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HEAVEN ON EARTH is the IDEAL of all human minds which has not yet been brought to fruition due their
ineptness to repel the relentless attacks of the DEVIL SPIRIT upon the invisible perimeter of their conscience for the
ultimate purpose of taking control of the body.

The HOLY SPIRIT is the legitimate occupant of the CONSCIENCE as HE is the creator of the human body which He
generously turns over control to the tenant spirit free in trust the spirit will use the body in the spirit of the HOLY

Once the Devil Spirit has penetrated the perimeter (a foot in the door so to speak) the integrity of the HOLY SPIRIT is
corrupted (much like that of the operating system of a computer when it is inflicted with a virus).
This phenomenon in respect of the human mind is SCHIZOPHRENIA unbeknownst to the populace, which either
attests to the ineptness of our most brilliant scholars or their involvement with the conspiracy perpetrated by the heads
of State and Church against the populace which in turn evidences the Devil Spirit has control of their minds.

The computer is a magnificent model of the human mind which evidences the extraordinary adeptness of the
unencumbered human mind and the virus is a demonstration of the Devil Spirits attentiveness to sabotage the intent of
the HOLY SPIRIT to eternally advance into the realm of the unknown and thereby quash the artificial limitations of
the encumbered mind to the infinitive.

Fear of the unknown is the exasperation of itself enhanced by visions within the realm of the evil of Satan.

Nothing is more certain to the certainty of the quest of the HOLY SPIRIT than the certainty of the impediment of the
attentive DEVIL SPIRIT.

It is abundantly obvious that a leg with a ball and chain attached is obstructed to progress in any direction and the area
of familiarity is a variable dependent on the length of chain and the determination of the inquisitive mind to stretch the

Nothing is more certain to the ignorance of man than the certainty of the assertiveness to the certainty. .
SCHIZOPHRENIA is the obvious reality of the inattentive mind to the cohabitation of two spirits of obvious opposite

Attentiveness to the eviction of one is the responsibility of the individual and freedom of choice has been bestowed by
the creator but the consequences are part and parcel of the choice.

The actions of an individual attest to the choice they made and those who opted for the HOLY SPIRIT
aver the stability and soundness of mind to reason, worthy of the trust bestowed by the HOLY SPIRIT.

This is not an acclamation of knowledge but attests to the adeptness of one’s mind to rational conclusion which is
prerequisite in every step of progress where visionary minds lead the way and receptive minds follow in support.

The most supportive task is to run an offensive to clear the obstructions relentlessly laid by the DEVIL SPIRITS of the
powers that be in defense of their empires which thrives on the ignorance of the populace.

The powers that be surround themselves with competent people and buy their loyalty by the extravagant use of the
people’s money who falsely believes they are of superior intelligence than the status quo and their salaries attest to it
which in reality is precisely opposite to the detriment of society.

We need people in the establishment who act and react in the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT and in that endeavor their
salaries and benefits should be equal to that of the private sector with rewards going to those who are attentive to their
careers. Those who benefit the cause most in the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT would be those as in the private sector
where achievement is judged by the pleasure of benefit to the shareholders.

In the case of the CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 the establishment is the politicians elected into power by the
people who trust they will represent them according to the Act, the executive bureaucrats are responsible for
the staffing of the public servants and they all are responsible to the people.
Unfortunately they are not aware of this.

When actions are taken which are obviously not conducive to the purpose, the establishment must be held
responsible and accountable for obvious reason coincidental to sanity.
Nothing in this regard conveys any rights upon the individuals of the establishment above and beyond that of
any individual under the ACT and in no way exempts any individual from the punishment due in such

Due to the position of trust and the importance of their role to society the punishment due them must be
adequatety increased to reflect the enormity of the crime.

When one becomes a victim due to a willful act of negligence by an individual of the establishment the
individual is an accomplice to the crime and must be punished accordingly.

When the establishment is allowed to act without respect to obvious consequences inherent to their actions
the obvious consequences will surely happen and they must be alert to the eventuality.

It is absolutely repulsive that they could proceed in any manner which guarantees personal harm or financial
loss to an innocent moral and by the same token guarantee financial gain without punishment due to the
immoral all of which evidences their own immorality and incompetence to the necessity.

The only way to make them coherent of the consequences is to make them experience the consequences or a
suitable facsimile.

It is amazing how receptive people are to reason when reason is used to teach reason.

The thing about truth is that it is always there with evidence to support it and the thing about lies is the same
truth proves them.

A lie is evidence of the individual’s involvement with the crime and must be considered as guilty of the
crime as if they actually committed the crime.

It is most obvious that those who are paid to provide services for the benefit of the HOLY SPIRIT are
experienced and trained in a manner coincidental to the purpose and deemed professional in such matters and
thusly alert to the ways not conducive to the HOLY SPIRIT and the ramifications upon society if such ways
are allowed to persist.

The evidence I have, which is a prodigious amount of evidence which Inspector Karen Noakes #440,
Executive Officer of the York Regional Police has volunteered and Bruce Herridge, Deputy Chief of Police
of the YRP has stated that they are “clearly connected to the legislative framework which has long been
established in this country”
Mr. Herridge goes on to state “Finally, I will keep your situation in mind and when asked for comments on
the enforcement of the laws of the country, crime prevention, the justice system, and the rights of victims,
and will certainly address my concerns” Dated January 10 2006 pages 111 and 112 of the BLACK BOOK.
On subsequent requests to MR. Herridge as to the actions he has taken in support of the certainty he
promised to this matter he has declined to respond.

A little dance to meet the occasion, and an out to lunch, no where to be found for the promise.
The HOLY SPIRIT is founded on principles that recognizes the supremacy of the spirit
of the HOLY SPIRIT where all things reasoned are done with sound reason for sound
reason for the reason assigned in the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT,
defined herein.

The most intelligent person in aerospace or latrine is no more familiar with GOD than
the members of the HOLY SPIRIT

The spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT is the adopted sane presumption of the spirit of the
HALLOWED HOLY SPIRIT which we have chosen to define in most simple terms by
adopting the words of the renowned CONFUSIOUS who existed on Earth 500 years
before we knew of JESUS.




Decipher, Memorize and Consistently Comply with those words and you are worthy of
membership with the HOLY SPIRIT.

The conscience of the minds of the Members of the HOLY SPIRIT will be deemed
consumed of the adopted sane presumption of the spirit of the HALLOWED HOLY
SPIRIT and the membership shall be known as the HOLY SPIRIT.

The HOLY SPIRIT demands consistency to irreproachable INTEGRITY in the sprit of RHYTHM

Reality Honesty Why? Truth Honor Morality

The HOLY SPIRIT is not a BELIEF but a FACT not something to preach but to comply with.

The HOLY SPIRIT is not a mystery, nor something to seek for the HOLY SPIRIT is with us wherever we
are, invisible to all and wherever we have access to the network we have access to the head quarters of the
HOLY SPIRIT and the intelligence of the members.

We truly are spirits who can communicate with spirits from around the world and the HOLY SPIRIT is

The NUCLEOUS nourishes the people and the conscience of those consumed of the HOLY SPIRIT nourishes the

Everything is either given or given to by members for that which is rightfully yours can only be taken by
one possessed of the DEVIL SPIRIT.

The spirit of the DEVIL SPIRIT is our natural enemy which the HOLY SPIRIT shall smite by the
Proliferation of Truths and Insurgence upon Fabrications.

The HOLY SPIRIT recognizes that lies are the words of one whose conscience is possessed of the DEVIL
SPIRIT and by such words evidences an inherent ulterior purpose detrimental to HEAVEN ON EARTH and
actions coincidental to such lies can be traced to their pathetic purpose.


For every action there is reaction and actions done in the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT are progressive to
HEAVEN ON EARTH and actions done in the spirit of the DEVIL SPIRIT are digressive to the HEAVEN
ON EARTH the people deserve and seek.

Heaven On Earth shall henceforth be known as HOE

The CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 (henceforth shall be known as THE LAW) recognizes the supremacy of
GOD as does the HOLY SPIRIT and the Establishment shall recognize the HOLY SPIRIT as their

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all
matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and
Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all
matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no
force or effect.

Every person in Canada is obliged to abide by THE LAW in the spirit of THE LAW which most
certainly includes the human resources of the PUBLIC SERVICES and GOVERNMENTS.


It’s a long road to HOE due to the incompetence and deliberate actions, adverse to the spirit of THE LAW,
by the presumptuous powers that be and have been and it because of their misuse of trust the

Within the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT it is an improbability for one to be FOR AND AGAINST to be
consistent with the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT.


(103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in
the spirit as well as in the letter.


Those words are the spirit of THE LAW and the HOLY SPIRIT

There is no precedence which can Trump the spirit of THE LAW and the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT

The spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT is alert to the fact that a law is just a piece of paper to those whose
conscience are possessed of the spirit of the DEVIL SPIRIT and therefore interprets the rule of law to be
consistent with the spirit of THE LAW and the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT

Action and Reaction: To define in simple terms if ONE were to kick another in the ass (Action)
ANOTHER will kick ONE’S ass. (Reaction).

In the spirits of THE LAW and the HOLY SPIRIT

works both ways so when one opts to steal $500 from another, another best be prepared to pay $500 to one

That is a given to automatically mend the damage the DEVIL SPIRIT caused.

But now we must deal with the principle of the thing. When a person has been identified with a conscience
consumed by the spirit of the DEVIL SPIRIT it must be eradicated.



The ultimate conclusion of reason and the reason to reason with reason to its reality

One susceptible to reason may well reason that HOE is an improbability due to the ineptitude of the human
mind debilitated with SCHIZOPHRENIA.


