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Indonesia is a rich country that have evertyhing that this world need.

You can find

spices, source of energy, oil, gas, and almost kind of mineral here. With that natural resources
indonesia should have been one of the richest country on earth right now. But the reality
seems as not good as our thought. According to Indonesia now is 68 th most
poor country in the world based on amount of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and also Badan
Pusat Statistik said that on March 2016 amount of poor people in indonesia is about 28
millions. The worst thing is in the last three years amount of poor people increase 2.7
millions. It makes Indonesia become the most worst country on overcoming poverty even in
ASEAN. As a residence of Indonesia its normal if we are worried about this. Sometimes
people on giras (coffe shop) even talk about this and try to figure the proper solution to
decrease amount of poverty in Indonesia. In my opinion, actually this is the evidence how
much all of us loves Indonesia. Just like them i have my own opinion on how to decrease
number of poverty in Indonesia. Two potential solutions to decrese number of poverty in
Indonesia are improve the quality of education and change peoples mindset.

Theres no argue that education is the root of all problems in Indonesia including
poverty and good educational system will lead us in to a better country. Natural resources
without human resources means nothing just like what happen in Indonesia right now, as we
can see almost all of our natural resources owned foreign company. Its because our
education still not good enough. Our education is not equally the same for all the provinces
and the amount of disrepancy is to high. Poor educational system makes us cant produce
people who have competitive and qualified human resources. Thats why we cant manage
our natural reseources eventhough we have more than 250 millions people living in our
country. Without education people will not get any knowledge to do something. Less
knowledge and lack of workskill makes people difficult to find a job which is affect their
ability to fulfill their daily needs and end up become a homeless. All of the explanation above
show that if we really want to make Indonesia become a better country in low poverty
context, we have to start doing something from the roots which is education. Believe it or not
according to me improving our education quality will help Indonesia very much to reduce
poverty. just like a plant if the roots are good and then the other will be good too.

Antoher thing that should be changed is people mindset. Yes, its people mindset. The
reason is almost people mindset right now is they study for work. The fact is Indonesia have
more than 4.800 universities right now. imagine that every university graduate more than 300
people every year that means there will be 1.440.000 every year looking for a job. Thats
sounds crazy right?. The fact is almost of all the universities teach us to be ready compete
each other in order to get a job and almost none of them teach us how to be a good
enterpreneur. Whereas one of the indicators of developed country is amount of enterpreneur.
This is the reason why we still categorize as a developing country. The point is all of us
should change our mindset from whom i will work for in to what kind of bussiness will i
make after i graduate. Because its better we make a job instead of search for it.

Its clear that poverty in Indonesia has several things to be considered as the causes.
Nowadays criticize doesnt affect anything if we do not do something. We have to start to
contribute to reduce poverty from ourself by changing our mindset from whom i will work
for in to what kind of bussiness that i will make and then the government should try to solve
the poverty problems by improving the quality of our education which is the roots almost of
the problems. Because the combination of good mindset and good education quality will lead
us in to a better country.

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