fact change the font size, however, it changes the default font as well.



{sectioning} {fontsize} {titlesec}

edited Jun 13 '12 at 22:16 asked Jun 13 '12 at 17:24

687 1 3 9


Here's an exaple using titlesec :






I used the simplified version of \titleformat (i.e., \titleformat* ) since the only desired
change was in size, but you can use the extended version if "bigger" changes are required.
These are the default definitions for the standard classes (taken from the documentation):


so you can make bigger changes. The following image shows both the standard sizes and
the ones obtained with the above modifications:

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sectioning - Change size of section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph... file:///C:/Users/Shashank Dixit/Downloads/sectioning - Change size of se...

And here's an exampe using the sectsty :






According to an edit to the original question, the OP wanted also a sans serif font:






The above approaches are to be used mostly with the default document classes ( book ,
report , article ); if the document class used is one of the classes of the KOMA-Script
bundle, then it's not advisable to use titlesec (See About KOMA-Script and titlesec
incompatibility) but to use the features provided by the KOMA classes:



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For the memoir document class, the situation is analogous: is also not advisable to use
titlesec (See About memoir and titlesec incompatibility) but to use the features provided
by the class; if I have the time I'll add some example.

edited Jun 13 '12 at 23:34 answered Jun 13 '12 at

Gonzalo Medina
151k 10 351 545

Thanks. Works pretty good, except for the first modification. Because changing the size without further
options, it changes to a different font. cherrung Jun 13 '12 at 21:49

Sorry to revoke the accepted answer. Please refer to my first post. cherrung Jun 13 '12 at 22:17

1 @cherrung: How about just adding \sffamily to the list of corrections? Werner Jun 13 '12 at 22:22

1 @cherrung as Werner said, simply add \sffamily , as I did in the last code of my updated answer.
Gonzalo Medina Jun 13 '12 at 22:43

2 @cherrung that is crucial information that you should have mentioned in your original question.
KOMA-Script and titlesec are incompatible, so titlesec is not advisable here; I've provided an example on
how to proceed with the KOMA classes in my updated answer. Gonzalo Medina Jun 13 '12 at 23:35

You can just modify the sectional commands with the appropriate font size. Here's a small
example in the article document class:



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For a different font, replace \normalfont with the appropriate definition. For example, using
\sffamily will yield:

edited Jun 13 '12 at 22:24 answered Jun 13 '12 at

135k 9 254 492

For completeness I'll give a ConTeXt solution also.

You can change the heading style using:


The font switch \tf equals the body fontsize, \tfa is 1.2 times \tf ; \tfb is 1.2 times
\tfa and so on. If you want sans serif headings, then use


Here also the same logic applies. \ss is sans serif at body fontsize; \ssa is 1.2 times \ss ,
\ssb is 1.2 times \ssa , and so on.

answered Jun 13 '12 at

28.6k 1 49 110

4 of 4 8/16/2013 5:41 PM

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