At one time automobiles, planes and trains, telephones, electricity, television and computers, submarines,
space craft and ways to blow up the planet were improbabilities.

The world was flat at one time which was an improbability considering it has always been a sphere.

Improbabilities are the certainties of idle thinkers who are the major challenge of visionaries.

Visionaries are reasoned to be whacko by the idle thinker and the idle thinker is reasoned to be an idle
thinker by the visionary who accepts the Reality of the time and advances into the future by collecting all the
knowledge known to humankind at the moment in time and thinks the improbability to Reality.

Once the improbability is a Reality it is acquiesced by the idle mind who eliminates the improbability from
their repertoire of improbabilities.

They, the people who offered no help to the visionary and in fact due their idleness hindered the visionary’s
quest are the people who passively accept and demand the benefits of the reality.

Over and over and over again idle thinkers lock themselves into routine unconsciously accepting what is as
how it as and must be until someone removes another improbability.

Imagine how quickly the improbabilities would be converted to Realities if the idle minds switched their
minds on to the Reality that improbabilities are a fixation of the idle mind and just accepted that as Reality as
their minds continued to idle in neutral.

Imagine how quickly the improbabilities would be converted to Realities if the idle minds switched their
minds on to the Reality that the visionary is there for them and they gave them the respect they deserved.

Imagine how quickly the world could advance and quash improbabilities if they were coherent to Reality.

HOE is just one link on a chain of improbabilities waiting to become Reality and the chain extends into


ONE’S TRUTH is as honest as one is coherent to the facts known at a precise moment in time and evidences
the truth of their compatibility with the artificial truths of the ignorance of the times.

Ignorance is the obstruction to wisdom of the ignorant dishonest intelligent mind and the honest intelligent
mind is cognizant of its own ignorance and attentively applies itself to the eradication of

Improbabilities of the times, (past, present and future) are relentlessly replaced with the improbabilities of
the times as time relentlessly progresses from present to the future it progressively leaves the past behind and
the future relentlessly progresses leaving the present behind.

it is their nature and any precise moment of time is but a slide shot of reality which progressively fades over
time but can be renewed to its original state by minds of irreproachable integrity, conviction and fortitude to
the task in pursuant of fact for the truths of each slide when assembled together and run as a movie would
appear as the life flashing before the eyes of the present as it passes to the future.

By attentiveness to the analysis of past truths we can determine that which obstructed our ascent to HOE
which resulted in present state of limbo, so far from HOE, considering HOE is the ultimate goal and desire of
all humankind.

The quest for the truths of the past is a long arduous trek down an unmarked backward trail which is an
improbability of the honest intelligent mind, not due their ignorance but their intelligence of mind to
attentiveness to the acceleration of progress from present to future which on the calendar present should be
long advanced of HOE and future being anything within our hearts desires with nothing but clears skies and
clear minds to activate the promises of our imaginations.

HOE is like being automatically entered into a LOTTERY which all are assured to win equally and benefit
well in life style the moment the event takes place.

It is the waiting we most detest and yet it is the waiting that prolongs the wait into a progressive state of
present and future relativity where nothing advances except time.

As surely as HOE becomes REALITY the ignorant will proclaim a MIRACLE and the intelligent will set out
to create another one.

The evidence which lay in the trail of present Reality is everywhere for the ignorant honest mind to see, they
need only to open their minds and that is each individuals responsibility to set their mind to the task.

As obvious as opening a window to let fresh air in is the obvious that all windows do not open as easy as it is
to say but when mind is coherent to the importance of the task they will get it done one way or another with
due regard and respect for the window for they know it serves them well.

The spirits of the HOLY SPIRIT are here to open the window to HOE the aspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT

The HOLY SPIRIT is with us every step of the way

As we advance to HOE we will rummage through the past and segregate the lies from the truth.
We will induct the truths into our purpose of charting straight and immediate course to HOE
We will use the lies to prove their ulterior purpose and link them to their source where immediate attention
must be applied to eliminate and deter further obstruction to that which we all aspire.


The strength of our team is due to the obvious strength of the HOLY SPIRIT from foundation to ceiling where the sky
is not the limit but a mere improbility of the times waiting for progressive reality to expand improbility and thus our
minds into a progressive future of unobstructed imaginative sane reason.

The integrity, fortitude and conviction of the spirits of the minds of the members of the HOLY SPIRIT are
the strength of its foundation.



The NUCLEUS nourishes the people and the conscience of those consumed of the HOLY SPIRIT nourishes the
nucleus which is the framework which supports the roof which progressively advances into the future.

The benefits are shared by all and the height of the roof increases the benefits but in a fair world where all the people
share in the benefits equally of the fundamentals of the HOLY SPIRIT it is prudent to state it’s GOD Damn time
everyone put some effort into the raising of the roof, securing it in place, and allowing those more adept. ( the
visionaries) to go on ahead unencumbered.

There is a place and need for everyone one in the world of the HOLY SPIRIT and everyone takes a place on the chain
from what was, what is, and whatever will be on the planet Earth and wherever our ceiling be during one’s life time.

A chain as everyone is alert to, is as strong as its weakest link and considering how vital the chain to all of our
pleasurable existence it is imperative we monitor the chain with the exuberance the ideology demands.

It does not require one to waste time in school when one is adamantly opposed to learning nor does it require one to
spend the rest of their life in school to learn so that they may live in HOE.

HOE is the natural state of existence of the natural state of minds controlled by the spirits of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

It doesn’t hurt and quite to the contrary it helps in every possible way to the benefit of all humankind.

It’s all about harmonizing with the spirit of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

All you need do is blend in which ever way you are of mind to do with no disruption to the harmony.

A tuning fork is neither necessary nor relevant to the harmony yet you will either be in rhythm or not which is readily
observed by those attuned to THE SPIRIT.

We are not about educating one in skills which are conducive to the productivity of humankind however we are about
ensuring the mind is conducive to the benefit of humankind.

With consistency to this endeavor we ensure consistency of the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT and with consistency we
eradicate the inconsistencies into oblivion.

Everyone will have equal and fair opportunity to choose their place in HOE bounded by parameters where poverty
does not exist unless that is one’s goal and rewards of success are limited only to one’s limited efforts to the quest.

As obvious as the DEVILS SPIRIT is intent on the sabotage of the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT is the obvious reason to
eradicate the HOLY SPIRIT.

The DEVIL SPIRIT is the natural enemy of the HOLY SPIRIT and it is incumbent upon those who are of the spirit of
the HOLY SPIRIT to preserve their sanctity provided by the HOLY SPIRIT.

They owe everything they have, the planet and the universe where they are born free to enjoy all they offer, their
bodies assigned to them for their own personal use and biddings, the necessities to sustain life and the brain to store
knowledge with no limitations as to the capacity and how you organize it as you progress through life by freedom of
choice as to how you will enjoy and live it.

That which one has been given is not limited by my inattentiveness to the occasion for they are mere words and it
would take more than a forest to document all the words to do justice to that which this humble mind is not worthy to
the cause.

No one person can honor the cause justly but all together we could submit one offering which could be reasonable in
that endeavor but as we advance to HOE and then progress rapidly into the unknown of today our offering will be
more explicit as we become wiser and more familiar with GOD as we live in an environment of the HIS aspirations.

Given the preponderance of challenges on the road to HOE, much like a gauntlet where our minds are already afflicted
with SCHIZOPHRENIA with the DEVIL SPIRIT relentlessly attacking their conscience and the HOLY SPIRIT
honorably repelling the unrighteous avarice SOB whose sole purpose is to gain control of the soul which GOD gave
free and willing in trust the soul would use everything which was given including the most magnificent body to take it
where ever it chooses and all it need do is respect the equal privileges given to each and every soul who has been
granted the most precious gift.

Nothing in the book of knowledge is more prevalent and it can be and could be read by the most illiterate before books
existed for all one need do is read their mind of the knowledge they have stored.

There they will find under feelings, physical and emotions all they need to know about their fellow human beings.

They know what will hurt another and they know that another can similarly hurt them back.
They know because one is bigger they have advantage and yet one who is smaller of smarter mind is capable of more

They know if one sets out to harm one it is an improbably because those related and associated will also be harmed in
many ways directly in emotional ways and loss of benefit of the one harmed and indirectly may cause them to take
action which may cause them more harm than the original occurrence of harm..

Everyone is capable of expanding on the ramifications of one such an occurrence and they all have the potential to
annihilate every GOD Damned one of us, for when we permit an environment to exist where the spirit of the DEVIL
SPIRIT is free to roam where ever in search of weak minds it need not search far and KABOOM the environment is
gone and of course as is always the case we are all victims, far from innocent as the self righteous would like to think
for although one initiated the first blow the blow would never had occurred if they had of been attentive to the
certainty that ramifications will evolve when such occurrences are left unattended in the manner due the significance
of such actions upon the precious creations of the CREATOR.

Clean air, water and food are the sustenance’s of life and to mess with any of these is a deliberate assault on each and
every individual’s body which is significantly important to the spirit which dwells within the mind.

Fact is fact and every mind is apprised of these facts by their own interactive communications with their senses which
come preloaded with their body upon delivery and though some come not as perfectly planned to the immediate
disadvantage of the spirit within it is incomprehensible that such a spirit is subjected to gross indecencies cast upon
them who were fortunate to arrive on earth intact.

The human mind is capable of the most dastardly and magnificent things and surely our time on earth was not to seek
out the ultimate dastard and the most magnificent for we would be segregated into two groups with one vying for top
honors in destruction and the one from the other group proudly showing their adeptness to rebuild.

