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Present Simple

Present simple

+ subject + short infinitive + -s/-es at the 3rd person singular

Short infinitive verbul fr TO

Infinitive Short infinitive
To do do

Verbe care primesc -es reguli:

1. Cele care se termin n -ss, -ch, -sh, -x
Persoana I sg. Persoana III sg. Traducere
I confess she/ he confesses mrturisesc/ mrturisete
I teach she/ he teaches predau/ pred
I catch she/ he catches prind/ prinde
I push she/ he pushes aps/ apas
I finish she/ he finishes termin/ termin
I box she/ he boxex boxez/ boxeaz

2. Verbele GO i DO
Persoana I sg. Persoana III sg. Traducere
I go she/ he goes merg/ merge
I do she/ he does fac/ face

3. Consoana urmat de y y se transform n i

Persoana I sg. Persoana III sg. Traducere
I cry she/ he cries plng/ plnge
I try she/ he tries ncerc/ ncearc
I fly she/ he flies zbor/ zboar
I hurry she/ he hurries m grbesc/ se grbete
I spy she/ he spies spionez/ spizoneaz

! Vocala urmat de y se pune -s

Persoana I sg. Persoana III sg. Traducere
I buy she/ he buys cumpr/ cumpr
I play she/ he plays m joc/ se joac

- subject + Do/Does + not + short infinitive

Present Simple

Do + not = don`t
Does + not = doesn`t

Persoana I sg. Persoana III sg. Traducere

I do not work she/ he does not work eu nu muncesc el/ ea nu
I don`t work she/ he doesn`t work muncete
I do not listen she/ he does not listen eu nu ascult/ el/ ea nu
I don`t listen she/ he doesn`t listen ascult

?+ Do/ Does + subject + short infinitive

Persoana I sg. Persoana III sg. Traducere

do you work? does she/ he work ? tu munceti? / el/ea
do you listen ? does she/ he listen ? tu asculi?/ el/ ea ascult?

?- Do/ Does + subject + not + short infinitive

Don`t / Doesn`t + subject + not + short

Persoana I sg. Persoana III sg. Traducere

do you not work? does she/ he not work ? tu nu munceti? / el/ea nu
don`t you work? doesn`t she/ he work muncete?
do you listen ? does she/ he listen ? tu nu asculi?/ el/ ea nu
don`t you listen ? doesn`t she/ he listen ? ascult?

Present Simple

1. Exprim o activitate specific subiectului:
The painter paints still lifes.
Pictorul picteaz natur moart

2. Adevruri universale:
The Earth spins round its own axis.
Pmntul se nvrte n jurul axei sale

3. O activitate care are loc n mod repetat:

My friends and I meet at the stadium at weekends.
Prietenii mei i cu mine ne ntlnim la stadion la sfrit de sptmn.
We meet at the stadium at weekends.
Noi ne ntlnim la stadion la sfrit de sptmn.

- cuvinte cheie: usually, often, seldom, ever, never, always, sometimes, occasionally, every
day, every week, every month, every year, once a day, twice a week, at weekends, on

4. o activitate n:
a. comentarii la radio i televiziune
The melting snow cause floods in the north of the country
Zpada care se topete provoac inundaii n nordul rii.
b. comentarii sportive
Ronaldo kicks the ball and scores the first goal.
Ronaldo uteaz i marcheaz primul gol.
c. declaraii
I appreciate that unemployment will be cut down by next year.
Apreciez c omajul va fi redus pn anul viitor.
d. titluri de ziar
Traffic accidents kill people on the main road.
Oameni mori n accidente de circulaie pe osea.
e. demonstraii tiinifice
Acids are substances that damage the skin.
Acizii sunt substane care atac pielea.
f. anunuri
We start the sightseeing tour tomorrow morning at nine, after breackfast.
ncepem turul oraului mine diminea la 9, dup micul dejun.

5. Prezentul istoric folosit pt a dramatiza o situaie sau un eveniment:

Present Simple
To make England more prosperous, Elizabeth Tudor wants to find a peaceful answer to the
English Reformation. The Queen also encourages merchant expansion.
Pentru a face Anglia mai prosper, Elizabeta Tudor dorete s gseasc o soluie panic n
legtur cu Reforma religioas. Regina ncurajeaz de asemenea dezvoltarea comerului.

6. Glume sau alte povestiri:

The lord tells his buttler to call him a taxi. The butler, who never contradicts his
master, says: Yes, Sir, you are a taxi.

7. Aciuni cu sens viitor n propoziii circumstaniale de timp sau condiionale de

condiie real:
- propoziiile sunt introduse de conjuncii:
o de timp: after, as long as, till, untill, when, while
o condiionale: if, whether, in case, on condition, provided, supposing, unless
Jake will keep his job as long as he does his duty.
Jake i va pstra slujba atta timp ct i face datoria
Ill come home as soon as school is over.
Voi veni acas de ndat ce se sfresc cursurile
Ill be disappointed unless you do your homework properly.
Voi fi dezamgit dac nu-i faci temele cum trebuie
Give me a phone call in case you change your mind.
D-mi un telefon n caz c te rzgndeti
Ill be waiting for you until you get home if you arrive before 8 p.m.
Te voi atepta pn vii acas, dac ajungi nainte de 8 seara.

8. Activiti programate oficial sau aciuni care fac parte dintr-un program stabilit pt
viitorul apropiat (se menioneaz timpul cnd are loc aciunea):
The train for Liverpool leaves in five minutes
Trenul spre Liverpool pleac n 5 minute.
On July 1, our school organizes a trip to the Olt Valley.
Pe 1 iulie, coala noastr organizeaz o excursie pe Valea Oltului.

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