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Ingles - Intento 1

Puntos: 1/1

Complete the correct synonym for the underlined word.

One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. having little or no money, goods, or other means of This is the only meaning that describes what
support poor means.

b. a politician who controls the party organization, as in a

particular district.

c. a person who employs or superintends workers; manager

d. having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied

with resources, means, or funds; wealthy

Se recomienda hacer ejercicios de prctica para fortalecer las habilidades comunicativas: Speaking, Listening,
Reading and Writing.
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Complete the appropriate meaning to the underlined word.

Matthew was pleased with the robe , and he left the shop

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. A typically circular band or durable of metal or other for

wearing on the finger as an ornament.

b. A piece of jewelry, for wearing around the neck.

c. Apparel in general; dress; costume. Robe is a costume.

d. A small rope passed through a cringle.

Se recomienda hacer ejercicios de prctica para fortalecer las habilidades comunicativas: Speaking, Listening,
Reading and Writing.
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Select A, B or C according to the context .

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In the hotel Excellent!!! This is the correct answer.

b. In a car park

c. In the school

Se recomienda hacer ejercicios de prctica para fortalecer las 4 habilidades comunicativas: en Listening-
Speaking - Reading - Writing
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Select A, B or C to complete the sentence correctly.

I broke my leg when I ... football

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. was playing Excellent!!! This is the correct answer.

b. have played

c. played

Se recomienda hacer ejercicios de prctica para fortalecer las habilidades comunicativas: Speaking, Listening,
Reading and Writing.
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Select A, B or C according to the message .

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Joes shoes will be delivered to the shoe shop on


b. The shoe shop will order Joes shoes before


c. Joe needs to go the shoe shop by thursday Excellent!!!! This is the correct answer.

Se recomienda hacer ejercicios de prctica para fortalecer las habilidades comunicativas: Speaking, Listening,
Reading and Writing.
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Select and fill in the correct word according to prayer.

The math test was too ___________ .

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Hard This is an adjective that shows the test was difficult to

do and understand.

b. Lonely

c. Serious

d. Early

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Select A, B and C to choose the definition of the word according to prayer.

The pen is mightier than the sword, they say; so why not use it? Write to packaging
manufacturers and ask them to forgo CFCs and excess packaging on items you buy
regularly.Write to manufacturers of canned goods and ask them to remove the sugar. Write to
paper suppliers and ask them to produce unbleached and recycled paper.

In the text, the underlined word it refers to:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. The sword

b. The pen Excellent!!!! This is the correct answer.

c. Letters

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Select and fill in the correct word according to prayer:

My globes dont fit for my ____________.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Foot.

b. Plant.

c. Weather.

d. Hand. Globes usually are covered by hands and

sometimes when people have big hands, the
globes dont fit them.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1

Select and fill in the correct word according to prayer.

She wrote a sad __________.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Comic.

b. Seduce.

c. Letter. It is the only noun that describes a written

message from one person to another.

d. Stage.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Puntos: 1/1


When I was a baby I cried to cry a lot and my mom always took care of me. I always slept in the afternoon and
woke up at night. I ate baby food, not hamburgers. I didnt walk very fast and play the guitar. When I was a
baby I _______

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. used to play in a band

b. used to cry a lot Excellent!!! This is the correct answer.

c. used to play soccer

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

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