I call this lateral advancement for although their brains are being used and gaining knowledge in both directions you
are going no where likened to a tug rope competition where knowledge is gained for the purpose of not falling flat on
one’s face in a quagmire of mud.

Obviously a tug rope contest is done in fun and the quagmire of mud is intentionally placed in the spirit of things.
Surely everyone is cognizant to that fact but how about the reality of life that can be likened to such absurdity.

Truth or Consequences is another game people play but the consequences are less than falling in the mud.

Life is not a game, and I am addressing this to the ignoramus for any sane person knows that Reality is the
Consequences of Lies and LIES are the TRUTH that caused the REALITY and we are all living the

We are living the LIES of those minds encumbered by the DEVIL SPIRIT.

The weak or shall I say meek shall inherit the Earth as prophesized, for the weak of mind are confined to the meaning
of one liners as per verbatim without the support of wisdom which knowledge brings.

Knowledge alone is nothing more than that which you will find in a library and the brain is similar to that of a library
but that contained is limited to the adeptness of one’s mind to seek out and store data for one’s personal use.
It is impossible for one to store in one’s brain all the knowledge contained in every book written but all one needs to
know is where and how to retrieve the knowledge to suit one’s purpose.

You could learn how to build a fire cracker and learn all there is to know about a frog and with careful attention to
detail you would know exactly how much explosive and which orifice of a frog to insert the cracker to please one’s
satanically pathetic weak mind who doesn’t once consider that the sensation they will experience is not likely to be
that of the frog.

Not once did you consider the matter from the frog’s point of view and yet when a frog who survives and grows to
monstrous proportions due to its natural obsession with keeping itself together, by invoking powers within its brain not
needed before when it had body and legs to stand on, with nothing else but to lay and think it concentrated on the
power of mind and expanded itself out to its parts and then expanded them to proportionate size of its new grown body
and though time had passed and had forgiven you of your dastardly deed you cry bloody murder when it takes the
canon cracker which you were about to stick in one of its children and shoves it up your ass and lights it with your own

Once you get yourself together you go gather your fiends who are appalled that such a creature would do such a
dastardly deed to their innocent comrade who confirm your innocence by interrogating you gently as any friend would
do for they want to be positively innocent of that which they now must do.

It will take along time this time for the innocent frog to get itself together after the combustion of the nuclear cracker
and they will have along time sharing the sensation of their observations and it is my most sincere wish, having now
become aware of the gratification of such experience, that I be present when the gigantic monster that emerges from
the nuclear combustion of the cracker with a cracker of proportion size rams it up your ass and walks away, forgiving
you without striking a match.

It is at that moment that you will come enlightened as to the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT as you scream Jesus Christ
and you beg for mercy as a firefly alights on the wick which is far from your reach or you would have lit it yourself.

Had you have been of sane mind and gave it thought that others think too you would know that the firefly can not
possibly light the wick without incinerating itself and you gotta admit that the wee mind of the firefly is emphatically
bigger than yours

Tis sad you are so preoccupied with your personal concerns having given no thought to others with no KLU as to the
theory of relativity of Action and Reaction for whilst you were at the library you could have read up on the properties
of a flame thrower.

“For what” you moan with adamant ignorance.

“You have the Zippo in your hand yet the wick is so far away. You could light the flame thrower with your Zippo and
then light the wick.”

“GOD help me, Jesus Christ you are here and you could take my Zippo.”

“I’m sorry but that would be taking advantage of a person caught with their pants down.”

“You could loan it to me and I could feel right by that, but then I would be liable for prosecution because my finger
prints would be all over the lighter.”

“Damn you, take my bloody gloves.”

“Let’s see, they are just a little too big”

He retorts, “You stupid bastard, do it, what the F… difference does it matter what size they are”

“Again you sputter your ignorance, if the gloves were smaller and wouldn’t allow my hands to penetrate I could oblige
but being bigger when I put on a surgical glove they will fit perfectly and I will be linked to your demise.”

“Holy shit, you f…n lunatic, get me a GOD Damn lawyer.”

“Okay I will, but first let me give it some more thought, and I would suggest you stop harassing me for it interferes
with my thinking, and I want to help you in the best way I can without interruption”

“So, let’s see what we got here, a panicky, fear stricken person of limited knowledge and vocabulary, of limited
movement……… ah yes, with a gigantic unlit fire cracker up his ass. Boy that must hurt …..I’ll take that as an
affirmative, now let’s see, when I push it further towards you …… Oh, dear that certainly hurt didn’t it, so obviously
we can’t solve the problem by moving it”

“I notice by the grimace on your face that you are not appreciative of those who would help you but I need no thanks
for I am rewarded with the pleasures of helping others. It does my heart good and it just invigorates my spirit to no end
and when I have done everything for you within my wherewithal I’ll spread the word how I helped you and how the
observation of a fellow human in distress raised my spirits and summoned all my senses to the task at hand, and even
when all about me were losing their heads, namely you, I kept mine and did the proper thing.”

“Now repeat after me, If I should die before I wake…………..”


“I will attest that you were most certainly meek at the end and you have inherited the Earth as will we all as our bodies
are lowered into the ground.”

Everyone has their own personal agenda and that is because GOD gave them the freedom to apply themselves to their
own will but I feel I can speak on behalf of our creator that He granted no one special privileges and most certainly not
the right to stick an explosive up another’s ass.

Each step of the way is a slippery and treacherous one due the obnoxious rebellious spirits of the DEVIL SPIRIT.

The long road to HOE is the Reality of our infinite wisdom to know what is best and the irony is the very word we use
to define our goal is the word which defines the tool and method of achieving our goal as we wonder aimlessly cursing
the elusiveness of HOE.

I reiterate as I do all things and will continue to do so until all people are capable of the reiterations in honest spirit
eradicating the need for the reiterations for they will be embedded in the forefront of their minds which will act as an
invisible screen subconsciously removing any thought which can be attributed to the DEVIL SPIRIT.
truth is a Full




Half the


Reality is the sum of its facts impervious to perception.

Truth is the articulation of Reality.
The Whole Truth is the quest of law impervious to perception.

Perception is an invisible variable attribute of the mind which is the culmination of the thinking process at a precise
moment in time contingent on its adeptness to absorb and store unadulterated data of personal observations for present
and future purpose unbeknownst at conception.
One’s Purpose is either coincidental to the purpose of bestowed trust or of ulterior purpose which purpose is
determined and attested to by reality.
The thinking process is the invisible retrieval of personal data for benefit of present or future purpose where the
honest alert resilient mind procures all facts in the quest for truth when summoned for opinion.
The integrity of one’s opinion is dependent on consistency of attentiveness to integrity, fortitude and conviction to the
acquisition of truth.
The mind is influenced by conscience which is susceptible to the ways of the HOLY and Devil Spirit to the
befuddlement of the Conscience of the world to which Reality asserts.

It is sad that the mind is an invisible entity which exists within the brain and although we can narrow it down
the head of the body due to common sense we can not just incarcerate it so whatever the punishment due,
within the spirit of the spirits of THE LAW and THE HOLY SPIRIT, must be applied to the whole body
with the intent to eradicate the spirit of the DEVIL SPIRIT from the conscience lest it once again takes
control of the conscience of the mind and harm someone.

As consistency to abide by THE LAW is demanded so is consistency demanded to the enforcement of THE
LAW which includes consistency in the application of due punishment which varies as to the resistance of
one’s mind to accept the HOLY SPIRIT as the spirit of their conscience.

Neglecting attentiveness to the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT is detrimental to the road to HOE and can not, nor
will be tolerated by the spirits of the HOLY SPIRIT.
In the spirit of consistency there can be no misunderstanding of the meanings of the words relative to the
spirit of THE LAW and it is with the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT that I state that it is the responsibility of
each and every individual of Canada to control their bodies within the restraints of the spirit of THE LAW
and the HOLY SPIRIT lest they be subject to the restraints of THE LAW.

When it is obvious one is in neglect of THE LAW it is obvious those who are employed to enforce THE
LAW are obliged to act in the spirit of THE LAW else they be obvious in neglect of THE LAW and they
must be receptive to punishment as if they were the originator of the neglection.

It is absolutely absurd to employ an individual for the purpose of administering THE LAW if they are
incoherent and incognizant of the spirit of THE LAW.

It is in this spirit of THE LAW I present the following.

The HOLY SPIRIT is devoted to the eradication of the befuddlement.


Establishment, foundation, creation, formation, structure, organization, charter, bill

VERB: Do something, take action, take steps, proceed, be active, perform, operate, work,
discharge duty, accomplish
Work, take effect, function, produce a result, produce an effect, do its stuff
Perform, act out, be in, appear in, play in, play a part, play a role
Behave, conduct yourself, comport yourself, perform
Pretend, put on an act, put it on, play, fake, feign, play act, ham it up, affect

NOUN: Action, deed, doing, undertaking, exploit, performance, achievement, accomplishment,

Pretense, show, sham, put-on, con, feint
Law, piece of legislation, statute, decree, enactment, measure, bill

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of god and the rule of law


main beliefs, values, philosophy, ideology, morality, ethics, doctrine, principle
major, chief, key, most important, foremost, core, focal central
attitude, viewpoint, idea, thinking, way of life, value
principles, standards, morals, ethics, ideals, value
attitude, view point, idea, thinking, way of life, values, beliefs
philosophies, beliefs, principles, thought, ideas, creed, dogma, line
ethics, morals, principles, goodness, decency, probity, honesty, integrity
principles, morals, beliefs, moral principles, moral values, moral code
policy, principle, set of guide lines, canon, dogma
code, standard, belief, attitude, opinion, rule, theory
goodness, decency, honesty, integrity, honesty, integrity, honor, virtue, godliness, saintliness
rule, strategy, plan, guiding principle, course of action, guidelines, procedure, document
standard, rule, norm, principle, tenet, law, list, catalog
creed, doctrine, system of belief, code of belief, canon, belief, view, tenets
system, policy, regulations, rules, set of laws, convention, cipher, cryptogram
religiousness, devoutness, holiness, goodness, saintliness, righteousness, piousness
goodness, piety, virtue, righteousness, holiness, godliness
law, regulation, decree, statute, imperative, canon, tenet, ruling
plan, policy, approach, tactic, line of attack, strategem
diagram, map, table, chart, sketch, graph, arrangement, preparation
normal, typical, average, usual set, ordinary, regular, customary
principle, theory, belief, precept, rule, opinion, view, ideology
rule, commandment, regulation, decree, act, edict, ruling, bylaw
statement of belief, faith, dogma, doctrine, credo, belief, article of faith
asset, good quality, good feature, desirable, quality, good value, good worth, high merit, high caliber


Sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified Strength, courage, character, guts, will

blessed, divine, righteous, saintly strength of mind, force, fortitude





The good Lord overestimated the intelligence and underestimated the ignorance of HUMANS due their
natural infliction of SCHIZOPHRENIA unbeknownst to the scholars then and now.

