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Event Description(Brief) WhatmighttheUnitedStates WhydidnttheUnitedStates
and/oritsallieshavedoneto and/oritsalliestakeactionto
preventtheevent? preventtheevent?

Treatyof The harsh Treaty of Versailles - The allies couldve been - The Allies wanted
Versailles created tension between major less harsh regarding the revenge on Germany
Western powers and Germany in terms and conditions of for all the trouble it
the 1920s and early 1930s. The
the treaty caused
enforcement of the treaty led to
economic crisis and social - Couldve spread out the - They believe that
pressures in Germany that blame to all the Central Germany was to blame

contributed to the rise of Adolf Powers for the entire war

GrowingNazi By 1936 Hitlers Nazi military was -The U.S. could have prohibited - Although the US was all
Threat the most powerful in Europe. this growing threat by not for the spread of
Hitler had forged an alliance with appeasing to Hitlers high demand democracy, they
fascists in Italy and Japan,
of terrain refused to get involved
moved troops into the Rhineland
in violation of the Treaty of -send military support before the into another war and
Versailles, and was supporting a Nazis could become powerful with declared neutrality
fascist revolt in Spain. their flux of land - FDR was too busy with
-Fight back regarding Treaty of the Great Depression to
Versailles get involved

Japanese Japanese imperialism affected -mention the open-door policy to -did not focus on their actions
Imperialism many areas of Asia, including China and acknowledge peace such as the ones of Nazi
Manchuria, a Chinese territory agreements with Japan Germany
rich in mineral reserves that were
-lend U.S military support instead -U.S. neutrality
important for supporting the
military. The invasion of of Japanese searching for support
Manchuria was marked by the themselves through imperialism
indiscriminate killing of unarmed

Munich In 1938 Hitler met with British -not give in to Hitler and his -Br and FR were pacifists and
Agreement prime minister Neville demands/negotiate terms too afraid
Chamberlain. Chamberlain -Allies remained neutral/didnt
appeased Hitlers demands for
want Germany to expand
territory in Czechoslovakia and
invaded Poland. further

U.S. In spite of the threat of fascist -provided economic support/send -feared US intervention with war
Isolationism aggression, the United States in troops -there was a breach of
pursued a policy of isolationism neutrality
throughout the 1920s and 1930s.
-underlying bias for the Allies
-mass opposition to war by US

TheBombing On December 7th, 1941, the -US were on the verge of

ofPearl Japanese navy and air force -negotiations could have been entering the war
Harbor attacked the American fleet at made to reduce the amount of -more aggressive action was
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Within
conflict that the nations had taken in defense of American
three days the United States had
declared war with Japan, allies
Germany, and Italy. -bombing was result of the
tension caused by an embargo
and ending of diplomatic



EconomicEmbargo* Negotiate/Diplomacy** Sanctions***

SendintheTroops Nothing(Isolation) EconomicSupport


* Embargo: A ban on trade with another country (usually effective for countries who sell
a lot)
** Negotiate/Diplomacy: Dealing with people and events in a sensitive and effective way
through representatives of each country
***Sanction: a penalty or fine (like a tariff) applied to trade with a country as a form of

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