I would like to thank you Lord and of course Jesus for more than the obvious reason of holidays celebrated
in his name but for showing us the way and being so patient, and though I asked you to forgive them Lord as
I know Jesus would ask I think 2007 years is a little bit much and when I ask in the name of the people it will
be inane for they will have begged forgiveness themselves after they have shown due remorse and proven
their remorse by attentively applying themselves to the eradication of the evil spirit which has messed with
the conscience of their minds.

They will have forgiven the immoral having served due punishment for their crime instigated by the DEVIL
and we presume having served due penitence their minds are as stable and equal as all in HEAVEN ON
EARTH as you wished for us all where each individual is equal to each other in matters of our rights given
us by you our LORD who art in the unknown Heaven above.

As precious as you are to us people of your creation we of the HOLY SPIRIT know that our minds at this
moment are incapable of determining the truth about your existence and what you may have in store for us at
the end of the line.

We want you to know you are the most highest and we do not slight you in anyway as surely you know as
we apply ourselves to your ultimate goal which I must admit ours too for we are wise to the wisdom of your
ways as we prove to You that we truly understand the meaning behind the words, “GOD HELPS THOSE

This is a people’s world where we all are equal to each other with the same brains heading to the same place
at the end of our journey on Earth. People who are honest with themselves thereby knowing themselves and
thereby knowing each other as well for they will have cured themselves of SCHIZOPHRENIA leaving their
minds uninhibited as you obviously intended by leaving us free to think and advance our knowledge and
senses to that beyond yours and our present wildest of dreams.
The writings hereafter are intended to exercise your minds in the spirit of the holy spirit and it would be
prudent to state that although we owe all to GOD with the most highest of respect to JESUS and
CONFUSCIOUS who provided the most simple statement to define the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT and THE
LAW in just 11 words which Lawyers and other immoral have taken and expanded sufficiently to feed all
their mouths and their families which is no miracle of theirs but it is a miracle they have not been discovered
by all the billions of people who have had opportunity and knowledge to do so but alas I digress and bow to
the crippling affects Schizophrenia has had upon their minds.

Jesus surely performed miracles as he fed hundreds, everyone that was there with just a few loaves of bread
and I have heard no one claim that he robbed from others to do so as Lawyers do but it is just the nature of

Moses, John the Baptist, Confuscious, Allah so many and alas so many I do not know who are known for
their kindness to humanity.

Then there are Lawyers, scorpions, snakes and tarantulas of another ilk.

I do not judge the Lord’s wisdom of putting scorpions, snakes, and tarantulas on earth along with humans
and having given more thought as I write I state that I am cognizant to the fact that these creatures are not
predator’s of humankind I beg forgiveness for what you know I was about to say but damn it Lord there is no
possible reason to have put such an abominable creature as a lawyer which write deception into the laws to
put the moral people at ease like naïve sheep whilst the immoral whose occupations are similar to that of the
lawyers in as much as they familiarize themselves with the loopholes and undefended borders of the law to
wreak havoc and ransack the flock.

It is prudent to state that CONFUSCIOUS say many things and I have laughed at many which I have not
been able to trace to him nor did I try and I admit serious doubt to the validity of source but his words in
matters significant to eternal peace of all mankind are quite lucid and the ultimate of simplicity which no
person can deny unless they have the mind of an ant or that of the powers that be.

In reiteration and honor of the man, Ladies and Gentlemen lo and behold and uphold these words of the
wisest spirit of all which has found place and compatible companionship with the spirit of me.


To remove any ambiguity it is imperative that I state that these words are not to be construed so as to
condone the behavioral antics of a masochist

No words could be more pertinent and simple to pass judgment as to one’s guilt of non compliance with
THE LAW and the pecuniary value of compensation due and where ambiguity lay as to fair compensation
Where chance to error arises we must err in favor of the victim with little or no respect for the person who
deliberately set out to mess with the God given rights of a fellow human being.

We must understand but for circumstance a victim can be you or I or your mother or mine and every effort
must be made to assure that significant deterrence is applied by punitive measure due the occurrence with
due diligence to make known that such absurdities will not be tolerated.

I repeat the following words to emphasize their importance and to provide an example of the inconsistencies
that will appear from time to time within the Constitution (Document) when taken verbatim they are
contradictory to the spirit of THE LAW and what is meant by the supremacy of God

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

That is the very first statement of the CHARTER which either states or implies the context of which we
apply meaning to all the wording contained within the CHARTER.

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms
set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be
demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and
religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of
the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

You obviously can’t have your cake and eat it too

2(a) freedom of conscience

Sense of right and wrong, scruples, principles, ethics.

How can you possibly be free to be wrong when the purpose of law is to make us good and right.

I suppose you could say that this is covered under section 1.but it is imperative there be no room
for confusion, as you can’t expect people to live in harmony if they aren’t consistent with THE LAW and the

That doesn’t mean different common sense for one group and another common sense for another.
Obviously common sense to the immoral is rather detrimental to the moral.

I reiterate the significance of the words CONFUSIOUS SAY


To make the point irrefutably clear common sense is not a term we can associate with the



Krazy Kowardly Killers of the 3rd Kind

They do not belong in this world and freedom of speech and conscience granted by the law obviously can not
be construed as to provide for such freedom to spread hate against any group of our fellow man.

This is probably the best example of unconscionable prejudice in that you can not JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS
COVER nor can you differentiate between good and bad by color, race, religion, language and so on.

Only mental midgets can define good and bad in this manner because they don’t have the mental capacity to
think beyond that of a child in kindergarten experienced with the different colors of a crayon.

I must immediately apologize for that abominable slur for I have unconsciously spoken against the children
who are the most innocent of all.

This is a great example to make the point about bad mouthing a particular group for everyone’s conscience is
alert to the injustice of such slurs.

We all know children are as innocent as all can be in general as a group and yet we know there are some
possessed of the devil and we know that is not their fault.

They were introduced to the devil at home by their parents or guardians or through their neglect to keep
bodies possessed of the evil spirit away.

Environment and up bringing are the problems here and it is the evil spirits of the powers that be that permit
and cause these environments to exist.

Everything the evil spirits do is favorable to the wealthy with obviously no conscience to the welfare of the
body and spirits of the people.

Those ignorant people who have the power to make things right use their power to make things wrong.

They see things in common with the KKK mindset which is an oxymoron in that they are mindless in such

A phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special effect, for example,
“wise fool” or “legal murder”

"Nothing is guaranteed by the powers that be and you can take that to the bank but it would be an
exercise in futility because you will probably be charged to withdraw."

That is a paradox which can be interpreted to be coincidental to the paradox "HOE" The statement above can
be used as an example to explain the statement below and in fact the astute will know that the obvious
conclusion which can be extracted from above is the catalyst to the superfluous obnoxious pathetic paradox
below and an ideal example of why it is not on Earth as it is in Heaven. If we could all come to agreement on
this rather complex analogy we would be on our way to Heaven, the preferred way with body and soul
without leaving Earth

HOE is the most superfluous obnoxious pathetic paradox of natural acquiescence conducive to the
complex amalgamation of inhibitive hypnotic procrastination of diverse conscience yet a paradox
appropriate to the inattentiveness to the predictable spontaneity of the certainties of schizophrenia
aggravated by assertion of immoral power.

This scenario is as complicated as the conversion from hell to HOE and yet can be done by simple
The first statement is rather simple in it self yet will receive different reaction at first glance and then when
considered with the second statement relative to the paragraph in between it is a fine kettle of fish.
Each individual has different perceptions of reality inherent to home, immediate environment, ancestry and
belief, susceptibility to fact, attitude and so on
Many wouldn't give it a moment’s attention if it was handed to them and of course that is a major problem in
itself trying to get everyone together on this one project. If everyone could be made to believe that by
applying themselves to this initiative we would have HOE, as much as they would desire it many would
If we just asked them to register here and we will provide them HOE they would if they could believe it but
unfortunately many are unsusceptible to reason and therefore wouldn't be able to run through the reasoning
process to convince themselves.
There is a lot of “ifs” and each of them becomes a major hurdle but attentiveness to the challenge will
resolve it.
A major most obvious initial problem is to get one person to read it and my mom’s got my back on that one.
So let’s start with the simple statement all by itself.

"Nothing is guaranteed by the powers that be and you can take that to the bank but it would be an
exercise in futility because you will probably be charged to withdraw."

It would be difficult to get the attention and interest of the majority of the population in the first place for
many reasons and I don’t preclude the thought they may think I am whacko.

But I must think positive and after all it is a most worthy cause.

So If I just passed the statement around as a joke I would get many a hardy laugh or two, many snickers and
some artificial laughs as they scoot about their business.
Many won’t see any humor at all and many will take it as a matter of fact and some will ponder what I am all
Those who are familiar with my writings will get my message immediately and of course many who are
familiar won’t even bother to read more.
The obvious thought that will come to mind, if you take nothing to the bank it is an inane exercise and surely
the teller would be somewhat concerned as would a person reading it who was of serious mind or let’s say
sane but unable to rationalize beyond verbatim.
Those of simple mind would react the same way giving no tell tale signal as to their strength of mind.
The relaxed open mind would be more receptive I suspect and have the best laugh and that is how it stands to
date, me being the only reader and possessed of a very relaxed open mind which you can confirm by just
asking me,
If your mind will allow you to get into the bank with your nil deposit even though it is an exercise in futility
you may see the humor in the bank charging you for take nothing out due to the reality, that they have the
nerve to charge us to withdraw our own money which in fact we lend them almost interest free which they
invest for high profit. The spirits of the heads of banks have considerable influence with the heads of state
and their actions indicate complacency with the spirit of the Devil.

There are many thoughts and many ways a person may get a chuckle and perhaps thoughts will run

The manner which I intended is in reference to the Constitution (Establishment) which is structured to
administer the Constitution (Document).
I have an abundance of evidence gathered over the last couple of years through correspondence with various
departments and levels of government which proves they don’t have a modus operandi in place capable of
guaranteeing our guaranteed Charter rights of the Constitution ( Document) and having been informed that
their ways benefit the immoral with no benefit to the moral at the morals expense have remained steadfast to
their course further evidencing their true purpose is ulterior to their mandate purpose.

It’s a very serious matter but yet I tried to make a joke as we often do about death with the endeavor to
lighten the air and disguise emotions due the unknown and the abruptness to life which is our eventuality.

So I make reference to the establishment not backing the guarantee as implied by law thereby giving us
nothing for the money we taxpayers pay.
They charge us for nothing which is reasonable to the unreasonable mind.

The correct response to the simple first statement was actually the hardest and the key to interpreting the rest.
Remember in reality that makes “HOE” a paradox

This will be a paradox or a state of impossibility as long as the establishment is left unchecked.
They have used their powers for ulterior purpose in non compliance with the Constitution Act.

“HOE” is the most superfluous obnoxious pathetic paradox

The Constitution (Document) VS the Constitution (Establishment)

Therein lays the problem. Remove the VS and we will have Heaven on Earth
Notice the similarity in the enunciation of VS to BS and the relationship

BS stands in the way of HOE

So that is our task: REMOVE THE BULL SHIT

It is impossible to find HOE when we are led by the Spirit of the Devil and the people remain in a trance.
That is a paradox which can be interpreted to be coincidental to the paradox " HOE ". The statement above
can be used as an example to explain the statement below and in fact the astute will know that the obvious
conclusion which can be extracted from above is the catalyst to the superfluous obnoxious pathetic paradox
below and an ideal example of why it is not on Earth as it is in Heaven. If we could all come to agreement on
this rather complex analogy we would be on our way to Heaven the preferred way with body and soul
without dieing.

“HOE” is the most superfluous obnoxious pathetic paradox of natural acquiescence conducive to the
complex amalgamation of inhibitive hypnotic procrastination of diverse conscience yet a paradox
appropriate to the inattentiveness to the predictable spontaneity of the certainties of schizophrenia
inflicted by assertion of immoral power.



This has been touched upon at the beginning with the many inherent realities that can be associated with the
minds of the people which results in negativity towards their positive goal.

HOE is the ultimate goal of the moral mind but their minds are their detriment to the goal.

They are not of one mind necessary to the quest although their minds all have the same ultimate desire they
are diverse in perception of reality.
Put them together as one mind and you have the ultimate SCATTER BRAIN.


1. Psychiatric disorder affecting the coherence of the personality

Psychiatry a severe psychiatric disorder with symptoms of emotional instability, detachment from reality,
often with delusions and hallucinations, and withdrawal into the self

2. Offensive term
An offensive term for contradictory or conflicting attitudes, behavior, or qualities

There you have it. HOE is the dream of the populace of the world but stolen and enjoyed by few.
It is ours; we paid for it with our money, labor, blood, deprivation, humility, despair and peace of mind
among others.
The conscience of the world must be of one spirit in the battle against the oppressors of “HOE” for all.

Once the world was flat and then round but it is actually a sphere which spins round and round on its axis in
a consistent easterly rotation giving light from the east while the west is in darkness.

It does so impervious to ignorance and all traits susceptible to human kind. It has done so for millions of
years but the immorality of the establishments are powered and blinded by greed and in their quest for the
ultimate weapon of power they will not be satisfied until they put the world in darkness through their attempt
to make the light rise from the west.

Reality is the result of the conscience of the establishments and the facts of their actions are evidenced
The destruction of the planet is the obvious course of the extrapolation of the evidence whether or not one is
coherent to the facts.

It does not require the knowledge contained within the minds of all the people of the world to put an end to
this absurdity, just the attentiveness of their minds to moral conscience.

We will divide and conquer the evil spirits of the establishment as they have done the populace.
We have the HOLY SPIRIT and THE LAW on our side.

We will rid society of the symptoms of Schizophrenia and HOE will be enjoyed by its population.

With every sane reason to commence the HOLY WAR and with all that is good on our side we shall advance
and multiply and remove resistance from conscience from both our enemies and our friends which may at
first seem a little slow but very quickly we will spread and remove resistance by a swift domino reaction and
the world will exist happily ever after.

At this point it is a FANTASY on the verge of explosion to REALITY.

Although the HOLY WAR is being initiated from Canada for obvious reason, we must simultaneously
begin spreading our spirit throughout the world.
Heaven on Earth will be dependent on the success of the HOLY SPIRIT which is dependent on the
integrity, fortitude, and conviction of the spirits of the minds of its members and the consistency of
Reality is our witness, THE LAW our authority and Sane Reason our weapon and cause for the perpetetual
sanctity of peace of mind of the HOLY SPIRIT which is the lawful ruler of all Canadians and the natural
ruler of the world.

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the
provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

It is imperative we gain the Justified Trust of the populace of the planet and to this end we must endeavor to
remove all ambiguity which exists so that we are not a sect founded on BELIEF but quite to the contrary for
the HOLY SPIRIT is a matter of fact and the world must recognize the FACT there by providing a Belief
in the truth worthy of respect.
Belief in truth trumps belief of possible lies.

With so much going for the HOLY SPIRIT it is amazing that reality is HELL on EARTH, not to be
confused with HOE yet it attests to the power and cleverness of the Evil Spirit.
The Evil Spirit has greed on its side, a powerful force used to divide and conquer, to the detriment of the
whole populace and the HOLY SPIRIT.
The HOLY SPIRIT will use the ally of the Evil Spirit and turn greed to work against it.
We will greedily seek that which is rightfully ours as a whole within the bounds of righteousness.
Greed is not to be construed as to be utilized in the spirit of the Evil Spirit but in the spirit of the HOLY
SPIRIT whereas greed means to gluttonize the conscience of the world for the procurement of the wealth of
the world for the benefit of all the people of the world on equal terms with no one benefiting more than
another except for the rewards that go with honest effort coincidental to the HOLY SPIRIT.
Organization and consistency to the cause is incumbent upon its members.
We will use the obvious to our best advantage and remove the obvious obstructions as we go until we reveal
the hidden forces and then use our obvious tactics against the obvious as they surface.
The ultimate obvious is, if every individual conscience was wired to the conscience of the HOLY SPIRIT all
we need do is turn the switch to ON and voila HOE.
That of course is not a realistic option but it offers a realistic recourse.
If each individual were to manually turn their own switch on, mission accomplished.
We already know the challenge through competent reasoning of the joke above.
We will address these issues until the light emanated from earth is greater than that of the sun indicating the
individuals have flicked their switch to on.

I obviously need help

HA HA HA GOOD ONE!! No, not psychiatric help, humor is good but we must consider the
detrimental influence it can play on minds susceptible to the Evil Spirit and also the benefit that derogatory
remarks used in evil spirit identify the body possessed of the evil spirit which requires the attention of the

Course of Action

RULE NUMBER ONE, not to be confused with NUMBER ONE RULE however as important, is we are
not to use physical force in any form of an aggressive nature nor are we to instigate or aggravate the evil
spirits in confrontations, with self defense a last resort on failure to evade aggressive oppression.


Get the word to the people that the HOLY SPIRIT is alive and well in the membership of the HOLY
We are here to unite the people of the world in moral conscience for the benefit of us all detrimental to the
bodies of those whose minds stand fast in denial of the HOLY SPIRIT and a HOE for all.


Eradicate the spirit of the Devil and cure the world’s populace of Schizophrenia thereby increasing the
membership from one, to all with the conscience of one
Morality is a luxury that only the fed can afford.

That is the major issue with the HOLY SPIRIT which must be addressed ASAP.

The powers that be create the problems that be so that they can build an empire (the establishment) by
treating the symptoms.

They have an attitude that is 180 degrees apposed to the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT, THE LAW and the

We understand the need to finance for the necessities of society and we trust the people mandated to tend to
these understand that we don’t care to pay anymore than necessary.
We would also like to think that we expect them to deal with the necessities in a manner so as to rid the
necessity or at least find the most economical way to do so.

Their sense in common is, that if they were to get the job done they would be out of a job so they take it for
all its worth.
They operate in such a manner so as to create the necessities and in matters concerning the criminal element
they side with the immoral and charge the bill to the moral.
This is a deliberate and willful conspiracy to rob the taxpayer and implicates them in every crime perpetrated
against the victims.

Their special conspired BY THE BOOK paradox of the Constitution Act is documented by the lawyers and
guess who benefits from their application of the Counterfeit laws?
Their laws are illegal but who are ya gonna call to get rid of these evil spirits.


They have verbiage that makes these ghosts disappear and yet we know they exist and there are sightings

Now, back to the KKK where I meant to state that nothing is as simple to identify in terms of black and
white and day and night and even though day could be associated with white and black with the darkness of
night and the evil associated with the happenings that occur in the darkness of night, the KKK are a perfect
example of the contradiction of such mad ideology.

The good guys are black and the bad guys dressed in white.

I don’t know the statistics of percentage of crimes committed per capita by the blacks or whites, yellows, red
or brown but if I had them I would know which group was persecuted the most by attitude in the work place.

Crimes can be related to the acquisition of necessities for the preservation of life and every effort must be
made to eliminate the need of the necessities, in other words NIP THE PROBLEM IN THE BUD but
unfortunately that is not the forte of the powers that be.
That is our Achiles’ Heel.

Attack the problems at the source and you will eliminate the problems.

Eliminate addictive drugs from the street and you will do wonders.
How many suffer due to this intervention by the devil
How many people are victims of one addict who must find the financial means to supply the need?
The addict is also a victim.
Help everyone by taking them off the street and getting them help.
Use the same ideology that is used to take the drunk driver off the road.
You will save a lot more victims from despair.

DESPAIR BEGETS DESPAIR to the endless despair of the world

When one is kicked in the ass they are apt to pass it along.

When the conclusion is predictable then prevention is where diligence must be applied.
Dealing with the symptoms is just a wee bit too late for the victims and everyone who is related, friends and
associates, leaving them hopelessly in despair.

The whole populace is victim to, what appears to be the inadequacies and incompetence of the public
employees, but in reality it is the willful manipulation of the conscience of the people by the powers that be
that put a system in place where victims are predictable.
Daily, people are ravaged by each other with little more than a shrug of the shoulder.
Watch the attention given when one of the wealthy are victimized.
The inane ideology is they are where the money is with no regard to why it isn’t with the people where most
of the crimes are committed.

It is because of the unfair distribution of the money that the people have little to acquire attention and the
wealthy victim is victim of the society that he or she took part in to create.

They are victims of their own evil perpetrated upon society and the attention given them actually attests to
the realities of life testament to the evilness of the powers that be.

Only when it happens to the wealthy are they coherent to the evils of society, and their public outcry for
preferred treatment attests to their selfishness and the secrets which lay within their spirit.

It is difficult for one who sleeps in a garbage bin to comprehend the seriousness of one’s garage being
burned to the ground.
It is just as difficult for the person who just lost their garage to comprehend why the person sleeps in a
garbage bin.

Where else would a person sleep who is treated like garbage?

As they say the Lord helps those who help themselves and this is your opportunity to do so.
Think about it, you can help yourself and you can feel good about helping the world.
Takes nothing more than letting us know that you are on our side.
If you have a little more energy, pass the word to your friends.
When you are at church praying for it, give it a little thought.
It doesn’t take a whole lot to figure out God isn’t going to help any more than He already has.

He has told us what to do to help us help ourselves and we know He is right but like kids we rebel expressing
our right to freedom not giving a damn about others rights.
We couldn’t figure out the obvious by ourselves so he spells it out on a slab of stone.
We still don’t get it so He sends Jesus to put on some shows to get their attention and instead of listening to
what God wanted us to hear they keep coming to see some more magic tricks.

It’s a damn good thing He didn’t spell it out, “Lead us not into temptation to pluck the eyes out of our
neighbors for I would hate to see the world if we were much blinder.

Then they nailed Jesus to a cross and watched the magic of his dying.
Like magic he was born and like magic he was gone.

His birth was the real magic being born to the Virgin Mary.
Mary was the woman who was married to Joseph.
Believe what you will but “Show me a married virgin and I will show you a lady with testicles happy and

Hell, the people haven’t figured that out after more than 2040 years, so what are their chances of
understanding gay people?

How far can a person’s mind run with that?

Just think how many less problems there would be in the world today if Eve was short for Everhard.
I found the name Evert but then I figured people would do some PR work with that.

He has had his way written into the law. Now, all you have to do is obey Him.
Just listen to yourself when you say the Lord’s Prayer.

“Give us this day our daily bread.”

Ya right. Who the hell do you think you are? Telling Him what He should do.

You, the mentally retarded who know what you want and head in the opposite direction.
You, who can’t figure out that He could have sent us here already morally programmed.
He didn’t want to interfere so as to limit our minds for he knew full well we are quite able to do it ourselves.

The HOLY SPIRIT has every opportunity for success because it benefits everyone in many ways which I
will list a few

(1) Deter if not eliminate future symptoms of SCHIZOPHRENIA with potential to cure the presently
(2) The relatives of the person diagnosed with Schizophrenia suffer too and their burdens will be lessened.
(3) Deter if not eliminate the progression of many illnesses which can be attributed to depression and
advance research to the cures of other presently incurable diseases.
(4) Reduce medical and health care expenses.
(5) Reduce long line ups at Doctor’s offices.
(6) Advance longevity.
(7) Deter if not eliminate immorality from society.
(8) Reduce the costs of the legal system.
(9) Reduce the number of victims of the immoral and we must remember that one victim is the direct result
of a perpetrator but indirectly there are many victims who suffer which includes relatives, friends, work
associates and so on and let us not forget the taxpayer who is a victim by being made to support a legal
system which thrives by condoning perpetrators allowing the perpetrators to flourish which in turn increases
their need to expand. If they were to deal with the perpetrators in a manner so as to reduce their necessity,

costs would rapidly decline. At present they see no reason to operate in such a manner which would reduce
their security and cash for life jobs.
(10) When they adopt to deal with a necessity to remove the necessity they will not lose their jobs but
staff will be decreased by retirement and lessen the need to replace. This benefits society because they can
use the new found money for other necessities of a moral society. Arguments against obvious logical
conclusion, evidences their need for persuasive measures to entice them from the spell of the Spirit of the
(11) Deter if not eliminate government corruption and waste of taxpayers money.
(12) Distribute the taxpayer’s money to better help those who are disabled and worthy of our intended
(13) Remove the despair of hopelessness due to low wages and high costs of consumer products which are
artificially inflated by high taxes.
(14) This will remove capable workers from the social assistance rolls by voluntary return to the work force
and thereby reduce taxes.
(15)Productivity will increase when the employees whistle while they work.
(16) Costs of consumer products will go down as taxes are reduced
(17) People will have more money to spend as their wages increase and the costs of consumer products
decrease which will reflect in increase of production and larger quantity orders reduce costs.
(18) Reduce the powers of huge industry such as the oil and banking industries with ridiculously high profits
to the detriment of the consumer.
(19) Insure the private sector has comparable salaries and benefits to that of the public sector. Their salaries
are not based on their competence but rather the competence of their department heads to write impressive
job specs which suggest their employees are capable of piloting a spaceship to the moon.
(20) Convert an insane world to a sane one where the words “common sense” when used will mean sense
which is common to sanity rather than sense common to the normal insanity.
(21) Remove SUPERCILIOUSNESS from government and make them understand that they were hired to
work for the benefit of society not theirs.

I have hardly got started but I will address more benefits and further address those stated by providing
evidence to prove that which I state is true.

I should mention that although this is a challenge which has never been accomplished before in the history of
mankind it is far from complicated and in fact quite simple limited only by one’s ability to apply sound
judgment to their reasoning.

The tremendous benefits are obvious to the moral majority but just as obvious are the detriments to the
immoral minority.

At this time it is imperative that the word is spread so that the People of Canada are being informed of the
Sanctity to be found with the HOLY SPIRIT.

There are no gaps of truth that you will be asked to replace with faith, and trusts and beliefs for the HOLY
SPIRIT is the whole truth and conclusions are obvious to the extrapolations of truth.

If you seek truth you will find it. If you seek truth to support a lie you will have an empty head.

God is supreme by the supreme law of Canada which supports the moral members of the HOLY SPIRIT
whose spirits will support all the people of Canada if they will return the favor.

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law

Coincidental to the benefit of morality is the detriment to the immoral.

Money is their power and glory impervious to morality.


The large companies have no scruples about the welfare of their employees, fellow human beings.
They will do anything, moral or not, for the money.
Ship the work over seas and threaten to close up shop and move to another country where they believe they
can be more profitable.

They are obviously out for themselves which happens to benefit us by the jobs they produce.
They use that as leverage against the people.

If we were to look at the situation from the HOLY SPIRITS point of view that they couldn’t profit if we
didn’t do their work and buy their products.
It is elementary my dear Watson. Depends on where the emphasis is applied.

If the rest of the people of the world would unite with the HOLY SPIRIT and that is a big if for the people
are inflicted with SCHIZOPHRENIA and symptoms are forever ready to surface until they have learned to
control it which is a matter of mind over matter.

If we remained cured and steadfast the POWER and the GLORY will be ours.

If the companies were treated the same way by the people wherever they go they would lose that leverage
against us.

If the company is a profitable one then let the people buy it if they won’t cooperate and let the profits serve
the people.
The people will watch each other to ensure each is doing their part.

I will now turn my attention to the opening of the other groups and will return to list them here with a little

This site will be the headquarters of the organization which is staffed by voluntary membership free to
everyone for the purpose of seeking TRUE FREEDOM for everyone.



(1) Think first and no action will be required

(2) When you have come to conclusion ask yourself the outcome if your adversary had come to the same
conclusion. If the conclusion was detrimental to you then you have not yet found conclusion.
(3) A conclusion is not biased to you or I.
(4) A conclusion not of the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT is detrimental to the world conscience and not a
valid conclusion but if such conclusion is acted upon the concluder must be prepared for the
punishment due which is the obvious and must be most certain conclusion if the Ideology is valid.

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the
rule of law:

That is an Ideology and due punishment is the meaning of the rule of law

The Ideology is of the highest intelligence when it serves all equally as does the Charter.
The powers that be will profess to the Ideal but act in contradiction to the Ideal which makes
them away worse than liars and not less than traitors to the spirit of the THE LAW.

At the moment they have the arrogance of a wise fool and are of the belief they may commit legal murder




Arguments in support of immorality are as obvious as the immorality of the presenter and the argument is there
fore not valid in matters of THE LAW but is valid as evidence of one’s disrespect of THE LAW.

The first action in breach of THE LAW is the direct and obvious cause of a reaction which may well exceed the
immorality of the action and thus be a more serious offense but in due respect of THE LAW and sanity of the
IDEOLOGY it is incumbent upon us to first determine the certainty that the action was in breach of THE LAW
and on its certainty the perpetrator of the action is as guilty of the crime of reaction as if they had committed it

Only when you are consistent with the soundness of mind to the consistency of the soundness of the Ideology can
you be consistent with the spirit of the Ideology and in this particular Ideology consistent with the spirit of the

An IDEOLOGY based on principles such as is the Charter must be consistent with morality as does the word
principle infer and without morality it is not an IDEOLOGY but an IDIOTOLOGY which is that of the present

It is true that I can get to OTTAWA from KESWICK by setting out in opposite directions either east or west but
only one direction is reasonable to the IDEOLOGY of the HOLY SPIRIT.

I have many avenues once decided upon the obvious direction and although as unfortunate as it is that I can not
take the direct route as a crow may fly my spirit has the reality of that which we can only believe of an actual
invisible spirit for by computer my body can transmit my spirit which is that of the HOLY SPIRIT through cyber
space at any precise moment in time from here and appear there a few second later and the only obstruction to
affirmative reaction is the adeptness, integrity, fortitude and conviction to the affirmative action of the substance of
the communication by the receiver and the manner with which it is received can be determined by the response
with due regard to the obvious of no response at all.

When one is capable of sound reason, one can reason that an establishment financed by the people for equal
benefit to all the people as is the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT, the spirit of THE LAW and
the spirit of the people, the establishment being in fact people should be alert to the spirit of the people, the spirit
of the HOLY SPIRIT and the SPIRIT of THE LAW which they have been paid to do and pledged to uphold, and
their attentiveness to their spirit to the spirit should be coincidental and by their reaction evidence their consistency
with the spirit which is due the obvious reaction coincidental to the HOLY SPIRIT.

As true and lucid as this is to sound mind it is a venture into futility likened to that previously defined.

"Nothing is guaranteed by the powers that be and you can take that to the bank but it would be an exercise in
futility because you will probably be charged to withdraw."

We would surely pay more for the nothing they provide for they will waste their time finding a way to address the
matter in their defense at our expense.

The individual stands alone when he or she is alone but when our spirits are united in purpose for good purpose as
is the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT we are together, though our bodies far apart.


Is the gathering of the minds for the purpose of apprising them of the TRUTH the HOLY TRUTH and
nothing but the TRUTH for the benefit of all and their’s.

All that is written within these pages is substantiated by fact evidenced by reality for all to see, requiring
them only to observe and process the data through sound and reasonable mind in the spirit of the HOLY

The HOLY SPIRIT is as always impervious to perception.

If one’s mind can not reason coincidental to the HOLY SPIRIT one must consider the validity of the
soundness of their perception and the attentiveness to the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT.

It is my endeavor to articulate and provide a prodigious amount of evidence to assure the certainty of the
spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT is coincidental to the HOLY SPIRIT, THE LAW, and THE SPIRIT of SANE
MORAL PEOPLE and perchance one’s mind can not come to terms with the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT
after pondering all my writings I accept full blame for my inability to address the Ideology of the HOLY
SPIRIT to a an irreproachable SCHIZOPHRENIC

As it is the endeavor of the HOLY SPIRIT to deter with the intention to eliminate the symptoms of
Schizophrenia at the root (Nip it in the bud), I request that you reread with the attentiveness and diligence
due the significance of purpose of the HOLY SPIRIT with an honest open mind so as to identify the
weaknesses of your mind which is the root of and obstruction to the wisdoms of the HOLY SPIRIT.

You must or I should say it is of the utmost importance to your own well being to make every effort to
help yourself for as we know the Lord helps those who help themselves.

We of the HOLY SPIRIT are of irrefutable intention to help those who are intent on helping themselves
in the spirit of the intent of the HOLY SPIRIT and we will address any concerns on that presumption.

The HOLY SPIRIT is a membership of voluntary spirits who have volunteered their bodies to the spirit
of the HOLY SPIRIT which makes their spirits loyal and consistent to the established spirit of the HOLY
SPIRIT unlike those of the human resources of the establishment who are most troubled with
Schizophrenia for they know well their duty to society and the possible consequences of disloyalty to the
establishment and from whence their benefits come from causing them to side with the spirit of the
DEVIL and thereby becoming the enemy of the state.

It is their choice as is it all our choices and by choice we are subject to the consequences and when
choices are made to break the spirit of THE LAW they are subject to the due punishment
of THE LAW consistent with the spirit of THE LAW.

Consistency with THE LAW is demanded by THE LAW or else you are in breach of THE LAW and
consistencies of spirits must be coincidental for spirits are of the invisible genre with no fence available
to sit on for you are either within or out and a spirit anywhere near the line is considered in need of
reassurance of the sanctity of the HOLY SPIRIT by the spirits of the HOLY SPIRIT.

When the spirits of the human resources decline to aid in the Spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT for which they
are legally bound, financed and trusted to do they are putting their money on the probability that they will
not be punished for their crime.

That proves beyond any doubt that they are guilty of at least one and probably most of the
following crimes.

It is prudent to state that ignorance of THE LAW is not a valid defense and in matters involving those
who are mandated in pursuit of compliance with THE LAW it is an absurdity beyond that as attributed to

An argument between two Schizophrenics would be even more absurd dwarfed only by the absurdity of
one willing to hear it in the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT where there is nothing to argue for the Truth of
the reality has already been presented and they by their actions present the facts.

1. Misuse of TRUST for financial gain (The minimal amount gained is on record) and
punishment is relative to the amount.
2. Incompetence to perform the duty of their position of trust.
3. Taking money under false pretense.
4. By their failure to deal with matters of serious concern detrimental to the morality of society
as defined by the HOLY SPIRIT they undoubtedly prove their modus operandi is not
conducive to a moral society or the spirits of THE LAW, HOLY SPIRIT or the spirit of the
5. By so doing they have proven their complicity with the immoral.
6. By so doing they are as guilty of the crime they failed to deal with as the perpetrator.
7. Faith that they will not be prosecuted is evidence of their faith to the Devil Spirit and
therefore evidence of their disloyalty to the HOLY SPIRIT.
8. Competence and satisfaction of presenting sections and subsections of Acts, Statutes, Rules
and Regulations to declare they are fully within their rights to deny me my rights under THE
LAW and THE HOLY SPIRIT are trumped by THE LAW and proves once again that their
modus operandi is not coincidental with the provisions of THE LAW.
9. The length of time they take to respond negatively is evidence to their attentiveness to their
purpose when the evidence presented them would take less than a day to come to the
only possible conclusion with the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT and THE LAW.
10. Considering the intelligence of those at the top involved with the enactment of laws it is a
valid presumption that they are competent and experienced in such matters and just as
obvious is the fact that the people who are not employed in this field of endeavor are not
likely to be familiar with the procedures of law, the ins and outs etc. that come with
experience and in fact would be quite ignorant and incompetent in such matters such as I
or anyone who is attentive to a career in another field of endeavor.
That does not limit our intelligence as to what is consistent with a job well done, the effort
and attentiveness applied to a purpose and we have a damn good idea when we can inspect a
material thing as to its quality and adeptness to the task it was assigned.
We know the difference if an extension to a house is requested and the contractor begins to
take out the supporting beams of the house.
We know the difference between talk and the identifying properties of progress to the
purpose and in such cases as an addition we comprehend the need to what may seem to take
a few steps backwards such as removing an exterior wall where the addition is to be
attached, which is backwards in the point of view looking at a finished house which is being
taken apart but it is a definite step forward in the whole scheme of things being a necessity
for the completion of the desired job and going in a positive direction towards the desired
conclusion you are apt to meet the destination.

Now you people of the establishment have put some effort to what you refer to as my
personal concerns and…… excuse me for a moment

I should mention to those of you who have not yet been enlightened to the evidence that I have related to
earlier to support that which I write, it is evidence that I acquired naturally in the performance of my duty
to provide for my existence.
That is to say I did not set out to determine why our taxes are so high and why the government is so
Even when the police I encountered in performance of my purpose informed me that their hands were
tied by the laws and I said that doesn’t make sense.
Even when they said that they are told at the beginning of their careers that the law has nothing to do
with common sense which did make sense as to why the world is so screwed up but still the fact doesn’t
make sense. Wait a minute, I just said it doe make sense.

Phew, I just dropped that in the nick of time because I was having a bout with Schizophrenia.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes.

So although this began with a personal matter which you all will read about, it evolved into a matter of
great concern to the people of Canada which they are not coherent to, but it is my intention to bring them
up to speed.
Oh, sure they are aware of the corruption and the high taxes and all that but they are not alert to the
seriousness of it and how it affects the quality of their life. Nor do they know what to do about it and
generally resign them selves to the hopelessness and despair that comes with it.

People like me, a victim of an immoral person not welcome in society according to the HOLY SPIRIT,
THE LAW and the moral people, are well aware of the inadequacies of the legal system but most give up
due to the fact they must attend to their survival needs and certainly don’t have the wherewithal to fight it
so they fall into line with the rest and try to forget their losses for sanity sake. I am no different alone as
any other individual regarding the wherewithal
but I do have perseverance to a job needed doing.

So insanity just keeps rolling along, knocking each of us out individually with no recourse alone.

Well that has got to change and having said that I will get back to my endeavor but just to finish off the
matter of this interruption about the personal matter I assure you this began with a personal matter but
evolved into a matter concerning the refusal of the establishment to abide by the Constitution, and then
when the correspondence refused to address these matters and only addressed the original personal
matter I do not take the matter personally, though they are attentive to neglect my Rights, they prove with
each writing that they neglect everyone’s Rights equally .
The obvious fact that I have come to know and documented by the correspondence between me and a
prodigious number of establishment departments on matters of three separate completely different
origins, the documents confirm that which we all know and more.
The establishment is as corrupt as corrupt can be and by their own laws written aside of THE LAW and
their confirmed citing of these laws in a one or two page response to my concerns and complaints
consisting of well more than 400 pages which they didn’t once address affirms they have intentionally
put laws in place in an attempt to relieve them of the chore they were financed and mandated to do.
These concerns are every person’s of Canada, impervious to perception and ignorance and it is this
ignorance that I am attentive to within the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT.

In the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT I openly state that I am ignorant of many things due my inattentiveness
to them and though I am aware that there are a pathetic number of stories like mine which I am ignorant
of the details the evidence I have proves they exist beyond any reasonable doubt, for everything that is
sane and can be reasoned to obvious conclusion I state that the establishment is corrupt beyond the
wildest nightmares of the most inflicted Schizophrenic and any who takes the time to read and
understand the significance of my writings will do everything they can to aid in the spirit of the HOLY
SPIRIT for they will be aiding themselves and by so doing providing a promise to their children that they
will live a much better and more exciting life in HEAVEN on EARTH.

10. So in conclusion to the tenth crime which the human resources of the establishment are
guilty of I state by their own correspondence they have demonstrated in many ways their ineptness to
even their own ulterior purpose as they provide correspondence and cite Acts and particular sections as to
why they can’t help which demonstrates their modus operandi and policy is not capable of providing the
protection and provisions of our Charter Rights which affirms my claim on that matter.
The correspondence demonstrates they have no concern for the fact and in some cases I have been
informed that they addressed some of these injustices during the amendment of some Acts in January
2007 and stand arrogantly firm with the status quo further incriminating them selves as they stick out
there tongues and give me five from both ears as they continue to believe they can do as they like with no
fear of repercussion from the people they purport to represent.
They have the confidence of knowing that they have always got away with it and feel comfort in
knowing that they have control of everyone below them for they fear for the loss of their decent jobs and
cash for life. The last thing they would want is to have to deal with life in our shoes.

Well enough said about that and they certainly know the facts but as previously stated on page 2

At this precise moment in time Wednesday 21st FEBRUARY 2007 I shall commence circulating this
writing to those of the establishment whom I have corresponded with previously and many more who
should be concerned.

They will have the opportunity to react accordingly which will attest to their integrity, concern for
morality, respect for THE LAW, which side they take in the HOLY WAR and what they really think
about their neighbors welfare whom they are responsible for..

Everyone has a choice and I emphasize the fact that if members of the establishment, who have
previously responded negatively, care to respond either in representation of their position or on a person
level are more than welcome and in fact will be most appreciated.

As you are aware we are not ashamed of what we say here in the spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT and of
course we are ashamed of those who are trusted to represent the people in the spirit of THE LAW and the
spirit of the HOLY SPIRIT but far from late to do their part for HUMANITY.
It is my hope that I have now made it quite clear, the detrimental affects a nonconforming establishment
has on the society. .
You simply can’t have a happy peaceful society pulling in opposite directions of THE LAW and
assuredly a moral society is impossible if the people financed for the purpose are immoral and use the
powers and money they were given in trust to benefit themselves.
Loyalty to the DEVIL SPIRIT is immoral to say the least but any action taken to the detriment of a moral
individual and benefit to an immoral is a crime against all the members of a moral society for obvious
reason oblivious to the concerns of the immoral.

When you let the immoral, who get caught practicing their tricks of the trade loose they spread the word
and they multiply.

They have the advantage over the trusting moral because they are familiar with all the tricks and the loop
holes that aid them in their immoral careers and the innocent moral who have unwarranted faith in the
legal system are hung out to dry.

When a person employed for the express purpose of protecting the moral and eliminating the immoral
makes every effort to prove that is acceptable and conducive to policy of the system in place they have
attested on behalf of my allegations.

There is no argument and yet the establishment continues with the status quo.

The continuance attests to each and every individual’s obsession with the DEVIL SPIRIT and the
rewards that come with immorality and with all things considered with my perseverance to the task of
providing evidence beyond any doubt that the system is corrupt with the purpose of appealing to any
sense of respect for the spirits of the HOLY SPIRIT, THE LAW and the spirits of the people who finance
the system I state that you people are the lowest most pathetic examples of the immorality and cause and
affect of inhumanity.

Once again I request that you review my writings with open mind as a human being not as the
establishment puppet and do what you can do for the HOLY SPIRIT and the people of Canada which
will be of great benefit to the populace of the world.

Each and every one of you have been provided an opportunity to achieve more for humankind by less
effort of any, dedicated to that purpose and by your actions will seal victory for those who have spent and
gave their lives for that eventuality.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime to make the world as the creator intended and an opportunity to do
the best thing possible for your children.

It’s a great chance to show them that you really do care and of course all the people of Canada would be
overwhelmed and soon the world..

We the people, will be with you every step of the way if you should be with us every step of the way.

If you continue to believe you are doing things right I suggest you reread my writings with particular
attention to your conscience and that which the evidence proves.

You may get some help from home and your friends and in particular people who are not employed with
the public service.

Honesty with your self is highly suggested and if you can not do that then you can hardly trust your
opinion on my writings and nor will you ever be more informed than your puppeteers will allow you.

If they make any threats and you have witnesses you will retain your place and they will be out the door
and we will surely be with you on that.

You will be highly respected and trusted by the people which will give you considerable advantage in the
pursuit of your career and influence with your superiors, who will be mindful of the power of the people
and the power your voice has with them.

Well, I am burned out for now and it is much more important that you reason things out for yourself for it
is you who must exist from now on with these words and the lives of the people on your conscience.
I have done all I can within my wherewithal since I became alert to the incompetence of the modus
operandi to achieve the demands of THE LAW in the spirit intended and will continue in that endeavor
gathering momentum as I become more experienced each day and each day provides more evidence of
the establishments care less attitude for the law which they were mandated to enforce.

Please consider this closing to a letter I addressed to the LAW SOCIETY of UPPER CANADA dated
December 19 2006 relative to an entirely different matter to which their response …….

Hell, may as well show you the letter.

December 19 2006

To: Allison J. Cheron

Law Society of Upper Canada

Dear Allison J. Cheron

I thank you for your response dated December 14 2006 to my e-mail dated August 22 2006 and my e-mail of
October 27 2006 in which I questioned why your response to my e-mail of August 22 2006 was taking so

4 months since I requested a response and 1 ½ months since I asked why it was taking so long.
Could you please tell me why it took so long?

Once again I must state my disappointment with the Law Society response.

You write” the Law Society does not require a lawyer to investigate the facts provided by a client before
writing such a letter for the client.”
You also write “the Law Society does not review contracts and determine if they have been legally
4 months for that.

“Shoot first and ask questions later” was a kid’s joke and I laughed when I heard it but it’s not so funny
when it actually happens to you.

This is a for real, life going on out here and one of your members shot the horse out from under my ass.
What the hell have facts got to do with it you imply?

I can’t make a move without considering the facts and neither can you but you have no regard for my welfare
or my Charter Rights when working. Would you kick me if I was lying on the sidewalk?

Please have a look at Rule 1 in your book of standards and try a little harder and quicker to respond

(103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the
spirit as well as in the letter.

Thank you,
Frank Gallagher

I hope this will help you to get into the spirit of things.

Quite an interesting situation don’t you think?

Will I get the word out or will I not?

That is what you have to bet on.

Well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Me too.

I ask any one who knows a public employee to inform them of this site and follow up by asking them
what they think.
You will see files there which should be of particular interest and as I find the time I will upload many

Remember, absolutely no violence please. The establishment may condone it but the HOLY SPIRIT is
adamant in that respect.

Just listen to them, don’t argue or we will have a mass break out of Schizophrenia.
Make mental note and post their reaction on our associate sites


Please visit and jump in whenever you get the urge.






The slightest sign of conscience stirring is a significant omen considering the unconsciousness of your writings.

The Lord helps those who help themselves and I suspect even more appreciative of those who help others.

In this instance you can kill two birds with one stone and the public will never know which bird you intended to
kill unless it is this canary. Then we will know the canary but the stoner could be anyone of the 500,000
government employees or any of their friends or associates.

I am betting that would bring significant matters to the public’s attention. Quite an interesting situation I think
considering I have more into the bet.

Of course I put a significantly higher value on the bet than I can possibly perceive of another. Sane Eh?


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